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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1922, p. 5

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by get :21 ' pk g. and Corn Flour i. 3.75 le M" es k ' "A, "ee. I! ttt N.‘ I“. 'f! f" 'tt m To M m m ll I w, '1’ f has ample strength. The double reinforced joints and para] el wires every two inches make it stiff and rigid yet elastic. Your _ flock is kept in and intruders are kept out. Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by good hardware dealers The B. GREENING WIRE 00., Limited ' HAMILTON 47:7 CANADA MAY 25, 1922 Everyone will be delighted with the good things you will make from the Purity Flour Cook Book recipes. Buy a bag orll..,l,,,t,,,.,a,,,!.iity Elam 7 Mail all Coupons to Western Canada Egg‘Mills Co., Limited Use the coupon. Hove. your grocer buy your flour. Mail It to us and books to your home prepaid. (24 lbs. or more) and secure Purity Flour Cook Book and Home Account Book ',lf,jisi,ti,y,iiiis, - -l h. - 'Ape, - fill?‘ kt a . N', _ K f " . / I'c)'ik, 'dit A \ c )1...» :7 1;; 19. l . .r'i'i" etiii'. . {fa ' .,. Sa w.\ ts?"sC7r"?""s rr 3 A' m, Ff, VIS, M .y b" . ' . _ O . _. l t f . $$$® (Cie, (£3 'dis] gn ')st'tij, ' gti'A'to't . . Pa' ve-e 'irrN hr 4g, ",_ ' " '! f " . (f _"?,/'1," tis' a 'it'::':' a» .,'.iirril"jl) "s,. x\ _fe'a,,,,cl:c)c-C,.i"si'_ii,ii, it). tll if." = f Te 4:: ih" FREE - /r"" -- " iii;' IDelliight: These DURHAM A. Beggs 2lk Son 'e grace”. will be glad to your Purity Flour oupon Have your grocer sign it when you, . a“ f , has Purchased PURiWFmUR Toronto Free Copies of the PURITY k and Purity Home Account THiS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Coupon No. r-.------'- . .. r.-------------""". During the "at week Weather con diiiong has he“ “uncut. the warm moist wombat " udvsnced he meadows and pastures -1, nd the young grain is musing I good ‘ahowing. Meetings will be held this week an Fridny m the Methodist uni Presby- terian churches here. and also in the Swintou Perk, Salem and Bethel churches tor the purpose of trymg to form a local union of the two denom- dilutions. The neural potions who have been ailing for more or less tune “a all gaining nicely in bank. Thu Field Crop oompetitio 1 in con- nection win: the Agricultural Sociezy here In: the appearance of being quite auccessfnl this year. The Pox Co. are anticipating a moccasin! "aria the breeding and rearing M a hue number ot high class animals. h iiAs, Mrs R. Cankey no gesiing' settled in the sputum" in their brick block connected with the Pan Oifitttr, u.) Mn p, Hamburg and Mrs Hallway of South Bend, Egremont Tp. is visi- ting u few days thin week with an old friend. Mrs D. G. McLean. PRICEVILLB AND SOUTH PRlllGlllWlllLLE 61¢me will fordrard Born-tht Wednesday, May 17th, to Mr and Mn Wm Knox. a Mm-- William Jumea. Last Saturday nurse Miss Ethel), Campbell new of Toronto, but a Gil," two of .the Park, called on some of , her old friends here and took akindly l look " the old home. She was at- El companied by her cousin. Miss Allie it Me0otrgsll of Vancouver. also well! known here. " she made many long l visits at Donald Campbell', when he , 1 lived on the farm. Miss McDougell ‘1 has been for the last three years M. ', [ tending college in Toronto and is new ', returning West, They motored up from the city " say farewell to many l friends and Will leave for Vancouver. on Wedneaday, the 24th at Mari motoring all the way. Miss McDou '; gall has a Ma McLaughlin ear and In " expert driver. They Will be: accompanied by three otner young‘ people and expect to spend about a month on the way. This is certainly fit" way to spend the month oi one, passing through the country i when looking its best. We are glad you have the dough girls and hope , you may enjoy the trip fully. Mr J. R. Itiohardran has spent the 4 last few days on the dam which he snorted lost yen. Be will now have n pond nearly 6 ft deep in the centre. cowering quite . large tree. Be in. tends stocking it with fish and is also thinking of putting in the necesnry machinery to: lighting up his build-, inge. Why not light up the Park ? t The young people enjoyed hockey' ‘end skating on the pond nllwmter and they will certainly enjoy the bath. ing when the warm days come. Mr Biehnrdeon will leave Wednesday of this week on on auto trip through New Ontario with " brother-in laws the Messrs Crenaton of Lucknow. They are going for pleasure.