West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1922, p. 4

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" . “0-. 'tttee------.-' t'""'""'--t'-eLdLauGarifi" tt Use g Plymouth Binder Twine ( . Citp..,y.rettes Itt For Ist f' ' g“ Gun Dealer tour of the world's ttretttetgt shoot- ing Guns. Write for Catalogue on Gun interested. Our prices are low- est in Canaan. Wholesale direct to to Consumers. "but: four of Leiever Special, $35 Special Mlontion to Farm Machi. nery. Lawn Mower, Scythe» and all other hols or (itn'ery "sharp. oned and made like ttew. Work cal- Ic.,i for and delivered sf desired. REPAIRING All Kinds MACHINERY Pitch Forks, Rakes, Scythe Stones, Oil Can: and Oils Do not be deceived. centre of all rope. Only Machine Shop And you will have no trouble. Treated 1 grasslxoppers........... 600 ft, Hle Its; 650 ft., 15c Pure Plymouth Manilla Rope . DO not be deceived- Illnl: L,,. daravnntnn l..L-l Mum-ins. me. ”early opporite tl 0 You Ottics is the food-tonic of special value to children. It is rich in vitamine.-. builds health and pro- mote: growth! Sam a. lime. Tom-to. on. St-t VITAMINES Scott’s Eniulsion precious health-building ele. ments are essential factors of growth to every child. (i. B. SMITH F. W. MOON Cross & Sutherland, of all kinds at right prices Durham t and Parker, Ayton, Ont. he Paris Green, only 50c lb Store With the Stock" Mr Lapointe will carry a distinct- ive Canadian viewpoint to Geneva. and his course with zhnothia two brilliant colleagues will be engerly watched. As Minister of Marine and f1she,riei, he is making a eoruspicioms success and it was " depmmenuhn saved over a million dollasrtsior Canada by invertieatirw an icy breaker con- Pact that ha?! been leniil'uvir ii, ia. chasing the "John D Hazel)" back from France Llpointe came to Ottawa from Knmouruh. I shy Frertuh-thnadian "orrer ,rithlittle English “dis is Ind In: ten yew: In Parliament , before he attempted to ape-kin that Itongue. He he: himself however to rat a n p " fieleney in both lungunges ' succeeded . well that in plend- In". tttsal-r mfmetho Privy Canal in L -ndon. he uzonished the eminent jurists br his 'otytmstyt, ot the King‘s English. Today In all: for Quebec Eu', succeeding his‘ late revered chieltain, Sir Wilmal Laurier. whose mantle 399ml to have! Mien on him " leader in Quebeoi and also as a matter of pure English. i, _ Fielding in known tonll Cnnadhnn! n otieof the non: brilliant tittBtteietg Canada ever bad. Lukin is known “one orc utatu'asttceeamtt bnsiness 7 men rather than as a p?itieian,) 'tttttttttrr ofthe Salads ten Minnow; but Kraut Lupointn is not so welll known to English speakirg Canad- ians u he should be. I Hon. W. S. Fielding, Cnnudn'o crud old man ot Boattotr, Ron P. C. Inrkin, the popular and "ieitmt High Commissioner for Clnldl in London, and Hon. Ernest Lapointe. Minister of Marine and tubules. iron the trio that will repvesens Canada " the Leanne ot Nuions Assembly that will meet in Geneva on Sept. 4. Zip pagan 'tetsiettt Billed for Geneva July ar, 19:2 74 ft. Logk for guarantee label in G enuine horsehide Binding and 'lihreshers' Gloves A large assortment of Ho married ttGuelph girl and has four sons. Thus if not a farmer, Prof. Bracken is thoroughly in touch with farming conditions. His swim-Hon was a sur" prise but with surh arm-0rd. it will be surprising if he does not succeed. He is ayoung man of 39 years. born in Leeds County in Ontario of farming stock, studied at and grad- uated from the O. A. C. at Guelph. Later he went to Manitoba as repre- sentative of the Dominion Seed Branch, in which work he won high praise. Then he was appointed. Supt. of Institutes and Fairs and Live Stock Commissioner In Sask. When the University of Sask. was opened he was made Professor of Field Hus-1 bandry. He has written two booksi on Farming tomes which are reck. oned