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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1922, p. 5

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I. 1922 HOURS hrstem I times the " Floor m Vest Flour the” Flow M In SI ‘ne Price rham With 10tt ED u tried it? ttttons me lot 59’; es $1.00 so ondon h tlk. lb 1.00 ach 35c ' m m (u I“ .,r",.': lhe people'sMiIis ---- - -GiimAs, fi! 2-:2'2:43:CEEEEEEEKEWWHEWEEE3335': 5xxxxxxxxaxwxxméfimggkéxswé .: tat-cu axonnd hue ate starting 2:3 morning. The Sacrament in the Pteabyterlan (thumb last Sunday wea the lam-t r many yea". All the individual. :ps were used and we had to ace the : fashioned cup to aerve none. Cue Rev. Mr Jones gave agood aer.‘ n on the occasion. The Rev. I11 T "trot Holstein preached the pre. .: mny sermon on Friday evening ' mg to thethreating rain the move! tl t so large " it should be. Mn :2 and little baby accompanied .. you and took advantage of: an: friends of Mn Scott in this) PRICEVILLE VILLAGE Ilnlndodfor he! was) This Tuesday morning July uh ..» is cool, lots of "in, but not "ry good by vegan: but the moat _n:ty. nâ€" Mrs Duncan McDonald and dau. Large and medium Double Boilers $l.98 6 qt. Straight Sauce Pans l.98 Swerugn Munilobo Patent Flour, per 98 lb no]: """"..... 4.25 Eclipse Flour Blend, per 98 lb uok """-m'................... 8 90 While Lily Pastry Floor. per 98 lb not ...'. ......... 3.75 Bran (ton lots) per 100 its....... ..... ... ...."... 1.75 Show: (tonlou) por1001bo...... ..... ... ...... 180 reed Flour (Middllngp) pot 100lba......... ............ 280 No.1 Mixed Chop. per 100 IU........ ......... ....p. 210 t)ttC'hop per 100 lb. fold tmuy........ ......... .._... 2.10 ramped oats, per lOOlba (old tmu)......... .'.'........... 210 l'Gto1srord'r Calf Mon]. 2i5lGeir...,..... "'.r..-..t.... 1.25 Custom Chopping. per 100 lbs...... ...r..... ...... 7 on American Corn. whole. per ton......... ....'.... ...... 8200 do chopped, perIon ......... ......... M 00 OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED. The above prices are at tho Mill and Strictly Cash. Highest Prices paid lor WHEAT delivered at the Mill GOODS DELIVERED around town - afternoon. Send in vnnr ”an.“ M-.- THE PEOPLES MILLS iji "mne No PRIGEVILLE ',icii"',"i",i,'i 1.98 unuus DELIVERED around town ev’ery afternoon. Send in your orders early. lt' Na 8. Day or Night. Prices for Flour and Feed JULY 13, 1:22 Aluminumware July 14,15,17 & 18 J. H. HARDING, hha We can't mention ihem all, but {hey all go at $1.98, Four Days only, Beautiful Steamer Sets................. Large Percolators with glass tops... 6 cup Tea Pots........................... Set of 3 Sauce Pans, 2,3 and 4 qt... 6 qt. Tea Kettles....................... _ Don't miss Gris. It won't be repeated. Every article is guaranteed first quality and heavy weight. 4 Days of Bargains in _ W ,fiâ€""vâ€" -v- “a. [Ill-FWD of aiding the needlnl in sending no. thoilinboie their share of the necessities which will be appreciated of - 7,.-__.. -..." Ill nut Wee" corresponding. giving an n- count of the ladies gathering in the Presbyterian clutch for the purpose " “an... a” ___- .. . . - - - __--.- .g-vlll‘ nu tacit l new home " Lethbridee,' but the ‘Ienaory ot year. gene by will not be [forgotten by Mn leDonnld end tam. i " in leaving the locality where once an nnbrohen hilly. counting of father and nothennd four daughters l membled " the old home, Dunn: Road Glenelg but that smell plot on the face of the brow In Helen's eometety will not be forgotten by them, where father end Inter no peacefully laid to rest but the mem- orv ofthe departed one: will never be forgotten by the llvinz._ -. -. - -1 un- ICIIPIEIIII. "" 'fgh'lrg - never behind in doing their I are .5: "CI'IT' for the good of suffering inn-unity. ""--'-1"e-"-"-e"-er-er-r-e-ees-e-e=seere,,,, I Miss Patterson. the inte teacher " ghter. Louise". taking the ttdvant-. Top Cliff School entertained her In oi visiting Meade in their old PUP". by havittg tk tttttall picnic Ittt 'lt,el't,',,hrtiittieyihiriiiitiifrr'iriFi; afternoon. when the older i new home " Lethbridee,' but “alone. who were invited were there penny ot van lane In: -m -... e- .i... A " _.,. ... -- We '"liiirfitt7riiriii; omitted