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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1922, p. 3

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3,583. proced- 31210,- a and in t 8369,- . .510.- ring of review. in tho lt that more or . coat: rioting u no, It}; all r, I" r! with 130.00. e, ac- rf the I358: h.t2 are it to be when, whmtt, I pro- m do. 9.0M, , nigh: L207.- " o.. ham our “YO l tho ad his id"), 'trm. .V. -at AL he Birto at wh l fod- pot- im- w ith cost aka and , 8t 1roy Br. of a of at nip " LseemAt-iaanritmrt,tHtt "bi--"'""""'"' London and W on. moo: sand-madam“! an: “on! qattvtt" for children during mew-and!”- _ The elm-t of munic's mum on chixdreu Ins minim ohown neut- b In on. at Phmdeg.H's public An orchestra for the pupils attend. In; Toronto public sumo]. I. a m position being taken up um school A er-a-ttm" equipped with tgt-ttt reomis do“ duty was yet: to supply- in; music for the bon’ mm; In and out of chaos a St. M's who 1k: School. Toronto. Ono of the pupil. I: "potrtted by the who!“ to look at. tho machine. Ind an boys 90 - to Links their turn at my!“ an mule. The appearance of the Bop' Band from Waterloo. Ont., at the band music comes! hold In Toronto during Exhibition wean led to u m tn- are-est in boys' bands and Mantras. The Salvation Army, Ton-Ito. have a tttie boys' Band ht addtttgtgt to M several splendid .drtit u. The boys' band "catty an t mm: on» cert " Sum Beach. "No." he aid. Nf we have In ttl them we than ttll go out chucking one antic. We will hue the iiGiiiiUiil Chorur" . I "tt has been said that the Prince’ (King Edward) never read books.” writes Mr. Bridge. "This is not quitel true. He had good libraries of his! own at Marlborough Home and Sand-,', rlngham. partie.ularly strong in mark an: hlslorical works. and he [no what l little time he could on. to reading them. His but. wont: ot s'ilt)'l) wore 'Wootwanl lo!’ 'Eu! Lynne,’ Ind the “hunt! novdt." l For the christening of Edward VIL, . special snihom was composed. But the Prince Consort mail not hear of "A few days menu-do u (hi-nar- von, Edward presented " an. bunny baby boy to the chick wit the m: 'Elolm drt." which mean. Your man' the new. that await“ been born to him at (human. Mo knighted the measenser and loaded him with m Then ho called up the can; 'Wlll you accept: ho said. a when m in Wales, who cannot nest . won! of English. and ot blameless “to! .. 'We will,' they manned. " Then come with no to (lawn: bald the King. (so it In sum." 0mm Castle. Indoor Edwin-11': toy when a messener arrived with "On St. Mark's Day, the 25th ot Am ril. 1284. Edde was " RhuddHn con- ferring with the chiefs, who were cla- mouring tor a native when. Queen Eleanor, by accident or B-un. was ct l.. to H.R.H. Edvard. an Prince of Wales of today. in “Princes at Wales." There Is an mere-ting “count of tho appolnlment of the ttrat Prince of Wales by Edward I.:--. Mr Maynard Bridge. the noted In:- Hsh writer. In. unlined tho history of each of the Prince. at “his, tram Ed- ward of Cannon. the son of Edward _--- -'e""-'91.'%. In ups-visors of music In America whack. It was would that were worn mote ”plinth-n to Join the nebool orcheotn than then m room for. and In this event a tunior orcha- tm, or n school band was Ital-ted. which not only furnished the alumna,- If! mum: tn crotch. work, but trained players for the leading school --- - null. start it; Start n, l! your Huh: I- only three or (our "onus, o count or donut and Mano. About the middle 1,ttyrmtmirmetGGC'iriU"rii"i' little louslod I“ boy Peeping round the door, and my!“ tom: chum. 'I wonder what I can play: or, not. "holy. 'What Instrument could I born the quickest? and than your muco- tlon. for membenhlp will mm to come in." The nonunion also am the "vie ability of rocommondlnc the s',",'?,?.','.'