West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Sep 1922, p. 5

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- best ofour it and are ttt th every day hrds. Green .aw rence is no cheap um. and for |ousehold in it. P them. and " if their. 1y fruit and Slammer tM , has»? banks IONS 'i'ti 1922 very good quality & d Bran '50 rham any htts, Will 'ery tt ‘1 shop good shot k! feed, ESGQ stem tTe Me 50c Jac "At, th 3ft 25c Ak 32c. 25c. 22c ll i?: In: People's Mills -- DURHAM 'lt :C0Ch'50lgX1ilXlf?llMiaiyiMMfllyaggaiggiimifg iN :';ia"0rh'rA"xli'4'xkilXRxXmxxxxxxxxgsim A Grade fine Yaw Cor I he Cash Shoe Store m RHAM. "___ ONT. 11w: mu'iom i" tood....... -t "if; it: {:33 warns (ton lots) par 100 lbs...... ..... ... ...... 1.75 :1 Hour (\liddllngn) per 100 "m......... ............ 210 \».1Mnxed Chop. per 100 ll»......... ....r.... ...... 2 10 1;.zi‘hnp per 100 lb. fold ttttio......... ......... ...... 210 \ "ttut/att-tlo-old;)......... ............... 210 Than-Mord} Call Meal. 2-5") tme........ ........e...... 1.25 '1 C. m Chopping. per 100 Ito...... ......... ...... 7 on LA» man Corn, whole. per Ion. bulk ......... ...... 8000 do chopped, per ton. bats included ......... 33 00 OUR FLOUR IS GUAIANTEED. The above prices are " the Mill and Strictly Cash. Hughes: Prices paid for WHEAT delivered at the Mill Men's Heavy Working Shoes GOODS DELIVERED around town every M afternoon. Bend in your orders early. a 112* No 8, Day or Night. M JOHN McGOWAN E _ wn 'gn Manitoba Patent Flour. per 98 Its Ink 3 :we Flour Blond. par 98 lb not ...'"....a....... A we Lily. Pastry Fpytr, per 98 lb not .... l'kkiing Spices, wring Jar Rings, Mnmax, Capping Wax , in all the latest styles Men s Dress Shoes Come in and look tin-<3 over. We have them our best qua- Ill prices ranging from.... $5 to lity Shoes at $8 One of the five grades of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils is exactly suited to your car. Use this grade regularly and get trouble-free service from your car at the lowest possible cost for lubrication. Consult the Chart to determine the grade you should be using. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED fl; Paper. Fly Swntms, Hum Fly oil !-:~inieclants y,cFA00EN's DRUG STORE THE PEOPLES MILLS is: Manufacturers and Marietta of humid! Polarim Motor Oils and Marketer: in Canada {we Fruit Salt Bah) 's Own Tablets 1.3:" Salts. health Salts, ”undies. Milk Magnesia Most likely we have it srASONABLE l T , REQUISITES Jtyte Try the Drug Store First Successors to Macfarlane & Co. DURHAM,ONT. Buy 1Tste fteaeAk m" "sourC. P.R.Tickets here SEPT. 21, I922 Made to stand hard wear. Priced from........................... Prices for Flour and Feed Just Arrived l We also have a large assortment of of Cami. Mobiloil. Our Fall Shipments of Repairing a Specnalty J. S. MCILRAITH Inks Suit ca: Eversharp Pencils Exercise Books Exam. Pads, etc.,etc. Text Books The most com. plete stock of School Supplies 4.00 to 5.00 is Pencils Fountain Pens Suit cases , DR. o. E. CARR, B.A. (Ton) A Radio Store stocked with all good standard radio parts and supplies is opening September 16th in Owen Sound. This store will be in a position to