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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1922, p. 4

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7 ' muumuuuumoouuuuunuoo "ttrt-rr----------.-;; .,!,i'ivlil-lj,ii.ii:.l.iiji Bl J) g Plymouth Binder Twine f Gun Dealer on" in Canada to Cmsumers. " hm Pitch Forks, Rakes, Scythe Stones, Oil Cans and Oils ' Leiever Special, $35 REPMRINC All Kinds MACHINERY Special attention to Farm Machi- nery. Lawn Mowers Scythe); and all other tools m cutlery reshurp- oped and made hkt, new. Work cal- lo-vl for and delivered If desired. centre And you will have grasshoppers. . . . . . . . . .. 600 Machine Shop BROWN & MOON Machinists. Etc. early opposite the Post o Hire 'GOOD TEETH'. " &ntt' s Emulsian Cross & Sutherland, bone-structure am healthy dentition. Seo" & ”In. Toronto, Om. a}? nourishes the whole body. It contains elements les, that build strong at... of mean a well-nourished bodyand the bone-structure amply supplied with lime. (i. B. SMITH th all kinds at right prices. w Durham And you will have no trouble. Treated lor lmppers........... 600 ft, Idle lb; 650 ft., 15c lb Pure Plymouth Manilla Rope DofnoltI be deeeivesr, "Look for guarantee label in C., Smith and Parker,’ world‘.4 gran-st shoot: Write for Catalan? on! nu W tot be deceived all rope. o, to p Ayton, Ont. We Paris Green, only 50c lb are low- direct to Store With the Stock" - l Seldom has: provincial electioni Texciied such interest ow: all the!, {Diminion as has that of tunits) 'whicu is taking place to duy, Tues.' day. The result will not be known 'in Winnipeg tor a day or two as [.th ;system of proportional representation l J fin 'tsgttetitere,makee counting alowl gliwork. Noiewer than 43 candidates; Tare running (urine 10ptmitioms. The 5 ballot is a formidable affair, 22 inches lung and 9 wide, with the i3 ntttnetr, in alphabetical order. Among ther t '43 candidates are 8 Prustresirives,, i"l'.hruasilMrtuthe Province both Liner-i I als and Progressives t!t/slaiatirtttl,' The Hague Conference teen:- about to adjourn and little or nothing ae- lcomplished. The great trouble is Russia '. one wantsa big loan from {the other nations and they are flrtn, ‘ in their demand that no loan will be‘ given until she restores or agrres to! restore private property she has con-l tisestted. This she relusm to do. Russia under Bolshevik or Soviet? rule has made a dem ns'ratmn tol the world huwn nation should not bel governed. She has degraded social; lite, has So harassed agriculture that‘ the once great exporting nation can; not feed herself. They killed ctr, the intellectuals and industries are; sum-ring and reports say they arei laying handson the Wealth of the; church church. No wonder the! nations rctuse loans to a country. whose rulers seem prosesaed oh kind Later-The elections have given the Farmer and Progressive punk-s 25 members, Libc-rals 8, Independent as, Conservative 6, Labor 5 with three riding: still to hear from. victory, but it is doubtful if my one gr. up will have a mad-wiry. It Dot, then group government is to have another trial. Ttte Durham flash!!! Manitoba in the Limelight Only The Russian Problem July 1), 1922 74 ft. Genuine horsehide Binding and Threshers' Gloves A large assortment of i' Intending pupils should prepare to en Ver at the beginningot the fall term. (Information as to courses may be ob ltaincd “on the Principal. The. School has a crczdlrablc record in the past which it hopes to maintain ir the future. Durham is an attractive