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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1922, p. 5

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isten [ystem loose ncludcd t sacks minded It in Feed I so ' 1922 awrence Statinnor Included ncludcd ntludtd minded ice. rham with )OII cw Vege- are Here mm “can. ‘t tack t sacks ations $3.95 sea? M BS On "f.ttE, \ft'r We nn. Weil 50 cents Carrot: ley and ith con- Bran "e Of [BE Large and medium Double Boilers $l.98 6 qt. Straight Sauce Pans L98 The Cash Shoe Store DURHAM. - - ONT. Are you prepared with Shoes for the holiday ? If not, givt- us a call. We will be pleased to show you our stock of oxfords and strap slippers in Bladk, Brown or White' Below we are quoting a few prices. Women's Black Calf Goodyear with 1 strap, . low heel, Buckle. (Classic)..................................85.50 Women,s Brown Calf Goodyear with l strap, low heel, Buckle. (Classic)...................................$5.50 Women's Patent Colt, l strap slipper Buckle. ' low heel.(Gracia)................................................$5.00 Women's Patent Colt 2 strap slipper low heel(Weston)$5.00 Women's White Canvas, 2 strap.. r...........................) \"o-nen's White Canvas, Oxford...............................$3.00 Its better to spend a few minutes now lot hf things you‘ll need while on your va "xperience days or weeks of inconvenience " your destination. We suggest: Macfarlanes' Drug Store STOCK UP BEFORE YOU START ON THAT TRIP it An inspection of our ":ation needs. Brushes, Bathing Caps, Stationery, Antis- eptic Solutions, Beadache Remedy, {Spon- ges, Bath Requisites, Shaving Supplies, Thermos, lodaks, &c. 1.98 Healing lotions. Ladies, Attention .l JULY 20, Buy your C. P. R. Tickets hero 5 J. S. MclLRAlTH Aluminumware July 21, 22, 24, 25 J. H. HARDING, Durham Beautiful Steamer Sets.................. 1.98 Large Percolators with glass tops.... 1.98 6 cup Tea Pots............................ 1.98 Set of 3 Sauce Pans, 2, 3 and 4 qt.... 1.98 6 qt. Tea Kettles ........................1.98 We can't mention them all, but (hey all go at $1.98, Four Days only, :, lace Creams, Powders Don't miss this. It won't be repeated. Every article is guaranteed first quality and heavy weight. stock will suggest many other 4 Days of Bargains in mums now in arranging a on your vacation than to after arriving The civic holiday committee are exerting every etfort to put up a great day of games and sports to interest and amuse the gathering. The Tor. onto Police pipe band in expected to be on the ground and the city is combed to procure the beat of i; tertainers for the concert in the even. ing when we expect to hare a varied program. that will interestand amuse all intelligent Canadians, not merely pamper the danish taste oi a few persons of any particular national. ity. The electrical storm accompanied by a gale of wind that passed over here on the afternoon of July 12, did considerable damage about a mile north of village, fences Were BWept down and the masons had the brick walls of a dwelling house for D. Campbell up about "t it., the light. ning struck the front wall and it was thrown into the cellar. ', Miss Esther McLean gave a splendid recitation, her enunication and inflect- ions making it a pleasureto listen to her. A pleasing piano instrumental was rendered by Miss Bessie Jones, daughter of the pastor, and Mr R. McKeen of Caren Sound, captivated the gathering with two tine violin numbers. Thevocal side ofthe program was given by Mrs H. McLean in a well rendered solo, and by a quartette from Durham, Misses; Vaddie Caldwell and Jessie Bell, Thos. Bell and Peter Ramage, with Miss Alice Ramage. accompanist. They rendered several quartettes in good harmony. Misses Bell and Caldwell, Messrs Ram. ago and Bell each duetts. It was after eleven