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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1922, p. 3

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' paper industry 5 ias one of the 1.” faman 1|):an WI“: strikingly “. t Alums for its on. Three You; ”not DP PULP AND tt " u given - $231,472,538 j. ", t'HXt.tiau4s .1311550 in u- Junie: “and bit. This . '4‘. f Me, MILLS“. m mm: in re- Me with a; other pro. _ follows: -ocia q and ' rupee” capital a... :re of tho 3‘8 hee prov $97; Brit w Bran: awn-1 m. " of tho but prov {.339 It pr The M Wu! p, 003 f? to o! ?.0, Q 366 “it! vasod mm " Me or, That is a new (Inertia: for which dieticiam have to flrH an answer. A quarter of a century ago, no per- ..on carer! what food foxes ate, so long as reyr.ard did not web that, particular person's hon-roost. The biggest fool it the ho]. himself. Important ways to“; the solu- tion of the question have dandy been than by the Council of Seientifie Re- search at Ottawa. ithut' y “THIS The menu d the black fox in. to be earduh‘ undid. Tho scientists and the my. on seeking to find the we of feod on wtich the precicup has {um-boating will“; thrive but. ttl how they may ha wonder} hum. But the eruMishment of the fox fur: industry changed I" that. ue won-1x13 greatest bipfane has Just tcl isthej its tinai tests in (he aerodrcme It Orly and soon will commona- train-l Empesm ftitihtr_ Pttitusy it m be wed in a new attempt to cm. the Atlantic hate thin mm". It is Par- nun ccmstroctiom with four propellers, mi four 400 Mm" new“. The wing synod iq more than 100 feet. I AeeorxHr.g to Aviator Boossotrot, ita pilot, it w'Il maintain 3 speed of; 100 miles an hour whi’o cunt-ins. twerty murmurs Ind baarlU,l .tkw Name’s Speed 100 Miles Per turn to China flying services school. which will in operation in Kai the last two years. pilots for aviation men, when trained What is the best food for quimault a Curtiss A despatch from Victoria, B.C., says: --Headed by a group of Chinese of British nationality. mainly of the younger set, a Chinese flying srimul is to be opened in Es- Chinese Flying School l Opened at Esquinuult.’ What turn the cm take can-u): be told Loyd George 5. a”; Make nmorthing out tin) reheiir, canal. "___ I The French have asked. Premier The, Runny: reply is not . Nt “n03; Paine-n for instructions. If he orders hut it io a "90 par cent. mt." The 10 the. home they will leave at once and per em "yes" consisted in a proposal impact at geese five delegations to so that a commission of 9mm be ne"d; with them. If he orders the delega- to review the Russia: ilnaatetat aim-i tion to stay, they will remain as lung ticn, and in a any Proposal that thej In Mr. Lloyd George wishes the con- Rtrssiao delegation mould Morale-i {We to continue. has remain at. Geno: to “up: other) This is a mammary cf the Russian} Ifxurstion4 of the mania, including the, mqtlr. I "rawpact ( f r"r-tbitttreasion. Not one I. Rumtia must. have a lean. of the vcnliticm imposed by the men, 2. She is willing to negotiate {on rm a: the price of resuming ccmmerJ compensation at M_‘_.,,. ' . , A deopateh fman Genoa “n:~l ruin month's Wk of th. Ga Conference was m Itqtt on Ther, day when, after ttro rowan he I fused the demand of M.