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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1922, p. 7

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DIE lltu'uuttl.s there arrived at Wain- , "gm Park a strange alien animal. a mi bull trom the oh!” and windy pla- mull trl Central Asia. The 6,000 mile V. up ', :1 the animal in good condition; a' 'i , run.» to a region muck similar ll -.':n:|!¢- to its own. The yak is the L. nwrully cunnecting link between law” and domestic cattle, and mate: readily with cattle. so It I! MING 'm as rt with the buffalo. m. it bhopod In "vi,.1.,e another {no in the neat future, or types. The m I. a - hinge-r. equal if not superior to the buffalo. " is distinguished by “A long hair Hm! horseHl. tan. mtsaltr black tn color. some are brow-m or'wblle. It ml? stand the most extreme cold ad In rwmu'kabiy tmo hom dilute. The mm: .,'s or liner - than that of cab tie, tt H-o- back. the most nimble part i' ”new, and the inheritance of mm!)- is noticeably present in -’-'II! and caltan. Samples of -:-r of u fully matured cattalo “w recently sent out " a test "tty-five householders try the Board. accompanied by ordinary Fifteen declared in - of the; Possibilities of the Yak. vshole experiment otters great . tn Canada that her arctic ". the form lands and tho great Mr! N far north will in the prudh: " great quantities ot beef _ mm to the people. The but. North America (the bison) car- very high percentage of been Canadian Government Pro- ducing New Type of Amunk for‘Hunnn Comm mm: ':ortls of buffalo once more w my»: the vast plains of northwest, ,. y, t' mum and thriving on land other: v u"cs.thosurttothsrimrthetres,t. ot) _ A.? ;- lo thew sturdy animals! Greatl " than may again oler buffalo! . Lug to swrtmen on the North! I (1-H 11 mineut at . time when; ”wimp,- of people hare come to‘ ", '.r rhul the bumuo as a big game; _ , tux: p:tstied forever! No wild] r. ",1.:,, mu the truth; a possibility, [ 'r. ”Hawaiian? future, ( '. mu 1 we is not only great pm- 5...- Imm- herds may in the near, _ run!“ the otherwise useless,; " . run: (I ot northwestern Cane-i V l 'l (-1":L and Mackenzie territory,, . v,' :Iwn- will awe be mammal} _ . m 'h types ot animal which :1 . rr,", x-v have trod the face ot the" , "r. unis Itrvdueed by crossing.! r::',," H: with domestic cattle; but-lt _ ,r? 2 'lu- yak ot central Asia and 't 4‘ .ml awn-me mule of such“ .- .r tltr' Hereford, Angus and]! t. tshirh already have proved', 5 t t 13w 1u'tvisinq with the buftalo. I .. a“ ty to date of this great an n 1 t :3 i, laid upon the plains of the a T t v I t Alberta, where in an enor- I D " an! inclusive, the harm of! Y, .' In! In t'.r, world, roams in natural) _ :5; . Huvur'nmem's herd of butralo,l "':vwis Ilium. for this animal, so" BEING WORKED our ON ALBERTA PLAINS. THE STORY OF h GREAT EXPERIMENT Herd Now I OWN!!! by the Government. t' had any infectious disease. nttwr of rustling they are ,hc buffalo and thrive on com- r" poor pasture. They live lwller on the Alberta plains a few times have been fed g one winter when the snow deep. ll tft ark M .nd eattaloes. These were to Wainwright Park and an inclesure adjoining the " ll " as 188 catt \cunar to the land. Tturl comprises 15,875 square! ted near the town of Wain. w to tho main line of the ational Railway. The park by a galvanized Mae! wire iles long, 9 feet high and cons-(rum 25,000 posts and V of wire, As a pmectionj Erie tire a strip of ground]I ..' t . l t v . . mu: ls nomad on elthm I tttl mu Boyd of Bobcaygenn, _ a ft prrinurrstlng in 1894 was ", med new made. By mating t "er' bull with various domes- ttrin "wooded In building up or 0 C1'.r't types of a new race, Bl 'WYX his death, In 1915,'orig mt of Agriculture mxr-iham s estate twenty head of mus attaloes. These were! tolto , bunk half butt e, th ot th Numbers About 6,000, to the land uttalo, halt do- Je offspring ot this new race ts which make a new type of Yom mating but. tle. a type with various men as! The origtn of the t not until the, Bpieer, or Spiser. is (1 of Bobcaygeon. ! a far greater extent as in 1894 was ': medieval English new le. By matins' "er" with the name various domes,. thing to Indicate the j in building up or occupationally con is a bison, a - "-""".r ouwva 11mm to handle. but goods coming un- ' der the general elast,iticttrion ot spices ‘1! you interpret the word in its most iliberal sense. Fresh vegetables, you face. were purchased in the ttrrmem' 1‘ markets. or occupationally connected with But while It is quite true than original Spiccrs were merchants handled spices or nmnnrm nmm Variation-sms, Racial origin-ttrt-. Source-An occupation Colusn ~"Vcll, yes; but not so much as I am unit oht bad money." rt-----..