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Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1922, p. 4

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uit my 8X + ; zs '? 2 /( t 0riey" Y 4 / Pé‘;’-‘v me erf < U p : ,w,{f‘: F We en it t 4 fi #» ie ts "%fififi /\ i9 Are you prepared with Shoes for the holiday ? If not, give us a call. We will be pleased to show you our stock of oxfords and strap slippers in Bladk, Brown or White‘ Below we are quoting a few prices. Women‘s Black Calf Goodyear with 1 strap, taw heet, Buckle.(Classic}...............:..................99.90 Women,s Brown Calf Goodyear with ) strap, tow heot, Ruckle. (Classic}..................................99.90 Women‘s Patent Colt, 1 strap slipper Buckle. tow NOSF, (CEEMCHE]......... ... .â€".....«.<aresasanes exvint Lo resiew c suErOU Women‘s Patent Colt 2 strap slipper low heel(Weston)}$5.00 Women‘s White Canvas, 2 strap.. ............................$3.00 Women‘s White Canvas, Oxford...............................$3.00 The Cash Shoe Store I C ~ALA _T TY a LTLUI DURHAM, â€" ONT. Admission ; 9th, 11th, 15th, 16th, 25¢. 12th, 13th, 14th, 50c Children free on Monday, Sept. 11th. All information from Secy. J. H. SAUNDERS, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary Everything to Educate and Amuseâ€"Nothing to Offend P EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. SPEED EVENTS. Calf and Yearling Competition Dog Show. Auto Races, Saturday, Sept. 16th. Music all the Time Wonderful Programme Twice Daily. Fireworks Every Night C. A. WORTHAM‘S SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY. $38,000 in Prizes and Afractions Sept. oth to 16th, 1922 The Western Fair Ladies, Attention ‘ $1,500,000 in new buildings and scores of other new features and attractions. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBiTION WESTERN ONTARIO‘S POPULAR EXHIBITION NEVER ON A BIGGER SCALE Reduced rates on all lines of travel Aug. 26â€"TORONTOâ€"Sept. 9 Gorgeous production with all the mystery, romance and splendour of the Far East. PRINCE OF WALES DURBAR Something doing all the Time. LONDON, ONTARIO J. S. McILRAITH 3 Los Angeles Times ; It does seem a pity that the mass of competence which | the high school student has assembled by the time of his graduation should remain inert and unavailable for the immediate settlement of our national problems. It is proposed to change all this. The headofthe California Teacher Association is crusading for the adoption of a law or constitutional amendmentl which shall instantly give the vote to the possessor of a high school diploma.' , After the graduation exercises are over| ; the proud possessors might all take their sheepskins down to the p lis and votel 'f them. At any rate, under the new re-i | gime the franchise would at once fal ‘like a mantle up>n the graduate. As it' is now some dull and uncouth vassal from Slavonia may be voting right alor g,| while an American youth, with thenoodle of Daniel Webster and the prophet‘c vision of Isaiah, will have to tarry at Jericho until his beard be grown before he can cast his ballot for the salvation of his country. forthcoming Michael Collins, head of the Irish Free State, was shot to death from ambush, on Tuesday. Coming so soon after Griffith‘s lamented death, it adds immensely to the trouble the Free State has in putting down Valera and his rebels. We believe this tragic death will produce a public opinion: in Ireland that will overawe the ir-J regulars, and a new leader will be: \ _ In offering to renew the five and a half perâ€"cent. Canadian Government bonds i maturing December 1st at the same rate of interest as is carried by the maturing bonds, and allowing a bonus of one month‘s interest, the Minister of Finance is making a material concession to the Canadian investor, as this rate is higher 1 than was paid on the recent Canadian loan in New York. The high class of the security, which is the very best that can be offered in Canada, and the liberal rate of interest should lead to large inâ€" vestment in these Dominion bonds. Attention is directed to the official adâ€" vertisement giving details. A Concession to Home Investors U. F. O0., membership in the statesâ€" man like position he is now taking. ’ It seems to us that if the restricting idea prevails 1t tends and does drive ,| a wedge between town and country, [that is injurious to