West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Sep 1922, p. 8

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In the Essence of all , hat In B in Tea L ’URITY I 1trac-?tlll,l ' r ‘43 _ Hfi ‘51.; oi “an!“ Small Accounts Tmsl Anon in Esters M “saccosoo 'tii cli:lfiE=jiEy7filf:)jEECijE as as .3 iillrgli1' a a [a EH "To Taste is to Believe” THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing 5} per cent interest, payable half, yearly, of either of the following classes:--- tal Five year bonds, dated lat November, 1922, to mature lst November, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated Ist November, 1922, to mature lst November, 1932. . While the maturing bonds will carry interest to ist December, 1922, the ne,w bond: will commence to earn interest from lat November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTHS INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing, except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the Dated It Ottavn, 8th August, 1922. To Holders of Five Year 53 per cent Canada), . Victory Bonds see: ACCOUNTS are wel. comed at every Branch of this Bank. Every class in the com- munity is served with equal atten- tion and courtesy. Wind] ImponthenuainCade Savings Demo in all Branches 1k of Montreal Issued in 1917 and Maturing lst December, 1922. CONVERSION There in very little nid by when or operators as to who the Bott cont strike. There can he no ergo-eat u to] which at the ponies lost the strike', -.the concerning public too! it. Here is proof ot it. The Duloineo Capitol printed t I interview with H. M. Homes, forts er attorney-general. and now preside. ot the Pershing Coal Company. ghet- in. him on "yirttr that his company is preparing to wipe " its hook: the cost ot the five months' strike by raising coal prices until $75,000 in made up "The ion, " heis quoted as saying, "must be made good before (April I, 1923, for we will have anew icontract With the miners after that date. " The fact that the coal companies can bleed the buying public in order to make up losses siifiered dating the strike may be the explenation for the ease and tapidity with which .ttikea develop. Were it not possible tor them to do this they mightnot be so easily per- Iuaded to let a difficult situation dill: on until it became a strike. As things stand now, and judging from the avowed intention of the coal company referred to above, the compeniee will go ahead and extract from the dear general public what it has cost them to conduct a ruinous strike. Just where there in an dithrrenee between doing this ard putting a gun to a man’s head Ind demanding his money is hard to see and impos- sible to taiersttutd.-Advertiser It is unlawful to sell soft drinks and' chocolate bars over the counter on Sun-1 day,according to the judgment handed out by Magistrate Watt at the Poise) court Guelph, on Tuesday August 20th. _ This is rather an important decision be- cause a number of stands have recently been erected on the various highways coming into Guelph both within and without the city limits wherein soit drinks and other small stuff is sold with- out any provision being made for con- suming the same on the premises. Warn ings have been handed out to these parties that they are contravening the [ law and several of them have closed up This judgment will probably dispose of i any others which have kept going. The decision was given in connection' with a charge made against A. R. Reeves' who kept a stand on the York road. He: was charged with unlawfully selling certain goods, with soft drinks anal chocolate bars on the Lord's Day, con-' trary to the act. The defendant pleaded not guilty, but it was tettified in evid-l ence that the goods were sold over the' counter and Were not consumed on the premises. In imposing a conviction Magistrate Watt lined the defendant $20 and costs. PROPOSALS Cannot Sell Drinks on Sunday Soaking The Public “Mi“ E rd El. [rEWrLi'i.: WEE; In! mmmN RIVIlW Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid returned from their honeymoon trip