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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1922, p. 1

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--tit, SAL 'Cr=CCCCd [ll' i/j; [ill U Pt other ABM“ Flme finished at lsey’s Studio. Promptrwisartd salisfactio naramecd Dullur glossy finish same p e. Devel- oping IOc, Give ma trial. Custom cho 'tng every day at Me. Kechme's Mills, ham. Satisfaction guaranteed. Corn, ixed chops, oats. and all kinds of feed r sale at current A TORONTO (moon: Flow.--) H. Parka who kept a general “are in Dor- noch for 9 years and sold outto Dewar el and Mcintosh Int mm». has pur- chased a grocery business on St Clair Ave, Toronto. The sympathy or the vommunity is ex- tended to Mr and Mrs Fred Staploa. Edge Hm. whose little daughter Ada. aged 2 years. 2 mos.. died at 6 a m. this Thursday. May 25th from pneumonia. Three system and a brother survive her Run Roy GEM melts-Wu" pay- ing a.) In we for 0a kit to 90: for Bar- ley. war to I no to' Buckwheat and tl 7r, m 33.00 for Pr at our Elevator street the ni Sold at Maciarlané's NStote. - The safest and surest wa back to health. strength and happiness by the name route. Sold "e"'" Drug Store. this Wet costs, or {£1.00 in all. in“! one. New 9mm Fun Sermon -The pop-I WHATA Di ulation of that section of Egremont . of Opinioa col inwnchm in the vicinity ot Wilder's Lake i, dog belonging hum-n an S s, No t2, is on the increase. l suited in a It: a: ovirir-nvctl bv the ndditinn of ten ad. _ trate Laidlaw ditmnni sum installed in the nertoof t canine's own: last wepk The accomodation was taxed} Wright. Ae to thelimit previotrqlv. but amp'e pro- mal had beet vision hart been now made for present: garden andw nerds at any rate. laroimd the p on,“ Pxsrosarrr.--Rev. E. Cameronx 2t'lg, l' ti the new incumbent of the Baptist church1 It e d” d In town mearhed his inaugural sermons; il; an hm.” to the congregation on Sunday and made: t e rig t p tt a fine imnreewion. The new pastor givesI Harri-('1': the cottgrreationat auditor. a "r'lrGitClme"i'tsi,'d of t hrance of Rev. Mr McCausiand in his; dressed by', stvie of delivery. Not a loud speakcri Boyer, was h m diver, to outbiirstl .of _oratory of Mr K day, a good ' No man is utmn than his stomach. Tanlnc will make yo stomach “tong. Sold at Macfarlane's g Stpte. Western Feed '"C"' per bus. " Rob Roy Mrlls. Flue SA LB an RENT-rs r ed dwell. ing. A. s. Hunter Son Mr WilIBrowning in Detroit has P.'"" chased a radio set and is now en'.oying the wonders of wireless. Adamu waggon ale, nearly 're". Terms tf desired. 1y " Review office. a fine 1m-vaion. The pew pastor gives} ”37.1mm MEETING. - The regular the coru,rrrwational auditor. a '.r"e.Jleiillme'ie,'l1 of the Women’. Institute ad. Nance of Rev. Mr McCaualand In hi9:dreased bylthe Gov't delegate, Mrs. snh- oi delivery. Not a loud weaken Boyes, was held in the Library on Tues. or mm to outbursts .of oratory of Mrvday. a good attendance being present. Camertrn tt can be laid, he 90’5”“! a I After some business preliminariesabout mm. mnrpn and intelligent form orthe District m cling. 15th June. and dohvcrv which willdotthtless appeal towme community singing. Mrs Bayes his' trrrishtrr" " here. 0? ':ity'ttay, ever-l gave two fine addresses on "Trifies" and "I! “I: cpv'sceott "The 1 plifted Bon 0"“09en Secrete", This was followed by God, V a well tendered rggltation. "The Enchan- A R: my van Suns -There has been'ted Apple Tree. . She has had mod an unmmuy large number of sehoor,mettvinesat Holstein.Dromore and Zion vtvldrer from the rural schools iialite.t1yrt.gyel.'lette,ky.,. She alsogave amount-on from the or" County Deprtsgmc splendid iiUas on program plan- ot' 1erirrtltits reprenentative, T. tt.',ningfromthefhtingttti Btet?mTotten- FM“- /, .r "m... 0:on thiq vpttr. Mr ham and Bond Head lmtxtutes. A Rt an van Snaps -There has been an unumnlly large number of school rthmr from the rural schools make implication from the Grey County Dept. of Agrimlnrr repreentative. T. s. Cooper for garden seeds this year. Mr Connor states that man three times as manv rhildren applied as provision had Man made for. connequently manv n r rlmwwl to disappointment The allotmonh have hrrn made to the schol- an in ll-nt'm‘k. Kennel and Eunhrnsia this wwr and next war ther children r'mnm ran-mot? with other children in this special phase of work. l VOL. XLV, N0 21 Dr rid I {T Cr7,H23.rJ.t!i.risil,it 22:22 ,EEZZ-OPICS‘ Durham Branch, Deposit Your Coupons n “mm LluHTS -The oroprietorN 1ter'e, tircust in town this week ap- m! Ir1 Magistrate Ladlaw‘s court on "day fast and pleaded Iuilty to inc a motor truck parked on the etu without new; burninc. during nistht hnurs. " cost him $1.00 and V " It mln" ed In Ch TOTAL ASSETS OVER mcHrvcrsirtrpt M91ON!) muwu, 'TA PP..bF __.. ...