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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1922, p. 7

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"e -"__- --__. "'""'"a - 'V' are Mum: Ghoul, our not Juan ""'strrrhrt “in. A Inn '..eo towe." the guide explain- -I .-xuw-.-:vet,v. {as back to William m» tf .mmeror.” Hm American looked at It critically and carefully for a moment. and thu‘ bured ( "Hat‘s back to Wlmun ”boron- . mmr" Why. whqt'q tho mans um ' . Arn't it “Hallway?” Goods Returned. trt trmsrlean tt-lter was bah. in“: aver Wrrn'ck Castle. Aa old guide nxplainal doqmtb. md at length. the bamty not: of in. " whys. There in: eersaiMy nothing of Rum, Matteo in nus: of t.he bitter, laconic,- unprmiam of those who have "husiU was o'cc.svvhere." It is of such sudt LI well. an of prayer-93nd humble aL! ram-m; that, the human drama is! made. The com-agents mariner who enters the gaunt of mysteries with a sLout heart and a smile on his lip. h a wurthy eo-pie for In IN. ttrout fourteen, thtm-sd person: w the Brnigh Mun-u. - year to "oert v ---'- W 9"“! "ttid Withuun Hunter, " would write how easy and magnum it it to die.", " f rel the daisies growing over mm", "rd the poet Keats. l Amorur the dying was most trel '! partly quoted an than of William Is'Et‘vey Porter (0. Henry), so typical of the man himself. When ho was "with: in a New York hospital in :910 he said to the nurse: "Tarn uni the ligluw. I don't mt to so homo: in the dark," numbing the words I) the popular song which was then be- m; wh:':sykd in the sheen. l Rmssenu. not un'dbo o. Henry. ask-9 tt Jre good symptoms." Hundreds of dying peoples whose words have been rammed. have mob an of the 'rleasttettmsess of death. "If Ahmnder Pope at the last uttered n cn a ‘-nature:l paradox. A friend “xi-{.1 to see him as he sat in a chair. "; jug, just after his physician, who Iva-d spoken "trcurtttrirtgly of his cm- dicirm. had Lyme out. In answer to the) friend's inquiry minim to his dei), he said: " am dying of . hundred: no (in wh titted tight to his legs. "I: i, unalL very small. indeed," sari Anne Boleyn, clawing her neck. Rn'um't Burns remained true to up. till the and. expressing hinted! iii) blunt Seotch wit: "Don't let thati awkward squad Bro over my grave," he is reported as saying. ( Lord Chesterfield', last words cow. formed properly to the social amend fie referred ime "to urn The scam the scene " observations them " mo] indie! Ma Phii'Ope Jo who uni-mp and hamiso fitted tight 1 “It is um an“ Anne B Robert Bu , t m lussenu. not un‘u'bo 0. Henry, agk.. w more, light. kidding his wife to the window that he might see mus {he 'tvagina-era were of na- XDI'E H Th mm 0.1.00 to a partlcnluiy hemm Hood, the English poet, is to hose remarked that he was . out of charity to the undertaker, wed“): hirnsclt in a lowly pun. ofcrrel to the an iertaker as wish- ‘to urn a lively Hood." i IC' seafrold of the exeeutit;ner was 'c-cm of many bitter last-minute nations. "No, no; you can get} f " more easily afterward. Maine; r.' Make haste!" said Louis; on“ Joreph to his executioner, almuptccl to pull on his law; I __ ... k t ur red ch his 55mg“) t1rthoid a pen," mum; 'PSS hero of the Grrmtott,l "J f ps'ratot of the Norwegian! m- who jerted with death a " wk in a mid-Atlantic hmne ,mrr. has caused several mil-," to wk themselves how muchf I'm-y have and what their words tin!” w3I be when it at tt :u "vi,y'er.t to them that the thrht( " we rune who with their gave who to a regret or . "0 shame! shame.'" ex- ..ppy Henry II. "I am a ciPg---tt commend Icing! day on whlch I was born] e tho children that I leave