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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jul 1922, p. 5

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Ilvcry London $1.00 ED ed 1 Floor FEE, Me ham " 1 so rham 'est Flour mold Flour ...39c doa ru tried it? Jrstem ed CBS Stunner _ \ M _ 333? 1922 a On meal 25c ...26clt, with you times the ations 100 each me No. a n! ot sack: mcludcd Included Included included Included .tF.tFii t sacks ncludcd MN 50c sack. 00 Price aded -- -- -v-“vu I“ to Alberta and British Columbia points. many who have long antici- pated seeing the Canadian Rocha and Ptteitie Coast will Irate the Journey this year. To them, and to the individual travelling “Across Can. aanada" for purely business reasons. the "National Way” and the Canad. ian National Railways' premier trains the "Continental United" and the "National" appeal most strongly, the route connecting as it does the great urban centres of Canada. and traversing regions of outstanding in- wro-sr. The various Canadian National hmwlries en route suggest excellent Mop off points and are noted for the urn-Hence of their service. To their, number this year is added Jasper Park Lodge on Lac Beauvert. Jasper Park. Alberta. in the Ca. :xatlian Rockies. is the largest ot Ca. nada's National Parks. its area ot l tun sq miles offering unlimited holi- d;1\ possibilities to the tourist and sportsman. Dolly Varden trout lurk l.". the clear mountain streams. Beau. nrul transparent lakes mirror the en- mriing mountains, and a new un- spoiled Alpine wonderland of snow- 'towned peaks and verdant valleys ultuitit'ns the ere. in this delightful to Hint: on Lake Beauvert. three miles, :t'um Jasper station (with which it is. Jasper Patk Lodge--. " Ideal Stepping on Poll! "Ili'" J" Asie.., Ed??? obsuDgpend My) the advent of rs O"lt 2'estts.,t, ave Manet Forests They’rExXglk Ontario Forestry Branch, Parliament B: The Cash Shoe Store DURHAM. - ONT. . Are you weaned with Shoes for the holiday , If not, give us a call. e will be pleased to show you our stock of oxfords and strap slippers in Bladk, Brown or White' Below we are quoting a few prices. Women's Black Calf Goodyear with l strap. low heel, Buctle. (Classic)..................................85.50 Women.s Brown Calf Goodyear with l strap, low heel. Buckle. (Classic)...................................$5.50 Women's Patent Colt, l strap slipper Buckle. low heel. (Grati..al...........i.....C.r..r..U.UI............ts.0o Women’s Patent Colt , strap slipper low heel(Weston)85.00 Women's White Canvas, , strap.. o..,........................) Women's White Canvas, Oxford...... s............,...........) Ladies, Attention ! il l T r. M2 felling!) fares 5 J. S. MCILRAITH _ V _""'-"-".' -e". """."m " to appear as " sheet suspended from the heavens." The picturesque valley of the Athabaska is flanked by Pyramid Mountain, the richness of its varied color effects presenting a very striking contrast. Whistlers Mountain, Colon Range, Roche Bon. homme, are but a few of the mighty peaks that meet the gaze. Riding is, of course the popular pastime and ponies are available tor this exhilar- ating sport. Within easy reach of the Lodge. afoot or by motor car, are nu- merous points of interest. Maligno Canon and Gorge, one ot the moat in- teresting attractions in the Park, is but " miles distant. Easily access- ible streams will tempt the titrherrmut ces, running water in each room, baths. etc. In conjunction with the Lodge in dancing pavilion where good music names to the guests a delightiui evening's diversion. _ From the Lodge a matptifieent "tas..- ----=, Al ‘- From the Lodge a magnificent View greet: the ere. Mount Edith Cav. ell, so- calied in memory of the mar. tyred Canadian nurse. stands out in bold relief, its glinting slopes making " n. w.-.