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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1922, p. 6

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ert iÂ¥ or 922 ra Store om pa nd si y $4¢ he t there 1 $140060 whicn would ill now onds W W oun t ads rabi M pro M tine at am p he Lots 13 and 14 Concession 2, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres. Apply to Sarah Webber, and A. H. Jackson, T Executors, James Webber estate ‘ es ‘% gi6d p :% ze _.f;",‘}fix a L ? ' Gnrmennmmnmnmeamemiy C ie / m e Reasselcss MAE REPA!RING All Kinds MACHINERY Farm Machinery, Cream Separâ€" ators, Guns and other small arâ€" ticles. All kinds Tools sharpenâ€" ed ; Saws, Axes, Scissors, Knives and other Cutlery. Machine Shop Has been added for the benefit Mixed, Green or Black Tea, regular Cheese...... 2e per Ib. Seeq Overalls Women‘s Fine vwomen‘s Fine and Coarse Boots Men‘s Boots and Rubbers from . MILLINERYâ€"30 Hats to chooss Canadian Yarn, Black Duttons, any card Dyola and Diamond 1 Belladonna Plasters, Sateensâ€"Black, Pink, Grey, YelloO® and Brown, reg 34 inch Light and Dark l’lannelletteo. reg. 35¢ for.. Prints, Dark and Light, reg. 22%¢ to 35¢ for........ Velveteens, several colors, reg. 90¢ to $1.25 for.... Black Panama, 36 ins. wide, regular 90¢, for .... Grey and Blue Serge, 36 ins. wide, regular $1.25 Black & White Cotton and Wool Plaid, 54 in. wide, Cravenette, 36 ins., grey or fawn, regular $1.35 for Cap and Scarf Sets, regular $2.25 for Boys‘ Pullovers, regular $2.75 and §%29%5 :. mitt November 9th, 10th and 11th A Few Buy a $1 bottle of Syrup of Hypophosphites and get another for l cent or the 2 for 1.01 Good Form Hair Nets all shades, 1 for 10c¢, Machinist, etc. arly opposite Post Office ue ECONOMY racKace â€" Aemmqmmmneccuepmeentt "fi lb-va 80¢ (Auso Procurasieâ€"if2 Ih Pacnaoe 15¢) a, NOV. 9, doonna Plasters, Thomas‘ Electric Oil, Dy. Miller‘s Freeseless Cream, Colgate‘s Tooth eI‘s, Hamilton‘s, Patmalee‘s Pills â€" arch . e large bills for complete list of Specials. Many articles you will need soon ed to run this Sale only occasio nally. Take advantage of this exrentinnal Farm for â€" Canada‘s Is, Bob Long & Leather Label EGGS ano cHorce DAIRY | exall Durham rew Bargains Going at the SALE IN THE HALL, HoPEVILLE at McFadden‘s Drug Store =â€" Three . HOCKRIDGE, Hopeville . MOONK arn, Black and Grey and y card Diamond Dyes A New Stock of Groceries 2 for 11¢c McFADPDEN‘S DRUG STORE The RexoML store NURA ONT. Bu to choose from, your the benefit of the D. R. Owing to two largely signed peti 'tions, one in favor of a road through 'kson.! Mr. Jas. Ellison‘s, Glenelg Township, ‘state‘ and the other opposed, the Council <â€"â€"â€"â€" | hereby respectfully request any inâ€" | ferested to attend the Council meetâ€" ing on Saturday, 11th day of Novemâ€" ; ber next, at the hour of 4 o‘clock p. p \m., to give their reasons for or ‘ against the proposed road. ‘ One Cent Sale ular 65¢ Ib, for.......+.