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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1922, p. 8

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one of the finest cullcctlons in (xistcnce, and the only one under mums, uvlnpr gnu mungtrange and remarkable CUHUSIUCS from all putts of the globe. Native “rapt-u from all par" ml the would A complete cone ‘tmn of fireaims of all ages. Strange and curious Miles from the far, mysterious Orient. and many more, Amazing, Educational. Imrtrtanive.' tr Don’t Fail to Visit Summer's Museum Have the Time of your Life in the union-an imn Band, and ackr tor decu.ra I: d and See It in all Equipgml with fine»! p, World’s Largest a An Amusemr‘nt Enterprim Capital. and manned by n any other .Mtr called Canal! 'cttsc The One Best Place to 7 BIG DAYS in Durhan; May 17th to 24th I The Pioneer Clean _ - _ .v-InvllIA‘u The following math is the per each received. Sr IV Arthur 9ervrt 79, Non-1:2» Sh "wide as. Wilh - A .. . -- Palmcr's Famous Bperiafmbq in (hue two br; (on-net.) lactation. tearhers ", Indnvnduul instru sun , rapid progress. Entel Swim! course for Farmer: 'itlfteririgp S'enography AT Home? roads? tiih." 'ositive ly f) v; -...PW.. or. ., Jr ill-Gee- Scherk Palmer's United are the open doors to [not s s so u xoiumxav '. A. TRIMBLF. noon can." School Report Hy my “new! 1nd tints! "at matrrn'nt \wishir onlcdgrd by Mueicle Ex; In gold ard either carving us magnificence and has NIGHT A VERITABLE FAIRYLAND umnueu ny n present called Canadian Ent torprise conceived and Grandest iaiuiitiGii' iytruetionUrd Enter any day 'armers' Sorta. ' Wholesome Outdoor "Trip io Mars" and Organ on branches of '3- Expert 77- Sr)"- Willie Lewis Principal mast irstrumcrt of its mind cur , n; hive over two tons and Mandi! (:J Enruls to he the last word in n "trviroo---at rviht nblnzewith elect nd hcar " not!" the latetrt hit an A 18. Mrrie" centoge :ccivcd, owned and managed by entative Canadians for the Cam: Enterprise. $l0,000 Jumping Horse CARRY Great Dog and Pony Chairman County Roads C May 16th. 1922 No 2-in the "Town ip of Sun near Desborn, brth b dges are County roads. . Plans and spety,fications: the Co, Engineer's othce, Owen So d and te, office of the undersigne Durh nt. any Merry-Go-Round Tenders will received up to Sat- ttrear evening t 27th of May for building two Cum: e arch bridges as {011an ' . No l-One mile nor of Holstein in the Township of Rare m. , Buser 72. Myrt'e Park rt, Gertrude trumm 67. Bert Lewis 43. Sr H- Kenneth Mcllvride 60, Clayton Damm " Wdlie Park 57. Sr IrHarry Park 50. Pin-Kelly Lewis, Walter Park, Lester Bower Average attendance I2. Mr. Francis J. Seeley, teacher Amusement for the Canadian People, renters Wanted 'ry-Uo-Kounrl. Speed, Easy Riding, Thrills tr oraaar---purdasd this season at enormc its kind uer carried with any travelling Amusement a and standing mar IO fret in height. Equal to a last word in mes‘cnl achieve men. The entire from Lure withelc ctricitv. In fact.wordn Gil Fr, Ann-J.» " Test tour skill in animals In the jungle. V __-.~-- IIVII‘ ”(null‘ .xll’ 'v"" warmly. In fact,words fail to describe it. Come latest pie as on the front of the dog and pony hippodromc. The Sportsman's IJelight-. Palmer's Improved Rifle Academy 'rent "m.- cum 2. -_-- ' U . -_- """'--N Moving Picture Machines, Views, Athletic Machines. lilcctriv Machints. and numerous others, in fact a I cent Vaudeville. Fun for Young 1nd Old. Palmer's Monster Penny Arcade the "l‘vang‘ip of Sullivan ,ucaunn‘ the County a Owen so d and also undersigne Durham, managed by a Canadian for tho Canadian people --- A. PALMER Spend May Mth The Great Laugh land Show You Laugh: You Scream: Yon Roar -nase(: nus season at enormous ex- icd with any travelling Amusement organi- or 10 fret in height. Equal to a 20-piece a] aching men. The (nture front henori, Calder Attractions marksmanship; shoot Best of rihed. Good I All Roads Lead to Palmer's Big Shows. Come one, Come all, have the Time of your Life. Free Admission to Grounds. on 5 Township {summons I The Court of R vilion on the As. .