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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1922, p. 2

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" } 3. it In-r r. r. normal: Upon " od mrvift difa Vé fri5 e or, ; ifeéep 'hfghtrggtfi(. _ m"- ---- -._. I h She mu intrigued. Hitherto she ud,lri'2'ipl', ppm Audrey Alden only in her own "Be doc horns, or among her has Yrtt.tiyolpsain"u awquairttrtnoes. She realized to-nigbt better for that there was another aides to ham! After M that tte mi Aatlrer.waa a) Warmerumnn him q “wetness fiat 'uauii: WN rhjle yet V‘t nub her smile. - "___- .... u... " vi a faithful dog “telling a capriciom and , [hams-Menu min“ i Yet. Marcia comhrbad presently, his intern? was mt unshared by Audrey. More than one-e she tum her eyes a t, 'lb. furti'VPly to look at him, and in! h-r expression was a MRI" of bin. mm”, indulgence an! o_ warmth of! ,__,-___7 .. _ . The rising of the curtain prewmhed {miller cortvetstMic-n. At AMM'I inmmrium gesture Michael Tusk re- nuimsi where he was. Marcia “V0 nwvr- 't'tetipc'on to him than she did on tho 5.35:9. There was something mnut him that tooehsd to we!) I. 'tottr,W her. Ho was such a oimph tou'. an] .00 trntiko anyone she had ever knoon before. She noticed that ho Mal very "Con at bind-e Mrs. Alden. That HMO In . waned to awe as well as attract him variably. with in seemed to; ur-ier him about and criticize him opt. rngmusdy he appeared to like it. In In, (aw: thors was ”mailing of that windy. hahf wistful. in}! perplexed 'tsrht than} one 8136.6 in the eyes of a "Paint her jast as aha is.'" he mid: TWA lookul at her. At Waldmn'a m.’ human! touch the color had leaped to her (heeled; her lip were a-art,! her eye" mitty. Truth own cyan br, {ha : two. Q -l wild?" he cried. "And when it is l ion-heat I slttth oail it 'Awakenimrr", The orchestra was tttnit than mowd form. He "rd March's cloak, hit It scrum her shim shoukh Muck on K "uil.CiiCiiiioiii,,",'i"s'2ii think cl sounding meal-Ly original for onoe." r:x;w_sne is he?! to a large fortune on condition that she marries before she l", twenty-one. Returning to Mrs. Milan’s the ftttds Kempton Rosslaer 'who L neatly married to Arab} Trask) "placing: the gems which ttis steP-brothirr had stolen. Believing him to be the thief, Marcia promises til- once if he will marry her within two days. To shirll his father's name and in eoetsideration of release within six months, Kempton consents. At al restaurant Marcia faints and is I‘M-l ed by three strangers. Anby Trash! her lather, who is an artist. and a; wealthy young man, Jasper Waldroml After the secret marriage ceremony? Rasher end Marcia go their several) ways; her improved mode of living“ hummus Mamia'a health; she nttractiil the admiration of her new friends and: the love of Waldron. i 7" Min-h. a! the Story. larch Hulsmd. secretary to Mrs. Ald..ers, is entrusted with some jewels while her employer goes out to quy rheon with Hampton Rosslaer. his t.urpytother Lady Rosslser and her son Gordon Ruthven. Marcia puts the 19W0fs in the safe but fails to find the 1leNi.ecrtte key. She consuits I noted rhysman who tells her she cannot We longer than six months; th.n' answers the eail of a solicitor to find "1.19. She in hy- 0.. " 1..-..- :__;.,__ -- l tut she in hit to mdition that she twenty-one. R ”en'- the finds Mm L nun-nu more Wmninly and nectar w---- .l .. u A 53 her shim shoulders REE]; hand inadvertently touched her to Task The Beginning (“A PTER XXIII 30m mvoas STEWS AND muss _yyri-d.. this" "it?! wen. Marcia puts the safe but fails to find the l She consults . noted 9 terlls her she cannot The Gates of Hope _.. -.._., v\lI'Gl Anvw.