West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1922, p. 8

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d Lave Toronto 8.45 pm. daily. Standard 1tahe,', Toronto to Winnipeg via North Sty and Cochran Through 'ourist Sleepin grudTomnIo to Winnipeg on Tuesday-.T'Imndayl. Sunday. In: In Leave Toronto l0.35 pan. “The National" Mondayu. Wednesday. and Fridays via Sudbury and Port Arthur. Solid through tnin with Standard 3nd Tourist 5|”th can. Coaches. Cobain car and Dining Car Serving. Connection n Winnipeg for nit points West. WINNIPEG SISKATOON BRANDON CALGARY REGINA EDMONTON a: yawn" Will! You Sign iin renlnv, mu Ignnnnloo. All went - - {well the tir" your. and the tumor An chic-l, f.rmer no in Arran/tttdur ttigned '8‘"! the, trettttnd re". To. whip can). vary nearly bins pnszh" time, MIN". th, Turn agent on: of homo Ind ham recently lbw-80' 0"! behind. "Hi the company the "grting of . document [ml-cum forward oith . claim of $5.000 ”menu of which he did no! nndvr-WB‘N’n the Innocent and Ignorant and. " nppoara that . Tu. im- htrmer: The Urrmsr 908089341" "r. plum-m dealer In naked by the Bren "C" of In!" C. J Nickle. of Chen- he represented to have some tarpon-J ley. who "ranged ttt meet represent- aible p-roon “commend him on .‘nth of the Implement compnny it trustworthy perron to bundle tr"rir"relhtyton To tttest, Mr Mickie business. The prmpmnva seem oug- ', pointed out that the tumor was geslvd the farmer in question Ind the , " old man and that to lake $5.000 general harm Rnlng out to call on the: trom him would put him on the road. farmer wanted his signature to a doc. [ The company, it appear. could have lime"? wlm-h hnohe rumor) tlmngln'madv ths him" come across mth was only a """uuasonthsttmsbuoureis: ttse full amuum. ii it took his hos I Sold by an a; I. I .retter, mum. “I“ It Fully nuanced to give you talk-f! or money Buckley’s Bronchitis. aiiid2 Evay Inca completely removed by the World's most powerful preparation Bronchitis colds Sold In Durham -- " Mnctatlanc's Drug Store - , W igJ. ti. HARDINU, DURHAM (t u w ?lttttt:t:t:teur.tca..-.............e.tri' ii Lawn Mowers .. tut Step Ladders _ I Wire Fence Wa ,1. Clothes Baskets (t Paints and Varnishes Be Carolin What You Sign and Cough. ' Blown to atoms gi"":"'".:"'":".)".;.'"'";:-"; a Your Rock is safe behind Greening's Lay Flat Poultry Fence. The openings are small , no one can climb the fence and little animals can't get through. The fence is close and even from top to bottom t it turns even high flyers like Minorcu and Leghorns. Don't worry about your flock-OG, Greening’s. Heights from t2 to 72 Inch.» Sold b good hardware dealers. In: B. GREENING WIRE 00.. m HAMILTON " CANADA Easy to control ir-lays flat when you enroll it. -----=..-=L, At Harding’s Hardware tii..',' " Done, for is complete. C; prices are right delivery. ands“ or by mail from CALDER. Town Agent, Durham You will find a complete stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Our stock of GrteEin'"iriars LAY FLAT POULTRY FENCE AND ALL WESTERN POINTS CHOICE OF ROUTES SASKATOOI PRINCE RUPERT 7.0 refunded, Call or telephone 68. Our ht. Make use of our Town f The very high wagesthat have to be , paid to works on the tea plantations in :India and Ceylon due to social and lpolitical unrest, has caused the price of in: to rise consistently in the primary tmarkets and in London. This influence (is now being felt farther along the line I and it is to be expected that the price of ‘tea willincrease to the consumer in the l near future. -. m: "ulnar come across With "the full amount. if it took his hot {com but Mr Mickle's line ofnrgumem. iirUhurneed them to halve up with the humor and ocean's"! nun-m“ " “" tumor and nocap'od hgylggngbf $2,- 500. which my» th nmonnz the unfor- tunate man paid for his experience. Tea Growing Very Expensive .. Garden Tools l. Poultry Netting hi Washing Machines i Auto Enamel ht VANCOUVER VICTORIA LIMITED add, ttxecutord Lots 13 and H e .2. 