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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1922, p. 6

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H " H331“: Bandy (htmpcivs.t 'itntt Eife u Had Adelaide at. Toronto Canada w..." yum-tum: qua'uly ot Io littK man's glance, followed it. III neither he nor Trask could fathom .9 expression that was upon March's in. It was utterlg bttffrinsr; yet no]: Inn was troubled y it. A wistful Wiring was there; 'rmtble-madneio,, te o. A! Andrey ”who to her who xhcok herse.'f ts), goth” with an "fL,rt. But more than once her tc-lan 1 "ttsa.vetl Luck to those bro FO dtwply i:'; <0er in each other. low that heat high L Trask watched. and Iron the two to Ma bolting at them nude h head 352mb bent ha Ite, unusual pies "c “an mmquvnt hVrht that love that h no. not contain any harmful ire. Pleasant totakeand doeo not upset the digtstiov.. (in bottle for One Dollar: a! 'ttttrea, for Five Dollars. Hailed direct to Ctmtomerv.. ,,_.......u-u llK", ll FEVNJQi in,” quits! untronscious!y. Krmptlm saw. and felt the blood rush to bis head,. His pulses quicken- ed, his eyes 1rr1rhterriru--Uiri/r' the Int-H of her light little laugh, half shy enchantment. he forgot that which had Iran; that which was. He rememberw " why that they loved-and the new: 39"":an and laciturnJy dropped; frrm him like a ctr-1L ' To night .he had deepvniU: cf culor n she had given ke had seen the mvrvou: (”Wing and My" wr A shadow had {am but it lifted an. alter ale than" with the gave his attention ent “I’m”! (up! Luk 1 color to her Chet-h. t' he. Love irradiated Comm grateful testimoni- I. received during the nus: twenty-ave y . a r s from Pert, benefitted by "New I... Be free from pain. Thous- nnds of sufferers have been relic v e d of Rheumatism. Neuralgin, Neuritis Sciatica. Laban» and Gout by New Life Remedy. mm.» mm, in tl" " In dis} Marcia "ulna Aiden, is entrus while her cm k ebeon with Rt. 1!tepttht.r Lady ' , two to Marméim Sievva: t them under lowered lashes, Ii.e.t.lr, be.nt. . Waldron, not- th lay The Beginning " r with the othsjAniirii, amnion tnt/rely to her. '1 "eheekC, iii, Gk, irradiauxt her; it unconsciously. A, oao-merif: a high in jig, 'hégin' m hi ck w warring tummy of glam-o, followed it. . Trash could fathom f Tttypon Mareia's Skiing. t.oyviiir, "ulstead, so entrusted m cm layer g th Td/iid The Gates of Hope baked b/itivery Lady’s mom: 1n his own 'ndered afresh. ‘71 Upon her face, a few moments' so]! again, in. f all save the '.d.y't 'eyes-the tier oyié; iii smiles to her qt." the Story. [And always it held " - tar to Mrs. ity cf distress. :3? 503m jewels, Later, as they rose, 'tces out. to "yyidron at her side. an Rosslser, but "l'm gcftg to see :sfner and her Ion!said, as he slipped 1 32mm pets thew“. ShelaokcH ath t Giis to find the, hesitated, then turned com-11h a noted!ii,T,' .. h... _, .. ‘- tCa BY ANTHONY CARLYLE "”6 '3le wrt , {Och}??? l She Jared l - I "It r, l -;'ertrcz'it 3 15923739 revealed his own tr, anu'Yh. Tttre" t "op.'e whose nee "Of course. I do what I can. an: very riten get. no! Icc' snugly by my (friends in conrequer.ce.r l distribute i'ind'ecrincr.ate largesoe to beggars‘l in); "me ragged kiddies. sweets and ; try i----? tip rind waiters and waitress- ' s 1-'i.trnyiruar:t.'y--.1 subscribe to vari- guvs .