‘ adrit 'g'wn‘“. i'"1'iCi,'i7li'h "1,1?an 7 m. "can, "I L'iiUG, road f :m e a r more .s-n'a e t an a Waldron's iiiirLP,i,.ggTei',! tfd'tr The t2,'i,tgy/lltr'll elaborate dwelliing would have or had hummus of its getting had kept her mind, been. b were 'e1'iiiiiipiiu entirely with herself. She; There was plenty of room, ttot only " own eye had not meant to hug her possession. for ‘them-wllves, but for a equple 9f . . 1erceoiry to her. It was only that sthe‘l tffio.tett 5t.rIa?lt, and , lady s Tyid.l nd when it us had mt thought. [Ag-am Audrey wasted m the teleftionc Urakenioaty "I She was conscious of a dimness in with oxeo"f.ertt ydy,lt.1. Marcia found: , I her eyes as she looked attain at Trask,, that her main egtabushmenrt ran WWI” Trr. lk fierro, swift flame of desire had oiled tl15'tlfr,1vhiu. ,t!ts,'.'1tyesfkep'ttif/i, “in Prevented leaped up in her-dcaire to taste the gave her mother Juat "WP?" oacupa-I At Audwy'l pleasure of making others content as' “Oi" “Ed not. too much fv'.igue. , tel TM 1‘9-:well as herself. She looked at Wal-l n t e opinion t! both PP/ttl thes: Marcia cave drom the hriath sun 'stiiiimt in her 'ldrTf.e.tnt, was ideal. Mrs. 113154;:qu than 1e.1ifthifit, the briWanee still in her (was, had 'tttvet' looked better, a“ .., ,-,,, -".. ........ v! c "tunnel" I a. We" .1“! if ha felt the same-if he, too, at toh I OimPh‘my time ached to make other oeople's on? she ud;ik%feiG has hard to bow. He met 31m- eyes, looked at her half question- bake-J "My: imply; but she tarmed her attention . That Ilmlofome more to Trask. Aodrey was all as MUM frowning upon him aeeusimtty. _ , seeped to; "Nsiitive6r, you're a pig!” she de- uzo him om- olared. "But there. rumm- mind!, an». EL In V......., A.“ - - __ BY ANTHONY CARLYLE v - _,__ .9_e__ uvvnw “It " "e WO “Y0 drom the briath shill 'rhiiiine in her m ahe .did,thmit, the briWance .will in her eyes. making. He was rich. they said. She wonder.. ' W!" 1tFed if he fart the same-if he, too, at In m'rttMarls.. H~-_.L-. Aw , .. y 1tyf trey.aiAmro- .3! fortune on before sho _ - “nu-“c. oe wild be quicker and much “HI sreGirnsr: he said a good way " and I don’t get J.'. ha. Where are , Attor which she turned her upon him and gave her attention to Wald-ton. At the commencement of the Tray: arose. ,...‘_._,. nuul‘cy parsed up her “in. then nodded. Her co dwelt with an odd warmth upon 'dl culprit. Despite his beard tutd my hair ho baked dnmng'ruoudy yrkr, an wring schoolboy. 1 “He doesn‘t deserve it!" she com.. plained. "But I 81100050 it mm 1.. 00830.}: d i ,1, ,v-..‘ u rug. am: we- olared. "But there. never mind! You‘re orily a mam ofter all, and men aw,- 'Tovetribially eNrlfi.eh. I was coring to ml: you to supper with tw-now I shall punish you by sending you home to com ham and a cup of tm." From Me place in the background wahlmn hrghcd. "Why tt.t Emmi him Inn/.1. on r-t-L And'my told him. Waldron rose. all; et'..?, outside." he said. "rt 'crepe I'.O chine and purchasing iiottoii round new oortradeship among people crepe! whom she had_ seamed-y known existed i She stirred sharply in her ehaircly,ef,otit. Within a Itk she was set, {For the first time it was borne upon ted i,n,the, flat whieh Audrey Alden her how very much she had, how full; had heaped her choose, with her was her pltr.ie. And for the first time moo-then It was n.ot ham, and dainty she realized how much of power) rather than luxurious. Bat there was _wcalth brings. Power was hers. u 'tfreshness about it that rsmthn¢ and _.. . k, "lie-"WWW W“ V‘ “‘1 CHAPTER XXIV. "37.2112? $285.}; war; to go short I That night was the real ‘lmginuning f _ . AA F . : . '; of her new life for Marcia. From then Ito have lu.t!e, 15913321 ie,'i.ir,e,flc,ee,t, even, on she ilearncd to know more of I tii"e/'eT2ifa,,ght, Pgr/to 2itili :2: Measure and enjoyment than she had I . . y . “" k d . . (ever thought posrdble. She met with pretty ttingr.. .She “3 t5erieruied, new acquaintances every day; she heme-If; the 'stthn-g "are; of. fingetimr, found new oomradaship among iset;i'iii' 'g,',',',')'.,"" chine and pure .a‘s.ng cottcmI whom she had mam,” h-., n...