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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1922, p. 7

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'anlt parties operating on ”do Like... Alberta, took out a total catch of whitefish amounting to '1%'le'l'/ pounds, or roughly 63 earioads Tint (”mare catch was (Famed of, the gwawr part going to Eastern Darwin and the United States where “Alberta _ar'v,yrfi,h" has created a mme for cl “I Brandon. Man.--Bmndoytht new gem-m; hospital. costing worl- mately $500,000 has been dick“, openmi by the Lieutenant-Governor m" the provinee. The new building is) . 'fine addition to the medical con- when?“ of the province and will ,y‘xwguatexy serve the Brandon dis- LI. ‘7. i-‘im pounds of Dough: 'fir cone! a M and a same amount of Shh} sprucf- yeed have been shipped front Tim Irrmiuior. Forestry seed extract.. u 'd plant at New Westminster. B.C., Crt the New Zealnnd Government. a h min:- shipment at the same time go. um: forward to the Australian Govern- During the past winter _th_ree fe'" " {rec last (all Prince Erie of Den-i A. has been an addition to the M farmers of Alberta when be cr; #5.st Hume" in the Danish farm ot1'.r' at Markerville with the JCI, t of obtaining first-hand 'iieiii) :9 l f farming methods as practised] Wen-m Canada. He is going west) "we! his brother. master of a wish vessel plying between the vu-M and Canadian ports, and " wt ICs inst words were: "H 1 had b “as I would never leave this prov- Did Leonardo Name America? ha “ u t'?Jtrrtt.s. " tota! of 11,850 tonsl They would disgrace the Iamnyz’ ‘r 4 won s-hipprd during: the month), mm Britain. and 22,850 was to'uA', mg: that’s sunburn-tttttt ain't Ta and Japan. The total quantityl dirt, wheat shipped through Vancouver Honest." aura" But ma.she an: mg the winter 591mm. Novembcr; The wash rug an' she scrubs an' up: 1ucvh-i.ett9:t2---is somewhat in! “Here comes the sunburn tttr-Att 'v'm , \ f 150.000 tons. or upwards of, cakes!” F WNW hushcis. l - - ..-... __-a -.-t... man. " aha an“ Western Candi I" W f mui ral ompar M a pic tt y-ono 1901. St . tivld is pruven fur-i w: mm for the field this no brought into Spiritlgz Community Drilling: 1 many formed of Eddy: " If we famous as hav- mal association auct Grass. It P Tl The Pa of grass Wheat shipments aurouvcr' during exceeded all pre- “I mix which, for the a name of America pr tttr We urg m Jolts m mkyams. us since otal of t in: 192t was the Inspector al invested in $00,000; num- v. operated 10: non employed h year. buy- Valley farm- been ted to a 2:513:22? Gee whrr' tttttttt to mucosa}. "its “me to go , . "', amassed!" muster at; Att' have to quit my mry discov- in Rome in mien "New -o.'.d edition [ 1509. ade by Law to USS br an 3,5. for the In the CAREY Y.rtatioas-alarew. B-ee-A locality. The changes which so many of the; Irish and Scottish family names have) undergone in their translation into) English are no greater than that which hug occurred in this Welsh name. For that matter, they are no greater than those which have oe- curred in many purely English family names. -- _ ' I Carew, however, is the more ancient l, spelling, and it you want to go '; straight back to the Welsh, it'sl '"Carrw." lt is a place name. the" gnome of a. famous cutie in Wales) and it has become a family name in ‘the usual way that place names have Idone. That is, it is a development of f an original use to indicate the locality E from which the individual to whom it l, was applied had some. gi to re l, The name of the castle, "Ctsrrw" is I a combination of "eaer," which means I castle, or fort, and "ew," which means ', water. . Fiir,- of Carey, or C new. tor it is spelled both ways, the preference