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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1922, p. 12

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d Sr. I--. Johnston ton. No. on roll 1h. Avrtapp" attend. 36.24 B. Davidson, Teacher Jl'NIOR DEPT. Br 2nd--C. Johnston. J. Lewis. n. Christie, C. Tyndall, M. Heany, C. V Hill. Cull. No. on roll Jr '2nd---H. Smith. G. West. V. Ar Ian. M. McPhado-n. I. Sim. n. 0000 not. B. Arnill. l. McCall. J. Heany. SI: I---M. Irvin, M. Woodyard, N Johnston. M. Fuller, E. (mad, W. mr Sr. IV --J. Irvin, M. Ami". E Brooks. M. Tyndall, J. Christie, J Ellis, W. Middlebrook, J. MeKonzir R. Smith. Jr. "'-J. Culdvr. M. Christie. F Phone 50 We are unloading another car of ELUUR this l will continue until we are forced to raise, when Pine Tree Flour. . . . . . . ' ... . $3.65 Milvertc " 5 sack lots.. 17.75 . “ l) m'r tniss this, for these prices are particularly low, is, and remember we stand behind every bag. Satislaction Guaranteed. Wheat Tal . in Exchange. Give us a Trial New Shelled Almonds, per th. . .. 70c New Shelled Walnuts, per m.. ttoe New Lemon and Orange Peels. .501: lb New Citron Peel, per m. . . . . . . .75c 'Not a Seed' Raisins. reg. 25c. .20c lb Valencia Raisins in bulk. .2 lbs for 25e New Currants. per th. . . . . . . . . . .23c Fresh Excelsior Dates. .2 plugs for 25e '3un.hiat' Seeded Raislne... 2 pigs. 2Se Aunt Dinah Baking Molasses. . . . . . .. _....,,,....? cans for 25e m p, iex " ~-‘.»Y\-.n_ r - " " Ril g; MEE ’ Id .f " ‘ ' T MI t, _ L ‘ , ttl G " t 7 'IlliE l' , Tr , . P, I " a rr . ‘ M, _ '* T! ”I " ' I " ME - Ct P. .3, Ei' tk F it P'e'M " - ia C" - 1,. . El ‘7' iiBl ’ . El rv " Li a, 53»- Mg _ .- rr I t7 r, , a _ .( - ll "ril m, . r ' ' " M. ' T -‘ . LA L " , . uvvt'r nerore nave we had such a complete stock of NEW FRUITS, NUTS and PEELS as this year, and at prices that are rock bottom. Having bought early and in large quantities, we got in on the ground floor, and intend giving our customers the benefit of same. Never before have we had 3 and PEELS as this year, 'd Holstein School Report BEGGS’ WEEKLY S EN“ ut DEPARTMENT We are again in the Market for on hand, and our prices are right. Come and be convinced. We carrya full line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Stationery and Crockery 0on't sell until you get our prices R. J ARNILL, Fresh Stock of Christmas Groceries 2s,25t We are in the market for Honest weight, and test. w_r6rm.-.-.-.--.a-.-.--q, -tt Irwin. " Haas Smith. V. Johnstot Dressed Poultry Below We Quote a Few Specials: Queen, Tillie " Haas. L. Me Johnston, S'. Me Mike S. Woodyard. McMillan and ", S. Methin- Chr Ty BEGGS’ we had such a,eom.plete ttock of NEW FRUITS. stir. F dull, l Fidler Al m mei' " tl-notable Calder, Arthur Watson, Mary MrFJachern and Ivan Him-ks, vqual. Marjorio Gardiner, Ellwyn Flesh-r, Willie Wagner. I-Alex McEaehern and Irena Gar- diner. vqual. Sr. Pr.~Gllbert Mc- Eaeltern, Edith Hincks, Richard Mor- le. Jr. Pr. ---Gordon Plester, Robt. Switzor. Fred Wagner. Ellz. Morley. No. on Roll, 32. Aw-rage 27.35. q Florence C. Hank. Teacher. S. S. NO H. NORMANBY Jr 4th-- (lmrgo St-honk, Myrtle Park. Norman McIlvrido. Meryl Baum Willie Lewis. Jr. 3rd--tienneth Mc--. Mvride, Clayton Damm. Willie Park, Dvrt Lewis. Jr. 2nd---Harry Park. Sr. Primer-Walter Park, Kelly Lew. is. Jr. Pr.