-Irri:ios~, and whenever I hippen jtc a me ecn Ti any needy xenon who ‘uiil 'betipt money I give it to her--it'i, afwnys a 'her' you know '--with a aud~ s'en flash cf whimsical humor. "Gen- t vtt'y a very urns}: an! aspiring art stm'uxt. ' r a your; and enthusiastic when HST belting for work."' She 'te' kcr arm fall and turned and! faced him. I "It mafia me hnnnv, a.» " ' 'eerl The {norms the room an [long white arm imrsntelpiece. § Her neck was [shudders ttlearned she” veiling moshe looked very young was moved by an able impulse to ca lama. "tr no She went on at him. lent. and how little ,eupwiany some.” I Waldrcn's smile 1 I Bess. He watched (warmth in his a 1int I She broke off. Waldron stared. then laughed outright. "You child.' Your life's before you --rou'll get tired of pleasure if you '30 on like this!” 1 Again sthe laughed nervously, still agitattd at her unconscious slip. Then fsho imkul at him a an,“ “44' TW mu cnua.’ Your life's before you l..-;':', get tired of pleasure if you [so on like thay' 1 Again sthe laughed nervously, still agitated at her unconscious slip. Then she inked at him a shade wistfully. " worv.le r." she said. "if deep down ir ymr hurt you think rn, selfish? II wwder if I seem to you to live only! for myself-to take all the good things: of l'l'e that my wealth can buy? Per/ haps I am steltiah. but I don't mean to! br; don't mean to Lo! It hurts me,! sucmetirva-s, to roalirr, hm” .....-:. n , _ n.“ “may”. want, TO takeny ithinyzs easier. Even enjoyment is apt;' to be exhausting, you know." I l He still smiled, that wide, straight] rather boyish smile of his, but his eyes, were grave. She met them, ftuspied,'; and made a quick little gesture of herl hands. . “I know. But there's such a lot of time to make "th-and such a little time to do it im--" She brpko off. Waldmn Hum! "Cr-". -..‘ “mu- m ms nano ion her arm was like a caress. Her lip quivered for an instant. He went on as he took her cloak from her: "Ycu're overdoing it, Mareia--one way and the other.' I told you so a little while ago. You'll break down l ycu Ko on like tltis--you want to takel things easier. Even enjoyment is apt;' tolh- exhausting. you know." I ,,_V.-....-.3 I "in", my my to you-H won't keep you long. Judging- by the way you’re looking boat‘s the most suitable place for you!” She passed in with a little, half nervuus laugh. The touch of his hand "" “a ww---- - ... "I'rn coming in just for he said. "Ther" 9an] tos , tr:: m. Light d parting from her, even) She is the envy of all ‘h r “my a short time, weighed upon; copy her style and her him. Hg hrul, warmly realized until dress, they run to her :m w how mcch a part of his life s~he!the tyrys.'--weu, they [ind beeotr.e--how (icon was his feeling baffled by her indescrib 'for her. He wished irritably that he! This irl of h w ‘had not to gr; wished, too, that he had! k g T , emf _ not left tr'riing Marcia of his impend- nows '"eetl.x.imr o ing departure until to-night. personal damth and At the door of the flat she hesitated) a degree of artistry and looked up at him. He took her lovely. gem!) by the elbow, smiling down at Her careful toilet for, her. ' _ V77 .-~v mutt all“ 'nodaiui triumphantly. f “I suppose,” she said, "that I ean't 'elaim the credit of having brought fthat about. But I'm just as pleased as Ht I had! I don't think I've ever seen two people so absolutely suited to each other." ll Michael Trask looked up quickly aml ry'.inked. I "As whom?" he demanded, and, blinked again as she waved airily after, Marcia and her comrraninr, “ML” "." 1 w, __-__- v. “rum". n you! m thaw? ceremony that calls for a l like this.'" was w of beautiful frothy suds into an 'she laughed nervously, still; which go her frilliest bits of under- td at he? yneonsc'ious slip. Then; wear, dainty collars and cuffs, sheer, '.'