when 'God Save the King" con-l eluded a bright program. The proceeds at gate were $91.70 I i The game was played on the school grounds and on repairing to the manse, well-laden tables outside were soon cleared by the large attendance. The program was in the hands of the pastor, Rev, C. S. Jones, who gave a brief ad- dress and in his duties as chairman, sus- tained the best of order and interest. Good addresses were also given by John L. McDonald, of the Ottawa schools staff, a former Priceville boy who has a warm spot in his heart lot his native) hills and streams, and by Rev Mr Bushel the new Methodist pastor. who gives promise of beinga real force and power for good in tne church and social life of village and district. Priceville Presbyterians were favor ed I with a tine, tttough cool evening {or} their annual garden party last Friday! night. The opening attraction was a; baseball exhibition match between Cey-: lon and Flesherton. l PRICEVILLE VILLAGE PRllGllliMLLE tdr/js Large Round Roasting Pan L98 L98 L98 1.98 1.98 L98 Earl McLean received some injur- ies to his leg from the streets, of ulide ia 3 gavel pit halide the Preaby‘u church shed where he nu working for the good raids. However there i llev Mr Buellel. the new Methodist 3 minister. gave a good address and JnoLMaDonald who is never behind in giving his sharein making the oa- aaeion a success. Mr and Mrs Me. Donald and little son just arrived from Ottawa that day to spend their holidays with Mr leD'a parenta. Mr. and Mo Alex McDonald of Prieeville. f The night and evening of July 14th pus fine end or ordered for the cocoa. ion. This was a garden puny at the Presbyterien msnee. Prieeville, and the occasion was quite a success. As thejunior Editor of the Review and meter were there, we need not say much. bat the “fair was quite e success, Those from Durhnm and vicinity. Mr Peter Romans and sister. Miss Alice. contributed largely to the entertainment as did the Bell family and Miss V. Caldwell. The ladies provided a good supper for all and for the program aide ot it Rev. C. B. Jones was chairman. All concerned will remember Civic Holiday in Priceville on August hh, 1922 when n good day end I 'good time is expected fertile oeeuion. A party was held at the residence ofColln McLean. Prieeville, one ev- ening lest week In honor of Mr and Mrs Buncimen of Toronto, Ind all enjoyed themselves. Mrs Rnnoiman n a sister of Mrs Hebe-n. and they left tor Toroncothie week. 1 Monday, 17th July. Reined again and some that were expecting a big haul telling in buy or sweet clover. was ihtappoiuted by the rein coming in early {orenoom However the reg- ulsrtimotby and clover " standing yet and doen t guffer. Other crops are doing well and in general are all heeded out and promises an early honest. Picnics are suspended forts while as the next two weeks will be busy ones. I PRICEVILLE AND SOUTH LINE Earle McLean while working in a gravel pit here was caughtby a cave in of the perpendicular bank and was very severly injured. 1.98 Large Potato Pot L98 Preserving Kettle 12 qt. size 1.98 THE DURHAM REVIEW gnvel Won'- roads. . Jr. .T.1 J B. Thlbldenu ttlt 10d: win ‘J. J, B'ack "pAirsiiiiiii ward 'r-....,........... M. Black approprintion wand T. J Brodie trppropriation ward 4 ... ...... .. ...... Towuh_ip_ pathTatuers Joe The eduncil met July 8th pursuant on adjournment. All the member. Ipresent, the Reeve in the chair. iMInutea of int meeting read and leotsiirtntd. Cotttrnuttications read as follows Ward Cotnrntaaionenp reports on appropriation expen- ditures. Several claim: for wire {fencing and for timber. for when: wu reed and agreed to. The ReeVe‘e _ report or: townline expenditures. orders on Treasurer were then issued " follows " The Reeve for townline work l G.& A. "ost...... '.'... 