‘ also is kind oi prospecting. N We have read in the Toronto pep-V ere letely how the work wee done on the Eaton term near the city. by pho- toe of It or 4 horse teams " work. But we notice that Wm Aldoorn of PriceviIle can do just es well on hie farm at the Park es be has nine boro 'iiriGore those fine days. Mr and Mrs Ham Allan, Durham. were visiting the fltet of the week at hit Wm McEsehme'e. bit and Mrs John Hockridga and family. Osdtsrville, spent. Sunday " E. E. Hockridge's. Min Annie Wan is visiting a " days reitis her sister. Mu Jno Ferris. Mr Wm Burnett Jr. was home hom Durham over the Week end. Mrs: Eg. Iia Barnett accompanied him back to visit I few My: mth friends. Min Mats MoEachnie has returned from a short. any in Bufhio, a. mac daughter having arrived at her broth- er Elwxn's home. Mr Jack Hill uni {Amuly were Sun. dly "more " Mr Goo Christie’s. itr, Dave Allan, Durham, was via- iting recently " be: brothers, Nell Mali-ohmic. Mrs E. Hockndge has been “king treumenc for her than n It Forest. hotpstal And wu home on: the week and: Died, " Hopevllle Mn) 19th. WI]. lie. intuit son of Mr and Mrs Geo Ridden. used 1 year and 2 mos. The funeral vns held t1sturday so Dun. dalk cemetery. Rev. Mr, McCartney. Corbetton whining. Spring is about two weeks later l than usual throughout the Dominion I but the absence of early growth minimizes the dangerto crops from from The weather has been iavor- I able for ploughing end seeding and these operations are now general.- moisture in ample. While the acre- age seeded to spring wheat in the prairie provinces maybe samewha: smaller then last year, general con. _ I ditione are encouraging. Fall grain- in the west and trait trees both int British Columbia and Beater-n thut-r eda, have wintered well. Details, lollow P ' SWINTON PARK Province of Oatario-Beturott gener- ullviu backward. Fall when has tntirered some danma from Inc (macs, bat generally bu wimered well. Spring wheat seeding tn pro- _ Oats average sewage, towing under way. Bay prospects (nour- nble. gnu pasture new growth being retarded by.cold weather. _Frn:it good condition. ooooo ooooso usually leave a trail of ram Build up on $artestimdsiat sentt-.ot-*.r0'rt. lt "DEW! PM effectually adds 1 mm to the body. It builds up W! HOPEV|LLE in: tGGG" icnernlly in Crop Report DURHAM REVIEW l "" Ullllu" , _ the Park?" HtcmThxArtott m Ha-tit.-.-') tl sd hoelrey‘rate ot taxation for the current year‘: all winter , for the town of Hanover has been struck i. by the bath. I: at 47 mills on the dollar, an increase of 7 some. Mrimills over last year. The increase is .' edueaday of '; largely due to the parsimony of former - lP t.hro.ugh 1councils levying too low until previous her-m laiU) years' deficits now amount to $2.275. Unknown 3 Hanover property owners are virtually l tN, tthura . paving rents for the privilege of owning 1 their properties. . 