100 acres. If not old Apply to Sarah w be] (the Executor will proce to distribute l the assets of the aid de ased amount the person: entitled the to, havirg re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, d the Execu- tor of the laid deceaae will not be liabie for the said asset or any part thereof to anv person of hose claim he shall not then have re ived notice. Dated at Mt Forest thi 17th day of April, 1922. - - -- _ v. at: Butane 0' l Elizabeth Bun on. late of the vrP lage of Holste ' in the County of Grey, deceased NOTICE IS HE BY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the la e Elizabeth Buns- ton, who died on or a out the 22nd day Fi March, 1922, at sa Village of Hol- istcin in said Count are required to send by post. prepaid or deliver to the "ndersigned Solicitor erein for the Ex, ecutor. under the wt of the said de- ceased, their names a addresses, and full particulars, in iting. of their claims and statement their accounts and the nature of the a urititstr-it any - held by them. duly v itied by Statu- tory Declaration. AND TAKE NOT] E that after the l5th dav at M v 1922. . IN manwrjaz of Little Msrjory Nelson only six years old last summer had s young pigeon given her which has become 'treatlyattached to his voung mistress On one occasion. Marjory was play- Ist the piano with Peter as audience. Mrs Nelson being afraid of her chins 'yurrintr moved Peter outside. who findinsrd bedroom window open up stairs got in and piloted himself down to the room of music. Again when Marjory woe in beds couple of days with the cold Peter spent most of the time on the window sill outside. Now in the mornings " Marjory is going to school he accom. panys her flying short distances ahead and waiting until overtaken when he tshes another spurt. [a comfortable winter. It was wonderful the amount of wool, etc. ' it gathered for his nest, when spring came they took it back to the woods. Quite a difference from the boy whose only ambition would be to kill the little animalof which there are too many. I In your last issue you made ment. ion of the bird sanctuary of Jack Miner of Kingsville. ot whom we apparently have several imitations although young. It is surely a ‘grand spirit to see in children a love for birds and wild animals. J, and J. Calder are great boys for pets. Among others they had last winter: black squirrel ior which they pro- vided a pen and all requirements tori The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Arnill on Thurs- iday, May 18th. Election of omeers _ for the coming year will take place. Each member bring a subject to be discussed " a topic for next Yeat's, program. Mrs Bowes of Lefroy a government speaker is expected to be present to address the ladies All the ladies of the community should try and be present. NOTICE I CREDITOR; At the open meethst of the reading circle last week, which several attend ed, alter the usual procedure Miss Brown gave lantern views of some of her trips and gave a good ex- planation of the in as they were thrown on thescreen. which was enjoyed, by all present. ( Order yo Screenin Oats from H. ' Great, Yeovil Club, a save , One car of eac now 1 Both extra No t q My A picked foot ball team froit the four Egremont clubawill play the crack Listowel club in Mount Forest on the 24th. ' b The Miss Elsie Wxight, Toronto visit- ed her uncle: D. P. and Will Coler. idge last Saturday. Most of the villagers attended the sauna] ot the late I. Bills on Mon- ay. Farmitor Sale 1eliziiiit)t'iiuiiriiii'iGate, ' Mt. Forest, Ont. . .K. o. Riyal", 5?)"citor: ty , centor HOLSTEIN LEADER 2. N. D. R. Glendg ad will be rented. ber or A. H. Jack- Scleeningg and Feed Moat, -seey Trans; save your dollars. the Estate of ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO on the way Order your win am from H. R. at, Yeovil Club, and n One car of each now t Both extra No. I qualit; "yi: Mr Sinclair will continue his: erintettderro dunes until he lea The children in our locality are at prey-mt but the "gtowmups"! faithfully remained for S. S w] we have after our