West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1922, p. 1

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ing " MID I a are IC' WitA, OPEN TORONTO SrouE.--Messrs Iifred and Albert McClocklin, principals m the recent wedding of widespread Izmrest in which twin brides and twin “mom's were united in marriage, have been the past week ortwo with their brides, camping at their brother E. D's resort on the Rocky Saugeem They have severed their connection with the R, Simpson Co. clothing dept., and on their return tothe city.will open up a clothing and furnishings storeon Bloor st ' West, near Grace' St. The building " now being made ready for use. their stock has been purchased. and they ex. pect to open up about Aug. 15th. near screenings per ton . hout sacks. 319. in any quantity Spec: prices in ton lots ur over at Rott Roy ills. 3. Two teaspoonuul of Tanlac in a little taken three timesa d just before meals, will make you eat tter, feel better, s'eep better and we better. Sold at Maciarlane‘s Drug Stat Ground Scre ings per ton. 82.3. sacks included Quizggthout sacks. Whole MI Pam-rum; AND Dttco-rNo.-1 am prepared to take contracts tor painting and decorating. Work unmanned Terms reasonable. Albert Davis, Bruce tit, Durham. Rots Rov GRAIN tcggtg-Weare pay- ing .3010 Ga: for Oats. Gc to Me foe Bar- ley. "SC to l 00 tor uckwhcat and 81.7310 82.00 for Peas a ur Elevator this week, LOST -Gold crescent. set with pearls, Thursday 20th July, in the bugimu section. Reward offered " Review Office. Don't suffer any long Get your llamach in shape try taking nlac and utwhatyou want. Sold at Me 's Drug Store. Mr A. L. McNeill B. A.,of Woodstock mil preach in the Baptist church on Sunday next morning and evening. Want WAR" for any quantity, Durham. Keep the 7th August open lot Price- vule's Civic Holiday. Every dollar paid tor an cis money wellspent. Sold at McFagld 's Drug Store. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Durham Branch, . " " John Kelly, Manager. 0 Bunch: dag at Prion“. and Wil'jandold. . At Baptist Sunday School concert ---"Those who heard little Miriam and Eben Cameron sing want to do so again. These children are remar- lmble in their rendering of character songs possessing sweet pure voices which some day will attract world. wide attention in the musical world" --Kinettrdino Reporter. At Agricultural concert. Kincardine. Feb. 3. 1921: "But most worthy of mention were little Miriam and E- ben Cameron: these children fairly took the house down."-kineardine Reporter. . old reliable Bug Finish and strictly pure Paris Green at Maclarlane's Drug Store. yard. \ Fore Sum-One team burial" 9 years old. Apply to R. J. E n, Valley. VOL. XLV. N0. 30 given l, the Cameron Children IN TO N HALL, DURHAM Solos, Musical Recitation Patriotic, Irish & Scotch selections Talk on Raisin fields, Park nd Coast mountains by Rev. E. Cameron. B. A., B. Th. In: Bun" ENTRANCE RECORD.-- ss Katie Kerr of Varney who taught " Fergus the past year. has the best nuance results of any school we have mint All her four pupils writing re successful, three of them captured nuts. and one of her"honor" boys rk the Wellington County medal, tor test marksin the Cout. Grand Cdpcert, Tuesday, Aug. 1 To Parents New ginghaml at (hunk 30ct' per c,"i,',',,rtd2trJtlitti9 I iiiislliiii.i,-.)i.8lhktli'l! 1 Rob Roy Mills Limited reguiiiiir, iaaaria e a come, the ieoir, site {unis at; my, 'i','ht 'S/ill,',',',' will not be Ille lune: all: luau, nun an a drain on the hmJy purse. STAN DAR!) BAN K EN a Savings Account in this Bank for each phild theye.ar it isPom. ' Make small, deposits --Highest price paid “he Peoples Mills, PRESS COM M ENTS 'KE Wm. Discounts GrtavEs.