«....490 Hy Seedless Raisins. .. .2 pkgs. for 25¢ Pills, eiélvlmre;g. . reg. $2.75 for .. The Durham U. F. O. Live Stocx Association will ship stock from Durâ€" ham, on Tuesdays. Shippers are reâ€" quested to give three days‘ notice. Jas. Lawrence, Manager Phone 606 r 3 Durham, RR. 1 A. McCUAIG, Reeve Dated Oct. 23rd, 1922 , reg $2.25 & 2.75 for $1.50, $2 pr PRINTS TAKEN as CASH. Fuall 2 gts, guaranteed years, 1 for 2.50, and get another for 1 cent or the Hot Water Bottles . reg. 35¢ for....20¢ HERE IS THE PLAN Buy a 25¢ bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide NOTICE TO FARMERS. . Dyola Hat Sale Purchasers : Choice . _ wmany articles you will need soon. We will be perâ€" Take advantage of this ex ceptional opportunity. NOTICE a Hat Dye, Paste, Seigâ€" g. 30¢ for. ...15¢ and ++ ++ ++...$1.98 pr. $1.98 to $4.40 pr. . 35¢ for......2%¢ ..50¢ and 75¢ yd +*++«....50¢ yard or......T5e yard 2 for 2.51 2 for 26¢ 10¢ per doz. ...4 for 25¢ and 22%¢ yd d 22¢ yard $ .19¢ There are many of our prosperous farmers granaries that are full to overflowing, but they are thankful that they are not like that foolish man whose barns were too small, and was going to pull them down and put up bigger ones. _ What was the result of that foolish man? We all know. So let us all be thankful for f our circumstances. Reeve McCuaig finished threshing | on Saturday last after having three | days at the work. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burgess, Miss E. Hunter and Miss D. Pickering, all ot Durham, motored out on Sunday and attended service here and came over Mrs. Norman Mclntyrs, S. Line, Glenelg, is in Toronto this week seeâ€" ing a specialist for treatment of her eyes. Halloween was not observed by the youngsters very extremely as we see all the gates in their proper placâ€" es and plows unmoved. The boys of nowadays are not so mischevious as the ones of long ago. D luecag c 200 CCC > SOmCCmes | red hot as the elements outside are ‘very disagreeable. However â€" we |must not be too selfish in being ; thankful for our own comforts when | we think of those so lately bereft of | all their belongings and are on this | disagreeable day huddled in a small | shack. To those so recently in comâ€" | fortable circumstances, it will be a severe change of living. _ Yesterday, Sunday, we listened to a good sermon from Rev Mr. Jones of ‘ the Presbyterian church from â€" the words "Give thanks unto the Lora, for His mercies endure forever." Taking the country as a whote, thre is special reason to be thankfui, for there is abundance for man and beast. In this part of the country where our lot is cast, the farming community are blessed with an abunâ€". dance, with enough and to spare, so that those depending on the products The Harvest Home entertainment, held in the Methodist Church, on Wednesday of last week, was largely attended and a good time spent. Mr. and Mrs. Nichol of Dundalk, motored up to see Mrs. Nichol‘s sisâ€" ter, Mrs. McDermid one afternoon lately. ise ’ This is Thanksgiving Day and we are thankful we have wood enough to ,keep the stove full and sometimes D reoul : usale Snss Pagsl 0S and get another for 1 cent or the 2 for 36¢ Liggett‘s Qrange & Gold pkg, the‘ WONDER BOX‘ _ > . JC UORNIHY . as â€" a / whote, thre is special reason to be thankfui, for there is abundance for man and beast. In this part of the country where our lot is cast, the farming community are blessed with an abunâ€" dance, with enough and to spare, so that those depending on the products of the farming community can be supplied abundantly. The â€"farming class are yet