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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1922, p. 5

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r Beet ed. Mange] If” . ht Nt System Dad Hour hunt Inch ». On nub to- urh eed and ttrn CBS ed acks. 3.75 included Inciudcd angel nln or pkg. 1922 Week SO am :3" orn etc m (tt ' M m W "cu m (tt m In ttN 'tt ca Western canadallour Mills Co., Limited Use this coupon. Have your grocer ai forward books to your More Bread THE With the purchase J"iusiir: yourGrocer MAY 18, 1022 These dealers will be glad to sign your Purity Flour Coupon. "It in true economy to use Greening’a Las Poultry Fence. You save lumber because to]: end baseboard: are unneceuery. Even and galvanizing before weaving gives long life. The construction and 2 inch parallel wiree keep fence tight and in shape. Heights from " to " inches. Sold by hardware dealers. B, GEEEMNG WIRE DURHAM Mrs. A. Beggs a Son HAMi'iiiri"" - . . Easy to control ie:lays flat m Purity F Ioui. cooir ii"i,ok and Home Account Book to sign and is entitled to Free Copies of the PURITY 2f,YR Cook Book and Purity Home Account Boo . Mail coupons to Toronto the coupon and get the warrmmnwmnzmmslygguLEQMIwMEflâ€"afiw FREE hen you unroll it. IRE 0.0., LIMITED CANADA 'urchased PURIUFLDUR If THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT sign it. Mail to us and we will It home prepaid. . I Lay Flat no top nil. and heavy '. The joint by foupon N o. 1 your l Seeding is pretty well done as the {weather was so fine all last Week and was the appearance ot being sothis (week also. Some are preparing to l plant their potatoes this week. Grain what was suwed 10 days ago is quite green new. Sweet clover has a good sppesrenceso far and meadows are fairly good ior the 15th May. Low ground is drying up test and an be cultivated Well now. The cry ol scarcity of feed is beginning to be a l ; . Ajoint meeting of Presbyterian: Ennd Methodists will be held in the ‘I’rcsbyterinn church here on Friday evening, 26th May at 7.30 for the ”new of voting on_union between these bodies and A large attendance 11mm both congregations are urgently requested to attend on this important occasion and all concerned should take!!! the matter eerionliy in a chriltien spirit. One may say"l am of Paul. another may say I am of Apollos. de" while all are aiming to be members of the same church in the herenfter. um and" we: Mother's Day in the Preebytertu church here and was lonely attended. Mothers and [children were to be congratulated ;for the privllege of being spared to intend ntthis service. The pastor 'fcellngly spoke of a mother', love to [her children and the service was ! well conducted by children and pu- I tor. Better Bread q tor. let Spud" Wu PRICEVILLB AND {Gum i,rg.ttr.gtggpy1iriirqiiii.iii mgwfim l The Women’s Inetitnte held their mane! meeting " the home of Mia, Esme Burnett. Mn IO. Centre Grey Dlat tunnel meeting in to be held in Hopeville I‘ueedny, Jane 27. Th. Institute have completed a plenum Ind profitable "" and the follow. in unicorn were appointed for the en- 1 suing your: Pr”. Mn Alex Run-ell t l lat Vice, MrnE Hookridge t 2nd Vice Mn J no. Seott ; 8sts'y True. Mine B. Soott: Diet Rep. Mine Jeeeie Rune" t Diet Dlrcetor. Mn J. Sineleir: Dir- ectors. MN Joe Clerk. Mitten More Russell nnd Jennie Black. . 'e r. U. James, Asst., e ine . h Mr W. Weir, .Darym, y." R Ron-‘5 of municipal 1'diWr'lfewrol'l-ta,gt wish Jr. museum Ednat Dixon were; or $16 per day. . i the inmn o the wee: at , IlhtS 'll'll'1%'l..' g I EUGENIA SALARIES It the wonther 'ott.tititty (usable, , (Free house, light and heat, extra) the lumen of this ti.oiuitt will soar F. D. Berry, Supt., 81075 for 5 mos. plate seeding operuxona this week. (J. E. Patterson. Operator 81890 for no mn- 111----.