--Lvster Bauer. -_ _ ---t----------_---) -- On a solid foundation by cooperation, . We're building a nation, both ver- . . ile and strong : Yristmas Groceries We're steadily "ttting, great wrongs to be righting; . All hands We're invitin to hel us b' are right. Come and along. g p Chorus: So here‘s to the farmer, whose heart there's none warmer, H . And here's to the charmer with a I t Spring on her brow: o s etn And here's to the lady, who works hard and steady: Who always is ready to show you â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" _ Just how. . -"'"""-------. i We want every worker, so don't be a . . ' Shirker. ry. llrtkio Al!onr. Jran Alsttdein, “‘"H Nor don't be a lurker Mm hangs on me (‘::mpbell. Sr. '..'ndr Horace Ay-) behind: 19.“ I'M" P"P'm , Jr. 2nd--Mary But while the wheel's turning and “""".’.‘"'~ sr. 1rit-jnrtiru, Tueker. S" while the lump’s burning, Preemie”) Aberliein. Tommy Davis, Be ever a-learning-is good toy Jo" Campbell. Jr. Pr-Norman Tuck-j the mind our. Sadie Davis. Vera Johnston, Norma w k t f. . ' ddi ' . 1','yy,sp,ry Peat-lil- Gordon, Willie, 1K/',tcl'i'hd,r",e, d('l.1/L,no In am. Cu:, "VII. ' I I ' " I To lift the down trodden 'and set Imll Murmur»; Teacher them up right : ' For We‘ve got your number, on the No. ll. Fa',"rRh'.tro.tiT I [tanks of the Humber, ' IV . (subiutts--Hyrrine, 1x'tosrrarmy,'i So .'.'y,,kf', from .your slumber and hpvlllng "my Aritlutmtier-gohri Swit. walk in the light. zt-r. Margaret F'airbairn. Kuthleeanh? wise and the witty, We'll bring McLean, Islay Mt'Eachern. Grace Cal-l from the City. tier (absent for one exam). Donald! And men who 511‘“ gritty, we'it ',iy.ltrr, Gordon Watson, Regime; . ' bring from the farm: . . '; “alum (absent tor exams), _IvC',l! all work together, in fair and Ill (tru/rits-r-spotting, Gtotrrarmy/ tolu'l weather, 'll t ti '" t we and Arithmetic). Sr IU-John M0: )( paints. we e um, o “my I‘man, Jim Mt-l-Iuel'vrn. Jr ill-Mavzs‘ them from harm. Snell, Rosea Switzer, George Calder, So while we're a-ruling, don't be your Mary Hester, Ilene Plester. Bobbie' selves fooling, Myers. l But take to the schooling and fall ir-notable Calder, Arthur Watson,! , into pr. Mary Mrkachern and Ivan Hincks.. Forge: high?!” Tory, and share ln ',1te.r MWJWH' . Gardiner, Ellwyn: /J,)r,T,'ii'ii, the story 'ou'll soon Hester. Willie Wagner. l _ 'lui, it: tine -' , .t---Alex McEaohern and lrene Gar-f Th l: d 'l k _' tilli it ' . glut-1:1 eunal. Sr. Pr.-Gilbert Me; 211:]; GC, pep Ink, every- lac t-rn. Edith Hincks, Richard Mor- . ' . . ley. Jr. Pr. --Gordon Plvster, Root! Atltlgggainhalf shilling, you all may Switzer, F l '. A . ' . N ret o“ 'stMner, Eliz. “PI-IF", To help store the fodder, grow 'broatr . o. on Roll, M. AVPragp 27.35. l er' and 'broader', q Florence C. Hattie, Teacher. The lfltlhnbfir and rodtler will mend _ a e n. s. H. NO 14, NORMANBY "he, soldier, the sailor. the fisher, Jr 4th-, George Sehenk. Myrtlei and Whaler, Karla Norman Mellvritle. Meryl Bauer "ig"i'g,h/iu..1t, the tailor are all tr, 'mn- Lewis. Jr. 3rd---Kenneth Mc--' . . . gum? Clayton Damm. Willie Park. A',"Lt,ht,')'g/1'cy.."? not tur, and those ert .ewis. Jr. 2nd--Harry Park. . ' u, .' . " . Sr. Primer-wa- Park. Kelly Lew thydg‘r: :11":le hot sir, tor lat,'- is. Jr. Pr.~-Lester Bauer. ng ein . lull. Mort Gordon. Jr. 2nd~Mary' C'arttpbell. Sr. Isl-Elmer Tucker. Sr. Pts.---.-, Aberdein, Tommy Davis, Joe Campbell. Jr. Pr.--Norman Tuck-l Pr, Sadie Davis. Vera Johnston. Norma) Pvrgusnn, I’earlin Gordon, Willie, lun. lterrkie Allan, .' nip Campbell. Sr. loll. Bert Gordon Clampbell. Sr. Ist-- Get in' on these while they are fresh and new and eliminate the worry of having to use something not as good for tho Christmas baking. ml. Wheat Taken at Market Prices Give us a Trial and be convinced. B' STORE Durham, CREAM ELU'UR this week, and E. Browning, Teacher so, when the car istsdid." 2"'vh'> Milvetton Jewel Flour. . . . . .83.60 V " 5 sack lots. . 