.'s M? f,t. Itt 1J,heidtutitt,',f,i), blouses and dresses, and best stock-3 women. s e my: I, eep own ings, I 'r hunt you think rm se'lfish? II . r if I we", to “m to live onl I She also has discovered that her; ~ . y; . . . . I m;f_m take ali the good things: stoching bill is reduced almost m pro-t that my wealth can buy? Per-) portion to the frequency of the wash-," am seltih but I don't mean to! ings, so after each day's wear, they, ml mean to t,e! It hurts me,‘are treated to a dip in suds or clear, mtv', to realize! how much I've) warm water. The voice of thrift pre-' I:", how M319 tther folks have---,) vails even when they are brand new, 3235323319 took a quick tender-1 and it is. such a temptation to put, He watched her with a growing them on m all their freshness from," h in his eyes as she movedlthe box for t.hy.rtrlt wear. They let) the we," and =10ch leaning one: longer, too, if introduced to the wash ' white arm the length of my bowl before their first wear. :1 pi" cc. I On down the list is the weekly mani-l l neck was bent: the smooth? cure when her nails are filed, cuticle s '.irri'ir);eyh1i,,e)itjiitituj'iii.i Sthe' removed and the buffer gives Just the' , 3.. ttgt, s - . - . . e' . t . wry Nuns. very sweet and hej ""itr'j"i,tl,trt',fit 12mm att f‘: nved by an almost Tueontroll-i y p . . e m er P. l pulse h catch her close in his. removhl Mall .r.'..efap,iPP.t.' odor, Which: T Isometimes persists in spite of perfect g an: m without looking lack cleanliness. A special toilet prepare-ft 'tinn, "and "k.,.., ----, " __ me happy. Bat Bree" V WT". " :uvlllrlll, “There's something I want ..,... I ---- .. . She met them, 'iuh1iii) " for quick little gesture of her; least " loo, was dis movement sent a or. He was staring an odd white line {APTEI m as she waved airily" aft}; her companion. "Miss Hal- WaH-ron!’ My dear lady! n-an ' 7 -- __.....‘,, s"...- and mm It tor a moment over hers. 'va': of that little lady's de-l "If Trash is getting more notice it t thry shmrfd join Amby and:will be thanks to yott---and will mean r f, r a that at Arliss ManJan easier time for Arabs. My dear, ll think in a little time you’ve accom- irgd’" she pleaded, and at p!iehed quite a good deal. Except, of :' in her eyes Mrs. Alden said, course, as regards Kemp.' To confess But there was a warm little the truth, you surprise me when you cr' oycs as she watched the'say that he is among the ‘néedy’ ones.' et, moving down the long] thought he was having the usuali Iaimless but moderately easy time that " (how a long breath, plant-, a man of his upbringing' trenerallyl pls " e."uv,vs on the table and i has!" other p93p10_ is really great--- if" he ex arshly t, i “a w at ,uu Home," ne ---or so many other thin F..c. slipped her cloak about because of the lack of mo . hum-i at him quickly, halfj Waldron stretched out then turned to Audrey, smil- and laid it for a moment :ail of that littlo huh”: A., I u" m . . 03'. There was ul as Rossiaer's to touch of his' hand like , caregg. Her he exclaimed involun- hly that Mrs. Alden t's impossible!" can buy? is: I don't mean to Y It hurts me, “as staring at Aarey white line about his H113; by my; I distribute! beggars-i, SW-cets and‘ If waitress-! ntlined, for talk! Yet-.., XXXV far). and it isn't on the tal/e and iiaiF _â€"fi tV '."f' "tlt "es, The Dainty Girl's Charm List. [pen Tivid gayety, . . . the; from her like] She Is not at all the girl with the tire, I; in her. cor-g perfect features, dreamy eye's, long bo ' little whitng-lossy lashes, Cupid’s bow mouth-. x t her once or! you know the girl we all like to dream! ll ' and vuguei about and wish we might be. E rt'ia‘s flat was vivid gayety from her like k in her cor- a