supply you with any Myle of set, ccmplete, or any parts, for you to construct your own set. and will also be in a position to instruct you in 'different methods at wiring these parts, sons to achieve the best results, or will do the wiring fer you. it is a mistake to think that radio is an extravagant idea-just the reverse --if you are properly instructed as to what to buy, Any information regarding radio, costs of sets or parts can he obtained by addressing Frank Slater. Coulson House. (opposite the City Hall,) Owen Sound, who is opening this upto-the-minute Radio Shop. Telephone 2, .r 1.5. Hopevilie Women's institute met at the home of Mrs. W. Jack on Wea. nesday, Sept. 13th. It was the annu- al tiower day and Mrs. G. H. Gilkes took first prize with a choice boquet of pale pink asters. and Mrs. Jas. Sturrock. a son. "orn--on Thursday, Sept. 14th, to Mr and Mrs. Wm. Gamble. a son. A union meeting of Hopeville and Esplin Bible Society was held in Hopevllle church last Tuesday even- ing and a good lecturer with lantern slides was interesting. Messre Iles and Horsburgh. Wood- land, visited the f1rst ot the week at Mr. Jno. Sinclair's. Born-on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, to Mr. Mr. Chas. Wale was in Toronto on business last week and on Saturday opened his tttore to the public. We wish him better luck. The Threshing Machine Co. have started work for the season. Messrs Harry Scott and Geo. Ridden are in charge of the outfit. C Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shana and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shand were Sunday visitors at Mr. Geo. Shand's. Mrs. Geo. Gilkes is spending a while with relatives in Toronto. Miss Ruby Haw has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm. McEachnio. Mrs. E. E. Hockridge entertained the ladies of the village at a quilting last week. Interment took place on Sunday last to Maplewood cemetery. l Deceased was Miss Aggie McVean. born in Normanby about 60 years ago where her brothers James and Alex. and sister Jessie still live. About " years ago she married Wm Marshall, the union being blessed with tour children, James, now on the home farm near by and Aggie, Jessie and Will. Friday last at her home in Egre- mom. the death occurred of Mrs. Wm. Marshall. About a month ago she suffered a stroke of paralysis. but was recovering fairly well, when a second one proved fatal. Only last spring her husband died and much sympathy goes out to their tour children and other relatives, doubly bereaved in a brief period. Mr. Black tair-iii; record Brown the clerk before him, 25 years only. Mr. Hector McDonald, son ot Mr. John A. McDonald. South Line.Glen- elg. has been appointed Clerk of his township. in succession to the veter- an John B. Black, who for thirty eight years has given ettleient service as Clerk and seven years before that as Assessor. Mr. McDonald is a good penman. with a municipal in. stinct inherited from his tather,ttuso an old veteran in the municipal life of the township) and will make good. Mr. Black titat entered the Council in 1875, 47 years Mo, but Mr. Me. Donald was ahead of him, being elee, ted councillor in 1870, titty two years ago. For continuous service though, Mr. Black holds, the record. James b____ .. _ - Death of Mrs. Wm. Marshall Office and Residence: PRICEVILLE Appointed Clerk of oieneig- HOPEVILLE ' serving Oats. ...... Buokwhent.. Barley ...... Pen ........ Wheat...... Flottrpertswt Fauna. Sept. 21, l922 Hogs. I'we,fots..... 1 Batter................. 85 to noun. I|YU.|U M..... Batter............., Oats. o.............. Baghtwhettt.......... Barley.............. Peal................ Wheat.............. I Flottrpertswt....... 3 sible." (3rd Sermon ) 7 p. m --The Message of the Season. DURHAM BAPTIST CHURCH E.CAMERON, B. A., B. Th., Pastor Sunday. Sept. 24th, 1922 Morning service at 11 a. m. Topic '. 11 a m.- " Ordered Against the Mums. Galt........... ..........'....... Georgetoun........ ........ . Harriston.....,.. ...........0.. Kincardine........ ........e... Listowel....................... . Palmerston........ ....... '.., Rockwood........ ............ Teeswatcr..... ................. Wingham B..................... Dundalk......... ........ Grand valley.....-. Hanover.................. Brampton................ Chesley.............. .... Dray'on.................. Fergus........ ........ HOLSTEIN........‘............ . Sept. 26 27 PRICEVILLE o................' 5 and (i Collection Fruit-Dan Ritchie (3 G) Glenny Firth " G). - - - Writing, 2nd Book-Ha Trafford (l G), Corinne Lawrence (U 2 B & G), Beth McGillivray (1 G), Margaret Me Lean (U 2 B & G), Myrtle McLean (I: 2, B & G). Potatoes- Adolphus Lawrence " G), Margaret McLean (U2B&G). Catharine McLean (UZB&G). Iona Beaten (5G). Vera Robins (UIE& N), Bertha Ritchie (9 G). Corn-Jack Anderson (3 G). Isabel Firth (3 G), Freeman McFadden (9 G) Jar of oats-Dan Ritchie (3 G). Pen, cockerel and pullet --Arthur McCabe (U1 E & N). Drawing, 3rd and 4th Books-Iona Beaten (5G), Annabel McArthur (I G), ArthurMcCabe (U1E&N). Adol- phus Lawrence (9 G), Mary Beaten (1 G), Freeman McFadden (9 G). Brown Egttss-- Isabel Firth " G), Dan Joe Ftrth (3 G), Gordon Thomp- son (U2 8&6). Frederica Staples " G), Armonell Glencross (3 G), Doro- thy Ritchie (3 G). Drawing, 2nd Book-Corinne Law- rence (U 2 B & G), Margaret McLean (U 2 B & G), Jean Clark (U 2 B & G). Catherine Timmins (5 G). White Eggs-Gordon Thompson (U 2 B & m. Parsnips - Mary E, Benton (IG), Glenny Firth (3 G), M.Glencross (3 G) Onions-Charlotte B. Patterson tu IE & N), Ruby Staples (3 G). Sheaf oatg--Dan Ritchie " G). Shear Barley-Lucy Robins (UIE & N.) Carrots-Gordon Thompson (U 2 B & G), Evelyn Robins (U l E& N). Ar. mpnoll Glencross (3 G), CameronRotr son (9 G), Roy Hargrave C) G). An. nabel McArthur (IO). Beets-Myrtle McLeod (U 2B& G) Jessie Clark (UZB&G), Christene Anderson (3 G), Mary I. Anderson (i; G), Marjorie Ritchie (3 G), Annie Al'- nett (9 G). White bread --Mamie Hal-grave " G), Con. Collluson (9 G). Manttela--Olive Allan tlt G). Turnips-- Percy Greenwood " G). Ralph Staples " G). Layer tnike-Catherine McLean (U 2, B & G), Myrtle Glencross " G). Glenny Firth " G). Mamie Vessie (U 2 B & G), Myr. McLean (U 2 B & G Tea biscuits-Dorothy Arnett It) G) Mamie Veggie (U 2 B & G), Corinne Lawrence (U 2 B & G). Prize Winners of School Fur Held at Durham Apple pie-Margaret McLean (U2 BAG), Mlma Harttrave (9G). Ber. tha Ritchie (9 0). Annie Amen (9 G) Irene Collinson ti) G), Irene Grasby U 2, B & G). Writing, 3rd and 4th Book pupils--- Annabel McArthur tt G). Arthur Mc. Cabe (U.1.E&N). Alister Lawrence (U 2, B & G). Landels Wilton tu l, E & N), Irene Graaby (U 2, B & G), Gladys Firth (G 5). Atstertr-Dorothy Ritchie " G). Att. nie Amen " G). Mary E. Benton " G.), Winnirred Boyd (5 G). Alister Lawrence tu.2 B.