relieved from feeding their stock in their stables for they can yet feed themselves upon â€" the thousand hills and valleys. _ On the other hand many are bereft of their dear ones since last Thanksgiving Day but they must take courage for the promise to them that they shali not be left comfortless, for the Giver shall never fail in fulfilling His promâ€" . $1 box Asstd. Chocclates Buy a 35¢ tube of Pearl Tooth Paste PRICEVILLE AND SOUTH LINE Days Only 2 boxes for 1.01 PRICEVILLE «L.2 i O8KE . .... .. Buackw} eat .. Barley ...... Peas ...... .. Wheat ...... | Flour per ewt Mr. D. S. McDonald‘s fine new resâ€" idence is nearing completion, and adds to the beauty of the surrounding country. Mrs. W. McKinney was visiting Mrs Fred Sageman a day last week. The Ladies‘ Aid of Esplin Church, met at the home of Mr. Jno. Bittori recently. Mrs. W.L. Dixon, Mrs. W. Weir and Mr. Joe Dixon, were visiting at Mr. J.Sinclair‘s the first of the weex. Mr. Neil McFachnie and family were recent visitors at Mr. Pete Mc Eachern‘s, Egremont. Our local Institute expectâ€"to have the pleasure of entertaining members of Dromore branch on Wednesday of this week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Gilkes. Miss Peg. Ferguson entertained a number of her young friends last Thrursda_v _evening. Mr. Jas. Riddell has bought Lir. Wm. Burnett‘s house that was someâ€" what damaged by a recent fire and is busy repairing it. Mr.A . H. Burnett is at present visiting relatives around Pricevine and Durham. The Hopeville Missionary Society are busy working on quilts for the Northern Ontario homeless, a quilâ€" ting to be held at Mrs. C. Wale‘s on Friday afternoon. Mrs. E. E. Hockridge took a busin ess . tr!p to Toronto Friday last. Rev. Mr .Jones of the Presbyterian church, preached in the afternoon, and delivered a fine discourse on Thanksgiving, taking for his text Psalim 107. Ebenezer choir furnishâ€" ed the music at this service. Then in the evening the pastor, Rev. Mr. Bushel, took for his text, the 103rd Psalm and brought out the many things that Canadians should be thankful for, more especially â€" the reason for Thanksgiving of those who believe in and endeavor to follow the teaching of the word of God.. On Monday evening a supper in the baseâ€" ment of the church, was much enjoyâ€" ed, after which a program of music, readings and a play, all by home talent, was enjoyed by a large audâ€". ience, the church again being full. \ On Sunday the Thanksgiving servâ€" ices in Salem Methodist Church were enjoyed by all the people that couie crowd into the church both afternoon and evening. We are sorry that so many could not get in and had to reâ€" turn to their homes. The good roads and fine day brought the people from a long distance. ed that boys are more expensive io their parents than girls" was thorâ€" oughly thrashed out, Misses Kathleen McMillan and Cora Richardson â€" for the affirmative, Messrs Cranston an« Watson on the negative. _ The boys won by a slight margin, but all showâ€" ed ability and thought, and held the attention of the audience throngnâ€" out. We hope for more of those pleasant and instructive events durâ€" ing the winter. _ All kinds of home made candy was served and after the program, a series of games were enâ€" joyed in the school