church service my Ciaas-- airTiiitTG'issiG. l A regrettable feature at our recent annual S s. business meeting, was the written resignation of MrJno. Sinclair who intends going to live in Denver. Colorado in the near future. Mr Sinclair has been the faithful Supt. for thirty three years and his I resignation was received with many expressions of appreciation and re- gret. During all these years he and Mrs Sinclair have missed very few Sundays and they will be greatly missed. The following oificera for the ensuing year were elected : Supt. Mrs W. H. Sim; Ass’t Supt, Harvey! Groat.. Sec'y, MissAnnle Nicholson ; Irapt of Cradle Roll, Mrs W. J. _ Philp: Organist, Miss Tenn Mercia. l ant. Teachers: For Adult Bible l C1asit--1trs, Sin: : For Young People's ' .1itltSlyac-yie Hood ', For Prim. *'â€"â€" “'“"'J Misses Josie Whyte and Mary ADrimmie are home from Guelph O ' C. Theiast Sacrament ior this Con. ‘fererrco year was dispensed in our church last Sunday. Mr West preach. ing afine appropriate sermon from the text "He went a little farther " On Monday evening several of the congregation attended the Quarterly business meeting in Holstein and plans were made to ' carry on" the Master‘s work in this corner of iiii) vineyard. ,,____..,. We are pleased to hear that iiitle Jessie Lane is doing nicely and good hopes are entertained for her recov- ery. Mr and Mrs Will Reid, alsoMr and Mrs Fleming Reid were recent visitors there. Mrs Reid Sr, is any- in: with her daughter tousist them in their time ot trouble and onxietv Sympathy is extended to the friends of the late Richard Ellis, whose interment took place last Monday in Reid’s cemetery. Jtev Mr Scott officiated at the services at the 'homeot Moses Ellis, (brother of de. ceased) and at the grave. Dick was quiet, steady. industrious and te- spected by his friends, and neighbors in this section, where he was Rt and spent most of his life, and his and death shocked the communitv. I f Those who attended from a distance were Mr and Mrs Robinson, Crc!sley ; Mr and Mrs G. Whetham and Mr L. yf!yurrsv,'iLioriii",. Mru. Whetham Clifford : Mr and Mrs S. Campbell. London. Floral wreaths were presented l by Women's institute and Women‘s; Missionary Society and Methodist‘ Church, besides, Sorefmm friends. I Those who mourn her loss are her her husband, her mother, Mrs Robinson Cheeky and brother, Sydney Camp. bellof London. The funeral was hetd on Saturday, May 8th, conducted by her pastor, Rev. Went assisted by Rev. Scott, after which interment took place} in Mt. Forest cemetery. The remains of her infant eon were diainterred and laid beside the mother. Pall-bears were ' John and Norman Hershey. W. Cringle, Geo. Whetham,' L. McPherson and K. Irwin. Much sympathy is expressed by the/ neighbors and friends to the bereaved, l especially the husband, who has lost a! kind Iovihg helpmate, I ','d'IEe,,ed, up to tirt'rGrGTiiiiiac; we ways spparently healthy and well and will be remembered for her cheer- ful disposition and unselfish spirit. She always considered others before herself. She was a member and worker in the Methodist Church and had for a number of years been a mem- ber of the choir. She was also an active member of the Women's Institute. Her maiden name was Pearl Campbell, born in Glenelg Township. moving to the American State Maine where her father was drowned after which her mother and two children moved to Mt. Forest In 1904 she married A. H. Hershey, coming to Holstein to live. Her only son died in infancy 2 years ago last fall. On Thursday. May 4th after an 2 ness of about six weeks there paused away to the Great Beyond, Pearl, wife of A. R. Hershey. Mrs Hershey wan just in thtytrpe 1tf:liicttiryciyt her 37th [€de up to thin her In» “I..-“ THE DURHAM 32mm June l-. Death of Mrs May Iii-Holstein at Mildnny 18-Mooretield at Mt. Forest l9-Holstein at Palmerston 22--Palmerston at Mt. Forest 22--Mildmay at Mooreiieid 26-Mt. Forest at Mildmay 26 --Palmemton at Mooretieid In..