being for th_e latter in England, is it ;;;;,T,u;,}§d'thc same in either use, that indicated by the former spelling. Sometimes the particular spelling Carey comes from a place nume, "Cary," in the parish of St. Giles, near Launceton. It also has a Gaelic origin. HEALTHY CHILDREN _ ALWAYS SLEEP WELL are a mild but thorough laxative) which regulate the bowels, swectcr/ the stomach. banish constipation, who and indigestion. and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may be given to the new-born babe with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The __-__ .=. 1' ., p_ n....,.1-.-:l:.. Br. Winiams’ Medicine Ont. A quirk --e An' let me see your ems an' neck When you get lhrougb~wash clean." Says l, "I'll wash the dirt off. every speck? An' ma But when I so an' show how clean I've washed 'em, ma says, "Mercy mo! W'r, Sam. they're trt.ai-titey'll never do. i've laid your blue suit out," say: "Your Eton collar MC your tie'. h stitt white oollar.'--haviy a h Aw. must I wear it, ma?" says WiUtt I could lay my fingers on The teller that invented close. An' dreasin' up? Jist wish I could!“ You bet I'd bloody up his nose'. _ -Rose‘.le Mercier Montgomery 'Att' iitrrt'tWrtret your nails," she says. An' brush your hair an' brush your t:at--- .ttt' brush your teeth an' brush your shoes"v- "Gee. do I have to brush all that?" An' dress up in my The Bible contains and 3.55:5.480 letters. The most prolifie ca able fires in all walk questionably the ca matches. v'vould disgrace the family!" Surnamesfihjaiâ€"dm'l'henfirwliriéiiwir EH18 NERVE NOW m-------. : manna “I Dressin' Up. Litie cause of prevent- ill walks of life is un- the careless user of Ye hear mu trail: ttow-Cori"', tmt may many best 773,748 words Brockville, ash says ma. tie!" a heart'. now "riation--Rennoids. Racial orir'tn--Emtlitrh. Bouree--A given mans. Reynolds is another cue of those family names which is traceable to an old Teutonic given name, and the spelling of that name was about as far from the modern spelling as many of the ancient Irish names do. One would hardly be expected to recognise It first glance the connection be- tween the name "Reynold" and "tte.. ognwaldr." This syllable "wald," which is an element in so many names of Teutonic origin, is not the same as the modern Gemlan word "Wald," which means "forest." It is the same as'the an- cient Gothic "valdan," and carries the sense of "ruler" or "ruling." Indeed, it is probable that the word root traces back still further, to a prehistoric _time before the original Indo-Eur- iiriin "TieThirspiit"into the Celtic and Teutonic branches, as well " into others, for philo1syrist1 tytlieve it to i,iriGGin'"' to tie Welsh word "gutsledyr," which has virtually the same meaning, However, the given name "Reogn-', waldr" meant "God's ruler" or “god-E like ruler." Among certain of the, north Germanic races it beeamo, "Reinhold" and Reinold." The Anglo-', Saxons had it as "Regnald," which un- det Norman-Freneh irdluenee develop- ed into the softer "Reynold" from which the family name has been deri ved, Five o’clock tea, which was first started in England some seventy years ago. is a custom which has spread all over the British Empire and even to tho United States and France. A more recent lnv-entlon ls seven o’clock tea. Br this I mean the cup of tea which nine people out of ten now take before getting up in the monk ing, and which is equally enjoyed by all classes of soeiety, I At. ttrst you may smile in a superior lway. but very soon you will take 10 it, and tiad that it does you good. The fact is that the climate has something to do with drink habits. iThe moist climate ot Holland causes lthls need tor coffee. whllst the dry 1heat of Australia produces the,,Ct'ar- l ing for large quantities of to: l The Russian drinks tea at all hours '0! the day, but tlte.