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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1922, p. 1

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in2 98 Vi TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Durham Branch, . . . John Kellv_ m and I of the vicu'tir month The W M.S ot the Presbyterian Church met on May It, the President Mrs And. Derby in the chair. The bible readmg “as Riven by Mrs Thos. Mc, Girr. Mrs Wm. McFadden gave the nnssimary story and Mrs (Rev) W. H. Smith cave avery good paper on"Japan" reading a letter from Caroline Mchna'a. lt iomterestirtgto knowthatthis Tir, siotrrv A'tts' formerly a Wirgbam girl. The minute, of last meeting were read and adopud, then two rew members of the ti witty were appointed on the vicitirur committee for the following manth. kliasjiitghell the travelling ‘On Saturday la,t he unloaded "i-if Marion swam shovel at the C P. R. station and under its own power pro- (ceded up Garairaxa St. to Jackson's lull about a mile north of Durh m, where it is removing a crown on the hill and making an even grade A quantity Mother road equipment also arrived' and work will progrea: all summer The budge over the Rocky will be tackled 'htxtly. , or I mr © od new side show usual run of hitting theca for wam dolls. etc . but t round is still the centre 0 The shows are clcan. no rou - " allowed. and it in a grand J, the public to get srparal HEN y I a Wm“, .. , ’3 medium? Uae Bank Mom tttP' againstloss n--- ‘_J- vcaapsacacnpermr6aearorms.-W. C. Chamhcrs. erM. P P. of Hatriston, whyhuthe contract for building the Permanent road on the Garafra.ia be’ taeen Durham and Domoch commenced work on it just north of town last wpek ; On Smurdav la,t he unload»! . m ' Small Remittances is a married man, with two chllaren. a gal and a hoyot I I and t2 years. who-re reputcd to b, splendid vocalists. We welcome the new pastor. wife and child- um to our citizenship, and hope their relations with congregations and town may long be pleasant. tr thr " pre aunt Iona Palm-if: brows and Merry-go-Round are I) Id; to Durham this week, to the delight ol the youngstersand amusement of many of their elders. There arethrce or f mr hp od new sxde shows besides the, usual run of hitting the cats, throwing' for knwpm dolls, etc ' but the merry-go] round is still the centre of attraction. The mom are clean. no rough language i; alum-d, and it u a grand opportunity Fr the public to gut separated from the Hal If: arm than “mung d o Icy. Mc ”.75 to _ this week in Custom chopping eve day at Mc- Ke.‘nmc's Mus. Durham. ' [Minion guarann-rd. Corn, mixed c . can. and all kinds of feed for sale at rent Prtces, Rm: Roy (hum moles., W-u- m... At i.tli'i?tt.N 13 estimate Manhunt) boi prestm year. “rug St He. i'romptnc,sanu satis' 7 Id bull or glossv tiniqh " oping I0:. Give us a uial Pr i - awn Western , ed oats, 62c per bus. atl Get you! pert ion oil Move or 10 5 "W " 'Flotence ttr'ett'gahic, o! Itoves and lawn 3 'rt ' . " as dd ell-l mowersat re uced pn I, " bACP. “R tis! me w A S. unter& Son. mg A. s. Hunter' n l . Mr Guy Kearney last week purchased; Mr Hugh Firth hag received them} a .me bemy six touring carin Toronto, . tract forthe P.e.avatiott of the cellari naming m his Overland on the deal. [the Red CFO” Hospital. 1> I We regret to state Mr A. S. 1y,ttr1,etT,l,"gyssro,y, bus eervice. twice daily- haw been in a poorer state of health the; tween Durham and thren Sound, past ueck, but trust he will soon rally. 