West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1922, p. 1

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Of make uni! 1922 0 D] tt from her numerous experiences. To us. the incongrnlty of an Indian lady giving darkey selections, was appar mt. However her native peoples. the Indian received the best interpreta- tion and it Was here she shone. Fair line Johnston numbers were rendered with much on: and insight. and “Can- adian Born" try this author, received a thriling hearing. "Himvath‘s woo- ing" by Longfellow. was also given with finish and to many received tn-sh interpretation at her hands. tn these numbers she wore the complete ludian costume. Miss Nickawa was assisted by Master Eben Cameron. who gave seven] vocal selections and also recited. Misses Blanch Boyce and Adeline Graham also end red 8 dueu during the program. . - -. - -iir-eaNa% - - TOTAL ASSETS OVER mGHTY-T'HREE MILLIONS Durham Branch, . . _ - John Kelly, Manager. Epoch. also at Prion“. and 1Mrouamhm1. Notice '. I tind I am carrylng too many ac- counts on my books. l billing does not sow-m to bring rpsul ' I will be forced to resort to other ensures ar- ter the noun or Decombo I must have money to meet my wn obliga- tions. . ham vocal and instrument; mg [rm-pared. Admisa Help to Fire Savior-en Members ot' Farmer, rm, who wish to con" visions or clothing. to Ontario Fire Sulfa-Dru Your Financial Adviser _ i "" H con venlences convenir-uces. Apply at For "le.-..., tine " mare driver, wc-lghing Apply to Burbs-r! Silk Do your imh Variuvy Store. Tire Chains 30 x an at Smith's Gttrt VOL. XLV, N0 49 Jung“; RI Santa (‘laus has n his toys. dolls c., at the Variety ore. To Rent.-. Comfortable ttat, all F “I . A host lv, E ie.. Night l _ 5113 t? :52") - at the l 'nent, , Orr ‘raw ford 3 car at u, I Monday, ' to "V "w ”w: "t wo-izhing o r 11oo lbs. Harbor! Sills, R. l, Varney or AS an institution with first hand knowledge of financial markets at home and abroad, end with Managers of broad experience and unbiased judge- ment, this Bank is in a position to render invaluable advice on investment and other money matters to its patrons. STANDARD “.710. a (Io-"M Flue-dd Sort!“ THE par on rurmvrs' (‘mbs or oth- to contribute teed, pro- thing. to the Northern Sum-rpm. kindly bring 'iit) PICS I Xlna. shopping at the 18th. A g d program chaloguvs. rvcitatlons, trumvmal m sic is be, Admission c & In:- " tit t [Lu 7 hr yak to Pit.' 'l'umd. l I). Harrisoli. MURDOCK, Burham STANDAEQ BANK w Lab Rn Lath I Ain_ Tape“. School. on 'armers' Clubs or m of l T. It. Statidn Dec. HUI, 1922, th Engage uues 3% at 33.25 " ttt ' 55 to tio 01' iuckwhe-a: “as and tl.l, .'UX' tis Wrt,'; Mills\l.imi:vd Sale. I‘PIHOHL t'tw- should have Vr'ii'iC'i'silri'dl' ble ttat, all Review 0ch Returyo bay nintO enter Dec. 12th Mty will be town of 'ter bank Du r arr pays 20. 40 and 60 per cent l'espe tively for construction and mainte ance. Ol toy a tine cabinet machine is so iG Death of Angus McPhail mm ing.' Mr. David McCrie of Sask. Landing. Sash sends along his Review sub- scription and the following note: "We road it raret‘ully here and with more interest than wo generally did in the vast. It gives somo idea how things uru goiug in Durham and vicinity. Out. rrops this year are better than We have had them tor trome time. My wheat averaged around 30 bush, uh; to the acre. We urn having beau- tilul Weather. no snow but tine win-v;- Phonograph Sale Yet Open Special preparations are being made for the Baptist Sunday School Entertainment Cantata, "White Girls for the King" and "No room in the Inn." Watch for the date. keeps Posted on Durham 15th. All seats rvservédSS-c- at McFadden’ drug store. your seats early. bright dialogués ttor a dull minute 15th. All seats r Tho pageant "The Dream ot the Months" is something new that will Is'tu't'ly please you. Fine costnmun in be Don't miss For s's'alra--A pair of hockey boots.I and skates, size 5, new last winter.) Reason for 34 Hing too small. Apply| to Mrs. Fred White, Upper Town. l Wood f Sale-A quantity ot'wooag dry, 16 to X in. in leneth, d'1i.v',yrdi' PHit time pply Wm Weir, Wit l,) D'nhu'n Ph e 603. 