(-up which he ap- lpears to like best is that which he {takes after supper. It is drunk with. _ out milk, and would keep most Cana. idiom awake all night; yet it certainly -' Las not that effect upon the Russlnn. Australians are the greatest ot tea drinkers. In England a cup of black cwffee after lunch or dinner is very popular, but the Australiaws and the New Zealanders greatly prefer tea. flrey drink very little coffee at any In South Africa on the other hand. coffee is the drink. The cus'tom of ttyt. tee drinking has bean imported there trom Holland. When you firsyt go to Holland, you are somewhat surprised to tiad that everyone knocks off work at eleverv oclock In the morning tor a sup ot cottee--an0 very mod coffee, too. time, my. nut, ‘vl: QUI'II ,Vu 'w... ....... --t “v. ,v_l_,_ _ t, and and that it does you good. l to appreciate this fact, inasmuch pr, The fact is that the climata lvasl this pest transmits disease for the; omethittg to do with drink habimlmost part mechanic-ally. That is, try':, I'lte moist climatn of Holland ('misesicoming in contact with exeretions or, his need for cottee, wltilst thp aivylditrereur kinds, thrown off by those: mat of Australia produces th'rct'av-lsufrerjr1S from the various communic-g in: for. large (“untitled ot" teu able diseases and then passing direct- The Russ-inn drinks tea at all. itotu's, ly from £119st to the various articles) A the Shitty“! ill:- f-Ilpuwllichl i),', Thief food, mimy of whdich afl'grd a Eavl pram 0 Hte ms is w W‘l('l te orable cu ture me ium or t P", takes after supper. It is drunk with.) germs, for instance, the milk on our [ld milk, in“! K'Ulfkli‘keoxl Yost f'iillfl‘i table and in our kitchens an? pantries.‘l chins awu ce a mgi ; yet " cor a my , While the mosquito is on y respon-‘ LILS no} um Misti 'y,li'f.. the Russian. gsible for the transmission of two dif-li I!" ignite. Hahn! 'i:'t1"ic')'tf, Portuilferent diseases, that is malaria and: ga- ' C0 FY?, is “0”“ wit t e t rst men ellow fever; and the body louse only; ot the day. Indeed, ma meal consists i 3:egponsible for the transmission of? only of coffee with milk. a roll, anal typhus fever; and the ttea that in-l, possibly a little honey: Wine is the; fests the rat for the transmission oh drink that is taken with the twelve, bubonic plague, yet the fly transmit-l o'clock dejeuner, P'? real breakfast. Hing germs mechanically on its usrs,1, ctrsmtecete.rii:,'at'irn21i'111t"itt"1 3 body, e.tcu. 11r be ir,',g,'og,',idt fy/h,,": ’ " ' ' atransm-ission a various menses. ur- ouly within the past twenty years as l thermore, the fact of it being truth a so that the people on the t (men States ' disgustingly filthy pest should more have takeu to tea. lthan warrant its extermination, even 1 o------.--------- lit it were not responsible for the l Th, Gnu-(Ln- l trausmiasion of disease. _ -- And if indeed I In some old garden thou and I have‘, wrought, l And made fresh flowers sprung up from boarded seed, l, And fragrance of old days and deeds have brought _ Back to folk weary; all was not for nought A match is struck, the weed is lit,! the user throws the match carelessly} away, a breeze fans it into a blaze', with the usual serious results. 