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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1922, p. 4

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H LT) 21 tt O haunnuuumuuwo‘u 0-. «no. . E. For lllSlt Ciggyeffes A MAEDINALIJ’S l toi) Preserving Kettles f 7 " "m-. i In Granite, Pearl, Diamond " ' llllllliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiilii s g and Aluminumware. ranging il 'ifai'if,t,C'or_r.ir_s,'it.a t 'yir,ir. "a., .-,'t'ii,'Rlll1 . from 400 to 4.00 E: t 5 v' ,,_;L"‘ t An inspection of our stock will suggest many other vacation needs. Tea Kettles ik Tea Pots Its better to spend a few minutes now in arranging a lot of things you'll need while on your vacation than to experience days or weeks of inconvenience after arriving at your destination. We suggest ' STOCK UP BEFORE YOU START ON THAT TRIP Macfarlanes' Drug Store Ilealing Lotions, Face Creams. Powders Brushes, Bathing Caps, Stationery, Antis- eptic Solutions, Headache Remedy, Spon- (as. Bath Requisitcs, Shaving Supplies, Thermos, Kodak, ae. Cross & Sutherland, Friday and Saturday only Buy your C. P. R. Tickets here "The Store With the Stock" A Full Line of Paris Green, Bug Finish, and Arsenate of Lead Large size, reg price 2.75, only t.99 3 Pint Copper Nickel=plated Tea Pots Copper Nickle=plated Tea Kettles Large size, reg price Specials in 3 pints, reg 1.75, only 1.15 . Farmers are advised when being solic- ited by agents for lightning rods to de- mand to see their license. For their protection against fraud or worthless material, thegrvernment has required that every agent for lightningrod equim ment must carry a license bearing the eignature of the Ontario Fire Marshall Sadie Lawrence Helen Watson Miss Esther appropriately replied, thanking all for their kindnessand ap- preciation of herservices. Coun. Thos. Turnbull was chairman and several gathers slave brief addresses. An en- )oyable time followed with music games and dancing. As a mud! token of our esteem to you, we ask you to accept this gift, and may it ever him; to your mind the pleasant and profitable times spent in Rocky Saugeen School Section. Signed on be. halfof the neighborhood - During the two years you have taught in our school and always lived in the neighborhood, we have one and all learned to love and respect you. We your friends of this neighborhood desire in a small degree at least. to testify to your worth of char. acter and of our regret at your leaving this community and have gathered to mend an evening m your home before your departure from our midst. A goodly representation of the resid. ents of Rocky Sougeen school section met at the home of Mr and Mn anhlan McLean last Wednesday evening. the occasion being a presentation to their dauehter, Miss Esther, on her leaving their home section after two successful years a. teacher. On behalf of the neighborhood Miss Sadie Lawrence pre- sented her with I white ivory toilet nef and a near] manicure set. while Miss Helen Watson read the following idiress; Miss Esther McLean Honored Dear Friend P, ties get, . ' a iiirilrs5, t 'ots sri'ii-iiiii,1-tlit / l fik TORONTO Miss Ruth Ledingham returned l home on Wednesday from the Mi sion , Band Convention She also spent a _ week in Torontoand Hamilton. I A number from our burg took in the U. F. O. picnic on Friday but :the heavy rain prevented the speak- ‘iug, also ended up the picnic. Peo. ple were forced to go home to get . dry clothe' on, but the young people ‘cujoyed themselves with dancing, {also Miss MecPhail enjoyed herself ', with the young folks. Mr Lorne McIntosh sundayed with Manda It anfoxd. Mr and Mrs J. O. Datgavel and family motored out from Rock Mills and took in the guden patty. 