- I "- - -- 16--Mt. Forest at Palmerston lo-Mt. Forest at Mooreiieid 23-Palmerston at Holstein 23-Mooretietd at Mildmay ) 1--Mt. Forest at Holstein 1-Mildmay at Palmerston ti-Holstein at Moorefieid 5-Paunerston at Mildmay 8--Mildmay It Mt, Fotest 9-Mooretield at Holstein 12-Holstein at Mt. Forest 12-Mooretietd at Palmerston 16-Mildmay at Holstein lO-Mt. Forest at Palm-uh“- '. F. A. Netball Schedule YEOVIL continue his Sup. a plan} he leaves. wing: and Feed It. See', Treu. your dollars. T. a the WI?” le community. hear that “in: Ptind good xlity are few n-ups" have s. S which and anxiety? , and Mary ll Guelpho her recov- R. Hershey Just’Smllow 1 Canal: RAZ-MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing. atop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet sleep; contains no L‘LiL I . " - ‘ _ - no 'iittkitiiFittiiiiiirime-iu 8-H ASTHMA A very creditable and pleasing play entitled "A Southern Cinderella" was given " Ebenezer Church, South Glenelg. on Wrdnecday evening of this week by seven young Indies of the locality. Tu an it was well done is cold and formal. It was excellent- ly performed within inborn tuition! and "mall entering Into the spirit olthe pl" with crediuhlo zeal sud] enthunium. ati'it-tdimin fsru.rri1%'iiiGiriiiiii; {M's Trial are " Tsragettcies orwrite Templeton, 142 King W., Tomato. illogi- We always knew that a hint to the wise sufficient but little did we expect such marvellous results as we got from that little hint we save our Township offieiah, re procuring road scrapers. Whether Dick had it brought by plane or phone, may probably never be known --at all events it was on the grounds for use in very short order. Many thanks Dick. The Knox Church Women's Auxiliary met Wednesday at their regular month- _ " meeting " the homecf Mrs iiF Watson. I Mr Henry Damm hit up the trail for the Durham shipping Association this! morning witha well-finished bunch of butchers. 27 in all. They were afmel, looking bunch of cattle worth in the] neighborhood of 81700 or $1500. "a.” ....... "saw ncUU'i - . ring weather we have had last week, and l _..t/l'il't"t'id'1ng' I I so far this week, never was.surpassed. J Township of E _ Mrs John Marshall has been on the‘scnd by post, 9 sick list the last few days. We all hohe l undersigned So for a speedy recovery. 15 said Townsh In company with I host of other far- I the said decen- mers we shipped our cattle last week t dresses and in through the Durham Livestock Shipping i claims and state: Association. We were highly tsatisfied in writing, and th with the returns-ju" Witt more than we ties, if any. held had them figured at. One cow lost 30 by Statutory Dee lbs, another gained 20 and another 10} AND TAKE lbs which brought them out exactly to ' the 15th ' lb of their weight in Durham. Two" -- steers lost " lbs each which all goes to the said Adminie Show that their popular shipper, Mr Jae. distribute the an Lawrence is "Johnny on the spot" in ed among the pel looking after the stark entrusted~ to his having regardonlg care and a tip top salesman. The prices he shall then hai, received were P, " and 'l for the cows that the laid Adn and 8e per lb for the steers. Thank. liable for the uni Jim, " - I of said To In campany with I host of other far- I the said d mars we shipped our cattle last week drcaacl a through the Durham Livestock Shipping g claims and Amroeiation, w. m..- “A.-. .. a - . w mr Hus week, never waviurpasseU." Mrs John Marshall has been on the sick list the last few days. We all hohe for a speedy recovery. o Griy, Lab Although the seeding season waSsnme-! , what slow at the start. the gruntiest l “22;!ng fd farmer will have to admit that the seed- the late Jamal ing weather-we have had last week, and 1 about the new so far this week, never was snrnuceml I We have been living the strenuous life since we last wrnte, plowing the fields and scattering the good seed on the land. For some accountable reason we sup- pose, after hitting the trail for 14 hours a day we are somewhat troubled with “miserable tired feeling." "w, , .