shows many varieties, of "my: the last hour. and the does not seem to be eonfined aman n expreanz the futility "rseesiotts, "Shrouds have " was recognized with ', by Rachel, the French} nHy contemplating her, said. "And must I part b so :11!" I the IN THE FACE OF DEATH lire exalted a steward is making Sind- lifeboats. Looks like we on a picnic," wired tho cutor in one of his jest.. t, which were picked up‘ Ch sham" Estonia. I w i riding boots, whicii e m ft in eat of monarchs their spirits to death approach- who with their war it was he. at the British , die with store ioml nature of CXPresre'l itself, tears, and that 'tugh or a joke The boats are H any longer. st? Sorry we Pressing bugi. ria'l ameni “Gin- Day. came " Suth a form as “Roger de Penman" lfmust not be read to mean "Roger the a Penman," notwithstanding the Get i that in certain criminal circles of our l, own day "Louie de. Dip" would be i more correctly rendered as "Louis the) .1 Pick-pocket." The "de" found in medi-I D eval English names u not the same! '1' as tho "de" which is a dialectal varia-l " tian of "the," nor yet the Dutch van-ia-l " tion of the German "der," which) strnngely enough, happens to cone-l l spend with it in both spoiling and} ' meaning. It was, of course, the ! French word for "of," which was near! r Ir always used in descriptive surname. i indicating localities. Pemmain is a i place name in Wake. Those who bear i this fumily name are either Welsh in i ! descent or else trace their ancestry to _ r early Saxon or Norman Ionian in t Wales. l " Knowing how easily family names (have developed from nicknames and ,)oeeupatron,s, one is tempted to believe ,that that of Penniman and its vamp tions made their first appearance as} I surnames descriptive of an occupation; .say that of the maker of pens. I While this origin is not an impos- sible one and, indeed, in some cases may be the true one, the medieval re- cords and tax lists offer pretty good indications that it is a family name which has developed from a locality. l "riatiomr--Poteman, Penman. Pen- ; Main. ‘9 Racial oritrin-webstt. ( Souree--A locality. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills _ through any dealer In medicine or by 'man at 50 cents a box or " boxes ! tor 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi. .cine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. .. ."r ucuPr blood made by these pills; e the appetite improves. indigestion is 5 better, 'ileeplossmess no longer itroubles the nervtr-slrattcrea victim " and lite Senoraliy takes on a cheerful 1 'abT'ert. Tho \ralun " these pills in 2 cases of this kin.d is shown by the cr.- F perience ot Mrs. John W. MacdtrtctH, , Cardigan. REL. who says-‘1 have '. much cause to be grateful to Dr. Wil. g liams' Pink Pills. V I was suffering , from nervous lire lkxlliwn. and my Cort, 'ditiein gave uinrm to both my friends "and myself. I aizrfered almost con- _' tinuously from nervws headaches, my appetite was poor. I hardly trot any lsleep, and in every way I was badly rundown. A friend advised me to try 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and after I [had taken them tor a while there was fa noticeable improvement in my con- dition. I continued using the pills until I had taken twelve boxes. when every symptom ot the trouble was gone. and I have since enjoyed the: best of health." l Slow rivers run four miles an I will ones avenge seven nies. better, He troubles the and lite gem RSPPPL Tho , so u Is not surpl ’: disturbances cause first stages of m I noted by irritabim In which the View gpressed by their P. Irequires humor!