---. ”land's LII-Imam Rollo": Nauru.“ The Columbia river flows 1,400 miles with a total drnn A? o Wort AY I Cohen-N bite " to See " it is ttout," Isaacs, -"Bud aitt) microbes ?" on“, ' You can get these medicine dealer or by a box or six boxes tor Dr. Wiuiams' Mediciz ville, Ont. I w. "urn uLner treatment fails, for I these pills make new blood, enriched 1 with the elements on chlch the nerves Ithrive. and in this way reach the root {of the trouble. In proof of this is the (statement ot Mrs. Dockeriil. Strat. gford. Ont., who says:~"My daughter,, :Matilda, was suffering from nervous Mobility, and the usual remedies did i not seem to help her. I was advised ‘ " a. friend to give Dr. Williams' Pink lPiHs n "in! ..--, _ -- "v... "on. by a friend to give Dr, Pills a trial, and soon wane doing her a gm; She complained of pai nob, and a severe m: heart. with a general der the use ot these tinned to train, and I be saved her from ttoime it Made " Canadian Pomun Canal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ont-vio. ___ -.. .wuug; WWII“! I knees Ind ankles: headaches, when and sleeplessneu. The 1: requires immediate attention, for i ing but suitable treatment will pr l a complete breakdown. The nervous, system governs whole body, controlling heart, 1 digestion and brain, so that it i surprising that nervous disturb; muse acute distress. For troubl this kind Dr. William’s Pink Pills Peed when other treatment fails these pills make new blood, enri with the elements on which the m thrive. and in this wav MM" “* 7‘ "I bility In whit oppressed by trouble advan The Most Successful Treatment its Through the Blood. The early tr Q noted by MERWORKED RIMES an of the family name of Spism‘. is quite obvious. To ter extent than we do, the ’nglish used the termination the name or an article or sed by their nerves. A: the a advances, common symptom tired feeling; weakness In the and ankles; headaches, back- nnd -'--, . umm'a river flows 1,400 a total drop of 2,500 feet. Ire----.-.'-;"" Bud aiu'd you u-ly stages ot ner4oua debility d by restlessness and irrita. which the victims seem to be A u._ -. A dn, and I believe they have Pom going into a decline." gm these Plus from any nlnv- rt.. b... --r. _ - Of Tw?, EFG, SmiL - Gif Théii Oriéiii SPiCER And Grape-Nuts builds health. Nourishment for tissue and bone and nerve and brain is contained in xes tor $2.50 from Medicine Co., ll TIT',,",', nothing more gratifying and delightful than a dish of Grape-Nuts at breakfast or lunch time. The crispness and the full, rich fhivor of this splendid food have a wonderful charm for the eftery shilling I take person habitually --_..- ...., by mm} ft 50 cents tr In Spicer. He 3 Danish or Norse brig!!! it the wide and f common as either the Nm " heart, lungs, D that it is not us disturbances For troubles of Pink Pills sue. afraid of on, for noth- will prevent The matter m The Brock. _ "Brag," or "Braga" in the northern Teutonic nomenclature. indicated the pagan god of eloquence, and it was to be expected that in those sturdy, rough and primitive days there was a closer connection between eloquence and borttrtNInesy than we give to these words to-day. It was no: strange that the verb "to brag" was evolved, nor that it should finally come to Indicate boastfulness rather than eloquence in! our modern speech. trlo-Saxon names I? “I that mun Racial origin-Norse-Eng; 8ouree--A given name. A poor relation is always a distant relation. Australian cotton producers recently received that country's titat ginning plant and have ordered a second from the United States. The balloons follow curious tracks at times, especially at stations on our eastern coasts. When a wabreeze is blowing shorewtrrds, the balloon tm. vels westward over the land, but as it rises it soon passes beyond the in. fluence of the easterly breeze. If the wind above ls from some westerly point, as is usually the case, the balw loon often returns overhead across the station. and is lost to sight far over the sen. The other type of balloon is much lsmallor, and is made ot thln rubber, generally dyed a dark color to render it easily visible. These are termed "pilot balloons," and are sent up In considerable numbers every day. They are intiated with hydrogen, and after being released are observed in their ti0rht by means ot measuring