17.00 , with the wheat market where it Icing Sugar ..........2 tbs. for Macaroni ............3 pkge. for Cocoa (in bulk) ......2 tbs for Malaga Grapes, per m. . . . . . . . .. Grape Fruits flarge size) ..2 for Sweet Potatoes. . . . . . . .3 the for Jelly Powders, any flavor. .2 pkg; 1 thin: 'Puritan' Baking Powder. Easifirst Shortening .... .per tb Whyte’s Pure Lard, per to. . ..-- L1illtiWllNCt . .U. s. B. NO. l, EG'T & NOR'BY .. Br. in: -rtorenee Grant, Lander: Wilton. Jr. 4ttt-.-Mne Noble. Arthur McCabe. Br. "d-Charlotte Patter. non. Harold Gruby. Jr. 8rd--Jesmie Grant, Marguerite Harper, Wilfrid Gruby. Irene Gmby. Ind-Dorothy Caldell. Douglas Grant. Br. 1ttt--Ev. elyn Grant, Clements Patterson. Br. Pr.--inie Caldwell. Jr Pr.--Tiliie Bryans. United Farmers' Broadening Out S. S. NO. 2, EGR’T & NORMAN'BY Br. 4th--MarJory Smith, Lilian Kir- by, Elden Rahn. Jr. 4th--. Jean Smith, Lilian Smith. Br. 8rd--ken, neth Kirby, Sadie Kirby. Jr.3rd--H. Rahn. Ist-Margaret Smith, Lilian Rahn. Pr. Br.--Arthur Kirby. Jr A -Wardie Smith. B-Oscar Rarm. Average attendance 11.5 our low prices l, per tb J. E. Laurel], Teacher John A. Ferguson, R. R. l, Holstein J. W. Kerr, Teacher 30e 22e 'Me 25e 25c 25e 25e ‘25: Me 25c The weather man has certainly been favoring us with the most ce- lightrul weather ; and that the monot- any of wheeling should not become too heavy, we Were treated to enough snow for almost a Week's sleighing. Now that has gone and at time of writing V the motoring is splendid again. I On Sunday last, the afternoon user i vice in St. Paul's Church, was con- iducted by Rev. D. N. Abyanker. a [ priest of india, which was of meat in- terest to his hearers--also bringing with him from his native land a col. lection of images and gods which are worshipped by the natives of that country, and of which he allowed the congregation to view with interest at the close of the service. Mr. and Mrs. A Hana. N Egremont‘ Visited at the home or her daughter:, Mrs Wm. Gordon, one day last week. Mr. Alex. Allan, along with a num- ber of other council delegates. matte a business trip to Toronto Thursray last. er and a large number of ladies Were present. A successful meeting wan held and an enjoyable afternoon was spent. A bazaar will be held later on when these ladies intend to dispose of their goods. Don't forget on the evening of Doe. 20th, a box social is to be held Itt Allan's School house. in addition to a play entitled “Safety First." to be given by the young people of the sec- tion. Admission Me. Ladies bringing boxes free. Proceeds in aid of the Hospital. A good time as usual. ta expected. Tho Vnrnvy Ladies' Aid mot at the home of Mrs. Jos. Lennox on Thurs. day last, despite the inclement weath- er and a lamp nnmhm- n: 1mm“. ...n__, uurnum. visitr-d with the lattvr’s mother on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allan and son John. spent an mxjoyable evening last week at the home of Mr Matthew Barber of Knox Corners. Mrs. Robt. Webber who was indis- posed for a time, is progressing fav, orably. Mr. McCannol of Dundalk, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. w. J. Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Durham. visitod with mother m) Sunday last. Jas. Nicholson has purchased the Walmsley farm. Jim Brown commenced his trtuu'res at Mt. Forest Business College last week. Wilbert Ross and Tom McDouRall arrived home from the West. Eat? Bunston stopped ott in Toronto. Our mall courier's horse took a sudden and violent notion to go north ward throttth Mclnnis' slderoad. one day last week. leaving his driver and the mail by the roadside. After a jaunt of tour miles or so, he was captured and returned to his regular path of duty. lie was the greatest sufferer for his misbehavior, having scraped his leg pretty badly. Bert and the mall Were none the worse“ for their adventure. 