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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1922, p. 8

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Jt . U W §J. . HARDING, DURHAM § ie 33232IBPBRCECEFECcEccEEC & Aluminum Only one of each article to ; early as the supply i Mr Geo. Sbarp nd seribe each took a 1~.4 it was with a feeling of sa; that the news of the death of the A 8 Hunter was received. In our iness relations with him we a) found him to be a struigbforwnrd! business man and his genial face manner will leaye a decided vaca in the town. Mr Andrew Marshail who un went a asuceesafol operation for pendicitis a short time ago, 13 m ing a rapid recovery we are please report. _ Dr Brad Jamiecon was attending surgeon which aecou largely for the successful operation #* t-.t-.(».t».(-.t-sseseaaaeeeaaeeaaes; ‘nox CUhurchk, Normanby Sunday | batmony Bchool Sunday last, contributed $20.| ‘The ; 45 to the Russian Relief Fund, A'nonncmg (ar popular wastor, Revy W. J. Barâ€" I’ Stewart, nett, has for the past few Sundays."St'ert, been preaching on the individual ) daugbter . merits of Christ‘s chosen apostles. ; all of Nor To say that the Inatrnetion given has June 7ih. been intensely inlerestiog and inspirâ€" | have surm ing is putting it mild, | raonls 6 i1 Thursday, Friday Consrdering the rather dry weather, the erops are mak markable showing and a tour the coun‘ry is indeed a wh gight. \arrived too late for last week) . And the Wedding Bells are ringing And ali the boys are gibginge. THE IDEAL 16 qt Preserving Kettles 12 q‘ 66 6e Large Washing Pans ... Beautiful Steamer Sets . Coveret Potato FTots..... Large Double Boilers ... Large Covered Sauce Parn Coffee Percolators .. Li e CA T73 eUnp and your bumbls , each took a load of ladics cou. Knox Charch, (Arrived too late BLYTH‘S CORNERS °~ VOfo ate gibging, ring the rather dry Get your Share» June Barg'ains linum Specials 3 DAYS ONLY June ‘ng of nadmos‘l“})" On death of the late (t!Dg Fart ved. In our bnsâ€" i Mr He him we always Joads of ; righforward gcod | Holstein. <_genial face and Oar tir decided vacnney,'lasg week SE s 1 Come Saturday Jor tast week) . ] : ells are ringing D e ginging. ’lo ather dry apell o!' Ar are mnking a reâ€"| ag ine 0, 9, 10 y w wWEDDING PRESENT | ‘nlla ag mage | °10U€, means about was tha| , _ ;__"" !88t of Asron Vollett hag cast | teaching bill, which was tbe,‘. gloom of sadness throughout this | order for the Jocal s aecounts| visinity. Aaron was a etong vigorous ) "ation. 1I00king man but that counts lime;pi;te:fn:;:taéz::,‘: ‘ humble with the hand of death., We exteng P!%C® Of the Cc lt# som_ ue aummark.« ERS | sisting of Mrs Geo. Sharp, Mrs Thosg | McAllister, Miss Zena Byers for th t Adeek) i!ormer and Mre Alex Smith, Mre Jn ' _ __| Marshall, Mrs Jno. Morice and Mrg e ringing _ | py, Melivride in the latter‘s car, dow? ng. !lo the ladies Presbyterial meeting a dry spell of| Arthur on Tuesday. Through â€"al aking a reâ€"| ages the ladies hays set the pace for ur through men in religions matters and the wholesome | meeting at Arthur was no exception, â€"/jadging by the large crowd an*ttho â€" 0 mm TD Your money back if not satisfied | % a customer is limited. e y . 5y . â€"p _ 13 °_TA Do exception, judging by the large crowd and the batmony and enthusiasgm manifested The invitation cards are out an. nouncing the marriage of MroThas ie neseca®ls L088 <a..,, . ;____i HOLSTEIN LEADER ‘ D# Screen Doors New models and sty‘es 1.98 to 3 75 ea Sereen Windows, slide eas y .. 