- ---.. ._ y passengers Ind b-C-il h ad in excess of mm tom. GENOA DEBATE END ,iiiiiiiiii"i'1="=z1"'"'= so an AS RUSSIA Ill com» 'rt 'roviet Moped rt-GTR"',",""."",'",;"; . . u new!" a desperate-{y hoping Io p s'rmmhing out of the confmoe, would ccntinue it for the discus- of other than the Russian 'iee and 99:17 orri:e problems. The', me. ammo. The French, on the Feeding Foxes. 'bject - - --_.. - "um-m the Conference'i Being AM by Britain, France and Italy from Paris says 1a to be protected "1.3;! "We: of my life, be told at pr 3 is desperate: Inc hrst machine ith pontoons. is " Th fu f r Ivins' " " 'cr, fui‘cw one, " I . I I I . 2 h Jull’uipf‘, for, ‘ " . ' V 1 Kg trainf i,rirtr., so these, ' _ I __.._ Urn-‘0'. may rc- He ‘0 carry on the. ivimrter,antt', ith Runs." in. confereo that" land. at present. Mr, "V -.'"., _..‘:.y “El! _ Re.. made of gold, silver, copper, or ivory. A number of French widows wear rings striped black and white to re- who mind mime suitors of their eligi- l bility for mime. “p iii " - a new Unati: fl. aim?“ Cortfeteeeeii Now Hour w Eel now Ma, is to The .. w, i "unsure tor instructions. If hi, aia' The 10 them home they will leave at once and TM isu-e .0 5.4.4 " . - be carried to the a,, 'hi-unu hob them to understand that their labor is of mine and essential to the income of the business. The boy or; [in wib‘l deo come to understand his, or her real interest in the property,' owned by the family. With such ii) crsierstandimr it will be diirieylt in-I deed to tempt them to the uncer-. Another-means for creating in the boys and girls a real desire to remain on the farm is to make them part- ners in the farming business. Too often the younger generation is given,' a lot of hard work to do on the farm; and lime opportunity to share in the,! benefits. The partnership idea will; one) 1. Kurtis must have a lo trw-l 2. She is willing to m mu! compensation at coMseat ae-l property, although not 1 f the principle. owl 3. She refuses to sto; 1tr.lpropaealui,' but will aha: ‘(o:other countries where it me; the law. - --N_i.e ...- w”... mmh to stimulate the interest of the members in specia) lines of farming, and too much importance cannot be given to these organizations io men-l wing the Mummy responsible for, the renewal of community interest in! the business of farming. I For this reason wise parents are more and more anxious that they in- toms: the boys and girls in farm work. Juveni,'.e agricultural clubs are doing Particufayfy bright at ihe present time an the prospects for strong, omrgetic your»; people to find not may pimure in. farm work, but also the safest, and surest source of irs come in the years ahead. I Hon. w. C. Nichol Liootenantiovernor of British Colum- bia, who will open the annual conven- tion of the Canadian Good Road. tur snciatinn; to he held -in Victoria next month. The daeutm the Moscow 1 obstinate), on 'Pmpenty in tr was" mm, see rc? use going an, and Mitre they do n 4‘ wish to treat uncritical questions with Russia if Itu.r Ii. refuses to shoulder her obligations. Aa for Mr. Lloyd George's wish to go on toward the compact of nan-aggret-f don, the French quote the Britishi Premier as "yipe that the non- Weak») compact depended abso- htely on a Russian tsettlenuust. The French have asked Premieq Poincare for instructions. If he orders', tho- thA ‘L_” ... . Taking in a Partner. document is consistent from standpoint. It - sairii m the right to eontueau a revolution. roses to stop internal but will abandon it in c'es where it is against coMseated h not rec brd Private ecognizing