room. Misses Hazel and Peggy Ferguson and Margaret Aldcorn are going to Toronto Tuesday to spend sometime. The Young Peoule‘s Social in the Presbyterian church last Thursday evening, was very enjoyable and we;: worth attending. Rev. Mr. Jones occupied the chair, and a program of songs, readings and a debate were enjoyed by all. The debate "Resoivâ€" R. J. McNaulty and family spent Sunday with Mr. Jos. Whyte on tne townline. A Mr. Brown and companion â€" of Guelph, have spent a week with Mr. Howard Watson and Geo. Haw rabâ€" bit shooting. Mrs. Watson Sr. has ffered â€" inâ€" tense pain for a week ‘lnow from blood poisoning in her left hand and arm. Dr. Sneath has been treating it, and although no t spreading, â€" it does not improve much. Some of those home for the holiday are Elda Parslow from her school in Erin : W.J. McLeod from St. David‘s, Mary Kinnell from â€" Taeronto. Also the three sisters of Hugh McLean, all from Torontoâ€"Annie and Christena, who are married and Kate, forelagy in the employ of the Canada Cloak Company, spent the week endat their old home and rejoiced the heart o1 their mother along with other friends. Mr. McNaulty of the city spent the week end with his aunts and families, the McLeod‘s and Clark‘s here, Richard Hardy took a trip to Owen Sound. His business or intentions are mysterious as yet but just wait. Thanksgiving Day is over for anâ€" other year and has been used by evâ€" eryone according to their various likâ€" ing. Some plowed, others took to the bush with dog and gun. Some have spent the day in feasting, either at home or with friends. But all seemâ€" ed thankful and in a pleasant mood. Susan Mc_lzl'r;novi:..' after to see Mrs. B‘s uncle, Mr. Hugh MeKinnon. Mrs, Burgess has always a warm leaning towards Pricevilie, where she attended services in her §irlhood days when she was Miss SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE TRE DURHAM REVIEW she was Miss [ â€" Gr, 4thâ€"*Glenny Firth, â€" Frederica Staples, Ada Paylor. 3r. ardâ€"Doroâ€" thy Ritchie, *Christene Anderson, *Armonell Glencross, Bell Boyd, Arâ€" chie Greenwood. Jr. 3rdâ€" Grace Paylor, Lena Bell, Jack Anderson, Mae Bell, Tom McNally, Ralph Stapâ€" les, Mary Scheurman, Clara Scheurâ€" man. Sr. 2ndâ€" Dan Ritchie, *Mary Moffat, *Blanch McKechnie, *Myrtle Glencross, *Irene McKechnie, *Dan Firth. Sr. 1â€"â€"Patsy Young, Jasper: Greenwood, â€" Adeline MeNailly. Sr. Pr.â€"Alva Greenwood, Olive Allnn,‘ Percy Greenwood, Jim Bell. Jr. Prpâ€"| Isabel Firth, Mary Anderson, Ruby! Staples. Pr. Aâ€"Jean Moffat, Viola Neely, Davey Allan, Daisy Streel.’ *Those present every day. We also have to thank W. A. Mcâ€" Gowan in placing the site at the disâ€" posal of the Council at a price of $200 less than it cost him. The Comâ€" mittee are planning to have the grounds â€" planted with trees and shrubs and beautified with flowers and extend an invitation to the citiâ€" zens of both town and country . to take an interest in this work with subscriptions of money or work. Acâ€" knowledgement will be made from time to time of funds received for this purpose. The Monument Committee in acâ€" knowledging the above subscriptions, feel very grateful to the municipalities Societies, parents, relatives, citizens and friends for their contributions which has made it possible to erect & splendid monument to the memory of those who gave their lives for us and for justice and liberty for future generations. T.R.C.