85¢ Petrolene Coal Oil â€" 2.50 â€" 198 :2.235 :295 . 1.98 1.98 1.98 â€"1.98 A carload just arrived â€" _ Come PARIS GREEN â€" in sealed packages. Kills the bugs Makes the potatoes grow. Long handle and short handled. each.... 1 Fence Pliers.. 89¢ Parker‘s Potato C Bug Killer Polarine Motor Oil Pergallon.......... goC Hanover Cement Try this new brand, no smoke or smell â€"the best for oil stoves «... 25¢ gal Garden Hbes Galvan‘zed 12 qt.39¢ Tin pails 10 qt..290 Shovels 49c to 1.00 each 0 Sn us e °OS s Mvedy Smith, Mrg Jno | Saturday, June lorice and Mrg. Wlist. Wm. A itter‘s car, down The miscondu ‘rial meeting at some young mey Through all Cirele concert las Set the pace for that shounld nat o Ao on ERte Byers_ for the | car Pails Cap,,,, "", C_WPriSiDg â€" Messre F Coburn, A. Brown, B. Eccles and Campbell, with Miss McBEachern at | the piano, was also well received in .). | its selections. w Holstein Football team triumphed w | over Mt. Forest last Thursd:vy night “ to the tune of 4 goals to nil. Holstein had the better team, the best part of‘ I |the play and weil deserved their Fâ€" LSDIEWHINHE Ulskmew * . mepl ~ . CS We | S K i d short | ++« 1.19 | [ | | j }f&i Holstein School Report Senior Room 8r 4thâ€"M, O'Counell, H. Pin Jr4thâ€"M. Araill & J. Irwin, ea. 1 |__Mt. Forest seldom got the play centred arourd the homester‘s goal | I ‘Jand Pinder did not have one direct ‘| shot to block. The visitors‘ forwards were woefully weak and lacked co.â€" | R | hesion in attack as well as individual play. _ After the first period, they | C were a tired and beaten team. and | L during the final half, our boys notched | four counters, one being from a penâ€" alty kick. For the locals, Eccles, C Coburn, R. Dickson and White seemâ€" ed the best and for the visitors, the veteran Willlamaenan a1._ _ 1°" game. & a fairly| . Property ebanges ; Thos Boakes, I§ small icn.. 1. . iLbey havea fairl Ps : l ; small team but !aszynnd are bette’r’ Lot pt 9, eon 18 ; Junet MieMeeken, t 4 olstein Football team triumphed than their standin f the district| °WD®r, lot E 8 con 3 i Ant Jane Laâ€" :.: _| over Mt. Forest last Thursday night shows,. 1 orefielg ‘; ; strict mont, ewner, lot 9 con 9 ; D. Eecles, | to the tune of 4 goalsto nil. Holstein day, June tt)h and pfayt flce Prtâ€" owner, lot 6 con !6 : Martha and P . E had the better team, the kest part of beylboked for Tlop Nys f'},mf 127l | Reid, owners lot S p* 8, con 16 : Robt| wl \the play and well deserved their | Sfi sgaig nfrer“g’:;dg o e:,:'et" Keating struck off as tenant lolsoonbfw Splendid victory. The locals t.* T be very fair and efficient. _ _ *\ ‘The Court then adjourned to moet’ | wellâ€"balanced and shifty aggregation Holstei 6 again on the afternoon of next session |and will make duckâ€"soup of more oistein Moorefiela of Council. | than one outft before the seeson | Goal Pinder Hammond Council resumed : byâ€"laws ware‘fl closes up. Backs Harrison Seigner |passed appointing sheep valuators in(E ___Mt. Forest seldom got lb7e play Gibson McAtthur division No‘s 4 andSantbor:’zing the | centred arourd the homester‘s goal | H backs Whyte McKay /Reeve and Treasurer to borrow monâ€"| x and Pinder did not l;a.ve one direct Eecles Metyalle | ey from the Bar/ of Montreal, provid-l shot to block. The Visitors‘ forwards L. McArthur Wright | ing for expenditure on 'l‘ownsbip’g were woelully weak and lacked co.