& G.), Ella Ttttrord (l G.) Phlox--Ltuit, Jacques " G.) Sweet Petus-Hunter Ritchie " G.). U.No. 2, B.& G., Minna Hargrnve " G) Table bouquet-Mamie Vesale tu.2 Bao), Dorothy Ritchie " G), Pred. erica Staples " G). Knitting in 9-} B. t G.; Durham . Markets Dates of Fall Fairs alley.....,...... ....... n.......................... TEE DU BEAM REVIEW Pr ..............' . ...-o.............. -............. .... .... ....... ....... .. ............... r................... woot-Beatrice Gmby, Myrtle Meutus U.t B. 360 85 to 27 to 35 70 48 95 35 Sept. 21-22 Sept. 22-23 Oct. G7 Sept. 28-29 Sept. 21-22 Sept. 21-22 Oct. 3-4 Sept. 29-30 Oct. 3-1 Sept. 25-20 Sept. 26-27 Sept. 26 27 Sept. 21-22 Sept. 22-23 Sept. 28-29 Sept. 26-27 Oct. 10-11 10 140 400 10-11 21-22 " 27 M 75 75 TORONTO (Conlil on! in m last In k) PLANTS Coll. House Plants, 20 varieties--- Mrs. Mellralill. T. Petty; 12 varie. ties-Art. McDonald. Hugh McDonald 6 varieties-Mrs. T. Whitmore, How. ard McDonald; Double Creratsiutms-, A. MeDanald. T. Petty. Single Gets, aniums--T. Pety. A. McDonald. seen-l ted Geraniums-Howard McDonald,) Hugh McDonald. Betrottlats-Mrs Mc-i Gowan. A. McDonald. Begonias. tu-) berous rooted-Mrs MclIralth. Coleus:I --.Mrtt. A. Ritchie, Mrs T. Whitmore.' Cttcti---Mr, Mellralth. Foliage plants, -adrt, Mcllralth. Mrs Wolfe. Cocks. comb-T. Petty. Double Geranium“ white-A. McDonald, Howard McDon. ald. Double Geranium. any other--- M. Barber, Mrs Whitmore. Single Geranium, white-- Hugh McDonald, Howard McDonald. Single Geranium! any othtt-- Mrs Whitmore, A. Me", Donald. Tricolor Geranium-Mrs Mew llralth. Hugh McDonald. Ivy Geran- fum-Mrs Whitmore, Mrs Mcllrailh.! Oleander-Mrs Mellralth. Ivy-Hugh', McDonald, A. McDonald. mNBCag--' Mrs Mellraith. Double F'uehtria--Ho. ward McDonald. Single FuehtG--, Mrs. Mellralth. A, McDonald. Abut-i ilott--A. McDonald. Hydrangea-Mrs A, Ritchie. T. Petty. Rubber plant- The reader is referred to the prize list for the winners in the various foot and other races. The Concert Was, as always, generously patro- nized, two hundred or more being, turned away. The entertainers were the Henderson troupe from London, a different array of juvenile artists than formerly appeared here, and less experienced entertainers. The danc- ing and some of the vocal numbers were tine, though the comedian was scarcely up to the standard. The receipts were about $180. In the open hall-mile race, Harold Mountain tttttshed Ist, Hoy chkson 2nd. and Oscar Moon 3rd. Elmer Peo threw the baseball fartlu-st in the ball throwing contest. Varney Holstein A new feature for which the crowd waited and were not disappointed was the basket ball game between Dur- ham Third Form High School girls and