--Grey Lodge No.169. l. o OR. will hold Decoration Services at the Durham Cemetery next Sunday afternoon, July 30th, when the last resting place of de- ceased brethren will be decorated with tlowers and service held at 3 p. m. The brethren of Grey Lodge, along with quite a number expected from nearby towns, will leave the lodge room at 2.30 p m. Rev. W. H.Smith will give the principal address, and others will ansirt inthe servicee. Durham band will ac- company the brethren. TEAL "HRS CHANGING ROUND __ Many of the rural schoolsin Durham locality will experience a change of teachers after the midsummer holidays. Among the recent Normal graduates Miss Edna Browning will teach at Blyth's school Normanby ', MissMary Lamb at Rocky Saugeen. Miss Annie Graham at Bun- essan school, Miss Mae Davis at No. l2, Egremont and Mi s Bessie Mather near Hanover. Miss Sybil Lawrence, former- ly at Mulock goes to her home school at Hutton um. Miss Jémina Lawrence leaves Hutton Hill for Corrie. Miss Ar- metta McKechnie changes from Lam. lash to Edge Hill, Miss Esther McLean from Rocky Sauneen to Rock Mills, Miss Jessie Clark from Mooresburg to No l0 Egremont, Miss M. McKenzie from Aberdeen to Holstein, Miss Lavina Mortley leaves Durham to teach in her home school south of Dornoch. The death is announced at Learning- ton. Ont., of Mrs Henrietta Forrest, widowafRev. Wm Forrest atone time pastorol Durham Presbyterian Church here over 30 years ago. Her maiden name was Stewart and she had reached the great age of 92 years Mr Forrest died in HIM}. The paper says .' "Among her predominating characteristics were love for her fellow men and a desire to be doing good. With her service was a joy and particularly to render service to others. Her life wasa benediction to all with whom she came in contact, the intluertce of her saintly character giving a lasting impress." r. Couch of Tiverton sayic"These eh dren will fill any building."-- Arn w news, May 24. 1921. "Th: Cameron children have a style . their own."-- Kincardine lipportvr. June 27,1921. At Matho st Church garden party June 27, 19 --"There were several good selectio by the Cameron chil- dren, brother d sister, who have won much fame' as entertainers. They pleased the wd and answer- ed the encores dent nded."-Kineats dine Reporter. ADMISSION, only 25 c M. All con“ l FEED ot-- tern feed cautious y'er bus without a at RobRoy Mills. Tnnlac has been publicly indorsed by more well-known men and women than any medicine on can Sold at Mac- Iarlane's Drug Store. Fon Sai-Fine bay Aare, " year old driver, tog her with harness and rubber tire buggy', in good state of re- pair. Apply to He rt Sills, care of Crawford Harrison, R. No. l, Varney. In the list of succissfulNormal Stud- ents published last week. was also the name of.Miss Bessie Mather of Hamp- don. a graduate of cur u) tt m Mina Mae Bvera also olHampdm was successful in the same exam. Both at tended Stratford Normal. Congratulo aligns. Tanlac render the body vigorous and elastic and keep' he mind clear and energetic. Sold at acIarlane‘s Drug Store. Merchants .' 0rdery‘ur counter check books at the Review oitiee. Ask to lee amples. Lowest prices. Tm l The many friends of Mr and Mrs Ed. ‘Sullivan (nee Leo O'Neill) of Centre lGlenelg. will sympathize with them in the death of their only child, Frances, I aged 10 man. The little infant had been lill only a week from pneumonia, bnt jin that time suffered considerably, and iit isa severe wrench the parents have 1 sustained in losing her at such a tender :age. The funeral took place Tuesday 'a. m. to St. John's R C. Cemetery ‘Glenelg. Mrs Green of Montreal is visiting with Mrs E. W. Limin. Mr Harry Burnet has purchased the tine residence property of the late John Wright, Upper Town. Mr and Mrs W. E. Clark and visitors are spending a few daysin Toronto this week. Rev. Wm Brydon the new minister of Cnatswotth will exchange pulpits with Rev. D, Sillats next Sabbath. Rocky at 11 a. m., Dornoch " 2 p m. Mrs] P. Telford is visiting Mrs Wm. Park for a few weeks previous to leaving for her home in Regina. Mr and Mrs Bert Ritchie. Rocky Saugeen. on Sunday last were called upon to lose by the hand of death, their little daughter Joy Muriel aged about two and