‘s UmCUL.:.;:+:1«>.:+«x«s+*, . 17086 Accrued interest on deposits 90.19 | Pinnle) .............; â€"%f Tohn Aldred:............... â€" & Ben Coutts .;;...;.......... 2 John McKechnie ............ 20 Robert Burnelt .....:%...... ; p4: Dr. 3.1L. Smith .........:...;. @6 i. 3. Snell...:.............. ~ S6 A.©. Hlunter ............... /. 8 Thos. Alan y.............%,; 25 Robert MacFarlane .......... â€" 25 IMlss i. GUN .;;.:..s...rs.4.. © L C L. GrdNE :.;.......1..@. 23 J.sWw..Biyth :.................. § w. G. Lauder :........... .. 28 Women‘s Institute, Durham. 25 John Kely ....:.....:..,... â€" O§ J. P. Whelan, Hamilton ..... _ 25 John Vollell"................ . SQ pr. J.®. Grant ............; 2$ John McGowan ............ 25 J. W. Crawford ............ 25 Andrew Derby ............. 20 Thomas Henderson ......... 15 7: LeVIi®® i..%«.:.«..::.»+:«« â€" 1§ J. ©. Mcliraith ............. 15 iAXllan Bell .................. / ‘Ib Thomas Wallace ............ 15 Jonn Smith ;;......%.«:5:44 15 _Jas. A. Hunter, Minneapolis.. 10 S. S. No. 1, Nor‘by Red Cross per Mrs. T. McAllister .. _ 10 Chas. Pelty ......:.+:s1«.}% 10 Jno. Grierson .........../.. 10 Mrs. Dan McAuliffe ........ 10 Mrs. Beale, Toronto ........ 10 w. B. VolletE .......:....... 10 AD: NODIG ;1 ......2%.s «s 144 10 Mrs. Dave McAuliffe ....... 5 Mrs. D. Jackson .......... .. 5 James McLachlan ........... 5 Rev. Dr. Farquharson ...... 5 James Ledingham, Dornoch .. 5 John Graham .............. 5 Dave Kinnge........;....... 5. Mrs. Allan McKinnon ...... 5. A Friend ::%.,.:...%.:...44 5. George McKay .............. 5. George S. Burnett .........,. 5. Sirs. Park .;.:.!...%1::/4%5s » i 5. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McComb 5. Mrs. Purvis, Galt............. 5. Mirs. Cowan, Galt .......... 5. fHlarry Hunter .,......:....,. 5. Jno. McKechnie, Bentinek ... 5. Jas. D. Smelile ....,....... 3. T. G. Brigham .;....:......... 2. Miss Jean Derby ........... 2. Miss K. Ritchiec ............ 1. Mave:Leith ......:...;:.../+;. 1. Wm. Thompson .. .;.......,, 1. Proceeds (over expenses) election night, town hall .......... . 30.06 Loose collection unveiling of monâ€" Contributors to Memorial Fund Following are the subscriptions ceived for the Memorial Fund . Town of Durham .......... $50 Township of Bentinck ...... 50( Armetta McKechnie, Teacher 8. NO. 3, GLENELG Most other pains are easy. Total ob etacobie E kaa‘rx i +ss s s a‘n flane ...../...; tute, Durham. Hamilton ... .. YÂ¥ % Â¥ 4 a 4 4A % vakraraass vxa d en se es B kikrss +s s k en e en e es rÂ¥4kkakk k4 rirkkrkksk4s «xk a k se e 4s h s *4 »%‘% xn ns & family $4374.07 $500.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 £0.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.05 25.00 25.00 1.00 5.06 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 at The Variety Store Call and Hear the New Victor Sacred Record (Price 75¢) "The Harbor Bell" and "Life‘s Raliiâ€" way to Heaven." Sung by Harâ€" rison and Cairns. PRICES OF PHONOGRAPHS FROM "The Best Music in the World" 4th â€"Freeman McFadden*, Mina Hargrave, Reg. Arnett, Bertha Ritchâ€" ie*, Adoiphus Lawrence*, George Collinson*. 