instru- ments. The instrument is protected ire-m injury by being enclosed in a light bamboo framework, whGe the rem- nants of the balloon act as a parachute so that the records obtained are usual- ly recovered in good condition. A notice is attached to the instrument entitling the finder to a reward on handing it in at any post (mice. The records made include pressure, temperature, and humidity, and the whole is contained on a small plate of silver-plated metal not much bigger than a postage stamp. A microscope is required to enable, the records to be! read with accuracy, but the results are very dependable, ' Two types of balloons are used for this purpose. The larger type ia sent up with a small imrtrumont called a "meteomgmph" attached to it. It con- tinues to rise until it bursts, when the meteorogmph falls to earth. tt Is not general]; known that 'neteotxylogricat experts use balloons to "sound" the upper air. . Novel Method-pf Exploring Grape-Nuts-c, Cotton In Australia. BRAGG mougn being ot rigin it was not so the Norman or An- Grape-Nuts is ready to serve from the paeUge---nnd always crisp and appetizing. If you and your children have not yet begun to enjoy the benefits of this wonderful food, suppose you begin today with an order to your grocer. Grape-Nuts in form. "There's “I have noticed," said Uncle Eban "dat de man who gits so trelfish dat he' can't, think o' nobody 'cept hisse’f.l ginerally looks like he war thinkin' ofl Iumpin' disagreeable." 9 Japanese colonisrts have introduced pearl culture into Brazil. obtaining gems equal to those cultivated in Japan. and patience be strengthen a strained heart that is rr may with the aid of the a qualities be nursed back to THE BODY Bun “fag -w_e_._ In" Jamil“ can. In the Young, strain owing to, The invisible ear too strenuous athletics is irequently A. o. Leonard, whi met with, and many otherwise splen- megaphone, titttag didily equipped young men have in. tiredy out ot sight. Jared themselves permanently in thel hearing ot hundreds, gymnasium and on the athletic field. 1 York city. Mr. Leo: At the other extreme is the tiabby, , drum to relieve him weak heart, which is fiabby and weak‘ and head noises, at from too little exercise. In such “successfully that no [ case every other muscle in tho body is , is a deaf man. It also fiabby and weak and will continue f deafness is caused so until the sufferer changes his habits i perforated or wholly and tones up his whole muscular sys-fdmms- A request t tem by means of correct exercise. Any. A. o. Leonard, Suite mus-ole not 'sumeiently exercised will _ New YUrk city, will be flabby, and any muscle too enter-1ND”- guilt-ally exercised will suffer from; ------t- strain. "" -- - ' [start Me with good, strong hearts sub- Ject them to some form or over-strain the effects of which they may feel tor a long time, even for life itself. It there is reason to suppose that a. heart has suffered from sham. it stands to reason that it should receive rest and care, just as any thed muscle should receive them; Indeed. because of iii) Importance it should receive unusual l Since hearts differ from one another Must as their owners differ, the phrase “'a normal heart" must be used in an elastic way. There is no need to go into a discussion ot what people call "heart ditreaso," which is another elas- tie phrase; it is safe to say that very few persons come to the age ot three- some years and ten without their quite normal hearts' doing some quite ab-' normal thhtgrr---and yet they are noneI the worse for it. i easily-digestible 'twr-ther month of oppreealvé heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; in extremely hard on little ones. mu. rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera in- fantum carry " thousands of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubies or if they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers 'during the hot summer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach. and an occasion-l al dose given to the well child will prel vent summer complaint, or it the trou- ble does come on suddenly will banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co”, Brockville, Ont. RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD ON TIE BABY Strained or Weak Hearts. Pearl Culture In Brazil, bat is not diseaséd of the same moral suffer from 'e The cure by medical Often acute Ill leave the normal l to mothers as is Baby'g regulate the ( an occasion. stops . Can anyone explain why a man who knows he has a Wally bad temper is always extremely angry when he loses it? l "Hang it all, sir!” radeVme old sen wan-101'. tsrhtliag, “What's the con. founded sea tar?" It was pointed out to him that this was An "tempt--wise or taot--to re. move the mepace from the seas. A retired naval omcNyr said that he could not understand "all this disarma- ment nonsense." No trir.' What would Britain be without a navy? Had WP forgotten Trafalgar? Was it not our glory and our tradition to maintain the freedom of the seas? The best of all habits is to break our habits. Nothing restores our self-re- rpect so much as the discovery that we can do without pleasums to which we have become ttabituatad.