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Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1922, p. 7

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IR tho lh Ir l do a. fore (m: the P.-.).-I:-'s Cmnmlsw. arrived at lip (-n Thursday on route to Berlin to man: with Fonds“ Minister Tohktc: erit. and {maid Imam. It is damn; ' M Tsururpzs's intention was to wr-‘ wan :‘ne Russia: '.'clettation, MN, lt msoke new comman- be, (are n -:k-up of The Hume Com Tangy.” who :9 replacing Premier Len”. R; President of the Soviet, and Russia Moves too Sowly , erJa’xh from Moscow B85yS.'--- Th. hagnizing of chiidmn will not be anon-M in Russia in the future. The Supre;;.. council of the church. which 4. ”Me Soviet control. it elaborating a In“ ehu.reh law de.rintt with bap- 'lsm In thrs the Me of baptism is than Hr 18. and the consent of the pen. ts concerned "mat be obtained in mm. m." am! med with the minorities. New Soviet LIV q FD toward the eotttrlulutient of Beets J prioite raeing plum whose owners mil enter in races runabout the mrld just as io now done with racing autc,mcbi'es and horses. ii, an P will start eitheg A Hendon a», Jpn and will tako a course V; ‘7 _ exile that which the unfor- m,,' "ii " awker followed in 1913 when, ', 42 ‘1';- slipping of his foot from . "'zds‘er bar. the machine fell into . 2'A and he fniled by a short dis- et', w- {rum completing the circuit. mm pr .blem facing the ftierg is the "l wr t' tlm of a plane which will be l w :v land " a much slower speed nan. ured owing to tho uncertain na- wrt rf the Landing grounds. In air .f.rcles the race in "glided as the first, Famous Pilots to Race Around British Isle. TEKDER RESIGNATION m GOVERNMENT RN!, w PAYMENT RAILWAY STRIKE? ---- EMPTIED COFFERSi LEADERS SUMMONED 5 Passed the 500-th US. President Will Try Hand Dollar Ratio Without ! at Settling Transportation Stopping. - i Difficuhieis. l dw=rutch from Tmirto -.--- Boa, t" "wing offreinl statement was the ' mm the head ofhee of the itd (an National RMhrtry on Thurs- Gov: ' ' ”Ling: tion -N' 't meeting of the Board of Di- “S _ .-t‘ the (funadian National Ball- pute , i to-day. the members of that: time 'en iered their resignation: to: Raih t .prnnnent. gm: .r. re-dgnations are prolimin-1,untit _ in: appointment ttf the simple form "'1 filed t" the authorities. [ Viscount Lucelles Withdraws ---- ...-- - , . ', Moves too Sowly l From Typenmter Trade m Offering Concessions A despatch trom London 5.41:“ e---------- Vim-um Lersee'Nn, Princess Mary's sw.t' h ircm Rig! azu'ser. hus.'carrd, is withdrawing fromthetype- "r.o vs replacing Premier writer manufacturing business. The . Pruxden‘ of the Soviet. and works of the Conqueror Typewriter 13% Cnmmlssar. arrived at Manufacturing Company, near Leeds, Thursday en mum to Berlin where mam production of typewriters l :" with Foreign Minister had bun planned, have been sold. c-ata-h from London "r"- King has ottemd c cup for In _ race around the British Isles held in September. The race used intense enthusiasm anon: " manufaetumru, and many of " famous Britt): their): pilots m pete. A special machine has I end by a duke, whose mme r V on revealed. This has almost nu {lewd at the London air :Em iaot reparation. yuan: t' than 32,000,000 ”flunk: i the gold comm. Now come. .stion of Entento finamnil con- ‘r~:.-h has a tendency to daqtroy Hun-dent's and aids in the gen- _:.n~.:.3\.n of the mark. wail} control was nave: before rm! a serious dung". It was Uclievml the Government could fun-mall control or show the' ' the books behind the rtne/ _ rhw Reparations Commission's: is announced at M to) he German budget with tho rt" the veto on expenditure hing: ,upervision of imports and: The public beliom that fe ”minty is “may threat-.' at my my t1eumftoat,adGrha"t Evy re the war. They am now a htmdredfo1& ;-:mh from Berlin "ya.'