â€" | R Wing Dictson Tompkins qRoads under the proyision of the hesion in attack as well as individual Dickson Welcome [Ontario Highways Act. h play. _ After the first period, they | C For‘d Coburn Fraser * ; j | Wilsonâ€"MeDcagald : In reference & were a tired and beaten team. and | I, Wing Calder Shore l'o the acc‘t frem the Roval Ara u.23 ' during the final half, our boys notched Pinder Welsh NO®H fouar counters, one being from a penâ€" slher eSb s e c n ie t WilatAvtaistedcasd at i k1 7. ont, and it seems a little improt that other sections will unite Holstein, though it is hoped _ will. In case they sheuld not, No. 3 will have to shoulder the pense itself, or iet it drop. _ To c tinue, means about &A &1 tom es . !sale of Sai C1 aAnd for the visitors Williamson played a ij There are 17 candidates under | Miss Snyder‘s tutelage, writing on | the Lower School examination. | ?[’ Mr W. H. Rogers left Monday a m M ’ for a trip to the western provinces, , Mr and Mrs Nelson and Miss Mar. ' | jorie motored to Owen Sound Friday, | _ Mr and Mrs J. D. Drimmie were )Sunday visitors at J J, Bilton‘s. I Mrs Petrie spent the week end in | Durham, | | Mrs Mark, Mt Forest, visited her |daughter last week end. | _ While his boat was undergoing frep’airs in dry dock at Col]iugw00d. | Capt Aitken sperta couple of days | with his uncle and cousins here, | _ Mr Reid motored to Toronto Fri. | day accompanied by L. B. Nicholson | as far as Brampton returning Monâ€" | | day a m. ‘ | _ Mrand Mrs A. Hamilton, Fergus, | spent Sunday with ber mother who f who is still in very poor health. Misses Snyder and Davidson of the |School staff visited with Miss Kerr |in Varney oyer Saturday and Sunâ€" | day. Mr and Mrs E. Hockridge, Hope. ville. spent Monday afternoon at J. Râ€" Philp‘s. Allingham will hold an auetion of household furniture, Ford to:r model, etc.. at 1 n .. â€" _1 Allingham 2y . _3 __â€"_,f GTeBatd and chool sections, will drop eems a little improbable sections will unite with h mesnt ts C a9% ' 7 itl it drop. To conâ€" about a $3 500 salary which is a pretty large local school district, , etc., at 2 pâ€" m. 'l;l; @ t0. See bills for Murphy, Auctioneer. Doat was undergoing lock at Collingwood. ent a couple of days and cousins here, â€" Pinder Il “l. J. / â€" 0@ "wervrLde C preci. | The second half for the fi1 ‘botllz) apprerc!: min was a close checking game, e Iera e ed, defence Playing airtight ball, ne < rdeléen adner téam getting a shot on goal. pe"s.u; diy s, | game ended wit» Moorefleld lv:o;n:.- d‘:zt' sing. Pinder making a pretty EKerr. Thé With 5 min, to play Horning ¢ 5 Mess'ra p. | a penalty on Harrison but M Eccles and | old shot wide which saved the cBEachern at Moorefield have a strong el, | received in | and gave Holstein the hardestg of the season . They have a f, 4 small team but fast and are be _ triumphed than their standing of the disi rsday night shows. _ Moorefield Pplay here _ !. _ Holstein day, June oth and a fast game test part of | F8 looked for. _ Horning of Pala rved their ston again refereed and an..". locals are a "Wiatleg 470 is hoped Eh.e.; ard disorder of Seemâ€" 8, the a Star Whether _t-h'; or not will At the ¢xâ€" , agreement The schedule is haif played and Holstein and Mildmay to date have Mildmay Holstein Mt Forest Moorefield Palmerston R Wing Dietson Dickson C For‘d Coburn L Wing Calder Pinder ex. Group No. 9 nf ... /@IS8EC: on : Pretty piece of combination, Pla; resumed again with Holstein pres sing and had two chances but sho wide when within ten feet of the goal The sarnnd â€"L.â€".1s . T At Moorefield Holstein 1, Moorefleld o Holstein won their third akeen;contest with tha a CS e o neie t C. For, F Coburn L. Wing C. Calder R. Pinder R. Wing H backs Holstein Goal Roy Pinder Backs C Harrison B. Gibson iesb s â€" the other fields j ton Coburn sta;j Holstein when b from right wing minutes later, . penalty. 