moment," ==r=reri-ru-=0'i "I can give her 1rttte:eaker--cie- . {arettes of a finer quality than she has but baffling qual-,'diG. been able to afford. I can give I' her pleasure - amusement - suppers ', she found Wal'Iand theatres and lunches! But I can't! [pay her bi'lls, or give her tlei-iii) you home," he ---or so many other things she lacks her cloak about h-,-, 1.: an LA - , vari-i C ppen ! n who" '---it'tri was a little aer's sharply a wine, glass “we lady's de-l "If T'raidTs, Eat join Araby and; wiil be thanks to y at Arliss Mart/tttttsie)' time for ",Girys tiny little t 3 than a tooth brush "or her eyebrows, gher eyebrows mm Who could think J? a a who suggests hoop skirts cades, without thinkimr " ticn, used about once bath, overcomes this 'sed as r seen Each garment for the marrow is an arranged, buttons, hooks and eyes on, necessary mending done and every- thing nice and clean. No wonder she: sleeps a "beauty sleep!” Our Dainty Girl revel-s, once a week, in a sudw comma-m an; -_H- w, least tight LG.; t . . --.. vv an Av: Incas anu ”HUM“? L the tPyss.'--weu, they are simply apply eold baffled by her indescribable charm, hand Mic This girl of whom We are talking, "BOWOW; 0 knows somean of the secret ofle‘ght hour personal dalntiness and has attained Morn-lug a degree of artistry in appearim/orrn wando lovely. iof wator. [£5 IIlll' _r,,l)t.'3, Fl" ',f.i,i,i, :15ut Ws some years since we were [together much, and lately it has seem- (ed to me that he has wanted to avoid jmo. I've seen practically nothing of ,him since I've been home. And I very t ee----...--, I Marcia looked at him quickly. ',, "And I thought," she tptorted, "that isou told me you were his friend?" 3 "I aml I always have been. Pd do more for Kemp than for any man I've ever met or known-than for any-; !0ne else in all this world-save you!‘ 'But it's some VORI’E a'h'hnn um “M..- ‘ercomes this tsitiieuG, you should see the accordi . .c unpeu mr. Irask, perhaps, in She stopped. She was remembering little. You bought that picture of me, R.erprrton'il face as she had seen it to- ‘and I commissioned another to give to night, older, sterner. a little haggard, I mother. He-he did them well; they a little “new she had seen it pre- ‘are both trttd--pcoNe are beginning sentiy while he was ted-king to Araby.i to say nice things about his work. That And again she was conscious of a is very niuLvery satisfactory. Butywitk uprising of sympathy for him Arabf----" i--of Tgret--etnd of a very real desire She paused, half frowning, thenlto make things easier for him. As al- went on: lways, she was nervoutr--irl at eaee--. "I can give her 1l1rt.tts-ryrakesr-eig- I(when mentioning his name, or hearing, arettes of a finer quality than she has ' It "I mean people like Nnbby---liko-. Mr. Trask-c-arid-Ui' like Kempton Bassinet!" She tit her lip, then went on hur- riedly. "I've helped Mr. Trask, perhaps, a little. You bought that picture of me, and I commissioned another to give to mother. He-he did them well; they are both trttd--pcoNe are beginning to say nice things ahout his work. That i: viry nivrvery satisfactory. But Pst Er--, I only they are people one couldn't der’ that kind of help to." I She paused. Waldnon had gone done I ta her. His s'eeve brushed her shoul- il der. He watched the slow color tintll her cheeks at the contact as he asked: " "You mean?" P. Marcia made a wide sresturp, ' mars, neck and arms. This u such a velvety comfortable nd then you are all ready for l sweet nightie and to cuddle ke a contented kittne by the‘ a refreshing slumber of at Ar iiiilN(fyperis ' w slij.i)ili/ifi'lliiif l ygek we} tie _ ‘r-....., Ad& 'MPe season, Ci all the girl with the] t,hem.and (ills attractive we might be. Evening beautitiers--nrush brush hair (twenty st of all the girls, they! teeth; brush hair (twenty M d her mode of hair-' warm. bath; thorough rub d, , her for ideas and sprinkle of takurn; a fresh 1 they are simply apply cold cream when needed tseribable chum. hand lotion. Q‘Arnamnja ---.:.. TORONTO money!” . 