standard works and no fewer than 25 pamphlets. In 1920 he was unanimously chosen as President or: Manitoba Agricultural College. I I United Stolen President Hardin. "ty facing a oonitiet with 600000 falumina Gil miners. He ha ic. Imooted the Governors of 28 Sante- to protect the ow here ct name: who [can not workere end this memo it is reported the mobillzi of ' mlllim "mned men. It seems likely to be I Gi of strength and the government cannot elm! to lose. The reduetlon of thelnlleted wages of vol-time in 1: the bottom of the trouble. Has bPen chosen by the victorious Farmers' Party in Manitoba to be their leader and he has been entrust. od with the task of forming a gov- t-rnment. He is not a farmer, was not even acandidate at the recent eleetion, never dabb'lvd in politics. and his selection therefore is agreat tribute to some factor in his char- actor. Mr J. C. Elliott. ox-l. P. P. tor Wen Middle!" bu been appointed Crown Attorney for London and Middleux County. He is to be al- loved to continue " private pract- ice. . permission not heretolore grant. ed. It Elliott was ttantrtdatetor the Liberal Premiership at the time M r Dewar: In aha-en. Treated for ft., 15c lb John Bracken 50c to $2 TORONTO Blythe, R. 2 Barbour. R (In Blair, A. c The Sharp, I. Small, R. Young. P, Iuryrw, ll. “mm. G. Dunbar. w. Edwards, w, Firth, E. Firth, K. Hunt, E. Kress, F. Lauder. M. Levine, R. Levine, S. MeCrae, C. McGirr. E. Mather, D. Mervyn, V. Noble, C. Petty, E. . _ ._ , " - mt Bell, J. 2 c 1 tt I 2 pass Boll. M. 3 , 2 3 I 2 pass Burnett. E. (1)2 3 , c 2 C' pass Lindsay. G. r 2 l l 2 2 1 pass Eden. M. (l)e c x c I 3 - Graham, I). x C l 3 '2 2 - Livingstone, " C x 3 I I: 2 - vollet, Wm. (I)! c x 3 I; 2 - Stmwhousv. It 3 I x I 2 2 -. Tvaynor, " 3 x x 3 2 3 - McCallum, G. 2 3 I 3 2 2 pass Riddell, G. (1)3 2 I a. 2 " pass Rilohie. A. 2 t' 3 C 1 2 pass Morllvy. P. 2 2 1 2 I 2 pasg Wiggins, C (In I I 2 1 I pass Tuimbull, J. c C 1 (r 2 I pass The otsove Ix'ivd full Lower School (I) indicates 1min option instvuJ of English. The above tried from one to {our subjects of the. Lower Sshool. l Anderson. M. Beaton, H. Brown, M. Collinson, A. Elvidgo, C. Falrnip. L. , Firth, M. _ Fortune. H. Glencross. ll. Grant, E. Greenwood. C. Hal-grave. E. Hay, George Hopkins, K. Lawson, A. Lawson, J. McDonald, M, MeF'arlane, M, McLean. H. McDonald, J. McKechnie. I. McLean, C. McLean, K. McLeod. A. Milne. K. Montgomery, M Morrison, C. Snell, A. Stewart, J. errs. M. Young. D. Aggregating tho two Forms, 40 have completed the Lower School Course while H have one or two subjects to be completed. J“ .....‘ "awn“. of the Lowor School to eomplete from last yoar. There are 17 ot these students trying from one to six subjectg of the Lower School. Ot' thes seventeen, rottrtoen have com. pleted the Lower School. Most of these are also trying Middle School subjects. above tried full Iowor school FORM In course of the Middle sicGoi." The third list contains the names of 3rd form students who have subjects Ar cl“. I-.__H r- . - Forms 2 A and 2 " this year tried the complete Lower School. Both the subjects obtained individually and the course completed is indicated. Honors are indicated in the individ- ual subjects and not the aggregate. In these forms of 37 trying, 26 com- plete the Lower School. 3 fail in one subject and K in two subjects. Those failing in one or more subjects will not be required as in previous years to write the complete examination. but will be allowed to finish that subject next year and pursue the course of the Middle thnnl To pass on any subject a student must have 50 per cent of the aggre- gate marks. He or she may obtain Honors above the 60 per cent. These Honors are indicated by titrures or letter 'C" following the name as follows: "I" --indieates, tirat class honors, 75 to 100 per cent ;"2"--2nd class honors, 66 to 74 ; "3"-3rd class honors, 60 to 65 ; and "C"-- credit, 50 to 59 per cent. Certificates containing this information in great- er detail will be mailed each student within afew days. a Form 1 are writing the Lower Belt. ool for the tirtst time after one year's tuition. They have tried trom one to tour subjects and their standing is indicated by lst, tnd, 3rd, "C" for Credit and "X" for failure, "--"sub. Jeet not tried. They do not try a complete examination so their success or failure is indicated in the indiv- idual subjects. Lower School Exam. Results a FUR.