“ ELilea " MMWMM .yrfejnnemu 8mm) is the governing the he ot the whole body, controlling so u an. lungs. digestion and brain; dlitnph--PPt 'utrprising that nervous "fhem's aReastiiG Rum”; Sold by all grocers When the Blood is Out of Order the Nerves Are Starved. 'We' INSTANT POSTUM let the Children mm! to each member of the fism. ily, and all will be Eleased and benefited by t is pure, wholesome cereal drink. It's nu longer: necessary to maintain a dividing line at the breakfast tabletU. tea or coffee for grownups -- no loot cup for -the youngsters Serve PENNN IN. Canaiisyt Postutr} Cereal Could. Surnames and Their Origin Wind.“ thLarro.' ”lawn, and my com to both my friends Herod almost con. ':.u.= headaches, my I hardly trot any _ way I was badly advised me to try Pills. and after I a while there was :5" Hunk...“ u; bu. m at"! -----W--- butt' “I've been wondering, Henry/ Pi ’whother you haven't approached rey Mfum' il)",/ii(iiiit on the blind side. So many,', It, when the evening shadows fail r Irhiiiiri, do Just that; they accent all? around me,. . oxen i the mywterrieu of the Christian faith) I can look deep within my heart and ”M'iall the hard, stern elements of God's‘ :say; . moral government, and everything? "f have been true unto the best within ‘between the covers of the Bible that’ mg, . . l, ourz‘ seems to make it an antiquated bookj Have; tnednlo live just as I should] 5 It never occurs to them to go round to; to-day, T'""------', l- y.Priationa--riotter. MaeCotter. Racial origin-aria, Danish. Soiwee-A deseriotive name. Hess, is an Irish family name .9; coming whose origin there is I; room for doubt. The queAio 3i whether it is a name of puretly G -'origin or a Gaelic adaptation s] Danish word. ,' While the period of Danish h i sions in England and Ireband was era! centuries prior to the timo a (family names began to form in former country. it by in means 5 [dated the widespread use of suma i in Ireland, though it was prior to 'iestahlislutteru of surnames by the i of King Briar Boru. to th, Cotter appears to be the develop- ment of a Danish word, meaning "eot- tager” or “boat-builder," a wrmd which is to be found to-day in the modern Danish family name of Kotter. The Gaelic form of the name of the clan,) in Mahlow, County Cork. which bore: this name was "O'Coiteare," or more! underway "Ua-Coiteoir" (the tsrofteasa'; r, tv smug Greek with tltp that morning ( '. over at Preamp. mu didn't know where '11 lived, and ymu may remember that " {rave you minote directions how to j find the home. It was late when you ‘got here Hm fier,t evening; it was al- 3 most nine o'cloek. Suppose I had in- ;structed you to come up the street over acrosa. through Mayhew's back ’yard and up against the blind side of the mama: you’d have found a solid brick amid», four high windows, and not a glimmer of light. That“ rear wall is an integral part of thei building,--uw, house wouldn't stand; a. mirage with-om it,--out it isn't _ good side for a stranger to cart in at! I "Pm afraid, doctor, that religion J,', doesn't mean anything to me," the boy an Said with embarmasmeat. 