7 unit a big hand eyes," 7 iiiir I Irssimr-tatble drawers and we were “mun: " " used for dinner favors. If possible, sen‘e dinner out of doors. It should be a more substan- tial meal than the others, in every- one will have time to enjoy it fully and at leisure. l Close the day with nU_fo-|-1---“ «Q- ...- '""'""B, {CHE bouquets to be used for dinner " _-_,,.. . _ " a" -""'"E, up. " The chief charm about breakfast I will lie in getting abroad in the fresh. _ early morning air and in making that " usually hurried meal an occasion for b social pleasure. Serve the meal in- ‘formaliy. The best plan is to set {everything on one big table and let; everyone help herself. Afterwards) ;\vhen those who have work to do have Cone to it, round up the others and Make them for a tramp in the woods and fields to gather fhrwttrs, grasses [and foliage until it is time to so to the home of the friend who will serve luncheon. Use some of your flowers and leaves to decorate the luncheon tables (sew. eral small tables will make a pleasant; chem from a large one) and put the! _ rest in water until the afternoon. Then take-the company out cf doors and let them work the blowsms and the foliage into balms, tokens and 11nnn‘. a, L, . - V l Of course you will decide with you, ifriends who of you will entertain a1 "rreakfast and who at the other twc (ii,iiiii/, and will write these names in ”he invitation. In planning for the food do not attempt elaborate menus. Have simple, wholesome dishes and see that the three meals are well Lal- ttneed-that they make up an appetiz- init and nutritious whole. Use as little china as possible. Paper rum an} dishes, and paper napkins, of course; will simplify the cleaning up, l Tho chief charm about breakfast, “All Te, 2, .s. - ai If You w01 5} economical v, e kind of sumn F a "soeiable" t a the girls who ' as those who ', enjoy, join w and send out like this: I You are im all-day summ July --. Bl Miss‘ at 7 ----u home at _ at lu". lam m'A-uay summer frolic on Saturday, July -----. Breakfast at the home of Mist,--., at 7 a.m., luncheon at Miss -----u home at 12.80, supper with Mimi -- at her home at 6 p.m. Be prompti Wear tramping clorihes. I i If you would have a pleasant and iceonomical variation from the usual kind of summer party and would give a "sociable" that all of your friends-. the girls who are in business as well ‘as those who are keeping house-wig enjoy, Join with two of your friends} and send out an invitation something like this.. You are invited to take part in an aid-day summer frolic on Saturday,l July --. Breakfast at tho 1.....- all n“- v- mum, ”was“ 01 cold water! 1 on face; dash of powder on nose tome remove shine; brush eyebrows; dress rah hair becomimrly. hug Onee-aoreek aids to y"t.t1testzh')1" Manicure nails; clear skin with cold; Tl); cream; wash-bowl laundry, special; but care of feet; weekly mending. I out Every two '"ektr---sharnpa hair. A. ‘ - """_w. .numu; apply hand lotion, garments, ready for to- morrow; complete relaxation (at least eight hours' sleep). {petals in rose ,_,___..' \AVBCI, I) Pee, to hers. “You belong to me, nov bert" he firurshes, and for a the hot passion he had hem ful to suppress leaped up ar eyes: like a flame. "You belong to me!" (To be continued.) Mlnard's Llnlment for Burn There was a sudden I' possesswe tenderness in drew her suddenly closer Q.s., A- L - you! is her Ch t ~.