2--2. I 1 ton om: arrived this Moro. 'me force q”- -- nvv‘l “:ou- lion. Will be sold cheap. Apply at the Review Omee. 8peeiat--A tine I and 12 records for Drug Store. A host new toys. games a at the V y Store. Custom Choppinkavery day Keehnie's Mills. For '3alrx---A Large Coal Leo-p ool Xmu Tien TP young pm ehureh have ks, "The Dr c iiht iiititttiititi, ilfi.btgiit)i,tit,, " J Pm‘é has, i-ci.' :1 mind the Baptist 1 ntertttirtment and Ide l Servlcv. A play w "No room in the inn." um: [mopln of the Pro ofntew “aware and china .vt,, - Heyer fn good codhi. woe-[K at t. Fine costumes, and catchy masie-- '. Town Hall, Dee. mo of the Presbyter- bum rohmrsing tor am of the Months." Town Hall, Dee. 10. Cabinet Phonograph . ts5, at McFadden’s Cabinet Phono- on at Snell's is still a limp Baptist Sunday and Ideal (Hy. A play Will also sames and dons Parlors prices. Al Special 0rd lor delivery the price the Variety" Plan Sr-cure V at Me. Ill The annual entertainment of s.s. No E. Glenelg. will be held in the Schoolhouse on Wed. evening, Dee. Emil. A good program ot music and recitutiong and a play "From Pump. kin Ridge" by the young people. Ad- mission 25e, children 15c. Accommo- dation tor horses provided. The subscriptions and donations to dam have all been recoived without any effort being made to collect. and the TYusttws express their aprecia- tion of such a remarkable display or 'ttxnerosity on the part of the t?itizem, of the town and others. But the time has now come when it is more:- sary to raise sumeient funds to meet expenses of building and furnishing, m a cost of about $7000. and collec- tors are going to call at every house in town this week, so that every person may have an opportunity ot contributing. no matter how small an amount. to this moat useful public institution. tlowerg Mark Wilson. pair dressed chickpns Domoch Women's lnstltute $100 Mrs. Porter, Allan Park, pillow Mrs. Ins. Donna"); a pair or hens Jno. Bier, Normanby, a bag of pola- toes and bag of apples Miss Kate Firth. a handsome quilt D. Flmt. Mt. Forest, plants and cut Then there are quite a number of I"c'prest.'ilativvs from the townships that may retire. Warden Howey said he would not be a candidate next year but if the honor were forced on him he might be back. There will be contests in a number of the town- ships and " is possible that at least a third ol the council will be compose: of new men. ---0. S. Sun Times. .... Next your"; County Council win" mntain many persons not previoustyl in that august body. Mexat‘ord, Thorn-f bury, Markdalo. Durham, Dundalk,: and svvm'al other urban municipali- tivawill have new rmwes nth fear.) Ex-Warden Sing and Ex. Warden‘ (Taldnr will drop out. Reeve McArti1-( Ili' of Murkdnlo has decided that he. has had enough. Ileeve McDownll.! one ot tin- brightest men of the Coun-' oil, will be away a great deal and It'-'-; aided that he will retire. ', Dan MeTavish ls reeve of Flesher- ton and has held that omce for about ten years. He has been on almost all the committees in the county council and chairman ot some of the more important ones. He has been a sev- ere critic of the chairman of Good Roads, Reeve Calder, and has provi1r ed a great deal of the fire works at the regular meetings. John Miller is reeve of Euphrasia. He has been an annual candidate for wardenahip for the past six or seven years..but hes always lost out, some times with " narrow margin. He has been on many committees. Then there is always the possibil- ity of still other candidates being in the mm when the January smoke has cleared. Emerson Brown, reove of Coiling- wood, is a candidate. He has been a member of the Good Roads committee for several years, is bright and Is a hard worker. So far there are three candidates lor the Wardenship and possibly more. Each of these three havo bum 'nominated for the position be-forv and the race amongst them will be a lively one. Grey County Council will Select its