-....._.,n A)” i The Jo'ight she had taken in put l 1l?tlf.gy "tty ti, bop of T3 head i . '. . ' _ hopelessly. u ' areia smi ed. A 5:236:50 thif'nmf! Je hp???” Wei: new un.derstatvytnit had quite. suddenly zany other; Cui",,", 5di"/',td,fSl'"tht, been given to. her. A Prttt.in, Tatyrr Zthought came thin. remembrance of amazmg mspwcuoqwas forming it) hee lather .daw 'iw",."", J,iii.i, week old.' mind. Somewhat 1r?,r?seqyeayt'aitcc. t,Dat FF i'iiiti'sil(.y't /, had "s, n al at curred to her that falling m love may [ my?) .. 0r l,' "hi, "d h (f l"',', s not be enhchy wnthut its drawbacks. f)“. " iy;dff,'r:,',',y1fr'. _ o, l" “01:3; She was 'st ynilintr--iin a waythat e'/;'ir'tlo".)'la'1/./s'"fgriljf',u,.t' Te,,','",',,',',':.?, rude Mgvcgwwl-v desire to krss have leaked upon the gift ix that same 'A"ilt'isnt,t "th,r/,1';T,1.it,',t.1."t ruffled Mrs. stall as a chi'd used to stick candyl - . looks upon a be-ribboned box of ex-l A . MUSE“? chocolates! l CHAPTER XXIV. night at the restaurant. Itwo1unatrily she glanced down at the perfection of her own apparel, at the rich folds of the wonderful cloak, the fine meshes of _lyer gown. [ the man the could mt use dcsl about th was only one. an waning d for I "What ban you done with Aubry?”,' she asked. “ch is it you an en.ioe' in: a stall at the theatre and she isn't! with you .'" r Trask looked a little guilty. I} "I mot Boris Varnoff," he told harp with an obedience that made Marcia? smile afresh. t'He, had this shall and Inning, :rsme'chirrg caught Marcia rly by the thmut. She glanced at ahiny, out-cf-date garments the was “caring. She remembered ather shabby black georgette a Aqaby had worn that other ta :IUJ him back to fetch ' supra“ with no?” he l hmmredly. Audrey Hr. 'L- A .. . -- "ma then nodded, H - 'r.'t?ere, to see eve thi 7 --.r . -- l an odd warmth um: I tlying. She spent {an}; 'lfatn',Pg "0-: House ilits. are recognized " tt most, the his beam and pmg and Immhir: , Ut'lClll'J,f shqg-l fPy1"P. vehiele for the trtnaterence" mica, dnzomg'rmudy infe're‘wiag‘s at g; theatre or or"t'itii, gin-Eon. It: from siek to welt F o. ‘A as ty8umqttopoler. '- . . .... .1 have fi.,., she can);I and alluring. WEE: $3639 el': mum: ly “mud 'lvi't"fitvhi,t,it'gtg'. 4st?eeial: J, *upposo it Wm be "“3“; at rest. It was as $321,531; P and: diseases as Ueitt,te."l'at.C' ittostion." (sou, not. find enou h . [ scum“ . 'rt, L ' U r-', lahehtllrhed her back 33mm her, enough 'dr 'd,j1otrfli,N,1y' germs Jhihtti)i,htd1iisi; the! v 9. _ L, a. . . n e t attenticn quyi gm, was scarcely eoniei . I In "ttits, and other 'd1i't,t'ggl,thtg1) 'ncement "r the mm] Mme}. She was \’1Igucl;blous of it t',",',Q11,t,. The flies, infect themselves .. of at the back of her ;,'"l5rufltrdi'rtptll,t,gt/ y feeding on such substances. They l Fe said. "Chelsey; was something that drove h,or a; m 6:9 carry the germs on their legs and nd I Jon't suppose m) the most of every golden 'd, . in e bodies, as well as in their di sti I we are we to t"de'tr2ihi,',y,, hour. It was not 'l'v'i;fi'i',1r" tract and then pollute such 1'tiTi . _ 19 re remembered the sentence '1 milk with the or _ him, Waldmn my»; beep. pasuexl upon her. In 'di/lt.) i111}! organisms frog” 'll,',','; they also can“ '.side," he said. “It Peitytlent whieh now was JI" fl IWhich will ts0trrntr guanine“; tttrl much mare Com-{£0111}? it {easier and easier to {orgitgi terial J/huh".""'" decay m the ma-; "-------, ----', 0 give 1erself e ti , . ---- {present up n may to the! 