3 Mr Bert Kind and Stanley Lowe:' sundayed with the Dargavels. ', i Mr and Mrs McIntyre visited with' , Mrs W Greenwood who is on the Bice' _ list, on Saturday. ; Pleased to see Mrs J Sullivan able' , to be around again after two weeks" in: bed. l The garden party which was held , on Wednesday night, was a good ‘ success. The program was good. _ $110.00 was taken at the gate and $751 "t the booth. The young people of the three congregations held their Rally Ber. vice on Sunday night at the Rocky Church. The Misses Sillets of Winnipeg; and Regina arrived home on Thurs-i day to spend the summer mouths with their parents. l Mr and Mrs McBeth and daughter, sundayed with Mr' and Mrs Will Smith. Miss Lizzie Smith of Toronto is renewing old friends around our burg. Master Dick Davey is spending his vacation at hi: grandparents in Kincardine. A number of thisiine attended the y. I". O. picnic and got a good duck. mg. Lamb family. Miss Dorothy MacKenzie of Kin. cardiue is spending some holidays at Mr and Mrs J. S. Davey's. Master Alfred Nichol of Durham and sister. Lizzie are spending part of their holidays with their aunt, Mrs George Miller. i Mr Alex Fletcher accompanied by ‘Misaes Margaret and Lottie visited friends in Proton and Pricevllla the first of the week. I Miss Margaret Smith. nurse of Detroit is spending her holidus It her mothers, Mrs J. W. Smith. Mr and Mrs R. B. Davey J. S. Davey’a on Sunday last Mr and Mr: Ben Fultou,l Mrs Philip Fulton and Mr Bl; ot Guelph, spent Sunday wi Lamb family. Mr and Mrs Alex McEachem and family of Toronto are visiting the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs Atch. McCormick. Mr and Mrs Jas McDonald and Mr and Mrs Hugh McDonald visited Mend: in Proton the first of the week. Mr and Mn R. B, Davev visited Mr Donald McCormick is spending his holidays " his father's, Mr Arch, MeCormiek. Mr and Mrs Weppler called on their son. Charles the first of the week. Mrs Geo. Searles and two child. ten of Guelph is visiting her mother Mrs Hill. Miss Ivy Ritchie is still very sick with what the Dr has pronounced blood poisoning. Her mother is also not in good health, we sincerely hope there may Boon gets decided change for the better. Mr and Mrs Vic Sileumnn entert- alned a number oi friends one evening recently. Miss Mary Lamb is engaged " teacher at the Rocky. Mm Arch. McKechnie in "ill in poor health and not improving as quickly as her friends would like to see her. Mrs Luce anBle and little son left lo! her home in Toronto after spending some time with her parents here. Mr and Mrs Albert Middleton were guests with It and In Jack Cas- well on Sunday and Included the rally in the evening. Min McLean made a suiuhle reply several complimentary speeches were given all wishing her succeu and happiness In her future school. Old and young of our echooi section met at the home at “in Esthet Mc- Lean on Wednesday evening and presented her with " address and complete manicure and toilet set. Mrs Robt Lumen In mending a few days with her daughtu in Ter. onto.- The U. F o. picnic we. I decided access " to the crowd ot people attending. but the deluge of rain In the middle of the ntteznoon put a dampet on anything. However the evening was fir", and the dancing platform was well ptrtroniaod. Min McPhnil. our South Grey member. mingled freely with the crowd end made n good lmpteuion in the» parts. $200.00 was taken in. Sorry to he", I! T. Kelley Eu ban on the link list, hope " will soon be well lulu. It» Esther McLean accompanied by her cousin. Mm Janet Living none is spending dew week. with friends in Chicago Ind Eu: Troy. Mu H. Trafford spent a few days with her dnughtor. I111“ Millar. ROCKY SAUGEEN DORNOCH ABERDEEN McDonald and Mr McDonald visited t the first of the THE DURHAM REVIEW t, Mr and Blake, all with the visited lat. Sr. IV-C. Rpteboroueh. Jr IV-G. Armstrong. N. Ritchie. M Hopkins. A. Lawrence) Sr Ili-E. Webber,' C. Rose. borough, G. Hopkins,A. Picken. Jr m - M. Armstrong. Sr H-L. Hopkins. Jr H-E. Vullett, T. Milligan P R0904 borough, R. Vollelt, V. Armstrong. I-- A Hopkim. Sr Pr.--M. Pickin, C. Hopkins, C. Ritohie, I Webber. Jr tr, --J. Armstrong, D. Voliou. C. Tor. A0. F Mr and Mrs Reid Hastie of Chesley Wished Mr and Mn And. Hastie on _ Sunday. The trustees of S. i. No 6 have accepted Min En Fiddil of Cheney as teacher for the coming yen. [ Mrs John McDougall of Hamilton, 1 with Miss Plow McDonald returned mo Hamilton this week atterspending is. pleasant holiday with her many _ friends here. We extend deepest sympathy to the bereaved home of the late Mr: Joseph Noble who died at her home Saturday evening. T Mratrd Mrs War. Fulton accom. panied by line Elsie Boyce visited Hampden friends lately. l Agoodly number from here " "ended the Anniversary ttereiees " ’Hampden Sunday to hear Rev. J. Little of Rockwocd. To know and , hear this Rev. gentleman in to love him. It showed " by the crowds of ', people from different localities who 1 were present to near hm. Mr and Mrs A. C. McDonald and! daughter, Ulva, were the guests of I It and Mrs Jno. Mulligan and family} Sunday. 