- t...:..». L-I.I -L . l an. __.Inn A .. A Messrs Mina Ind Manual Gamble, also Manner Oswald Dingw-H. are, we are pleased to hear, able to be around again utter suffering from potutyytit.e. - . -- W Mr J, Sinclair. ’Yeovn, has we} “aiming his son John for se veral days my: acedjng. Mr E. Hookridge has returned from a busmeas trip to Manitoulin Id. Muses Ruby Webster, Guelph and Ettis McInuea. Toronto, have return- ed to their respective homeaco assist. the home folk. Mr W. Mchchnie and wife were Sunday visitors a: W l" McLean's. Mr and Mrs Wm Burnet and tam. ily have moved trom the village to their tarm home on the 9:h non for the summer season. IrScnnley Buckner and wife tbre over from the west and have been visiting at the home ot his father, Mr John Beckner. Ma D. Scott and duughter Janet, Preston, are on 3 Visit to her datuth. ter. Mrs Roy Dlnzwall and other relatireg. The titat Dr that came to Price. Ville was DrSeaman in 1860 ; in 1805 the late Dr Ghenzcame and Dr Burns at the same time. Dr Bennet, Dr. nixon. the late Dr Boyle. The well known Dr Barton. now of Durham. camein Jane 1888. just in time to See the corner stone laid of the Presbyterian church. Dr Dixon, now of the west followed, then Dr. Lane of Toronto, Dr McLean for a' short time and lustly Dr McFarlane, I who left on week ago. And last bat not lens; was our Jade physician, Dr. Builder. now Mrs (Rev.)Camp- bell. Dr Blunder was very success- 3 fttl in her treatments also. i l The sick people are getting better As we have no doctor now in Price. ville, everybody must keep as well as possible. A good opening for the tight M. D. Prieevilre was always supplied withgmd docnors during the last 60 years and it is to be hcped that some good M. D. will make it a point to come and test Prieevilie's good qualities. Mr Thog Fergusnn is busy besmify- ing the graves in Me.Neal's cemetery Thee Nichol has a large gang of men and teams on the good roads east of Priceville. Reeve McCuaig attended Council meeting at the Town Hall, Glenelg, last Saturday. lo looking " the past and the many years that have intervened, will brine to Mr McNichol‘u memory. the time when in outcompeny, We walk. ed tothe old kirk at the old grave- yard in Prieerille, to listen to the old language. the Gaelic, at 11 o'eloe.k and English at 2 p In. Mr McNichol led the singing once in Gaelic. end your scribe being a little more fluent, led twice in that language. This was reversed " the English leivice, I Mr MeNicholleedIng twice and your I scribe once. This was in the time. of the late Rev. Domud Fraser's mia. I istry in the old kirk when a student I there. Mr Alex McDoneld who visited his son and family, J. L. at thtawa,re. turned a few days ago and reported havinga mod time. J. L. is not feeling very well but hope he will be Well soon. While there Mr Me. Donald visited our old friend, John McNichol who has alwnys hind re. membrancee ot Priceville and vicln ity. Mr Mchchol taught school in the old section. No 2, Durham Road, Glenelg, in the year 1865 when a young man and boarded at the writ. [ tst's old home. I It seems they have either a feast orafamine in the west. as new in I some parts they are nearly drowned out. We have some cfonr hen-est friends in that vicinity so are natur- ally somewhnt anxious about their safety. They are 40 miles westcf Brandon, nest thte River and Riv- ers and the tiooda would hardly get down that tar. Sacrament will be dispensed in the Presbyterian Ch. here on Bandar, 28th May and Preparatory service on the previous Fridsy at 2.30 p. m. I .VV..‘...._.w ,ruuu (11.1]! I Tle U. P. o. held their monthly 1 A discussion as to inequalities ofin. meeting. Mondny. 15th imst, for fren- "r.".setion brought a speech from Mr El- an] haunt 'vithe.on. the matter which furnished Rusted: Bros. suited in the .‘ much information cream business this Tuesday a. In.. THE AFTERNOON 16th May. I This session was presided over by Mr. U.yttyy, Elle! have either a feast 'f,,o.lylhttrate, the__new President. On the thing of the put “My good. HOPEVILLE Tm.- DURHAM Iuil1milw ls pasture is now N. D. Ellis, operator, $781.94 for 10 mos A. E. Plewes, " 8-546 66 .. 7 mos J J. Eyln. " 859871 " 8 mo: J. H. Corkill. patrolman 815m for 10 mos G. A. MIcNaught patrolman 81560 for 10 not. TORONTO I mos. or 8189 per month. not 8145 as stated at meeting. K. S. Gemmel. ottice assistant and oper- ator. "340 for 10 mos. Chan. Palmer, oporuor. 