--Mr. A. G. Gardiner. There is nothing better than five minutes with a pair ot dumbbells it a girl wants roses in her weeks. It has the lip-smut and the mugopot well beaten. 'Dr'. Martha Tracy. Promoting a man according to the! length of his service is silly. You 1 might as well promote him according- to the length of his it0ae.----Mr, Henry} In“; Ihave never been tibia to under- stand the making of long tttees in the presence of trotttrie.--Bishop of Wake. field. We have more leisure now in one year than our forefathers had in war tr-Mr, George R. Sims. A man can be a scoundrel without breaking any law. Jlr. George Her. nard Shaw. High walls of hollyhoek and morning. glory Concealed the ancient house with gables wide, Shut out the world of swift and merry hours. In the strange silence ot a fairy story My heart tood still. Then at a turn I spied My mother, smiling at the other tlowers! " I chanced upon the was bowered re- I treat For the ttrst time, and never shall " forget l The spell or tangled mystery; the ; wet Beijt-Ied leaves like tittgors curled to meet My childish hand: me unimaglned sweet I Ot Drier, heliotrope and mignonette. , The tang of box, and quintet flow-) era set T By mazy paths tos Lillfouta,n but ' I','"'""'?"") mat no one could tell he iis a deaf man. It ls effective when [deafness ls caused by catarrh or by I perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request tor Information to I A. o. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Ave., :New York city, will be given prompt l reply. "A... The invisible eardrum invented by A. o. Leonard, which in a miniature megaphone, tittiag inside the ear en- tiredy out ot sight, is restoring the hearing ot hundreds, of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself ot deafness and head noises, and it does this so -."MM..I..II-. AL,. 1| _ One time when the b speaking to a native congt Africa a tall, muscular l wearing only a lion cloth, E little chapel after the omens ed on the benches. Ne w: way down the centre triste squatted on his heels. A m asked him to sit on the bane big fellow moved between u benches: and sat on his ha Noticing that they were citedly at the from wheels, asked the missionary what saying. The missionary " they were crying out, "Pl fellows! Plucky little tell; they are swam. but the I can't catch them!" ______..... mun'pl'lclly u; "tamctehatie of the heathen mind. A wheeled vehicle was. delivered at a missionary post in Africa for the "otrt1venieace of the workers. The m.- tlves, who had never seen. anything like it, gathered round with much Jab bering. When the missionary and‘ Bishop Sellew started " in it tor the ilrgt time the excitement of the na. tives me to a high piteh, and they tol. lowed alongside the vehicle, yelling and clapping their hands. ISSUE No. ___ -v -auq muuuullt (Thumb, a great traveler. bells several amusing incidents that show such amazing simplicity is characteristic ot the heathen mind. Can you imaging . mp ot human beings no simple that they - be. lieve that the rear wheels at I buggy are trying to catch the front wheels? Or cu: you believe that . vigorous man could apnoea-a bench and not know how to on down on it? Bishop Walter Sellew of the Free Methodist (‘hnmnh .. ---_» A _ Random Remarks Hy Haring Ruined. What " I; For, Can you The Old Garden, me when the bishop was to a native congregation In tall, muscular black man. Abbie Par-well Brown, Simple Indeed. Lilliputan feet cent re awe and sxonary replied that out, “Mucky little little fellows.' Bee, :uwr mack man, cloth, entered the were. looking ex. w, were seat. walked half. , the bishop t they were big “leek prompt ade * butt - “Wm Buttered rut. Bore Poet. mud root Iran)": and Aching root. Artur” ' .V A w,' Give Cuticum Soap. "oirGaent and Takum the daily are of your skin. “It“? Id. " . nu. '" u mm, mam-I Ttft tet than. 80195:. chums-none. Tue-man IBl."NUiiiid Soap alum with.