Beans L-. cGidiiirChamrrpieked, bushel, $4.25; primes. $3.75 to $3.90. Maple p_ro9tetsr---Srup, per Int, Margarimr--.20 to Me. Egrs--New laid, candled, 31 to 32e; New: laid, in garter}; Me. Live pow_trr---gprinsr' chickens: lure; masters, 17 to Me; fowl, 24 to Me', ducks, 382; turkeys, " to 60e; gene, 20c. . _ .,-........., u. bulk, seaboard, $6.55. Manitoba ftour-iat patents, in cot- ton sucks. $8.70 per barrel; 2nd pat- ents, $8.20. . flhetyse--Now, large, 17 to 117%e; twins, 17% to 18c; triplets, 18% to 19e. Old, large, 21e; twins 211ie to .22e. Stiltons, new, 20c. Extra old. T . ----, r'- W": - "V $32; good feed flour, $1.70 to $1.80. Baled har-Tuck, Toronto, per ton, ‘extra No. 2, $22 to $28; mixed, $18 to $19; clover, $14 to $18. 1 Straw-Car lots, per ton, track Tor- onto, $12 to $13. Ontario wheat-No. 1 eommereial, $1.50, outside. I Ontario No. 3 oats, 40 to 45e. 09t- side. I Ontario ttorrb--68 to 60c, outside. l Ontario flour-tst patents, in com sacks, 98'ss $7.70 per barrel; 2nd pat- fest (bakers,, $7.20. Straights, in Rn: -K--_o m- -- Barley-No, s extra, test ' better, 60 to 66e, according te outs/de. moekwheat--No. 3, $1.00. Rye-No. 2, 96e. Miiifeed - Delivered, freight, bags ipehaied; bran, $28 to $80; shorts, per ton $32; 390d feed flour. 81.70 to . .H, "u... nu. ' lewd antic; No. 1 feed, 54e, Manitoba lrarler--Nominal. All the above track, Bay ports. American ctrrar--No, 2 yellow, 78c; N o. 8 yeli'ow, 77e, alt mil. Barter-tlo, s extra, test 47 lbs, or better, 60 to Me, according to freight: nun-Mn Manitoba wheat-No. 1 Northern, 31.51%; No. 2 Northern, 31.47%; No. 3 Northern, $1.39. Manitcrya' ous-No. 2 C.W., 60e; No. {Town tree; extra No. 1 feed 56!“; [ n 1 (MA :1- ,wmgmuuuw swam; in Canada will be able to tellectual giants at hon The biggest thing that has happened ' in university circles for some time : was the creation last week of the . Schccl of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Toronto. It is a re- ttretable fact that each year main-I1 ates of Canadian Universities have) gone to the United States to secure more advanced education than was ob-I nimble in this Dominion and that,' many of these brightest of young, ’men and women have mt returned to iOan‘ada but have remain-m1- in w,,,.... . tions of various kinds I der. This has, been a this country. Now, w Iishment cf the new ( tario’s Provincial U student neerl' leave his I more education. Grain: sibivs in Western and E will be eneouraged to postgraduate srudir, in A Patriotic Innovatith TORONTO, f" , ""esetir'3irr' Now, with the estab- the new School at On- rinciai University, no leave his native land firii w. Gra:yaates of Univer-g em and Eastern Canada! have remained' in Dfi.vtrerj, Months! REGLAK "u-ERS-UK can; kinds across the/bor, can a serious lass to ml to pursue theirlthl fin in Toronto, and; pos vble to keep her in-lil' at home. Nor willie” Weekly Market Report a, mun; per ton, Ligation» A80 to old, ftCCtet::.Cr.r,:ziter--r-' _ ”r, "'c"PrqW'1r ', art . _ th‘ _ j) - V -- m"w’J-A~V‘_ u-L . - posi- v, "_-__.'.."- uva: us, 10 TO IlNe. Butter, choicest creamery, 84%.e. Eggs. selected, Me, Potatoes, per bag, oar lots, " to Me. Calves, $5 to $6.75; common drink.. ers, $4.50 to $4; hogs, $14.50 to $14.75; selects, $14.30. ,_,, -, -‘v. u. or. V.) WdYitC. Flour, Man. Bprimr wheat permits, Ist, $8.50. Ballad oats, bag 90 The, $8. Bran, $32.60. Shorts, 833. