West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1922, p. 1

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inalion 19?. N . . Bcnwett.-HydrolHardrnan, otArthur,withteamtronlthat se,he,'iyi,1f,,". ::cl\more beaming un-‘Village. Messrs Malone. Church and wersally used and in.timt we predict any , 835651232: lingers l/ 11',g'deaeyti','att manna“! ttaavteTti/t',lhaett1'iti1g.'tTiyt _ IT, nstallerl the 'nilwieii'ri"eii' imam. will set In motion the J,i'ar,i,ouiyeg,1a/'d L 's1i/e1",?r12gr.el'.1f'TJlid; hfii'.2'1: 225;: Lh e902: 53%.: "dh/rl/llc/UT,'; Bert iiiirGeiil Rec. iiirii--'iiiai, Bell ; power (tom a gaeoline engine ard white all." i'tcd,acea.,"tiTruiaet,rn: {regai- this has given faithful service for many rilj'il,"d'u'lt1','r'l'fa,',' Ritchie . Cha lain; wears backthe "ymtytrs.?ft.he church Rev W H S iih"".. R si, N "/'.1na felt that with the installation ot yr, iviiieGi.. I. il'.'".,'] 'G '-'UC'i,n' kit’ehie‘ electric blower. much .latyw would It) R ii V d :David “chm . I S V ir,".'.,..' done away with. accordingly last. week a i, . ii Giles . R h S S .Liii .9 Vac- one horse power single fan electric blow- l ("23' l g ".ir'-yir,G lipid,'.,',"..'",'.'? - er wi" It/ale/ 2t)l,1ggA,i,t,nafvi/rilrors.; F. hat 1 o G -John iriiieiriie ' a C. . . . m c m , . . ' . . l . 1rt'itti?tckind 'i'2i'a'fdi'/h','l organpand‘ Following the installation. short ad. it vsinteresting here to note that theldresses were given by the visitors and um who was here erecting the blower N ' several of the local brethren. dam: and the fifth generation in the line of iathtresrt.etrys and a social porno-"c o'ef? and son in this&r_k___:‘: w. . the night. The Women's Institute held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Jno. McGirr. 2nd Con. Glenelg on Thursday last, 13 ladies being present. Splendid papers were given by Mrs Neil McCannel on"Beautiful Hair" and Mrs T. Henderson on "Compare the seed sown in our lives with that sown in the ground." Miss Margaret McGirr also discussed the current events of the day and Misses Jessie and Mary Bell con- tributed aduetr to the pleasure of all. At thin meeting 350 was voted to further the cause of the Red Cross Memorial Hospital A .bountilul lunch closed a pleasant meeting. (Icahn: with the matter of forest pre- ser\utxon,are worth careful study and mn-tdeMtiun. The matter is a serious one from the national point of view. Our forest wealth is becoming more precious every year. Every etfort by the individual citizen as wel! as by those in authority should be made for its con- servation a. well asitg extension. For- est tires are the cause of its woeful des- truction. and they canbeprevented, if not wholly, at least to a very great ex- tent. The new Voters' Lists Act. which was passed at the session of the Legislature recently closed. pruvidesa prison term for otheialswhointeationally omit names entitled to appear on the lists This should have the result of eliminating the poltticalbias which has sometimes prevailed in the preparation ot "ters' lusts in the past. Fire broke out in Jacob Koenig's shoe store m Hanover last Sunday afternoon shortlv before six o'clock. and about tG per ant ol the stock was destroyed by tire orrlamaged by water. The store w; at” badly damaged. lyiamaru's rrsrlmrunt next iloor, and the pool room m the 'iousement also suffered badly. 'rtrint " all} bywulvr. The loss sustained an th-premieres/md stucms estimated to be between r.m_"vr.w)t) and Shunt) and um tpartly covered by iusurarie.- Post. xix. r10; Mum's Foe CST -The serie, of asrlvertisements that are being run In ml! columns at the present time, VOL. XLV. N0. 28 Ground Screenings perton. $23 sacks included "21.,U) wnh t sacks. Whole screenings per ton with t "cks, 820. in any quantity. Spocialp . u in 3 ton lots or over at,Rob Roy Mi . Custom choppin every day at Mc- Kechme's Mills, ,'r,F',ttiesii'i Satisfaction guaranteed. Corn. mix chops, oats and all kinds of feed lor sale at current prices. Former Principal A. T. McNeil. B. A., of Woodstock College. will (I).V.) occupy the pulpit morning and even- ing in the Baptist Church next Sun- day. July 16th. Mr. McNeil is a brother of Rev. John NeNeil of Wal- mo-r Road, Toronto. ours/i/ara,--,," . ___ . - John keh, Manger. Bunch. also talcum. and WWWOM. - Ron Rov (3mm Pmos-Weare pay- ing .35 to we for Oats, 35c o mg for Bar- ley. Mc to l 00 tor Bud wheat and $1.75 to $2.00 for Peas at Elevator this week. Punt-so AND Dscmunno.