Warden from amongst those selectvd as me'es and Deputies of the towns. villugvs or townships, when um. meet in January. Who Will be Warden ot10rey for Next Year ? __ --ie "wry. nun queauuil up before Monday's Town Council session, though the usual time was spent, some of the delay being caus- led by the transformer lighting the I Hall burning out, throwing our legis- lators in gloom. and a coal oil lamp 1 was requisitioned. i The County rate " $3600 and a (number or accounts were passed. A fblll of Magistrate Laldlaw's evoked some discussion and was hold over l . ;for County Couneil. l A bill for $14 from Allan Boll tor i' burying a child nearly six years ago. (Watt also a storm centre. Mr. Ben istatinz tho Mayor at that time in. ,strurtvd him to collect truth the lam (et' ii possible but if not, the town W:tttirl bo from! for it. Ptvswnted at this lit.. i'.ntc, the Council divided on a mum-'2 to pay, and it lost on " (ion,- 1'.ivision. Thor. Wilson wanted a'streot light in from of his home west or G. T. 1i. station. As this," was on private proper?“ Council could take no ac- tion. A rebatv of $16 in taxes was given to the Red Cross Hospital. Dr. Hutton, Medical Officer or lie-alto. gave a tine report which we publish in another column. Bylaw 772 was given its tlm-v rear dings and passed, appointing D. It. O'st and Poll Clerks and polling stations for the Municipal elections. Considerable Discussion There was vision DURHAM THURSDAY DEC. 7,1922 impor_tam question at coocil r-z light G. T. 1i. privaiu no ae The five bye elections are over and the parties stand as before. The ;Consorvative won in Lanark, though i the big majority of 2600 at last elec- i tion has been more than cut in two. The other four seats Went Liberal. The Liberals have now been one year t in office and have considerable good :legislation to their credit. It takes T careful skating when you have only a doubtful majority or one. One Pro. gressive man has announced himself definitely on the Liberal side lop I which Premier King Will no doubt ‘give thanks. , What's What in Municipal Pot _ Word of the sudden death of the i late James Marshall at Rowley, Alta., ', on the 17th of Nov., caused consider- j’able anxiety to his friends In the East, as to the nature of the tt'oubie. 'Word has since been received how, _ ever that his illness was of 2 Week's duration, and death was the outcome l, of a very weak heart. His niece ant: ', husband who Were with him the day l he died, left him somewhat better, to see the doetor there. regarding tato a ing him to the hospital in tho town '; two and a half miles away, but before _ they reached Rowley,, he passed ‘away. Deceased was 55 years or age. E.CAMERON, B. A., B. Th., Pastor Sunday, Dec. 10th. 1922 A. M/‘Melsiah in the Old Testament' P. M. 'Ezekiel's Messianic Story.' Though Nomination Day is on Dee. 22nd this year, only two weeks dis- tant. very little discussion is yet rite over the personnel of our town full)- ers for 1923. Mayor Allan after two years good service, is definitely re- tiring from the Mayoralty, and as Reeve Calder announced 1922 as his last term a year ago, the two big chairs will be open. We have heart: Councillor Dr. Smith's name mention- ed for the Mayor's seat. He would make a splendid official, and would be practically certain of an ace-lama- tion should he decide to stand. And how about Mayor Allan as our new Reeve? In Glenelg and Egremon-. new aspirants tor the Reeveshlp are old standbys round the Council table. We learn Dep. Reeve Alex. Allan is out for the honors in Egremont and Counclllor Thos. Turnbull in Glenezg. Reeve. Hunt in Bentinck is not likely to get opposition. With which is 1aetsrrorated the lunch Lender Evvrym big stock 0 irly Store. Bye Election Results Next Sunday, Dec. 10th, the topic wil be "broken homes." One of the most difficult social problems ha: been how to deal with deserted wives and children. Why do men desert their families? How should they be punished or reclaimed ? What ought to be done with the home starving non