Boothvllle. The Directors at some trouble had moved the High School outfit to the grounds. and this comparatively new game was wit- nessed with keen delight. Boothville. won, the score being 10 to 5. The game seems well adapted to promote the health and agility of the partici- pants, young ladies in orthodox bloomers, whose eagerness and activ. ity were quite spectacular. "mire ot the best ball games ever seen in Durham was the seven inning exhibition between Varney ' Sonar West Grey champions, and the Hol- stein team, Varney winning , runs to 0. Holstein imported a 3rd baseman and pitcher Knox from Allenford to endeavor to capture the game. but Varney'a star pitcher, Harold Mmm. tain, was unbeatable, striking out 15 men and Allowing only 2 hits. Knox also pitched good ball, but had not as good control as Mountain. Both teams showed snappy tieldittg. The batting order 2 VARNEY HOLSTEIN Elmer Fee, left f. Art. Coleridge.c Jack Petty, 3rd b. Harold Mnin.s.s. Bob McArthur, right f. Knox, pitch. Lorne Motmtttin,tr.s. Geo. Brown, c.f Clar. McGirr, 2ndb. Fenton, 2nd b. Cor. Grant, catcher Moore, 3rd b. mushy. centre f. McLean, lst b. Bert Barber, 1stb. Bert Gibson, rt H. Mountain, pitcher C. Calder. l.f. in the Fine Art class were some tine specimens and the photographic groups of local public buildings, scen- ery, etc., were admirable features de. serving high Commendation. The edible display was abundant and tempting. Butter was. we are sorry to say as usual. scarce and'in some cases. quality only fair. The penmanship exhibits were closely scanned and while we think the pri. zes were fairly awarded, we confess to agreeing with a number ot critics that there is room tor more attention being given to penmanship. As we intimated last week, the la- dies' work in the hall drew much favorable comment. and was gener- ally voted high-class. The fruit was abundant and good as was to be ex. pected this year. Field vegetables were not up to average we thought, but the display of plants and tiowert, was superb. Some Juvenile school fair exhibits seemed of great excel- lence, but another year should see this department better differentiated. However the Directors Carried their program through. The display of horses In seven] classes w“ good and the judges had no small ditBettlty In coming to a declslon. Cattle, sheep and swine classes were not numer- ously represented. but there was good quality In all. The same remark sp- plies to the poultry exhibit. But Program Carried out in Pull Our hoping in last week's tune tor a favornble second day wu not at titled. Thursday broke drimly, end though there was no downpour. the torenoon gave little encouragement to those not directly Interested to "come out.” The afternoon won a little better and In fair number: the trend to the ground: began. Gate proceeds amounted to 8286, not half the amount n good day would have netted Durham Prize List Score by Innings A Cheerless Second Bay for . Durham Show 4 5 6 7tolal Plymouth Rocks. barred. aged----C. 'il, Lang, 2nd. Ply. Rocks barred. young '---Artltur McDonald. lst & 2nd. Ply. qt, Rocks white. ttpred-- w. D. Connor I A, and 2. Ply. Rocks white, .vouue---W. * D. Connor l (a 2. Wyandom-s silver laced, young-W. Ramatre, C. Lang”? .