and health, town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonable rates. C. RAMAGE, Chairman c. B. DANARD B A..Prlnclpal ( The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses i 1. Junior Matriculation 2. Entrance to the Normal Schools 3. Senior Matriculation Each member of the staff is a Univ. cmity graduate and an experienced teacher. BEIGE $CEI©© Telephone 2, Don't when shopping lay your hand- bag on counters while looking " mer- chandise. This is an opportunity thieves are always waiting for. Don't show your money in public places. Don't be careless when you get into a crowd Keep your coat buttoned up and an eye on your pockets. Don't fall asleep in a subway. elevated or surface car.' This gives pickpockets a good chance to steal your valuables. ot madness. The Hague conference has done one thing. it has exposed the ts'oviettioverninent to the werld as a body seemingly intent on pulling down civilization. oft. o. E. CARR. B. A. (Ton) Office and Residence: PRICEVILLE Dont’s When Travelling 50c to $2 TORONTO I Mr and In Eettrtifiek spa t It?,,, iday with It and In} Vac; Mraud Mrs Dan Ray, of Elderslie, are visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs J. Ray. Mr and Mrs H. Givens of Holland Centre sand-yet! with Mr and Mm tr. Shewell. A number from our burg, to ok in the nth at Hanover, which waaen. joyed by everybody. Mrs C. McIntyre returned home on Hominy after attending tter Hater, " w. Greenwood who has been laid up with abuse“ on her leg. We are pleased to but shea in. proving. Miss Sue McIntosh of Toronto is spending acouple of months with her sister and brother. Mr and Mrs J. Jones of Owen Sound spent the week end with " parents. Mr and Mrs B. B, Dargavel and daughter, Mrs B. Darttavel, and Bert McIntosh motored to Crawford, Sun. day evening. Mrs W. Buchanan of Eldersley is 5 il visiting her daughter, Mrs Will: ' Smith. ‘ I: -e __-......... .-....... q w ) °_.___ -- -._- -r__.__ Li; -h'l_'d"""' WithiJ- Eurnbull. 2 days...............:'. a 00 veral wee a 01 I" . E. eariday..... '"'-.....r...... I 25 p dtgg', and Miss Annie Hobkirk, I A. Casweli. ldny team.............. 4 50 Mr nod Mtg Dan McDonald andl. Cuff, lday team.................. 4 tio I “mm returned to Toronto l'"ef,tiJfidt'id-rtyeis.ri-rrr.r.r.r.'.r.' : iii! l . . r ten and 8005.! .1 ' w'...... .... ............ frugal Egdgazgngo: who intend] DIV. No acnarles Baue_\~.com 'iisit'rn'e triends in the city. ---- :J-thfdlson hy, 0‘:th yawning a 'AWe extend congratulations te Mio 1 C. 2323433 'c:oasnt iaiiiiii" ...... tic! 30 Agnes Ramage tonne: teaeher he"? con. i;.',.;..)'.').'.'..'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.?'............ 16 26 who was married on Wedneadgy ot F. Schmidt. l day............. a...... 2 00 this week to Mr Jameq .Mtknie.ts.t. [ R. rrfe.r.tninsrion, 1ork-c-.. til) Herman! friends here Join m wish. , C. Bailey, phnmng...... . "'......... no ing them all happineés and good) N.Ref1runl. 1 day......... '.......... 'r' 00 fortune tor a bright future. ... ll. ')ilci7y',d,tialys'ia,hlidir,'i' ".....1. 2 00 Mr and Mrs Gardiner. Toronte "e 1 "iltlilcita't'ianvgini 33322.7."3 _ the guests of Mr and Mrs ll. Dana S. D, R......-,...... ""'............. 3 00 t. F. Prast. tile,1, cost................., 4 54, “19:15::“68 Myrtle McDonald visit- R. i)lccus.o,iliriia.'.r.'.'.'.'C.i'. 2l 88 ed id', cousin Master Dougnld Hastie , tnOErcgk; rgrdnsd stat. labor... , l) ' ' a . ar '. 2 z sr..... .'............. ' I J. D. End Alexander Brown, reeently l J. Gander. 