1 Miss Roberta Pth is onjoying a few woek's rest at the parental home before returning to her duties m Guvlph Hospital. I Mr. and Mrs. Philp of Arthur, ac- companied by their daughter. Mrs. Ed. McRObb, wore- recent visitors at J. Mather's. We were sorry to hear Mrs Troup had a hemorrhage of the lungs on Saturday, but glad to hear she ts doing nicely. She has boon indie. posed for some time but her friends and neighbors are hoping that she will soon be better. Mrs. Wm. Grout has been nursing a wry soro knee the pas: Coupre or Weeks, but we hope it will soon be quite tree trom pain. THE DUREAI REVIEW Wedding Bells»: To-morrow Miss Mary Mutch becomvs the bride of Mr Claude Witherow of Normanby Tp. We wish them many years of liappr ness and prosperity. Mrs. Swain of Toronto Came up Saturday to attend her sister‘s Wea- ding. Mary will be missed here but our thoughts will follow her to Iter now home. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs W. T. Potrin who has been spvnding the last two months in Ro- ginn, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wel. Fenton and lit. tle daughter, of Port Elgin, spent the first of the week with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Gen F‘mmm ur, spent an afternoon rec'enify Tiii, J. R. Philp. Mrs J. Hamilton, Mt. Forest, spent over the week end with her pal-emu, Mr. and Mrs. Hiscock. Norman Hershey spent Sunday with his brother Alf. here. Thu Department of Agriculture tn- tend holding a throe week course here in the latter part of January and beginning of February. This is sur- ely a step in tlu, right direction : the young people cannot be too Well in. fcrmt-d on the dittvrent subjects that may be taken up. for her a speedy' FGiiGG. Quite a number attended the shoot ing match onTuesday. Mr. J. P. Molnnis has his house up and the roof almost completed. Both Sunday Schols are preparhlg for Christmas entertainments. _ Alex. Main returned to his home an Saskatchewan last week. Mrs. M. Burrows is under the Dr's care. Her daughter from Riverview is with her. Her manv friends wish It is reported that R. Nicholson & Sons have purchased the Walmaley property. The directors of the Egremont Creamery Co. held their final mom- ing after a successful season and ex- pect to hold the annual meeting about the 10th of January. HOLSTEI N LEAD ER Mr. and Mrs: J, W. Philp ot Artw LOCAL AID PERSONAL ALLA N's CORN " " large number of ladies were A succvssl‘ul meeting wan an enjoyable afternoon was ORCHARD and Mrs. Geo Fenton VEOVIL Hf'r many trilriiliiGiu Y'rtt., M (-Faddon or be in, V V,-_.w.,. .__- t... Corny. McDougald reported an Ph'. penditure amounting to $472.70. n. cluded in this amount is the payment to Alex. Hill the sum of $300, bung balance due on the constructing m the abutment of the Porter. bridgl, also the tillintt of the approaches ut the Porter bridge. Fees $1.50. Wore $20.75. Com'r McDougald also repor ted re the report of Engineer Dalton advising the cutting ot a channel north at the Drury oriuie, that not} ices have been put up settlng a dayf and date to let the work but failed) to receive any offers by those prawn: 1 Com r. Allan reported an expenui-, ture of $16.03. Fees $1.00. I 7, __ -'"'"ett'. \ Com'r. Croat reported an Ph ture amounliglg to $359.86. Fee That an order be drawn on tilt Treasurer in favor of Alex. Hill a the amount on sumo. beam; part pay- ment on the AIL-[nuts Imago. Cap. _ - -___ . _ . 