-. .. .... w. W.% It, (U. v'"!' old m“ of Mrs'. aminations to legalize him in the drug 1’11"” m front p! Robt. profession. He has accepted a pmiti on 'i1s,tnwci,'.r "/2dwi..t//,ri'",'g,',.,' “in one of the Tamblyn chain of stores in u D " It . tl . . . c . r driven M an' Ewen, :Toronto. Mr Wylie pitered with honors. " ftil inrretweenthe wherls 3 SPEC.“ CHURCH StiRvIcRs.--Anniv. "rch'. WNW"! for alittle ersary services are being held in the 1n'tr yruises on back an "l'reshyterian church, Sunday. June 4th. luckily, [Run Mr Henry. the noted divine from [Junta -The oroprietorts" Deer Pgrk Presbyterian Church, Tor- us in town this week ”p-2onto‘ willpr.earh..a.t both services and on mun", l.adlaw's mm! ME Monday night will Rectum on "A Pet! of t and pleadcd unity to} Peas " . lt squnds interesting. A SEX" m, truN: narked on thelyfthytim.e1r,, Is that. the congregation . . . I has found disfavor with the old fashion- ut hams hurmne. during) . CR. It can him $1.00 and 1 .ed anmversaxy suppu and are not hav- min all. ling one. Rob Roy mus Limited t is into your savings account. Savings Departments are maintained It nil our branch" and Victory Bond coupons will be received for depot“ or clunk- meal without charge. Let the interest from your investment am not: interest in the "Standard". WHEN you cut the coupons from your Victory Bonds or other securities, the logical place to put them STAN D5313“ BANK urpose to put on an ith ot,d-time talent _ rest, Durham and 'rix " June end, " 3.2mm also at Priccvillo and mime. , leather, alsc mm: p suitable , twp n garden 'undztin Apply Lauder, I ham, - _ _ - N Jc per bus. at No present on the pro- pgrand night. . - - John Kelly, Manager. 7H! i FOUND- Some wee 320.: gold ring. Owner may secure e by proving property and payintt to his advt, ) W. N: oils Durham l The assesmr of Winghar'n commends that unmarried women over 21 yearn should pay poll-tax the same as bachelor who are not owners or tenants of prop- 1any nor are assessed on income. The proposition is quite a reasonable one. I WHATA Doo CAN Do .'-Diiierences l of opinioa Concerning the real value of a , dog belonging to George Greenwood, re- sultedin alegal dispute before Magis- ( trate Laidlaw on Saturday, between the _ canine's owner and his neighbor. Chas. :Wright. According to report the ani- Imai had been destroying Mr. Wright’s f garden and was somewhat of a nuisance Iaround the premises. The magistrate I decided in favor of Mr Wright, fired the was h-me " the week end, returning on Monday to write off his Ph M. B., Ph'- aminations to legalize him in the drug profession. He has acctoted a positi on 3n one of the Tamhlyn chain 9! stores in Toronto. Mr Wylie passed with honors. When Mr W. J. Young returned if»! in the early morning haunt Tuesday. found a local young maninng on his verandah, dead to the world. probably from the effects if swamp whiskey. Arousing Constabla Fakor,er,they had him removed to the cell: and the lad was next day as<essed 'r:frne for his indiscretion. He claims tphave secured the mm from a Hanover man PHARMACY GttaDCATris--rn the liet nf Pharmacy graduates are the names of Melvin Gregg (A town and James M. Wylie, a former Iru'ham hoy Bothare now full iledged "pill donors". Melvin Cums Ear y-strayed from the premises at the "signed 3rd con. Glenelg,tthrut May h, two red Meer calves Anyone know: of their where- abouts please notify -.- --- _ Simeoe County win an into retorestn rain and has purchared one thousand arm; for the vurpnse about ten miles north of Barrie. The bought area is sandv land that was once covered by white pine. The land cost the countv $7.300 Thirty acres of mung trees will be set outthis vear. and after that about one hundred acres annually. y, J. A. White. 