- -.,...5 we ursl Friday in Nay, After l".sutireuattiog", they , all turned enthusiastically toguden. ' lug operations, a new feature at this , school. Each child has his individ- ual plot which must be cated for by Ch.i:/',tl'i, Some decorative shrubs werealso planted which will improv. (the appearance of the surrounding; Isomewhat. About 2 o'clock scholars and teacher went for a tramp to the {woods to get wild tiowert/, just a I real old-time "Arbotday tramp" l We are sorry to report that Marjory; Smith is not feeling so well again being under the Dr's care the past week. However we all hope for her speedy recovery. SOLD BY s. McBETH NORTH EGREMO NT We have had some lovely spring weather lately but the frost Monday morning nudes fellow feel shivery once more, but if this week keeps _ dry most of onrfanners in this local ity will have their seeding operations on a fair Iny to being finished. I MrJas. Robertson is engaged with Mrs John Douglas fencing these} days. I The scholars observed Arbor Day; last Friday, it being the first Friday I in ani ‘ftnr 'Inn-l-n-‘~*r . .. i A correspondent sends the fol-' lowing particulars ; ' The late Mr Ellis had been missing from the vicinity for about a month but this was little thought of " it is said he frequently absented him- self for days at previous times. The last seen of him' was when heaccom- partied a neighbour to Mount Forest. Before going home the latter made a _ diligent search for his companion but was unable to get any trace of him. His friends believed he was visiting relatives near Guelph but as he did not show up they became alarmed. The mystery of his dis- appearance was found on Saturday when Mr Alex “then, with whom deceased was to have worked, found he body in the creek on his farm. he dead man‘s coat was on a stump i lose by and it is believed the body ad been in the water for some time. r. Sneath was sent for and word was sent to Dr Hutton who called an inquest. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr Moses Ellis on Monday afternoon and interment was made in Reid’s cemetery. l l A lamentable ocenrrence took place iin Egtemont last week. One Rieh. ard Ellis disappeared and the Com. munity was shocked when his body was found a few days ago in a creek, on the Nth-Con. How he fell in is a mystety. it mighthave been suicide but indications are that it was a sudden heart collapse. Some valu- able papexa were found in his pockets. Body ot Richard Ellis BLYTH’S CORNERS ORCHARD he “(on Think; that a hint to the little did we expect I: water for some time. ms sent for and word it Hutton who called The funeral took place RAZ-M AH Foimd in Creek g iii'; a',,',",',", Uhop M iiiiiii?i?; tlihl'T, 100", --'r... Ila!" . 'ttt (old It...... .... x C 0rd. r100 OBtr ... '1me C Cdit u lb. J...... ... ...... 18 Amer hoppi an]. 'llye. tttttt ... ...... ...... 2 'M tii"iiiiii'Fiiiyfi.l)p..t. J.........'" '...r. ye 5 x do ' ‘bole. 'e/err" ..........'.' ... 213 a 'thmred on....... ........r-cr-' 210 X Th OUR ' per to .. . ... l a e ab PLO tt ..'..... '..... .26 M If 0v . UR . 7 Ighe S prte IS ....... .... “l M ttt Pri " are GUAR .. .. 82 00 M Ices paid " the Mi ANTE "'...... a, Goo for ill a ED rroo 3 aft Ds DE “HE nd trtri . lit "no LIV " dt ctly C A; Phon on. ERED " Ash M " e No 8 send . " ered tt o 15" De In otutd tthe N Ley, or m Tot" tow Mitt _ _ ight edema "ery i: o _ "rir. M iii",,?.' PIP,?,,!,,:.,?,,!,,, MILLS :5 a-'"------, 1"1ifft5t M “M; gflflflfiflfifififlflfififififiOlin-933333317453 ithe said Adminiat tor I l distribute the auet of th ed among the pen I en having regard only t hee he shall then have elm that the laid Admini rat liable for the said a tt thereof to any pe a he shall not then have a Dated at Mount I day of April, 1022 i NOTICE l , HEREBY GIVEN that, Jany person ha ing any claims against J the late James Boakei, who died on or’ about the 19th arch, 1922. at the said fTownship of E emont, are required to iscnd by post, p paid, or deliver to the undersigned So icitor for Major Eccles' of said Townsh . the Administrator of} the said deceu ,their names and ad-, dresses and fu particular: of their w claims and ntate ent of their aedounts' in writing, and th nature of the 'ecuri. l ties, if any. held y them, duly verified l by Statutory Dee ration. AND TAKE ones that after " the 15th d of Mam”: " IN THE M James B ship of E Grey. Lab - --- - Sovereign Marimba Patent Flour, per 98 lb sack Eclipse Flour Blend, per 98 lb sock 'o'-...