---- -- .. _ connected by motor car service) is Jasper Park Lodge, operated by the Canadian National Railways' Hotels‘ Department. and now open for the reception of guests. or artistic log construction, the Lodge comprises a inrge ccomfortab- le lounge Building, surrounded by Dining Roll and separate sleeping buildings. each containing sitting room and four bedrooms. electric lighted. with all modern convenien- the Foreiits Every time you leave a camp fire or a smudge burning you are taking chances on a forest fire that will do you out of a job. Every time you throw away a burning match or a cigarette, or drop the "heel" of your pipe on the ground, you are taking a chance. In summer time, moss, dead wood, dry leaves or the regular wood-fibre soil of the forest are all ready to burn. Millions of feet of timber and pulp are being burnt up that way every year. IVER DRIVERS, shanty men, pulp loggers, and all men who work in the lumber woods, on the river or at the mill-get this: Your job depends on keeping forest fires from burning up the bush. fret the Safety of Ontario's forests are not growing fast enough to keep up. Forest fires will do you out of a job if they keep on a few years more. Watch yourself. I and semte sleeping not: containing lining four bedrooms, electric l all modern convenien- Rev. R. J. and Mrs. McCarten mow ed out of the Parsonage on Thurs- day of last week. On the evening previous Marge delegation from the Dr. R. Watson and wife, ot Yonge and St. Clair Streets, Toronto, also Harold Watson of the Bank ot Com. merce and his wife, motored up Bat. urday and remained with friends over the week end. Mr. Geo. Rutherford, Mr and Mrs. D. H. Hetherington ot Shelburne, motored up on Saturday evening of last week, made a short call on friends and returned home. The Directors of the new Public Cemetery hope to see as many of the plotholders and others interested in the cemetery, as is possible, attend the meeting called for Friday evening July Tth, in the Presbyterian Church basement. A considerable quantity ot sweet clover has been cut and harvested tor fodder, in good condition in this neighborhood. Quite a number of shovellers had to withdraw last week trom the County Road work in order to get the hay crop saved. From Friday evening till Saturday afternoon, we had 17 hours ot rain coming down quietly. but steadily. tgiving the earth a good soaking. This delightful region In fully des- cribed in a new booklet entitled “Jas- per Park Lodge", copies ot which may be obtained from the nearest Grand Trunk or Canadian National Agent. For those more ventureeome. who would explore the more dlmcult end extended trolls. guldee, ponies, puck- horses and complete outfits, can be ob. tuned at the Lodge, from which point also parties set out on hunting ex- peditions beyond the eontittett of the Park. The amateur photographer will revel in Nature's botutteousmetus. Alumni. bird and plant life is found in wonders iul veriety. Seventy ditterent new» of birds, seven hundred dilate!“ upe- cies of plants and flowers hue been accounted tor, and within the contine- of the Park (which is I bird and game preserve) are big horn mountain sheep and you: bear-eirtamon, brown and black ; caribou end moose. elk, beaver, otter, marten Ind deer. , PRIGEVILLE/ 6n}: PRICEVILLE VILLAGE " Mrs D. Scott and daughter. Miss Jamet, expect to return to their home in Preston this week. In P. Gov and two children, Page. are visiting " mother, In Mrs W. Hood, Winnipeg is visit. ing her sister. Mrs E E. Hockridge. A miscellaneous tshower accom- pamed by good many from friends and neighbours was tendered to Mr and Mn: Henry Scott at their home last Friday evening. We ask you to accept this gift as a slight token of our appreciation of your work here. May success and prosperity attend you, in whatever sphere your lot may be cast, and in your new ile1d of labor, know that you are followed by the good wishes of your many friends here. Signed Ada Browne, Archie McArthur, Margaret Smellie, Frank McArthur. Angle Mehrthur, Archie Beaten. George Binnie. You have been painstaking