90 y/ht-............: 9 iii! ------------- Mrs G. Schmidt,a yds and road H tio:" _ D. Burgess, 23 yds...................] 2 30) DORNOCH Div. No, 4, James Bewitson, com I . . . f I nd ; Gradjng account no. C.... '....r... " 00, Miss _,r,,aitz,z,1'/l',,'111,1, 29:13::0 Ia?!“ I Grading account con f............... 16 'el left on Satur ay o i h J. Sachs, underbrytming.......L.'.' 7 50. 'pending a week with the Sm t "i. Meyers, Iit?ning........ '......r. l oo) family. . I k j A. Lowg, atOnlng......... "o....... 2 Sl Miss Armstrong ot the Irish '.loc I': Subject. ".oning........ ......... 7.5; ' _ Muses H. Fritz.stonlng....................... l 00: s1?gti',',e,t.r a week withthe H. Mcjackc. ,"le,'rr,t.rrrrrrrrcr' 2 25y Mrs W. Buchanan of Eldersley l' av 'le/tie,',,', r"e1hrl'i"'cririiic, I l visiting her daughter. Mrs Will . ._. ' 1t..e.ad1rtP.tytitiet.et Sun- Mr and Mrs J. H. Cbiniek and family motored to Owen Sound on Thursday of last weeknnd were the guests of Mr and Mrs D, Clark. 'Mr irGritFrA7rtiirti'T, and iia, Donald“: and “In W. Hal-tie vicin- ed friendnin Elmwood. Sunny. Misses Bits and Ellie Boyce Wife the guests ot their friends', Mme: Ireng and, KitillgDongld. Sung-y: Misses Lizzie and Gertrude lic. Cnaig. Top t3liff Were the guests ot Mr And Mrs Findlay MoCunig, Wed- nesday and Thursday of last wee}; At the Indies Aid meeting held at the home of Mr: Win. Fulton. July 13th, “was decided to dispose of silk wool tilled Comioner by public auction at some future date and pro- ceeds to go towards putchue ot I cot tonne new hospital, Durham. -Mist, Jessie Macdonald of Toronto is spending her vacation with her parents here. Mrs Collinson and her daughters, Miss Collinaon and Mrs Cairo oi Ceylon, accompanied by Mr Thos. Dargnvel and Mr Miller of Riarton visited the McCracken and Clark families one day last week. Mrs Lamb and son, Sterling visited at Mr Thos. Torrey's on Monday last. Mr and Mn Archie Duff and Mrl R. C. Mckmght, It: and Mrs Tom Duff of Chatsworth: days and expenses .... visited atMr Dougald Clark's last 10“ Teetmg of Council week. I ”kill." Smith, an. Wecmgratalate Miss Mary Lamb on passing her Normal school exam- inations. She has secured the Rocky school for the coming term. Mrs J. D, Clark visited her son, Dougald at the Rocky one day lately. Mrs Lamb and Miss Mary visited Mrs Bert Ritchie " the Rocky one day last week. Miss Addie Colllnlon in spending a few days with her aunt. Mrs Arch. McKechnie. Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbull were guests of the lattel‘s mother on Sunday. The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting at the manse Dornoch. Quite a number were present and a very interestirg and profitable hour wasspeut. Thenextmeeting will be held at the home of Mrs Albert Middleton, Durham. Misses Irene and Blanch Mekech. nie spent last wed: with their cousin Miss Jean Clark. Miss Bella MeKillop has had a beautiful motJutnetttetected in the Rocky cemetery to the memory of her father and mother. Mrs D. Wilkie speutafew days with friends at Townsend Lake last week. Miss Elsie Ledlugham is spending acouple of weeks with her cousin, MISS Catherine McLean. Miss Nesta McKechnie is spending a few days in town. Mr and Mrs A. Sims Were viaitora with their daughter, Mrs S. Hep- burn, recently. ROCKY SA UGEEN ABERDEEN MULOOK on-.. THE DURHAM REVIEW B. N l." 'N)'.' E . (J. TI ' with l E. R bkirk. I A. c l and ,5 F. C; |ccom- j F. Cl. sons. sJ~ M: loteudl I lg. H. e Mia, 9 - ttly iT' __..,, . "r"'"--........ l 00 IA' Becker I dar "."