“ u... Handy "Bryn" hues " P? ' 3:214 Alum-1 u tle trash. r "; In»: l .. " ir, Inwlix-Ivmnlu' or Sum-I-Hr-md u km. Fl manufacture. TO "all: the pumm- naming! um be sauna with that mm um In let all the time. "She tried different remedleo but they did not do my good to begun to we Cmicun Soap und Ointment Ind after using three cakes of Cuti- cura Soap and two boxes of Cuticurl Ointment the was healed " (Signed) Mrs. B. F. McDuify, 20 Fania-AS; Buster, y. H., Dec. M, 1920. "For three years my daughter was troubled with pimples on her face and arms. They were hard. large, and ted, and some of them {entered and were very sore. Her face was _diMigured for a while, and she tstayed Irrparly all the time. It is never too lite to begin now. Accept only " "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose walked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by million. for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis : Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain n Is always safe ti, Ja Express Money Order. 1 costs three cents. Also h Arms. Very Sore. lhtiara Headed. A Swiss engineer employed by Greece has estimated that live water. wls in Macedonia can be made to yield 350,000 horsepower and produce 120,000,000 kilowatts or electricity an- Dually. PIMPLES (Ill FACE M (l YEARS UNLESS you "About two years ago I suffered I complete breakdown brought on by overwork. We were doing a Heap deal ot overtime work; which flutus'i' got the beet ot me and I just had mi so to bed and stay there tor several dass. This left me in such a. bad con-l dition that I had no appetite at all, and I was so weak that when I walked; wound I would Just stagger. I took, all kinds of medicine but failed in get any better. i "However, Tanlac has but" me up until I feel like a diner-em person} I've gained eleven pounds. and emf back on the tob working as good u' ever. I Just can't thank Tazuae l enough for putting me in such line 1‘ condition." l TORONTO "r want to give a. little history of my case Just to let the public know what Tani-c has rally done for me," said Edward White, ot 27 Cuolim St. South. Hamilton, Out, 1 well-bio“: foreman Nr the Dominion Steel Com. DMIY- l Tumu- is He Suffered n Complete M- ti.ewn from, Overwork But " by Tan] Pounds, White. hiii"":"iiiiii" hint Power In Macedonia GIVES DEI'AIIS TO THE PUBLIC MONEY ORDERS sold by all good drunk": Atht, u see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all d; m,“ ' .. .' ir, mm». 1;-- ct nun-r Venn-hunt. at Inno- ruu-nmd up , 't I. uv-H i". “H mm A “alum - tun-r the ram-iv plats! mumm- an. when ow“. {map-I! that (can! nude new. ttte "uuysr Ut then rub lNlMl-tN'l' met I a Dominion Five dollars ifyo Also the Vegetabler -coitGGi'd you value of Lydia H, Pinkhatur Vegetable Compound. Woman ("a u Where, either by word of mouth or by letter, recommend this splendid medicine. Those who have “tend from female weakness. change of lite, and almmr troubles know of the wond‘erful [any brought to them by a..- 1.-...- I‘ n-» . , ”0131?“: wnl‘: mg. wnmrn 'h.-’ ' k'.-. . ' though, I ""r' '.t Fro-ii. try it. I 7'0] l) t Jim-"4Q: it did him my . r ”$5 1 , I am hmk n: ("W ." Et??L"f1 my own lxrmzr WW tir i and Mom cl . ' ' y _ Slrnng awn'r' Y have rpcomm ndr! Four Vegouhlo Compound to qm'-- l few friends and you can uso m r: me " you wish to do soc-Mes. H. Poznan. Box 440, Mmford. Clio. In your own neizhhmhmd th, l rm- dnuhtlose womrn “PUD know r.' , " great value of Lydia If I"!:;»}*:":- til WEAK ' COULD HARD” ll Now 9mm" of 24 and 100 Now Look: After Home, Thank. to Lydia E. Pink. Inn's Vegetable Compound I Perhaps the quaintect form of tou- drinking is that tum-tied by the luv. 1 are tribes in “fury, in Cantu] Ash. {he leaves ur- flrtst boiled in soda. l then seasoned with butter and “It, I and then eateet. the can. Min-M's Llama! tor uh mm"! WW "Chm mam noting.“ heatasr m m 'signed that a... b. counted than any room In I house, M101 . second button turning " Ohm -‘n An chart ntta on and lights the heater has been a. - ‘wu. will“ you to up vu at lowest price- In aha. ferrous!!!” c... 115 York St.. Toronto. Ont l Yi0if 'y_ttert to “Home “LT WORK. ' d. - . ”new". T"Ar,,ttiEE BELTS AND TlON ' M- --‘ ‘W - comet: SALT LAN D'-’SALT DO ANYTHING Button Dunning. Y/he s"INottiLt rm . u . I. Mr, GI'.".. on.“ 139 on um an... INN; DISEASE “4!“me if tw),',')"'.',')','.",?,", ctuchment m turn- aria? 924591-633 puc-

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