5 min. 1 ur scored on a c« clever manipula Near the last of Dickson scored fr/ ing 4 goals in Horning from P the game to the s witidd 50 6 INBUIUUTO wniicedi npon the o::.OGJ s r mproyeme * Smfi iiremmmmnigdee ... . For the past two _years cheep dip ;?s::g:&tn :o':mm::l‘?ul plot. & ping has been practised here and all h Wilsonâ€" That Coun Holstein Won Two Games S ht 85 e meek wes bpitot | terepnarnss "ootenâ€" se on weltmaiomntin ies ted. _ The concrete tank was built on be a committee to attend to the mat June 1st. Holstein 4, Mt Forest o, | the 24th May. !terofhnving the necessary improveâ€" Holstein Grounds Next day the Dpt. at Ottawa sent ! merts made to the monumental plot. Holstein won a fatt game from Mt}] their representative, J, A, Telfer ol,‘Carried. Forest on Holstein Grounds on June| Paris, Ont, who with his able Assistâ€" | McDougaldâ€"Allan ; That subject I8t. _ This was Holstein‘s first home | ants, held a sheep shearing exhibition | to the approval of the plansand specâ€" game and the home team lived up to| on Mr Neil Calder‘s farm, _ There |ifications by the 'Qov'c and also l!b- all expectations, The first halfendâ€"| were four power clipping machines | ject to the conditions under which ed oâ€"o but the second haif was a run | and three hand power shears. _ Mr, ’the cattle pass was constructed at lot SwAYy with Holstein Playing down | Howard gAve a practical illustration 17 con 6 that the following contracts grade. _ The Mt Forest lads iseemed | in sheep shearing and in folding the| belet to Alex Hill, Mt Forest, viz ’ lost on the big area asg Holstein feece tor market of placing abutments under _lho, grounds are mueh larger than any of 3 s in mabreghss , ;_| bridge known as Porter‘s, 10th sideâ€" the other fields in thig district, Fuj.| . Following this exhibition J. A. 'Iel“road : the construction of a new’ ton Coburn started the scoring for| !9" invited the young men present to | bridge on con 14, the construction of | Holstein when he iutercepted a pass| & Contest in sheep shearing. _ This |a cattle passat lot 17 con 6, and the, from right wing rend scored. A few | Put life and earnestness into the old repairing of the abutment of tbel minutes later, Gibson scored on a | and young who were present, ’Drnry bridge, contracts to bedrawn' benalty. 5 min. later Colin McArth. Mr Alex Calder was the first to finâ€"| upland signed by the Reeve and lr,v‘ ir scored on a corner kick through ish and was awarded second place. 1“'“' Carried . J lever manipulating . by Caldet. | Pjrey place and prize money wasseâ€"/ The requisition of the P. V. Trasâ€"| :.eak' the la"td°tf the half Norman cured by Chas, M, McGillivray who !teea was received by the Couneil reâ€" §* ickson score : from along shot makâ€" made an excellent finish lcaviug very | questing that the sum of $200 be ley. ; fomn}ug °f/8, *) Attiek succession little ou:side of the pelt ied on the rateable property of the forning from Palmerston handleq| "!t! Â¥ Pk. _ ing | Police village to meet current expenâ€" he game to the satisfaction of all. ‘ Mr Telfer then gave an interesting | ‘ VUCC Viliage to mee Line Up ; laddraess in tha 11. 