'ell-known Kentucky farmer, said he c d beat his hands shuckirg corn an.” ;ing tanlac. Sold at Maciarlane's Drug re. Phonetm, r 3-2 R. R. NoNurham' Get your pa tion oil dive or Florence Automatic I' Itovesand lawn mowers at reduced pm - - - Films and all amat work finished promply twice weekly. veloping In: roll and prints 4c each. D or glossy finish. Ke Studio The High School and town baseball teams tried conclusions on the High school diamond last Friday night, the students winning G to I. Durham Club in Toronto announce a basket pianic on Saturday, June 3rd and all former Durhamites living in Toronto are invited to attend. A clearini Parlor. defendant $1 and costs, {mounting do $7,and made a few remarks regarding the right place for troublesome dogs. Anticipating the usual array y?yt brides. we are prepared to meet their) wedding stationery needs. in an itylesi and qualities. Call and see our stock,) my“ and prices, I June Brides! We are Ready _'i'i'i'jlitt . 'iii?) ttit-ttttttr ilflitt)ijittt, -t ot Spirella's at Spirella Lu & Son 'm. Weir, I Anni ry services will beheld on ' I the Suad allowing. June 4th when Rev ds ', Dr. A. E. ry of Deer Park Prest' 1 terian Church', wnto will occup¥wthe June pulpit, morning evening. On on- their ' day evening. June at an entertain- iyjest'.',1t he will give a ture on "A Pod and. of Peas." Above all Mr Hunter was a great lover of his hcmear d home town and it is to he regretted he had not the hranh n hie leisure hows to enjoy it, The Review extends srmpathy to wife and family over the separation. In politics he “ma Liberal and was a staunch adherent of the Presbyterian church, his attendance being regular when in health. James and John in business here are brothers of deceased. Following several month's illness Mr. liubertJohn Douglas died rather sud- denly at his home here on Monday night. He had been taken out for a shortcut ride by Mr John Murdock over to the show and to the good roads work north of town, and half an hour after re- turning name, he lost consciousness, passing away about an hourlater. He was a son of the late Wm Hunter who died young». and grandson of Arch- ibald Hunter, the founder of Durham. with whom deceased grew up. He wae born here and fell heir to the estate of his grandfather on which he has lived almost continueusly, tre last Hunter of the name to farm the old historic lands. The deed was taken o t in 1818, was never mortgaged and always bore Hun- ter name until February of 1921. The late owner used to boast "it (the farm) neverywent back on me. never missed a crop and never needed to buy a ton of hay." A little over one year ago he sold the farm, retaining residence and orchard. the h vme consisting ot deceased. his wife and d tighter Miss Margaret and son Oliver, who with his other son, Dr Arch- ie Hunter, Vancouver, will mourn hit death. For many long years he was promin- nt in the emu lite at the town and was ayor lor several termq. As a farmer e was progressive and very successtul. lis herd of Hereford cattle, had Provin- ia1widefame,gnd he was known asa ! reader or repute ; many Qntario herds were. strengthened trom his stock. fora long time he was the only grain “produce buyer in town, and few of . tthr/tet/pf, remember winter by winter hit ac ivity in this line on the street. Then with his son he has Men conducting tor many years a hardware and seed business which bears the im- print ofhis energy. _ Late on Motaday".2:?md May. li'i?g/iitt of the most prominent of Durhami es passed away, alter an illness from anae- mia, extending Some ten months. He was in his 72nd year and his removal is noteworthy also as breaking a '1tJ9 the past. The deceased was born in Erin, Wel- lington Co, , sixty years ago, and when a small hwy Came with his parents to Dur. ham, where he has ever since resided. Thirty-tive years ago he wedded Miss Elizabeth Ryan, daughter of Mrs and the late Mr Geo Ryan. who with one son Robt J. and two dauahters survive him, The latter Mrs Wmllill of Mnrkdalo and Miss Gladys of Toronto are now also home. Another son George died six years ago and two other children in in- fancy. Mrs Aaron Vollott of Bontinck is his only sister now living. Long, Prommcnt in the Civic Life oi the Torn, n/ _ The deceased was an industrious and competent workman as long as health permitted. and in his home life proved a loving and revered husband and father. Interment took place Wednesday to Durham cemetery. the funeral service being conducted by the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which the deceased was a member. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed on Sunday next at the ll a. m. service. Preparatory service on Friday evening at 8 p. m , when Rev Mr Stewart of Bethel and East Nor. manby will preach. Dr Henty preached here asa student in NH, during the absence of Rev. Mr Jansen in Holland. His services proved both popular and uplifting and many friends; made then have followed with pleasure his distinguished career. The announcement at his coming at the Anniversary has been gratifying news. Having purchase he best up-tO-date machinery. I have ened up a new shop on top of the hi nd am prepar- ed to do all kinds of m hine work,--. windmills. threshing ma 'gum, cream separatortr,bicycleettrhiri machine? lawn mowers. called for an livere . Scissors and knives sharpen: . Thank- mg my old customer; for th ir pat- ronage. Hope they may contin and gain many new oncs. Work an an- tegd and prices reasonable. Give a call. 2t tf Funeral on Saturday at2p. m The late Arch. S. Hunter Presbyterian Appointments Death of Robert Douglas Ready hr Business A. INNES, Machini] m-.. _ _---.-- DURHAM THURSDAY. MAY 25, 1922 1i1'ltpta With which is incdrporated the Holstein Leann: "There's more married women chasing mound this cin usthnn any other class," said a we'll known citizen intruding the carnival ofmirth on the river bank on Saturday night. "lteallyit ismore than surprising, to say nothing of the ethical viewpoint. tho manner mothers in this town can forsake the dishpan and cradle and toss rings for kewpie dolls or crank the monkeys up the pole. It's a comer and I don't understand it. Well I must be moving." The scribe looked around and at that moment noticed Mr Citizen's wife entering the arena at the northern portals of the encampment and under- stood the sudden departure to other fields. In the meantime it wouldbe most ac- ceptable to the publishers to have all subscribers glance at their label and if in arrears, cull or remit money order for amount owing. Our list has been Cor- rectul to date this week: if your label is not correct please let us know. Chasing Kewpie Dolls It doetn't take a lot of money to make a man louk foolish at Palmer's circus and it docm’t take a great deal to give him a big time. A dollar or two out of the pay envelope will give him a refreshing evening and if he is lucky,the odd souv- enir in the shape of a kewpie, adorns the mantel of his home next day. Mrs John McQueen and friend, Miss Grace Padbury spent theiirst of the week visiting at Mrs Herb" Love and o her friends. In the wn hall, Durham onthe 0th of June un r the auspices of Canadian Grey‘s Cha erl o. D. E the ladies of Ebenezer ethodist Church, South Glenelg, will osenya comedy drama in three acts ca d "A Southern Cinder- ella". This per magma has been given previously elsew ere and is highly spvken of. Do miss this treat. Seats only_ 37mg. lag of hall at My The Review this week has installed a Model A Intertype in its composing mum one of the best machines for 'iia7liiiiii"it on the market. and we expect to have it in operation within a few days. It is an expensive piece of machinery, but with it much time and labor "ill be saved, and with its capacities, Nh e hope to make the Review a better journal than ever Further reference may be made when in operation. - __-. _ - RobMiHs, Durham Miss Grace Padbury of Chatham is "suing with Mr and Mrs McQueen. Mrs Houtby and littlc niece of London, re visitinghtr sister, Mrs Jos. Firth " niece will now "train with her the', Mr Chas Moffat Miss Young of Orangeville is the nest of her niece, Mrs J H. Harding. Mrs R. P. Legate of Ceylon is visiting her sister, Mrs C. Ramage She has