on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Plume and family spent over the week end It Mr. J. Brook's. Mr. G. Walmsley is not recovering as fast as his many friends would wish tor. The peal of the school bell Bounded good on Tuesday a. m. Min David- son is in charge of the senior room and Miss McKenzie from Durham ot the Junior and Miss Snyder in the Continuation room. The latter We are informed, is about tilled to capa- city, yet there are those who should be there. Gordon McMillan who was so unfor- unate as to cut his leg with a cradle blade some, time ago. is improving un- ‘der the care ot his aunt, Mrs. '1'. Mc- Millan. I Russell Kelly who was taken to I Fergus and underwent a critical op- I oration. is dointtoaa well as can be ex- I pected. . Litle Miriam a d Eben Cameron of Durham. will give." one of their tine musical programs the Agricultural Hall on Tuesday tt ht, Sept. 12tn. See bills. Mr. Snyder motored from Clinton, on Monday accompanied by Mr. Jones and Miss Snyder. Mr. Morrow who spent a month m the Bank or Montreal, and made many fripnds. has given place to the mana- ger, Mr. Reid. Quite a number are attending the Exhibition this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rice and Mrs. J.R. Philp, went to Oshawa on Tuesday. to attend the funeral ot a cousin. Mt. A. Jacobs, who died very' suddenly on Sunday night. Mrs. Hallway from Renfrew, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Mather Sr. . The Bell Telephone Co. are doing some repair work on their lines at present. HOLSTEIN LEADER Mr. Walter Horsburgh has sold his 200 acre farm on the 12th con. to Mr. Nichol Dodds. Sacrament will be observed in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Preparatory service Friday evening when Rev. Mr. West will preach. Mr. and Mrs. Fiddler and family, tspent a week with friends in and around Neustadt. . Harvest over and threshing about two thirds done in this district. If you want to l ugh. cry or think. be in the Agricuitu 1 Hall Tuesday night, Sept. 12th at t Cameron con. cert. given in aid of th Durham Hos. pital. Admission Mc t adults. Hopkins-Kerr-At the Mans“. Hor stein, Thursday, Aug. Mst, F. C. Hopkins to Miss Margaret _ or Varney. Horsburgh -Yake --0n Wodnesd1.v, by Rev. G. S. Scott, Mr. H. Hors- burgh to Miss Mary Yake. daughwr of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sake, all of Eg- remout. MARRIED TORONTO iil, as an -r, 'gga Much sympathy is felt for It and R. J Elem. in the lose try death of their only dughtet. Our Ichools reopen tod-No. 10 with Miss Jessie Clerk of Dttrhnm, teaching while Min I. Rain ot Pau. ley preside: at No. 9. Mrs Everett Roy and dnughtet. Heleueof Welland are spending " mouth with her parentl. It and Mrs Thou. 1deAiliater. Mr and Mn Hugh McDonlId of town were Vinita" at the Sunlhlun home, last Sunday. mu Roth's sister and brothers‘ motored over with her on Monday. l We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Honey to our community and wish them prosperity and happiness in her old home. Her brother. George Wain). sley. will remain there with them. His sale takes place on Friday. We hope to soon hear of his health being improved. Meson Punk and Dick Tilley of Toronto spent a few days In! week " the Smallman home. Mr J. W. Brown of Regina visited recently with Mr and Mn J. Movies and Mr and Mrs T. Stewart. Mr and Mrs Wm Ritchie and Mrs Wm Petty attended service in Kncx church Int Sunday Mrs Bradley is leaving to-dly. Wedusday for her home in Toronto. after spending two weeks with Mr and Hrs Geo. Smallman. Mrs Brad- ley received word on Monday that her mother had died at her home in England. We hope Nurse Fetus will enjoy her work as Matron ot the new Red Cross Hospital in Durham. That In- stitution is to be congratulated in Be. curing the services of such a compe- tent, experienced nurse and we wish all concerned much success in their tine work. Knox Sunday School are holdir their annual picnic on Friday i Canon grove. Rev. and Mrs H. Caldwell and daughter, Lydia of Cunics Cloning spent a tem days recently with friends in this part. Mr and Mrs Bert Canon and Miss Kathleen of London visited with Mr and Mo Wm Carson and other friends for a few days last week. Mr Stewart from East Normauby is expected to take charge of the service in Knox next Sunday. Mrs. McKenzie of South Bend, spent part of last week with her sis- ter, Miss Mabel Hopkins. We extend hearty good wishes for a long, happy life to Frank Hopkins and bride. Some of our visitors to Toronto Exhibit) this week are Miss Jean Eccles, Mr. and Mrs. Mulch. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGlllivray. Neil Calder and Will Sim. Rob and Will Sim also via. ited Inglewood relatives on their way. Miss Tillie St9venson Is the guest of her niece, Miss Mary Mulch. Mrs. Whyte and Miss Josie, spent the week end in Arthur with the for- mc‘r's sister. Mrs." P. Horsburg is spending a few Ityyt this week with her sister. Mrs. At the time of my lowing the ts. lauds a. tow months ago. the Dr. had set the lnstrumbnt on a good loun- dation in a stone building belonging to the church and it is now practi- cally ready to record earthquakes. Dr. Marsh gives each winter a course of lectures which are very largely attended and much apprecia- ted. The revonue from those lec- tures goes to the benefit of the ohurch. M 138 to her Sound. Mr. C. Molnnes' new big tractor.ls busy these days. Fine Weather for: threshing. Rev. Dr. Marsh Gives Time to the Bermudas, Our young people are enjoying the corn roasts in various places. (The following letter sent to the press has a local rererenee that will be appreciated where Dr. Marsh is known,---).) Desiring first-hand information. i visited the Manse and on making my- self and wishes known, Dr. Marsh shown-d me a splendidly installed " tronomlcal transit and Telescope, equipped with modern attachments tor solar, planetary and astro-physical work, which he not only himself en- Joys, but allows thousands of others to enjoy. From these instruments the time is taken from the stars lo 1-100 of a second. Thus the Bermudas are privileged to have as accurate time as any i-in'i or the world. Shortly after Dr. Marsh mum to the Bermud- as, he was asked by the authorities to resurrect-if po.vsmle---a Milney Seismograplt. what had been erected some years ago on Agar's island-- one of the Bermuda group-which had been unsuitably plaruul and during the war had suffered almost complete destruction. Last winter when visiting the "Par Famed Bermudas” the question arose in my mind. how do these. islands so far out in the sea get the time ? At. ter some inquiry, i was informed that the Rev. Dr. Marsh, pastor of St. An. drew's Presbyterian church, was up pointed by the government to make the astronomical observations neces- sary and give the time to the colony. NORTH-EAST NORMANBY Helen Urquhart has returned Collegiate studies in Owen YEOVIL A. Black, Niagara Falls, Out Well here we are again. fat and my me!- . considerable middle gor- nerlng in one ot the most bountiful menu. Since we lut wrote however, there has been nothing unuuonu devel- oped. neither births. deaths or nur- _ The Knox Church Sunday School‘ were somewhat unfortunate in trump/ ing into a rather measly day on Fri- day last tor their annual picnic in NT.“ Avin. Carson's bush. However. de", spite the drizzly and threatening air) _ pearance of the Weather. by mid at“. ternoon almost all the Knoxites,: young and old. with a fairly good ree, resentation from other vicinltlea were 'present and had a rollicking gooai time. Foot races by the boya and; -glrls were eagerly contested but the fat women's race was not contested.