'wr..Ab06\ nu that me sum of $1000 be paid Cou- traetor Alex. Hill as part payment on this bridge: 9 days supervising won, $25.00. Council met Nov. 27th, members all present Minutes adoptvd. Com'r Wilson reporud an expendnurc in his. division to the amount. of $119.50: fees $3.00, along with a report on the con- structing of the abutments ot' the Mc. innls bridge con H. The abutmems containing 65 cubic yards are com- pleted, being constructed of concrete and reinlorced with iron, the work being carried out according to plans, prepared by A.W, Connor, engineer', and approved of by the Dept. Ul Pub- lic Highways. Would ret-omniend foretaste of the predicted mild Witt. ter, all who can had better go south. 'i'hos. Park is one of our big tar- mvrs m this locality, having had over 4 days thrashing this season. and it is send he has his big barn propped in dinereut places to keep the grain 1mm bursting away. 'tom is a man: “orkiug man although somewha: handicapped by an out tut‘y scum which has been growing over his eyes tor years and getting worse. ll this isth day of Uccembo; foretaste of the predicted mir ter, all who can had better 20 Mrs. John Marshall, We regret i say. AS suucrmg much pain Irum 3. amicllon in the artery of her teh which sec-ms to battle the Dr‘s skin Mr. John Marshall has had the ter ephone taken out ot the Foerster inn“ home, which he purchased Last tall and installed in his own home. Aytcn is his central. Just cull Jake up some day to see how it works. Mrs. John Marshall, We regret to say. 15 sunvrmg much pain trom an amiction in the artery of her :95. ...u,.r _ . -- . This week's budget News is scarce. manner births deaths or marriages. Some one gm busy please. it seems to be a weakness of hum. an tiesh to imagine that our own troubles and trials are more grievous than the other fellows; that it We were the employer instead of the em- ployed, how much happier would We be, when in reality the employer oft. en loses more sleep or sWeat. either trom worrying over his accumulated Wealth or how to make ends meet. A wise Providence has so decreed that by the sweat of his brow shall man earn his bread, because of a sin- tul inheritance, and in our humble mind no mortal man or body of men can desire any other way. The whole trouble with this labor and worn:- wide discontent is a Godless, reckless empty way or living and in no way conducive to a happier or higher standnrd of citizenship. But We must stop Mr. litiilur. as We presume its news youre alter. We attended the Men's Class for the first time on Sunday and must say that Rev. Mr. Smith in a very thor- ouglily prepared and able address, made about as good a showing tn solving the labor question as mortat can do. The Rev, gentleman in his selected scripture reading, read Bev- eral appropriate passages. any one of which if honestly carried out, would go a lung way in bringing about a better understanding between capital and labor, particularly the scripture passage, "Take heed and beware Ot C'oveteoutmess," etc. which to our Way of thinking, is the very pivot on which this whole discontent of labor swings. Under the auspices of the Dromore Men's Club., on Thursday, December 14th in Russell Hall, Dromore. Rev. B. Banks Nelson, D. D., will lecture on (intended for last week.) Lovely weather and lovely sleigh- ing, in fact vvvrything is lovely with the exception of high taxes. The Marshall-- McDonald Thrash- ing outfit have started up again on their round up for the season and are thrashing for Thos. Park and Henry Damm this week. “IRELAND TO-DAY" Musical numbers by local talent. Admisslon 25c. At 8 p. m. uncle back to Toronto where she intends visiting weeks. Tho well driller is busy at the home of Mr. Rabi. Robertson who is drif- ling his wvll a bit deeper. Mrs. Robt. Mauser ot the 10ttt con., Egremont. spent last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. Rote