--- 'ttt has chopped out of the mu. It has pulsed the 500 Mar ratio without stopping nobody knows We it is stabilize. '3 to-day are more concerned -~ before ever the mark's, What frightens them moat; 1q of eonfidenee in the mark; r'R ubmad; the Berlin Boone tweed down by outside pres-l tq long as foreign "we“: Ml c-Crier- parties within) apldlly and the Reiehsbani' 13:5 able to check the fall by foreign values on the Regarding Baptism sing Taking advantage of tiv.t gr: 'l ’popul-arity of radio the Natural Re. ‘mrccs Branch of the Departnvnt of 'tho Interior is educating the Carcrd'an ittrEt to the extent and value r:" their _ natural mourns by breakaway this informosion tluvnstth the couvtcsy of (the Radio Branch of the Naval Ber- Lvice. Short interesting: notes cf raw :discm'orioa. and new processes cf {manufacture an fainted. A lie-spawn from Moscow says:-) Russia is taking a new interest inf 'aviation as tho result of tk successful; "tight by a Busuan aviator from Lon-1 l, don to Moscow. Although the journey; lasted three weeks the actual ftyimr, Mime was only 23 hours. The machine: ‘met with a mishap in Holland and? then on ftying into German territmyl was held up by an omeial order for-1 bid-ding British planes from flying over Germany. This caused consider-l, able delay. the pilot finally being al-g low-ed to proceed after the Soviets had: made diplomatic intervention with the Berlin huthorities. i Lord Lasee.'hrs was the head art-.1 tre prirte."rtl :havchclder. It is “parted! that he spent a great amount in uni effort to make the business pay. i 23-Hour Aerial Trip London to Moscow Catodion trEhes. that he found all dts new of advancement and that the Indian 3.4 rapidly absorbing the best elements of the white man's civiliza- “on. Funds Indians gtitiathed. -_ l.i»-m F' o. Loft. President of the League of Indians. who reported on his return from a visit to the Western President Harding also, it is said.) Oharuttetown,Pa.r.--Premmt pm- hiss discerned a weakening in the" peers indicate the but hay crop in arbitrary stand by the railway exe-I {can for this provjnee. Weather con- ootives, and believes that exertion " among have been ideal and a bumper administrative pressure previous to) crop to assured. and during a joint eonferonee will re-l Halifax, N.B.--at is estimated by suit in successful arbitration of the) local firhermen that mackerel to the ditfereneo. between employer and em-! value of over $1,500,000 wane taken plays. which is now said to exist soh,..l along the Nova Scotia coast between ty on the refusal of the railway mun-S Halifax and Yarmouth this spring and agar: to concede old seniority stand-! summer. It is expected that if the ine to strikers who return to work.‘ present run of fish continues the iisrumsl: upon the met that even if an adequate) supply of coal is mined as a result of; the exscutiveU invitation to Statel Gnvamora to encourage miners. it? would not be possible to move thel coal with’the roads partially tied up‘ by strike and the present poor con-q dition of locomotive power and roIT'ingr stock. I Tho deciaion that the I the "key" to the situath upon the fact that even if supply of coal is mined a", the exscutivia invitation The first move in this direction is expected to be made on Friday fol- lowing the Cabinet session, when, it was intimated by a member cf the Administration, the President will cail to Washington for a joint conference of railway executives and strike leaders. A Czaspatch from Washington says'.---)- Harding and his ad. users are turning to the rail strike as the "key" in the existing industrial crisis. The President, it is said, has derided that the quickest and surest way to avert a catastrcphe is by set-) tlimt tirrt the railway strike and then) the coal strike. 