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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1922, p. 4

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it C i ttip,I.,ref'tesi; o/ v e 'iilit, u': Cr: l P. ;-: x"? (e' _ "-; ' 'ills “" 14 ci",.- "se: l "a' ,9 ", .. ' I‘\- »' ST" _'a.'u ,‘ , 4" t C _ '4 - IO For IStt " , Wall paper, China, Garden Moth Balls. Cedar Flakes Comprising a Full Line of Paints and Varnishes llllad'arlare's Drug Store Iron and Caseara with celery Beef, Iron and Wine............. Blood Purifier................ ..... Péptona Liquid ................... PeptonaTablets.................... Nux and Iron Tablets ........... Rheumatic. Compound........... Blaud's Iron Pilla................. Liver salts........................... Milk of Magnesia.................. Dyspepsia Tablets................. Kidney Compound................. Syrup Hypophosphites........... Orderlies (Laxative).............. mnunrunnnluumull" Ill KW , FLATI'IN’E INTERIOR WALL FINISH H beautiful shades. Wash, able and sanitary. ELASTICA FLOOR FINISH Has no mint. CROSS d; SUTHERLAND HARDWARE 00., Durham ELASTICA FLOOR ENAMEL Dries overnight with a hard surface that withstands much wear. The dainty decorate: for \modwwk, Emulate, loom, etc. t it e i m m enamel. lmnmnomx. Barns and outbuildings. Let us Supply you with SPRING MEDICINES LACOUERET SATINETI'E v.mzcutate white tina, Garden Seeds, Formaldehyde, Cedar Flakes and Disinfectants PRODUCTS Come in and consult us regarding any paint“; or varnishing you have in mind-We will bl glad to advise you and to give estimate of can. ...... Lie and 500 35c, 65e and 1.25 ...... 25c and 50e 25c, 50c and 1.00 ............... 1.00 Mc, 500 and 1.00 lilastica products are easy to use, economical. look well and wear well. Only a pure paint will spread easily and cover completely-only a pure paint will give you proper protection-- Purchase Elmtlca and you cannot go wrong. FOR every surface inside or outside, there in " an Elastica Product that will exactly c,cit your needs. _ Our Assortment of .......... 1.00 1.00 and 1.25 at PRODUCTS is Complete 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 mrse,r,tij'sl'/o11' V f The long-looked for Budget of Finance i Minister Fielding was given to the coun- ' try on Tuesday and its provisions will , meet with general acceptance. Anyway ‘ i it will give rise to optimism as to the i future, just as bis first budget under the i' Laurier regime in 1837 did. Scores of {changes have been made, mostly down- lwardsin the interests of the consumers and upwards generally on articles reck- 'oned luxuries. A few of the new taxesi follow ; .Conl'ectionery. 6 per cent Sales tax increased 50 p. c. Clseques-e cts up to 850, 2e each addi- ‘ tionalSSO. (At present itis 2c' for i all amounts) , _ Telegrams and cables - increased from 3 it to Ge, _ Transfers of stock from 2 to Sc per share _ Cigars, from 86 to $9 per thousand Ale. beer, &e--15e per gallon I; Soft Drinks-we per gallon "Most farm implements duty reduced 21 , per cent. On all others 5 per cent. , Tractors for farm purposes free .‘ Tools. tubing, harness, wagons reduced I i from 25 to 5 per cent. i' , Glass milk bottles reduced 5 p. c, paper : stoppers for same 75 p c. l 4 Liquid medicine-(non alcoholic) reduced 1 c I 20 per cent. __ ' any! Turiytttt gtet"uti, The New Fielding Budget May 25. 1922 . r --.. _. -. I KeehniO Mills, Durham. iii guaranteed. Com, mixed ch and all kinds of feed to! Isle at Nicec A brother Wm, died in Durham in Nov. 1920, and I ‘siom' Helen. Mr: Malcolm McMillan,“ two yenrs ago He sleeps in lam: cemetery beside his 8retttttt.