-..e....... 2 00 , G. Emke, 2 di-..........,.....'.' o oo 1 A. Men-eke, s yd. gravel........... 5o 1 R. Murray, 28 yds gravel........... , so l D. Burgess. 50 yds gravel......... 5 00 IE. Monk, 52 yds uranium... ..... s 20 A. McGregor, " yde gravel...... , so Turttbu!i--qniier That motion of last meeting be rescinded and we ad- journ to meet Monday, July 31 " 9 o'clock for levying ntee. appointing collector, opening of bridge tenders Ind frt.tetiotioieeieranta'Gc School estimates to be forwarded to Clerk be-l fore that date otherwise the levy will be the same at last year. . J. H. Chittiek, Clerk. By the way. have you renew. ed your subscription to the Re, view for 1922 ? The year [snow one half gone. Are you the one who has overlooked this little matter ? " so. Four kind atten- tion immediately will much ob. litre. The subscription price is only $2.00 per year. A. Eng "ij'.,."..'..?.'..' ij.0foiiiriiGiir.r.y."..ry.y, A. 'McGregor, 41 dye.......... A _ -- -- . . DOES THIS MEAN YOU? any trme....r..CC.. ,,__.-. “I"... ..... Div. No 2 Jul. Turn G. Run. to: yam... ......r, B. Noble, 91 loads........... 'E.§dge, 8loads......... . I ... 'W"tyrmtclt, digging ditch... ' R. J. Corlett, ditching and 1r,ihgAnry...'.-.L.y.r.r.'.'...,"..'.'.".. J. Walsh. stoning..... ."'."....o.. W. Hodgson, tshovelleta....,..L.". A. Goldsmith. gruelling“... .. .. R. McCaslin. 40 loads of gravel (il \Veppler 32 loads gravel....., C Weppler, 39 yards...... "......... IF Shcwell. " ro.................,..... J. Nuhn, 40 loads...........::.".'.: J. Mcchhnic, 2l loads .... ...... J Mills, 41loadu........ ........ ...... J. Walsh, 100 tara....,............. J. Pot, 38 loaiu.r.v...../.Cr.r.r..' R. Corlctt, gravelling............... J. Mills, 7t "tlit.....:.......:.'.".'. J. Schutz. one 20 inch tile......... D. '. McDonald, 2dayo.............. F. McCuaig. 1y.velling.............'.' G Mighton. 59 loads................. 'cr,idye.ni,c'iofGiii "........... . - --"_'. uvmvvc II). G. Hay, frageinr.CU.r.'. A. Fletcher) drawing an placing toe........,:..:. H. McCormick. digging d u , "ML” .. .. V --""""' . ""'"' .... ........r.. if 00 J Holman; denim... ........ 4 oo P. Mountain", tl days................. a 00 P, Mountain and others gram... 24 25 S. Lowe, '.daya.............C.U.r.', 4 IX) R. Twamley. drawing and re- placing "le.....-..."'....:.".'.."..". 6 00 F. Heft, draw and replace tile... 12 00 e.inedirttptam, remove Ions...“ _ A m "Tre""'":'--............. " 00 D. Burgess, lowering culvert.... 3 25 Dlv. No.1. D. J. McDonald. Com._ G. Fisher, stoning.................... 2 50 W. 1iclleurman, 2 days............... 4 00 J,. Eclfechnic, t day .... ........r.. 2 00 ily,:?-'--)'- That clerk ad- vertise for collector of taxes until noon July 31. Salary '"s.00.--Cart.ied. The following accounts were paid " H. W. Hunt, Printed nonccs, Letting work anda dysunh Ery.in.ir.C.i...".r.C.'...y..ir.'..'.'l 12 on H. W. Hunt, Kennedy's bridge I 50 H. C. McKnight. Co. Eng., 2 A.“ m.." AN-----, ure. All contracts to be corppleted. by October ts, I922. Tenderstobi received until Saturday. July 29.-Carried. . Pir?ompd--Biair That voters' “It be revised transferring lot 6 to to, con. 10 and H and lot 6, con. 8 and 9 to to polling sub, division no. 8.--Carried. 1cPyyye.-papey _ That clerk ad- l Bentlnck Council " Bentinck, July to, 192? 