‘ Wyattdottes, white, aged-C. Lana; . "V.vandottes, a.0.v., aged-C. Lang.! ' , Leghorns, white WC,, young-H. Mc-l 3Donald. Jno. Lloyd. Leghorn: white, l q 's.C.. ttaed---H. McDonald. wnorcas,16 lwhlte, tuted--C. Lang. Leghorn butt, i, - l young-C. Lang 1 & 2. Mlnorcas I black young-C. Lang. Orpittgtoutr-- 6 2t,',t Murdock. Cochin Bantam-C. * Kittttee. I. Ducks Rouen, aged -Howard McDonuld. W. Ramage. Alyesbury. young-H. McDonald. mm. "ed-C. Lang. I & 2, Jno, McGirr 2nd. Shvarllnz ewe--R. Herd 1 & 2, Jno MeGirr 3rd. Ewe lamb-R. Herd, Jno McGirr 2 & 3. Pen-Roi. Herd, diploma. Bul- cher ewe or weather, any breed-d. McGirr. R. Herd, W.A. Livingstone. SWINE York or Other White Breed Boar. any ture-R. Herd. Brood sow-R. Herd Ist and 3rd. Pair Sp. pigs-R. Herd. Leicester: Ram, 2 shearg--gno. MeGirr, Rom. Herd. Ram, shearlintr--rt. Herd, l & 2. Ram lamb-R. Herd, 1& 2. Jno. McGirr 3rd. Ewe, 2 tshears-R. Herd, 1 & 2. Ewe lamb-A. Herd, l & 2. Pett--A. Herd, diploma. Shropshire Ram Shearling-W. A. Livingstone. Ram lamb, Ewe. 2 shears: Shem-ling ewe: Ewe lamb-All W. A. Living- stone 1 & 2. Peu--W.A, Livingstone diploma. Agricultural Hams Brood mare. foal at mot-Otto Gil- atorf. Alex Herd. Potgi--AIex Herd. Filly or gelding. 1 year-M. Gittstorf. Alex. Herd. Filly or gelding. 1 yr- J. Glistorf. Filly or gelding. 2 yrB--- Spun Horsea-Bturer, Jno. MeGirr. General Puma Brood mnre. foal " foot-hu' Mn. ther. Alex. Herd. Poal-Jtut. Mather, Alex. Herd. Filly or gelding. 2 YN-- Alex. Herd. Spun Hortrea---R. J, Ai. exander, Rom. Herd, Alex. McLean. Rotators ........ .. Filly or gelding. 2 yrs old-st- ley Wiiiiuna. Single driver-Ale) Ellis, Jag. Pickett, W. H. Nichol. Moms in AWion ........ Farmers' Trot- Richard Barber, Jas. Picken. Lady Drlver--Jaa. Pic, ken, Mrs. J. McGowan, Stanley Wil- Hams. Cow-Dr. A. C. Wolfe and. can. Much COW-- Mrs. B. T. Chapman. Heifer. 2 yrs-Ales. Herd. Heifer. I yetrr---Alex. Herd. Steer, l yr-Alex. Herd. 1 CUT FLOWER. Open-air "rnrertr-A. Hawk”, T. Petty. Bouquet-A. McDonald. In McMraith. Bouquet. ttaatd-. In Me. llralth. A. Hawk“. Bouquet. hand. house t1oqrertp--Mrtt Mollralth. Hugh McDonald. Table orungnettt- In. Wolfe. T. Petty. Coll. Asterg--Mrg. Wolfe. Btnnle & Son. Coll. Dahlia- Hugh McDonald, Ira lcllraltlt. DI- artttugtt-Howard McDonald. Gladioll ...-Mrs lcllralth. "ruttur---Ho+ McDonald. T. Petty. Maritroio--Ho. ward McDonald. A. Hawkes. Petunlas tsingle-Mrs Wolfe. T. V. Bell. Snap Drttgoms-B1nttie & Son. verbentur- T. Petty. Sweet Petug--A. Hawkes. Mrs Burnett. Ntttrttgrtiuttt-Mrtg Wolfe. FINE a MISCELLANEOUS ART Oil paintintt,ltuuUeape, from nature --Plorenee Goodehild, & Patterson. Marine View. copy -F'iorenee Good. chlld. B. Patterson. Figures or - --.Mrtt. Savage. Water Colors. scene from tttore-ig. Patterson, Mrs Sav- age. Animals. eop.v--Mrts Maurer, S. Patterson. Crayon sketch. colors, or- igirtat-Mrs Savage. Pencll drawing, freehand-Mrs Savage, S. Patterson. Pen and ink-S. Patterson. Coll ko- dak views. farm scenes in South Grey --s. Patterson. single-piece Art, Work-Mrs Maurer, Mrs. Knechtel.1 Hand decorated China-Mrs Burnett. Mrs. Savage. 