-- . Mr Orr while in Owen Sound made many iriende. He was an attendant of the -ieet, of the Salvezion Army and " tenuins were taken from hie home 881, 3rd Are. E. to the Salvation Army Citadel, where Commend-n: Menu conducted up” propriete wrvicee. l I He was born in Beverly township, near Hamilton and 32 years ago was married to Miss Sarah Ann Gllkinson who with their family of six children survivelo mourn his loss. They are; Mrs Jesse Taylor, Owen Sound ' Mrs R. Saunders. Toronto: William and Nelson in Sash ; Jessie sud Robert l at home. One sister also mourns, I Miss Annie Orr, Owen Sound. There died in Owen Sound recent- ly, alter a lengthy illness, Mr Sam Sue] Orr, in his 68th year. he had (been I residence! Owen Sound tor fnwelve years, but for 40 years prev Hons to that was I residence! Bentinck 1and many triendsthere will remem- ber him. Custom chopping everyNy at I A proposal to impose an 8 per cent ‘income tax on aliens employed in 19y?tuia is likely to be made law. ‘Tbis seemetc be justioricie well iknown that many aliens enjoving Canadian privileges are simply 3“Minin2 Cnnedn" to the injury cf {Canadian inbor. and lending home "heir earnings beyond a bare sub- eistence. Be a resolution passed a few days moat 0 time acimnge is to be made in the Election Act to enema that parties removing to a new inculi'y iust beiore an election should not be deprived of their vote. Methodist ministers by the absence of this privilege have oiten been disfraneh- ised. , Subsequent developments have led to the i opinion that the animals died from eat- Iing sweet clover. The danger from i feeding sweet clover in excessive quant- "ilics or when it is mouldy, it is under- ?stood. has been referred to in a bulletin issued by the Dominion veterinary de- partment. As the animals that died,; as well as others that were sick in the Dorchester District, had been eating sweet clover, ii is held responsible for the difficulty. Other cases have been re- ported in Western Ontario,whcre an. imals have died following the de-horning operation, because of the fact sweet clover had so thinned their blood that it would not coagulate. In view of the fact that young cattle in North Dorchester township died recently under circumstances, which im dicated hackquarter, a dreaded dismse, a warning is being given to Mock men. settled, near! holiday trudc activities. " An amendment of the Municipal Act [provides forthe holding of municipal Iielectiona on the first Monday in Dec. (ember if the municipality desires to take advantage or this provision. Thus it Durham wishes the elections may be held on Monday, Dccember4 next, of H922. Allthat the councilrtquires to, do to bring this change into effect is to pass aby-law adoptingthis provision before the first of Novnrbe r. This change has much to recommend it. Under present conditions the nomin- ations, election, come in the midst cf the Christmas and New Year's holiday season, when citizens generally are at the busiest seaSm of the year, and when family and social festivities are at their height. By following the amendment provided. the elections will I be over and all the attendant turmoil ii TORONTO Municipal Elections in December team in the field prevents these players aiding Durham to land a championship and being anxious to play here, it is reported the ' have refused to sign wit Hanox'emummmfimfi? Junior team have passed the age limit, and to give them opportunity to stay with the game is given asthe reason for their entry in higher ranks. The Late Samuel Orr ' It was rather an unpleasant eurprise to Durham lacrosse circles to learn last week that Hanover had entered a team in the Intermediate series. The idea had been passed up, and Sam Ih%dorf and Zimmer signed up with Durham No I team their nearest town. SttemrtB. Canons. Flank. than llnings. wool- len fabrics. rubber and knitted goods, boots and shoes, blankets all reduced 2.5 p c. Cullars and cuffs reduced 5 p c. Automobiles may be entered as settlor's effects by farmers only: though i: is proposed to admit them valued at not mute then $1000 by other settler: as A Sweet Clover Warning Sugar. preference increased. from one quarter at! to one third. (Sugar should be cheaper. .