in Int Very seasonable weather for tho soason as the 12th of July invariably brings its thunder storms and good growing weather. After that the weather bncomvs more settled for the hay harvest A very pleasant Honing was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason, Friday last, When a numbvr of tho oldor poop]? gathered there to do birthday honors to Grandpa Mason who happens to be holidaying with hi< son hetv. Mr. Mason spent soma‘ 3mm in this township. about 60 Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm of Lion's Head, accompanied by Mrs. P. Muir, Six Corners, called on anumber of old friends in town one day last weak. Mrs. C. was formerly aMlss Robert. son of Price-ville. Mrs. Wm. Watson is spending a week or two with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Drimmie, Yeovil. Mrs. J. F. Rudd of - has been via. iting with her father, Wm. Taylor in“... herv, ":qu pleaseu Wllll the sermon. Miss Louise Watson has gone to Toronto to take acourse in physical culture and will return to her school in Beeton after vacation with a rise in salary Miss Margaret Tryon, who teaches in West Toronto, is spending her holidays at the old home with her father. - . u-u\ nut In 'o'M3evttte and com. menced practice this week. He has recently been in Parry Bound. We Welcome him to our burg. Rev. Mr. Bushell and family moved into the Methodist Parsonage on the last day of June and the new pastor conducted service Sunday morning, July 2nd. The Congregation were! much pleased with the sermon. Dr. o. E. Carr, n. A.., has take residence in Pricevme and menced practice this week. He recently been in Parry Bound. Welcome him to our burg. July. "c nave scarcely had any tropical heat yet this season, but we are still blessed with what some persons term "good agricultural" weather. When a body meets 9. bo; Day, Priceville, If a body greets a body, t hearts may thrill. We have scarcely had any heat yet this season, but we blessed with what some Derir i We congratulate our aim man Mr Robert Shortleed on the entrance of I,'?, third-term of courier on the at - -'--e -..vusu "a! IIIIE also. All wish I!” Patten" ulc- ceu In her name eneer u mission. any. turning the careless to be me- pared tor their mime destination. by the Ietip.ieyu, The ladies SWINTON PARK (This week's budget) Large Round Roasting Pan L98 J1ods, then twa has tqken up body, Civic 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 supper. After an address by the chairman. Mr. George Binnie, rvcita- The annual Glenelg Centre garden party was held on Mr. Walter Ewing's lawn Thursday evening. Owing to weather conditions. the crowd was not so large as other years. The la. dies provided Well-laden tables of eats and all dld Justice to a grand Mrs. Walter EM"; left Monday for Toronto to visit friends and rel. tttives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur, of Niagara Falls. are visiting at Mr. A. B. McArthur's. Mr. Davis of Toronto, motored up to Mr. Donald McFarlane's to spend the week end. Mrs. Davis and chil- dren returning home with him on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonk of King and Mr. and Mrs. Will Boak of For; tage La Prairie. Man., motored to Mr) Archie Beaton's to spend the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beak remain- ing to visit relatives and friends be. fore leaving for their home in tlns West. Both couples were also visi. tors at Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Browne's. What tine showers of rain we are having.' Everything is looking tine and seems to be coming ahead earlier than last year. The Swinton Park Presbyterians intend having the outside of their church repainted and fixed up in gen- eral and may in the near future hold a garden party or some form of en- tertainment to help raise the needed funds tor the same. Swlnton Park Orangemen and near everyone else will spend the 12th in Markdaie. The football boys will also be there for the game although they have not practised any this year but they consented to so to help out the sports committee. Wm. J. McLeod has gone to Tor. onto to undergo a surgical operation: necessary on account of his war ex- perience. We wish him a permanent recovery, as