‘ A very spirited tugof-war was pulled: ‘ott. supposedly at titat between the scholars and teachers on the eat but! t of the church againat the teat aide. but before pulling long, ttrat one and '; then another ot the anxioua onlookers1 , would link up until there muat haveI .3 been nearly 100 puling for grim death. ; Notably so was that of Albert Mar. .j shall and J. J. Wilton. Bar, you 5 should have seen them pull .. but de, 'j spite their heroic ettorut gradually / but surely they had to come up the 1 i hill until tituttly a great Jericho about t was the signal that the vest aide won. Miss Grace and Mr. Reggie Ramoxe went to Toronto Exhibition Wednes- Farr and will return next week. i Rev. W. J. Burnett now bu his radio otttttt in good working order, 'and heard trom Chicago the other $1232.33? jiuiinir" is the mun; or the lads and mules. there is no soy- Ing how many [my loop the loop be. tore The farmers In this locality - unusually anxious to thmh an. season. In fact everyone we think. would “he to thrash this week. The norm of the crop last year we presume I: the reason. - The MeDonto-Mttrshtm ,thruhlng outtit is doing good work. Miss Florence Meuvride left on Tuesday last " attend the high school in Mt. Forest, beginning her third form evening, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hooper, Mr. Isaac Hooper and Mrs. Austin Hana. left for Toronto Exhibition Tuesday morning in the farmer's car. Mrs. Jas. Mather, Benunck. was also in attendance and is keeping her brother's haunta during their absence at Mrs. W. H. Hunter's mother's trick, ness and funeral who died in Gait on Friday last. A fair young coleen, a YE9t' and a half out from Ireland, but now of Nt. agara Falls, and visiting at Rev. W. J. Btumett's just now, favored the C. E. at Amos Church on Sunday even. ing last. with a solo in ttae voice and form. Miss Margaret Milford is her name. Mr. Arch. McDonald and Miss Thomusena Byron of Knox, together with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Koenig and two children. took In the services at Amos on Sunday. coming over In the latter's cur. Mr. Thos. Park In one of our lucky farmers to have a large Beid of pen this yen. On a “teen acre tleid over 50 loads were thrashed on Sntundny last with about three new: still to cut. Tom is becoming more Drury like in Ms bmndenlng out Ideas. Mr. 0mm as can b otreation gen Mrs. John Marsh-.11 left on Satur-' day last to tahe in the Exhibition and also to consult n tspecialist In regard to her health which has been tor the past few months somewhu belo normal. school has ro-opened once more with our new teacher, Mr. Archie Stewurt of Mt. Forest. We wish him much auccvss in lhe coming year. Miss Maud Thompson of the "ttd lation Hospital sum, Toronto, left on Saturday last to resume her duties again after a couple of weeks vaca- tion with her parents here. Mr. Sam Cowan and family and some others of the Bend, [we attend. ing the Exhibition in Toronto this week. We aro sorry to report Mrs Wm. Hunt is Very poorly and is with her son, Mr. Geo. Hunt at present. We an- glad to report that Russell, Mr. Ormv Hunt's boy, is doing as Well as can bo expeclod after his severe opt-ration, though not yet out of dan. Mr. Thog. McNiece was doing the line the other day looking up _ stock- Mrs. Goo. Stephenson of Mt. Forest visited her sister on Monday. ers to feed. it sure but: the nus- chief where Tom gets hold ot so much money. It would take us hard scratching this year to get enough of the dough to purchase a clocking Mr, Alix-xi Lvsliv, wife and three Elm; ih-volir‘llf? bel'ore."‘ ., daughters or. Owen Sound. visited at mv doubis about In"... said m Mr. Joe howling's over the holiday. gloomily, "Two dollars was Quite a number from here attend. paid for the marriage license. ed th" anniversary at Orchard and --r--- --ee WV» -ee - report a good time. Tenders " Farm The ihreshing in this vicinity an [wars lo be pretty well through. Some have the second threshing to do yet. There seems to be no scarcity of ma:- chines. hen told by Machth'o Drug “on. BLY'rtt'S CORNERS NORTH EGREMONT SOUTH BEND A alt-pa of Itet',t I world's and“: an you-u- me: it tar-ct visitors no. (tum distances and you by you n- u- tendmee mum. This your the ob- teetive was a million and a all-I10? leltors. but with - 100,000 not __.- -nnudnnni’. visitor; but will - - -__ in emu ot Int year’- Moe. the Aimee of 1”,.