07:33; Pm? has ted upon feces of a' t. I had heard a good 3 play tttsd-and there Hakim. Araby hasn’t L",, -ttrt good enough _ .... - Wyn nun: “It IN'- ‘W "N" ' casionnll box of chocolates of an even- 58:03:! home, 5mg--or had appeared so. A "speeril" buck round supper or tea had given hee pleas-um; q ito dine outi occasionally, with Mrs. l to fetch) Alden, had ' a-n wen-t. a! as?” itis" But she had completely changed. , Aim! She was eager to go about eviiryul, med 'r'lirj?i,Fr',' to see everything, to miss no-l iii" q ithing. She spent long maturing-s shop-f mm "!eliGir' and ImmhinF, afternoons View. REBEL-a? ine. evenings: at , m ”mm..- .... -.- u- - , _".'" w. "Inc" In ink line io drawn, in so sensitive that it indicates the malls“ vibntion of a hoop. due to a playing vehicle. Minard’u Linimem for Dartdrtatt. I A new annual. co: :_I. l:__ l.rdttun of .mw Happy Suggestion for Uncie. Little Spancer let no mass grow un- der his feet. when uncle cams for n visit. before rushing up Wm: this: '"Urtelo, make a none like a frog." “Why?" asked the old nun. " 'Cguse C1'..Nts,t than: tor any- thing he an: " iil till Four no]. emu!" The result, was, " Araby decl su'rprisjrey satisfactory. There even, she further conceded, a tou genius in the way lite fether handled the very srisethlieity of subject. i Still somebhmg urged her aha): to ‘malce the most of this wonderful to- day of hers. She found it easy with Amby, Audrey and Jasper Waldron to help her. She knew delightful hours in the Trask's quaint, old, shabJ by house. She kept her promise ofr sitting: to Trask for her portrait, 11nd,: to her amusement and his daughter's surprise. he concentrated upon it with! unusual intent'mess. . D “U yr! Wude as - V. -vv-IW wuurl. "er mm whee-ks were softly flashed, her eyes bright; the weariness seemed. in a ‘measure, to have left her, I She entertained with a certain mem- ure of enthusiasm, through deep in her heart she was perplexed and a mule disturbed at the girl's seeming desire to crush as much of amusement much movement as possible into her waking,' hours. 1 It was unNke Marcia as she had been. In the oht days who had been! very fe"ltr Trit,1t a lbook and an oe-i, F V_ -__9r___P._ ....,..\.. Vow" oi"! m his ncait, c0tiseiousmvss is that misernble feeling ézho'pelmly. But Marcia r'/yl?h A, which comes when you are in com- . 1'T, ugdvtistiaon1itp.' hid all“? 'i'yely,1li'. puny, making You tongue-tied and en.trwet1 o. yer. " c sm 1.ai 1" awkward. I am not offering I poa- , a‘muzmg suspicion was forming in he: ti . f " , . l f mind. !8uyew.hytMeris4itiGa'ifiir,,c, "f cure o.' this troub e, tut t am '. curred to her that falling in love may. genus to tell you of a few things that r. not be entirely without its drawbaelai.' I hay: found helpful. People feel tet- " She was rstirlsynilittr-iine%jriGt' trrp if they know they are looking ' made Waldrcn insanely desire to Kris: well. One does not need expensive l ttre-ay she followgod. the ruffled Mrs.', clothes, but something appropriate. Alden into the ootaidor. ’and becoming. Well-cared-for shat-3.: ; -....-- ' stockings and neekwear count a lot/ 5 fyAPTER XXIV. I See that your shoes are not run down' l That might Was the you! lmginminug at the heels, nor your gloves soiled.l . Cf, 11:1: 33:32:01. £1!!th I ',",','J2t,y "While you are dressing, dress care:l Pleasure and enjoyment than she hadi tltuts 10m J, 1U,r1 p ','1,ti),lat, t' (ever thought posa2le. She met with, nd f I lee to po an: y l new acquaintances every day; She' a tbe S . at, tthr, IS coming to pieces“, found new oommdmhip among people; If your hair ‘3 “WWW, fasten a net. leom she had soamely known existed) over it, but not too tightly. It also; before. Within a week she was set-l Day! to be particular