1 3an selection may not be com- pleted immediately, but in the mean- time the interests of the Government Railways will not suffer, as the pre- sent Directors will continue to act until their resignations have been formally accepted.” Board of Dittetorg which will succeed the mute boariU .of the Canadian National'. Railways and the Grand Trunk Bailiay. 'This will afford the Government . free hand in the salec. ticn of the new Directors. “Such selection may not he com..' pleted immediately. but in the mean-1 [ that the rail strike is ‘the situation, is based Between Geneva and Neuchatel there will be thirty locks, which will also the surface of the canal two hun.. dred feet above the lake. Forest fires destroy your inheritance --help to prevent them. The greatest dimeulty will be the section that passes through the town of Geneva. It has been decided to bore a huge tunnel. and eotrsequently it will be powible for ships of seven hundred tons to sail under the streets and homes! Tho scheme is to connect Rotterdam, in Holland. with Haslp, the capital of Switzerland, by means of the River Rhine and a vast canal stretching across Europe to the Swiss lakes. Gen- eva and Neuchatel. The work has been started at the Rhine end. Montreal, Que.-Studertts from all parts of the North American continent have come to McGill University to attend the French lytliAg, courses, re- 1i Halifax, N.B.--lt is estimated by riooai fiehermen that mackerel to the [value of over $1,500,000 wane taken ‘aiong the Nova Scotia coast between l Halifax and Yarmouth this spring and Hummer. It is expected that if the I present run of fish continues the future lwiil reach the $2,000,000 mark. The ipresent season is described by coast fishermen as the best for fifteen years.) Fredericton, N.B.--The Chestnut Canoe Company of this city, the larg- est canoe factory in the British Em- pire, is expecting to engage in a. sub- stanti-al trade with Cuba, where a de.. mand for canoes is reported. This company has made shipments to Eur. ope and the Orient as well as all parts of the American continent. A canal whlch, when it is completed. will be the most wonderful waterway in the world, has been started at Fel- tsetiau. Germany. :E St. J 'hn's, Nfld.-The plan forsumed this summer for the first time l establishing a large paper-making in- since the beginning of the war. Of ' dustry on the Humber- river on the the 88 students registered on the first I. west coast of Newfoundland. uban- day. 51 were from the United States, l doned last winter, has been revived. some coming from as far as Kanstta F, The original scheme was promoted by and West Virginia. I the Armstrong, Whitworth Company Sault Me. Marie, ont.--The Algoma 'ri, of England, and the Reid-NWndI-l Steel Corporation has secured a 48,- F land Oomiany, on the undensmding] 000 ton rail order from the Canadian r' that the Newfoundland Government; Parifle Railway. Ihis means that the (would guarantee the bonds to some! rail mill will be unopened immediate- extent. It is announced that the Arm-i ly and put in full operation. The work Istrong, Whitworth Company pmpca‘esg will give employment to 2,000 men, sto buy out the inmates of the other, and wUl result in a general "imula-i' ;com'pany and that tho British and ton of business locally. I , Newfoundland Governments will each) Moose Jaw, Sask.