3rdâ€"Annie Arnett, Jno. Dunsmoor, Dorothy Arnett, Louise Jacques*, Roy Hargrave*, Reg. Mcâ€" Fadden*, Mary Hopkins, Kenneth Dunsmoor, Orval Hopkins, May Andâ€" rews, Bertha _ MecNally. 2ndâ€"May Collinson*, Watson Walker, Irene Colâ€" linson*, Grace Hopkins. Sr. 1st â€"Evâ€" elyn Robins, Vera Robins*, Eddie Lawrence*, Clarence Hargrave*. Jr. 1stâ€" Roderick Dunsmoor, Margaret Dunsmoor*, Annie Walker. Sr. Pr.â€" Agnes Walker, Lucy Robins, John Collinson*. _ Jr. Pr.â€"Clara Jacques*, Freddie Arnett, Susie Greenwood*, Doris Lawrence*. Pr. Bâ€"Olive Bail, Lillian Collinson*, Olive Dunsmoor*. Pr. Aâ€"David Aljoe*, Gordon Greenâ€" wood*, Elmer Dunsmoor, Clarence McNally, Ruby Lawrence. *Present every _ day. Average _ attendance 3$9.80. 8. 2. NS. 1, GLENELG Jr. 4thâ€"Annabel MceArthur, Mary Beaton, J. D. McArthur. 8r. 3rdâ€"Es ther Moore, Marybelle McArthur, F. MeArthur. Sr. 2ndâ€"Douglas McArth ur, Annie McArthur, Seta MecGillivâ€" ray, Iza Trafford, Willie Traffora Jr. 1stâ€"Jimmy Trafford. Pr. Aâ€"Ted: dy Moore. Pr. Bâ€"Malcolm MeArth ur. Pr. Câ€"Florence Beaton, Jean Mcâ€" Arthur, Jean McGillivray, Mary Moore. Sr. IVâ€"Gordon Thompson. â€"Sr.. I11 â€"Allister Lawrence, Beatrice Grasby Jr. III&Cora Dyer, Catherine McLean, IIâ€"Mary Dyer, Amelia Legate, Jean Clark, Corinne Lawrence, Willie Leâ€" gate, Alfred Dyer, Margaret McLean. Sr. Iâ€"Ferol Legate, Gordon Dger, Myrtle McLean. Sr. Pr.â€"Herbie Mirâ€" ler, Clarence Ritchie, Doris Dyer, Chester Miller, Jr. Pr.â€"Furnetta Leâ€" gate, Howard Legate. Class Câ€"Katherine McAulay, Mona McDonald and Reta Innes (equai), Verdun McDonald, Jean McLean, Erâ€" don Whitmore. Class Bâ€"Jim _ Atkinson, Frances Hay, Christene Hansen, Lynn Vollett, Hazel Moore. Sr. A Classâ€"George Ashley, Marâ€" garet Sibbald, Reta Graham, Eari Gliddon and Vernon Collinson (egâ€" ual) Helen Clark. 8r. 1â€"Maud Storrey, Teddie Elliot, Charlie McKechnie, Bernice Whitâ€" more and Glen McDonald (equal), Jack Lloyd and Glen Lioyd (equal) Sadie F. McDonald, Teacher Jr. 1 Aâ€"Alice Nicholson, Helen Young, Jean Grant, Clara Gliddon, Clark Lloyd. Can be listened to by installing a Phonograph Jr. 1 Bâ€"Fred Bolger, Tom Caleâ€" well, Leonard Brown, Norman Faixâ€" ingham, Percy Montgomery. PRIMARY CLASSES Marion M. Marshall, teacher Sr. 2ndâ€"Ada Holmes, Myrtle Wat son, Merlda Havens, Norman Mcinâ€" tyre, Oral Chalmers and Jim Henâ€" derson equal. Marie A. Cole, Teacher Jr. 2ndâ€"Audrey Bell, Ned Burnett, Elizabeth Harding, _ Mary _ Tobin, Moore McFadden. Jr. 2ndâ€"Grace Becker, Fred Murâ€" dock, Nelson Lowe, Clara Traynor, Velma Noble. $r. 2ndâ€"Clen Rowe, Newton Clark, Jean Collinson, Dorothy Pickering and Gordon McCrae (equal), George Hay. Jr. 3rdâ€" Ellen Marshall, Mabel Montgomery, Janie Traynor, Helen McAuliffe, Raymond McGirr. Annie C. McKenzie, Teacher Jr. 3raâ€"Maud _ Kelsey, Caroline Mitchell, Donald Smith, Orma Burnâ€" ett, Harold Wilson. » $r. 3rdâ€"Mary Young, Elsie Kearnâ€" ey, Roy Matthews, Frances McArth ur, Norman Blair. Seaman Havens, Margaret McAulifie, Edgar Clarke, Robbie Chalmers. Jr. 4thâ€"Mary Chalmers, Calder Noble, Christine Goodchild, Iva Saunâ€" ders, Florence McDonald. NO. 2, BENTINCK & GLENELG Sr. 4th Durham Public School 8. S. NO. 9, GLENELG $37 up Mary E. Morton, teacher ONTARIO aArRcHivEes _‘ TORONTO Gertrude Cole, Teacher A. G. Graham, Teacher E. M. Park, Teacher M. E. Lamb, teacher McAuliffe, $ C, L. Grant ####¢%¢ t t#i¢4¢t¢@¢ sh Childrens wool toques 79c #r «h Shawls ..................3.50 w# * Mens‘ and boys‘ a, Stanfield‘s Underwear y : for men, per garment, «s (e .. $2 and 2.50 : # Stanfield‘s Underwear %# > for women, per gar . ap e ment $1.45, $1.65 & 2.00 e $ Ladies Silk Mufflers, «e wr° ............... 