81540 foe 10 mo: C McD White, operator, $1200 for 10mm W. J. Smyth. " 8780 " 10 mos A. B. Cough. " 8998 " 10moe L. Latimer-, plant patrolman men for - 10 mol. f The Gov't pays the cost of preparing :estimaies for any Township which asks i for them, but which fails to take power. " In all, the day was one of enlighten- l ment, but many of the delegates are yet unconvinced that the system is being ‘economically managed, and that there ‘could not bea substantial reduction in 1 operation and maintenance co-ts. ( Two resolutions Were unanimonsly l carried. One that thanks be conveyed ,to the engineers for information given, l ,that a certitUd local inspector be ap- l pointed In each town, that the Commis- , sion send a representative to towns de- lsirous ofit to explain system, that the , 1Eugenia Ass'n meet at least annually, and a statement showing detailed iii/is) ‘of operation and revenue be submitted to each municipality. This was moved by l Dr Campbell, Markdale and J. D. Mc-l McDowali. Dundalk. The other, that the hydro muuicipa'i- ties appoint a representative on the Hy- dro Electric Power Com. of Ontario. moved by A. Filshie, MtForest, and Dr. Hacking, Tara. Holstein is provided for litt h. p. but uses only 10,therefore their rate is away up. Any new municipality taking Hy- dro power, must pay its whole cost. and have sufficient signatures for it, to rec- ommend construction of lines. The rate to municipalities is based on horse power actually used and upon car- rying costs. Kincardine centracted for 35011. p. and use. only $l25; their rate ot 348 thus produces a large deficit which will considerably boost it. ozner t e line8,300 h. ilcoul be 3v l- I Grand Valley-- J A Richardson. H ‘ Oped. p p I d d e 1&0Ljnding. J H Donaghy. F J Wilton. Three other alternatives for su , l rin . I aker. I additional power would be ; 'i'1l'f'/dtrg Holstein-G T Calder, H M Lamont. frequency changer set at hit Forest and Arthur- D T Small, J M Roach, H J I connect upl'rum Hurristnn with Niagara Colwill. A Chambers. l 'system. 2-By another plant with 2.400} Durham -- TAllan. C Elvidge Wm more h. p. at Port Severn. 3 --l)y building Laidlaw Wm Calder Dr Smith ' a plant on Suugeen at Port Elgin. l , ' " . _ l C, i ,,, , . h There is no pros Ject of deer ase . 1ye y,oyd- John A'pate, ' n 1 . '...: I _'. e b itt Parker, A. F. Armstrong, Jus. Mchden. Pteluntil deficits are wiped out. Dar-I eh , w , , d I ll . , hlam is nowlpnying >550 per h p-87 more 1 Phclriit."gs.- v. Gray C. J. la iday, U. than actua cost. A surplus of SBOOO‘ . . . , . . ' lgrusi or $1400 net accumulated last year! Einghyt1-rt, B. Fs1li.o.tt, , m. Holmes and nlter this year it is hoped Durham's I H. Campbell, W, A. Galbraith. deficit will be cleared and rate slightly Marlaiale-i9r. L. S. Campbell. Dr J. Ie/l/gif,,.,,. Dorian"? assets are $29,913 A, McArthur, T. H. Rehurn. Wm. an It! lilies t .379. Walker. Municipalities are now paying for two Tara-- Dr J. l. tl.acking, J. Hamilton, olants--puine off debentures of present E. J. Madill, J. E, Grant, J. Watson. plant, and setting aside depreciation Chatsworth-S. H. Breese, G. W fund for new plant, besides paying all Collins. maintenance charges. huh" " . ..', “-‘- " “ . . .. power t)tttibuiionirithirii'er or $22 per day. CJames, Asst.. engineer in cl of municipal ttnd-rural work-t or $16 per day. -"e -"'._.e.. a.» 'll‘lC\l ham is now paying >550 per l: than actual cast. A sum gross or $1400 net accumulai and after this year it is hope deficit will be cleared and , reduced Durham's assets and liabilities $24,379. a mam on buugeen at Port Elgin. There is no prospect of decrease in rates until deficits are wiped out. Dur- ham is nowI paying $50 per h p--87 more an". .......- __, . _ _ Three other alternatives for supplying additional power would be; I-install frequency changer set at hit Forest and connect up from Hurristun with Niagara system. 2-By another plant with 2,400 more h. p. at Port Severn. 3 -ltv MUM".