."' ot quality instruments. particularly tn the basses. alarming that almost my tttMIar. no matter what It cost, would improve with am but tt won out, denied that my one.» bran Intru- meut "or hold its own with no, let Alone improve. In I number of one. mm " W I he rapid increase is the Mention' " orchestns ad buds in the public and hid maths um States; ts one at the misleading phi-es on te'1'r1tteeidJGi"ii7n"tiiirGT hoped that the Moe of the America schoeb will he that at our; Can-man scheme. So quickly is this; branch " school Iii-lo coin. he“! that the Almanac. oc Music Usher-l ”sentence-thou”. Width-Me; uni in dong, a splendid work am out the year. hes been supplemented by . “new committee on humani- sl music. to colleen him: All! assist whet-ever possible in the further- ulce ot Instrumental music in the whoole. The chalrmsn " one of on com- mitten devoted to this work recently said: "If m that to hue s school l orcheatn. Ind can use}. the work, _ start it; Start n. it your beginning is l only three or (our violins, s comet or I clarinet end Mano. About the middle 1 at the second practice. you will see . l little misled howled boy mpins 1 round the door. end saying toms chum. , 'I wonder what I can Dhl' M - l The rim Printe- of Wain. Children ind Music. you “I! to luv. 3 school of 0: In an In“). the work, the: Rare n. te your beginning 1- ttern , or (our violins. 1 comet or tttom nd Mano. About the middle lame and M100. you will no I Th" sled handed boy poopin- a“ "ported by About 1,100 kinds of i‘ their homes in oak trees. The Bank of England was founded try a Scotsman who died in poverty. You can get these pills from my medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cent: u box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Willhms' Medicine Co., Brochme. Ila-M's Llnlmem for Garttet In Gown. answers from manual-m who It". ton-d thoir condition unroiioved or ectuuiy crowing wore. while using other remedies. would do well to try Dr. wan-my PM Piib. The tonic treatment with this medicine hue moved tn thousands of was that it builds up the blood to I point tint on- nhleo it to out out the rheumatic ”but: through the rennin channels of oxcrotion, the bowels. kidneys and the skin. When this in done rheuma- tism in banished. ond " lone as the) ‘blood is kept pure nnd rich the tmbi lent will be immune from attack. Thin is proved by the one of Mm. J. Hewitt, Beach P.O., Hamilton. Ont, who says: "Por n number of you: I win troubled with muscular rhouma. tum, which conned me a great deal oil loitering. t would get rid ot thei trouble tor n Mme, but it always came book. A friend recommended Dr.’ Willium' Pink Pills and l have not; had an nttack of rheumatism since tl took them, and that in ttre, years ago, I have since used the pills for anaemin! and found them equally good, and ii now recommend them to u, 'tiiEEdS I!) my be ailing." Moot treatments for manual-m do no more than aim to keep down the poison in the blood and emu. lam-e to Overcome that particular "Auk. Then when the "stem become- mn- dovm from any cause the disease can: Iota the upper hand and it am has to be done over. WHY WARS?! 0H'EN 60MB BACK The Usual Treatment Does Not 'ttath the Root of the Trouble. I enter this Football Competition with the understanding that l um to Mic by the will.“ "In [over-In; um. and u neeept the Auditor's labial u figtat and - binding. Tray-In an“ mic-ed {or In wecb' nuburiyzlon egttitl" no to one uni-nu: m. ten tech and "O ”tin-tn: "e. “an week- Ind three nan-tn: $1.". twenty weeks and an "tlmtgte.. ATHLETIC GUIDE, PUBLISHING CO., 508 Dominion Bank Bldg., Vancouver. NOTE--'"" II!!! III X in e.t.tntt provided whether you think the HOME "In will mu IOIE. LEM or a. SAIE labor of no]: In in the nrrmndlll‘ 11-- lul anon. _ -'V V, __. -_--_ ___-_..,-.-.. -..._ _-- - mu.-- _.. - w...“ I 01“ I 1.ch $5M I below whether In your nun-“on the ROI! TEAM will Icon MORE. LESS or THE SAN! NUMBER " [all than “a, land In the commanding - of In! ”It. by placing an "X" in the coll-n "will“ in the "In“. Prim will be untied to “Merlin- " follows: The Int who to the "burner who III-lt- tho ”the“ comet eqtt-te. Tho ”and "he to tho nub-crib" who Ill-la tho In.