-l am prepared to tako contracts for painting and decorating. Work ttuaraasteed. T erms reasonable. Albert Davis, Bruce St, Durham. F armers' Sales Notes Tanlac is I scienli triumph. Re suns move it. Sold try acfarlanc'n Drug Store. Send your hcmuitc . a and picot edging to Rundle Gtitmhs, anover. Ont Prompt service and " on prices. yspecial prices on ii?ii'iiie's'y; many lines at half price. See on its at $2 00 or A.L' so. Misses Truax. Keep the 7th August oiitVor Price- ville's Civic Holiday. Everything that is new in ather and sport hats on display at Missc Truax. (tld reliable Bug Finis and strictly pure Paris Green at Mada ne': Drug Store. \ :{325- - s".,'s'i-.r.ad23Y, Pf)gyt -fiilisslliiiiii8lTljt'it - -- - "Grimm - -e -- - - TOTAL ASSETS OVER ElGHTY-THREE MILLIPNS = _ c I " n Standard Service makes the farmer's financing D - Viiaireaivjce to farmers b actin 7V todian for their sales notes, or by a'l,'i'flfnlu1',t and making collections when due. BRANCHES of this Bank in rural sections render ugh-2H. service to farmers bv acting as ens. Rob Roy Mills Limited STAN DARII BAN K . m Following the installation. short ad. dresses were given by the visitors and several of the local brethren. and re- freshments and a social period closed the night. u... -. District Deputy Grand master J. A Hardman of Arthur, with team fromthat village, Messrs Malone. Church and Oakes. were present at the meeting ol Grey Lodged 0.0 F. Tuesday night and installed the newly-elected officers, as follows ;Nob!e Grand-J. A. Graham: Vice-Grand-A. C. Kinnee ; J. P. G - Bert Sioneouse ; Rec. Secy--Allan Bell ; Fin. Secy-Cameron Lauder : Treas -. Petey Ramagg: Warden-Wm Ritchie: Conductor-Chas. Ritchie ', Chaplain-- Rev. W. H. Smith; R. S. N. G.-R McLean: L. S. N G.--John Ritchie; R. S. V. G --David Nichol ; L. s. V. G-. Bnnaid Giles; T S. 'i-Harpy Mc- THE l Hum: HILL COUPLE Hosousir--A lumon reception and presentation of the [moment Edge Hill and No it section, took place Tuesday night at the ham: ot Wm. Weir, 2nd con, to honor the recent groom and bride, Mrand Mrs (Wm. WeirJr. The night outside was anything hut agreeable. but once in, one was led to forget anything damp or unpleasant in the gncd cheer that abounded At an appropriate time in the evenings fun. Mrs Clifford Howell read an address breathing good wishes to the young couple, and these in practical form were presented bv Messrs Alex Aljoe and Cliff Howell. These took the form of aneight day mantel clock and a cut glass water set and tray. The groom responded happily on behalfof himself and bride. Mr Arch. Park was ap- pointed chairman and called on Messrs Thos. Turnbull. Alex Aline. Wm. Edge. Geo. Ritchie, Murray Ritchie and B, Alexander who made short speeches of al, anagratulatory nature. The remainder} of the evening was given over to the) light fantastic. l BACK To FORMER Hro.--About a month ago tne Baptist. Anglican and Preshyterian bodies decided that for the summer season they would call the.r evening church service at 7.30p m. in, stead of 7 p. m. The idea was princi- pally to ttccomtttodate those whose evening work was such as to keep them from church or otherwise cause much hurry in order to get there in time and then sometimes were late. But time tellsthe managers that the movement was' not asucces: for in most cases there has been no increase in attendance but rather a decrease. Accordingly the "alist and Anglican bodies have none hack to the former church hour at 7 p. m. whenthey evoect to see a'l their old parishioners and many new ones' show their approval of the change of hour hyrtheir attendance., . od people gathered just the Mme, and alter a short social that. all rcpaind to cars and other modes of conveyance that had a roof. to erjoy a program of the musical I?) waterfall for some time. This over, the still cheerful crowd, par- took of a, good. substantial and dry lunch. and after this was done to the satisfaction of all. they returned to Varney where a baseball rriitch was witnessed between Varmy and the Maple Leafs. While the rain may mar an otherwise gocd day. there is no doubt it has not marred the spirit ofthe promoters and workerl behind the Gazanization that arranged for this a air. VARNEY U. F. O. Ptcstc.