many of the boys who served overseas are sufferers and de. serve all sympatily from those for whom they fought. years ago. but none of his old time friends, were spared to attend this birthday party. Mr. Mason Is 87 years of age and his grandson Char. l lie, also named after him, is 17 years ot Me. Their birthdays fell on the same day, therefore 104 candles were lighted for the occasion. this being the number ot their years combined. All present enjoyed themselves and‘ fervently wish tor Mr. Mason many more years and for Charlie a long and successful life. Mr. Mason for many years has been aresidem ot West Toronto. Mrs. Hugh McMillan is under the doctor's care at present and We hope tor a speedy recovery. 1.98 years ago. but none friends, were spared birthday party. h years of age and hi; lie, also named sma- Large Potato Pot L98 Preserving Kettle 12 qt. size 1.98 BUNESSAN THE DURHAM REVIEW l The old negro was aeking for credit (at the village store. "How comes it, jRastus,that you are asking for credit al- lready : didn't you ship a car oad of Jmelons north just last week?" "De. lducts got 'bout all dose melops. ssh." was the mOurnlul reply. "What do you mean the ducks got 'em y' "Well. vou see." exclaimed the old man. "I sentdose melons up no'than'dey deducks dey storage charges, an'dey dcductsdey com mission. an'deydeducts da gov'nment: tax-Yeti, nah, de ducks got 'bout at: dose melons : dat's how comes it !" l Warning is issued by provincial police to the effect that any person or person- allouing their cattle or horses to graze unattended on the sides of public high way; are liable to prosecution. It is pointed out that this practice is one of the utmost danger to motorists, especi. ally It night, and instructions are to prosecute any such offenders. ; NO. I». GLENELG & EGREMONT 5 tne NW" " ttoroughly eqwppe . . , _ . stake up the following courses : (Names m OI‘UPI‘ ol merit) y Sr. m to Jr. IV-Margaret McPhaili I. Junior Matruttlatiott Alma Hooper. Gordon McFYachern, 12. Entrance to the Normal Schools Neal McKinnon. Jr. III to Sr. IH---) Georg" Evklmrdt, Annie McKlnuon. l 3. Senior Matriculation Theresa Walsh. Frances Merynchern., EICh member of the staff isa u Sr. li to Jr. Ili-Helen Curd! (hon.) lersity graduate and an experien Mary Proudly, Arrhle McPhail. Katie ”cachet. . McKinnon. Allie Kckhardt, Martha- Intending pupilsshould Prepare to Eckhardt. Jr. II to Sr. Il-Anna Mc/ter at the beginninaof the fall te Eachern (hon.), Florence Mclell. ( Information " to cums“ may be John Eckhardl. Alice Proudly. Jr. I mined fronthe Principal. to Sr. l-Mao Merhtchetm (hon.),ltobrl, The School has a crcdxtable recon Meintyre, Gladys Mekiunou, Roddio _ the past which It hopes to maintait McEachem. l the {mm-m S. D. Croft Cameron P. Gagnon Davey Dr. Pick-ring Ladd W. S. Hunter. skip 20 Skoo, skip 12 The silverware is now on exhibi. tion in Hunter's window and will rp. main, unless sonw quartette blows in and trims the cup holders. Elora al- ready has achallenge in. A Durham rink of bowlors skipped by W.S: Hunter, motored to Palm. erston Monday and beat the rink of that town holding the Raynor cup by 8 shots. The scorv was; / ill‘RHAM PALMERSTON I Again he said that light was amm- bination of seven distinct colors. In the re-united church of the future it would be impossible, as was at. tempted in the past. to force men's thoughts and ideas into any one ster- eotyped groove. He thought there was room in the church for every man who did not agree with his t'el- lows about non-essentials. He laid down the axiom, "in fundamentals there must be agreement. in nones- sentials charity." In closing His) Lordship reminded his hearers that as Christ was the light of the world, so now His followers must be witnes- ses ot that true light which iighteth every man who cometh into the world. 