‘sessment Roll for he Township of Egremont Will be h id,in Holstein on Monday, May 29th 1922 at 2 o'clock "p. tn. All chan s of properties together with any 0 ission of names that should be on s m Roll or any other enoxs must e sent to the _Cicrk in writing as o changes or telands can be made a erthe passing 'of said Roll on said d e. The as- sessment Roll is open in inspection. I l David an, Clerk Show Holstein May '8tj3,-isGi , backed by Canadian . No connection with Inclusive. , gentlemanly It gives us ""ferpr---V Court q Revision shoot at. running Good "twee. ‘=US=ALL ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO of Thanks "plenty J The apple blessms are cpenirg and our orchards will soon be bowefs 10f beauty andlull of sweet fragrance. , Beautiful May. Custom choppi every day at Kechnie's Mills, D am. Satisit guaranteed. Corn, ixed chops, any! all kinds of feed to le at cu prices. g A few went to Mildmay last (for this season‘s mun-m- n wr (ma season‘s openfng Liii;iii game, some " rptetatortr, others pattieipatora. Miss 'rreieiven spent the week end at her home in Conn. Miss Josie Whyte was in Guelph 01 Saturday visiting her sister, Hilda, “u wluuw mount has much sym- pathy in her time of anguish and bereavement. Mr and Mrs W. Ctispen and child. ren of Alsfeldt visited her parents on Mother's Day. i' Mrs W. Phllp received a tale Ion Saturday from Sperling, A ‘notifyinz herot the doath of niece, Gladys Waddell, of pneun She was the only child, a b: healthy. happygirl of fifteen, her widow mcthtr has much l pathy in her time of anguish bereavement. l Last night at a special Boat ing of the Holstein Method )cuit it was decided for nu , reasons to close Yeovil c j Orchard church will be re-opex i have the afternoon service. , will be two more services here, Mother‘s Day was observed by appropriate sexmons. tiowera, music and tender memories of mothers and also fathers. and Miss R. Roberta, Miss L Brown, Mr and Mrs H. Allingbam spent over the week end with trends here, Mr R. Gadd has moved into the house which formerly belonged to the late Mr Bunstnn. Mt and Mrs Snyder of Clinton spent over the week and at Mr J. I). Roberts' with their daughter, teacher in the continuation school. Miss Alice Swanston who been visiting among friends 8 the death of her brother, left Calgary via Ottawa last week. Miss Ruby Philp cl Guelph Gen- eral Hospital arrived home on Tues. day getting a two weeks vacation. The Community Circle purpose holding a concert in the Agricultural Hall on the evening of June lst. l Make a point to be there. See bills. The Saugeen Presbytery will be held in Arthur on Tuesday May 30th. Accordingto reports from Western Canada there must bea great con. trast in the weather to the most recent sunshlny days and good roads. While cranking I car evening, Joe Ellis had the m to get his arm broken. . __7 - "nu, "e" on a number of friends the first the week. All were pleased to: Ivan looking so well after his rect illness. where week night meetings have {been held. Mother's Day was recognized by both churches in special sermons by the pastors and by Tearing of floweri, The churches were beautifully decor. ated with ihrwers in honor of the occasion. Mr Ivan Seim, Mt. Forest call-ti _ "V"'""'"' .. was I to close Yeovil Church and open Orchard for Sunday a where week night meetings been held. " W" Bullet & irebner are cutting out their stock of logs " present. At the Methodist Board Meeting on Monday evening it was decided to close Yeovil Church and Igaln open Orchard for Sunday services whnrn mAAI- .417. . N Recleaued Set hag: ton ; Corn No 2 Ilo, ton. Holstein Mill, L. B. Ni 1 Mr and Mrs F Miss Jessie motor: Saturday, Ther by Miss Davida“, Miss Mackeehnie, Dundalk visited over the week end at Mr Thos Ding. walls. . Mr C. C. Ramage spent an even- ing last week in the village. His many friends