-....... White Lily Putty Flour. per 98 lb Incl: _.... Bran (ton lots) per 100 ttm...... ..... ... Short. (ton lots) Pr 100 1139...... ".... ... Feed Flour (Middlmgn) pot 100 lbs......... No. 1 Mixed Chop. per 100 lbs......... '....... Ont Chop per100lba f.ydoaur....../.' 'e......, Crimped One. per too lb. (old oust)......... ... Blatchfor'd'l Cull Neal. 25 lb "ek......... ... Custom fty,rptinrAiiiiiU.'.'.".'1 ."...... American Corn. qthaU, - “-- U. S. S. No.1. ECT' & NOR. Br 4th-Sadie Noble. Jr 4th--Landehs Wilton. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th--Plorenee They give the play this Fnday ev- ening It Sulem 3nd we heaped: for than I full and "tietied house. R. o. KILGOUR. I... Solicitor for Major Ecclu.Admin- t Q. istrator of Estate of James Bonk“. I A deceased. T -__ ---9.r-ei-- v-ua in solo Ippropriua to the ooauion. Mute: Clittord Henry gave . reoiu- tion. The orcbeatn. Ju Ind David Hooper Ind Mrs E. We". were high ly appreciated and gave selections It interval! to the delight of the Ind- ience. $42 GO use realized. The meeting was opened by com munity singing Ind led between the acts by Mr Wm Bump. in selection! of: southern iueor. Ho am con- tributed g solo. Mrs “rental: nag . gal- _____,,_,,-,. ' _. _ The remarks of the darker in the ploy were very humoroul, portraying her part to perfection. In toying this we hue no desire to dune: from the other: who were equnlly good. NOTICE Jo CREDITORS Prices for Flou; School Report , p paid, or So icitor for mh , the " ttatt ' their n tu particu :ate cnt of t d th nature Icld ythem Dec ration. CE OTICE mm an“. iniat tor wi ttttBet of the , per: I ent 1trtlyt heels haver eive, Admini rato laid a " ty PC" of ten have ca :Mount " ER of the Estate of ken. late of the Town- emont in the County of er. Deceased. or will proceed to if the said decent- I entitled thacto. he claims of which eived notice, ind rator will not be " or any nrt ot. uhone 'clfu'i', 3eived notice." We“, this 17th after 3 6 T' Flhsilr6ttet, we“... - Damn-en's tsyt_datc....... , 1* ...............2.65.ud 3.30 as " Bore' can: Shoes . ...... dk t - "--"'... - pug g t C, L. Grant , It? Men's combtnat'iona.too . 2t Children', ieytdatc....... - ' Seeded Raisins, é, Gingham per yd.25 to 40e t - House Dresses at....$l.50 ttt .. _-- ,'siltett'ttvtr #99:“:wa l Grant, Susie Eden. Sr 8rd---Mne Nob- _ le. Arthur McCabe. Jr 3rd (Ah-Char. -Ilotte Pntterson.Harotit Grnby. Jr 3rd (Bl-Jeanie Grant, Margaret' Harper. 1 Wilfred Grasby. Sr 2nd-tresne Gr.“ by. Sr 'r-poi-hr Caldwell. Douglas I Grant. Jr PrrEvfelyet Grant, Clements Patterson. Billie Caldwell. Pr-Tillie (Bryant. Belva Noble. Specinlizes in theme two brunch“ of ('0..ch “In“... Export teachers ; Individual instruction en- sures rapid progress. Enter lny day Special course for Farmers“ 80m. lhstrlilit.eisiiig , Show Li Grant’s Ad. Per pr...... are the yon doors to 3:01: '. A. TRIMBLE. Principal MA! tl, [922 J. W. Kerr, Teacher .'. Me pkg i. ...... 1.60 i. Durham Br whet t if perm ' we” "elk Mm stat My Ram t Chlmhors. m M P I "'"atr, ma ten rem we " VOL. round f The sho tng c, tt iey, in: 't.'i.', to this new: . At w a I minute 21.0001”: h Beam 5'03 tug St we. Custom ' Kshmci NI gulranu-q d Inc all land prices eluded. Wh out sack at Films mum] l‘romplnmund an! Dullor alum Hull oping los. Guru We regret to st has been in I pom Mt week. but tra Mr Guy Kenn I line Libel” “x "ening In his tV ittg It m( H Wester 11‘ Rob Roy M: Ni (iroum 'ost SA Mt "I R anch, n ttt M. ASSET " l ne Bunch k Mom nst 108 ST Ill-DI. "

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