“ - for will doubtless be My ex- ceeded by the clone of the me. For the small “mission he of Me, there in n wealth or human! “(his and the visitor there (or scarcely " day. on we were, cannot begin to view them in detail. An internal" 119' building of exhibit: this you in the Pure Food Building nnd this was . popular one for the mum. Other places of special interest were the auto building. the radio in operntion, the coliseum and the "Made in Strar» ford" exhibit. The Bermuda Islanus than an exhibit of their products, in l, i‘act before many years it is expected 1 the leading countries or the world . will have buildings ot their own at ( Toronto's World tdir. l The grand stand spectacle surpas- l sen we believe that of previous \‘Pars. l The opening nthletic 1teig and clan yin; tuewortu' were nplendl ' And the l municnl ride of the " bomnten ls Iiiiriir'. popular. The outstanding ittttos I vution this year in the Prince of 1 Wales Din-bu in indin and mother _., ' whit-h l Come and see what your dollar l will buy on those days st The Variety' Store “Are you too big to totrt" tlmldly uked Premier King of the blushing young nun who preaented him with a memento on hla recent visit to%oum lEma-x, thereby betraying the bacite- .lor Ignorance. Someone should have 1 told him that the bluer they get the l more they approve ot the gentle art. --Ptirmer'ss Bun. “I!“ W"! III - -__ future is the “to - tattte,whielt in one of the - muon- ond ex- citing games known. and which is 'iiii%"TaGbuttutre"feUitt pair of an. Coll-unity singing caught on in good style. several cot- chy hits being thrown on the screen- between the new. national and pop- ulna The midway is u wronged as ever --some are good shows. some not. but all are clean. The motor cycle racer, the diving girls and the Liitiputitsntt ore about the belt. Septem r l2~lJi-H. 2 30. 2 .3”. Trot or pace nd farmers' race (when to any farmers' one. or any other that has not won mo S. Tender. will be received fortre pur- chase of Lot 29, Con. 3 E. G. R Glenelg near Glenrcaden 1(0acres and also for Lot 7, Con. I N D. R. Glenelg.aboul 3 miles from Durham, 50 acres. .111 m growing timber. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Lion's Head bunker In tumor» ity for the statement that #100,000 will be pad out In that village this [all tor the pen crop which is a Durham Fair Days" - Sept. I3 and 14 will be DOLLAR DAYS We Ipeculilc in training young men and women for bonnet. posutiono. Entollnny day. Individual inltruc- tion ensure. rapid prone... Cata. - lenton request. A man is a queer proposition. He will no clear through the not if the central girl does not give him his number in half a second. and yet ite will sit hour after hour in I boiling sun. with the mosquito: ontittq him lull. nua- uux --""-'" »..w..“ .V, up. vninly hoping some nice little tum will come along and aka a chance at his hook. An elderly nun w“ persuaded tty one of his sons to go with him to a boxing exhibition. The son [MW- two " seals. "Now dad." said the son joyfully. “you'll see more excite- ment for your " than yott've errr seen in your life below." "i've not my doubts about that." said the ttttltr t' gloomily, "Two dollars was wrcar, i YourSIccess is up to h, The best, quickest and "test to attain it is to spend I tew m: REPAIRING " KM “CHM? Bpeeini attention to Farm Machi- nery. Lawn Mower- scythe- and Bil other tool. or can.” lull-rp- and and nude like new. Work eal- lod for and donated if denim. Machine new; you"? roach?" ttav." p " MCI! Yul" - "i---"" nanunt mtr bees-tttq ttmed " _,. - n... ma Oweh Sound Fair Races ADDITIONAL LOCALS onrtn “it locimy. Thurs wealth from the Bolt. ”mit- ehi Ara om . - - -9ee"ee" the mun. Other ll Interact were the he radio In operntton. d the "Made In Strap The Bermuda Islands or their products. In ' years It In expected untrtes of the world an of their own at E. D. Bonnell. Secs". John Mckeclmie Principal 'It way Mot the Ul VOL " a l. " the Midd Run Ra lug 35 cal by, 7ec 95c to .1 this week. Ground l ndudcd il screening any quad lots or on The '" tiran aha! 2nd mm. 3rd. . ml Finder " tall Milk lowing d4 (‘umrrr held The an Bletthe4m Suhoned "xt " " n Abs Darl h-l "

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