1'ld'e'lleg"i'rl P.e. “May-b" accommo- q ' . or 2 passengers at whether" Mime fimshe t Kelsey's Studio-'will 10 . . Pr :mpmwsand satis' . ton guaranteed. ‘be ',e"dl"'"nancial success rename tof [LU iovsvtirtis ice. - , Cji2/r0'1o"s?i/e,iie :auial. nce Devel l c.1ioatPfuitao--Mr Norman McIntvrn the W M S. will Visit this n June Pith, and u it is always Jana! Miss Mitchell we hope of the congregation well keep View. also the collection tor Day. Envelopes may be had ‘11: at the door. VOL. XLV, N0 20 n_s new puliritnexi SCI-ME j.“ J 'Cir-hott', Pilight gal-$751,:OPICS’ pumlc to get separated from this ' dulf‘ar. There was: fair pat- n Wednesaay. in. opening night " Roy GRAIN Pm F-wears pay- 'to rm for Oats, we 'Joc for Bar- ".h: m l 00 tor Buc heat and to $1.”) " Peas ato Elevator These orders are obtainable at ail our branches and sub-branches. WHEN you remit small amounts do you use the safest, most economical and most satisfactory medium ? Bank Money Orders are inexpensive, protect you against loss and relieve you of worry. ner suie‘weting of Durham th .8! - - m’, Branch: also at Pricoville and W’d'iamdod. ' STANDABZQ BANK n'sln mate will be held LibraL at 2.'iop m. on 2.','rd, a Will be addres- nyus ol I. oy, Ont., dele- Ucparlme All ladio as threatenin ca, or 2'aiuria THE .N -v .. w... - unuu. me blue birds. will have to take a bye .ns South- ampton doesn't favor the distance, in having Durham in their district and mu south. rn neighbors are rurarmg a little eague of their own. mm I raynor. Sentinel: Her husband redeceased her only last August. Also ne sister, Miss Cooper is the only sur- 'ivor of her level. .3 Deceard wns a warm 'supporter of the Methodist church and her pastor, Rev. C. G. Cole, had charge of the funeral services at house and grave Monday. I F "OC't an n “gm tollowed the baking trade. later moving to Rockwood. From here they came to Durham 30 years ago, where they conducted ht successlul bak- ery business fora number of years. Twelve children were born tothem, of whom only three survive, viz ; Sam of, Kingston, Mrs Matthews. Markdale il Mrs Traynor, Bentinck Her husband redeceased her only last August. Alsol ne sister, Miss Cooper is the only 'ti Wivor of her level. _ Deceard wls a warm mnmnu " u- URREY--ln Durham, on Wed: May IT, to Barrister' and Mrs Currey, a 'on.--John Ellis. ,7 V .-. .14- llalll- l A respected Sullivan resident makes a correction of the item in last wcek's issue that a U. F.O. clubin his town, ship was $9000 in debt and gives the tacts. Their bank debt to day is 8".300 but they havea splendid block in Uhesley which was bought for $4000 and im- provements on this cost tsoo. This: block can be sold any time for that value; says our correspondent. Then theyl have stock on hand the selling price of; which to-davis mum it”... -._~: 7 am... ....K, a ' m. vvuson or Niagara N Y. Mrs Wilson was formerly Mis: Waunetta Stnver and lived with hen grandmother for many years in Durham A - _ _ _ - __ w.“ -- _ iririhi" “w, u. uruxen promucs ant . - “w..- - uliul il ed expectations. I Mrs Jos. Firth U To . d,“ -- , . p r wn, receive . . 