'Trn re- a luetant to My it, for you’ve been kin-1 cf to help me with this Greek I made a sh 'mess of last term: but I gues- my cu: :attltude is a family tradition. Though he, (my father never made light of revs I, inn, he said that it had served its of ;'purpose when people couldn't think a J ito.r'tremseivos, and he'd no more ridi- to i'eulo it than he would soul, an old, r00 gtottering, graph-aired man who had He ioutlived his wrefuhtoss. That's how of ifather looked at it. He was bitter sta against some of the old doetrines-. cos [the Trinity, for instance. future api "ttmishrnent," and the idea that 'P one wal ‘had a ehanee of being slaved ("11035 as he was in the church. He said that the those doctrines had mule men nah He row and intolerant and unchayitsble. dot They've'been laid on the shelf ttq Boa Curiosities-th-ws haw he expressed long it; and he with! that all rali‘gfon was hccded the Santa way." I S} A smile showed on the ministcr's firm, (New fro. "You've remarked that then room's are pie-want and, Nt (5 in m:- vic:rirrr,r,," in, HE“. weak satis a: r'l’WL'VLV. "Whon Soir .hr.rsr-.-f '."=T"i"ei-'-H- 9".“27-3 w 1A! .Il‘dorly fate. "You'v these rooms are p! h the evening." he s lowly. "When " g Greek with mo th t Preston you didn't l i, and Fou mav mm K? same way." 3 showed on the min-met"! 1y fare. "You've remarked Ch rooms are plevsant and to evening." he said, speak- yr. "When you proposed Peck with me that morning estzm you didn't know where ui you may remember that u minute directions how to )uge. It was late when you' he first evening; it was ab: o'eloek. Suppose I had in! nun “unity name CON " origin there is some oubt. The question is a name of puretly Gaelic Gaelic adaptation ot a The Blind Side. COTTER. ior to the time when egan to form in the it by try means ante. read use of surnames Th it was prior to the surnames by the law rAtaieed man who had rsefuhtoss. That's how at it. He was bitter of the old doetrines-. 1‘32: ! The :curd of cigarette nah talking! . I on a carp-ct is like rock: faring. White! r b? ( grass seals bums; from their pads with! kept lil' noise 'like a report of a trum when; store. [heard throtgh a wondarful new apn Mina, [pal-ates, we radiophcne. I "' Covered carrEagm were Enziaml in EEG. I How Mary started a Forest t ‘Mary had a little match I And scratched Its head to sea I‘ll she could find the gasolene. 7 She did “but Where's Marla? 59V- 13am and condemned to defvru.etiont M. Eiffel, the fauna; engineer who) lmnstructed the icky pile of strut-I Mural steel, lived to see it perform! l valuable service during the war as an: oJrservation station and wireless post.! He is strrl living Lo-day to announce} that it is almost as sound and sate as] the day it was completed and with! pmpcr repair from time to time, willl continco so for decades. I The Eiffel Tower-Me the Wool-1 worth Tower-pays its way by ad-i mission charged visitors. Elevators; are constantly climbing to the ttrp, with an average of 1.000 persons daily.‘ To see Paris lying at his feet costs; the tourist five frame. i The question is now, years before the Eiffel nearly 1,000 feet, wilt safe and canlemnei to V _ ,,____..-v uunmnut, " l became impossible to continue the de- l molition except by intricate mathemat- Iieal precision, which might be term. l ed "finding tho :bmlvanvge." “Wilde I Workman, therefore, amended with , paraphernalia to out off several thanI I sand pounds here and several hundred pounds there, according to the 'iiri'ti'e') _ tion of experts. Little by more, Paris has watched the great 'lit,',',',') disappear. The sons and daughters of h It n d r e d s ot thousands y) tourists who have already mar. v,eled at or "gone up" on the big wheel! wihl now firvl a more sombre Paris, skyline than their fathers and mothers] found. f The "Grand Roue"---Bie Wheel-or ‘, "Earth Wheel," as Canadians knows ": it, is no more a part of the Paris sky- I , Hrs. y), Tho big wheel of Paris which has .! stood in the Champ de Mars for more ! than twenty-two years, sharing atten- ’, ticn with the Eiffel tower as one ot , the lofty sights of the French capital.;' ; was condemned in November. 