“ um comet coil-m “I the third "In to the “hulk" who nub-Its no third high“. Prue. wlll be - IMO“ no“ nub-enha- who“ ”than. nth - count. ' 1 2,000 IN PRIZES ' 1 2,000 (tr) (0) (4) FOOTBALL COMPETITION (I) (3) (8) lst Prize $6500 2nd Prize $3500 3rd Prize $2000 lurk with , In column provided. "M" In more; "L" in NAME ADDRESS All entries aunt be made on coupons provided for that purpose. Any coupon which ha been altered or mutilated will be dUquaiiBe& In event of a Me, or the, pris- will be divided equally between those thing. but Ibonld the necessity arise. the Auditor reaches the right to rearrange prize money ao that the fmt prm winner. will receive more than the Iecond. and the second prize winners receive more than the third. Matches on coupons incorrectly scheduled. or not com- menced. same will be struck oft the coupon. in the event of a tame being started. and then discontinued for any reason whatsoever. the score as reliatered at the time the game is terminated. will be accepted " being the same as a lull game, The Auditor reserve: the right to disqualify any coupon for what. in hie opinion. is a good and .uttieient reason, and it is a distinct condition of entry that the Auditor's decision shall be accepted no final and legally binding in all matters concerning this competition. No cor- respondence will be entered into or interviews granted. In marking coupon, place PM! in column provided; denote whether you think the HOME team will more make brlc, the ttmt ot which came from the Normandy town of Cretan. while the second is still manufactumd st thun. brat. How my people know that as!“ takes as name from China, whence it was Introduced luto England in 1660? Tho Latin name for China is Sellcum. which gradually baa changed into the modern word serge. Two textiUgt owe their name. to France. mean m We and um- For example, calico owes its name to Callout. u town In India. In the clan before Mancheqter m a great manufacturing mire moat of the but calico came from Gallant. and even at. ter the industry came to Britain the old name remained. India. tn 3130 m- aponslble for muslin. which came or- itrinallr tram a plane and Mosul. Quite a lot of geography can be learnt tn a stroll round a dry goods shop, for many of the tattrtetr and ma- terials we use today got. their names from the plum when they were orie mmuy made. Until comparatively modern times. theremro. this family name was not pronounced "Eye-ter," but "Ay-ier." rhyming with "aailor." l The ward from which it is derived in spelled somewhat tutteretitty today. 'which explains the dittitmttr. If the family name were spelled "mer" you'd I',','.',".',", I better chance of qussestrtg the ’origin. or perhaps it it were spelled "uituuier." Really. however, there wu n made of difference between the meaning of the medieval word "erler" end the mordern word “blunder.” The former meant " much "qraterman" " “il- [landerl’ According to geomphy In _ island in 1 section of land entirely we rounded by wnter. According to ety- mology, however. it in "waterhusd," n1 distinction, perhaps, without I gt,tl ence. In earlier days the Anglo-Sax- ons celled water Na," and Inter the spelling of thin root or word developed into "ey" (not, however, with 3 pro- nunciation like our word Nos" for in thoes days the "r," like the "i," wu pronounced either no we today pro- nounce "er" or the short "L'0. Ben's your tmrortttrtitr to Daniela-lo In then “In. his not _ We whll to pm THE ATHLETIC GUIDE. our new Spawn: Pun on the - and " on“. tt would an an Iontlu Ind loath to and: our circulation cumin by It‘ll." cunning nathods " In luv: (lulled to and our no»: In . wny whareby our own "hurling will ”In " opportunity otq ”racing“ In our expenditure which really tutu our pron-lilo- . “an! on. all the wny round. EYLII. Racial Or4trtn--mttgt.ts. 'erurse-A loamy. This in 0. family me which CW " though it might in" tome option! tsignificance. But though of pure An. gloSmn origin it has no connection with our modern word "eye." To etee? ttthh! 1ee.r'rtity eeytercryyit?Ir Mic-3233.“! 