about your _ . l tled i,n,the, itat which. Audrey Alden} finger-nas, for nothing is more disn hafmielmlxtl her emcee, widthd her; consenting than to discover dirty nails, ,' will»; 5tha' Il',", "3 '.'"1tift'e, 810W, Afton it " too late to attend to them. ',,', "l"/',','Jhti'te,' 'll'gl'/i"ll"isdfa,1hg,it 3:3 Having made ‘ otueful toilet you earth :36de both women: a "hpmey "I forgot about yourself entirely. Avoid} as Mrs. Hols-toad eximessed it, which “smug with your hair, picking at; made it far move desirable than a' your: face, Nayimr with vour rlgxMrlnr.o' Ion-non ALL-~-‘ ' .w. _ ”T, "V“. ‘1'le cumu'cuzy been given to her. A certain, rather amazing suspicion was forming i n her mind. Some-what iryty.sequerrify it oc- curred to her that falling in love may not be entirely without its drawbacks. Ste gas still smilintt--in a way that "NV,“ I .m,r.r.-., t, ' . . , "What on earth posses-sad you Io ask him to Jtviv. U3?” [ He looked at her in blank amaze. f "Good Lard! I thought you’d like it.' And he's not at all a bad! 5-311." "I think he's rather nice," Marcia interjecto:.t. Mrs. Allyn sniffed, rose, and shack her d:rmrt,r! skirt. i, , "He's stupid.'" sf: ' 124, contempt-a- pusly. "Dense 113-413 a mcle-or a hedgehog-m. whatever those things“ are that gape a"crut under the, ground. And at times Ffe, my”. irri-, tating. Bosvidrywl can't endure men' who don't shave!" I Waldron rubbed the bop of his head, Wm}; But Marcia smiled. A; Pfr. ueftrttantruvit had quite suddenly? her ma very 'ris"O6ieity of JTo In? manned.) . 1 “Awmly good cf sou." In rising Tmsk stumbled a Y. me in the darkness; paving Mm. AVcca. She put out a! quick hand, catching at his to steady! him. Marcia suw his eyes for a mi meet, mil, in u stow-dawning comm. hernia) and mrrtderment, thee. in a: "e, tyttth 'bets,vee her 13111191 1ipa.i fortatbht for Amby. Wc'H wit for tm i, “Misting of n real. Mrs. iGiitiiiii bstttfr. _ Her thin on _which u; ted glance at are wb-ia‘téé- i . or u... u. accompomfg vegetable aid Lnd 'animal matter and excrement. THEY Erie" BREED CHIEFLY IN STABLE MA- duh NURE. See that the regulations ro- lspecting the stomge of manure in ved.;urban municipalities is enforced in was‘ ycur town. In order to control the; :11: breeding of flies. manure should be; N f b N 5 "r Dre Any Garment ! ‘f or Old anel'y I i In Diamond Dyes,- has. I"""'"", CW“, sweat dnperloa. hangings. come like new new. drugs!" whether the wish to dye is wool or a ft u “on. cotton, or Diamond Dyes never 0.). - Buy "Diamond Dress" and follow the simple directions in every pachge. Don't wonder whether you cm (in or tint sucqesatully, buguse $th hotpt dyeing is guaranleed if}: Diamond Dyes even if you have non-r dyed " tore. Worm hdod drama, skirts "Mg coat/n, "eaten, ”chum. dnperloa. Musings. "mm " W-.. "Vuuw awn 'c milk with the germs. They at t! organisms from decaying sub ‘1 which will promote decay in Z‘ terial infected. '/ A " that has fed upon fec 9 typhoid patient may carry the b isms of typhoid in his digestiv fand vomit it on food for a m I at least seven days. I The beat method to preven l !treedinst.---rrmG flies breed in , ing or decomposin'g vegetab ian'imal matter and excrement. ‘BREED CHIEFLY IN START i How TORONTO fl "Practice good manners " natural and at the same .1 nice as you can to every i; the time. Think of nice tl ,t, to people and say them s .,! think it will kill you. It I "If you don't tstile mm- - ..