“ FORM 2 A Durham High School H. Danard, Vrinclpal FORM I THE DURHAM REVIEW pass pass Pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass Pass, paws) With our loved on?!‘ "Why weepest Thou ? not dead, he sleepeth." Far beyond it oiland a}; I Tteye the joys of Ii to-morrow. In loving memory of Frederick Reay Jr., who died July 27th. 1921. Far beyond Silkworm of sorrow. as Deiby'g on Fri. eGriiiir Uiirif, week. A good time is anticipated. The Hampden young people ate holding agardef patty at It Thon- Rev Mr Drier of the Evangelical church Hanover occupied the pul- here last Sunday. This is the first of the union services conducted by the ministers ofthe Hanover Pres- byterian, Methodist, Baptist and Evangelical churches during the holiday season . By the way, have you renew. ed your subscription to the Re. view for 1922 , The year is now one half gone. Are you the one. who has overlooked this little matter ? If so, your kind atten- tion immediately will much ob. Use. The subscription price is only $2.00 per year. lira M. W. nyersleturned home on Monday after spending a week with ftiends at Preston and Ayr. Messrs Willie Charleton and Wil-i fred Becker are assisting Mr Hugh Fulton with his hay this week. Misses Marguerite and Doris Whiteford are spending their holi- days at Burlington. " Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alf. Fritz upon the arrival of a little daughter. Mr and Mga H. McIntosh of Owen l Sound Sandayed with Mrs A. Mc-1 Intostr Mrs G. Hav Spent lutweek with friends in Owen Sound. Mr T. McIntosh gave unfriendly call on Sunday. Mr and Mrs E, B. Dargavel also Mrs E. Dargavel motored to Owen Sound last week to "ell the crowd at the Carnival, The lines Sullivan took in ii" garden party at Owen Sound on Tuesday. DOES THIS MEAN YOU? Mr Stanley Lowe and liner. Ruth ot Crawford Sundayed in our burg. am Vale of Taro-{mic visiting with the Smith family and other ttiendr. Min McKinnon of Toronto I. spending I couple of weeks with Miss Annie McGillvny. Mr Herb Dunamoore is the guest ot Mr and Mn Wm. Veuie for a (ti days. Congratulation. to Miss Irene Grnby on passing the Intrnnce exam. Quite a numbet from here attended the Cumin! in 0. Sound and report an enjoyable time. Mr Chas. Wepplen‘l busy burning his second lime kiln this month. In Frank King of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mu Bert Ritchie. Miss Jean Clark is spending her holiday! with her cousin. “use! Irene and Blanch McKechnle. The sympathy of the whole com- munity goes out to Mr and Mn Bert Ritchie in the death of their bright little daughter, Ivy aged two yearn, which took place last Sunday morn- ing. The funeral took place to Durham cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. Haying is almost tithing of the past for this section. Most people have their wheat cut and women and children are busy berry picking, which seems to be; very plentiful crop this year. Mr. Hugh McDonald and family, ac- companied by Mr. E. Runciman and Miss Miller. motored to Owen Sound on Monday last. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred lezard and two daughters. Bpet1t Wednesday with her brother, Mr. D. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald and daughter Janet of Prieeviue, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. II. McDonald and son at Ottawa, spent last Friday with Mr Jas. McDonald. Master Georgie Miller has return- ed after spending aweek with his cousins in Durham. Mr. Eldon Rundman, accompanied by Miss Marguerite Miller of Toronto are spending awoek's vacation with the farmer's cousin, My. Hugh McDon- Md. Mr. Pleteher McLean of Holstein, spent the week end with his parents here. 'ri/rtiioir/ urn Form m students completing mm or more subjects or the Lower School. Boyce, E. Brigham. L. C Burns, J. 2 Graham, A. 3 Mclnnis. E. McMillan. K. 2 McQuarrie. M MsAlister, A. McCallum, A. c Milligan, H. Morrison. R. Morrison. M. Willis. I Metcalfu Father, Sisters and Brothers ROCKY SAUGEEN Itt IEMORIAM HAMPDEN THE REVIEW DORNOCH A BER DEEN 'e shall share. My brother is w . 'se. i,,, k' 'itil McBETH D'mwgggggg“ rt ,3 Paa:a.saa.as '.99.SSa't.e'.it:aa.a:ia""6 We have alsoa good stock of Ground Screenings, Whole Screen, ings, Feed Oatmeal and other feeds that we are selling at reduced prices for the next week or IO days. We have a stock of good Western For” Oats that we are selling while they last at AIRAND TRUNK Railway System Terms Cash ' Bud-wen Hour: 8 a ttt 105 p In. Try h'eilson's le Cream-ith: delicious. SALT Beggs' Store, Durham Minty's Sweet Kiss----- The Latest in Toilet Preparations ROB no: mus, Don’t Scold your Wife t',ere1u"i,/tr PURHY illl PINE TREE n/Bit at SUE And it's fresh in. If you buy Cot. fee, you shogld buy the best. We Ga it, per lb........] ... EEGEEEEG‘FEGG sseesseeess“ Our customer. tell III in just pinin good cheese-- not too old and not too new. Per lb ' Mc. ROB Have you Tried our Cheese We bought before the advance. It's a combinan, Teas, blended together by on experienced blender, _ have tested it thoroughly and know it's n bargain. 's' worth 7lic a pound. ll bile it lasts. per pound, so Cent' Cheap Sugars We sell the best quality at urocen they don't cost any more. Come to us wi fidence. Cash or Trade and use Petee. Stop Look Listen Corn Chop, Chopped Screenings, Middlings, Bum Shorts, Feed Oatmeal, Oat shttrts-iitirtg in Ind PHONE so 'or 6ik: per bushel withou-t Sacks Returning-Leave TI grlor Buffet car Palmer: Talcum Powders in can Me, gins jars...... ...5(h- Face Powders, small size 50c, Inge size......l.OU Vanishing Cream o.......................................) Perfume.........................................- per my. Ar Lv Lv _Ar_. Ar Ar Lv. Rideau Hall Coffee 500 lbs. Black Tea, loose Western Feed Oats DURHAM...... ., MOUNT FOREST PALMERSTON ., FERGUS ....... _fjSycltl'Tr_u.c_., BKANTFORD . . .. HAMILTON p,- .. TORONTO ...... ., in 100 lb sacks. It don't cost hny more and none better for preserving IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE ROY MILLS, Limited Table Salt and Cattle "lt in 1001b hag~ 200 lb bags, and in barrels. It's easy on your purse. REdpath or St. ngrenc: Daily except Sunday best quality of Groceries and my more. Come to us with t'ill'- ......... loonih}... 100nm .-. ...... 1t.10am 'oronto 6.go mm. and 5.02 No Town Delivery Telephone day No 4, Night ‘1 Take a brick home with you 7.05 I m 7 88 I m 8.2K a m 9.15 a m 9.45 a m JULY 27, 1922 "hll ht New Veg: New Potato" by the ', _ New Cucumbers 'Nearhottte-grown Tom ' New home-grown Cabs ' New home-grown 15m New home-grown Carr, _ Limited tables are Hm 4.23 p 5.05 p 3.1 uni 4t (The bride. " In. T. R. Wht in well known I frequmt visitor In wishlmz mu:- bdd-l mph» The summer l‘rquhlrl. Ma Bulk. Port Cr. M Jacksonm P an “tr-mum only daughter, ed in marriauv (our or Sharla Jotseplt Kilzmn M)! on the " maven-uni leaves. wi The yot wedding ( MM) Irin embroi arch or bride's" CPMDOII y , 'tutsselt M rl sun Ii h Hamil! much! I] maim- {rod " Ho t'06 Tit Kiigour--ti rl STOC STAR lndustr Provin Vic Exec Th In Mad Meall Irashc eptie ' Ces, I: , her 1m Ut JUL tt tty

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