2. " NC M C TORONTO T C TT COT Arnili, 1 q . OVUT» M Woodyard, B Arnill, J. Aeany, I. McCall, N Joh n ston, M. Fiddler, w Bilton, Jr 1â€"M Itvin, E. Gadd, Pr Câ€"W Aitken (F. Lawrence and B Gibson €q) M Aitken, I, Ellis. Pr Bâ€"EF Gadd, M. Aitken, M. Nel. son, B Fidler. son. _ They have a m but fast and are t standing of the ¢ Moorefield Pplay her L mE > a U Jr 2ndâ€"C Johns Tyndall, J. Lewis Heany, Sr 1â€"H. Smith, D O‘G@onnel!, I Sim tE HewaFuem in Sr 2ndâ€"B Kensie, v, McCall, Won tie loss 1, _ , _ @Q) Hebfllian, O, West, E. Bilton, A Sim, R Rife, H. Pinder, B, Nicholson, C Smith, s McKenzie, S. Fiddler, No on roll 33. AVErane sHonAs.. .. . JEllis, J, Christie, M. T Brooks, J, McKenzie, R, IHemey, L. MceCaii, Sr 3rdâ€"]J, Calder, M. T M Christie €q, E. Gibson, Haas, A Biooks, F, Mcjy Fidler, S. Wood yard. Jr 3r4â€"G. McMillan, 0 Bllt_on, A Sim, R Rif»‘ ur Pr A;agfevenaon. J & Smith, B McKenzie 9, Standing to date Moorefieldvs, Holstein Friday, June 9thâ€"6.45 p.m. Moorefield won their district last year. Holstein has not lost this year, Come and cheer Holstein to victory. THE DURHAM REVIEW ing . ; 4; 7, |" Came, both | ,, 4 5¢ Council for ‘ing airtight ball, neither Revision on Abssess a shot on goal. The|the Reeve in the with Moorefleld pres.| 8ubscribed to the making a pretty stop, | tiOn. There were to play Horning called | ARA!lDst assessmen Harrison but Moore.| OWDer of G A con : Ne wRhich saved iha 428| â€"anmnlaing" aay. P. Whyte B. Eecles C. McArthur N Dickson R. Dickson F Coburn Don‘t Miss itâ€"in Holstein gu .. AB P TCTs 4 NC _ Mooreflelda presâ€" 18 a pretty stop . y Horning called rison but Mooreâ€" ich saved the day, ¢ a strong eleven | the hardest game hey have a fairly ; 8t and are better & of the district : 1 play here Frpi. * a fast game can/E )’ning Of I'R'-A- C Johnston J. Lewis, 33. Average atte B. Davidson Junior Room B. Irvin, D. Haa . Johnston. B u”"_’_ game in on, K. NicbolsOn, vzie, M Johnstop, + Kerr, Teacher mner _ | Council resumed : byâ€"laws were ner | passed appointing sheep valuators in tthur |division No‘s 4 and 5 autborizing the ay ’ Reeve and Treasurer to borrow monâ€" ilfe | ey from the Bank of Montreal, providâ€". ht |ing for expenditure on Township kins <| Roads under the provision of the e iOntnrio Highweys Act. t | Wilsonâ€"MeDcagald : In reference i lto the acc‘t irom the Royal Alexandâ€" jria Hospital re E. Sills, that an order | be drawn on the Treas to the am‘t|| date |or g22 50. Carried. | points| Groatâ€"Allan: In reference to the : 9 |communricaticn from tre Clerk of 37 | Proten Tp. advising that a grant of | » 2 | $75 had been made by Proton Coun. IQ cil to beexpended n Eg‘t and Proton : 2 T L between con 78 Proton, provid. ’ ° |ing Eg* Council supplement same, | @ and | That this Council supplement grant 5 have| made by Proton Council on Eg‘t and R. Eecles ! McNamara McP hee Donald Horning & Allan Mt Forest Clarke Williams Stevenson Rimmer Burrows â€" | Weber | D. Haas, L. Mc n, B. Smith, 8 n, B Chfl_fl!ie, C beon, J Haas, I . McMillan, A, â€" Tyndall, x attendance 31 . Tyndall and Arnil1, fi & Smith, F, |G West, Artlliht ts / , Teacher WO Bd 0 WBP us Pss owner of G A con 19 and Lot 1 con z20 â€"complaint, assessed too bigh No reduction in the assessment of cither appeals was made. " ; 2; 7 _ " CA tormed into a Court of ’ Revision on assessment roll 1922 with the Reeve in the chair. Members subscribed to the required declaraâ€" tion. There were 2 appesls presented against assessment, viz, Jno T Brown, Awnan af ie £ 200082 1 _ Com‘r Groat reported exyp to the amount of $59. 