- Hanover Intermediates Enter well as farmers ‘y a month before the and the Chriatmastidc 3ete'ohrmq A Hanover field prevents these players ----i-- THE DURHAM REVIEW Mc- l {miner's Meter. In 'riuiarii7tia' for a short the. Mn H. Byers spent e day In! week with In Welter Geddes.' The Inner. enjoyed the tine nil we had “In!!!" and are now getting the root stoned ready. The Mine: Boyce and Min E. Petty, all of Durham High Ichool spent the week end with Min Daisy Mather. In Joe Nichol and son "eotn. pulled by Mia: Isabelle Fulton left for Ponthlll on Monday to vltlt the founer'a ulster. In Wm. moms--- Miss Kate Badly of Toronto is visiting I few of her old friends around in this neighborhood. The W. M. S. of lampden church are hgving a social evening the night ofthe 24th. Mrs Breutlgan an old time resident otthis part, but now of Alminaspent a few days last week with her dal- ghter, Mu Noah Manger. Miss Florence Legate left for Owen Sound on Friday. Miss Jean Clark spng‘a few with her cousins, Misses Irene Blanch McKechnie, Glenroaden Misses Irene and Isab Toronto spent a few da father's, Mr Robt Lawson Mr and Mrs G. Be with Mr and Mrs w of lheweek. Mrs Robt Baxter is apending a few] days with her daughter, hits John 1 Baum. Bora,to Mr and Mrs Victor Scheur man. a daughter. Mrs Jno. Dyer received news of the death of her y: sister, and left Saturday for to attend the funeral. Miss Myrtle McDonald of Lam. lots, spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Islay McKechnie. Mr Campbell Mitchell spent Sun- day with his sister, Mrs Neil McLean. We are having f1ne growing weather and most of the fumen axe busy with the root crop. " Congratulations to Mr and Mn Lance Rumble (nee Miss Georgie Lawson) on the arrival ofnyoung tron, May 18th. Mr Roy, Thompson left to accent-1 - F-""'. -<-v -v "\LKi position in Toronto on Saturday." m running order' for a There are ttttll one or " taken. A meeting of the members of the beef ring was held in the school house last Friday evening to try to get things m running order frse. “A...“ _ _ ,7 Sweral of our young men got a ducking while fishing on Saturday even- ing, owing to the bregk in Gicnroaden dam. Mrand Mrs Fred Tizzard anc daughter of Hanover spent Sunday with her brother, Mr D, Lamb. Mr and Mrs Wiggsand children, who have been visiting her brother and sisters at the Flctcher hunt haw rc- turncd to their home in Clinton. Mr Robt Murrayof Sullivan visited hisaunts, the Misses Janetand Helen Clark on Sunday. Misses Elizabeth and Irene Grasby of the Garafraxa Rd. accompanied by Mrs Geo. Mculcken of Durham visit. ed with Mrs John Lynn. Muss Barbara Smith is staying with Mrs Neil McLean of "Glen Mac" dur- ing the absence of Mr McLean in Tot- onto. Miss Mae McCallum of Mulock Ipent Sunday with Muss Stella Lynn. I About a month ago we reported the ) funeral of the late Sam Orr of Owen l Sound but since then we learned that lowing to the bad state that the roads I were in, the funeral did not take place l until Wednesday of last week, the body i being placed in the vault inOucn Sound until then. Mr Willie McDonald, his lmothcr, Mrs John McDOnald and aunt; Miss Nancy Smith of Crawford motor-i ed to Owen Sound to .attend the fun-l ,eral while Messrs James Smith and D. I N. Clark met it at Latona where inter-l ment took place. _ Mrs Tippet of Durham visited with; Mrs J. W. Smith one day recently. l Mrs A. Noble and family spent Sun-ll day with Mr and Mrs Tom Hopkins on i the 7th con. " 5 Each club will be represented by two rings in all league games. Jer, I At a well-attended memo} held in the ‘town hall. Walkerton.a lawn bowling lleague was formed, to be known " the [Sangeen Lawn Bowling League. The (officers elected were as follows ; Presi- dent, A E, McNab, Walkerton ; Vice- president. Herb Kenning. Hanover; secretary treasurer, Bert Scarborough. Hanover; executive ccmmime. presiq dent, vice-president. secretary-treasurer,l C. S. Stephan. Walkerton, and Mr Clancy I Cargill. Group 4-Ripley, Teeswater and Luck- BOW. Twelve clubs were inch league. grouped as follows ; Group 2--Paisley, Port Elgin and louthampton. Group 3- Durham, Hanoverand Ches- Form Saugeen Bowlers' League Group 