--It is doubtful if"picnic" is the proper word to be used this yearm connection with Varney U F. O. Clubifone but recalls the gallons of water that fell Friday alternoon last, not only in Carson's bush but throughout South Grey. they need only imagine to what extent the worq "picnic"isa misnomer. But the I. 0. 0. F. Officerslnstalled i The citizens of Varney and vicinity to the number of seventy rive wended their way to the home of Mr Wm. Finnigan who occupies the former R. Pettigrew farm. The cause of it all lay in the fact that the honored young man had Wed- nesday last united heart and hand with Miss Farrill. south of Orchard. The Review extends best wishes to the young couple starting life together. _ A play can d"Valley Fatm’iis to be given by Bethe' ramatic Club m the Oran” Hana: Swi n Park on Thurt day evening. July 20th. f?mm?tlc".tg. at xwo'clock. SpeeialmGi . Admlmop 35cts and 'acts. A real teat. don't missit. The a null Varney Garden Party will be helda' G. M.Leeson's M. P, P. on Wednesda uly linh. Good program. Baseball mat Durham vs Varn.ey at 5pm. Refresh' nt bOothon grounds- The ladies Aid wil so haven sa.le. of fancy work and clot ng. Admission 25 and Lie. There's no ex ce ior getting“ If sick and tun do when tanlac will make you well.stut and urong. Sold at Mai:iariane'e Drug ore. "i'iii1tt L ROCKY L'. F. O. Presto-This affair' I iseach year assuming larger proportions, land if it continues to grow as " has in, "he past. Hon L. A. Crerar will find it, Ito his advantage to be present to ady ‘dress his followers. The only patt that, ;did not play up to expectations last ;Friday was the weather, forduring the. 1efternoon. Jupiter Pluvius let down'; , buckets of water and thelarge crowd that ( ihad gathered sought shelter the best 'way they could in car and buggy.: ‘ However the elements were kind enough 'to stopin time for lunch and this was: 'enjoyed to the limit. The program was' Iunder way a short time only when the, rains descended, and this was unfortun-! ate, as many who came to hear Miss, Agnes McPhail, M. P. were disappointed) at her being unable to speak. Mr Zigg-i Imar of the Toronto Stock yards was; present and spoke some time on the shipping stock question. Mr R. L. Aitchison a U. F. O, candidate of, i Williamsford was also present. Mr Wm. ' Troy of Orchard was present with his pipes and enlivenedthe afternoon withi several selections and hy singing. In ithe evening when everytling was clear, again, the dancing platform was kept busy and the revenue from this and ‘othgr sources brought $200 to the local, ,clu . i BORN ECTOR --.ht Elbrw Saskon July -, to Mr and Mrs Will Ector. a daughter. TowN.~ In Durham on Wednesday. July Sth. to Mr and Mrs D. C. Town, a a m (Frederick William.) BARTLEY.- On Thursday, July 6th. to Mr and Mrs Geo. Barney. of Toronto, a son. BRYANS -At Varney, MondIyJuly 3rd, to Mr and MrgRicharti Bryans. a son N03Ll-ln Durham. on Wednesday, July 12th to Mt andirth.ttet let)..?., . Brannon Wiu. BUILD BRIDGES.- renders are being asked by Bentinck Council for the erection of three con- creteand steel bridges in the township The largest ol these is Kennedy's bridge on the 2nd con._north of Allan Park, “hick has a 75 it. span. The others are the Clark Torry bridge two and a half miles north ot Livingston's Corner and the Aberdeen bridge on the 2nd concession. Reeve Hunt is planning to have the other bridge at Aberdeen strengthened. It wilt be an expenswe undertaking, butis atimely step. as mout of the township bridges have been condemned tor heavy ttaffic. JL'Mnus Ban MARKDALE.