West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1922, p. 8

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7E u . The Cash Shoe Store DURHAM. - - ONT. ,wi-_. "nun - """P, low heel, Buckle. !c'letsie)-r.........r.....e.C".'.......ss.s0 Women‘s Patent Colt, l strap slipper Buckle. I low heel. (Gracia)....................................4...........$5.00 Women',, Patent 001:2 atrap slipper low heel(Weston)t5.0o Women's White Canvas, , strap.. a-....-............,.,....) Women's Rhite Canvas, ()xford...............................$3.00 Are you prepared with Shoes for the holiday ? give us a call. We will be pleased to show you on of oxfords and strap slippers in Blade, Brown or I Below we are quoting a few prices. Women's Black Calf Goodyear with l strap, low heel, Buckle. (classic)............................... Women; Brown Calf Goodyear with l utrnn iiEl0j5lfi]rliii Ladies, Attention ! Science Salada to your table, with a flavor as delicate and appealing as when it left the gardens. From across the ocean sealed in a lead chest, opened by us, blended, electrically weighed, vacuum packed, and finally re- sealed in air-tight aluminum, Salada reaches your tea-pot look, pure and with every bit of the fragrant flavor preserved. Salad: to your ta flavor as delicate at as when it left ti From acme the o in a lead chest, or blended, electrical' vacuum packed, am sealed in air-tight gigs _made it possible, to deliver, '.' J. S. MCILRAITH you on r stock ? If not, White 85.50 -Antiiversary services will be held in tho Presbyterian church on Sun- day. July 23rd, when Rev. Mr. Gal. lagher or Harrlston will be the preacher of the day. An entertain- ment will be held ammo following Monday, 24th inst. Mrs. Holliday is visiting with Mrs. Geddes. The worst storm of wind and rain or tho summer passed over on Tues. day afternoon. The grain was pretty well fiattened down. Owing to the storm the baseball game between Hol- stein and Varney was not played. Miss Ineg Allan has taken a posi- tion in the Bank of Montreal. Mrs. Arnlll, accompanied by Clara and Billy, are spending a few days in Toronto. Mr and Miss Jessie Allingham ored from Guelph last week to r acquaintances. Rev. Mr. West, two daughters, and Miss Rita Roberts are attending a summer school at Port Elgln this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Philp returned from Niagara on Saturday and re- port a. splendid trip. The Women's Institute of Holstein are holding their annual picnic at the home of Mrs. Rogers. This in. cludes Durham. Dromore, Gleneden, and Holstein branches. The home Institute provides the lunch, the oth- ers the program. Mr. R. Sim and some of his class spent acoupie of days at Kincardine last week, reporting an interesting and instructive outing and look for- ward to another year with great in- terest. Mr. W. H. Rogers returned Friday from the west and thinks Ontariola good enough for him. Mrs. E. E. Hockrldge with her sis- ter, Mrs. Hood of Brandon and aunt, Mrs. Beacock of Toronto, called on Mrs. J. R. Philp on Monday. ft Low All: PERSONALE Mrs. Sparrow and little daughter, are visiting at J. T. Stevemron'a. HOLSTEIN LEADER TORONTO - V-_-_. - u. ll- Jvlllliu C. Calder L F. W Dalley At Gleneden. 'lhuuday evening last Holstein won another victory from the home team by H runs to ll. Game called tn 5th innings on account of darkness. Empires H. Mountain and G, Grant. Line up as follows " HOLSTEIN GLENEDEN A. Coleridge catcher E. Chilton l H. Main pitcher A. Smith " M Bye R. Field C. Stevenson] C. Fenton 2nd F. Holluday _ W. Coburn 3rd D. Adair I G. Brown C Field s Stevenson I J.M_cLean lat E.Holliday I f: 99te , E, ll, Jythnstoit n mot- renew The ciiicers for the ensuing Fear are Mr Terrell of Ayton, Pres.; Mr John Whiteiord, Vice. Pres; Miss Winnie Blyth, See Treas. The next convention will be held in Ayton. - -, -"__-__ ......... mp... The principal address during the afternoon was given by Rev, Mr Lane pastor of the congregation. At the close the ladies of thechnrch furnish. ed a verv sumptuous dinner. The interest taken in the various subjects was quite spirited sand wiched by a fine solo by the Misses Florence and Janette Kerr, of Verne) and also one by Miss Winnie Blyth. 