- Totalcost of Eugenia power in 1921 was $232,319 21 and total revenue 8210, 180.30, showing a deficit of $22,139.21. Total horsepower used 4.693: present capacity is 5,500 h p., by installing an- other pipe liue8,300 Ii. p.could be devel» oped. The tie line between Eugenia and Severn systems cost $92,000 and 79.000 in revenue had been obtained from it in three years. The capital investment of the Eugenia system was 82039,386, doubled since I916. There were 164 miles of line and ll sub- stations to start with, there are now 290 miles and 23 sub-stations. The total operating and administrating expenses (last year were $62,171) for the system. Total operating salariel were $13,8gi.o3. Supt Berry receives salary of $215 per month or $2580 per yen, with free house light and heat; 7 years ago he received 890 a month. Chief Operator Patterson gets $145, patrolman 8120 to $125, operu- I tors average $9l per month, all with free house, light and heat l l THE AFTERNOON I l This session was presided over by Mr. b 3 John Legato. the new President. On the 'iplatform were three engineers of the i l Provincial Hydro, Messrs T. C James, i R. T.Jeturr, H. C. Don Carlos and So- I' licltor I. B Lucas. The nominating ‘committee had brought in a searching series of questions which were taken up I serintim and answered by Mr. Jeffrey who invited adtiifionalque"stioL on any- thing obscure. He got them too in abun-i dance, some of them not in good temper, i but he handled his matter well, even I though not always convincing. , Mr Lucas had congratulations on their 'having organized-the first system in i the Province to do so and just what Hy- , dro wanted, He regretted neithereChiist i Engineer Gaby nor any of tho Hydro ' Commission could attend. Mr Don Carlos who is head engineer of the Operating Dept., stated he had nothing to do with the selection of his Irotheruin-iaw, Mr Berry. as Supt. of the Eugenia system. The previous Supt. had left of his own accord and Berry was appointed by the chief engineer. The pointed question list and lively die- , cussions revealed these facts. Mr Jeffrey l giving the delegates the information. il - _..- u...” nun-Iva. The proportion of head offuu, expenses charged to Eugenia system was not large, under $3000 per year. Eugenia Hydro Syétem Frankly Discussed .L'onfi'nued from Pope I me of enlighten- delegates are yet HYstom is being ', and that there Messrs T. C James, , Don Carlos and So- . The nominating ‘ught in a searching? which we}! tagen up I and iisrai year '4-;'~.A.o'. ( The Bret ttitti of the Court of Revision for & waship of Glenel. for 1922 will he] " the Township Hall in aid Townshi 1 turd-y the 27th day ofiRar I9 o'clock in the forenooii. All one having busineu It said Court wi lease take notice atttt govern theme a accord- ingly. . l Dated It Glenelg Ihle I day of; Mar 1922. - J. s. Bia 'Clerk. 1 Huh Ilellillnn had to bury onoot " lunbu loudly morning, Inppoo- edly killed by in ntomobilo. Hugh had been twice over that rand that In rntntt with " own cur. . Eddie Ferguson delivered . fitter bunch ofcnnle to John Stoddart of Pricovdlo thin weak. i M incl Margaret Aldeorn end Haz- lst Ferguson will next week an to the Elam Home. Muekoke Lake: for the summer. They have spent the honoree summers there and are de. lighted with the beauties of neture end the ole-r invigorating atmos- ptttry, - Rev. Mr. Jones last Sunday. read a citation from Orttnttevihe Presbytery i.eyere1r,. the people to attend a meeting in Swinton Park church on {Friday. May 2am, to consider the union of certain churches in thiam- "1ity--Bethel and :Salem Methodist churches and S. P. Presbyterian to be under the control ot the Methodist) church. I Ebenezer young people gave a play at Salem Methodist' church In: rtuusday night, entitled "A South- ern Cinderella.” which was much enjoyed by those who were out to see it. Barry to any notmuny were there. We no ttlad to any that little Jen tie Lane is now considered out of danger Ind the community rejuicu with the purents and other menus over her recovery. f The seeding of (rein in about our with the exception of buckwheat and other extras. a larger acreage being sown this yeurthen int. Sweet Clover ecrcuge will be stunner this ‘year. Fishing is the ruin sport end the angle" for the speckled trout are noticeable by their worried looks tor sitting on the books at the Sguzeen. Wetting in "in tor a nibble in not lemnt. Other vellum at small tlt are fairly abundant but the trout seem to have deserted fur the time! being. Glenelg Chatsworth-S. H. Bieeserd Collins. . Derby [unship -R S. Mmile. Neustadt-H, Weinert. Orangeville-A Dalglesh, W W Mar- shall, John Norris. Ripley-D Munn, A Martyn. Hanover-John Frock. H Peppler, Jno Kane. John Taylor. - _.