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car bots, $29 to $30. Sresed finest Eastemsv, 13 to , u A -AX_, ' . _ 1amr--prirne, "ting: 1.6%cipails, 17c; prints. 1 Erie“ Eel., $2.10; In Japan arranging cut, Bowers is an art. The way every branch or spray is placed means something, is (symbolic. The Japanese insist on, keeping the natural and typical form of each stem or branch and depend on ccmbiming two or three branches to make an effective design. Rarely is more than one kind of plant used in. the same vase, and the vases are pun! posely kept simple, so that they shall! not distract attention from the flow..', I In Italy v ', left in large (the country. . 136:? 239.1 Mi” ore cmcnw! , l I - l _ '"hsikk Aiu, . mi.-sp. . sssN' iltttv, -0 I111 any other university. Relatively {wanna postgraduate work is attempted '. in Western or Eastern Universities in l Canada and these institutions will, no ;dloubt, encourage their graduate: 1:01 :wtilize the postgraduate facilities of.. :feredr at the University of Toronto. SI of the new schod interfere w'ith the work at m... -4 __- . - Italy’s Traffic Culltom. Italy wheeled tramc keeps to the n large towns, but to the right in hem I-etc-re. Brrnds British prime. and princesses may not my before the we of twenty- five without the King's consent; if over twentrtive they may marry by giving notice twelve months before- hand to the Privy Council, unless Par- liament decides against the proposed' match. ,7. -_..._- tun-luvs“ He has the distinction of being the moat decorated man in the British my. His term " Governor ot Ber. muda In expiring and he is to be suc- ceeded by Sir Joseph Amer. I A despatch from Washing l ton says: - The Annapolis Naval Radio Station has suc- lceeded in flashing a time sig. vnal around the world without irelaying, using a wave length Iof l7,l45 meters. This was announced to the Horological Institute of America, by Dr. Paul fiollenberger, of the Na- val Observatory at George- town. The current literally wrapped ittelf around the world, completing a surround- ing embrace in the fifteenth part of a second. TORONTO -- -_- --.- "r""""'""-"'! Flashed Radio Message , Around the World3 .umww, o0C.---A recent sale ctl Canadian Burley tobacco in England! at prices of M cent; per pound am]. upwerd attracts attcmion to the tu-f bacco industry in, this province. The! high fertility of the soil, with aft-mm! Toronto, thc.---.: Canadian: Bur'ey a at prices of M on: upward attracts at: ) Quebec, 1ke.--Further imn of French Canadidos of the text/le cti:eratives in New States is reported, In addition who have moved back to the of Quebec it is stated that 350 have left for Alherea am chewan. '--- -""-." nununy we C,2','J'"lfr'.' has ttusd. . pre'.imaarv) Vtuteomrer Govermtteett%bol." bureau mm of $5,000 to provide techlnimvlj has gem, eight hundred men to the Cmstruetton in the fiehine industry. It: Prairies. . is proposed to give inmtruetiom, in the, Edhtontov, AyitAeeordine to the handbing and repair of gas engines5 mail Revived: from the far north the and in eurirtami packing fish. The _ Put winter hu prawn . most sum-es:- l grant will be increased if interest is; ful one to the Indiana and Erkimo shown in the eurmss. l "Imam. and. MAJ __A,1 - - t V._ I"..- "IV w "n mine vanfm to parties intending buil'iian thousand: more men fo Already 19 applications have beenfon the firms. Wage. h made for Loans. The maximum inru'eased, according a amount in $8,000 for each. 5 “men“ being made a Hum-x, N.S.