5 Scotland Yard has records cf -00- 000 finger-prints, so perteetiy classi-i and that nnv special one can. be found Scotland Yard has rec 000 fingerprints, my pal fied that any special one in one minute. Seven O’clock Tea. REYNOLDS The Garden. --Wm. Morris How An Ontario Teacher Re. L,-,-,-;,,-."" , W l gained Good Health. It I. I J “I am a school teacher by prof-', Flutr--"What do you think or sion," says Mr. James R. Thomson. Czechoslovakia'." R.R. No.1. Centralia, Ont., “yet when Dutr-"We11, it": hard to say}: I started school teaching I was In very, --.. poor health. I suffered a nervous; She than!!! Worry. breakdown, brought on by overworki "I hear you are going to Canada with l and no relaxation. I wu unable to your husbaud,famrh," sold on mlsw think, to not. or even to ettt properly. tress to her cook, who was leaving to' Queer little prickly sensations were get married. "Are you not uervcus/ continually running up and doom my about the voyage?" 3 back. my arms and my Wig like " "Well, ma'am," said Sarah. "mava' many needles, seeming " ttmes to his lookout. I shall belong to 11ml fairly paralyze me, and often my heart and if aayt'rlrttt happens to me, it'll', was thumping like a trip-hammer: l, be his lass, not mlne!" l determined to consult our family doc-t ___,'_ l tor, and he inénlediately put me Ile,') A Woman's Reply. I orders. I ha to give up my " wi hi and return home in order to temper-l a, 2gh? no use trying to joke it I ' ate my lost health. Milk was he cbzef| The otber dar Jones- hen rd a pretty ' remedy, and I drank quarts of it; sth/ good conundruxn and decided to try it 'thoutth it helped me, it t.i.iji. not bliltri on his wlte. lee up to my normal eomli.tioee'I'ri, "Do you know why I am like a. b thing was missing; something my trys- mule?" he asked her when he went 'item was calling for, better blood. One home. .' day, when I picked up , newspaper, r, The wife did not even stop to think. f, came aero" an tsdvertisertttr of PM. "No," she replied promptly. “I .' Williams' Pink Pills suggesting Just. know you are. but I don't know why ith.at was needed m my fer-tlen-ou are," y, rich, red blood. I immediately 933‘ - - . .1 1,.A-_ ..:-: 1 :ncn. ran max». I .u.....,.._-_-, T ', for a box, and when the doctor visitedl a me, I told him I had decided to try td :Willinma’ Pink Pills and he seemed! ostrtisf1ed. By the time my box was nearly done, and I determined to Fil liiiiirtii'ed by the time I had .fus1?he1ri ithia I was gradually coming back to', ‘normal. My strength was returning,‘ Ir. could sit and walk without strain. , For the next few weeks I continued to! l take the pills, and they were working: ji'ii;iidir"i with me. My head was be-l t coming clearer, my memory batten; yand my nerves were becoming stead-l " ier, I began to go out frequently, era-l I [ joying myself. My appetite improved‘ .1 and was even better than before I had; Hmy break-down. I was myself again} i I got back my school, and to this day) t I have had no return of the trouble, " and now when anyone comes to me dwith nervous trouble, I instantly sug- si, gest Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a .l remedy, as I believe that what they 5' t did in my case they will do for others." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- tained from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. It must be remembered that the' fact that the house fly is a source of danger in the transmission of disease has never been exaggerated. It does not require any seientitie knowledge What Aiili ihe House Fly? l! Ex-Kaisér’s Cruel Conduct 4 at Father's Deathbed. The only way to eifieien'dy abolish' the house fly is to destroy the breed- ing places. However, it is well to re- member that every fly killed now may save the killing of millions within two months' time. (rviytelnt's fat.her, Friedrich III. If, this mommies. mm- being published,) l Dohme in referring to this well knownl ltiifrerettees hatwcen father ani son,' {degeribcs the sc0sh behavior ct Wil-', lhehnt, entourage on the cecas‘m of {his father's (39331, The day before he idied officers attached to Wilhelm's gsuite forcibly entered the castle and ioccupied its roams, making them- i selves at home and behaving like mas- .ters toward the attendants. "Why didn't father fall at chrth?, meaning the battle of Woerthatrtietyl,, San-er in we F'raaco-German war in', 1870, when the then, Crown Prince) Friedrich Wilhelm defeated the' French. "lt would have been lueky/', said the ex-Kaiser Withdm to his mother, the daughter of Queen Vic- tmia. acacr'd'hg t) Rabert Dohmc, who was a member of the court of m5 Illllcl'! Lg'aul. , “1' no; uyusny "", died oftieers attached to Wilhelm's' flesh of shr,llfish red cr pic suite fercibly entered the castle and” harder qucstion to tttrrw occupied its roams, making them/ihe 90%" comes from ty selves at home and behaving like mas-L shc'ifish ML ters toward the attendants. l Not 1m"; ago chemists The castle was surrounded by partner: ct Agriculture t troops under the command of wii/icr rammed some pink l helm's friends, who cut the caatle off lad heir: hand in Lang f from all communication with tC/ri/li/ire/ro that they \" neighborhcod, While Kaiser Friedrich The chem-1: su;rzo=..:-:l 1 was dying nobody, not even physicai the bright hue cf the irrcy iar.s, ccuid enter or have without ”by 5003 thr.! “0:117:19: F:rrait trum Wilhelm's friend; tbs-JEN and cle:' :'.-.v Dohme corcludsr. "How the court. oeryt':sr'.s. had changed! A mild regime gave: -----4 -- place to the sword. One could imag-‘, Minard‘s Linimcm tor"sar: inc cr.eseif in the midst of Rustin!" l - _. . STRONG AS Mill, no who make good use cf their are "an: tn spare. omnibuses of Landau ti;vc:i, It In. Flub---"What do you think Czechoslovakia'." Dub-"We11, it'tt hand to say.'.' She Mould Worry. I "I hear you are going to Canada with _ your husbaud,famrh," said on ml»; tress to her cook, who was leaving to. get married. "Are you not uervcuaa about the voyage l"' 1 wig”; W , __ n u ' 'JV‘I- I w.- I-‘l-v-v - v.7 Well, ma am. [said Sarah. teS'iiriGitG m so bad I wu almost! his look-out. I shall belong to him,) t I tl, and if artytyyintt happens to me, it'll _a mid to out for everything d sugree I be his loss not mine."' with me. Mr liver got to troubling me‘ ' "L lil; and min: in my side msarly run, ' ' me wild. Nearly every night my sleep Th : Worn": in”? l ke with was broken by terrible headaches. l a. arena tIO use y " o o "I took the ttrat home at T'nntae to “W . pleas my human. who worried over The other day 30“" brat: 'l, Tent); i my can. but my second bottle I took troad eomutdrum and dec d o " ot my own accord tor I wu beginning {Mums wire. . _ lie 1 to feel so one. 1 have n good appetite w fe,,'",',)', know wtrr I am e ti now. out anything, and have no mom ‘mule. h" asked her when he went ' trouble from name or BIQGD‘BSSDMS. home. 7 ll think Tanlac is woaaerfttl. The other day Jones heard a pretty good conundrum and decided to try it on his wife. "Do you know why I am like a mule?" he asked her when he went A school inspector in the North ot England asked a child in a primary school to tell him as nearly as pos- sible what he understood a pilgrim ta 1 Worked Both Way. f, 1 “Here’s a wonderful thing!" said) l, the fascinating widow. “I've just been' 1 reading about a man who reached the: '; age of forty without learning to not [or write. He met a woman, and fox-1 .her goke he studied hard and made a 'iholtur of himself 'm two years!" I l The disillusioned suitor smiled, isour,ly. I i “That's nothing," he said. "I know ',') a man who was a profound scholar at lforty. Then he met a woman, and Her her sake made a foul of himself lin two days." be. "A pilgrim is a man who goes about a good deal,"_wu the reply. F 