-.. van "Kill. other people's ideas are. Be interest- ( ad in everybody and you will find them 1 interested in you. Go out of your way i to please them. Smile, Avoid culti- ‘vating the little mannerisms of other people, for what is natural for themi is not natural for you. When you meet strangers make yourself believe that you like them. By liking them roul can make them like you. I "Study yourself first, be sure of} yourself, but most of " study other! people so hard that you won't have) time to think of yourself. Therein, I! think, lies the secret of a charming] personality." me tune. Think of nice things to say to people and say them even if you think it will kill you. It won't. "If you don't talk very brilliantly, try being a good listener. Be sympag thetic and attentive. Find out what] other monle's ids.“ m. D~ t.,.c_, . _ l - 7_.__ -- _._r_e.. IIJIlIb' gnu“: VUIHIJJII', , too, in the fact that you will outgrow 'some of Four bashfuhtesr, but make up your mind not to let anything in. terfere with your meeting people. Do inst avoid people, but mingle with 3 them whenever possible. Take part in _ the things that are happening in your; [neighbzrh’coi Go to church and tol l Sunday school, and if asked to servo on a committee do not refuse, but do, 'srhat you can to make the work of, that committve a success. You can always forget yourself in trying to, do things for others. Read the ex-' perience of this girl. I am sure you' will find it helpful: I "lt seems that half the girls who seek advice are asking how to over- come self-etmseiousnedi. A lot of us know just how they feel, for self, eorcseiousnwss is that mismmhlo fonh'nn One of my girl readers wrote me lately that she had ovorccme a great deal of her bashfulnoss by paying more attention to her clctlws and ap- pearance. She found that if she dressed with care she had more eonfV dance in herself and was happier. Her, system is worth trying. Take eomtort,l, To Get Rid of the House How Can I Eaton; B;shfulneu? ma Dyes” and follow the can in every Iraehge. whether you cm (in or Iv h----* V has fed upon feces of a nt may carry the org-am rid in his digestive tract. on food for a period of may be found exposed I, ter disrihartres of sick! Ties infect themselves I I teh substances. They ,5 on their legs and, I i as in their digestive]. pollute such food " ms. They also carry! decaying substances“ no decay in the ma) fed upon feces of a. may ca the or an“ n his dwmtivn “in; ! DOG-u L [m silk, or Women’s@ 'iiiiiii!ll,liiiijj'/ Sphere 1 "Grimm. be. Just ten yam- manners. Try h, or whether Pied no“. same time be as prevent their one all of decay- Fly. Your Million. "Freezouo" for n my: to remove new land Doe-u L hurt c mu Drop "F'reeaorw' on an labia: com, Ir that com atom hurting, than you lift it rUhtott with Eugen v...“ ‘__-,. A - , Stable tlies-All of the foregoing 5method's may be applied in the ex- [termination of the stable fly. These [posts tNbu'8e animaU a great deal of I pain and prevent them properly rest- .inug. Money that is spent in keeping {the stable free from flies and their {breeding grounds and for chloride of Ilirms--to be lightly sprinkled in the‘ itmugho and behind the horse-solos---; Lift Off with fingers will more than compensate in the a; proved condition of the “imam, i will gwuanlee them comparative freo- dom from the attacks of flies in the stable. is some-times etfectisre. Immediately after, the ffies should be swept up and burned, as many are only stupefisd by this subwa'nce. l To poison tlies-Mix two table-f spoonfuls of 40 per cent. Formalin (a1 colution which may be obtained from; any drug store) with one pint of equal , parts of milk and water. This mixture!! should be exposed in shallow plates in; sunny windows, and a piece of bread' may be placed in the middle of..eaehi plate to enable the flies to alight and. feed. All dead flies should be swept" up and burned. The burning of pyre-l thrum in a room, preferably at night,': '.lfisltuorstomdataartrtaeteectnot I less than a quarter at e mile, the . " further the better from the