1920, as, l, unsafe and the work of demolition; , started. Before long, engineers found, that tearing down the big circle was; “a greater cngineering task than the3 :erection of it in 1900 as one of the; Ewan-tiers of the Paris exposition. i , The cars were first detached and, isent to the devasted regions for! liL,._A.-I_.r * ... -- Minard‘s Linlment Relieves Neuralgn I can be glad, though failures pres! upon me And doubt and grief oppress and weigh my soul, l And know that some time, though the1 my be weary, l I yet. with] reach a noble. worthwhile? --eeM__r- _...... 3 so me teacher asked him; I now strongly recommend them to all; "Now, what is the use ot the rein- mobhors." The Tablets are sold bsideert" medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cm]! "The startled urchin looked up, and a box from The Dr. Willinms' Medic,,,,,.,;. cine Co., Broekville, Ont, _ W- _.,......, 5"qu "Ir, otMer--' tor the newborn babe or the growing told you to est: child and are absolutely guaranteed to i' Jessie till man; be free- from opiates or other harmful! Helen---" drugs. They are a mild but thorough I sweetheart just lamina and cannot possibly do harm," ---thoy always do good. Concerning, What thi them Mrs. Jos. Ache, Coteau Road” The teacher N.H., writes: --"I think that Baby’s l count ot the Own Tablets are a marvellous medilaurita, and us: cine for little ones. Igave them to my I m not paying little girl with such good results that l m a... "sesersb,-. - unsifirtlj'liiiytms No other medicine gives satisfaction to mothers as Own Tablets. They are on ithe front etrtranee, where there's I porch lamp and such cosy lighted ', rooms as righteousness and goodness and love and hope and God's tender L fatherhood. Those things aren't out cf date; they new." wild be. If men j should lay them on the shelf as mere' curiosities, our old world would be' herded for' chacg. l "The blind side of religion In a part l of it, exactly as the dark rear wall is: a Tart of this house; but we've guy to approach by way of the lighted; rooms. That is God's invariable rule, He offers love as the royal interpreter , of things. that are hard to under-l stand. We've got to be at home in the' cosy. lighted rooms before we can I aprt-ciare 1fre utility at the rear) wall." I 1 "The blind sHe." The boy spoke" the words softly. "Yes, it might be."; He 1-ioked up brightly. "Thank you/ (locum, for giving me a new due} Secretly I've wanted to find one for a I long time." -' ' The Big Wheel Falls. â€" -e"-._ “uni. . r.-. "Ne------- like rocks faxing, why?! Nea.rly 00.000 separate items are tsrHroen their Pais "ii/i/let m stock by the average drug I'“'Qn-. " - - EQAM -katherini, Edelman I fi Pet used in: Tom/i, rising; be found un- ONTARW ARC TORONTO How many where there's nt, teh cosy lighted as: and troodneaa md God's tender things aren't out, will be. If men' Fire. veg the same) (Little Helen breaks in as do Baby's ( ly engaged sisthr and her equally good, Big Sister-W/hy, Hale ' the growing; told you to may in the l me in the) TCuria (in mining town)--"" um i we can a good healthy place to some in?" the rear) Hotelaetodr-.Uut is. stranger. Fact lis, ye can't get away from here alive " spoke:- ttttless .ve do settlrC' Minard's L rcund the curves of the "tlg with her older brothers. "Mother." we said. "wh, round those awful turns so Just as it I had freckles cn sch!" , So the waiter rattled oft a "at ot Ve,, about three yards fang. The .mau said in astonishmeit: f "You must emptoy a. very remark- (able memory-training system. How on g earth can you remember all that?" ,. "'___.. t"u_hEd.N. To her moteer, on her return