-A Jutfor lacrosse team went over to Markdaie celebration Wednesday and crossed sticks with the Maxkdale team. Only two periods and part of the third had been played when the downpour came and quickly concluded the game. Dur- ham lads leading by Sgoals to 2. Marlo dale had an immense crowd for their 2t celebration,the streets being jam- me . Thousands Celebrated I gon. L Lator-The stolen car was the covered Wednesday evening in front of Magistrate Laidlaw's residence. It was brought in by Eddie Lang. a 16 year old lad of the townline Ben- tinck and Sullivan and left there. while he was wandering around town. Lang does not admit the theft of the car, but claims he got it at the top of Durham hill. He brought his mother in with him and she only the previous day wrote " note to Smith Bros.. warning them not to sell her son a car as he had no money. Lang has not agood reputation in his neigh- borhood as he is reported to be light fingered around home. County Con. stables Faleoner and Watson took him in custody, and his fate is now in the hands ot the Crown. About eight o'clock Sunday morn. ing Dave missed the car when he came to the garage. The County constable visited the garage Monday and a description ot the stolen car has berm forwarded to the Chief of Police in almost all Ontario cities and towns. It is to be hoped the offender may be found and brought to justice. or at least the var discovered. It was about 12.30 a.m. Sunday when Mr. David Smith locked up and went home. and between this time and daybreak the theft was commit. ted. And in a nervy manner. The thier' for thieves) removed the cleats supporting the upper sash of the south window of show room, and low, ering the sash, they thus gained ac- cess. Once inside, they soon unt'as- tened the north sliding door. and op. ening it. shoved out the car. closed the door again. and made their exit through same window. No clue reg mains as to where they sped with the‘ motor which carried a dealer'g license} numbers. Three switch keys from! other cars in the showroom were also, taken. ! One of the most daring robberies ever perpetrated in Durham took place early last Sunday morning when access was gained to the show- room ot the Ford stamp and a new Ford car stolen. Ford Garage Broken into; Car Stolen and Recovered V L...ub - DURHAM; THURSDAY, In Hanover fly,'., Mrs Gilbert McKechnie went to t Ol ,Toronto Thursday to see her sister, “a. 3 Marion. who still than no change in y/y l her weakened condition. Fun“... ...- -'" - Mayor, MrA. J. Corbett, the contractor »for the Soldiers' Memorial anf work. 'men were on band to select the exact ,spot on which to erect the nuv struct- (ure. After careful measttrtments this was accomplished and to give a touch _ofsentimcnt to the affair Mayor Allan was asked to tum the first sod which he deftly did. i It is understood that the Memorial committee is to makea grant towards this purchase and thus when all its ad- I vantages were considered,a unanimous I vote carried the motion to proceed with ‘the purchase and thus the long uncert- 'ainty as to the memorial site was hap- pily ended. , Mr S. Levine interviewed the council , asking their sanction to the transference at his license to thenew proprietor of the pool room, which wasg ranted. Win: which is incorporated the Holstein It is the ttmt of its kind to be erected in Durham. Thus we may expect thaton some fine fall day we will see unveiled the monu- ment that marks the respect (withe con- temporariesofthc has who fell in the struggle against German aggression. The effort to get thus far towards the completion of the Me morial has caused a worry and anxietywhich should never have existed but now that the end is in sight. bye-zones must be bye [zones and on should, and no doubt will. join heart- ily in the satisfaction tlat at last a memorial will give lasting expressicn to worthy 'acrifice, and satisfy our own self respect. f Bright and early Mcreday. morning fonxing the action of councgl Friday pieviout, the Memorial C(anlttee. the -. - . n I, AL A ia_._-.-r.e.r-s.. A special meeting ol Town Council was held on Friday evening last the feature of which was perfect harmony and consequently prtguss. The chiet item at business was consideration of the purchase ofthe McGowan lot in front of the Rectory as a valuable piece of property likely to comeuselulasa site for the new Town Hall, which it is hoped the future has in store for us. and besides be of present value as turn- ishing a most desirable site for the Mem- orial to fallen soldiers. I Mrs Parker and two children ofCheeley '; visited her parents, Mr and Mrs Lockie last week. Annivers y services at St. Paul's I ligremom. tio, 'day,July 1ch at JOE-lock and 7.3o,in ch rge of Rev. E. W. Cinch] of Mt Forest Music in the evening by choir of Tr ity Church. Monday evening, July If,' AnnualGarden Panyl on James Johnst 's lawn opposite Sn Paul's Church. iood program. Add mission. Adults Mc. 