house or a------ i' dwelling. Flies also breed in ferment- am or luncheon: in We: to I 1‘ ing matter, such as kitchen refuge and, guest. without comma. The l garbage and in moist earth, soeys) of the guests are written on th ( times found around garbage and privy! and aaartuttred at the place: vim 1t,',tt,r,'eu1s,: Garbage receptacle guests are to be seated. On e1 1 should be kept Lightly eorered. If you} the dining-mom each quest La I have no garbage collection in munici-' or her name and in this way fit lpality, all refuse that will ferment place. The cards also have dee "hould be buried or burned within a) value, especially when made t , few days. When it cannot be disposed monize with the other decor-nth of at once it should be sprinkled with, are in keeping with the purp ;chlcride of lime in summer. ismlnl fpatnrns of th- “new”; Place-Cards. Place-cards are aged at formal din- Rid your house of mes-First screen your windows and doors, especially those in the dining-room and kitchen, then drive as many of the flies out as possible through the sunny opening. Flies naturally sack the light, and in summer do not seek dark Corners. 3118.0, g "ijji'i" retrulaNy removed every six days in gig-manner. and either spread on u up". on with lingo". Truly! drum "Us a tiny bout. ot I... A... - ., ',.itrit19h)9lts FREE. Tell In rouriroisii. PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Sold everywhere on our mom " back guarantee. ADVICE FREE. Tell us your (mum. tlj-tll t" No need to has chicks. Rain even one into . a strong proh'tabU bird. Successful poul- tryuen everywhere bunk on Putts Buttermilk Baby Chick Food Drop . mu. Com, instant, :. than than]; , ou will be astonished at the re- ,5 i suits wage: byour modnu system i of dyeing and cleaning. Fabric. i that are shabby. dirty or spotted are shade like new. We can restore the l Most delicate articles. 5‘ Send one article oraparcel of goods by post or express. We will pay cur- (rfagi, one way, and our charges are most reasonable. . IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED - 'iben of tho leather, mm". " .ut, - and PHIBIO. Import“ Bunk. "mm Oil double. the m. " I‘M It vat.- "“' Max of and... On “I. "who". lof!hetrus-m'ttenmtth- I and arranged at tho phat! where the Aueirra are to be outed. On entering fthe dining-mom each quest seek: his , or her name and in this way finds " , place. The cards nlao have decorative ‘vmlue, especially when made to har- monize with the other decorations, or DYEHNG thousand years. Arms and legs Wm graduany disJ appear from the human body, accord-j ing to one scientist. v.ho prophesicsf that the change will, however, take ten _ Imprint an. Hun... ouch...“ on. ' Itty"m H, Mlnard'l Llnimont for Burns, etc. are in keeping with the purpose' J, special features of the entertainment. nerrotrhtneheoetsinor6rto-atttto from 1.15: uri at much as-ordiI-nE-[rouo and In“ twlco as long. Sold fwfrywhm in also. .. - --- -v--' - luopo axle. cool. MUNI friction, laun- wear. The ground mica form. a hand, smooth “who. I)... VII“. the an”. form. n friction- Use coating on all roaring parts. Requlm only In" Imperial .Miea A“. a...“ - wiiCLT. 92 _ It m ing and "dreliri," {Lin-least PARKER's,' Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 79t Yonge St. , Toronto When. yqu think of clean. lisigiiti5tt a I 'Mi' L 'g.ttgft't ff to barrels. I! “I! M “I a ho'll Reign!“ 7.5.3" If a v.17 awn“. {mu m! on. at tthe h nutty and M In In, to " “I: at (lun- 1m Eel tte bttr In! to him. and my ;in China a c necessity in can. ' ' "uburtsan and interurban cor-m“ , _ tion. and for connecting mime-ya 't ' gummy; A mt many r+v, .3 I are imported. for Whidl the “Vim M. ( trade by Chinese mugufu'tuwrs I'm itil,",',".? of I! numb“. give. M. 