both. Governâ€" | ment, by avy class, even farmers, r who, we believe have their full sharae of the good sense of the community, does not tend to that harmony necâ€" essary to best progress. Mr Dmryi has shown a statesmanship and abilâ€" ity that commands respect to say the l least and we believe will have at his back a great prepondaerance of the | | _ Much interest has been and is : being taken in the movement implied in the above heading. Hon, Mr iDrnry is its great champion, while Mr J . J. Morrtson one of the leading Mights in U. F. 0. circles is or is sup. ' posed to be, against it having a fear that should the broadening out occu: ‘it would be a death blow to the U. |F. O. movement. ‘ As things are at present no town or city has a say in the selection of h candidate at a U. F‘. 0. Convention (except through Labor representatâ€" ion) only farmers, memkers of clubs, can funciion as delegates,. Mr Drury‘s idea is to widen out so a toalloweveryone, urban as wellas rural, who believes in their policy or principles to share in their privilâ€" eges and we suppose in their respon â€" sibilities. _ Mr Morrison would, if c:rrectly reported, be opposed to all ‘ this. Che fiuz!!;m }iwin; Education and Yoting Irish Leader Shot "Broadening Out" August 24. 1922 TORONTO The undersign®kd will receive written applications up t& September 8th, 1822 for an Assistant t\ the Clerk with proâ€" spects of appointnignt as Clerk on that date, in Township O( Glenelg. All apâ€" plications to be in owin handwriting. Dated Aug. 14th, 1922 A Keppel boy. Evan Moore, took highest individual pointsâ€"95, and Euâ€" phrasia‘s highest score was 88. _ The pupils of School Sections of' Bentinck, Euphrasia and Keppel townâ€"| ships, recently competed in a home| garden contest and Bentinck pupils | carried off the largest number ofj ‘points. The Bentinck contestanis | were : James Stinson, R.R. No. 3.= Elmwood, S.S. No 9, Bentinck, 94j points : Laura Kaufman, RR. 3, Elm-‘ wood, S.S. No. 9, Bentinck, 92 : Laâ€" verne MceCallum, R.R. No. 4, Elmwood | 8.8. No. 6, Bentinck, 82 : Catherine} McLean, R.R. No. 2, Durham, S.8. No.l 10, Bentinck 81 : Georgina White, R.! R. No. 3, Elmwood, S.S. No. 6, Benâ€"| tinck, 79 : Milton Gateman, RR. 3,‘ Elmwood, S.S. No. 6, Bentinck, 76 : By the way, have you renewâ€" d your subscription to the Reâ€" view for 1922 ? The year is now one half gone. Are you the one who has overlooked this little matter ? If so, your kind attenâ€" tion immediately will much obâ€" lige. The subscription price is only $2.00 per year. * THE REVIEW Winners in School DOES THIS MEAN yoUu ? Mcintosh and Dargavel have disâ€" solved partnership. Mr A Mclntosh is engaged to teach at the Lake school while Bryce Dargavel will continue to run the store. Mrs. J. H. Klein and daughter left for the city on Friday, after spendâ€" ing a few weeks with her mother and other friends. Municipal Officer Wanted Mrs. C. Mcintyre entertained number of hgr:_t'rrlendsr Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kooppt ‘\irâ€"and 'Mrs. Rosenburg, motored to Toronto on Saturday to visit friends there. Miss Mary Vasey"ol' Owen Sound, spent a few days with her uncle. Pleased to hear Mrs. C. Mortley is able to be around again. Miss Bella Ra,\" returned home from Toranto on Friday. Mr. Stanley Lowe and sister Ruth, also Miss Glenna Campbell of Crawâ€" ford, visited with friends in our burg Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Smith and son Mor rison, attended Dornoch church on Sunday. Mrs Duncan Morrison of Glenelg spent a few days with her sister, Mrs J, W, Smith last week. The Misses Lawrence, accompanied by Mr. Davis, spent Sunday afternoon with the Dargavel‘s. Mr and Mrs Lynn of Fort William spent the week end with Mr and Mrs J. Lyna. Mrs D McGillivray and son, -Am;'l‘e of Paisley spent the week end with Mrs J. W. Smith, | Mr Hugh Macdonald had the great misfortune to lose his barn by fire 'last Sunday evening. The harvest "was all in the barn and also the hay. Although belp arrived almost in. Stantly nothing could be done to save either barn or contents. Most of the implements were saved but the outbuildings and near by fences went too. It is a great loss at any time but particularly so when all crop and feed are gone too, Thel cause of thefire is unknown. ‘*~~_> Miss Annie Clark of Toronto spent a few days with her sister, Mrs J. Smith. Mr Radoiph of Hanoves