'word recentlyol the math in Welland, .Mr Wm Calder m.ade arpttbleeontris ofMrs Hannah Firth relict of the late: ution lo the dlscussmn ppmtmg out tty John Firth and ii"ri,G "Sid nts 0f=necessnt)' of an equalization ofcbarge In Durham .Du‘easrd was in 1:" 91st liiii Eugenia system, ifrtot in the whole year and sill be F/iiegiilre't'i by many , province'und urging the formation ofan herelfor her many kind and neighborly! Asfucmmn' . . . qualities. Two sons and a daughter, _bhall f be formed of the Punifip.ali. Hattiein Toronto survive, also a grand-l ties or of the local Hydm fjtr,tyysii,en, daughter. Mrs P, M. Wilson of Niagara. i brought out difference;,. of op.uuom Fin- N Y. Mrs Wilson was formerly Miss' ally It wusdecjdo-d .to have 1,rysrtytu- Waunotta Strver and lived with herl tttye pf cpmnnssluns, munitritrulitis,c vrnndmmhm rm. ....l_.. - _ - - ' penenced machinist. Mr McEwen is nowin possesaion as No-man intends going west in a short time. Ct?, Messrs George Brown and Fred Mood of Owen Sound have taken over the machine shop business of Mr Hugh Innis at Garatraia St bri and are now open for business All wor w. ' done promptly. and at reasonable! charges As Messrs Brown and Moon) are experienced and first class machinists.) therein no doubt they will make good. . N 7- -f"5"-i"CPt0rman McIntyre has 1tpostd of the Chevrolet Garage to Mrplmord McEwen of Delhi, an ex- DEnom-orl m...,|.A_,-,A -- -- - Lacrosse Schedule "an zorlne excavation the Red Cross Haspital. Thompson,s bus semi between Durham “1" Films and all amateur k ti.nisted promply twice weekly. Des? mg 10c roll and Prints 4c each. Dull Iossy tin:sh. Kelsey io Get your pert ion oil Move or Florence' Automatic 0 stoves and lawn Mummy; a. a.-u___, . _ Obi iii'litt EMU? BORN mum-s tnere is not one _ ch. A great slump in! 195 caught them With al and, and this depreci-I‘ _!fj,?.','yy"ytiet monthly, rnnnn- --- A' . . 1ytrdnetrda_r 'orttytnycrntyre Vkéving G f Three or four trucks were in waiting, the C P. R.car containing the fry was 'oon drawn along side and the work of Itransterring the fry from car to motor ltrucks proceeded There must have ibeen .50 or more metal containers. jn 'size larger, but somewhat resembling ',cream cans. These were nearly fiiled ) with water requiring two men to handle ‘them, and many curious eyes peepedi into them to see the precious cargo! I little mites of thirutsabout an inch long F le clustered at the bottom of the water i - the wholenumber in a can would not. n fillatea-cup I u: Soon all the cans were loaded and on e i to Eugenia,otr:ciaV and visitors {allow-i ing After dinner there, start again to a] , bridge two or three miles out near where f the river broadens out into the artificial I Jake. The cans were lugged donn to thei 'water’s edge Minister Mills and Mu Leeson each emptying one can standing‘ j on someshaky logs rotting in the river ' 'for manyaday, the While having their (picture' "took" by the camera men. l .‘Similarly all the can: were emptied on I .both sides of the bridge. more pictures t itaken and the 150000 fryleft to take t icare of themselves. This lot came from I Port Arthur way in a car loaned free by {the C. P. R and carried free of freight t gcharaes. a courtesy much appreciated: f, by Hon Mr Mills and his government. , I There are no fewer than six Hatcheries ' Iin Ontario located " Fort Frances. Port Arthur. Port Carlintr. Sault Ste ti Marie. Normandale in Norfolk Co.. . Mount Pleasant in Brant Co. We were . interested to learn bow the spawn or m eggs are obtained. . They are pressed th out of the fernaleorithoui injuring her s . ,_ _... V. up nucaull. (M. P. P., the editor was privileged on [Saturday last to enjoy a unique day's ' outing at Eugenia and the much talked of "Pheasant Island." The day had been set apart for the purpose of de. ‘positing some 160000 speckled