-\. "'.. eyes now with something of II He was frowning, but he moment later. I "I had no idea of this," he ty added, quietly, "Pm glad Ime." He was silent a mom fhc turned upon her abruptly. looked, half startled, he laid i (hth,th ,,bu,t firrply on her s “5...“, Hub nrmly on her ’ ITut," he said quickly, talking of you. Do you km you’re looking almost like y firast night I met you, A1 have it." f She could not shut her mind entire- ly to what had been; that that un- guessed-at bond that was between her.. self and Ross-law; and it agitated her, to remember it. She met 1_ve'rd.r:.on's/ eytr? now with gorttssthG,.. " --- a.. it. ' F ,- _ "'"", wulllln "Ke-Mo lis- (ten to 'ror11tahigt, been led to under. I'!'.?..'.'"',: I-- 're heard Audrey Alden, Iyou kn.ow--ther" are great friend“ iAudrey’n as fond of him as if he Were lher brother. His father's marriage [made a lot of difference to his pros- ‘gegts. of eo1trms--artd he's heavily in e t." i awe-1y; l East, t day with old-fashioned Leiden: hear gossip. So I'm a bit in the dark. " Kemp hard up P' "Horribly!" Marcia spoke impul- Ia'vely; again she bit her lin “In I meal an occasion for r Serve the meal in- _ best plan is to set one big table and let herself. Afterwards, , have work to do have; to'rlet--Excrcise " swam or cold water of powder on nose to brush eyebrows; dress nu sometn-mg of an effort. frowning, but he smiled a or. idea of this," he told her, quietly, N'rn glad you told; rats silent a moment, then pon her abruptly. As she startled, he laid his hands, firmly on her shoulders. B”::--' -7 . ' I 598801] saw quickly, "we Wu; 2. Do you know, Marcia, r almost like you did that met you. And-l Cl') a, sudden warm note of arm List ""rtr--Hrlosth teeth; (twenty strokes); r (twenty strokes); 'ough rub down; a m; a fresh nightie; when needed; apply! ‘7’ 'l'V-V ""PUT- in she bit her lip. "At -who, woman like-%o L's- s--have been led to under- ',tt heard Au1rerAie%, f III. __A A -- -.. .Alotllllb had been so care- ed Up anew m his ; drink glass; _Dress back ', now, remem- awfully dries ‘ bars for her nd shirt-waist Farm note of his voice. He ', bending his 1. SIG. sroke impuI-! her lip. “At! _ n liked-ao His- 1 led to under- . “they Alden, ' Peat friends; as if he were er's ginning; A before 1'1 at eaee-. 'r or hearing instant The work ot a choir dtroctor is hard, I but It Is not wholly without humor. I I The sugar in raisins is in eally predigested form, and in into energy almost immediate revitalizing quality of the makes this fruit-food a boon t weather fatigue and “mum-m- Mlnard's Ltntment for I The most popular dish of the sum- 'ettric.e Cream-when flavored with raisins, is not only a cooling confection, but one that, helps to take away the; listlossness caused by warm weather. The cooling qualities of ice cream iii) but a temporary relief, it is pointed, out; combined with the delicious faytr! of raisins. it is truly a delightful,’ healthful dish. il‘ gamus, feats and fork} f and singing. , Of course, since not fun of such a "sociable lthe guests doing thing for the better part of l (C, you must bastmm the 1 of such a "sociable" is in k guests doing things out of the better part of a long St ', you must postpone the pa weather is unfavorable. ung quality of the _ wish; lit, fruit-food a boon to warm fatigue and listlessness. Little Sun-Maids A Summer Dish Quite True Delicious Hot-Day Lunch otri forfcits, story-tolling ---u'n