a half years. Some six media ago a slight spot was noticed in the little girl's foot. but nothing serious was thought of it, but as this spot developed medical aid wal summoned and was pronounced blood poisoning. Every at- tention was given the little lufferer but of no avail and to those left behind are left only cherished memories of a little angel who ran among them Twoother young brothers are left to the parents. The funeral on Tuesday to Durham cemetery was attended by the whole neighborhcod who showed their sym- pathy inapractical 'er. Mra Ritchie, mother of the deceased little girl is in a critical condition herself and unable to attendthe funeral. Big Red Cross Celebration Wednesday, Aug. 7th Miss A.CMrPliail, . P., will 'oo pro-sent and gin- an ad was. In the evening at the Town Halt, Htmdersou's Kiltie Band assisted by Alien Dunbar. Canada's only lady Comodlan, will give abri ht and var- ied program. Admission to concert 509. Plan of Hall at Vari ty Store. An interesting t’e-nlun- will bl‘ a wu- ttw (-ontvsl between) members of the local fitw brigade in k'lniclt two trams. Nt('h with tt line of h se, will strive") gain acertain line. "nderson's Kil- tie Band of London, ill provide mus- is afternoon and ttVH ng. Another t‘vaturr is a baby co test, 18 mos. old or under. The proceeds of the day r,o to the Ilvd Cross Memorial Hospit I. Let everyone in town and my miles around plan to enjoy the big day of sports and assist this worthy cause. All roads will lead to Durham for Monster Red Cross Celebration to be held on Civic Holiday, Monday, Aug. 7th. The committee in charge have provided agrand program or enters tainment lor both afternoon and own- ing, and the l public are assurod of "something d lug" all the timv. The two bi games in the after- noon are a lo tball match bvtween Holstein and . urkdulv and aluoroxsv mulch llurhumn‘s. Elam. Both pairs are o-H-nly muThed and thu game-s will he column-d like Bttmi-fittal nun-H. I lenvlg and entinck Warns will “”2330 in an”: . war. Angus Me Arthur and Jack lrierson are cap- tains and two cup worth $75.00 will be domuvd to winners of this and of the Football gumm The High School results for Forms I and II are also announced in detail on page 4. Principal Danard and staff have made a creditable showing, especially in Form II or Lower School results where 26 out of " writing have passed in all sublets and sev- eral ot the remaining 11 have only one subject to write off to secure in" standing. Clara McCrae and Cecil Wiggins lead the Lower School lists. each with 5 first class honor sub- Jects and 1 second. In Form 1 many failed in Can. History, and but 6 se- cured all 4 subjects, but most ot'those falling have only one subject to write oft to complete. Kathleen Me. Lean leads Form 1 with three 'first class honor subjects and 1 credit, while John McDonald. son of Alex. McDonald of Crawford. is second with 2 first class honors, 1 second and 1 credit. We congratulate teachers and pupils on the standing wcured and may those who dropped in one ortwo subjects "clean up" on those next year. along with higher exams. Out of 20 pupils writing on theiri Entrance examination tor 0urharnl School, 20 were successful and f) of, thege obtained honors, or if)” 75‘ per cent of total marks. T is is al grand record and we" congratulate) Principal John A. Graham and the scholars on the showing. The list ap-y [wars in another column. There Were; 12 honors in all at Durham centre and} the result is the more creditable when I compared with Hanover centre wherel only 5 took honors. Markdale centrci with 5 or Dundalk with only 1. Miss; Margaret McKenzie at Aberdeen,l passed her only pupil writing with) honors. I no per cent on Entrance DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 27, 1922 With which is Incorporated the Holstein Mr and Mrs Add. Discher with son and daughter of Dungannon, motoredto Durham last week in company with their son Jack, of Royal Bank, who has been