-A half section of, |guarantee the bonds. [land near Limerick was drmatod lull World's Wonder Waterway. Some of the omcers and crew ot H.si.dsi.Urrori,' who sailed f Ninnedosa-the last members of Canada's Navy to be demobiligtsd. It the Niche, the first unit ot the Canadian Fleet, mlved at Halifax. Canada From Coast to Coast DEMomLizAhoN OF THE CANADIAN NAVY Payment of the sum of $81,728 to: the Province of Saskatchewan for the) purpose of aiding the farming indus-! try by instruction in agriculture under, the Agricultural Instruction Act has: been authorized by the Dominion Gov? eminent. Farmer Party réturnod the largest group in Manitoba elections. A unique war memorial will be hold in perpetuity by the senior regular battalion (at home )of the Lanetr;hire Fusiliers. It consists of 11 Silva drums and six silver battles. The large drum bears the following inscription: "These silver drums and bugles were purchased by the committee of the Lancashire Fusiliers War Memorial, Fund in 1921 u a portion of the; memorial to those gallant offleers .mdi men of the regiment who gava their! has for king and country during the,! great war,"-indon Times. I Victoria, B.C--British Columbia will build a highway to the provincial boundary by the time Alberta. reaches there, and the British Columbia Gov- ernment is prepared to co-opemw with Alberta in completing the "misa. ing link" so that Canada may have a through automobile route from coaat to coast. son and one by dog team during the winter, the latter being the longest and most lonely postal route .on the continent. Edmonton, Alta.--A new most northerly post offiee is being estab- lished in Canada and an Arctic. steam- er is now carrying the post office regulations, stampstand a new imprint bearing the word "Aklavick" for this point, a trading post on the delta at the mouth of the Mackenzie River. Two mails will leave the new post of- flee by steamer during the open sea- Moose Jaw, Sask.-h half section of land near Limerick was donated by a citizen of Moose Jaw to the Russian Save the Children (Russian) Fund and its, sale has netted the fund the sum of $4,800. This is believed to be the largest individual donation to the fund in the Dominion. Srult Me. Marie, ont.--The Algoma Steel Corporation has secured a 48,- 000 ton rail order from the Canadian Paeitle Railway. ’llhie means that the rail mlll will be re-opened immediate- ly and put in full operation. The Work will give employment to 2,000 men and will result in a general stimula- ton of business locally. ( Unique War Memorial. H.M.C.S. Aurora, who sailed from Montreal tor England, on om Montreal tor England, on the C.P.S. is Just a little over eleven years ago that 8traw-.Cnr lots, per ton, hack, 1‘... rh ronto, $12 to $18. g; Ontario whei-New Onts) in what. it. No. 2. $1 to $1.03. A.“ Ontario No. 8 oats~~NnmfnaL t, Ontario cortr-Nomintsl, “In Ontario flour-ist paw. in jute to sacks, 93's. $6.910 per bbi; 2nd pats. bu! (bakers), $6.30. Szraiszhts. in bulk, can seaboard. $4.75. 1 " Manitoba flour-lst pats., in jute'gc‘ sacks. $7.80 :ar Ual.; 2r.d path. 87.30. mi; Cheese-New, large, 19% to 20r, " twh 2, 20 to 20liw; triplets, 21 ttt 87 211ie. O'l, large, 2Ge; twins, 24 in ku, 24%e. Stiltom, Me. Extra ord,1artte,1 h 26 to 27e. Old Stiltcns, Mc. ' cor Butter-Fresh dairy, chive, T?. to Stk; crt-amery mints. fresh fineot, Mt to 40e; No. l, 38 to 39:; No. 2, M ta 37c; cooking. 28e. Du. ted prcl:ry-- Spring thieke M, 50:; most: A, 23c; {our}. 24 to 27et (" k‘ingt, 'to-; turkeys. " to 45. Live paltry ,Rrrirr,r :WWQM. 35-: _" fer-a, 17 to CO:; frw' 20 h 2.2"; Billed Gr-Track, toronto, per ton. extm No. 2, $22 to $28; mixed. SM to $12; clover, $1f to $18. Barley-No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or better, 60 to 6iie, according to freight." outside. Buckwheat-No. 2, $1.00. Ryo-No. 2, 95e. Millfeed--Del. Montreal freight, bags included: Bran, Fer ton, $28 to $80; shorts, per ton, $80 to $32: and fed flour, $1.70 to $1.80. ._v.e..u.B.. W... 'a. Manitoba oats -No. 2 CW, 56%; No. 3 CW., 5333 extra No. 1 feed, 58%e; No. 1 fe? , t51%e, Manitoba barley --Ncminal. All the above track, Bay ports. American eorn-No. 2 yellow, 82c; No_. 