and Mr and Mrs Walker and daughter of Toronto spentlast week with Mrand Mrs J. Lyon. Miss Margaret Smith returned to Detroi: to resume nurssing afterspendâ€" ing a pleasant vacation at her home here. Mr and Mrs Stephan and little daughter of Walkerton spent last week with Mrand Mrs Duncan Mcâ€" Lean, Mr and Mrs A. Middleton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs W. Clark. Miss Whilamine Collinson spent Sunday with her parents in Durham. Mrs A. Crutchley and son, Joe spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jas. Crutchley, Dornoch . Mrs Arch McKechnie is keoping very poorly and at time of writing is not as well as usual. spent aday with friends here recentâ€" ly. Miss Esther and Master Campbell McLean were successfully operated on for the removal of tonsils and adâ€" enoids last week. Congratulations to Mrand Mrs D, A. Clark on the arrival of a young Mrs Bert Jordan and two children of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs Wilkie. Miss Jean Coilinson of Durham 1 holidaying at her aunts, Mrs Arch McKechnie. Mr and Mrs Jas. Ledingbam were visitors the first of the week with the latter‘s sister, Mrs L. MeLean. Mr Jack Lawson is spending his vacation with frierds in Toronto. Mrs Arch Brown and two sons + ABERDEEN ROCKY SAUGEEN THE DUBEHAM REVIEN DORNOCH Garden Contest Bilack, Clerk n wood REN herine lr 1 a Lcsual _, «C CCC@C9, aBSL long nights of quiet sleep. . $1.00 at your druggist‘s, or write free triarto Tempgtuu. Toronto. Sold by MacBeth‘s Drug Sta RELIEF IS IMMEDIATE., _ It restores nor:::l breathing,â€" t ® and 5 oncnt {Atherings in nasail ASTHMA, SUMMER COLDs. You don‘t need a month‘s treat» ment to prove the worth of BR A Z~M A H! Hay â€" Fever Por®kau, Aug. 24 Hogs, live, f o b..... Dutter ....,.;:.,";;, i_: m Lots 50 and 51, can. 8. D. R., Bentinck, containing 150 acties. Good barn, frame house, running bwater in both. 130 acres workable labd, baiâ€" ance in bush. _ For further \particuâ€" lars apply to _ _E. B. CODE, E wood ply to William Paylor dale. On the lots are locate good buildâ€" ings, and farms are in ood state of cultivation. Further rticulars apâ€" ply to William Paylor, R. 1, Markâ€" dAala Lot 46, Con. E.G.R., Glenelg, with implements. AJ ideal building lot wiih beautiful la®n terrace and shade trees on George Sreet, Durham, Apply to _ J. H. MEFADYEN Nmrham Lots 13 id 14 Concession 2, N. D. R. Glenelg, 10&Gacres. Apply to Sarah Webber, and A. H. Jackson, 4t( _ ExectMors, James Webber estate l' * Notice oMDissolution of Partnerâ€" Snip Notice is herÂ¥by given that thepartnerâ€" ship heretofore Rbsisting between us as Macintosh & DaRavel of the village of Dornoch has this d&y been dissolved by mutual consent. debts owing to the said partnershin are\o be paid to Bryce Dargavel at DornochRaforesaid and allJ claims against the sai partnership are to be presented to the Raid Bryce Darâ€" gavel by whom the sam@will be settled. Dated at Durham this 1%h day of Augâ€" ust 1022, Witness }Bryce D&gavel A.&Curray D. A. Macintosh Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. Tenders wR be received by the under signed up to t. 11th tor one half acre more or less oMpart of 5, Saddler St. North opposite furniture factory yards. Wm. Wollet, Town Clerk. Lot 1, Durham Markets Scott‘s Emulsion Farms Lot 3, Con. 6. | _ FarmerRaxp BaxkerFinzgoâ€"County { Magistrate A. E. McNab held court in Kincardine on Tuesday last, when Lawâ€" rence Stewart of Kincardine Twp. was fined $20 and costs, or $43.70 in all, for stealing the three footboards off a Ford car, and then an Owen Sound banker named Buckinghsm, was fined $10 and costs each on two charges, thatof having: revolving lights on his car and breaking the speed limit. A farmer, who was ditched by his revolving lights and exâ€" cessive speed, was responsible for him being pulled and relieved of about $43.00 by the court. | are rich in healthâ€"buildâ€" mronait valber thg 3 ty e bones. It contains elements that | Oxe HuxoreEp PerCent CroP.â€" | Mary of ~ur readers no doubt expressed 'as!oni’stmu! at the score credited to Mr J L Tolton of Brant in the Carrick Standing Crop Competition as published last week. The Judge, Mr Wm, Bailie of Goderich, say« it was the first time he ever found a perfect field of oats. He found it impossible to reduce the scoring in any way, as the oats were a perfect stand, well headed out and a fine sample not a weed or thistle could be seen, and the ploughing, cultivating and sowing could not be improved upon. Mr Tol ton‘s achievement is one that will rarely be equalied.