1.50 and 2.2%5 Wt ho oge rge e e ite. ho s}s o ol c ce ap < > Ready C * for Winter? * rrmeklologe 8@» Mr MoPhaail has a telephone in his re Aence in Ceylon. Every graduate of the last twelve months has promptly obtained emâ€" ployment. Enter any time. Write for catalogue. al Ferms, moderate. Arrangements for sales » to dutes &c., must be made at the wavliv Oof Oce, Durham. ###" Correspondence 0 there, or to Ceylon P. 0. will be prompt!* attended to, Terms on »pplication to Office and residence, corner Countesa and Limbton, opposite old Post Offiee Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 %h m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and ursday afternoon excepted. C dnaftadnat itc nstatalits Aiicalialt lt ststs Ieic hh sns A HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. University, graduate of Royal College of Donul"flnmmn- of Onmlio Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store DURHAM â€" AND â€" HANOYVER Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. D. MePHAIL J. L. SMITH, M. B., M.C.P.S. DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L Ds Prepare for a Business Career OrFICE 2â€"5 Afternoon pipaste it ol Cotieery Denial eurgenn *** m Dentistry in ufl'u vranches, O N :s â€" ver Jeweliry store na oppo gite Post Office. J. G. HUTTON,.M.D.. C NO 2â€"11 a. m iâ€"ipm. 1â€"9 p. m Telephoue Communica between Oflce an uu.-'x'.u hours. RESIDENCE : Second house sountn of Registry office on east side o1 Albert 8§, Residence : _ PRICEVILLE Telephone 2, .r 1â€"§5. farms from 50 to 200 acres for sate, priced right. Good land and good buildings. If you want to buy a farm, write telling us what you require. Windmill pumps water to house and barn. Good bush. School half mile, Town of Drayton 2 miles. This is one of the best farms in Wellington County and is priced right at $14,000. Half cash, balance at 5% per cent. It you are looking for a good home and a first class farm, see this. We also have a large number of Owen Sound, Ont. Catalogue free, C.A.Fleming, F.C.A. G. D. Fieming Principal Secretar driving house. Hog pen and hen house furnace. Bank barn 74 x 60. .:;; shed 44x 24. Stables all cemente® Children‘s wWool Scarfs Member College Physicians Burgeone FFICE&K: O . .-‘m~ : OQver J. P. Telford O ;y Opposite Registry O Aoe, DR. 0. E. CARR, B. A. (Tor.) Stanfield‘s Wool Blanâ€" *Â¥ kets at ............... 1000 w« Uunngd Auctioneer for Co. UGrev because our instruction is individâ€" ual. _ You are taught as fast as yon can learn at the J. F.GRANT D. D.s. L. D. s. You can Begin any Day Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto 190 Office on Lambton St Except Sundays ONTARIO FARM AGENCY, A. B. CURREY D. MePHAIL. Ceylon or to C. RAMAGE, (Durham Farms for Sale axÂ¥ 858848 +« BRD W. J. Elliott, Princip to

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