holidaying at his home. Dr. and Mrs Fallis and young son of Shelburne, were visitors Sunday at Mrs L's brother. Mr J. A. Rowland. Mr Frank Warner after a week spent among friends and relatives hereleit on Tuesday for his home in Tiffin, Ohio, where he conducts a tailoring businesss. Rev. and Mrs Finlay Matheson of Stratford were callers at Mr J. A. Row- land's Monday while on their way to visit his former church people at Chats- worth. Mrs Bliss and two children of Oak Park, Chicago are on avisit to her cousin, Mrs Robert Macfarlane. Mr and MrsJack McIIraith oiToronto are spending part of their vacation with his parents here and Mrs M's relatives, the Coutts family in Bentinck. Mr and Mr: Frank Galbraith and daughter of Hamilton were yisitors last week at W. E. Clark's. Mr Alex McQueen of the Standard Bank branch, Winnipeg. has been tranr fened to that bank's branch at Regina. Mrs John Henry, Shallow Lake re- turmd home last week alter nursing her mother, Mrs McMicken of town, who has been quite ill. Mrs Wanamaker and two children motored from Mt. Forest and spent the day with her parents, Mr and Mrs Dan McAuliffe. Mr. Val. Hahn purposes taking a good holiday when he does take the notion and next week purposes leaving for Germany, when he will be gone for 3or 4 months. Misses Stella McCrae and Merle Livingstone of Hamilton, speut over the week end with Miss Isabel Marshall of Hampden. Mr and Mn Jno. Clark (nee Bessie Mulligan) and the former's sister, Mitt Clark of Toronto, are visiting Mrs C's brother, Mr Thos. Milligan,2nd Bent- inck Mr Harold Ramage who has spent the past three months at home, left for North Bay Wednesday in company with his brother Arthur who is returning to bank duties there. Miss Gertrude Hutton of Bolton is visiting her cousin. Miss Marguerite Hutton. Master "Bill" Hutton was also avisitor at Dr. Hutton's but has returned. Intense sympathy goes out to wife and family so suddenly and so sorely bereaved. Mr Emile Robitailie. and daughter, Laurette and grandson, Master Paul Rochen of Ottawa are visitors for a couple of weeks at his niece's. Mrs W. E. Clark. Mines Norma Rosa and E.Gunn of Embro, were visitors fora couple of days last week at the formet's sister. MrsJ.A Rowland. Miss Jean Wylie, daughter of Rev. W. W. Wylie, former pastor of Durham Baptist church, has been suc useful in passing as a specialist in mathematics and physics and is now fully qualified to teach as assistant in a high school Mr Ward Koch ‘commenced on Mon- day " the new Juniorcierk in the Royal Bank here. Mr and Mrs Jas Atkinson of Toronto are holidaying tor a while with their " ns Herb and Will and daughter, Mrs Ben Coutts. Later-An inquest will. be held at Dornochon Saturday at 10 a. m. Miss Scott of Toronto is the guest of Miss Alma Hughes. Misses Mabel and Irene Latimer at spending a lew days in town this week. Mrs Alex Kearney of Bolton holidayed this week with her father, Mr Wm Irwin of the Chronicle. Mrs Wright of Hanover, daughter Pearl of Owen Sound, and grandson, Willie Ewen are visiting the former: siltcr Mrs And. Ritchie and other re- lativesin and about Durham. Dr. Smith and Coronet Hutton went up to investigate and likely " inquest will follow. This community was startled beyond measure on Tuesday to learn that Robt. McClyment a well-known Glenelg farm- er has passed away under singularly trying circumstances. In church on Sunday with his wife, Monday attending to ha3ing duties as usual, Tuesday morning took breakfast in his usual hearty manner and shortly after he was found lying dead behind his barn with no assignable cause. I Rol en McClyment toum1 Dead Sudden Was The Call Mrs Jno. Scott and Mrs Lehigh of Toronto, and their niece, MrsStover with Mr Stover, motored up from Toronto last week and visited the tormer ladies' sister Mrs Jno Collier in town and brother, Mr Harry Williams, Edge Hill. Mrs Norman Kelsey (nee Miss Belle Cameron) otTornnto is visiting at Mr Fred Kelley.s. north of