3 yellow 81c. all rail. Manitoba wheat-No, 1 N( $1.43%; No. 2 Northern, $1.40 Northern, 81.27%. "Yes, I couldn‘t keep up the install ments." "And you any you lost control or your ear?" Alrplana taxicab. are to be put In service at two English ports for the use of passengers from incoming steamshlps. who can engage them by radio while at!” at sea The highest mountain peak on the earth's surface still stands unsur- mounted by the rue of man. Its ch11- lenge still remains. And some day the same sort of hardy admntumn who have tried it once. the men who belong to the strain which pinned the emblem. of two nation. at the oarth poles, will try attain and will wooed. And when they do, it will be u the remit of the ethat which has Jun ended, an effort which must be entered‘ on the books is a failure, but which inl reality was a great aoiompishmirii.) ( Formal notice has been given to the ltorld of the abandonment of the Mount Everest expedition, for the pre- sent year, at least. It was a gallant lotion-t, which came within an ace of i being successful, and in relinquishing it the little party of explorers bow to nothing but inexorable force. of nature. How indomitable was their courage and handihood has been made known by the details told in their re- ports of the various diffleulties, over- come. They went where no man had been before and where it was doubt-g ful whether any could live. At the very: outset they had to overcome the dim-f culty that the very breath of life to; sustain them had to be carried in little} metal containers on their backs. Fin-l ally they faced terrible crevasse: and I sheer walls, benumbim: mld and the" devastating monsoon. They got within': sight of their goal, but at last the) forces of nature shut down on them. How tremendous was the intangible opposition they faced is illustrated by the final story of catastrophe in which seven native porters were carried to; unmarked graves in the sweep of an avalanche. , Everest Uruurmounted. Alrplnno Taxlc. Lost Control Toronto. Weekly Market Report 1 Northern. ; No. It humid been. “Menu" Fluted-I lt m that although the proertrl 'the 1tadbeetimriasdbytuBtauvatft thaw" Ugally left in the Won of pro- foreigners, and that in the rue-1min" that the me of the pmmnt tame ot the a of verb should clearly record thin fact“, hint The amendment m repealed. I to"? The resolution warning upm- I of printed property, adopted by the can» h“ ference remit: 'l vv. w. .vwc 90.00 H) {1.0!}; 00, mm.. $t to .3: marlin“. choice, $7 to $8; do, can, " to $7; hers, fed and “shred. 81660; do, Cob., $18 75; (In. cr'xn'ry points, "8.50. Montreal. , Oats, Can. West., No. 2, 62 to ”key do, No, 3, 69 to iifHie. Fiour, Mann spring when: putt. my». 'T.00. Roll- od Cato, bag 90 Tu., " to an. Ban.’ $2.525. Shown, $27.26. Hay. No. 2.; :1; Tan. car hits. $25 to $28. , ”was. ittse.t "tstairs, 15% mi hike. Butler, chaise» creamer); 36 L. .trNe. Eggs, Infected. tat. Potu-‘ Lu», per bag, on mg, .180 to ii.iir.i, l'hsivce heav- emu. $7 no 556; but. rh'r was, ciwice, $7 to " 75: do. g: A, $6.75 to Cl; do, mod, $6 to 86.50; Cu, com., 5550 to $6; butcitor haiku ulwice. 87.26 Co 37.75; d--. mm, 'ii.is"d u $7;do, win. " to M; butcher em, nhoéce. $525 to main; do, 111:1. “‘20 to ii; umber. anr (m t to l butcher mus, ttoust, 6435 to “.25; do, com., " to $4; (majors. prod. 86.60 to $6.75; duo, fair, " to $5.50; axiom. good, $6.60 to M; do, fair, " to 85.50; milk". 860 to 880; sprinters. 270 to $00; calves. choice. " to 89; do, mod., $7 to $8; do, com, $2 Gt $7; spring lamb. $12 to $12.75; s2urep, choir-e, ' h $6t do, good; trio (@3450; do, ' Japanese buyers are looking to Can.. ', ada Lu supply them with rut,'usr trout, wear for the rainy magma. Inquiries ‘3 have bren receive& by the Dnnrcmem i cf Trade and Ccmmeree from nearly 1a more of Japanese export anl import Iii/iii asking if Canadian manufaetur- Cured pttur-L??t. clear bacon, $17; yeht'iv:/gius rang. in bar: sis. 848; .tve-vywcitttt rclls, 840. Lari Pure tc'ereea, 165w; tuU, Cc: mile, 1ftite; prints, Itluc. SIM: wing, Uereen, Ilk; who. 16%.