17 in | ion. Fees $4. Com‘r Allan expenditure to the amount in his division. Fees $5 00. is Tlgq Council formed into a | _Council met May 29;h, ,alx present, minates adop Wilson reported expendi am‘t of $18.25 for road in in his division. Com‘r Mel ported expenditure to the $36.73 in his division, Fed [ f s "* CC Cb V OV Werec present, aâ€"| _ Mr Alex Calder was the first to finâ€" h/ ish and was awarded second place. * ] Firat place and prize money was seâ€" " / cured by Chas, M, McGillivray who * | made an excellent finish leaving very :i little outside of the pelt. ‘ ‘ Mr Telfer then gave an interesting ’address to the farmers, urging all to do the best possible for the care of | *| their flocks so that the top market | price would be gecured. Ail present | were benefitted by the exhibition in | clipping and folding and in the yery | Iinatructive address delivered. "1 , In addition to the foregoing the U, [ | F. 0 Club of Yeovil expect a Mr Tisâ€"! dale of the Canadian o operatiye | ! Wool Growers) Association to deliver | C an address in their club room nex t : Monday evening on "Best Method of marketing wool." The Club expects J to ship a carlorad of wool from Hol. c stein on June 17h. to Mcâ€" " 7 °0C Past two years sheep dip ping has been practised here and all who dipped their flocks were benefitâ€" ted. >â€" Tho ennaese _ 1__ _ _ """ Sen in nage _ h0 Ceen much neglectâ€" ed in past years resulting in a de. creased price to the producer and a less palatable artlele to the consumer, The work was neatly performed and without any logs 80 far as the writer knows, _ Last week Mr Cooper came ] again to this locality and built & con. crete dipping tank on Lot 12 eon 18, where all sheep breeders can have their sheep dipped, thereby promoting the health of their flock and again adding to their wealth . EGREMONT COUNCIL oo io met A This work has been ed in past years regu orelseq price to the geran», IF "TRSHers of she <Tp. of Egremont recently received seme enâ€" couragement from the Dept of Agri.â€" culture of the Prov. of Ont. and also from the same Dept. at Ottawa, T S Cooper,. Agricultural Represenâ€" tative at Markdele, and his aesistants, | spent several days docking and casâ€" trating lambs, _ The principal object in view was to give inetruction in the aris of Docking and Castration in order that sheep breeders would giye more attention to this work in future and thereby be able to put on the | market a better class of lambs, J Whts ceca q The sheep breeders of Egremont recently receiy couragement from the D culture of the Prov. of 0 from the same Dept. at 0| IAP ETT CCC ay 18 ICadâ€" ing the district with one more game played. Mildmay play here June to which may be the deciding game. Don‘t miss seeing this game. Remainder of. Schedule June 8 Mildmay at Mt Forest 9 Moorefieid at Holstein 12 Holstein at Mt Forest 12 Moorefield at Palmerston { 16 Mildmay at Holstein 16 Mt Forest at Palmerston 19 Mt Forest at Moorefield 23 Moorefield at Mildmay 23 Palmerston at Holstein not lost a game To Promote TE o 020 oof . He ue Pork . minates adopted. Com‘r orted expenditure to the Sm l4 l ie‘ 12 12 16 16 19 23 23 ment | w., cc7C MISs Wm. Ovens and Mrs d improvement Wm Stevenson.Normanby, spent part McDougald reâ€" | of Sunday afternoon with Mrs Rawn,s the amcunt of Sr., who is i}}. Fees 4.50, J MrMDIgug. Mchld(innm;,' Mr andAgvlr j ohn McKinnon, isses ary and & :’g .‘e: }))J(l?:gl;:i:?/ laide, motored from Chesley last Th ursâ€" kA“ ted day and spent a very pleasant day with "t" ’fP;" 25 | Mr and MrsMarshal] Wright. ‘ '050800 $71 05 We are sorry to hear that Mr Edzarj ? 