town. Mr and Mrs Walter Meyer and son and daughter of Buffalo, are on: visit to Mrs M's sister and brother, Mrs Bhortreed and Mr Don McLachlan. of Priceville and also visited their cousin, Mrs J. Burgess and at Mr Adam Weir's, Friday. Mr and Mrs Robt. Hewitt of Toronto are visiting the latter 5 mother, Mrs L. Elvidge also Mr and Mrs Vernon Elvidge of Windsor are Lelia .sirg with his par- ents here. Min Lulu Mills,Upper Town, cele- brated her eighth birthday, Wednesday last by entertaining about 40 little girl friends. Miss Florence Kerr, is htme from Lake Couchiching. where she attended the popu'ar Summer School. Miss Davidson Principal of Holstein Public School and Miss E. Renton, Dromore are also home. Miss Kerr is engaged as teacher at Princeton Public School near Brantford. Mr Eldon Runciman and Miss Mar- guerite Miller of Toronto are visiting the formers cousin, Miss Jessie Mc- Donald at Aberdeen and also Swinton Park friends. J. W. and Mrs Greenwood accompan ied by Miss Jennie Stone, of Tara, Mich. - are holidaying " the farmer's hcme and, with friendsat Lion's Head. Mrs D. W. Campbell of Max Bass N. Dakota, is visiting with hr rutms Mr and Mrs Thos Greenwood. Rev. and Mrs Hill oi--, Illinois are visiting the latter: parents, Mr and Mrs Richard Barber " Varney. Mr Howard McDougall of Kitchener is holidaying with former town friends, and at Mr Alex Fletcher's, Aberdeen. Mrs D. B. Jamieson and childrcnare Spending a month in Scuthampton Tee,' is no power farming job that the Fordson cannot do better, cheaper and faster than it can be done by any other source of power At those frequent times of crisis on the farm when quick action means cv- erything---the full significance of Fordson reliability in a pinch is apprecia- ted. Twenty-four hours each day, every working day in the year, it will give maximum service. The time to buy a Fordson is new. Look ahead. Get this power-farm- ing vision. Be ready for the spring-time problems that come so suddenly. Have your Fordson on the land to solve them. POWER FARMING Phone No’s. Ill With the Fordson Tractor DURHAM, HULSTEIN, MT FOREST "‘ Ao SMITH BROS. g“ 108 DION? 101' wilzllll ' “nulil.u1rr E TORONTO WWW? iP"hrittfh"""ht Fine woollens, worsteds and Bonny sore: b' have all ad- vanced for fall, so We advise our customers to order their Suits now and take advantage of the present prices. Something new in Corsets for stout woman a comet with Marvel boning- We guarantee it not to bank or curl. Try a pair of these Corsets and experirnce how comfort- able they are and how long they will last compared with the ordinary grade of corsets. Sizes 23 to 30. We have just received another large shipment of the famous La Ueesse Corsets and can again supply any style and size you desire. Progress and for!” of Jane Wade-to-Woasuro Ctothing The Store for Qualit 5 Mudizndise THERE is an old-fashioned theory which sumo people still clin to-that a bank wants no dralings with them unless (grey have "lots of money." such is not tl I' case with this bank; you will be welcomed whether you have $1 or $1,000 to deposit. Open an account with what you feel you can spare now and add to it regularly as "pas day"comea around. It is a comforting feeling to knov. that you luxe scvcrul hundred dollsrs put away safch :n -.he bank. . THE ROYAL BANK 'Ct',"? 'tt o F c A N A D A ':i,i'att, Durham Branch: J. A. Rowland. Manager hill-Ind Wail! "".ot- in “was. To Ueutmi Sat... 32.50 in dance. o. IAIAGI a 80' My”. “Warm! gone Corsets , ' HAVE YOU ANY MONEY IN THE BANK t lbr 313/10 and Comfort gees” Corsets Should pom or repur- be demanded in o burly. we with cur turn” will be at hand to see that you get "reiee prompt tad "ieient. It will pay you to but the Foxdaon now Ind rcplnco new“! honu. Come and “It it out 'ith no. Lat " demOthrlte on your tum the Ford-on on both “a duwbu and Nee $3 95 ',1ttt/ie',t'd,'C', 'or/ack d 6ons 52 MI m 'id-it, ,.lti,i: g

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