1-Wallrertoa, Mildmay and argill. ROCKY SAUGEEN HAMPDEN ', order for another scar. still one or two shares not Dyer r§c_eived the sad I . Boyguwere visitor“ ABERDEEN ' Migses IreieTi',ii few days? GG; / Clark tiiriiiii'; of her. ytGiiGi"t Isabel Liteon, a few days to agcept a included in the Safnia ... Keep the smut away from your 'l,' sEfh,11s.?f1r,kll.?f., grain by using our Formalin. g Guaranteed 40 per cent. .s. D ist d St ti r Itil McBETH 'u""halAslttione §§ fling? Oat Feed per ton ..... Clar 8mm St ock Feed per ton Chieftain Mixed Peed per ton Durham Mixed Feed, per ton Whole Screenings per ton _ . i. Ground Screenings per ton . ., Heavy Mixed Chop per ton . .. Whole Corn, per ton......... Whoic Corn, per ton. . .. . . . ., Ground Corn, per ton ...... ' Crunhed Oats, per 100 lbs , Crushed Oats. Coin and Bark Chopped Oats, per 100 lb... Peed Oatmeal. per 1001b... Oat Slings. per too tttr.... n.‘.--‘ 7 -- Poult Term Cub Basin”: Houns I n cos p n lgEEEG‘IEEEE'F‘IG'E "l""',,:,.:.:.:.:.',,; it Spring Rece-ities Reduced Peed Prices --- UUNHAM , $saaaaaa :9S:SS.S'a:a.q:a'.a.a:a.a:at8' __----...................... 7.051111 " Le y9.0Ar..ypptiitii'.C.C: 788nm 3.5 Lv PALMERSTON .'.'........ 8.28-m " Le FERGUS ""'.-r.......... 9.15311: " Ituf?tyrLryt '"'""'............ 9.46arn If, Ar -BAt_ANtr6TtTiT.T. ........ 100ttm 8.3: --- _Ar, !1Ah1iHrp?r..r..il:r.i. l _t' ll, !9°P_1.,,_, tt M Ar. T0R0Nrtr.CT.CT.r.r.r..y. 1l.10am' 7.40 Returning-Leave Toronto 6 so am. and 5.02 p m Parlor Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto on morning Guelph to Toronto on evening tram, For full particulars: apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents, W. CALDE l Town Agent, Control Drug Store. Talent» GRAND TRUNK Railway Syste; ROB my mus, ROB You may go further and pay more. We buy best grade of Grocerin at all times 2 tins good Salmon Mc 5 lb Oatmeal 25c " lbs Sugar, white or brown..... $1.00 2 easel Tomatoes Mc. Evap. Apple. Mc 3 lbs very fine Rice 25c. 2 lbs Sal. Tea OI We want was. We ant BUTTER. , PHONE so Beggs Store, lhtrht FRESH GROCERIES Bell’s Pure fibge Moth B ' " This flour will make you good bread and will bake good pies and cakes. We don't charge too much ei We have sold this flour for fifteen years. Milverton Jewel Fiour,h lb sacks, 3.75 We will sell you a bag of good Flour and' they're all fresh this year and new Seeds, put up in 1 lb. and half pound packages. Lv Lv Lv Ar. Ar Ar Seed Corn, Mange! Seed and Turnip Seed Rennie's Turnip Seed, “I, kind. bulk or pkg Buy your Seeds while our stock: are complete. laptoved Leaning Seed Corn White Cap Seed Corn Wisconsin Seed Corn lo. , Mammoth Southern Sweet Seed Corn Rennie's Leviathan Sugar Beets Rennle‘s White Jumbo Sugar Beet Rennie's Yellow half-long lnternxed. Mange! Rennie's Yellow Leviathan Mangel Pr. JIURHAM We have reduced prices on Feed. and prices in any quantity will be as follows: A Complete Stock of In all sizes for Suits, Fur Coats mrxqun rum SERVIEE ROY MILLS, Limit; On Time Daily except Sunday ""'...,..... 2am I---.............. Mutt ..... '":f.-........ woo ....../."............. 3150 II "........... .... 2:0 yrler mama...“ 2:0 ['y._..V..cr."."'.y.: 2.10 Im-.....":.'."."..'.'.". I75 1ccev.......ll.' 2.75 permit. ...... 27s I "'-.......... tag Nb. "............ 315 ...................'. At, " iiiiiC.'.y.:.' " .'.......... 'i-y.-.'-.'."'.-'.-.-'-.'-.'-.'-'.-'.- 7.053m 7 88. m 8.'2tlam 9.151111 9.45:1!) "5.00, sacks included r,,')' Pineapple 2200 without sack: 25.00 lacks included " ff? Inch included MAY 25. 1922 This is the week to gnaw: Pine apples. hey won't be any chca- per and the quality is good. We have those nice large Pineapple.. 1v Furs, etc. . Telephone No. , morning train and Durham '.WF'rrt 8 80p m 7.40pm 3."prtt 3.5lpm 4.23pm 5.05pm 5.36pm Week Ire you either. Wester VI Heights from] The B. 1 Buy 'hu amph joints ant make it 1 flock is k m'eryo; will ma (24 lbs. Purity and "I a MAY 2 'e" tttt v-‘- n...‘ nu V..-

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