Doesn't tax digestion so doesn't heat the blood, yet energizes almost immediately. l Big men eat little lunches to con- serve their thinking power. Don't overeat and lag behind the leaders. Get two packages of Little Sun.. Maids now. Between-Meal Raisin; 5c Everywhere imrediaterr This} BEST lunch is two packages of Little Sun-Maid Raisins and a glass of milk. Tastes good when you’re hungry. I Nourishes yet keeps you cool. / Raisin's 75 per cent fruit sugar is in practically trredigested form, fur- nishing 1560 calories of energizing nutriment per pound. Dandrun. a little of sul w» VI "vomisister, who is a few yams older, long fyt,m"-.t'recentV been eutterlng from om the party ifiihe common maladies ot childh ie, and as she became convalescent, T my frequently observed the I] sh. 'tempting delicacies being carried of the t'u.P.-ihe sick room, from which he was I avored withiercluded. He decided to put 1 I conrectiiti/ttry tor himself. The next time (o away the] saw his ttttother hearing a tray ot rm weather. mummy appetizing food to the e. ("ream iii) vaiid’s ley,e made his plea. t is pointed, "Mother, he said, "may I ham: Little Red Packages n practi- is turned in keeping doors them?" A“- u: put I“ i ‘word tor hinurelt. The next time ht saw his mower hearing a tray ot as muially appevtizing food to the in valid’s door he made his plea. "Mother," he said, "may I have the measles when Vio!et's tittitthed with limo.“ 9" u we are not reprclented in your locality write at once for our propo- sitions. Make some real won: on Radio Apparatus' now. We furnish Complete Concert Radio Rmivino "u. If He Probably Got HU Wish. Tommy, though very young-he is only tour-has a precocious apmecia- tion of the pleasures ot the table. His sister, who Is a few years older, has recently been eutteeitrg from one ot thet ”Am-MA“ .7 . U Had Your Iron Today? Itll " Alien: itttr from one oti Tim production of 08 ot childhood, 'ducts is comma! to u, mvalescent, Tom, ! where large numbon; tttod the mos-t ( mils are tttill to be rm eine carried into fspenn whale, which is vhloh he was still l 901111111. sperm aid, span ed to put In as fertilizer including hon he next, time he , mined: from other sn yr a tray ot en. oil, and window A. ' le he mined: tmen other various 't es. oil, and whalebome or when , ln- sized whale will yield apprc six tom ot oil. During 19: , the M,00t gallons ot whale oil, ' with proximately $100,000, wen l in addition, 2,500 pounds 4 ._ l meat, valued u nearly 820,000 "_-a , country during the same pork almost "ttitely to the United at Fiji and Samoa, - -.. uvl. great meat eaten. and they nuke up um _'etieienc, a prawn: Ind carbohydrates with ott'. Russia's nallolnl too-1 In rye. Thu is due to mom dream-tacos. It Is any to Crow, cheap. and nourishing. " has ban called Nerf Prxeha t' n" . __ e as foods, Gi 'ated. That hurt," The tirh by-Droduc ada la as m in :1 pr “Shipment. There supply ot raw mm ing Purposes. gm tacilttim, do” 'tmar; and a steady demand trloitation Ind up]: than Mum? to some blindness madman; a normal ttsteers. that Steady enigma-.. " United Sta: ', bat it is an“ ,uuucuon and caplm him mum ta Mum to come extent. but I "witness condition: assuming a m tormal aspect. than would be teady expand“. National tc, rd w Iaamitacture. sun's Bay Co, smali quantity and Northern public auction cf sturgeon Lake Brio In od net o beet isingla very which are tn comm dolly one and that manufacture in and. u the pram than in on n somewhat limited sale. Whoa I. one of the most lunch but tiah by-unoducw used; 7,064 pounds of this mrmmodfty bring put up In 1919. A good sued 'turgeott given from 5 to " pounds of Ctwiare. “aid: fetches from " to M, a pound on the American market. Before the war thla product was chapped mutt the inland lakes of Canada to New York, where it was prepared and forwarded to Hamburg to be [hushed and sold an Russian mt%'nm. Now the slur-goon we in trlnlonned to Minsky not Toledo. 