“; psiis. 10c; printa. HV. _,_, "_%...NT- .._..., vu w av», amuneu rel-Es, 28 to 8te; cooked mm. " to 880; broakfast bqotm, 82 to Me: "new brand brooms: bacon. 41 co (So; hacks. boneless, 42 to Me. Potatoes --New Ontarius, te. 26. Sntcked meats -Hama, med., " to 38:1; ttoltc4_Um, _lirto 756:; smoked Hcncsy--20-80-lb. tins. Ith to line pm- 'ds.; 6-2%-llr. tins, 17 to 18e per lb.: Ontario comb honey, per dozen, $5.50. Maple p,roducu--ts'rrup. yer tral., $2.20: per G imp. gait. s maple sugar. lh., 20e. e't'f5 can hers for the Long worn in At Buckingham We the King [we a luncheon in his honor, and in the evening he attonbd A reception given by Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelies at ChegUM1eld House. The Prlnce introdmod tho promin- ent Argentinian to Earl Nlfeur, Lord Beauty and others, and than the President-ole-et and the heir to the British Throne stood at attention out- side the station while a band played the Axgemine National Anthem. A deth from London "oi.-- President-ok de Alvear of Amn- tian rueived a royal vacuum to Great Britain from the Prince of Wise. upon his arrival from Paris on Thumay mowing at the Victorh Station. “The Conference recommend for oomidemtioet of the Governments re- presemd thempon the desirability of In Government! not assisting Vin-ir nltionlls in attempting to acquire property in Rurvia which belonged to other {11:4ng nationals and was Pot fireatrM since November 11, 1917, with-at the consent of such former owmrs or eonressiortaries, provide! some recognition tsubsequently is made by the Governments represented at The Hague conference to all the Gov-l tttttrents not museum. and that no, decision shall be reached except 'oinc. ly with these Governments." i Arvlntine President elcomed in Great Britain The United Sums, he added, had no intention of departing from in lino of conduct with regard to property ttxpropriated in Rush. The Minion itself can rise to some dnbob. Frame, Mush M. Mphcnd. mama to amend the two- I A dispatch from The Human "rr.-- _ m, United State. Govemmeut fhrsmd in Mica-rig some of The 1ugoe Oom- fetouee, which on mayday ram-ed into history without accomplishing iu tsim-tN, reaching of an economic ac- cord with Soviet Ruth. M. Citric. of Beltrium, made this woman a the final ceasion at the Peace Palace.' that he vac wthoriud by the Amen! ican. Chum d'AfNim to any that tho United States Government would ad-, here to the Marion which bud just been “MM whereby the Govarn-3 meats emgod not to mist my of their citizens in "tampts to main. property in Russia which belonged to citizens of other with: and wan eonfUcated since November, 1917. ; prinu. HV HAGUE CONFERENCE ENDS m FAILURE Passed Into History Without Amuplishin' its Chief supply them with storm rub- wear ever boota and also with rubber boots: similar to those Canada. TORONTO -'"y a ilit .'ilt m fun-r the missionary hath m the Brahma: taku. the cup trcm his tel 3 low worship” and deliberately put his 3 lipo to the very {dam on tho rim , whence h’s iowmsto Nether Ind Idrunk. Nothing (in he could have “one would morn (-19.1er haw shown {his Christian humility. The purv 1tttey of the Divine Love that poured t ‘Auelf out It Cajun for all mankind . 