'PL, __, ' . M . - _ -.... """'.r"' trr nun-rum], accord)“; Writing on this fifth day of July' to tlu. whim 0r {tinny of' the reader we are remindedof it being the 23m, Mr. Harry. (inn: is the framor, am Anniversary of our wedding. ive' ',h'Jpu,ltn,plt an (idol)!!! up aloft . . Wit y mug] t was. The raising 2tfr't"u,ele,rt"tit,it,ttit a?!" in, a, was over by 4.30 and supper partakt-n . o or r p o ions. , as of heron! the rain came down in co: this date happens on the buttcay ol pious. christvning showers. ‘Twas a l Mrs J. Hoeilln. tg,; 5 sight to 5w tho tables t'leatvd outsidt- TheNormanby Tp. Sunday School making towards the house, which re- Convention was held in Hampden) mindvd Us of the disturbed tnt's nest. church on Friday last. Lessons itt' Mr. Pen-1' Rarmure, who has been the afternoon and evening. My} assisting yy. Hargrave for the hast Archie McPhee, the President, oe.) nionth. [Mt-0n Sattuntlay‘ for tho ll gst. cupied the chair. Miss Winnie: his 90 (his Irate ot absence expiring Blyth ot Varney, Secy. Treat! ' gavej on the 15th ot this month. a very good account of the business? .Mt'. Robt. Rinu-k oonhnuu-d l"'" t atutaettdaadshowed theAssociation. vices on Sunday last, recmvmg 119mm to be in a growtby Mate. (on HIP sttuyiay .oply, that tho mints- Mostly all have completed their road work for another year, some of which is a credit to the path masters but of others we are not saying all we think. Mr Archie Wu tson and Mrs Watson of Detroit spent the week end over with the iotmet's father, Mr Jas. Watson and brother, Ben and family. Miss Flo McIlride returned home from Aginconrt last week where she has been attending High School therefor the past six months. Holstein Won at Gleneden Mr Donald Barett of Muskoka, but formerly a long number cf Feats ago was a resident of this locality, visited a dav or two with his aunt and urele, Mr Thus. and sister, Mary Murmur: "" . flit,» wk?! GT.Ui'r'="ct.w EditorChas. Ramage of the Review and Mrs Ramage. Miss Alice and Peter attendad Kncx Church on Sunday lastend we have no doubt were much mspirul by the scholarly Sermon of Rev. J. W. Burnett. Copious showers quite fnqumtly combined with most glorious weather is producing a rttnanoble growth, and prospects for a bountiful har. Vest isamust inspirirg and almost an assured thing. (Artu'twd too lute for lust (rev/H FAnd how we yin all P BORN Hunter-tn Egremont. on Monday, July 10th, to Mr and Mrs. B. Hun. ter, a daughter. Bartley-- In Toronto. on Thursday, July 6th, lo Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Itart. and unmanly play from the 4 _.-........, “nu (urn: the district. Sammy Law of Guelph refereed both ganws to the satisfac- tion of both teams and checked rough n...| ..-w--._r_, - . FT - Mildmay started oft strong as lis- ual and scored twice in quick succes- Mon. Pinder cleared the first one shot but they scored on the rebound. The second was scored on a pretty combination "ort. Holstein had several shots on goal in the first half, including two free kicks from out. side the penalty line but were well saved. The second halt started with Holstein pressing when their lone tally was made when Miidmay fouled outside the penalty area, giving Hol. stein a free kick. A fast ball by Ec. cies hit the crossbar and slid under, giving their goalie no chance to save“ Several minutes later Mildmay made a penalty and things looked rosy tor; Holstein, but although Gibson shotal‘ wicked one, Wendt made a