1rlu1,'f How WOULD tins Surr You If“! ity, by PhO' , re informed upon"the best authority" " " work _ hat when a subscriber in Japan rings F Aldoorn oi pCentral and asks for a telephone well on his: umber, the operator may be expected " nine bor ho ask "What number does the honor:‘ s, able son of the moon and stars desire ?' ---- ‘Hokik two three." Silence. Then the 3 , exchange resumes ;"Will the honorable " 'person graciously forgive theinadequacy m, Durham, ofthe insignificant service and permit 'the Week at this humble slave ofthe wire tointorm him that the never~to be'suiliciently- ockridge Ind [ censured line is busy ?" How would you it Sunday at like that instead of the terse and busi. ness-like“Line's Busy" in vogue here ? Man died while waiting for a train at Brockville. What: lingering death to diet The waste" of the Carnegie fund turned down a request from Wingham for assistance for a new library. Only tour passengers were killed on the Canadian railways last year. out of a total of fttty-one millions carried. Canada has put an embargo on Bng- lish bees, We've got 'em beaten on the embargo on live stock all right. Changeable weather cause: much Asthma, Bronchitis and Rheumatism. Neuralgia. etc. Raz-mah for asthma and T. R. Cs for rheumatism are gum" anteed, ttsk S. MacBem. ONTA A handsome combination drinking fountain hat been erected in Port El. gin by the local Women's Institute, at a coat of 8400. The pedestrians' source of supply is a tine porcelain, while the l, horses and dogs have solid grey granite l drinking troughs. You will enjoy a night of wholesome [ fun when you hear "A Southern Cinder. ella" in the town ball, June 6th. Mrs , McCarten will sing between acts. Also there win be community singing led a” \thecompany and others. Plan of hall} at Mac Beth's Drug Store. l I, King Edward Park these evenings re- minds one of a three-ring circus. In one place abunch are playing baseball, in "mother lacrosse. and yet another foot- ' ball. With all these three games on the program it looks as though we mi t have some sport this 1',"t,1e,d'.t.a"lia'rit, b dale Standard. tl,. A pro" wing Brodie-d J Black That By-hor vour- .Nu. 629 appointing a road oversee: being tot township be filled up with name; Frtlit,of A. Meow. (Reeve) u oveneeri ly in and that it be new read a third time. l Irteettd, mauled god engroued on Br "--'uw boot. Carried. I! 'ramull--g J Blah Tint Br _ I, Law Na, 630 to provide for expend!- . stare on road-in the :ownohip tor the? st i, yen 1922 be now read ' third time, i Signed. and and manned on By Law Book. Called. m i Turnbull-- Brodie That Aug:- , Dunbar be paid $t15.03for usury u " humor tor 1922. Curried. ADDITIONAL LOCALS I}. I) ..NF.. -. _._V, in the choir. Minutes afloat meet-'; ‘ing read 3nd tsuttitrtttett. Commun- ications read as (allows: Deputy Minister of Highway department, with forms for By laws re road ex- pendimrcs. Wood Goody a Co. _ debentures. the Pedlar {some cal-i vet-ta, letter tromG ll. eeson. M. P. P. with a supply ofOnt. stututes. Sawyer-Massey account for under , repairs. Thomas Moron Townline ; detective roads, By-luu estimated, {expenditures and appointing Road overseer was introduced and rend n Him nod lacond time. The Council met Mny 13th " per adjournment. Members present, Reeve Mchniz. Mans" Brodie. J. J. B'eck and 71:09 T urnb‘n'll. Reeve l J J Btaett--Broditt The: mm women do hereby desire to extend {our sincere cheek: to G. l. Leeson, ', M P P tor tree set ot revised statute- Eat Ontario 1914 end all the amend. ments theretolo replece those dent. :royed by are when the hall we: ibnrned. Carried. J J Blaetr-Brodie That the no 1 count ot Sawyer-Massey Co. Limited , tor repairs tor trraderounottntto $39.14 2 and 62.61am“: charge: on same? be paid. Calried. . 2 Brodits--'rarnbttll That $4.00 per day for nun und team. $2.00 tor mun and$3.0010r grader operator be the scale ot wsgesou Township roads this summer. Carried. J J Iyaek--Tarttbttll That Itsi- nlm O‘Hunleybe paid $3 00 refund tor statute labor performed in 1921 and getting no credit tor sumo Ind $2.00 for work pertormcd at Lot 20 con. 8. Carried. Brodie-l. J, Buck That Jchn B. Tbibudenn be pubmnter in Divin- ion No85io place ot John Woods sud that Alex. Stanebome be Path. Inaacor in division No 28 in pine of Colin McLem. Carried. "ir/ae-retry! Th1: J. B. Black be mid 82500:": nlnry u Clerk. Carried. - The. cJJééil'iajonma to June io, n 10a. In. J. B. Black. Clerk. TORONTO corGusnity singing led by Glenda Council were killed on The Bruce Conn sorG' tcye) '10:,"0 P,'.'".'