--The Nova Scout! eo It month with Pe LstrieatuA, has made a pre!im£mry§ Vmcouver .Govemmeut' grant of $5,000 to pmvide {RPhn-ivnvlt has mm- "M ““4"“ ,--_-.. _ my: aunt. he ’dcscmded at Heep Hole Cove, where he took on the return mail and flew back to Botwocd. Charlottetown, P.Et.-At a specin!‘ meeting of the City Council the How: intt Bill received its third reading and, a commissioner was appointed to, bandit: the scheme. The city in bor-l “nrll'aua (tn AM . . . _ in the morning, his thet hhding l then Proceeded doscurded at Hoe he took on the P back to Botmd. Charlottetown, I mania-1803 of the striking .eratives in New Engluni 'eported, In addition to those moved back to the Province y anncil. unless Par-l 80,000; 5|th the proposed letter! ted, In addition Ti"iiiiiiil . Victoria. 'id-r-tmera; production ed back to the Province! "t the Fromm of British (‘th in sated 'that 350 families; P21 mounted to $28,066,641, accord. Alberta and 83.591531»; pe lo t‘hfgnvmal report of the Dena"- thah From WW i ull' PM with plan”; 153.593 day, 'ashing- ,’ A ,_... n... .-z uvrln we fish. _" The! put winter hu provgn . most ef':".""-- interest isi ful one to the Indians and Erkimo trams, and: good caetehee of furs are tttti tion reported. Bounding prosperity in, the 1e t'l'J'lti',1 far northhnd in the keynote of all , End“: adyjees received. V - ---" vvww, xwm letten. 100,000, and alarms 50,000 liable: I won). _ A dumbed: from Mn nnznm? 1tltrtteoytacGrLiG'iii; nut tteeyjtte.aiFar"2ToCi Ln..n.-__,.. __, "7* -'-q. - 104-; stttI,unaSiiitrsiritre'.ii';) 20,000 whim: l “0.. L. a“ .. - -- ran-mm Soviet Telegraph and CC51t. . and Pom: Rate Schedule _ 'i't,'rc? Bitchy, mailed in her lines at muni-l esipat pier hue and headed for the te,g"ltttPettyetAtifiufilrii; British his where, on Kin-ale Hend.‘ she win attempt. to recover gold, ail-f var und jeweiu which went down with,! (In ill-laud Lusitlmil. seven years' ago. At Philadelphi- she W1 take I .7 -- awn-“Ill! nf. a“: tog: Nam” new“! MW Next Fall. Buds-v. LiL, G, LH.tflt t slung-J The COW. tion e r In”. r. ' Will Attempt to iiiiLe, Lusitanin Valucbles we worst cases, within half an hour. Dr. liven imisa, that mind-nod might in . bedroom is a better gummy of not than total darkness. Bath and Viola: Rays $250 for the memorial He guys that his Majest admirer of the British and is doing his utmost, Siamen to study him. I' Translating Shakespeare's , Work, Into Siamese m balm] $0'00 as the Shah 11nd I . - "’ "'"'""'"r"*H ma-‘ 'CTI'."""'. w move, 5 mg to the annual report ofthe Depart/ not give m, “It wo< 5 ment of Mines, Wed in the Provincial! .ood," Wrote Scot: leeiafature by Hon. W. M. Sloan; tent to hear our t'ottt I Minister cf Mines. The mm hum-..“ conversation " A dtspatch from rim must-lure by Ron. W. ”181an: tent to heu- our song Minister of Mines. The total tonnagc' "onversatiom" of ore mined in the province during! To. the s‘ndems of the pal-st year Watt 1.562.653, having vertrity the famous a gross Value of $12,929 .898, and wirhl Pluvked the human h (le glitter gold in Iota? 1alue of SH.