â€"Telescope. Parntixs axp Decoratiso.â€"I am prepared to take contracts for painting and decorating. ~ Work guaranteed Terms reasonable. Albert Davis, Bruce St, Durham. Fine Rarm for Sale. Con. 6, Glerlelgâ€"100 acres Con. 7, Glenkigâ€"131 acres Con. 8, Glen &â€"100 acres Farm for Sal ADDITIONAL LOCALS arm for Sale ders Wanted MRFADYEN, Durham Drug Store. or write for Sale , 1922 12 50 _ 35 w ¢ A. g.bs. McBETH ‘«gx;spc»+ 4 3232332 2323233323332333 3»" Â¥ Minty‘s Sweet Kissâ€"â€" ‘f‘ The Latest in Toilet Preparations FEED OATMEAL _ We have also a good stock of GROUND SCREENINGS, 820 nor tan We have a stock of good Western Feed Oats that we areselling while they last at Lv o MATram masi¢tz}e~~*++.... 409 a m 3.15 p m Ly MOUNTFOREBT.......‘.. 7 38 a m 3.51 p m Ly PALMERSTON »*+*++*»+++>+ $.28 a m 4.23 p m Ly FERGUS »**+**+*++++* ++++++ 9.15 a m 5.05 p m Ar. GUELPH ....__ Jiâ€"++»>+1.«» ~PAbam 5.36 p m ____ Ar BRANTFOiD.............. 1 00 p m 8 35 p m _____Ar_ HAMILTON. .... *>>>>>*+>. 100 p m 8 30 p m Ar TORONTO.................. 11.10 a m 7.40 p m Returningâ€"Leave Toronto 6.80 a.m. and 5.02 p m. Parlor Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto on morning train and Guelph to Toronto on evening train. For full particulars apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. W. CALDE®, Town Agent, Central Drag Store, Teléptone No. © '?i(-t(vi('&(i(i“"‘(-:(‘(v EBGEEggccer:. GRAND TRUNK Railway System Try Neilson‘s le Creamâ€"it‘s delicious. ROB ROY MILLs, 'es We will have some this week. See o~; M PEACHES and PLUMS before buying Cash or Produce and one Price. Beggs‘ StoOre, Durham Palm Creamery Butter............ 43c, one Ib bricks Ingersoll Old Cheese, with a mnip .......... 30¢ per jb Gem Jar Zinc Rings...25¢ doz. |Gem Jar Rubbers, 10¢ i; Victory Potted Tongue for Sandwiches ......... per tin, 1 3. Lynn Valley Red Reaspberry Jam, 4 lb tins.........7?5¢ eac} Christie‘s Fancy Biscuits, jams &plain, large stock ..40¢}| *‘Peach Finger‘â€"a lovely jam Biscuit, perlb.............. 25. Ourâ€"Black Tea, blended Ceylons, reg 65¢, unexcelled at 50, BANANAS, ripe and of good quality..................39¢ do; Tomatoes, Cukes, Beets, Carrots, Potatoes and Cabbaye ROB Neal‘s Bread, London....20c double loai Our motto is to buy the best quality always, a», our customers tell us our prices are reasona)]e. To satisfy yourself, ask the man who deals wi:} us, then come and give us a trial. 50C Per This Advt. appears only once a week an every reader of the Review should make it a point to read the ad. each week. Wealways havo Once a Week Our Motto : "Sell for Less and Sell for Cas)h." Also MIXED FEEDSs While it lasts, Lv. Ly Ly Ly Ar. Talcum Powders in cans 25¢, glass jars.........50c Face Powders, small size 50c¢, large size......1.00 Vanishing Cream NeR nEA S i eW ERRERRICIINEE 254 224 +2 x »» » + POG PorFUNLO: :: s: se ies es s se fararebecnanesninkss .. :£.00 per oz. Western Feed Oats Some Good Barains in DURHAM IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE ROY MILLS, Limited GROCERIES bushel without Sacks SESr :...!:":"‘ T sn k + 44 48 a ass p::>:â€"â€"â€"â€" Daily except Sunday $20 per ton, Sacks included m per mo do $32 per ton, PR $1.50 per 100 1bs. Take a brick home with vou AUGUST 24, 1922 7.05 a m 7 38 a m 8.28 a m 9.15 a m PHONE 8.15 p m 3.51 p m 4.23 p m 5.05 p m 5.36 p m |eCaln ahe aie" alec ors Cer Gor Donalda Ni« Murray Nicl Anna Short Murray Wat Al Dx B Supplement. peals _ rec should be -1 paper to be $5. Atter each paper Appeals 1 partment ly as poss bear in mi must be peal exami the provin appeals are two or three the results. Candidat« or more su in all cases appeal exa didates are submitting t0 consult appeared 1 pers have . In a stat H. Grant, announces were issued in 1922, as 1921. The & was increas Certificates out to the ; Schools. Mighest Phone N« Exams Sovereigua Eolipse F‘ White Li Bran (ton Shorts (t Feed Fio No. 1 Mi Uat Chop Crimped Blatehfor Custom C American do painâ€"relse preparat : neuralg:a sunburn. Price 25 McF Rexall Suit ca1 ers, Dr Â¥ a [T Tex rount Pads. SC s Mcls or over mayr figu: obta of the H D Suc AU i Met ). Mc Mele The Jo Mc Mc InC Mel For Scri af (}

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