quick save and the rebound went wild. Seventh; minutes later Mildmay cinched thei game when they scored on acorneri kick. The game was very even but: the Holstein forwards lacked the' punch around the nets while Mildmay' shot dead on from every angle. Hol. stein tell hard when they did fall but are not disgraced on the season, as‘ they won 7 games, tied 3, before th y were defeated and only hard luck and; technical error by Homing lost them The Holstein team were outplayed by the Miidmay team on Miidmay grounds on Friday, July 7th. This was the fifth game between the two teams, the inst three being ordered by the Association to break the tie which goes to show no“ even the two teams were. Holstein were, weakened by sthe loss ot Coburn,) their fast centre forward who was‘ hurt in the second last game with) Miidmay here, while Miidmay was strengthened by students home trom! college. This gives Miidmay the! district and the right to meet torfiil Sound in the first Bemrtinals ttt Mild-) may, June 11th and Owen Sound,, June 15th. l ley, a son THE DURHAM REVIEW The Orangemen of L. 0.] 2296 worshipped in a body Methodist church last Sunday Mr. West preached a very a riate sermon. BLYTri'ti CORNERS I ”use 1n quick succes-| cleared the first one, scored on the rebound. IS scored on a pretty" Mtort. Holstein had,', In goal in the first half,) free kicks from out-x ', July 'th.-5iiii', e between the two tree pain; ordered im?" ' L. O. L. No. 'ody in the start 20 good tindois.'ssupute wi.th frost. id mass: Rtentlt"iettioved from the- presbyterian church, Durham. Upper. , Part with comic tcp 40 in. x 24 inf Lower part 44 x 24 in. L'seiulfor out; buildings. garages. &c. . 3 :1 Mr. John McDonald. ln'omorv, We 1 are sorry to say, is getting wry weak {and {whim confined now to his bed , for over a month. Verily "the sands {of time are sinking." The curdiality i behind his iron grip is still more, but I the grip is gone. His age is around 82. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Lawrence, ,‘have purchased Mr. David Ritehie's i cottage and property on Lambton st., i east ot Durham: They will not take. ipossession this year. 3-!)me Mr. Irvine Geddes with his wife and baby, rammed from Guelph and Gall, feeling much improved by tlie trip. Mrs. Woodward and little girl. of Toronto, am- up for their holidays at the home of thvit. aunt, Mrs. A. Hann Mr. Stewart. of Cedarville, was the presiding Hammer at the Entrance exam. at No. 13. There Word 7 pu- pus writing. Mr. Robt. Renwick conducted ser- vices on Sunday last, receiving notice on the Saturday only, that tho minis- ter expected could not come. How- cver Mr. Renwlck proved capable supply. The raising of Geo. Hargrave's, barn look place on Friday last under the , captaincy of Frank Scott and Gordon Geddes, the latter winning by the placing of the collar tie after a tight race; (the former losing by having one of his best men.') knocked out by a falling pike pole. in the hands of his opponents. accidentally of course. The part enclosed in brackets. put in jokingly. is, like the railway freight bill. subject to correction, according‘ to the whim or fancy of the reader. Mr. Harry Gray is the trainer, and' tshowed himself an adept up aloft, windy though it was. The raising; was over by 4.30 and supper partaken i of before the rain came down in col pious. christening showers. 