in yont work, always patient with our mistakes and willing to assist us over any obstacles which lay in the paths of learning. Not only in our studies have you aided us, but you have so walked among us that your life has been an example to us ; and parentsleei that they are losing one in whom their confidence was not misplaced when they entrusted to you, the training of young minds. A vote of thenlreis tendered to Mr and Mn Will Brown for the rum: hospitality in offering their home. The following was the address _ Dear Miss MacCuaig " It was with sincere regret that welearned that you had deeid d to sever your con. nection with S. 8 No.1 Glettelg, You came to us, not as a stranger but u a friend ; one whom we had all learned to esteem during vour previous terrain our school. and the past three years have served only to deepen our esteem and love. eritGraiiirttreir'"ie;;eViri,'Ci,, and then the young people enjoyed them. selves with I dnuce. Short addresses were then made by Mr John Gray, Thou. Binnie and Archie Meeting. and with this, this function ff" drawn to a close. Mr Thos. Stonehouse of Hamilton was a visitor in this burg last week. A large number of the people oi S. S No. land friends of Miss E. M. McCuaig. assembled " the home "tt her sister, Mrs Will Brown on Thursday night to say farewell to her before she left for her next school at Castor, Alberta. This took the form of a presentation and at a proper time Mr George Binnie, chairman called upon Miss McCuaig to cotnetorward, while Miss Ada Brown read the address and Misses Hazel Baton, Margaret Mchrlane and Marie McArthur presented her with a handsome silver mesh bag, ivory mirror. hat brush, drinking cup and bottle of perfume Miss McCuaig in a lew words thanked then: for the gifts. and good wishes which followed her. Mr and It: Will Harding and three children of Hamilton motored up Friday and wow the guests of J. A. Brown: over the holiday. Ilsa Ada is returning with them on Mon- day. Mrs John Bench, formerly Sadie McKeown. and three children of Cntknlle, Sash. arrived Fnday to her parental home on a visit. Nodoubt the heavy “in on 8atttr. day, July Ist would spoil the cele- brations but wilt help the crops . good deal. Mr That. Edwards of Oren Sound in the guest of Mr Will Edwards thin week. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th---Past, :Erma Me. Lean, Jessie Nlchol. lnnls McLean, Recom'ded -Donald McLean (apeL). Delia McPhall (Geog) Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd --Patm; Jean McLachlan, Willie Nichol, Charlie Kennedy, eq. Reed-- Jimmy McDougall (Spel.), Gordon Teeter (Spel.) Br. lst to Jr. 2nd-- Honors ; Gertrude Harrison, Eleanor Mather, Mlbur Burnett, Jack Carson Donald Reilley, Pearl McDougall and Charlie Aldcorn eq.,Walter Aldcorn. Ptusts---Martraret Nichol. S. S. No. 12, ART. AND GLENELG Names in order of merit Jr. 4th to Br. 4th-Rebeeea Nichol (honors). Katherine McMillan (hon.) Hilda McKechnle (hon.), Almy Me. Lean, Olive McMeeken. Gilvray Me. Lean, Jack McMeeken. Recommended --Leonard McArthur. Jr. 3rd to Br, trd-- Pass; Archie McIntosh, Mable Nichol, Alice Ren. ley, Florence Carson. Jewel McArth- ur and Jean McLean eq., Kathleen Ev- erest. Murray McMillan. Eva Carson. Ree-Beth Hlncks, (Arlth.) Johnny Mpkeehnie (Spel.) been :slso the Poster had been net. ive in every good move and hnd or dented himseli’ to a. host of friends in both church congregations here. The chairman rend nnicely worded od- dress and the women presented the worthy pair with a nice couch ham. mock. The reply was full of love and good feeling tor the people of Price- ville and vicinity. The address will likely be published in some ot the local papers. Women's Institute And other friends gathered " the Psrsonsge. Mr. Wm. Mather wu pieced in the chur, Mrs. D. MeLaehtan spoke tor s. few mm. utes, expressing the loss they felt " the removsl at such sh sctlve and be. loved member as Mrs. Keen-ten hsd M. donut-nee