5‘"- --. _ - - This seemed hardly satisfactory to the inspector, and he said: “I go about a. good deal, but I am not a pilgrim." Huh I ‘11... u... "Please, sir, I mean a good man," was the eager addition, One on the Doctor. A Dublin physician, attended by / number of medical students, was mak-1 ing the round of his ward, and stopped I be.s!de a bed whereou lay a man willy a very prominent chest I The physiHast, havmg elicited fromf the sick man the fact that he. was in! the habit ot playing a wind lustru-l mom. went on: I ' -.. - __.l I o . A910. [JUL ,lu.‘L as hm“ M- r‘ " s'_rk ' 1 Why the Salmon " Pink. :usin’g MINARIrs LINH'AE.NT trut' l Men of science were long pursortteelfsittee?. Every lmzicllmil Dial” ‘to know why the various Evalmons 9111 £223” MW"? 1iyy.s, 9f loll" 'mlmm’ ltroust have red or pink ihnsh. New y. “a.” i,jlriirurws.:oN ythey belleve that [he color comes See, Armstrong ll. S i,/sC'ci"..iii"iiiin, from the food that they eat. All of!, . _ [ the salmon family aroparticularly fond ;â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘â€"â€"'“"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ot shellfish; and trout eagerly feed on ' n.1,... than: ." “can I fresh-water sheimp. It is well known Book on I that when lobsters. prawns. and ) shrimp are cooked the fl,2.elt turns 139312353353 ', pink; similarly? $10) proofs: l film-s- Ite.' 5'”?h‘° t,',"id',t ltion turns s {-1.st hing. Then a b" a AU or, ‘. . . , . . w, qt G H shrimp ls found m the stomach of A' s"er1',,t1TAt'r.e'l" _ salmon or a trout the gas-trig juices cf, I New York, ”IA. , the fish have turned it, almost as red " 'l-l-' r',sfll' pink as if it had boon boiled. '; Therefore, even if we had no defioite OOARSE SALT a proof, we might believe that. the color w; 101’ the flesh of salmon and trout rc- L A N D , s A LT _sults from the considerable quantities Bulk Carhtttt [or various ,mall s'rr"fisl that tho TORONTO 'ALY WORKS 'l fishes oat. ' A / c. J. cu" . TORONTO V a N __ _------------ ,, """ro, "buy u... “Yes. yes; all that patting and straining 55 most prejudicial to the lungs, most: prejudirial." “What wind instrument used you to may?” he asked, addressmg uw pa. tient. To the huge delight of the students, the patient replied: "The concertina, sir." But there is definite pram. ',f7f,"/j"l years ago Professor Leger (I use Pis- cieultural Laboratory at, Gr,-nots.) France, made oxperitv.ecis with trout] to determine what gave thfr flesh its color. He separated the tags from one trout into-two lots and hatched, them in difrevent traughs. He fed, one lot of young fish exelusivel7 on fresh-water shrimps; to the oiher Ut' We gave no shrimps whatever. At' Hhe end of the second year the Maui 'that had fed on shrimps htrl Memen- i'calorcd fleelt, but the flesh " thr- ;cthw treat was perfectly while. ', But same cne may ark, Why i: “w- (flesh of shellfish red or pink l' T) 2: ir, ‘a harder question to amwer. Pcr‘unm Iihe wim- romes from the food We l.ehcHfish out. l Not long ago chemist: of do. De. , o:artrcor'. d Agricuiture at We:" My Mmerd‘s Linimcm tor"saie cvtu'nn! TORONTO or Frau , had fed on shrimp: and Bach hut. the Amended. IT We 1003 Itt" in: of tl,o, De. ):‘e at Werr.ire- ink ny.c'tr1 H111 at 35:; sl, STEJ‘J .th "Por - the months More Ink-l r , in: Tanlac I had to live on milk Int ”Nicky water t]ono."sdd Mme. Louis: ts/ Brochu. 