were pleased to see him. THE Dunn-AM REVIEW it.,., .te es? J lght at a special Board meet- he Holstein Methodist Cit- was decided for monetary tn nine: YP - .. . Miss Annie Hamilton, Fergus. is visiting her grandmother, Mrs Morrison. Mrs (Rev) West is attending the W. M. S. Conference this week in Kitchener as a delegate. t'. LOCAL Mo PERSONALE 'ttsiiiiLiii"a'di'd2'2'l,'it" WNW --- -"r'"""', close Yeovil church -L .... YEOVIL Im. Satisfaction ixed chops, oats we at current; be re-cpened and Service, There Ertt F. Allingham and motored to Guelph last They were accompanied MA.., 9d a telegram cylitttr, Mam, 1oath of her 0fPneumonia MT who has friends since Forgst, called Yoga $22.00 per Goal-R. llow $3t.oo per Backa_c H. Back: ti olsou, Prop. McA: are caning out Ir.rtrmi: night bright I. and Mc- tr Monday misfortune I Price of'rea Highest in Years. a Dnring 1020 so muel, more “fo was produced than was tequind ' A throughout the world that the mar- I if" ket dropped to a campurntivr'ly my?! point. So serious was the position; 'll of the growers in India. Ceylon and I x Java that “my agreed to produce 20 I o to see recent t"Tfimllii) TIME-T 3.? ., l result was that less ten In produhgti Mrs Melville Holliday returned I than was "qtnred, Ind now all am- home last week from Muskokl when 1 plus stocks have pretty well been n. she has been fur a couple of months, [mugged to fill the mam“); Price. in attelndnnce on her umber in herim the In; four mom." have and”, great nus. l d d, , il . . Letter Breen Clutreb W“ well filled I; 11-2311 5:332:11”: 1:312:30 a?) l'; on Sunday. Mother', Day. Rev Mr Jbelorea u d rin rue e l McCleilund preached in fina sermon‘ Y I u g war 'ears'. on mother's love and tha choir snug; "ht"----------------,-,. suitable pieces for the occasion. Mrs. l _ Will Cowan and Mr Erie Sharp mok ; if,rlxlrtleexxxxastEii the solo parts. The pulpit was decor. /18 A ated with white bllseoms. 5‘: THE PEOP Mr John i-Iuriz is improving hisfw I farm by having a new fence along" _ the road. Mr Jas White. is putting is ---.. ir np f . Seeding will man he finished up. is? Prices for F10 There was no time lost this spring q Sovereign Manirnla Patent Firm- with bad “walhvr and everything >; Eelipce Flour “an. m”, Ctw m Ir', went in in gnud c mdiiion. ‘5” .. . _ - for is surprisingly helpful to teething children. A little regularly tt works wonders! Scott’s Emulsion, ji Scot! & If“. Toronto, Mr Vernon Rum who bu been home with a broken ankle fortive Weeks. was able to return to his work a: Dnndalk on Monday. Mr and Mrs Jar A children were. guests Ham‘s recently. Mr and Mrs Johns and d: spent Sunday at Mr Legge'l. I Mr Eddie Sills has an att the fin and under the Dr's ca l Mothex'n Day was feeling served at Amos Church on l last with flowers, special the finest of the some hundn sermons we have heard durii last two years It certainly delight and inspiration. Say does father's day. not to say iathet's come in ? of for most children is a trying time. Mr the f Mr Reggie Ramage, after four days stay in Fetgue hospital returned home. Fortunately the aecidm t w: a less serious thattatiticipated but it's better to be suxe than "rn'. Asort of old boys and union so to speak. Toronto friends of Mr A Hana visited them week end motoring up. The ladies of Amos Church choir purpOSe holding an ‘old time concert in the church on June and, when singers, reciters, speakers and in. strumenta] musicians of those early days well take part in old favorites, A ___. ,. .. . v. u. Mass v; LVIUL‘ ' nun]. The Ebenezer Dramatic Club Btrr, IISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS composed of that Biblical Number AB "r", young ladies all from the! locality. journeyed to the sister con. J Holstein Branch: W. A. REID. Manager. areganon of Salem in Proton on! Friday evening last and again gave _ their play of “A Southern Cinderella"! Ser------. I . It was, as on a former occasion at -_-e_---- ___ - if" _ __ ___ --m------- __ ----_-,,, A“- home well rendered. though lacking .' My a certain mount of inspitati te,' commune-000m 0 through the rather small audience, , ‘due to faulty advertising we are told. The audience wasappreciative t Think of It ! and responded to the tune oszB A sumptuous lunch was sand at the close by the good people of Salenr at' A Can of the hospitable heme of Mr and Mrs; Herd, to the performers They gimp ' . "m. - A it again this Tuesday night in Price.; Tear out “Pd. fill ill 'In " . ville. I H Holsteln made I very creditable showing " _Mildtn" on Monday, May I5th, I902 when they held the Mildmny eleven to an even score _ Holstein drew first blood In 15 min. utes when Roy Dickson took a pass from right wing end scored. Five minutes later Mildmny evened it up} when they used thei'r weight andi crowded a ball lighting in trout of? the goal, through between the bars I The first half showed the best foot 1 ball as both teams fell down in the last half, due to lack of condition! Mildmay plays hereJnne 16. Don’t' miss this game as Mildmsv e1rvao, HOLSTElN-MILDMAY First W. F. A. Game tt l-- NORTH EGREMONT - - u...- """'"iV I". ldie Sills has an an: ad under the Dr's ca, "tt Day was feeling Amos Church on ti h flowers, special 1 ,of the some hundn we have heard durin SOUTH BEND Je, Anderpon and v" ' r, afternoon. ifG' to (a? Phone No 8, Day f , ,9 X J om y i a? The People's mm m. 22-5 jfilkiGi'i'iic,c'l', “unusual. mrs l I H Erie Sharp took [ Xfififlhfi-JEHEERXRXREHMEEEHXXNM umitwas decor. :5: - ' _ arms. Bt rrttrwn 1"“ - - - special music, ne hundnd fine sand during the certainly was a and daughters at Mr GG, tgirls) te. and Mrs} over thei - - sack of t . c, tre. fly 01%": Tr fi Sundav a music,) D' , . " t td fine: L"BE 2"": 3g the bm.' u “by was a, _. I - when ? I grand-: - l k"5 , [ 1 I y Ria , " ghtersf l and; A. S HUNT] Geo. i I hem" “0......“ " the} x work , per cent has lea during 1921. The" ireealt was Ihac has tea was produced, Irlled ( [bun "a Numnd Ant! .q.N-. _., .33 V -"""rrCT pnces are at the Mi I b2 Highest Prices paid for “HEAT f H GOODS DELIVERED am [ 8 aftpr-... "‘ ,2nuuuunnnannxxxxxxxxxmxg; 313:; THE PEOPLES MILLS .5 E; .tr=u--., --l Tie. per cent leo ten during result was that less tea the was nqmnd. Ind Bowman: Manitoba 1 Eclippe Flour “Mud. White Lily Pantry Fl: Bran (ton ltur) per " Shorls (ton lots) p" Ferd FINur (Middlmc No. 1 Mixed Chop, p: (ht Chop per 100 lbs Crurped Oats. ppr 100 lilatchfozd's Calf Men] Custcm Chopping. per American Corn, whol- um; H... "daotJtt IS GUARANTEED. The above prices are at the Mill and Strictly Cash lest Prices mid Im- " Mr, - - A. s HUNTER & sou You must act quickly. Better come can of genuine Jap-z-lac tany kind or Tear out and fill in the coteptin below and present it at our store It entitles you to a can of Jap-a-Jac for the astonishing price of 6 cents. do OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED. love prices an: .6 BL, ‘--._ . K" . Pantry F'h ttt', MIWK‘TJW 6weWittr-esr.es: @13‘7'35': £7:od7-'::c?m. rc. Ir-feta? ' aiptiip'"" - a". nuuuunm) per 100 lbs Chop, pot 100 lbs...... ' 100 lbs (old PMs)...... ' per 100 lbs fold nntst - _ w" _ n. I IUI’. momha hue steadily the muket and” is t " was ever ruched 1g w" yew, m Med. 2.} lb suck pg. 'rtr100ttm.,... , whole, per ton.... chopped, per ton per 1oode..-. LP" 100 In: EB! rlll. rmur. per 98 lb sack 3381b suck "r-..-...... l pews": sack -.... fold '0“; Flour and Feed deliveied at the Mitt IKQEHA IL MA! 18, 1922. Ma r. " Durh In bran" style tt ON the us In tow tothe II fine I OM (u ulatio lownsl known " cw dition: last we to the visinn needs ' havi! I! re: the n Coet r " D Ar, knee str wr NI Au In Tl Ave Tt Pa rk lug Iry, In this I Kechnn- mutant: and " k prices. Prom Dull l opiny The heal t h . taqiac . Store . Tiling“; 1 Sold at M WI Manx w Terms n ottice. Mr Will dined a ra the I'ondvx Foe SAL lag. " Western h Rob Ros Mlii VOL. X No ma "" ft ST n

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