itinith, Teacher HOPEVILLE BUNESSAN THE DURHAM REVIEW M. Kidd, Teacher Mr J. Rainlord has decided to organ- ize a class of instruction in vocal and piano muaic Apply at Review Office on or before July 8, when tinal arrange- ments will bemade. Misses Bertto and Colin Bonus spent Tunaday with their sister, Mrs Hugh McDonald. Miss MacPhail left this evening for her home at Flesherton. Ont. She is book, ed to speak at meetings in her riding every day except Sundav until July 19. Afterwards. the says. she is going to disappear for a rest. Mr and Mrs S. MoCuten of Tor. onto left “and" after spending two Ire-ks at the [alters parents, Mr and Mn S Putherbough. Mr "d Mrs Will thlllnd family of Toronto are holidaying " the latter's patents, Mr and Mn S. Pulherbough. Mr Harold McKechnie and slate! Alumna. northof Durham, visited the Lamb family on Sunday. “and Mrs Hugh McDonald spent Sunday evening with Crawford Meade. " But the sesssionpl indemnity is nqta salary ; It is a mark of appreci- ation given by the country for service." "l have no condemnation for anyone else, but ldo think there is no use of Sir Lomer Gouin or Mr Fielding or Mr Crerar, or any other man, no matter how great, preaching preaching economy unless we can give the people a lead in economy and show the sincerity of the idea. Anybody can use$4000. A man with a family, away from home and business, probably needs it. "That was why I could not accept the 84000. If I had known the procedure in time I should have put forward my bill fora decrease in the indemnity. As it was I uaw it would never get through so I withdrew it rather than risk the re- margrs thag I.ttys playing_to -the. gallery. " I am glad tha"t-tiG7i.50iriCira'e,' I did not want to touch it. "I am quite convinced that 82.500 is not enough fora man who devoted him. to serving his countrp." Miss MacPhail explained. "What I did object to was the time when the indemnity was in- creased and the circumstances. Our men were overseas. and the great cry was economy. In the campaign Miss McPhail repeat- edly declared the would not accept the '4000tndeatntty. True to her word the as: week returned 81440 of tter undem- mity to the Minister of Finance. In effect, she was returning 81,500. the W being income tax on the amount. Miss A. [Human true to he Word F A permanent 'rheetr-dipping trough has been installed at Mr. David Ham- ilton's. The first dipping demon. stration took place on Saturday when 198 sheep were dipped. Edge Hill friends and neighbors assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McFadden on Friday night last to spend a night of merri. ment with the newly-married couple in their home. Mr. and Mrs. McFad- den were presented with a handsome leather couch. We are sorry to hear Mr. Wm. Me. Farlane is not in very good health at the present time. Congratulations to Mr. Wilt Weir, who was married on the 28th to Miss Edna Dixon. We heartily welcome his bride to this community and hope they may both be spared to have many years of wedded life and pros- parity. Mrs. Will Lawrence and children left recently tor a few months' visit with her home folks in England. Mr. Lawrence accompanied them as far as Quebec from where they sailed on the “Empress of Britain." VV___. ...._...v.. u. IIICUV will. The High School students have completed their examination: and on now enjoying their holidays. The public school here closes Thursdny. Master Hunter Ritchie is the only Entrance candidate from this school this year. We wish him the best of success. Mr Walker Hamilton, ot Landon. North Dakota, is visiting tor I. few weeks with Mr. David Hamilton and other relatives in these parts. Mr and Mrs George Lane visited his son. Mr Andrew Lane, onedayiut 'ae. Miss Annie MncCannel intends" te- turning to the city next week., Mr and Mre John McDougall visited Mr Will N eison'a last Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams. Mr and Mrs David Bruce visited Mr and Kn S. Williams on Sunday. Mr