2mm ycars in morals, st-icncv. thought civilization could not be explained apart from the fact of Christ. He made a strong plea for Missions and stated that Western civilization could never fully grasp the fulness of the character of Christ until the laps. Chinese, Indians and all the nations of the world embraced Christianity and contributed their peculiar con- ception to the sum total. He described the growth of bacteria in darkness and the great purifying affect of the sun's rays on all forms of life. Thus Christ purified socivty and the I3lsltop (-laimvd that whatever advance had been made In the last The Bishop ot Huron. the Right Rex. David “Illinois. i). it. visited Durham Sunday night last and con- firmed a class ot ten adults in Trinity Church. There was a large congre- gation present to greet his Lordship and to witness the Apostolic rite of _ the Laying on of Hands. The Bishop preached an able sermon in his char- acteristic way on the combined texts St. John TIH: 12; "t am the Light of the World" and St. Matthew V: It; "Ye are the Light or the World."; Light. he said, revealed. purified and was a combination of seven distinct colors. Our Lord, he explained, was the perfect standard of what a hum. an life was mount to be in the world and therefore Christ revealed every man to Himself. Again our Lord re- vealed the purpose of life and the destiny of every soul who approprla- led and made Christ's life its own. Again Light purified. A large "i'l',f'"iptt', of the Orange Order met tor eir annual worship in Durham Baptist Church, on Sunday evening. There were about 100 members present. from Durham, Glenelg, Allan Park, Varney Louise and Dromore lodges, who heard an excellent sermon from the new pastor, Rev. E. Cameron. The subject was Gideon's call from "The Flall to the sword"---; obscurity to national fame. Obscurity is no cover trom God's sight; He chooses those whom He knows are ready tor ofriee. Gideon realized the idolalrous condition of the people of his age. he also saw and acknowledged that Je- hovah was the only source or delivers ance. God wants young people of to. day to become great leaders in bringing the world away from sin to Christ for cleansing through the mediation of His death. The aud. ience was delighted with Mr. Saun- ders' solo before the sermon. Miss Miriam Cameron sang "Serving my King" at the close of the sermon. Miss Cameron and her brother are decided acquisitions to Durham mus- I ical circles. Captured Rayner Trophy Orange Brethren at Baptist Ch, Mr. J. A. Browne left Friday for Hamilton to spend the week end with his sister. Mrs. Will Harding. tions Were given by Miss Mary Bes- ton and Min Fallaise. a splendid reading by Miss Winnie Binnie, violin selections by Mr. Stewart McArthur accompanied by his sister. Miss M. McArthur, choruses by the choir and by the Misses Bell and Mr. Thos. Bell and brief addresses by Rev. E. thun. eron, Messrs. T. H. Binnie and P. in win. About $28 was taken in at the} gate. Bishop Williams in Durham Willa Patterson, teacher, ONTARIO'KRCH TORONTO (ii,) j DURHAM (il' , HEGH JI; S CHE) (DIL l The School is thoroughly equipped to italic up the following courses : Durham is an attractive and healthy town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonable rates. Each member of the staff is It Univ. ersity graduate and an experienced teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to en ter at the beginninaof the fall term. Information " to course: may beob. tained fron the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to maintain in the future. REPAIRING M Kinds MACHINERY Special attention to Farm Machi. "cry. Lawn Mowers ticytUs and all other tools or cut'ery resbarp- ened and made like new. Work cal- led for and delivered if desired. Gun Dealer Ithaca. L. C., Smith and Parker, tour of the world's zruatost shoot- ing Guns. Write for Catalogue on Gun interested. Our prices are low- est in Canada. Wholesale direct to to Consumers. RELIEF " IMMEDIATE. " restore: normal breathing,-- stopo mucus gatherings in Inn! and bronchi“ panngcs. :nurcl long nights ot quiet sleep. $1.0m: your druggnst'a, or write for frce trial to Tcmplctons, Toronto, Lefever Special, $35 ASTHMA. SUMMER COLDS. You don't need a month's tren- ment to prove the worth ot Machine Shop RAZ-MAH! Hay - Fever Mull-tats. Rte. Nearly opposite the Post Office Sold by MacBETH'S DRUG STORE Telephone 2, .r 1-5. BROWN & MOON I The deceased lady was born in Brant township. her maiden name being Jane Murine. Since her marriage to Mr Noble. tang-eight years ago, ahe has resided in lenelg. near Varney. in