trout fry , in the big pond formed by the Eugenia [Power dam, a small contingent of the 300 000 000 planned to be placed through- out the Province this year. The weather was admirable so were the roads and reaching Ceylon about noon, found that Hon. Harry Mills, Minister of Mines and Fisheries; in the Drury government, had just arrived in a big car. accompanied by his two young sons, his deputy m.nister and expert, Mr Don. McDonald, a'movie photographer and another of the common kind Be- [ <ides there was present Mr Alex McLeod Inspector of the Fish Hatcheries of Ont., i and a number of local men. _ "I? Meyor Allan called the meeting to order at 10 a. m., the purpose of a wru- tood ing session being to have a 't'l'vuldl1'f/l' the me plansfor the afternoon meeting when 'nni: the officials would be present. Several now ' testimonies"were given of Hydro in- icreuses; Arthur, per horse power had .bwmeu from 34,-: to $85. Wingham $38toi In..- SBA 1) Km"... ao., A n-- K _ Pleasant Visit to Pheasant lsl'd I Halliday of Chesley met with approv- al in recommending co-ordination of (Eugenia system with Severn and War- , dell Systems, and a recommendatiOn to I this effect will be sent to headquarters. : (Continued on Page 5) i i' The omens of the new Association imp; Pres., Jno. Legute, o. Sound ; Ist ' Vice Pres., D T Small, Arthur; 2nd, V. (Pres., .‘Dr Hacking, Tara '. Sec'y Trans ' I C. Elvidge. Durham ; Executive Com.- 1' A Filshie. Mt Forest: Jno Taylor, Han- lnver :11. Hurdon, Kincardine ; Dr G. H. ,Camphell, Orangeville I Dr. J. A. McAr- ‘thur. Murkdale. 150,000 Trout Fry Deposited at Eugenia Pi the courtesy of Mr G. M, Leeson, D D .c, -l'__ _ _ __ ___ -'_.. w-.- W. w 'o" 1 “u... uuMucen over the week end. dl mun-nun- upecvauons. (g othe.r.stt?ck, but ascow or large raft, .Mrs Davis of Toronto is visiting her i 1 Mr Wm Calder made anotablecontrib- 1"y.ne.kind 'royld be nerded to neg,oti" I Ilster. Mrs Chas. Moffat on the 2nd oi is': ution to the discussion pointing out the .ate the Intervt’ntng waters The p ace . Glenelg. 4 necessity of an equalization of charge in " SCarCGly two years perhapsin govern. Mr Chalmers. plumber for J. H, tithe Eugenia system, if not in the whole ment hands, but we venture to TSi.cyHariint?, moved his f: mily hue last 'erovin.ctand urging the formation ofun that before te,", 2??,sr.t,!,"'ttyy five the”! week from Kincardire and are (mum‘- ‘f’ Association. 1xill 1n'M:i,v,t,eiortiei'sr- there beyond‘ing the resident on George St. West. 'il Shall " [he {omit}?! of thecmunicrpan.‘P‘;j:2‘ne';d;?:;nehaumdrein processjvacated by Mr A. Elliott. . _5 ties or of t e our: day ‘ommission, . . ' , . (brought out difference: of opinion. Fin- of construction. A lone strctrhof “I Mlsls.‘Mar.y Edge. B. A,, St. Thorn“: .itu it wusdecidod to have it represmrlpens, each about is bv 24 it we would i an: ieitsie//'ie,,f,liirarti, spent the week " tattve of commissions, municipalities say, and wired sides, ends and over tup, l en at ett Ome. ' without such to appoint two (if their .ha.s.been recently construct”! each pen; Mrs (Rev.) Cole, Dist Delegate.'Mrs (number. {llabtted /e _l,?teagaanuti"igtigl,y,; somebotfl J, Sherk and Mrs Robt. Smith, local , . I; , . ., .l “m " most P.au I U D umpse. ? representatives. are m attendance this ii)o'i\‘(«):i~rf’r.rli;ltsi~xealtii(i“all?