front the park. she ecnfidea we emctiona she had experienced as she swung rcund the curves of the "tlguro eiglu" "Jr. G-.. -IJ»~ . .. A New Sensation. . Little Alice had visited one or the larger summer amusement parks for the tirit time. and with the courage possessed only by those girls whose playmates are boys older than them. selves, she had not hacitatcd, when in. vited. to take a ride on one " the "thrillers" that abound In such plaees. Quit-k bah "Easy enough." and tn; waiter, Just look at the tablecloth." MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express 'rder. They are payable ever can rattle the grub “at ott tor you out ot my head, ft you like." "All right," said the men. “Let’s have her." 'er, dropping into the barber's chair. 3119 had that tired look that stamped ihim as an over-worked edimor. l "l don't know, air," began the bar. ber, "whether you hare heard the Istory about the man who---" A man want ittto I cheap realmurant and asked tor the menu. The waiter said: With a sudden attention to " Job, he broke on short and said: “Like it short, Mr?" "Year please." answered the custom- er wear”! "A brief synopsis will do." e' n... _MVWTh6. Dear sill,Ciiiri/i'h,, star: of " F ‘ I . “H baseball season we haw been hindered l Against the Sergeant. iwith scps. museum. sumhwd ankles. . A H "Him si . ete. but my as. mun as we started in n Irish SOrd tf, w” f,'ftref, iiiiiie MIMImg LINIMHNT our [ oarra.ek square with a pail m which troub‘es an“! “on, (, "reball Ira w I he was sin to tsome water Al " t. sceU'v5. / YC."'?' il.?.?? [ , g. tre J . l should Keep a boat’o m war mum-3n. sergeant pass-mg at the time noticed handy. Your., 'truly, that Pat bad a very disreputable look-; W. H, M,c:r'ii?a'r'sso.v, I ing pair of trousers on ard, wishing to See. Armstrong H, S. Bah-snail Team. minke a report, stopped the man and ttc---------------.-.... [ asked: 1 i l "Where are you goire?" g ! I "To get some Via-tor." i D "What, in those txausers?" ' _ "No, Sergeant; in the nail." J qqq--m. --- -__ I l said: "We ain’t got no menu "I have just seen your wife for the first time since your ntttrrittge; but I had supposed she was a tiller wo- man. She seems shorter than when I saw her last." l “Certainty." said the writer, solemnly. "She has married and lot-J tied down." It was a well-known ch of verses, to whom a lady said: “Hair cut, 'Wes, right." Three minute/ irléigrlhe tripging down the stairs. "Here, boy," exclaimed the excited little man, as he rushed up to a page in a big hotel. "Run up to my room and see if my umbrella is there. Hurry now, because I've just got. five minutes to catch a train." I I What the Reindeer Does, l .Experimenu have l The teacher had been giving an no: p0te:rtys are able io OH Haunt ot the reindeer. its hauntsJ‘m expretm trains, ti) (habits. and uses. One little urchin , “VFW they tty at ti (ref! paying the slightest IJ/lol thirty.-rour milos an ht. "It makes everythdng in lovely, teacher.” told you to may in the kitchen Jessie till mamma comes home?" "tHen-lar, I know; bat Jessie's.I sweetheart just now came, too'." l l ri'isherwottuttr--"Doit you want to: buy some fine crabs, sir? Look--,: they're all alive. l Summer Boarder-is, but are they fresh?" b Can't Foot Pisherwomat- buy {some flv.e I they're all alive. . . - - :5 ', g HHMQR % " moummmm 7 ar L'saasm f I m '.Il-.u- ..., _ ISSUE No. Wu Elissa. The Highest Form. Toachrt--"Now, Willie, in what does animal life much Its highest form?" Wil.'ie---'tie giraffe, ma'am. I ”Into " iniment [or sale everywhere How He Remembered, Matrimonial Shrinkage " sir," he said, "It's than all please," said