'tad "on. "my the it.herited prepu lite ditt at 00811an that teaches um u... if". touch at the you-um Hindu u Utter ', pollution for the Brahman. During the nuance d our msxor we 0:119:91 Jae run pHvuorc ct tank;- a good roman. vimn w J. A. Me a mum: our nulpu c, hum he will come “Ill. F.'siry “an”? the. tish mm trout tho ocean " tte rivers to spun: I he salmon. Mills are tahett in not... Pint they "' thrown into rough him made of cedar Ices, where they tio tot a tew any. to when In to an. Then they are placed in great coda! at: of homo. “at. “a mu:- bola. tamed " hot than an an to. ped hm then. an "in!!!" math!!! of heating in he. Amend to produco better butter (Mn when the an: no honed In the non orthodox fuhlou. A. the oil the to the cop " tte skim- mod on. It harden: quickly and has tho apps-nun of mm. Begum-Hy Mme, It In not on) Io detect tt trom butter, than being um the, Hull's“ odor of "u, Mom It. The lnd‘una lack it in wuw nigh! cedar may“. making can]: r , ma, (uh F,r.to-r den ing tho vummer trot'.'.., 3 'tc' 11mm {Maugham the your very fa " Is not (usually known but the Indiws d BNt'sh (‘ntumhi‘ and Alu- kn "Main their have" from I MI kn Tpry to svtennsu u the 001%. " is from " m eight 1nd". long and "Is it the beginning of the and tar cut...” doubt the mustcynry “Lon common all .. Boon. the native paetor, be sacred e1etttorrtus, appn ached men and 1:7;13ntwivoi, rvcogx superiority of the Curtain“ claret! the broad an! wine t stand ot to the luw-oaen u But with simNe dignity thes : and“; the alumnus to the (A gently mum that he pariah first. l Yet to "naittve, elective tamper _' menu it is not and to litre beneath ‘1 rain of blows. Pertinent faul- _thadtne may be a enmity to the hunun ', can! " new. as kicks and blows that 'brak the spirit at home or dag. It (iii I wine We who knows when to beetow the word of approval and when The native [Junior wu Mminiustertus the amount ot the Lord'. Supper t, I hm. body or native Chrisuuu. A: the mission-:7 looked at tie congn-ga “on he undead in; Manned "ur" o: s high-clue Brahman who both in hi. (to. And in his bearing mowed hi: ”immune descend. Sitting has“. him was a low-oasis Hindu who bun in his person uuminukable sign- of hi: lowly birth; in his futures, in his ten tunes. in his clothing and in the on; he curried Mame}! he revealed th, mental and spiritual poverty of his tn boars. In those two men the mission ary recognized an example of the run tome social problem or india and in deed of {to world. "e, mi!k or water. [my a “in man likes to think he is being uppreciatrd at but by a dt'.eeorttfr:g one. when the bet in that he in inhaling the 'R'sre and subtle incanu of tutters. Whit. taking pan u a visitor tn undo. In 3 native church in India miulmry “was sed . most tmpw “we incident. There are times when ntrpreeintrca h I needed nzsdicine. a airman: for which there is no adequate substitute. Like my tthaw such medicine, it must u 'rrereribcd and swallowed discern- iugly. Pew are so gullible that more new doves of Battery can be towed " to utter the main-ad or impose a new penalty than that which word. canvey. ‘pect. to go for long In In atmosphere of Ewen and plaudits. Butte mum --9omq exacted: among them--aeo Mindy subject to the well-known uiriBeett eutlod, in the ”out" phruo. "the swam-d head." They har- more praise than is good (or them. They some to believe there is a Eepir- ate mbd kom and of "hit! for the Man; that tho artistic temperament excmu everything; that they may do up they please and not be morally ac- We. Appreciation has been nlhdun'om to them. They need a {cw or the homely, m, Emu-m. truth that nobody mn- to have the mum to an than With Q world to miUTiiiGL. I. u ttray are. with our own venom! WWW tmirties, we never can ex- rm. We know that tf I do“; give! that l Marsh}. verdict and one fitttU huh, the grid that to elm" from the m Mn: voice in more than any get from the (Imus of audition. lt/ttfelis-tstat-tu. m" PM and twp-ml. sud they In rally to botUve that those who tolktothean Mancunian-i:- not. non-um ind-3' "."Eo'm'" on t",.w'"rttoeatth-rn. Mon the W. m. can. ’“ “ldkin a. and Mann for a imlnt'l drle of Dub," .- I run-'- Butter From a Fish. le otee,ridiiUiLi Fi Rn re of Caste. wars! Brat an: tlie a ot his his Al

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