'Twas a' sight to sm- the lables cleared outside' making towards the house, which re- minded us of the disturbed gnt's nest. ' Ruthvrrurd Rob. Hans a: Privilep:o0 to l Mr. Hugh Lamont has been on the isick list the past few days, but we I hope he will soon be fully recovered. l Gladys spent the week end at home. 1 Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm of Hornby, 3 Mrs. Edwards and Miss Margaret of (Toronto, were recent guests at Mr. :Muteh's. Mr. and Mrs. Swain. Tor. , onto, also spent a few days with the 1 latter's Irat'ents---thoy were returning r from their honeymoon trip to Buffalo ‘and Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Weir recently had tho pleasure of entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Weir of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Weir of Sombra. and Miss Maude Weir of Wallacebuw. Miss Etta Sarkett of Toronto, has been visiting at Mr. A. McLean's. Mrs. Hood of Brandon. Mrs. Ben- cock of Toronto and Mrs. Hockrldgv. Hopovillo, visited their friend Mrs. W. J, Philp on Monday. at Ct day 1 wlt h 1"!)in Hound Very heavy rains last night and lo-day. What about to-morrow-the glqujlous Twémh ? In South Glonelg. John Eckhardt tsuttereed a heavy loss in having his old barn blown down and parts of roof or new one on. Wm. Courdt had a woodghed levelled and Angus Hoo. per's barn roof was carried off. plates and all. nian chyiCDGriGCil'rae"r. % A S H UNTER ' nth comic tc m in. x 24 in ' ' & CO D h Dar! 4t x 24 imp Usetulior out . . q "r am 'r, garages. &c. . I A l J. .Smith, Po (master; G" , pply J 4 W ;%WWWW$WWâ€" was also demolished. Joe. Lennox and Jas. Marshall had barn roots par- tially torn off. while Robt. Barbour and Mrs. Robt. McMicken had chim- neys blown off their homes. David Marshall in Knox neighborhood, Nor- manby, is a heavy loser, having his silo blown over and barn 'partlally unroofed. Trees in both town and country have also suffered. A terrMc, wind gust on Tuesday'af- ternoon. while not so violent in town, did considerable damage along the 2nd COIL, IUrremont, east of Varney. At Earl Meads'. a chimney was blown oft tho house, and the roof taken oft an old barn, wherein the cattle had taken refuge. Two or three of them were slightly lamed. and a hen-house Many Barns Unrooted in Tues-, day's Wind Storm _ Varney Holstein Maple Leafs Gleueden stein Tuesda} _;§.;"x-Jast°poned owing to the storm. For Sale Cheap With two of their regulars ott the' line-up. Varney playing at home. de. feated Maple Leah, " runs to 8 last: Friday. It was Vagney'a closest call; yet, and they only gained their lead: In the tina1 innings. l MainJor the visitors pitched well. pp to the 5th inning which was a dis astrious one for him, letting in 8 mm for the home team. NORTH EGREMOM‘ SOUTH-WEST GREY LEAGUE Wop lost to play The_varnesarohneir, Varney Beat Maplo Leafs YEOVIL game In Hot. _,,i,,"i,,ilj g Buy in July at a Reduction fimflwflfiflg recent Violent winds and hail storm con- fined to corpparatively small part of province. General outlook iavmab‘e Fall rye headed out in some localities. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Rains have been general. Warm dry weather would now ensure large from. i Fall wheat fillirgrut well and beginning to ripen Large cropindicated. Spring wheat, oatund barley in good condition. above average. Very heavy yield of hay promised. Corn a little backward. Fruit good average "crop looked for. Pasture) in splendid condition. Crops continue to makegood progrgss. Needed rains have fallen and condition. generally are favorable. Damage from pests is small. Edmonton fistrift.--. Conditions good following beneficial rain. Wheat in shot blade. Oats look. ing well, Hay in some districts will be short. Calgary district.-Heavy rain Somewhat late for northern part of dis-1 trict where condition of crop only fair., Southern portion. grain pasture and hay good. _Lethbritige district.