__ ..-- v. """'"tb'i_ put:- em ', Kincardine-H T Hurdon, W S Ander- son, 1 A Armitage, H R Magwood. Mount Forest-A Filshie. G L Ernest. Dundalk - J D McDowell. Samuel Todd, James Wellwood. _ _-__. V-.......muvu:1 In (nus) $4.500 F. A Gaby, chief engineer $17 No W. W. Pope, Secy., and Solicitor 87,800. J. ly.Gilittour, treasurer mam W. G Pierdon, accountant 55.10:) H. G. Acres, hydraulic engineer, in , charge $10,800 and hundreds of others from 85,400 down to around 81000 per Innum. J. Latimer. handy man $210 for 3 mos Jartr. I'ratt,patrbunan $12.5 " I mo. CC. Wilson, " 81.175 " 10 mos OTHER HYDRO SALARIES Sir Adam Beck, chairman slum Hon.. I. 3 Lucas. Commissioner (50mm) _ l " 315i Lawn Mowers It; Step Ladders I I I Wire Fence Wa il.t Clothes Baskets _1l.) Paints and Varnishes Following is thelist of delegates pres " . , I! td. H. HARDING, DURHAM tl 'j'ye,ttt.,aaaasrss,t:......rsL.L"..roi.' " a [li' At Barding's Hardware (t "'-"--cu='--r-=="--"-"e---"e-"r-eeee-- .s's'"":ei:e6tras.s.GuTi."'iri1=iri's" a; If SWINTON PARK WM is complete. Call or telephone 68 prices are right. Make use of our delivery. You will find a complete stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Our stock of of Revision eiut-Mtu- tqtt6 g: c. L Grant t, ' Seeded Raisins... Me pkg ii, . ...............2.65“(3136 'il, I. Boys' Cautmt, Shoes ....... - * perpr............... 1.60 - ' Menu Combmntions..2.00 . ' Children's 8amhurr......... 'tt a; Gingham per yd.25 to 40c T ' House Dresses at....ti.50 . ywm-rwr iirseVirii; --the high grade business school of Ontario. Ourgraduatrs are in strong demand. Prepare now and be ready to accept a good position in the Fall. Catalogue free. Open All Year. Enter Now Practical Co-Expert Instruct tion. - Individual Instruction - Employment Department. C. A. Fleming. RCA. G. D. Flemlnl. Ladies’ hose per pr......... ............ 25c and 30e Lisle hose, pr,...50c & lilies Cashmere hose......75c pr AND further take no ice that alter such last mentioned date, the said Ad- ministrator will proceed t distributethe assets at the deceased am g the names 'entitlcd thereto.havin;: r ayd only to ‘theclanms oi which he sh I then have notice, and that the said minietrator will not be liable for the 3 id assetsor any partthereof. to any pe ion or por- sons of whose claims notic snail not havelm-n received by him the time of such distribution, DATED the 2nd day of May.‘ I). m: RutlGHT,TriLFoIti, & IRNIF1 Write tor free trial to Licmplc- ton's. 56 Colboru St., Toronto. Orant's Ad. Or Nruratgia, Sciutir c., Lumbagof The remedy is uimph. inexpen- tsive, easily taken and harmless. :In the mute t the estate of Robert ( Fisher. la of the Townrhipot Glen- elg, in the " unty of Grey, Farmer. I Deceased. I NOTICH’ish by given pursuant to the Trustei Act d amendments there- (l5.ltg all credit and others havin 1claims against I estate of the“; Robert Fisher. who' ied on or about the twenty third day " ovember. 1921, are required on or bef the first day of Jnne, 1922. to send post prepaid or deliver to Archibald rguson. th., R. R. l, Protott,ontara he Administrator of the estate of the “A deceased, their Christian and surnam .addiesses and descriptions, the full p ticulars of their claims. thestatement 0 their accounts and the nature of the urities, if any. held, by them. Rheumatism , Templeton’s Rheumatic Capsules Yam and Churles tru., Toronto Your druggist wilt in] Garden Tools Poultry Netting Washing Machines Auto Enamel "r, quart 2 7 'ri?ttt1).'ilfiir,/igty NOTICE T0 CREDITORS SOLD BY s. McBETH Owen Sound. Ont Principal ”19/1279; W. J. Elliott, Principal one 68. Our of our Town Ind day of May, . D, In: l‘,Tl£LF()RD & IRNIE tor for the Admini ralor I any a ovember. 192i, ia' or bef the tiret day of 0 send post prepaid oe ‘chibnld rguson. Esq., R. I Ontario. he, Administrator G. D. F lemme. Secretary d 3.30 at i....,.. at .. 1.60 g. -_-- ‘1' chkg . it ce that alter the said Ad, distnhutethe g the names ard only to l then have pry you.

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