.", Sign“? Celebu ion win be held ti or" 2,id'll'Uafii.l ey, an: 3rd. big Day oi Sports. nun-son: hm“ - commencing with a oatludiercus All! "'"""at','itlt Fools' Parade at 10 a . Horse Racing i 'At .. g 1-..“, Baseball Toumame and Highland V'MP'W” t'oix,g,t'rd"l Dancing in the aitern , In the evetr. I eereyterseseeeeilee'r'e ing a Marathon Race n to the High t J. L. s5tlr School Students of the ounty in coin!1 t , M. B petition for the Bank oi amilton Cup, ion”: it,",,1,'ie,titi',','ie,ii Grand Fireworks Displ . and Band; m am on, opttom (Concert, Bruce Regt. B d and High- i te',,,'.?","), 99 rt,",', land Pipers wi1furn.ith rdi: . The day I fhurohay “news," its plannedtu give the boy mm T,'ritrzrrTr."iT:t":r:,e-", iseas and their friends a pay freal fun. _ 'Remember every retuincd m wearing 1 ORS. JAM‘ESON I la service button entitled to tr e admis- f 0rrtc. 2--5Mterttoott I __ . . . "et I Horn: 74 Evening: . sion to an events. See big bill: Tenders Lid, I -- -- ,w.c.PicKEitiMt B. u s, L as T ' . , , HONOR an mums of Two. enders t'ill be received Up to Sat-) Univerait qdtubtas of Ro al (mug. Itfitir, evzmmg thel 27th :fbMday for ', of r2,t'1'lt'ig'l"de,'lt of 'J,,'1Tt' 'iiiii,7l; Ut we we concre tt at: ti " as . ' . . , follows, t g a pm J a J Hummus Near on” ""iiiri-'-lpt, mile north of Holstein in the Township of Egremom. No. 2- n the Township of Sullivan near De oro, bath bridges are on County to dt. V big); an specification? at the County Engineer's Rice, Owen Sound and also tt office of bt undersigned, Durham, at. W. CALDER Chairman Co nty Roads Com May 16th. In o The first 5 ting at the Court of: Revision for t e Township of Glenda 1 for wzxmu be Icld at the Towusbtp, Hall in aidlts ship on Way] ttl for “Hamil be new at me lawn-mp, -, ,#. -" . Hall in aid To ship on My "!Y iBeitttr1 Aucuonear tor Go, “M wind“ of H323 at w o'clock 1n ( in”. nodal-we Amngeueuu (or an I the orenoon. All pernonn having Jame- trtycue.Pt,e.y.l.t.t?, use PST, St buuincu at said ourt will please take Effighgugrg'uéfiw‘mfiflfi‘fl: tlerJr, patio: and gave n them'fvr't pccord- Samoa to. ram- on ammo-mm m Itttt r. . B MeptrML, Ceylon Dated at Gle lg this ah day of 1 or to C. IAIIGI. mtrttot ingly. I r" Dated atiGle ig this am day May isnt. l I, s. mocha: Notice is hereby prohibited on lots on the 3rd Con. E of the 3rd Con. N, The Durham U.F.O. Li Stock Ship- ping Association will shi stock from Durham every Tuesday gain ate re- quested to bring stock inc that day but give three days nohcc. Jas. LAWRENCE. Manager, Phone 98, r 1-3. R. It. N I, Durham Notice to Plot Holder? Glenelg Aourt oi Revision The Company guarantee to ttend to caretaking of any plot for ye Pt.".? for $1.50. Plot holders wishing lots kept in order notify Robt. Matth 1. care- taker, Allan Bell or W.S, Hun r. Farm for Sale Lots 13 and " con. 2. N. D. R Glenelg 100 acres. if not sold will be rented. Apply to Sarah Webber or A, . Jack- son. Executors. June 3rlin Chesley Separate sealed det stnarked "Tend- er lorContractNo. ...," will be received by the undersigned until l'..' o'clock on Friday, June gud, to 2, for the (allowing work on Provincial hwlys '. Concrete Abutment & Bridge Floors l Contract No 675 Tow ships ot Bentiuck . and Glenda. l ContractNo. on; To ships of Egre- mom and Norman a _ Plans, specitifations. information to bidders, tender (arms: tender envel- opes may be obtains on and after Friday, May 12th. 1922, t the oflice of the uridersigned,or tram l A. Robbins, Resident Engineer Duxha . 1 A marked cheque for tl. 10.00 payable ,to the Minister ut Publ “mks and 1Highways. Ontario. or a G aranty Com- ’ - 8 Bl A) I” .. c. ilar amount I I\§Eluvu| H..