supporter? Can we make the marriage. vow binding without relig- ion I' Conversion is the best preven- tive and corrective of family dllIicur ties. Heart Trouble Brought Death An important inquest has been ar- ranged to be held Thursday. Dec. 7trt, at 1.30 p. m. to enquire into the co- tails of the accident to James Agni-w 01' town at the John E. Russellpianr, who was so seriously injured that death ensued about 40 hours after. wardss. Men’s Clan Had a Successful Bazaar Tho Rod Cross Society wore litH' ally " hive of bees Saturday lam 'nllll the workers wrrv in charm or their bazaar in tlic oddrellows' Hit”. Tius Hall was an animated scene for most of tho allornnon and (“wry de. paruut-nt at thi- close, bore mute les- ttmony that " good day's selling was done The candy booth alone brought the sum of a litle over $50.00 and the gross proce: dr, of the afternoon am. ounted to over $400.00. and Gait. I Inquest " Agnew Fatality of $2 DURHAM BAPTIST CHURCH 11w. 16th. in the Public Library. -"'. Aeeepts Meaford Call Rev. J. W. Gallaghrt of Hattistotn pastor of Guthrie Presbyterian Ch., has accepted a mall to the Presbyter- ian: Church at Meatord at the salary or $2400. T We have already Bent out a num- ber ot statements. and the response has been very encouraging, still there are those on our lists who usually require two or more "dun. new" before they come through. It is to those we make an especial tur Peal at this time. It is not only disagreeable business this contin- ual Gunning. but it is costly. May We ask you this timo to make an tVi- putrinl effort to pay without own a thst notice, and thus save us a lot oi worry and exports-A. This is a reasonably buiinrsss proposition. and lur this reason Wu vmwct lhrr mill-n you give the "HUNT due con- ;thrution. you will son-'1 along; tho :ttnomlt (1115-. M) IT NOW. At this season of the year it is customary with newspaper men to make an appeal to all those who are in arrears for subscriptions to bring their accounts up to date. Something ll otto at the y SUBSCRIPTION TIME is talking about the Lmas Goods at the Var. all lls.e lime is tln I}? Store. we at ll; Sulurdu my}: lln ML'LEAN-IN Durham. on Saturday, Dec. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Me. Lean, (Blacksmith) a daughter. HOPKINS-In Durham at Henry Mc. Caslin's. on Tuesday, Dec. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopkins, '4 daughter. (b'tillborn.) PICKEN -in Glenelg, on Sunday, Dec. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pieken, a son. IV-- Ruby Heslotl, Merron FEW-n. *Slella Lynn. Sr IH-Surah MacLean Hazel Chapman, John Ewen, “Gordon Clark. Jr 1H--Audroy Noble, Welt, ington Noble. Jr l-Vera Stewart, Florence Ewl-n. Agnes Ewen, ‘Nell Clark. Pix-luck Davey, Florence MaeLean. Those marked with an asterisk (*) have missed examinations Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Burgess melon-c to Southampton Sunday to visit his brother, Thus. in that town, Trinity (mural Guild will hold their annual bazaar o Saturday. Dee. 16, in the Public Lib T. Fancy Wont, home made baking nd candy. Pun. cakes will be served m 4 to 6 p. m. Doors open at 13 p.m. FOR SALE-g horse \read power. also grain chopper. 10 inch plate. Both in good condition. Apply at Re. vlew (mice. Christmas is again around the corner and you like to remember your fpivnds at that season. Thinking about Christmas pres- ents for relatives or Mandamu- not send the Review for one year and keep them posted on the old home town and district ? It's like a letter from home. $2.00 a your anywhere in Canada: $2.50 a your to the Uttited States. Spent Sunday at " ll. Jamluwn's. Mrs. l). ll. Jumivsun is in Toronto Elna “wk. Mrs. J. A. Rowland is visiting tn Toronto for a few days. Me. and Mrs. Finlay G. Graham. of Montreal, is visiting the formers sister, Mrs. Wm. Calder, and will w- main over the Christmas season. (I The Review " a Xmas Gift. who has hem: contin tlm pust wzok. Mrs. Wm. Carson Normautry, is Vishnu this wavk. Mrs J. H. Harding i days in Toronto this “moon's Drug