'et," ' to Nice, and the offfid -r ”when nun who was a highro r- "d, rt'dtl, appointed at in great 4- r:- am. abet?!” ”mines an} I r M “stuns of modes! uaefulnew rm 6 a strong app“). I Taxicabs In victim} in Palm " hithoucht that the fondness of the - 133..” I " Nt has f. with. with 25,000 mifm 0." man. should be m exer'lerc: I for marine motors. Mary of ti _ now in use in South China. Bu in the disadvantage tint narrow and Greek. do not offer mu' _ v“--. .. ,..... .. the English lunguue goes the Eu.,: um can of mind. The words we , _ guide our thought: into channel: "',.4 nre " tray national as are the u: ,.i mountains. One cannot think h, 7 , . "ah “that thinking. to some ox’w ' " an Enchahnun would think. A, 1 lo, " English is spread in wir.., " met: no inadvertent pr.:pn,~.~.~ diota toward. internaticti, ..n-.-'I Minding. M32 sanity. it seemed to be for ciAtid,srtiay',r,l, her “whim” according to pian, R -‘ IL. "A _., I n ship or cout’ shtion thou who" lire to parks with him mun know idiom. country, but on the point, " lacuna» he in 1Peety'rorttisineh.r, brut _ _ “English" in " attitude. English ', his lam. and whether he be I', Amerim's agency in the spread M Englid: by radio account: for my I The "can. American operator is _ ' good a: the "ere of any or»: fact. and "t.r." (tons renseittrome: rsl "de," Ind "a" no Nvered with (r tidal sanction; they are used, [w never extended. If a Spanish operctlor wide: to ask a Chinuxe cons: mum. about weather conditions, he usual; (ii;? it in English. and is sun- " being understcod. I l'nconsciou: Prong-Ma. Theoretically, the trans-rission of wireless messages is independent o.' human consideratlom; actually some eolhrqtshl conlingenrr;es that arise. .Recemiy the captain of a Juana" freighter, passing near ar ‘Americun artillery practice range " the North Pneirse coast. heard a heavy duel] whine overhead. Soon his win. 'ress began to tlutter: "Why for yo. try to sink my tip? 'r" the honor, t Ib1e United tltrttee doubt. I!" on Japan.' Gamma say he peaceful cm , met." Motor Vehicle. for Chin: in: "s.v.p." or a "merei," and, t v: I ,ocmms cf the world, a “please " ! Yes. on the oceans of the wcrli {the Atlantic. the Neitte, and the I dim oeeanq-At in English that n. 'vuls. Whether on: be in the Jam yn. ;or the Yoliow Sea, the North Sam . Mite Gulf of Mexico. it h "tt.m." f ”or “and morning,” "ear" [or 1:4; might," "ttatt." for "no more." "o.m ’for "o'd man,” and n More of ot':,, unauthorized abbreviations stand r entity monitor! English phraw Nothing bat custom chums (hm . Imp-nose curator that?! talk l, Swede in English. The rogulunu have a leaning toward- Freneh, , It in not penalty for Britain. m , Gm M h. beeet ll'lIde by irttam.tkqtnt mdk conventions t, m the me Micuuy tr, winks- communication. writes a l a!" Lee, which“ operator. By a sum" '0! Authoriud Minions provision {has been made for the exprevs‘u-n of {most of the common phrases inridcm w it, the transmission of . rating-nu», ind it is not only possible bur, up. for operators in ships of difreror" ' T tionamy to carry on intelligent rum. _ tottvttruttiotta, And they mu p, rules and regulations, notwith- ta ' [ WINE?“ operators are humw 4. . frequently the abbreviate!“ , V F "Q list” are embellished, if 1h y . not duplaeed, by an expression n [ ,- mother tongue. Thus it ham”- that of the German coast m4- my hear an occasional "lrirte," off Hm Culling Opanbr Commems Upon Elect on htt-tioettrt - ONE LANGUAGE USED IN mama; my ms mum WAVES "lreet 1‘1”. qNor at: , a, In made m mml'r‘ry . no roa.2s V M mm? v itown Mu! client on h PS do TI " Id 11 n, It! I" F1 wr Measuring In IN evtm know hon the angina the . . by opens: Jiili mm I" mum mee I rw th

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