-._, _ “ A marked cheque for .51, mm payable ,to the Minister ut Publ Works and 1lu,S,y"i,'i; Ontario. or a G trants Com- pany's bid bond for a 61 Mar amount !must be attached to the enders A /'iiiiyr..s.' Company's Cont ct Bond for 50 per cent of the amount the tender will be furnished by cont tor when contract is signed. All bon must be lmade outon Departmental fo s. The lowest or any tender not news my ac- cepted. W, A. McLe ' Deputy Minister of " hways. I "t'S',,"t'o','t, of Public Highways nt., aroma. May 2nd.. 1922. Whont.......... Ems-perennu 1irlMj.l.h.elii'.i'tr, “u . -. II 1'uu7i0ikji1tef? H "iriltiiitiiri3iet RAl-MAH 1s .tyiii,rrje,t,t,t,f, Fishing \Prohibitcd Durham Marketli. - - - to restore nan-ml breathing, stop mucu- gathering. in the bronchial tubes, gin long " u d quiet iietgt',tth', no - ., -- x-.. " “mm- Notice to Contractors Notice to kaers SOLD BY s. mama 'ITiiirtti2nt'iijo 'r The nt' f under not neces . lily ac- 'ttt w A. MrLe ' "it, rputy Minister ofll hways. til, otPuhlicHighways nt.. 'fir day 2nd., 192:. 1' =tP-=------r-r-" "W“ '-"-'rii, am Market . 1., Durham Qemetery [ thi I iit, d f, I, -y- -.-.... -7,” 's.' 'll.' w k CU', l orto c. “not, Dun-h ' C . - If I J'tt m ttas a “bottom (u " ---- - -----" __ , “not 111 (1-le iven that fishing is 3,51, " 53 and M, l. R. and on lot 10 (It, Glands. E qme: u ' -.e-- - - _ a ourdnt arutk ”1.3.1. ”.m- urns. Wb""'""' - __ 'll'i'toGrieirsuete ‘u m w.. 2treerd. IIICI'S Practical Courses-Isp" . tion. v individual Inst Li Stock Ship- : ' . . shi stock from meloymcfnt Dcportmct" , artica ate rev C. AFlcm nu. RCA. G. I mo that day but Principal no. Wm. Weir, John Newell Walter ttalt, ik 'ot25 stop an?” 1922 t '"'iiiii GiiUtGGisiaie old post one. (omee Hours: 9 to" I m. L30 tot l #1, m., , to 9 p. m" Sunday: and i ouay afternoon excepted. inks} iihiiisorn sisurisoN J. c. BUTTON.M.D..C no vasirioLotevmese ham 0” MM: " all noun. " J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. C. P. S. . OMce and residrruee_ettr!ttCoyet.ty l, Boson (“1““)er Two-m ”may. a. M Royal mam hem-I m i osmium In .21 In When. D tl '4 - vow Jun-ll" qtptt a n-l opp. i ohm Punt ottiro. DURHAM - All! - unions Burma. Sollclml'. Etc. “may m Mun. In)»: coll-Iggy”:- tum uni-xvi: -t6tsetatttremM" I” h'lMihutl'fSlfllt'lil'lt. J. than!" 0.0.3. "ejfittj)jf,_f-f/fi)'i'i; jr" ti2hri/ticrr, _r,ii.ikiisre/ _ The School is thoroughly equipped to italic up the {alumina courses : i I. Junior mum-mm l. Entrance to we Hanan [chock 13. Senior agatritagutton _ Each member of the mt! is I Univ- ' can graduate and an experienccl i teacher. .. . . uxocpt Sunday- IEIEGIBI SCE©©L Open All Year. Eater r" Ar, swan _ "_N . Yonge andCharles Sta., T orottto --the high grade business nchool of Ontario. Our graduates are in strong demand. Prepare now and he ready to accept a good position in the Fall. Catalogue free. "iifiiitiiine pupils should prepare to en- ter at the beginninaof the tall tern. Information an to count- may beeh- tained from the Principal. The School hats a creditable record in the past which it hopes to maintuin in the future. Durham is an attractive and hesithe town and good accommodattun can be obtained at reasonable rates. , C. “I163. (2me c. a. mum) . A., Prlttelittt ftnd Successful Year tMice on Lambton St ' *vr'r'r'r'l' vmwwvg; 'li', Orant's Ad. 'll', Gingham per yd .25 to we ; it Home Dresses a¢....81.50 - A. 'Br M” - - lion's Combmatiom..2.00 , - Children‘s Banda"......... .. «In ...............2.65 and 320 il, Ham-Mu “can it Boy tr' " l a * Seeded Baum... Me pkg t T beeueu "-IBluu... -_'e . - . 'li. c, L. Grant t . B. CUBbEY Ladies' hose per pr........ e......'.... 25c and 300 Lisle hose, pr,...50e & Sie Cashmere hose......75c pr Owen Sound, Ont .PHAIL-’ Courses-Iixpcn Instruc Individual instruction - per pr........ W. J. Elliott, Princhpl an": Shoes ....... A. G. D. Fleming, "l Secretary F." .. . ".C'.rt.iso in.

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