0M0, where " is fir.ichcd lot the Amman market. Various Kinds of PM Oil. There are men! kind. ot tUh on, among the more pmminem being and liver, liming, whale. pcrpoiw, seal and blacklist]. Cod er oil Its' the moat widely known. and Is manufac- ltumd In Digby county, Nova Srotia. n is made from liven; cocked while practically (mall. and sold as crude cod liver oil. Cod, heating and nor- ‘polse oils are used for tanning; seal and whale oils for harming in miuer'rt lumps; and refined win; oils tor lubrication. Tt the manufacture ct oil into cattle meal com-cunt poultry scrum teed. d. a good (manor. lsingluss and gin-or?! a tt cool country" food is the potato Irish to“ suit: ir, :d's national [and ', Well. the Enrlls‘u " is qua". t the demand " Gwen] ea national (cod. but vcgcuMe enters in I fortuumoly. Is a F16 y. Historian. and mental on the tact ' the decline and f: a “If? amount r, OWN. That " ntry "Nukes. “out! food c? ttttr form- bee Cundc with her not atoms or raw uteri-lo on which to du- bis hon- totom paid little attention to tho adulation of her waste materials. oe the major industries, the nineties per- haps pro-wt the most lucrative tie“ tor the manufacture of trrproduetm Such commodities as cod liver on, an (emitter, nah (due, tish leather, on; meal, trlyeminer, 115mm“. and mu o“- MEMWEIIFM - ti-eofErrrttsitntittn whale OHM-om production of , a cotttitterd to ' _ large numben; of 7mm or 1 I mum's FNlllilillliilr LITTLE ATTENTION PAID ' TO WASTE MATERIALS. woos we a most Intent:- Smllnud's food is on“ arrztnh" term. Why oats? w are kahuna. and Beot. sol country. Helm-(1‘s " fe un- -.._.-- __ oily food, I" oqteet a}; imuertes th red mt t1athrt c 59“ It itnpo sometin minced I I ot u not a t product industry of Can- In a prim this of do. There in an unlimited materlnt tor mutactur. I good trattsmrrtattoet w a“... 'serf food," and that whom or baker). A fair will yield approximately oil. During 1920, about ' ot whale oft, Worth up. ”00,000. wen exported. 2,500 pounds of while It nearly 820,000. let! the to tt proximity to Human to be found £le to tttttmetal to We how m- nzen and quick}, Mes “Id ”at”. .1180 m Th tMe from Norther Manitoba to r, In London, Eu t BrPrmtuetn. in "ttall f gli md he Unit!” I n add-Mo ““080 m the den-r and talt Ch Is the mo“ 'tlermeceu “I " it was or have tf food C energy enemy That is The lack Ji" 'ttetneal annually Were "may “my , " (ulxivation. no met. "0 the he Wor'ad. n ot Ion Idea“. when lu- ""118 In miner's gde and norms“ The waste trom ril can be made “rams. hog feed A! om out :un‘aliozL rtttrt beef. ‘0 over . Killer " WW tn 'aeitie count, llneee mam. b Prom the n cut of ex. renamed a rice. rm nu Y and what market. m rag-k: tid and L11. the art with mom sh Otis in " and r0 oh. whale {mm for The of ne, " I KW"; m. ',',)4ji' Il,' Jv." . Ft A . 6 " I jr C , y... In; 'i _ . "e" N /.v~"u J- H tke o. dilute mama: franc. of Evie! I00 milli Princ : C f M Ru wk wr ho or " Ft ll. fl AIRMA h. Noted L M the wh M I h ea, H Will be P CANAL T0 ion [wary luv tioer [new It ml centr quiet one C tad i min cult r lea taim unto read deb: ho th, " HIT Nujor the co. ribie I " my the m. tht oieqre oft; m past the c on. wl the s " WI TI It " in urr Irish who

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