“filliiiidmiigiflf there are parrridFe, Califorrra qvail, l week at theMethodist Women's Mission- l.md all m“, the 'i'21,sol,'i'"t','. ofco-o '," 5‘" ”will te quail, tey “MA geese andiary Convention at Kitchener. r I F'E . b' ". ' " ration possibly some other kind of birds. Frrm “and so the proposal to tom] an Assuda- (r't hensthere have been secured Hmi Rev. E. L. Clement !eft Tuesday.to ition of the municipalities using Eugenia eggs since the middle of April and a visit his son at Cayuga after spending , power found ready acceptance A com- little way off some 70 hens in a row of I several months with his daughter, Ma ,'trrlttee “a; J,','i','.',e,1,.l,e,.t,l to draft a “$3 of, small Coops m; sitting on pheasant Ad; l tRev) Cole. , oilicers. ' eir report was necepte in 1,. O.". t . . F I . . I the afternoon and so the "Eugenia lly- i ji"rudoy'-'i5hecnf,, its: 1uat/yjei il'lt,) Mrs J. P. '.rtlford In company with IT dro Electric Association" came into be. llarmers with" about and it is the in- l brother and his wife, Mr and Mrs R.. ing and will Jae functioning 'iii,iiiii.s"i'ti,iftg,tt,t we believe when the 'n1iiiir/lClcityetty, Owen Sound. spenta day the ont, delegate advising to "Lth after the ii'isi'i'ri'yi'e"t tiri'd oftheir hen mothers G first of the week with Mrs Wm. Park, , Hydro, hummer and tongs', 'l,ifk,,and liberate them for the public good on! Mr and Mrs John Whelan of Hamilton shovel,andhave ashot gun handy. the edge of the lake partly on land, l motored up Sunday to visit hie mother The officers of the new Association partly on wateris another wired struct-ia fewhoi" the latter returning with are: Pres., Jun. Legato, 0. Sound ; lst b're with housings and fittings to accom. them. ’ Vice Pres,, DT Small, Arthur; '2nd, V. modate beavers, which had just a few Mr Moore McFadden motored in PM” :Dr Hacking. Tara :Sec'y Treas , days am been enrnrorl rum- A'--~-~ . -- -- " [Pruning 1’}..qu ,r‘ -. .. Mower round ready acceptance. A com- mittee was appointed to draft a list of officers. Their report was ucceptedin the afternoon and so the "Eugenia Hy- dro Electric Association" came into be. ing and will he functinnino rn-nm-ML to creases; Arthur, per ho risen from $4.: to 385. W 364, 0. Sound $30 to $10. $33 to $50 and so it went all had a story of broken uethulOed expectations. ”i...â€" v. nun, lunch OI Dnrham They came than in no picnic mood, but all fired with a zeal and desire to grasp the intricacies of Hydro man. agement and tit, c0ver if possible how arose so many and great disappointment, in rates, charges. &c. , The Hydro meeting on Monday was one of the most searching and intensely interesting meetings held here for a long time. The seventy or more delegates were the cream oi the urban municipal- ities, within a radius of titty miles of] Dnrham They camn in... an "et ws'....-:, Much Dissatisfaction Expressed at District Meeting in Durham. hmsia Hydro System ---_-- frankly Discussed DURHAM THURSDAY. -iiii1i"fif,'"""i"ii'ii"i"" l, DGrham Trim; t on and almost m promilcs and Although werful reconstructive tonic tanlac rains no harmful in- gredients. mine tl or opiates, which are so often to in many other medicines. It cant More be taken by delicate chi'.dren with lendid result” Sold at Macfariane's Di Store. "I wou ot take 81000 for what that wonder! nlac medicine has done for me," said Mattie Lutes. of Lexington, Kent ' Sold by Mac- farlane's Dryr Store'. A 19 inch trout weighing over 3 L) was pulled out of the Saugeen on the 2nd con, Bentinck last week by a Mr mans at Hanover. It is the biggest reportew this year, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Smith