3 i formed statute labor ...... 3 00 A.Herd, do................ 400 J. (louder, do.............. 400 M. Mervyn, do ............. H 00 J. MoKonziv, do .....q...... 21 00 Ono meeting ol Council ...... 15 00 W. G. Hustle, salary .......... 75 00 J. H. Chittick, salary ........100 00 Div. 1 -D, J. McDonald, Com. R. McCaslin and others, grav.871 75 E. Goldsmith, culvert ........ 14 " N. Christie, underbrushing .... 12 (jo: J, Walker, stoning ..... . . .'. .. 5 50 R. McCaslin, shovellers ....... 5 00 P. Shirk, stoning ............ 250 L. Kaufman, shoveller.s ...... 9 30 G. Fischer. gravelling ........ 27 90 W. Bierman, gravelllng ........ M 95 A. Campbell, 64 loads ........ 5 12 J. White, 60 loads ........... 480 H. Stanborough, 81 loads .... 6 " D. McDonald. 132 loads ...... 10 " W. Bieman, road to pit . . ... . .. 3 00 F. Shewell. 2 yards .......... 20 D. J. McDonald, " days .... 7 50 J. Dirstein, tile .............. 17 50 D. J. McDonald, half cost 4 I culverts ........ ........... 31 Sh' J. McDonald, 8 hours ........ 2 00 D. Stewart, 119 loads ........ 9 52 J. Hewitson, half cost s.l. 25. ZR 92 H. Hang. gravelllng .......... 30 00’ o. Mess, refund stalute labor 2 00 creek ........ ............ Jas. Hewitson. do... . . . . .. H. W. Hunt. do............ H. W. Hunt, phoning ....... J. White, repair bridge ...... H. W. Hunt. meeting Sullivan Reeve .......c.... ........ H. W. Hunt, Knoerck's ditch H. W. Hunt, inspecting road . S. Hillgartner, refund unper- debentures ...... ......... J. H. Chittick, Knoerek ditch D. J. McDonald. J. Dodsworlh Division 4 --Joaeph Howie, James Tulloelt, Thomas Brigham. Miscellaneous Account: The following accounts were paid : A. C. McDonald, school an....$ l 50 G. Magwood, 80 rods fence.. 20 00 Bank of Montreal, S.S. No. 3, Division 3--Jatt. Park, Dad. Kobe, Chris. Eberth. Division 2--Mark Mervyn, William MgCracken. Earn. Roseborough. Division 4---uum Dela. J.F. Dods- worth, W. G. Hastio. Pound Keepers Division 1 ---R. Ledingham, Hugh McLean, A. C. McDonald. Division 3---Andrew Meyer, W. B. Willis. Henry Patterson. Division '- Henry Reay, William Grierson, Chas. Lawrence. Fence View." Division l-Donald McLean. Robt, J. Corlett, Duncan McLean. There's ayoung man in Bentlnck who has been going around to garden parties offering a drink of swamp whiskey to those he thinks wouldn't mind sampling the poisonous still! and he will be nabbed one of these days and will be running to this of- flee to have his name kept oat ot the paper. .A hint to one who hasn't gone entirely bug-house should be sumo- ient.--Chesley Enterprise I On Saturday. July lat. inspector Matt. Beckett accompanied by two 2,iAir,it2aiiitates.i; paid a visit to the home of Chris. Schrldred who 1 lives in Sullivan Tp., 1% miles north of Dornoch and the same distance west where a vile preparation that analyzed 6.68 per cent of proof spir- its was found. The proprietor's son admitted having taken two bottles of the hilarity-producer to a foot-ball match at Dornoch on June 17th and that's how " became noised about that the man with ft consonants and only one vowel in his name was malt-i lug hooch. The presence of home- brew is nearly always recognized by its odor-Just the same as a poiecat gives itself away. The Sehrldreda, father and son. will be up before the cull one of these warm days and will doubtless pay more in tines than they will make an the old homestead this summer. The moonshiner and bootlegger have large protlts while their nefarious business lasts, but all crooks get in the toils at last. _ NO. ll, BENTINCK Bentinck Council (Continua from In: week) Sullivan Man in Trouble M. J. Lawrence. teacher. MULOOK 5 12 4 80 6 48 10 " 3 00 20 2 50 9 30 27 90 M 95 357 " l 50 00 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 'its. McBETH (ll Minty's Sweet Kiss----- til'.', The Latest in Toilet Preparations ,_ - ---. ya Ion..... . Whole Screenings per ton ".'