Store, to tlie human low house recently completed by Mr Ed. Kress on Countess Street. Mrs.imry Dunn, Mutock, return, vd Saturday last from visiting ruin tives in Toronto and Wvstoru. Mrs. Javk Ray Ot" Dornoch. is visi- ting my moth: r. Mrs. Peter Rom Sr., who has he“: contiuvd to her bu] for tt 1. -. ...4 ... I Mr. C. A. Robins i ing from the apart: Facidon's Drug Stun low housu rvcemly t Ed. Kress on Connie Miss Ellie Hunter and little niece. Mary Pickering. are spending, a' few days in Toronto this Wevk. Miss Marion Marshall spent last Week end with her sister, Mrs. Ivan Edwards in Toronto. Mrs. (Reva) W. I Toronto last week conference of the l Masonic Association Mr. Donald Morrison returned Mon- day to his home in ledger. British Columbia, after spending some time with his many friends and relatives in Durham and vicinity. itPhltuttthhhhhhhhhh"ywmhhhhhehu1aiheveohi v . - r" .. Md - . . . s.-.-..,.", _.-.._.;J I Christmas IS Drawing Near 'k M r Come in and let The BlueBird Girl show you how to save time and money, and free yourself from the drudgery of Wash day as well. An experienced lady demonstrator will be on hand to familiarize ycu with the working of the machine. J. H. HARDING With every BlueBird Washer purchased during {he week of December llih--16ih, we will give December Nth, 12th, 13th, we are holding a Special Demonstration of BlueBirds at our Store. School Reports NO. IO, BENTINCK Year's Supply of Soap FREE A._Robms is this week mov main}; is spondix mto this Week. lawman of Saul! BORN amu'tmt-nts above M tr W. H. Smith was in Vsek end, attending a the Eastern Slur, the S. Miller, Teacher of . Knox lricnds Comer m tou amumn a 11m _?., it a? War/oak d; Jon: 'ii:: l'il = gf {if fmu1h,-nWllPMetisAMheNwlrMmtte,tMt,ttn/y?,ti' u?'; ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO Ctit Ford Sales 6t' Service The GUNN-SON-oLA and CUN- CERT GRAND Phonograph are sold to you at tho LOWEST thry CAN be ttcld, on vvrms lo meet your reason- able Convenietiee. A small depostt down and monthly paymems until paid. Our cabinet machim-s are trom $39.00 Io $400.00. Call in, 10 o'clock Besides adding to the transient pleasures of Christmas. a joy that will llvr and grow with vac-h sum-wu- lng year, a GUNN-SON~()LA or CON. CERT GRAND Phonozrap.rt, will: its incomparable beauty of design and who. brings the family into rloriep communion than any other posses- sion. Lr-l this be the your to tun-Hi!) Vout" wish. For it is within 3.01” Inn-nus to own now, no! jun a tlr-W I'hunm graph. but it Plsitnoyriap'u o) your dIvamq-- G0tttGMttGOLA or CONCERT' GRAND How often with the coming of Christmas comes also the wish for a Phonagraph. No de- sire could be more natural-no thought tth'try in keeping with this delightful season of song and happiness. Shall it be This Christmas? 1"‘I‘a UKULEKIED We have jaut shipment of fresh gnu-om s for the our line. We also handle a. complete riCiiri/ot Sweaters, Mufflers. 'Mills. Gloves. h New. Fancy Neckwcar,Fine Shirts for Men. Hats tt Caps. Toqucss, Arm lrinds, Braces, and many other lines of meiilt.on. disc which we would te pleased to show ,um. XMAS GROCER'ES We have Lu", 0”"th up a Izr-t- RAISINS 'O's, K‘HNl‘D We can now supply Sp1nish 1'aloneia r, along with our other lines of raisins. . FREE surprise you. MEN, Men, you should not miee swing our beautiful range of Xmas neckwsar. We speciuhze in gifts formen. . . w- We also handle a. comnlete mnze of ttAN0Kfik'citiiiFs tlee "ANimtcKUmi:Pty See our untx catl a“ wtmm! of Xmas hankerehieN for men, women and children, "ep:srately' ur fancy h: xed. Get our prices on "ntriketxhiefr. It will We have the stock from which you can choose uwesul and practical gifts for both young and old. Jifoa) aiahout your (8hrisemas, f5hoppf, SMITH BROS, We are open evenings until M""“' tMr.ht. "" Ott . 0'0 in adv-un- To thuted t'sta-.?..goit, advance. ' RAM-um . " Pram-mu Hardware lib, Plumbing “if" rrf:: tist, k?fS l)url|am Drawing Near Amate ina 9 Durham up a trade H

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