ertson of the village. Our Xmas Tree program is welt under way and the numbers point to an enjoyable evening. The committee have procured some interesting ma- terial in dialogues. choruses, etc. one Santa Claus is to be there. Dec. 20. Miss Della Moore was the guest ot Miss Belle Kirby over Sunday. Mrs. G. N. mum and family have returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks at the home of her mother Mrs. Adam Kellar. They were ac. companied by her sister, Miss Alt. nie Stewart. Mr. Joe m.vWhas closed his house and is going to put in the winter wlm friends. M_lss Erma Johns accompanied her hGKEMON l' COUNCIL BLYTH’S CORNERS LECTURE ur. pend last wen tor a few $11 isa As M. O. H. for Egremont Town- ship I beg to report as follows for the year 1922: There has been very few case's of epidemic disease in your Township during the your and no epidemic of any kind. Scarlet fever one case reported, no dilaths. Dip- theria. no cases since December or last year. Measles, no casos report- ed. Typhoid fever. two cases report- ed, no deaths. Whooping cough, a Allan--McDoturald- That a grant Jr. 4th - At of $10 be given to meet part or tho Schenk. Willa deficit re the School Fair held this home Schenk, your. Carried. Ross, Harold . The Annual Report of the Medicat ttoth Alles. Jr. Otiieer of Health reads as follows: Robbie Horne, Tot the Chairman and Members of Neil Sent-am. Le the Board of Health tor.Egreraont Schram. Sr. Pr Township: Ketclmbaw. Jr. Gentlemen : . __ _., By-law No. 434 appointing Erwin Robb collector of Taxes remaining unpaid after tho 9th day of December 1922, the salary tlxed being $2.50 per ddy and 10c per Tile one way. was also passed. By-law No. 433 to provide a place for holding nominations for candid. ates for municipal Council and ap- pointing Dep. Ret. Ottieera and Poll Clerks was passvd. McDouguld -- Croat - That Hep. Reeve Allan be appointed as delegate from this township re the matter of the County Road from Slnghtunpton to Hanover being taken over as a County Provincial Road. Carried. Allan --McDougald--- That the for lowing parties be refunded their tax- es: Mrs Jane McLean, Mrs Lydia Tanner. Mrs Jane Ellis, and Miss Rhoda Way, and that Mrs Amoa be exempt from paying taxes tor 1922. -Carrled. questing them to have instructions given to the G. T. Railway Co. re having the west side of the crossing IIs miles south of Varney improved similar to the east side. Carried. AdsLike 1":de Just Try an Mee','- We, the underigned gill be in Holstein, on Saturday December tdb, and 9th.‘fh,the purpose of receiving stor- age batteries for winter storage. All parties wishing to take advantage of this convenience, will kindly advise Mr Fletcher McLean, at the Smith Garage, Holstein, on or before Dee, 9th, Ford Sales and Service, ATTENTION TO STORAGE BATTERY OWNERS “Moot 1.;Qwukm you 1312':- -- an; and on If u I. not use good delicious To. you - “and. SMITH BROS. Buy a ”chair ONE t SPEVT Ketclnbaw; - "irrPr"..Ci', ' LesHe I. m Gibson. use or room 82.00. Can-lee. Council adjourned to meet Friday Dee, 15th. to receive the F‘insucini Statement and general business. DAVID ALLAN, Clerk S. S. NO. 9, EGREMONT Jr. 4th - Arthur Hus. Hilton Schenk. Willa Ferguson. Jr. tre-- Lorne Schenk. Earl Boss. [array Ross. Harold Mepttee. Sr. 2nd---iot. tteth Alles. Jr. 2nd--Etmer Troupe, Robbie Horncy, Orviie Kelchsbuw. Neil Schmm. Leroy Kttrliatsaw,Grae/ "..i.-- n n l, Mt. Forest, Ont. C. MCMIMAN'S‘ mo OF YOUR LIFE tl BED Inc-inn and mum. am for Sleep. tit your pocket book.. crkepettt Ross. Rs emu: Rosa. Reid --Rubina Schram. Rain, Tucker w Holstein " VOL. ----- _-------

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