5 Gardiner is seriously ill, but hone he into a Court of 2090 20000 200 PM 1 improvement | tm Stevenson McDougald reâ€" | of Sunday afte the amcunt of Sr., who is i}}. Fees 4.50, Mr Doug. M 4 expenditure JOhn McKinnon . members Sheep Industry Presspred] gxxxwxazmxxmsa Emesynamin /gg THE PEOPLES MILLs of cither Emm \Boakes, /5 Prices tas Blaa« _ @ z. _ LMildmay is leadâ€" * ps "‘Ve Feople‘s Mills ;- s “;: t f HEREE&EE&H EEGEWS&E@S 3 JOHN McGOWwanr E The People‘s Mills xt fe on OCCCCCTETYERR rrss>>>>â€" 2 B( _ COar my . » °O " _ uoPp. por 100 Ibe... .. ... ++ L114 | tS Ost Chop per 100 lbs (old oate)....... .. es o §¥ Crimped Oate, per 100 Jbe (old oate)... ... ... t*>*>>+>>>»â€" " & UG ’3 Blatchford‘s Calt Meal, 25 1b sack....... . hss sns ns s es U Agg | Custom Chopping. per 100 lbe... ... > 7 ota | 5G American Corn, whole, per ton..;.....: â€"+*+.. 8200 ’g to". _ ghoppeds perton * _ .â€"/,*""" siir: :s $500 ‘M OUR FLOUR Is GUARANTEED. The above prices are at the Mili and 8trictly Cash, % Highest Prices paid for WHEAT delivered at the Miy 2X GOODS DELIYEREp around town every s*e| afternoon. _ Send in your orders early" .E Phone No 8, Day or Night, _ * nong No 8, Day on Mr_and Mrs Wm Wm Stevenson, Norr / C _ THkedk Sovereign Manitoba Patent Flour, per 98 1b sack Eclipee Flour Blend, per 98 Ib pagk .:>:+/++.+...2,.. White Liby Pastry Flour, per 98 lb sack ... Bravn (ton lote) per 100 Ibe.....; SBhorts (ton lots) per 100 ibe...... Feed Flour (Hiddlmga) per 100 ibe.... .. ... No. 1 Mixed Chop, per 100 lbe....., ... Ost Chop per 100 lbs (old oate)....... .. Crimped Oate, per 100 lbe (old bats).s.:..:.., Blatchford‘s Calt Meal, 25 1b sack....... _ Custom Chopping. per 100 lbe... ... Amerrcan Corn. whola nuse uC 17 con 6 that the following contracts | be let to Alex Hill, Mt Forest, viz of placing abutments under the bridge known as Porter‘s, 10th sideâ€" road : the construction of a new bridge on con 14, the construction of a cattle passat lot 17 con 6, and the‘ repairing of the a«butment of tbe, Drary bridge, contracts to be drawn upland signed by the Reeve and lr,'r Hill. Carried. I McEachernâ€"Wilsonâ€" That Counâ€" cillor Groat, D. Allan and J R Phbilp be acommittee to attend to the mat ter of having the necessary improveâ€" gmen(s ‘t‘nude to the monumental plot. CaPrin A delegation representing the Wom* en‘s Instituto waited npon the council respecting certain improyements to be made tothe monumental plot. _ Wilsonâ€" MceDougald : ‘That Dep. Rceeve Allan interview the parties concerned in the matter of this road and report ut next meeting of Counâ€" cil. â€" Carried. A deputation of a number of rateâ€" payers from the northern part of the township waited upon the council, stating the advantages of the road known as the Cement Road, to the ratepayers of that part of the T‘ship and requesting the Council to conâ€" sider the matter of making a grant toward the purchase of this road. J Proton T L providing Eg‘t grant is expended between con 9 10, Egreâ€" mont. Carried. i dafistathucaaia‘ Ti sls ts 54 C1 Continued on page 6 se SsoUTH BEND As the result of the abnorâ€" mally high prices prevailâ€" ing' for tea on the market today, we have been forced to advance the price of our Eopular "SAL ADA" Brown abel Blend to 65¢c. per poundâ€" Prices of ase Buz, Rep ano Goun Laseis arz UNCHANGED "CALADAE" Rather than Sacrifice Quality â€" Allan, Clerk [ygr{iir'lii‘fl?. r Edgar | hope he‘ . Mire qy 3 _ ~ C PIOwE, Mrs ID iLelth, Mrs C. Ramage; Mrs Geo. Cushnie (Nellie Hastie) came from | Mt Forest ; Mro J C Fairbairn (ERlia Mrs Wilson) from Fairbairn ; Neil Ca1â€" part / der and sister and others from the wn,s same place, | __Proceeds were about $60 to be apâ€" Plied to the cost of fine basement im» 'provemeuu. The ladies very kind. 1y treated those from a distance to refreshments before going home, Mr. Findlay‘s suggestion to make it an avonuval affair in some thape, may be acted upon. bars: m ____" _ CTV sHeol QHi not least, Robt Renwick Sr, the on!y one of the brach who has been con. tinuously in the neighborbood and whoso memory and observant nature just fitted him for the fine speech he gave. Besides those named from Daurkham were Mr and Mes "FL __ .. P Theladics were not behind ; a fow of them have seen forty years pass over, but the years have treated them lightly and their voices not imwpairâ€" ed. Mrs Robt. Renwick Sr. who was ’u singer of renown gave a solo reâ€" calling the days when her musical voice thrilled every listener. "The old musician anrd his harp‘‘ was thorâ€" oughly enjoyed . ‘| Music of course was predominant l |and alusty choir sang the hymns of }long ago with vim, yes and with eftâ€" ficiency too. _ Not a cracked voice \amongst them, though at least three |confessed to 70 years orover, _ Mr. Wm Ramage (we might almost say of course) was to the front, with the unique record of over 44 years of leadership and still going strong. Then such warblers as Jas. Renton, R.Renwick, J. H. Snell, C. Ramage, J M Findlay, Robt. Isaac, Wm Isaac faced the audience once more. A unique and highly delightful evening was spent at Amos Church, Dromore, on Friday last. Theconâ€" ception, whoever fathered it, of having an entertainment with the program in the hands mainly of the pertormers of 40 or more years ago, was a worthy one, and aroused no little interest, Rev Mr Burnett was the presiding genius, and though a terribly! young man, entered into the spirit of the occasion admirably . The Past Revealed to the present "â€"â€". _ 1n108¢ thus perlormx’nk J C Adams, J H Spell, C. Ram. David Leith all of Durham, .J. EL oRk L on . Ait Reâ€"Union at Dromore L CCC e eud s Thos Brown, Mrs D Ramage; Mrs Geo. Hastie) came from J C Fairbairp (BRliza wiak 242. TW nenwick Sr, the only h who has been conâ€" he neighborbood and and observant nature es us\ days. _ Needless to were tinged with ich we cannot reâ€" JUNE #8, 1922 and E. H. Mo ersville respec zen of Pricevi and his charg« H. Kippen. | mer Holstein and Appleby i At the Ha ence just ove lormer past o Cole officiating relatives were performed und ergreens on th« past was parta A pretty w nesday, June Mrs Joseph \ their daughte married to 1.; den, son of M McFadden,. a ~#d. Ro ‘ expecte gram will 1 Rural ed: is to be con held on Ju; " Hon. R tion and } cils to app; Ppresentative all the count them se our ne! are de| started once fo here, 0 ready s The La party and Fouth Gien Chiroprac The Lad Church wis} | evening Jun lawn at whi and instrum. Admission a GorMepai . ulations to M while attendinp Forest joined : and won the contest. H« F mention for mal blnquets. Dr. Northor Ground Scree included ; $21.5; screenings per t. any quantity . lots or over at R A Rear \x 9 piece dining r ish will be on d end of week. a; suites of fumed -Ctnlom l'h Kechnie‘s M;)| guaranteed. C and all kinds o If you fee} haii out all the time it Avoid a breakdow Sold at Macfarian Durbam "Bluebi crosse team play this Thursday in. Paisti®c hg prepared to tal; and decorating Terms reasonable St, Durha m Alt VOL. This Bank has b ment in the past 1 Farmer‘s Partner If you are lookin local Manager der TAL ASsFETs ranch, i 81A armer‘ Branchs also m Aress at i b i

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