thte custom- love for myable everywhere. said. "when i went No Place to 8tay, do settle."' " Not UP. Down, Short. Smart Boy, and her beau L by. Helen. haven't I in the kitchen with This Boarder. ' boss, but I fast I felt ny Mom Money the garden on her new boy came - -. - m... - untrue mm hard, red pimples. They itched no Kindly that she scratched them until they developed into sore eruption. Her heir begun to kit out, and at 'et die cried and kept me nuke. ‘I tried ditretent remedke without rend until I Mnrted using Cutieure Soup and Ointment. After one week'. uoe I my a great Improvement. Ind "tee using two cake- af Cum: Soup and three homo of Cutdeum, [ Ointment the no can Xetely ‘ heeled.” (Signed) Mm. ILge Ste- fano. 76 French St., Bridgeport. Conn., May il, 1921. Use Cancun Soup. Otntmeat and Talcum exclusively foe every-day toilet purposel. ' e! . I” . . Minimum-u. -'i----a.==..ie? Mimrd's Liniment Coi‘Ltd - Ytyynoutt, NS o. McPherson, Furniture Dea mndr"'Nree' holes of li table: _ -v “an Mutt-a ".trtrt " the Hide mark urglvq-rm m t Q' 't,Ne, s,,' I'm-"clrlloolI-r ot Built-5'11: new “Huh " tn _ kw“ "totttmtvterrm. " - thr orb“: sac-mu hulmd 'ra. I wl'l u.. u..n- Am! s.nir . In-l‘ " .._.. . . i031. express trains, although on the =avorage they tty at the rate of only I thirty-four miles an hour. A French I expert expresses the opinion that they :can attain a velocity of more than i seventy miles In hour. They are mid to be unable to fly long distances in a I perteetdy straight line; apparently § they one easily driven aside by shift- iing air currents. l "My: T worked 0 millions , WARNING! Say ea BMI ' Bab Cried j?t"kt'stt1tsyit)'Jl'hf,ilt! l 'T took only a few bottles ot Tanlac. 'but to-dny I feel better, work better ‘and sleep better than I have in yam. lit has just made a new man out ot Pe/!,.?ai)jr,liiiiu.ctied i "For over 1 your my stomach was ' badly out of order and I didn't relish " lung. In taet. I Wu almost afraid gto eat. because I knew ot the suffer- l ing that was sure to tollow. At times I ...-- 7 - - 'good and I am tiiAGaiivirii' It.” i' and Narctue Dummbes. " Franklin, jngbec, Que. I was so weak and dizzy I could hardly stand up and while I managed to hold on to my Job, it took all my grit to do so. Indeed, I was almost a nervous and physical wreck. Bulk Carlo“ "memo can won“ a. d, cu" . TORONTO /Hra, "My 5-W- t_tiiiaTiose,ed with uni .AJ -1__A., - -.. COARSE SALT L. A N Dis A L T Tamar ls sold " Mgtif 1lll'llij1tfiffifl" “Tan!” has done L, KNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. .; .1iUt see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not {at Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of ui" 2 ablcts of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose ,4 Ant I.“ _I . . ‘ - les, Sari as; am"? 'as Afraid to Eats Grew Weak and Dizzy. But Taw, !ac $_oon Ended His Trmrb. Colds Toothache Earache 1 out by physidaas during i/iris' s. for Flight Ji PiirJons. " rum- " 'Arairr Book on l DOG DISEASES and How to Food Mettod FM. to All] Ad. dress by the Author. I. an; Glen: 0... ha. 129 “est lMth Strut New York. traa. er am} Undertaker, by all good drugglsu Advr have shown that to outstrip the fart. s, ahhouith Jn-tiid. at the rate of only! Atyy.rtroar, b.c Headache Neuralgia Lumhago a world ot Ci.:: l cable Compound gum AllMENTS _v'ci'ii,,i,'. All some new ' b g. E '1riRthmspound. Aihr l f 'r” . j": " _ad taken the tint ', , A, a... Bl , i l " bottle I could 50..) i gfa'tf'FluL, , 'i ‘ that l was ft,', ti n F '.C'" _ __. mm; i;iiUr.'i"tiiotCl'//li l bottlaof the 2gith' Compound and , and Lydia E. Pl 'ee Sanative Wash ' and I um ',"gitt, cured of my ailments. :Y9u 1'fa!,'hlt,t,t thin letter if you 're"::-.' "Jinn Sum-“N. Kruiet Lake. Inch. i Then hone fact women should con- , Bidetmd until ulin. Women tsutrerfrom ', ireegubritieUikt vyioun forms of weak - j ncn. Ihr, try this and that doctor, u l well lldi "ent medicines. Finally the take Lydia E. Pinkham'l Compoqu and Mei. Sherman'- experiean is simply another cue thawing the merit of thio well-known medicine. If your family physldul hill: to help you and the tune old troubles penal. (Sign 't it mmble to try L dia F. J? . tttttU Vegetable Canyoning! L .------.. ! [Aimlichi .--", Loam-red virus-em! You will ttttd that orovlded you lake I. little Blunt“ Magnesia name." no]: alter A meat, you can oat atmust anything and ouJoy " without any dun- _'ger of pain or ttitreottttort to follow, hand moreover. the continund usa ot “he bisunted magnesia cannot Injur. the stomach in any In“ so long at (more are any umpiqms o? Mid hm ---,.l:.u. Mrs. gestion I Put .iretore giving up hope and do- H‘iding you are a thoonir, dyspoplln {just try the effect ot I little Bisnrnted .Mngncsia --tlt)t the ordinary (-onunm~ to', t'trrtmtutte, citrate. or milk. hut the iDlll'o "hunted Magnesia which you lean obtain from practically any dvat. !glst in either powdered or tablet torm. l Tan il teaspoonfnl or the "owdor or itwo compressed tablets with a limo lwnler alter your next meal, and he. iwlnt a dilemma this milk“. It will ilttatamly noutulizs the dangerous, harmful acid in tho Namath which [now cause: your food to ferment and ‘aour. making gas, wind, tttttttlemme. heartburn and the bloated or hozlvy, lumpy feeling that seam. to follow meet anything you on. lief I Guerias Doublleis if you Are a sufferer from 1ndlgeshon. you have “many tries pepsin. Ot"tt'retttiti, charcoal. drugs Ind vnrhms digestive aids and you knew Iheie things w!" not cure your Irmuhlo ., In aome cases do not "on give ro- I:A' Ira. Sherman Helped by Lydia lil. Piaham's Veg- It Ncutvallzes stomach Ac vents Food Fermentation. S Stomach and Acid Judi. TRY’M‘A’C’EEI‘KTEE” smmcn mom, or every loo " live in India. The (umber thirteen "a LU. ml by the Italian. in making up their LMI.....2_4 c-ik-sa----""""------------ Mfg KIIINDI or .1.th hull) “all! kl nth. Gym-nu a. on...» u. te.. Mom .uU$oett to n ova an low... t'fcp,'lll'l'at't' 'rVg'ttr'goAwht"",1 m _ -CfrCC'-'r'e'"."B.. ote.. supp-d .uU$oett to n prowl an Inn... I " a. on.“ you? sumac co. 1.: 'f max. min. venom THE JAMES TEKTH. BELLEHLIJQ Ont., print in book form various Do- nartmemul and M.trteutuii,ri Exam".- tion - of tho Lower' um tho Mlddlo Behoirti, "" to "" Inclusive. Write tr,t'igpce tint of not any for til-1N- )ut on. Rest-PEG; YOUR OWN mm cttvtrt. not. Geuulno Bluonrlmo. euy to under-tuna. of lmlpeulvo not. wllh trtsteuitttiiiG new to bend, Inn." and operate. one dollar Imam-M. Crown Radio “upply. 315 Mnnuln‘ Chambon. Toronto. A7ri'"T'rT,"rgtt:.ee--.-. I tt THERE A VULCANIZBR IN YOUR town? You on out. as.“ "ttr. We teach Fmt. Will. Cece 'tustriuttird." Can-d- Vulnnlnr. Lona.“- ' A Italia. Lotteries If " and Je--0rugrutt s and proved safe Y. " t ”our" , an: ."uht Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain gynae- ron an '1t1-r'.'Atr.uoeterearae, !tyttrulttritiepantfa' weak. f '" PO: [VI]. .. ngmdot limeriwu o . tosmyol my feet. 1doetoFed with at umithysician Ind he fin I said!» could not 'tfl/UI/dl',',' chase, so I decided ton? Lydia); Phi _ gun a V.etrtraint, "o of Mono. ""0:- Bum Avoid Figure " " in tho warn h Acldity. Pre- iou. Sour Gas-y stttdigestiort. may

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