and Mn Charles MoDonaid visited in our burg on Sunday. ‘Mr Rune] Lanevirited with hisbrother Mr Wm. Lane Sunday. $5.4. Mr Charles 800er is busy paintiéE-ai Mr Noble Wilson: thin week. Mm Alice Human intends returning to the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ktkinson left last week to visit with their daughter Mrs tit1or1tutd_pther Western friends Mr and Mn Findlay Clarke and Mr and Mn Walter Brouton visited an and Mn John Wilson on Sunday. Mr and In George lav-e visited " the Intel"- lather. Mr Donal McCunel on Sunday. Boothville football team mod I friendly game with Stanton k on Scum!” evening. Tho score 1-0 in favour of Boothv0ie. Ionics“. [in Rachelomlu In mind he: puitloau tucks: " S. tt. Mo. 4 AI "roput" panned low out our ti19pe 39:11:60 “can”: India; In. Ridden . F_etit1itte bells are ringing: DARKIES' CORNERS Music Class ABERDEEN Leg! week's budget BOOTHVILLB ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO DURHAM BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, July 9th, 1922 Morning Service at 11 a. m. Topic : "Go in Peace.' Evening Service at 7.30 p. m. Topic : "The Fla" and the Sword." (Orange Order Annual worship hour) U. 8.8.140. 12, BENT'K &GLEN. Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th-Gordon Thomp.- son. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd-Beatrice Gras- by, Allister Lawrence, Malmle Vetusie. Sr. 2nd to Jr. trd-Catherine McLean, Cora Dyer. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2tut--Blanch McKeehtiie,trene McKechnle. Margar- et McLean. Corine Lawrence, Mary Dyer. Sr. lat to Jr. 2nd-gean Clark, Amelia Legato, Alfred Dyer. Jr. 1st to Sr. lst-Myrtle McLean, Feral Leg. ate, Gordon Dyer. Jr. Pr.-Herhie Mil. ler, Clarence Ritchie, Doris Dyer. Junior Primer-Frame" Hay, Hard- ing Graham, May Branhwaite, Chritr tene Hansen. Lynn Vollet. Frank Bunce, Jean McLean. Kathleen Mc- Donald. Victor Hansen, Florence Hav. ens. Jr. Pr. to Br. Pr.-Tomm.v Lowe. Ver. non Collinson. Helen Clark. Arthur Watson Canaan Ailtut, Earl Gllddon. Ernie Glaser. Charlie Nicholson. Jack Miles. Br. Primer to Jr. lat-Alice Nichol- son and Helen Young and Leonard Brown equal, Clara Gliddou. Billy Firth and Orval McDonald and Billy McGee equal. Edna Gralney and Cecil Hind equal; Goldie Glaser, Norma Al. lan and Elsie Falklngham equal, Ab. bey McLean. Gerald Falconer, Tom Caldwell, Benny Firth, Clarence Glid- don, Norman Falklngham. "C" Cltotr-Limie Nicholls, Maggie Erwin, George Hulme. "C to B"-gean Atkinson. George Lloyd, Eddie Hunt, George Hawke, Hazel Moore. George McKechnie, E. Erwin. "B to A"- George Ashley. Margaret Slbbald, Bessie Atkinson, Elsie Pink- erton, Reta Graham, Clarence Wilson. Wilfred Montgomery. Alice Pinkerton Primary Class to Jr isthean Grant and Lloyd Hawke and Donnld Knight equal, Lulu Mills, Lloyd Clurk and Allan McLean equal. Annie Campbell and Edith Erwin and Genevieve Saun- ders equal, Gordon Gram and Frank Ritchie equal. Elsie Goodchild, Eric Gritf. Norman Elliot. Percy Montgom- ery, Fred Bolger, Louise Jamieson, Its. abel Young, Charlie Meoonald, Ray- nor Hulme. ian McDonald, Donald Croft, inn McDonald. E.CAMERON.B. A., B. TIL, Pastor Special attention to Farm Machi- nery. Lawn Mowers Scythes and all other tool: or cutlery resharp- ened and made like new. Work ell- led for and delivered if desired. REPAIRING All Kinds MACHINERY Sr. lot to Jr 2nd-Nehton Love, Her. old Glenholme. Clare Truynor, Grace Becker. Alex Caldwell and Muriory Noble and Orville Noble equal, Dono- thy Clark, Aline Kreu end Moore Me. Madden and Arthur McClyment equal. Audrey Bell 1nd lrene Young ecu-l. Ned Burnett and Esther Styles and Mary Tobin equnl. Jack Schuu. Elia. nbeth Herding and Gertrude Glass equal, Irene Elliot and Joe Wntson mt, Frank Goodchild and Norma Kelsey and Alfie Nicholle equal, Lewls Me. Comb, Bernice Wilding. Evelyn Baird and Norman Dean and Frank Hulme and Edward Wilding equal. Bowman, Jamieson. Mabel Jameson. Johnl