1 Special meeting called to discuu advisability of building bridges. Re- lporu were read from Launty unafra- ', vmcialEngimcrsstatingthat our bridges lwere. no doubt, if kept in good repair. isyitable for the trathc at the time ithey were built, but no part of these . bridges was designed for the heavy traf- f‘c overcur hughuuys at the preterit unr. The timhtrs m the bridge; in; some casein-e giving way and couldl 1not be rebuilt unless a complete re- icorttstructio was made. “If. I f Prov. Engimer Lutmuiert states that 1bridgea of mu design throughout the 'province have not proved to be satis- l factory for heavy harm and are being replaced by Permanent structures. f Hewitson-Tvrnbug That Reeve advertiscin Contract Record fer ten- vera for Kennedy’s, C. Torry's apd Aberdeen (north) bridges to he built of cent!" abutmentn and steel uraci- The Coancil decided to rebuild Ken- redy's, Clark 'l'orry's and Aberdeen (“mm budge: ms year. thereby hav- mg Fertain roads ovcr which hea.vy mum could be diverted in order to tyve the Municwlity time to rchuiid the Isa/eras. The budding of the oth.tr. Nudge; and "iscing of debenture' will be decided later and only a part of the cost of construction will be levied this year. Bqarall..:.'.'.'. THE REVIEW [remove logs....... C"iiihiiiiira, ls gravel...... 2 05, """........a..... 4 so, . '"-.......... 3 20! W and. .... ...... l as} it) .. ........ ...... 3 28i . . ;.................. 10 02' il? tr.............. " " I w """.or........ 7 10! . :htilc......... l " iii v"......,..... tt 00 . . ing.............] 6 05 w ir-.............. 4 72’ a I ............. . 2 00: g Turnbuu. com. I " "-.....o.... lo 40 , ..... "w........ 4 4o": "'"........,... 6 005 tm.............. a 51% "".-......... 4 50 .... "'......... I on: o'.-......... 77 00 "-......... " " Ir............ 7 50 . "-...... 2 50 ... ......... " ............ l " grader ct Record for ten-! 'tr, C. Torry's am! i ridges to he built ml and steel Btruct- to he corppleted. by :ndentobc received 29.-Carried. . I , That voters' mil " lot 6 to to, eon. 8, con. 8 and 9 to on no. g.--Carried. I y That clerk sad-i of taxes until noon 1 5.00.--Carried. ! onts were paid " i notices, I a dys tstth i ..'.............. 12 00’ dy's bridge t 50 Jo. Eng., 2 _ "....o......... 26 40l crl ............. 1500 . Province 5 ""..'r........, " (NH tculvert.... 3 25: “Donald. Com,. F s............... 4 00: ... ........... 2 00‘ ".'...r........ a no! era gram... 24 25] " and rc- l ".............. ttttoi.'.'-'- and re 47 25 3253 1150‘ 3201 205. 3901 2sl ar so ( 30; 035 850 53‘? Minty's Sweet Kiss---- Ji', The Latest in Toilet Preparations I;s McBETH We have reduced prices on Fe: prices in .ny quantity will he as! Oat Feed per ton "-................ 'ls, f,i1z.t1.tn.?oci.tepeitu.t.r.'.r.r.'.'.r.r. " Chieftain Mixed Feedperton.................. 30. Durham 1rytes.tFeed,irertonC.". "'.m........ 28. 1t?yesf,reGu'riiG'r'tC,.".'.".y. "..v....... .. 20 fireeAt.iiGiiiiTirpu"'t'li, """'r............ 23 1egre,ryixeieiroT, perton.................... " WholeCom, '.'fEtfey--....C.y.y.'.y.y. MI lyttoiediGi', "f2y1-......l.y.y.y..'.Cf. 3I GroundCorn. pet-ton LV."'-............ 33 CruehedOIu. perlmlbe .... '....... .... 2 Crushed Oats,Corn and Barley Pert09ltm.... 2 ChoppedOau. 'tr!f.e!!l.l.C.T.'.y.'. 2 .eetiLoutiGi,' ',',tf,erl1ttc....../.C.C'.': I OatShonu. per too ytsv-..Cy.'..'.C./.' I. Ground Flux. Ku"t:ccc:Lr:.l.r.' 2. Poultry Scratch eed. pet-loom. ...... 2 firtckeuclGi,' periooitu ""'.'......... I; BabyChick Feed perluOlbe .'