- wmu over stuod for I as a prawns] my Shakespeare Birthp'e, , for the memorial i moist! Whom. be]; " “Wat uh from 1she 'lt ti ‘ more men for oprt'ne M mm. WIM have semen-ht ', .emrrdine to report, en- ' being made " from 335 to tics majesty is an uden! British nahfoml poet Cures Insomnia a acclaim; sent If a cheque for errntribution to :p‘ace Trust and a] theatre fund. ban-den my to induce we. _ cosrdiiFCriiciumvs - 7,- -. le mums NW". [M M tmetiUemtrnt by the Br,..he, _'Ltie1rinuGiriri'dr.,'r, jrw, gdx-y of esre0gttrmtee beauty an “no; i mr part- Alone In an to roan-um "'ltr, of fines. "dd-'- " their 'ret i 4 an? I tar. It“. to Rh Alexa". ie, sf Jno-lluh. will his place can; in June. -- -""-'""i. "I" a in the judging contests. win“ first prize in Individual standing “all as cOau. awards. .. - --- - no: "In!” or aroma: “our 3: and: and t e excel cc of WI col- leaes of the Dominion no then " the Chicago Intentional Livestock Exposition' when the Ontario Agricul- tural College at Guelph. the Karim Agriculmnl Collette " Winnipeg, my! the Mid Anioultun! Collar nd, Quebec diner-ed themoelvu with glory in the iudeinsr “in“..- -t.-1_, a% bu "resrhiLTu"'iie"r' - ._.,,uuu5 Mr\("- dam and beads of Mate Ittrt,uef., Europe have been ifmiteri. King Pentium and Queen Mam. “lauded the theore just before the u... brtetirq of the War“ War. and tho 'ttttttint-, of the 'vtruttttle made 1' New to ”(page the coronation tron m to m. Autruot 16, rim n be but: fitiauly than fer the up: c. in the waiver-(y of Rama-154's vanirv into the in. “a ChtWntt of g: 31. sxmnun- " Iv, a.” “as have hem and» for. 33%th (£53., (tyres. has been lhe fi - . C,l',,ultff,t 31"..“ t.he 9““! of Ind Queen lane of 'r wilt mite pflce in the Will wwl'ili‘ian on . we of Iavishm What de we plan; uh I (we? - .’ A thousand boom 7m" i'" plant n spire to Cr”, 'We plant I staff for i that. I We plant a shade. from The rat tor; We pk: nt I We plant ire" doom We plant a A keel, We plan We I p! We 1‘}: Wh vamo l tailed. shoved of the worth a moral-£7. ment and 'uer'ma, ll knows its {Unite of tl “1000 “WW1; But it was good to " be n'I-ve, good to live to Mk. " "Oh, to be . {no have of Joumarun, , again!" Nothing in If. mt foetuese ri,i,sp,'Lritrfiiia7i'si'l'i'aTlli'h'd2','g of the days When he wu poor and hu 1 why "u still to make. I Them, " an instants-o! high courage l in a "r-... “All I . pl-nt all'mealm when use! m 4; 'urrerettt tUH, he db: . letter Captain Scott. of the Amman. mute him, when theott knew dead: noon must com. 8mm. their feet from. pout-Hem to move, the heme, would not ttive in. Nt would do your heart. good,” wrote Scott, "tar be in our tent to heu- our mugs and our cheery ('on\7m=-an- " p Whéi 05M CW", eosHug mil.1ior.m of I been mpecWFy thew-(vi in the awning of Europo ihd queen and King Fenla- ' [Imam Pwrliament Mu mu vmmbs or In “chm ttni- y the famous writer who has ad the human heart string: the over stood for great “hive- and an improsaive material a. But he knows--, tho heart 1 in; bitterness and a man is of the d'oss he carries -how he by "hut he has to-day. He He suf.rcset He kept on. He I the same valiant unio‘it as that , oxp'an r. His whim- "'gaws thrors, J'te'tieecot “my; U I and r I hon Museum . has" u live hem and.» f pl!"- am the ow 55-5-0051.“ house “alumna mum fo , the 'mitrine 54 plan tit? I: n he (if Kine of Rugriansa. JhGi PM“ jvvmh _., mrittttind th'. when the Ot P heart of ther 3t Alps, will be my: and "my own in the Bar d prov H en ry A ble y. 'e Ham? We daily the frerco my. yul ur roan We Plant ry ci im 0 sow t l" pin the " "I. that "w- N he He He Ft tte,

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