Styles. Janet Watson and Ruby Willisl and Dorothy McFarlane equal. J. N. MURDOCK, Durham Shingles by Test Have proved the Best B. c. Cedar Shingles Ontario Cedar Shingles N. Brunswick Cedar Shing's All grades. Prices right. Shingles for Sale Ion. label Henderson nnd Myrtle Watson equal. Norm-n McIntyre, Jim Henderson, lily Mites, Merldn Hae. enl. Anna Ritchie. Jr. 2nd to Br. 2nd-Clen Rowe, Gor. don McCrae. Wilma Smith. Thelma Bell, Dorothy Pickering, George Hay. Oral Chalmers, Eur] McKechnie. Ada Holmes. Violet McLean, Norbert Young, Victor Hind, George Noble, Frances Sibbnld. Wallace Thomp. Br. 2nd to Jr. trd-Norma Oman. Hue! Melton. Ellen limbo". Ellen Hay. Junie Traynor, label lontcom- cry and Leonard McComb equal. Ben. trice Miles. Orville Saunders, Ray. mond McGirr 1nd Ellie Willis equnl. Norman Mcilrnith. Roydon Connor and Sadie Holmes and Jenn McKay and Helen McAuliire' equal. Violet McClyment and Harry Rynn eq., Erie Clark, Gordon Palkingtttun, Dave unr- shnll. George Hahn. Melvin Ashley. Viola Caldwell, Mnud Keluey. Harold Wilson, Orma Burnett, Arden Whitta- ker, Elsie Lediturhtun, Caroline Mit- chell. Donald Smith. Florence Wild. ing, Kenneth Wilson, Josie Falconer. Ila Allan. Br. m to Jr. "r-.. Mary mphlck. Cttrutitse Goodchlld. cum-d Young. Florence McDonald, Laura Wildlnc. Myrtle Dean, Bea Kearney. J. D. Me. Aulwc. Won-cc Mac-"run. Mary Brown. In lune. In, Chalmers. Bunch Murdoch. Martina Simpson. Vera Momma. In modern. Donald Young, Fred Vollet, [Jule HIM, Bee. Me Clark. Ir .811! to ttr. lrd-Lylu Honolulu Ind Tom Brown em. France. Hemli- ur, Jasper Tnynor. Norman Blur. Wild: Palm, Roy Wlulu. George Hind. wnue Agnew, George Falconer. Brad McDonald. Tom Goodchlld. L. saw-1d. Olive Middleton, Curie Mc- Kechnle. Machine Shop . DURHAM ”H001. PROMOTIONt. Null-uh. he. Nearly opposite the Poet Offiee Esther McLean. Teicher Durham have“. . “to“: 3C, L. Grant t Q! Ladies Corsets, 81.00 and . . 1.25 1' ' Girls Wash Dresses tiiio . t LtMiiesGinghattt Dresses q, '0' 1.50, 1.75 and $2.00 . Boys’ Wash Suits, $2.00 . * and 2.85 t - Men's Soar, 25c. 30c, Me . t per pair - * Men‘s Union Suits 't.ttti" siir t Men's Ties. Me and 50c it ' Children'sPussyfoot Sole - ' Slippers and Boots ' 66ertert, si)r66esii"i)r Having purchased the best up-to-date machinery, I have opened up I new ahop on top of the hill and am prepar- ed to do all land. of machine worlt-. windmills. threshing machines. cream separators. bicycleemaehin. machine. lawn mower-e. called for and delivered Science. and knivea aharpened. Thank- ing my old cutomera for their pat- ronage. Hope they may continue and gain many new ones. Work guaran~ teed and prices renonable. Owe me a call. 2t tf A. INNES. The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock Ship- ta Million will ship stock from when: every Tuesday. Parties are re- quested to bring Itock in on that day but guve three as” notice. JAS. LAWRENCE, Manager. Phone us. rl-l. R. R. No I. Durham Custom chopping every day-t Mc- Kechnie'c Mills, Durham. Satisfaction guaranteed. Com, mixed chops, out: and all kinds of feed for sale at cutrem prices. Btrictlr ttrut clue. Graduate. readily obtain employment. It my. to attend the best. Cat-loan: tree. MF - --'""""--."_. - - we, I- N ihtmon autumn " be... Univ“ . “Intact Rorat m of Marga“. Oahu-lo om. J t J 'h'h"rrl414 New in. DUIIAI has. Jameson & mueson gnu HAM-oo- 'uiettiit)iitiiiii B. o s., I. as Bose GIADUQ‘I'I Man UN". u o I " - vu- 10'de - on” on. Post 080.. 14.5mm. n.iid moms“ J. a. Hana"..-n.. c .0 “can.” can... FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 28 Grant’s Ad. 1at_EiGiiGTii' tot-00. J. [GRANT 0.0... In“ L AltePHAtt., You. andCharieu, Sta., Toronto Ready for Business "et China a. any , too ..-.. Atald"tt In! Notice to FIIIICI'S B. can". c. grp'c. nun: 'tilu. " B. can“ T ”cunnvu 'Iu - d' Ward. Elliott, Principe P' .c nwa I E, 'ft' /' 'IN A. I Pt: n tu pil

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