'tChildren ICC. I Throw otf th tired, rundown feeling and build up yo strength by eating nruirishingfood, nlacdrsesit. Sold at Maciarlane's Drug . ore. _ Th: Methodist church Sunday School held their annual picnic Monday this 'year to the so called Durham Park, {south of the bridge where an enjoyable ', time was spent over games, bathing, and l ' eats." LOST-ln D am Post Office, on Tuesday,July In a Waterman fount- ain pen utth gold nd. Reward at Review (mice. Merchants ! Order your counter check books at the Review Mice. Ask to see samples. Lcwest prices. Capt. A.\ Firth, for twelve years principal of the Orangeville Schools, has been appointed principal cflhe Bramp- ton Schools as successnr to the late Thos. McHugh Memorial Break n New Under War Mr and Mrs Lockie with theirdaughter and her children visit: d with Mrs Lockie's sister, Mrs Ronald of Galt, last Sunday. Mrs Hallett of Buffalo and little grand- son. Billie Anderson me Visitolsat Mr George Krels'. Mr. Peter and Misses Alice and Att. nes Ramage and Misses Chrissie Margaret McGitT visited Shelburne and Dundalk frit-nds the fiytgt of the week. The latter remained a few days at Shelburne with her sister, Mrs. Jno. Holman. Mrs Walter Horn of Kingsville visited the week end with her brother, Mr Frank Hinds. Miss Beryl Forso and Miss Dorothy Dan-rm of Thorold, are visiting Miss Bessie Smith at the Manse. Muss Edna and Master Frank Mc- Cormick of London are visiting with Mrs Hardy at the Rectory. Council Purchases Memorial Lot Mr: Johnston and Mrs O'Neill of Georgetown and latter's daughter from Detroit were guests at Mr and Mrs Jno. McCoskery for a few days last week. Miss Isabelle Lawson and brother-in law, Mr Lance Rumble of Toronto motored up on Sunday to her father's, Mr R. A, Lawson Muses Ella and Ruby Carson of Kit- chener. are visiting thezr uncle, Mr Wu” Carson of Nonnanby and frimds in town. Mr Harold McKechnie went to Tor- onto on Satulday to be reexamined by military pension board. Turned the First Sod Mrs A. W. H. Lauder is in Toronto this week seeing her mother, Mrs W. Black, who has suffered a stroke. Mt J. D. Disher of the Royal Bank statfhere. left Friday toholidayat his home in Dungannon, Miss Jennie Long. teacher at Otter Creek school, lelt on Monday to take a summer course in Domestic Science at Toronto University. Miss Long is a neice of Mrs Wm. Fulton, Muloce. Mr A. B. Currey returned Tuesday from a short holiday with relatives at Newmarket and Kesuicls. MrsCurrie and little son are remaining a longer time. Mrs C. A, Robbins left hm week end to spendafew days with her people in Brantford. Mrs Irving Blyth who has been a visitor at her brother-in-law's. Mr J. W. Blyth, Varney for two weeks back, te- turned to Hamilton. Mrs Duncan McDonald and daughter. Louise left Thursday last for their new home in Lethbridge, Alta. Mr and Mrs Wm. Laidlaw leave this week for Moose Jaw,Sask,. where they will visit for a month with their dauuh- ter and son-in-law, Mayor and Mrs W F. Dunn. f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Not including Government taxes CAR ' 535.00 Phone N ou. FORD TOURING $535 f.o.b. Ford,Ont. buys a Ford Touring Car Reliable Used Fords from $l00 to $500 The Ford is the Car for the man who wants the most for his money Lender each, according to model and condition The Ford is the Car for you. oNt"ARhrhReH TORONTO DORIAM, HOLSTEIN, MT. FOREST SMITH BROS. " a - Luv Dunc tor wuulll)’ 1ifrunanHitie a; lisa sday Gm,,; MlllllllMMMheM1MllWellMtMqlmMlWhojr'", SAVE BEFORE You SPEND Durham Branch: J. A. Rowland. Manager "ttlid “m “02.0)." in VIVID“ To Uulled Sum. 82.60 in advance. 0. MIAOI O 601””... a: Let your Bank Account be your first concern. It will more than repay you in later years. THE ROYAL BANK OF GANADA A Savings Department at every branch of -a It a latatg

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