68 son Thos. J Brodie towniine work G. & H. 1eotst....., R..... " oo T. Turnbull appmnrinuon "-"--------.-- go hours ..,..".....".j..r."... " . E. Redford, 32 yards ........ 3 I "OPEVILLE H. Redford, 45 yards, k hours. 6 We are having plenty of rain with not W. Paterson, 35 yards ...... 3 much doing in the haying line. s. gillgartnvr. 117 yards. ... .. 11 Mr and Mrs Bates and two children G. rown, H yards F.......,. A iyiiiifi'i have been spending their I" Alma": M) ye1t j ' ....._.. x hohdaysgt the home of her mother, Mrs. . . Pr lin. 49 yards '.f""'_" 4 {Harvey Esplin. i F, tt 4 Te/ct, t.1r.1tt.", Co's. . Mr Wm. McEachnie was in Arthur) r" a}? It", 0 ters, gra\....$ Ion July12th assi ti M F . A. 31(1me and others. do.. 31 ‘band y - 5" tng t. Nest pipe) T. ()‘Bn-in and others, do.... a? il ' I lt. Hewitson and oihu-rs. tio.. 23 I Mr D_onald Ferguson has purchased. J. Hewiteon. pint-int: ('ulwrl and (the MfydlepropeityiniiUvriisri, _ hiring mun "'.'.....t...... z: l Mr WillieFettis hasgone to Manitoba C. Alles. sioning .....wr..e... P". the summer months. i J. Wallow, stoning ........... 2 l Mrs J.Dezeu has been very ill the: w. SW!” tlvawinR "n" place 1 past week with typhoid tever but we are) ing culwrl ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Pleased to hear her condition is som:-' C. Cotter, 1lo ."...rr.r....r. c, whatimproxed. Her daughter Mrs J. J J. Htrtvitrion, WWW to Emil"? . iStephensis nursing her. J. Sachs, undvrhrushing ...... 2 i Capt.Alfred Dezell. Chicago is home' P. brawn-r. dragging .r'r.... 9 1 f to spend some time at his mothers, Mrs P. hmun-r. Hmwm” .... . .. x 1 J]. Dezell's, i (i: 'rt2",."y..,"1 stoning ........ l I Mrs E. E. Hockridge took atri to’ . PU", 'd mu”. .......r.... y. 1 Manitoulinlast week. p , i',: 12:33:3'12 mains ........ " i ) Born at McCord, Sask.. July 2nd to) i.' /Gli/s'on', 'ririiiikiiii'.1".'.' fit) : Mr and Mo Alex McDonald, a son. f G. Hastie, stoning ........... c. Mrs Jas.. Scott. has po far recovered) E. Redford. S' hours '....'.... 2 w from Injuries received man accident I N. Redford. x hours ......... 2 ll feyplt of weegs aim to he removed to A. Meiscke, 75..vards .....t.. 7 5 .7 Am‘nn .... --- -- _.., . . as mud. _ Mrs Jas. Scott has so far recovered lrom injuries received in an accident a couple of weeks ago to be removed to her home on Sunday and we hope in a short time she will be able to be around Mrs E. E. Hockridge took a trip to Manitoulin last week. Born at McCord, Sask.. July 2nd to Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald, a son. Capt. Alfred Dam. Chicago is home to spend some time at his mothers, Mrs J. Uezell's. E Mr Wm. McEachnie was in Arthur) A on July 12th assisting Mt. Forest pipe) T band. i] Ir Mr Donald Ferguson has pyrchased, J, the McArdle property in the village, : Mr Willie Fettis has gone to Manitoba C, for the summer months. 1 I Mr and Mrs Bates and two Children. Hamilton have been spending their hoiidays at the home of her mother, Mrs Harvey Esplin. l Mrs Wm Lane and non visited In John Pearson one day last week Master John Wiloen went to Flesh. erton Monday eVenlng for his holi- day. Mr Donald ligand Sn. visited Proton friends, Sunday. I Born, at Balgonin, Sub, July wt to Mr and Its Wes. Latte, 8 dau. ghter. Mr R. J. Wilson returned home Monday night after three weeks holidays. a; '. “a Mr N, A. McQueen and Mr Dou. gnli McDannel ere busy building the wall for their new burn and house. _ “in Mary McCennel visited her sister, Mn George Love one day last week. Quite a tow in our burg attended the U. P. O. picnic in Proton and report a good time. Mr and Mrs iohn the latter', patents, Boole: Sunday 1yat. Mr Art. Lungvislted It! Will Lane on Sunday Miss Essie Earthen is home from the city and visited Mr Douglli Mc- Cannei'l one day last week. Mr and Mrs Irvin Geddes visited the letters parents, Mr and Mrs S. Williams