recently returned from Toronto, where she attended the graduation of her granddaughts r Miss Elsie Wright. McBeth‘s 'Drug 1t/'JNPtoc"ds in aid of thenew Town Hall. According to report, Palmers shows made a nice cash clean up in this toym a year ago The community suffering from excess bank rolls and victory bonds tumbled over each other to secure a seat on the "merry-go-whirl" or to knock the stuffing out of the cats in order to get a cheap cigar. This year it seems dif- ferent. Hundreds attend daily but the public are like the Saugeen trout this "year-noting so keenly. Notwith. standing. the management whose shows are good and clean. will be making: good daily dividend. it is believed. Ground co ts3c0perton,sacks. in cluded. 'ivtlel'h'sl"ii:2rr, per ton with- out sacksat -- _ _ Perhaps the most interesting tentnn the groundsis the museum. Hereis the best and most interesting collection of war and foreign curious that has ever been in Durham. They have a real ed- ucative value. According to report. schoolchildren are allowing Itudiel to fall behind. Homework is forgotten in the blare of music and glitter of lights. It is said Principals Danard and Graham would have preferred the circus to have arrived here two month, hence. after the exam- ination strafe had finished. As it is. many scholars are doing their homework "after four." The trial of Mr and Mrs Dan McMil- lan at Owen Sound for alleged murder of Johnston, the farmer's husband, which was sensationally stopped at last assizes because onejuryman had spoken to an- outsider, was resumed on Mondaylsst before Justice Orde at 0. Sound and special preparations made to see that jurors were not allowed out. The death of Johnston occurred on Labor Day 1921 and though he died in mysterious agony nothing would likely have arisen from it had not Mrs Johnston in the same week married Dan McMillan. Suspicion was aroused, the MeMilhrn's weresent up for trial and have been tsonfirted ever since. The decision was given out on Tuesday and thejury agreed on a verdict of "Not Guilty." To the many frien and neighbors who so kindly extende ‘mpathy and aid during themness an t funeral of our beloved husband an father, we tender our heartfelt thanks. McMillans "Not Guilty” Installed an Iniettype Card otNhariks Mrs Robt Douglas hd family in Palmer's Circus Miss Edith Chadwick spent a few fay-s in Toronto this week. Mus Julia Weir, B A., spent the neck end with her sister in Guelph. Mr David Allen, of Durham, isa visit- or with his daughter, Mrs J. W. Lyons. On Monday foreman be landed a two pound iishat the Saugeen just north of the village.--Markdale Standard. Mr and Mrs Chas. Norris announce the engagement of their daughter. Ida Pearl to Mr Geo. H. Ritchie, son of Mr. and Mrs Geo Ritchie of Acton, the mar- riage to take place early in Juno, "'ms Mr Johh Bell, Knox College was iwme' for a tew days before leaving tor student ministerial duties in Manitoba. Mr Archie Gillies of South Proton, who be- gins nunisterial studies at Knox next term is occupyit g a mistion field in» atchewan this summer. Mr and Mrs Herbert Livingstone :of Hamilton motored up the first of the week to the home of Mrs E. ii. Jackson. RcMtu.r,-Irt Durham, on May Nth. to Mr and Mrs Lance Rumble of Toronto, a son. (Robert John Lawson.) TORONTO f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Government Sales Tax extra CAR $5 35.00 The Ford is the Car for you Why let luxury ihat you do not need. size that you do not want, speed that you cannot lawfully use, lead you into buying a cai. Gat you cannot afford to own ? Buy a Ford. It is lowest in price, low.. est in maintenance cost, lowest in depreciation, _and provides everyihing you can ask in a car. FORD TOURING BORN DURHAM, HOLSTEIN, MT. FOREST Phone He's. 60 20 it: Buy your Ford Car SMITH BROS. .' w ~__,.,,,‘ --" -, Siutrmm-mme, WW3MMM§ SAVE BEFORE _1rllll__1rl1Eftll Durham Branch: J. A. Rowland, Manager M‘s” Wail! " In 0 , I .... in adunoe To Uet,ited Swen. $2 50in advance. I' (Minot tantrum.“ Let your Bank Acco first Concern. It will more than rr law years. A Saving; he] at any MC. TM iltWhit WEEK OF GAMMA NOW. Xi

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