1306 Amity Bt., Montreal, Que. i “I mum so much we pest “an Jain": l In- almost a wreck. My ut-l, . ”Han-(Inn m {an had I wu onosti, But Now Manual Wm at. Anything and Feets Fine " the 'hue-ah" Tull” Full Mt. From the pocket. (luhl'ight operated by two or three dry cell: of minute size the battery searchlight has been steadily :lmproved until remarkable results are obtained. Some time no there “I; devised a soarchlight of 500 foot tinge operat- ing on six or eight volts. More reeettt- ly a battery searchlight has been in- troduced with a range of 2,000 feet up to half a mile, operating on sis volts. Equipped with a seven and cue-half inch adjusubie focus, single} shell reflqetcr, on a reeent photo-l meter test one ot these 'ciiuiiirTi/ gave 453 candle-power. l __ ’ - .. ,,,, 1111-1A 5...- --- W--"'.'-"" _. The eombiration of a itrogon filled tumpsten lamp am a J,t'dif design- ed reflector has worked wonders for the battery operated "archlight. MONEY ORDERS. It is tiny: safe to uni a Dominion Express Money Order Hm Dalian was three ('cnu. Tanlec is sold by all good dragging Life‘s simplest "I have done only one thing in my life; tn will rround."---voltaire. O. M ePherson, Furniture In Minard's c, Yarmouth, NS Dear Sirs,---Smce the star: of th, baseball season we have been hindered with sore muscles, sprained ankles, ete., but,htsCe.eooyc'yhy,',", flax-uni kindly friends. Nature's sweet (harm or earth and sea and sky; Madness of soul that w'uh right liv- ing blends-- Home's dear content. m cheap my all may buy. Searchlight of 500F001 _.,..liiii,i,r,., WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you ire not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain AUDI mann'mu um t " Deaiel Lament. and How to Food Mann! Fro. to any AB. dron by the Author. I. on; an": 00.. he. :39 “on: um may: New York, (LI-A. Ripley D. Saundvr M ade mark Iron-urea "A tw.uyticorid, WM: net-fa. Hw putstte In: bose, of 12 d U ado FL: A mmlron a Ind” all"? love; mible e the Headache Rheumatism Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Pain, Pain tablet, -hlstt bottles oi 24 and loo-thuge, “and in (“new of Bayer “cm Wt!” " u r.rtt known my Alp he :91ch imitation; (3.: Tnbn- . " 1.011. and; mark. th. "is: ‘r C Bl and 4...7WIL|. ANSWER ru--'. ANY woman "'/f, wan mums To gland my riding the ous at the Iprhmonumnohrbuluo ainserted into rubber block: instead I of metal connections. Mlmrd's Liniment Renown Mural.“ Montreal, o.uebee--"I “I: a stat. ferer Mr three year». no; ahlo to do my housework. My husband we! diiseouraged, for l “as no better and 1 had had me doctor all tttlg time I“ Inolhiug twlpod me. I was away. 1 sleepy. had no appetite and mien! 'wlth my left “do. My mother ll l England recommended Lydia K. lPlukhlm‘a Vegetable Compound bo- lause It had helped my ulster. so I l have been lawns lt. I am new IMO l " do my housework and I an an l pulse your medicine ton highly u t have great hopes for the {sums I will tell anyone who writ"s ta mo , what good it has done [law-Mat. tB. .stsox, St. Henry P. o, Montreal. ' For nearly: any yum Lydia R. , Plnkhlm's Vegetable Compound has 1 been homing women_ juhl all, " Montreal Woman Fin, Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Cuticura Tdilel Trio Satisfies.e.vc.ry want of the most critical in c1cansing, purifying and beautifying the skm and complexion. Nothing purcr, sweeter or mgre c fectivc tor awry-day toilet purposes. 800.2%. own-human we. Mc. Cold iiriGiagr?ut.jlttetgjrtig11s Sagan: Dry: uunuguuul _... yuan“. _.., ---e. V. _ F I. ”and. '" M. Pal a... . . Manual. 'dillFelall'21'l Sup shun. without nu; "Wu nx . nu... .7 _.,.V,__ _ helped ii//i'. Manon: oftentimes atlqe doctors and other medicines tailed. - . --- -_“__ Ax“.\-....- " you‘re sutteritut from disagree- able symptoms caused by some {MIMIC weakness, try this sMendid tutydicittm It Is 1 woman's medicine tor women‘a anmenm. and cm be taken in safety by my woman. can” ot Im- un J."rr".trttt 'urer JPY"' trawl-1 Finds

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