... .. .. Ground Screenings per ton ..... .... Heavy Mixed Chop per ton _..... _... WholeCorn. perton.......... _..... Whole Corn, per ton.... ........ .... Ground Corn, perton ..'.., "..... .. Crushed Oats, per [00 lb. .... ... Crushed Oak. Coin and _B1trley per 1 Chopped Oats, per I00 Ibo. . . . . . . . . Peed Oatmeal. per loo Ibo. . . . . . . . . Oat Shorts. per 100 Ibe...... ...... Ground Flax, 1'.erl0oltm........C.' Poultry Scratch Feed. per loo lb- Cracked Corn. per loo Ibo . . .. .. Baby (‘hick Feed per too lin .. Feed Oats, per bushel .. . . .. '.... ---Above prices are in any quantity l ----lot. of Five tom or over, Ipecml p ----gether and get Four feed at canon. We have reduced prices on Peed. and prices in my quantity will be as follows: Oat Feed per ton...... ...... ...... ...... .... $1s.oo, saclis Claumnn Stack Feed per ton...... ...... ...... 32.00 ‘ Chieftain Mixed Fad per ton... .. ... ... ...... 30.00 l Durham Mixed Feed, per ton..... .,.... "..... MAO ' Whole Screening: an on- -----. ULKHAM " 'sr.a.a.asda' aaaaaaaaaasaaaa , Reduced Feed Prices Terms Cash Business Hour-8 I In as p m geeeeeeeesese esssssssssg, H..."- uv.v\. IUIUHWO-W DJ“. and 5‘02 p tlt. Parlor Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto on morning train ..:,d Guelph to Toronto on owning train. For full particular: apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents, W. CALDirt, Town Amt. Control Drug Store. Telephony: Na. 3 Ar Elfin" t"tr6rTi5T .T.T-rrrr- .. ... . . T. "."" '1 oo’p In _ -- _-_At_HAN.rLros' ;;: I;‘.;‘_1:_f u, I (lo p m 7 Ar TORONTO ...... ...".-...... 11.io a m mrturnintr-uave Toronto 6.go mm. and 5.02 Parlor Butfet car Palm-"ton to Toronto on marl Guelph to Toronto on owning train. GRAND TRUNK Railway System Try Nellsoa's le cream-it's delicious. non my mus, Limited Our TEA special blend 50e, & our COFFEE, (ith. We sell Friday & Sat only, BANANAS...39c do] We sell 13 bars any Laundry SOAP for. . . . 11m Beggs' Store, Durham We sell Royal Excelsior DATES . . . . . 10c em}, We sell SEEDLESS RAISINS in bulk. . ROB We sell 5 lbs Oatmeal Me '. 6 lbs Cornmeal 2.7. We sell Neal's Bread, made in London Makes wholesome pies & cakes. Have you tried h. -, 'Redpul or , St. Lawrence Sum for Preserving None better. CHEAP SUGARS We want your eggs and will a at ll ti , highest market price. p y a tmes th,, Cash or Trade and One Price Talcum Powders in cans Lie, glass jars.., Face Powders, small size 50c, large size Vanishing Cream '...'."......r.................., Perfumes............................, -_-, 2 00 Lv Lv Lv Ar. Pr. DURHAM EGGS WANTED Daily except Sunday .D.lyMipf.................. TOI yp.vptrqrtEti.C."l'.'.'.' '13t PALMERSTON ...'........ 8.2t FERGUS "'"............., 9.11 GUELPH ....w........____, “I sell IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE have my mus, Limited Pie Crust Pastry Flour ttt any quantity from 13 lbs. Sugar for $1.00 Friday and Saturday V 'peciaf trricik iii/ be I at unload prices. No Town Delivery Telephone d " No 4. Night url Take a brick home with lou PM Tue Flo-r “an. Jewel Flour Five Roses Hour Purity Flour Call of the West Flour og. Royal Household Flour IMIN to five tons On Dmggist and Statinner DURHAM .... "5.00, sacks included ..... 82.00 " 7.05:": , 'tla m Ctttam 9.15nm 9.45111: CHEAP HOURS JULY 13, 1922 28.00 .. Moo wtthout sacks 23 no lack: include J " ('0 Inch included 30% without sucks St M tracks includu! 33.00 lack. included 2 " lick. included 3 l0 nth iochuird 'l, lick! Includtd PHONE so mute, Club In .62 withount sach- t.00 per oz irrsTai 830pm 3.”) p m 3.51 pm 4.28 p m 5.05 p m 5.36 p m 40pul . 50c 1.00 . 50c .25c H) m m m ttt fi. 'f?,:', {My X'A"A','Ay'.' [or any ya cups vol! III old “Ilium The Rev. It no. on the a Scqttof Hol- pnntoty sen owing to the! wasn‘t so Ian Scott and lit It Scott .1 visiting Mel vicinity. 331-53 of tkiue" I this nonl- "" II 9091 In Dunc: The Highs! medi Bonn Eelipee White Li Bun ‘th Shem f) Feed Fl No. l le) 0.; Chop3 Crlmped ( Blotohfod Canon: " Amara-m 0 " Sau Lar do

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