-CcnditGis generally favorable. Some localitie- suffering badly from drought, have been materially improved by recent rains. l'nless general ram comes soon crors “ill bc below average. Conditions vary and are best in northern localities Lit_tledomwefrorioaii. Rei:inadisttict -- Crops have benelilrd from heavy rains and conditions are favorzhle Some losses from h til, l': H133“ indicate average to no r! or m. Winnipog distrut Crops we!l advntied, riamme Irrm ro-Cent violent winds and hail 'torm con- fined to comDarativels. small m... -r Don't send a messenger to the bank or with money or valuable securities unless you have thoroughly investigated his character and don't employ women or children for such work. _ Donh permit your cashier to make change, unless the money to be changed is received. Don't send packages for delivery by messenger with the name and address of the consignee on the outside of the pagkage. . Don't permit your messengers deliver- ing packages to turn them over to per- sons on the street representing them- selves to be the consignee. Be positive in your instructions that packages be be delivered to the proper individual to whom consigned. Don't leave your overcoat and hunt! bag in your automobile. Take them with you. Don't give bills of large denomination to errand boys or messenger: for the purpose of getting them changed. Don't send children to. tho store with money of large denomination. They are easy prey for mean thieves. Don't dispfayu quantity of money when paying bills to col'ectots. &c. What Not to do in the Bank Oniciat Crop Report PRAIRIE PROVINCES “on...“ Bmnsainaiiuteeeaneo-ia9nada ====at su-seas-ina"" No Account Too Small balms! LAMPS 15, 25 and 40 watt ... in general. Warm dry,l nwensuve large from“ ,9qu well and beginning cropindicaied. Spring arley in good condition. i - Very tttvt yield of 35 cents NO account is too small for this Bank to wel- come and none too large a it to handle. WMIOOYuu Ottiti Practiti,Comno Experienced Teach, Instruction. Carorul A‘ Results. Special Con ttters' sons. Write fo Bookkeeping. Businu Shorllmnd. T.rpewtjtine ship, Correspondence, _ Spelling. Grammar. Sal Rapid Calculations. Civ Ottir" Practicetomttuow Fall Term Diem Aug. " R. o. lament. Mount Format. Ont. Solicitor tor Administrator Richard G. Ellis. deceased. Dated at Mt. For"! this 2hh day of June, 1922. And take notice that after the 20th Bay " July. ma. the administrator of said estate will proceed to distribute the aueta of said deceased among the persons err titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he ahall then have notice and that the said Admin. iistrntor will not be liable for the said assets or any part to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. in the matter of the "tate of Rich. ard Ellis, into of the township ot Eat-omen: in the County of any. Farm Hand, ttee-d. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims or demands uninst the late Richard G. Ellis. who died on or obout the 3rd day of April 1922. at the said Township of "re- mom, are required to send by Port prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for the Administrator herein, their names and addresses with full particular: in writing of of their claims and demlndn with statements of their accounts and the nature of the security if any held by them duly verified by Statutory Der: laratlon. And take notice that after the of Montreal J. N. MURDOCK. Durham B. C. Cedar Shingks Ontario Cedar Shingles N, Brunswick Cedar Shing's All grades. Prices righ'. Shingles for Sale C-rj-CCL-UCL", LCC.,' 'risjii,-)-i-iras Tou'" FOREST irier. Uorrespottdetuse, Aritlmiruit. Mt, Grammar. 's%lesmauship, Calculations. Civil Sun 1w. Practice,Comtmtciat Lawn-L erieneed Teachers, Correct ctlon. Careful Attention.' s. Spec“! Course for Far. sons. Write for Catalogue. W. A. TRIMBLE. Principal Shingles by Test Have proved the Best NOTICE TO CREDITORS MW”? [DIE-T JULY 13. 1922 i)?tjir, 'en It 'orn " " VOL. " " Inc I Part" mum and de Terms " tit, Dull 'ce eect Ior 0mm. Don't stomach cot-hm Drug fit, Ne Thunda ville well ti Store Durham B New gir yard. Old nth pun Pam Store. 'tttr R an L081 Kerr ver H a Al

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