on Sunday. v -"a "'"""'"B. Miss Alice Wilson and friend, Miss Pinkerton returned hone from the city one day last week. Wedding belle are ringing Mr and Mrs Thus Reid And Mr and Mrs Tho: Hudson St. visited at Mr Simon Williams on Sunduy. Wedding balls are ringing. Lax! work's budge! Mr and Mrs Will Leith visited Mrs Neil Cameron on Sunday evening. - Mfiiiir Int-y and Ne'm. Ferguson visited their Inter, Mrs Wm Lune one day last week. Sony to report that Mn Lothian "I “ken yety sick but hope to hear of be! Sefro"tr. Mr and Mrs Wm, Lula wanted a thelattery when. Mr Jno Fergu- on Sunday Int. __ Me Wall.“ Hooper nu mm: in our burg Sand-y. Min Alice Wilson ind friend Min Pinkerton, wanted " Fmdhy cum one day last week. Mr aney and Mia! Pearl Wil- liams spent lbs week end at Mr Wm Lawrence’s ind attended service " Amon Church Sand-y I. m. Berry picking it now the order of the day. I Mu thilhUKinnon, daughter Ella land Ion Hector of Toronto" button merly alibi. place. ore visiting old friends fora while. Hector beings member ofthe Globe ma. bl! re. tomed. Dr Lone olao paid I ttying Visit. l let: bone: broken though)” will be lei up for some time. QDnring the electric norm one ev- 811ng last week. Dan Campbell‘s brick house in course ofereetion wee struck by lightning and one corner "at dlmlged. . Glenelg Council appmpriuuou B00TtivILLE visltfd his brother, n Penman viaited 1. Mr and Mn Jos. 44t so ‘1130 267 99 100 Cu 3t 70 The Stand Ready for HAY-FEVER nu ”than. Sold bran good Dawns. For Free mu "tter-met-Iii-te Sold by MacBETH'S DRUG STORE E. Monk, " yards ..r....... 5 80 W. Patterson, 35 yards ...... 3 50 P. Robinson, " yards ........ x 60 H. Redford. " yards ........ 4 50 E. Redford, 33 yards ........ 3 30 F. Prast. halt cost me ....... 4 53 -Turtauu-Hewiaon.. That " " journ to meet Monday. the 28th day of August, tor levying um: um! senenl business. A. MeiBCKe, 73,3'31‘05 ' E. Meyer."" yards ... T. O'Brein, Mi yards... J, Crlmmons. 51 yards C. Wilkinson, 79 yards L. Mahn, 135 yards ... P. Kramer. 51 yards . J. Sutcmfe. 77 yards . E. Monk, SR yards ... W. Patterson. 35 yards P. Robinson, " yards . H. Redford, 45 yards . E. Redford, " yards . F. Pram. halt cost tue J. Hudson and others, gravolln 21 R.Bennington and otherteulvert 12 J. Christie, 42 yards ......... 4 E. Hopkins, 53 yards, road, culvert.c, ."...r... ..r...... Ill 65 G. Rear, 227 yards ....r..... 22 tit W. Hazlitt, halt cost in yards. 1 M James Turnbull. 3 days ...... 9 oo Div. s- Chat. Bailey, Com. T. Acton and others. gravoll..$37 00 P. Schmidt, " yards and road 7 60 C. Bailey, phoning and muse " W. Hazlitt and others, grading half cost ..'................ 9 " C. Bailey, grading, halt cost... IR 75 W. Hazlitt, half cost 31 yards 1 55 E. Owens and others, grading I S. L. 15 .'................. 52 00,1 J. Hudson, townline B. & N.. 33 'ro) tite ..'......... ...... W. Grlerson, 114 yards ' E. Edge, 106 yards ..... E. Rosetrormurh, 91 yards E. Armstrong, 16 hours . It, Noble. 16 hours ..... C. Bailey, dividing line ... D. J. Mrlkmuld. half cost J. Milligan, drawing tile ..... J. Milligan and others, grav... W. Torry 'and others, gru‘... J. McKenzie. [unveiling . . . . . . R. Mighlon. 24 hours ........ G. Torry, 12 hours .'.......... F. Wise, 112 yards grawl .... J. Rear, 175 yards gravel ..... Mrs. Harvey. 317 yards gravel T. Milligan. 70 loads gravel .. 0. Bauer, Mt yds. and road .... L. Hopkins. 16 hours ........ W. Derby, drawing and placing Div. 2 --Jag. Turnbull, Com. G. Johnston, 2 hours ........t G. Wise, ditch .".'.......... 1 J. Turnbull, grading account .. 91 M. Mervyn and others, gran. 4,' G. Wise, drawing and placing culvert ........ .....a...... 1 J. Relay and others. gravvl'g.. 3: w. Connor. 22 10-inch tilo.... 21 C. Petty. K hours show-Hing .r. ' L. Mountain, K hours shovel’g 2 W. Bailey, 16 hours shovelling. 