Owen Sound and foe quitea number of years past at the preemt home, the Croaier farm. west of Aberdeen. Ber sides the bereaved husband, one dau. ghter. Mrs Jae. McRonald. and two aom Gilbert and Cecil at home, will deeply; mourn the loss of a loving wifeandi, mother. One brother.Thos. Alkins inf Muskoka and three sistera, Mrs George Noble, MrsThos. Reay and Mrs Mun ray also survive. The funeral tookl place on Tuesday to Durham cemetery, 1 Rev. Cole of Durham. assisted by Rev. l Mr Aird, performing the last sad rites. ( C. RAHAGE, Chairman C. K. DAIARD B. CPrirtcipal About five o'clock Saturday lest. the spirit. of Mo Joseph Noble, Aberdeen took us ttight, alter being tome year. in poor health. She we. only 48 years of use and was not Ierioully ill until met an attack ofitttiuema this spring. Re. cently the wee taken to Peru. hospital. where she went a mmrh. and war operated upon for cancer. She had been I home three weeks since, but never re- cuperated. i DR. o. E. CARR. B. A. (Ton) "CHILDREN- By the way. have you renew- r-d Sour subscription to the Re. view for 1922 T The year is now one half gone. Are you the one who has overlooked this little matter , " so. your kind atten- tion immediately will much ob. lige. The subscription price is only $2.00 per year. il'abudnce to keep-M mil: ' in streagth. q Scott s Emulsuon Scott & Bowne. Toronto, Ont DOES THIS MEAN YOU? Wu the Gres. It eGtain, chic-{s M are rich in health-Mild- ing vitunille. 1m'idsyrthtbtdrand Office and Residence: PRICEVILLE o. B. SMITH Death of Mrs Ars. Noble Durham TH E REVIEW Ayton, Ont. to-s "Ali Keep Sweet Milk 150 . * Kee i ' p Sweet Cream Mc I iv . Ed.” Greta - for Jams and - - "il, Jellies Me 6 I ' Tapestry Rugs 52.75 av mom“. * “an“ il,' C, L Grant ,'ll't, E, Umbrella" 1.50, 1.75, 3.00 ' Ladies' Voile Blouses _ Having purchased the best up-to-date ‘machinery, I have opened up I new when on top of the hill and am prepu‘ led, to do all kinda of machine work- (windmills, threshing machines, cream l seplrntors. bicycle-mum“ machine. i lawn mowers. called for 1nd delivered I Scissor. and knives sharpened, Thank- iing my old customers for their pat- _ ronage. Hope they may eonunue and Igain many new ones. Work guaran- g teed and pricel reasonable. Give me a lcall. i21H A, I.N.NES, w ' it House Needs t 'i,lr6'trFtvt, Maven“ The Durham L'.F.O. Live Stock Ship- gng Auociation will ship stock from utham every Tuesday. Fame: are re- quested to bring stock m on that day but give three days notice. JAS. LAWRENCE, Manager, Phone " r l-S. R. R. No I. Durham Custom chopping every day at NC- chhnie's Mills. Durham. Satisfaction guaranteed. Com, mixed chops, oats and all kinds of feed for sale at current prices. - It In.” “I I“ I “100301.. dena- In (‘eylnm Yonce andCharleI Sts., ioronto Strictly ttret clan. Graduates readily obtain employment. “my. toluend the beat. Catalogue free. W.J. Elliott, Principal 'oysita 231‘ .etrPttei cjij)jit),.'(,'ffs'ia-i'j- 'iDf"iesyyrey's(/ FA LL TERM OPENS AUG. 28 Tomato Soup 10e C. A, Fleming, Raisins Mc a lb Brooms at 50e DURHAM Owen Sound. Ont. Prickicnl Connor-Expert lnstruc tion. --- Individual! Instruction _ Employment Department. Ro'le 984 out: imam Um“, u but In I mg. ml an... “my In 'llPdPll'fNl? o II a - var qunllr _ m. p 'e'"""'" opp. -- -_-- "W Mg. ptattattMt It, " S., I. as HONOR GRADUATE of he... University. (Must ttRorat m f Dooml'B Ci Oht . 3... J a n'h"llh'lilll 't'l'ilhlll',t om '-aAtt-- lion-n: H8700“... . Excepflunilq. BRS. Jameson & JAMIESON oftiesertoum.. Inna... h m., ' to . F. m., , and-y utter-noon 'cdtg om d ide" m In. 'll','; fad,',',,', .53; old 'ttate. J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. C. P. S. Hi"- "'55:" "'-ot.eesiiiio new yi iiriaGitpu, 0.. 1.9. savanna. o no 12nd Successful Year [7,-M9PHAIL J. [GIANT B. O... Ready for Business j .' P'.'" 21/04 office on Lenin; St on. Poi iiitiii.' Notice to Farmers -_ "yaw.“- " Gama P. 0.. will u. q, Muhamma- B. 'teport.. Co n or to c. “In: 'tra. .B.cunast mu. Arum-.m- tot 5* d ""he.t'teeiou she m- on K. RCA. G. D. Fleming. Principal Secretary Iz‘u¢m~'" a *9..qu - 'i%i'e,h'tu'tt,t m " mum-- R. M, l, 0.553- - KARO?“ EDI.- m

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