ot 0.5;:nd,§ are visiting at their granddaughters} Mrs Guy Kearney. _ i l Mr Wm Edge, Edge Hill, last week reCcived word of the death olhis uncle, J.Samuel Edg- In Dublin, Ireland, on Jan 9th. He was 75 years of age and ts the owner of the Edge estate lands north of the river and east of Garalraxa street in Durham, No particulars were given. Mr Brock Grant of Welland and Dr.l Lynn of Walkerton were over to visit; their mother in her illness. A Mrs (Rev) Hardy went to London. Tuesday' to attend the funeral of her grandmother; Mrs McCormick, whose l husband was ex-mayor of London. Mr Harry Hunter, with a party of fishing friends, motored from Toronto last week and spent a few days at "The Hedges." _ We are pleased to be able to "ate a? to the improved condition of health of Mrs C L. Grant, whose illness we re/ ferred to last week. l Mrs Munro and sit, spent the week end i, Mrs Lorne Robertson. We congratulate Mr Leeson, whose persistence' in urgingthis develcrmmt had much to do in bringing it about. Credit is also due the government which in the midst of burning question: that bulk more largely in the public eye. yet find time to promote constructive effort on the lines we have outlined. Money; has often been more foolishly spent than [ what is being expended on "Pheasant! Island." 'r---'-.-, preliminary stages, however, we rather think non-accessiblity is a virtue. The caretaker (or whatever they call him) is Mr J H Johnston, an unmiatake- able Englishman. out fora number of years from Yorkshire. He wascourteous and has been at such work (care of} poultry, wild fowl, etc..) for over ar, years on the estate of the Marquis of; Repon and part of the time on that of) the late King Edward when Prince of! Wales. l We -- -t.te. .uuwlvaulc nearby with a few young specimens With artific al prcpagatkn of fish, wild-(owl. &c.a kind ol Sanctuary is being formed which will undoubtedly (become ol commercial va uein the near future. We shall look with a new inter- est on this pioneer work If the time ever comes where good approaches to this island are made we fancy we See} built near by summer cottages and other i attractions ofa summer resort. At ihkhil preliminary stages, however, we rather) think non-accessiblitv in :1 virroes _ -ee __...V...- . "Hun Ptt "tu- 1 " ure with housings and fittings to accom. " modale beavers, which had just a fpw days ago been secured from Algonquin H Park, There is also a deer enclosurehi nearby with a few vounn snorimnns ..-_ i' .There menus the island ab u ' rum-”m" '. eighth of a mile away, but a “midi; 'l/l 1 wt, carload of young people hailing from _ ti12Uaid to be 30 feet deep to ilr7d1'tio",ttit"qrii,i first of the week ms" ' We believe eom _ vm r orman Hetherin - paper in the desire to "kneOcTte‘wtnht: ton of the G. T R. staff. I l gosrerrunenthad pointedout th . - Mr and re Rance of building a bridge 'lllttl'G"/s'll1t , onto, are vihs‘iti'nghhgr Edwrd' d To- to unmet island ard mainland v i" No lMarshall in town and Imogen Mrs. R. ,1 if“! bridge or any other kind of image f at Zion. r 9 relatives l s y. (Cars to the island is I Dr [Obtau ed on the ice in winter, by JU, I Ham vae'r1dveiNlati/, and. M" Engel of [:11ng an? in summer or by row-boat IMcKechnie a codpfe'ro? iffy'; My Jno. Punt. oldirg 4 " pelha s 5 . . '. T. lBy the latter nethod the tittt/ Aries Je.stiie, Haryeyofnamiiton waea across. The island contains it is ill , Vtsitor with her sister, Miss Mary flU'l 2'llf , acres. was formerly farmed over I 'rev over the week end. f. property of the o mm Miss A . lfuchy It is denuded of ietsffllieerJr','"i'ltt- I Business '8Ji,, tchadnnel,l Mt. Forest :2: 'ell seems good and there is no, rea- [Brownsville HEM?!” "thesirr"i',,cleey hit): y." ‘ y a cow or tw . l ' or other Flock. but 'l Egggltgoiarge kg}: 5 "lr, MCQufen f?.?" the week end. s',0,"e,e,ti.ryi..yyld be .nerdedgo negoti- has“? il,a.t,ispo,y.i.1rtetsis visiting her With th'" is incorporated the _ a IN . PHEASANT ISLAND I 1 S'fps 1lhie then taken towards Prue.” uh..._._‘ ant slan a mile or no away. A tera hike through some rough lands the lake l Mrs Thos. Brown le/t Tespar to re- came in sight or stretches ofit.for “Turn to Grand Raptdf. Mich., after tt covers stme 20 or :20 farms, and pieces hew weeks tsith her sister, Ma Stone. of bush buildings and roads (on which oute. . much roadwork has been done before: Mr Wm. Langnll returned to Windsor Hydro came) are now enveloped in {alter le'.rt.r.islweeks spent at his fathers, Eugenia dam. [Hutton Hill, .There than was the island about,' an] A carload of young people hailing from eighth of.? mile away, but a stretch of r Wiarton, motored the first of the week water said to be 30 feet derp to hem; town to visit Mr Norman m"hrriner, czossed. We believe mm. 'r-.,.-", - - M. ration b! the take: place. and brought in coqtac; with the mm or end in stikiGii WT“; sister Mrs Wilson, '- e.,,A: . . - male when GGiiGiiia 'ere given. , and Dr. I [ rto visit D. Sound, "oghter's, In 3 lbs! nthe 2nd ! Ir mans: reporte Fer that; I.-- AA- 1e thneg=== shes to, we see' d other rt these! rather) ( ey call) istake-; ber " uteous; are of) Jet 30' uis of, hat of; we of} I whose) 'mcnt toi.) which: that; lyet! ,tfrtirt), loney; than; asanti I han,f i/mi/nr/ Miss Annie McCanmh Mt. Forest or but Bustness. College and Miss Jean of ii'iiii-T,tiiiiFpi; visited their uncle, Mr .e kept ! John McQueen over the week end. ge 'a/li' Ma Davis of Toronto is visiting her neipti- I sister, Mrs Chas. Moffat on the 2nd of , D tlfei'Glenelg. [ :overn-. Mr Chalmers, pirmhr for J. H.; T,,d,,i.c,t/Hari'in?, mnwd his f:mily hoe last; b thevei week from Kincardire and are ot?rupy-' 'eyondé‘ing the resident on Georgy.- St. Wat” vacated by Mr A. Elliott. . , {gig-3459 Miss Mary Edge B, A., St. Thomas would I yy! Miss Nix ofClifford. spent the mack TORONTO l Mr Moore McFadden motored to Hamilton the first of the week, Mrs W, Iii Smith and two children accompany- i'im; him as far as Brantford. Mrs W. J. Black and child of St. Mary's returned home after visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Ed. Burnett who have both been ill. (g. anerK and Mrs Robt. Sriiith,' aa" representatives. are m attendance this week at theMethodist Women's Mission- ary Convention at Kitchener. Rev. E. L. Clement Mt Tuesday.to visit his son at Cayuga after spending several months with his daughter, Ma tRev) Cole. , h Mrs J. P.Teltord in company with her tank... ...__I L! 'r -- f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Government Sales Tax extra CAR $535.00 Phone N ou.' FORD TOURING W Holstein Leader A Willing Partner iibtgittt), DURHAM. SMITH BROS. Buy your Ford Car NOW, The Ford Car E if. 'lllortuek d Jon: ic"" Wmmmmwmwmmfi: HOLSTEIN, MT. FOREST _ 20 52 SAVE BEFORE vou SPEND PM!” Wall! " " 0.). - in Mveno. Sill". $2 50 in adv-nee. O. RAIAGI Lin an“ in dunno To Uni“ O. 81.10! @3031. “In.”

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