4 H. Reay, 16 hours shovelline. 4 By-an No. 619 giving lone ex- tention to the Giant”: Telephone system "I placed and the council adjourned. Brodie-at. Black Tint the otter of G. M. Leewn M. P. P to pay to the council the sum rd $50.00 out of the Legislatures $600410 bonus be not accepted and that this council hereby tender to Mr Leelon our " cere thanks for his (enemas offer. - Carried, withteam................ Mrs Inn]:- Smith refund of dogtnxon dogs...... .... T. Tumbul! com. on expend- "ure...,............",.... J. J. Buck com. on expend- itttre-.....r...r..IC. M Black com. on expend. lure................'..: T. J Brodie com. on expend- ituxe.............u... trpectitttr.... ..j. ../ . .'...1 ple_tA1atraitsrr...... ...... .. . J Kflfer 6 hours winter work TORONTO l'-‘I-.IIIOOO ............. Angus McAnhur us rod. 'rirefenehte...,.. ...... .. Henry Hooper " rods of wire fencing.... .... ...... I B. Thibadenu 8 pitces of timber for what... ..... D. Morrison, sheep killed by dogts.. .... .... .... ...... . Col'n McArthur, sheep in. (Continued trom In: week) fencing? BENTINCK COUNCIL J. H. Chittiek Clerk. J. S Blaek, Clerk. 76oi N60; 510, 790! " so! 510' 770. 10 52 33 21 50 "o 00 50 50 oo M (m 20 90 no 0" " Raisins Me ty lb ; 'st Tomato Soup 10e g 1:: Keep Sweet Milk 15c . " Keep Sweet Cream 25c t J,' Oreto - for Jens and . up Jellies 300 t it Tepestry Rugs $2.75 ti q Umbrellas 1.50, 1.75. 3.00 * It Ladies' Voile Blouses t " . t C, L. Grant t 50 00 00 .‘<\ . i"d * . . cuu-vm * 66664" 40 90 90 30 20 50 50 "lo " " u 40 30 30 20 " 85 I so moo I' House Needs 800 gigantwvrt VE'RWVRW'E' Having purchased the bettt up-to-date machinery, I have opened up I new shop on top of the hill and am prepar- ed to do all kinds of machine work-- windmills, threshing machines. cream separators. bicyc)e.ovatshina machine- lawn mowers. called for and delivered Scissor. and knives sharpened, Thank- ing my old customers for then pat- ronage. Hope they may continue and gain many new ones. Work guaran- teed and prices reasonable. Giver me I ca I. 2t tf A, INNES. tooo 24o 3t as " 50 The Durham L'.F.0. Live Stock Ship- ping Auociation wsll ship stock from Durham every Tuesday. Parties are re- quested to bring stuck man that day but gave three days noun. JAS. LAWRENCE, Manager, Phone " r 1-8. R. It. No 1, Durham Kuhnic'l Mills, Durham. Saushction guaranteed. Corn, mixed chops. oats and all kinds of feed for sale at current prices. Brooms at 500 Yono, andChurlou 52...;oronto Strictly In! duo. Graduate. readily obi-m employment. It pay. to attend the but. Catalogue free. I 30:0: fi,e?,rrfte tonne Univ-1.. a. an: So I can "can! In“ l lulu-y tn 'IMI. 'lWeu'l. 0 ll teq - wu- Jownllrv can. an opp. i' cin- Post om Custom FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 28 DURHAM - All!) - HANOVII luv-mar. Solicitor. no. 1tuoi/, m an... - ,-___--. "ml.. v- I, on, I. ”-3 HONOR GRADUATE of Tom-n. University. ndtaate of Royal “one“ of 'Cill'lh'inflth"d _9tontcrio Boo-I n... I A * "m------- w. _c. PICKERING -ir. o s., L as our: 2-6 Afternoon lion-z t-a Evening . Except Bunch” BRS. JAMIESON E iisuirsG; - ._-._.:-.w. burnt!" and Lamhton. appetite old m ottlee Hours.. 0 to " I m., a m., 110 9 p. m., Sand unday afternoon ucrptcd OMee And. mug“, J. L. sm m. st.i, M; c193. . iv. a. iiiiiFiiiii7.'ir, o lo can: noun; 0-1! B. I (4 a 'I. I‘ll-choc. Ctt'wtrvtte.ttor, but! Manual! u all ma Ready for Business """"""'""t,t,tate and” Flu“: over 1. P. talcum I. 0 Ir ”will. loud" oaite. '_.-- - Office on Lam»; St Notice lo Farmers chopping every dayat Mc- El: Canon hon-chic! "'""'Healmstdi I“ . B. CURBEY W. J. Elliott, Principal leytce, corner Comma. opposite old Post on]. toll a. an, LN“. Ema Sand”. - Ay. T t i. 3.00 if 1e: t t-9..tiB let" o...- 91:1 titt

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