1 HORSES -t4eaey Draught _ Brood Mare, foal at foot-Ono Gil. storf. Filly or gelding; l year-J. Glistorf. Fllly or gelding, 2 yrs-R. Altkeus. Span Horses-gas. Ellison, J. Gilstorf. SHEEP--otttttrd Downs Ram, , shear-Alex. Herd. Ram lamb-A. Herd. Ewe, , tshears-A. Herd, 1& 2. Shut-ling ewe--A, Herd, Quick Hitch up-- Rich. Barber. R. Aitken, S. Williams, PURE BRED GAYLE- Shorthan- Butt Ctuf--Robt. Aitken. Heifer. 2 yetua---Alex. Herd. Heifer calf-R. Aitken. In Moom---r. Petty, In Hellman. Hethtrope- In Hour-MI. Boron! MeDonatd. Rex Begonia- In Me. Gowan, Mrs B. Chum. Boston tern .--Mrt, McGowan . Dwarf Boston fern --Mrtt McGovnn. Norfolk Island Pine ---Mrtt McGowan. In Mettratth. Hun- ging Bataet---T. Petty, A. McDonald. Any other pitutt-Mrs WoW, In Me. llnlth. Mrt McGovnn. A. McDonald. Rose. Tamworth Pair Bacon Hogs-R. Herd POULTRRY is surprisingly helpful to works wonders! A little regularly 'eott a he. MD. on. '54 for mod children is a Jerseys ' Curtain Berim,white and U i. 0cm, per "rd...... toe we t '1- lt C, L Grant t ii'dv'li' . Mk3”? 'tt Something Mew , in Skittlng 'il, 1"!"1'1"? ilrsi; -ipttiee Durharil is an attractive and healthy town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonable ratca. Blllail SCH©©L The School but I créditnble record in the out which it hopes to maintain III the future. Each member of the In?! is I Univ- eruty graduate Ind an experienced teacher. Intending pupils Ihould pupal-c to en. ter It the beginning)! the nu term. Information as to course. may beob- tained from the Principal. [doomed Auéd'oneor for Co. Um Ml. loam-u mom. lot In. . to.” tau-m hen-mu In In” at tSl ".'I',lr"ltot,tPtity'ttiitt" “a..." i'iiiaa u, "iWiiiuuaioiiiiiA" " It lurid! In I an“... ll " at!!!) MIC. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following caurm ; I. Junior lamination 2. Sauna to the Koran! Schools 3. Senior Immanuel: D. MoPHAIL Univ“ [aim of Boyd coll. ot Ducham- of (Mario Boo-a Ont I .1 HUNTER! Now“ DUIIAI - AND - DRS. JAMESON a “was“ WMEKEW o,grsir, L as m aim... -iiGa'iikiG . Tiiiriariiiir. one. Noun: . toll a. 11.. ”out “In. ' to I p.n.. Buildup “I and” afternoon emtetrted. 0m “than... J. L. smut. M. B., M. c. P. s: HI..- euru" g...- I. G. HUHOI.I.D.. 0 I0 I: well known throughout Cland- for high-grade work. _m canning! 1rtftttinq are y'"yrlrtt"e1t. Baler now. Handsome entnlogue tree. because our instruction In Individ- ual. You Are mush! u fast as yon an lean at the J. [GRANT 0.0... LO..- Red Sport Flannel. 56 in. wide, " per yd... 2.50 Trico Tweed (eirreular) - 56 in wide, per yd 32.75 - Brown and Green Velve- t teen " per yurd ... Me A You can Beg'l any Day Satin Damask at par " Factory Cotton per yard Owen Sound. Ont. Cnulogue free. A. Fleming. RCA. G. D. Fleming. Principal Secretary Grant's A SUPERIOR SCHOOL! won 0 NM?! Milo Uni”, h til,ittih'ltlli,ll'i'hu -' " - ul- Juan" CW!“ on. duo Pout Oil“. Yonrs monum- Ma., Toronto c. uncle. Churmm C. H. DAMARD B. A., Princlpal new My. A. B. CURBE! I z”)... 'li%%%ttrat u.“ “as." 'fMr.Ptt'gt' odd. G B. lcPIlAlL. Canon or to c. ”all. Durha- W. J. Elliott, Principal any... on!“

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