-......... a: FeedOatn. perbuuhel """--.......... A ----Above glee. are in any quantity from I00 lb. to ---lou of we tone or over, special prices wall be n --aether and get your teed at cation! prieea Terms Cad: Busineu Hours 8 I In tas p m -- ROB my MILLS, unite? Reduced Feed Prices ,I. V ’7 __ - - Ul KHAM " 'ura:a:a:a:ea:e '.eS:SS:Sq.'e.Sar.a.a:a.aes',v""4 tteturnira-Leave Toronto 6.50 am. and 5 td p m Parlor Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto on morning Guelph to Toronto on evening tram. Por full particulars apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Asrents '....t..t.t:..6.t.tt EEEEEEiééss Fs. GRAND TRUNK Railway System .SALT Try Nellson's le cream-lt's delicious. non no? mus, Limited '. CALDE Beggs' Store, Durham lhm't Scold your Wife tt/irh'i/,ir, PURITY (Ill PINE TREE FLOUR at $3.95 And it's fresh in. If you buy Cof- fee, you should buy the ttest. We have it, per lb........................... (50c Our customer. tell us it. jult plain good chee.e- not too old and not too new. Per lh ' 30c. Corn Chop, Chopped Screenings, Middlings. Hm; Shorts, Feed Oatmeal, Oat stmrts---tmthi" in lug PHONE so he you Tried our Cheese _ hll It New Ve'gt We bought before the advance. It’s a combinm Teas, blended together by An experienced blende, have tested it thoroughly and know it's a hangar” worth tlie a. pound. ll bile it lasts, per pound, 50 Cent', Cheap Sugars We sell the best quality of Groceries It they don't cost any more. Come to us wit h , fidence Cash or Trade and One Price. Stop Look Listen Ar Ar Ar Ar, Talcum Powders in can: Me, gins jars.., Face Powders, small size MK, Inge size vattithitttrCrearn "'.'..'.......'.........,......., Perfume............................., -_-, 2 00 Lv, Rideau Hall Coffee Mi) lbs. Black Tea, loosC '.ypri'i'ioiiiitii PALMERSTON Br macros ....... prawn 'CC_"," BRANTFORD . . .. HAMu.To.\'.4.... TORONTO....... yum AM 'articulars apply to Grand Trunk Tickvt Agent, ", Town Agent. Central Drug Store, Telephone 'Al IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE fn 100 lb sacks. It don't cost any more and none better for preserving in my quantity will be as follow, : ""'--.............. 015.00. saclisinc', ""!perton.................. 82.00 'l Table Salt and Cattle Salt in 100 ll, Was: 2001b bags, and in barrels. (Perton.................. 82.00 dpcrton...‘.............. 30.00 'Perton..... 'r.......... 28.00 rton...... "'.'....... .. 2000 mton "'.".-...._..... 234:0 crton.................... 3200 y--............?.'. 3000 'tacc-.............:.' 3‘00 mun .... ........ .... 210 od Barley Pert01tltm.... 2I0 .r!ae!!tl.l.C.T.'.y.'. 2.itt y/Pi....."."..".'.'."."..'.'.': I75 t)htttcv-..".t".".'.'.C.'....' I.“ 1'l't,ciriiid"1rr.' 2.75 . pal“) ...... 275 "ttttttie '"'"'......... i.es nthlbo .'.......... 32.5 |th """--.......,. A62 It's easy on your purse Daily except Sunday Redpath or St. Lawrencu .r......... 7.05.m .......... 'i'Mattt r.......... 8.283m F.......... 9.151m . ........ 190pm H7. 1:r, IOOpm .-.s...... ll.l0am 'oronto6att mm. and 502 No Town Delith' Telephooeday No 4. Night ml Take I brick home with you Druuilt and Stati, ".'.e DURHAM pn Feed. and JULY 20, 1922 New Panto" by the , , New Cucumbers New home-grown Tun , New home-grown Cab- New home-grown bun c, New home-grown Car.- Moo wnhout lam " 23 00 lacks tnclodt Fm 8200 tacks incluctc 3000 without sad-s SI 50 nth includmi " 00 sack-c included 2 to sack. includu: 2 IO "ck. include 1 f?l Dick! Includl d ' .. 2.75 " 2 " .. I.“ " us " .02 without" cm kn to ttrre tam. On made. Club :1 ...t.00 per ttit tlHes are fr:,, 4.23 p 51%|) 30 40 . Sth. 1 .00 t 50c Iudc ' M N m (t m fttt The ST ST W W M "

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