322m coupe-10.: Where They Got Their RULES &tnnmesndlheirtkigi, Mimi H8) (14) (10) (It) (12) (9) (B) (7) Employees of THE ATHLETIC GUIDE cannot compete. Prim are nwnnled on the results received by cable on or before 9 Ban. Hominy following date of ”when. No responsibility will be accepted by THE ATHLETIC GUIDE for the loss or non-delivery of my coupon. Proof of posting will not be unwed " pm! of de- liiery or receipt. Coupons received without mm or cadre-I will be dis- qrmtified. In use: ot c-piul prize winnerl when the Midi-m in given us "General Delivery" only. proof of identit1tustimt will be required before mailing of apical prise. MORE GOALS. LESS GOALS. or the BAKE NUMBER OF GOALS u in an corn-pending (In: ot lat rear. Ihould the more shown for lut year's - be Incor- rect it will not mm any ”than“ u the titrum. will be taken I. "laud. Entrants must enclose Me with each coupon. which will entitle them to five weeks' stthmsrlttton to THE ATH- LETIC GUIDE, nr $1, which enthu- them to one emu entry coupon and "vernyuive weeks' subscription: No two prizes will be paid out in any one week to thy one subscriber. Coupon '0. a Three hundred yam ago the popu- lation of London was only 150,000. Afmotionafatrminofmmkm'11 scent a room for years. and the cur- ious thing about it a that at the end of that time kg weight is not dimin- ished by the mil-est fraction. i [ The Fall is the moot severe ”Icon of the year for eortu--otte day warm. the next cold and wet, and unless the mother is on her guard. the little one: no seized with colds that any hung on all winter. Baby’s Own Tablet: ere mother’s best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They not as 0. game we". keeping the bowels and Nomad: free and sweet. An occasion- al dose of the Tablets will prevent colds, or it it does come on suddenly their prompt use will relieve the baby. The Teblete ere sold by medicine deal- arsortrrmaiitrtM canteeboxtrom The Dr. William Medicine Cm, Block- ville, Ont. 1 GUARD TIIE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS It was quite natural. therefore. that A man who lived at or near such . ‘plnce should be referred to as “John De he (of the) Staple," or "WttNun " the Staple." And, us has happened with virtually all of these descriptive surnames as they have become family names through the loss of their origin- nl toeeitle meaning, these prof1xtsts hue been dropped in the course ot time. l Here again is a. one in which the addition of the N" was but u tendency of the tongue. and did not represent n taorterned,torm of the ending Ntttt." I vaetutttors--ataMe. Racial ortgm--Ertttieh. ttoarmo--a locality. Here is a family name which he. nothing to do with the article of hard- ware of the acme name. it in founded rather, upon the came aource aa our ‘modern adjective Ntaptts" which we need to denote a common nrtiole of commerce. What in the connection? It it. tn the original meaning of the word. A Marple article in a common or usunl article ot trade. The phraae has come to have thia meaning be- cause it meant originally a "market article," or a marketable article. and, in the broad come only an article in? common demand in freely marketable. In the medieval period in wind: family names were being formed, the "ataple" was an open market or trad-l in; place. coupon 10. 4 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 claimant OTAPLEO Inn to Played Coupe-no.5] Lumbago, i',1iT'lf,,'t or any other pun. apply hnard‘n L niment to tho aching spot and get quick relief. Minard‘s in the "may Four nmdmother used. The" I. nothlrd to 'Iutu_it. mean you: mwelsl reel une! When you feel sick, dizzy, upset. when your head I: dull or aching. or your stomach in tour or any, Just (the one or two Cucareu to relieve constipation. No trritttng--nitMrtst laxa- live-cathartic on earth tor unwrap. Ind children. Me a box. Taste “to may. At the age of fifteen years a dog is more decrepit than a man of eighty. There are more than 300 railway stations within twelve miles of St. Park Cathedral, London. "There " a. little matter that some of our $ubteribort have 809111111eg for- gotten entirely. Some ot them have made us my promISes. but have not kept them. To us it It a very import- ant mattar--it't neoettary in our tmtimst8. We are very modest and don't like to speak about we]: remiss The Oenvue Hint. An American editor hit upon the fol- lowing ingenious method of jogging the memoris at ddinquem subscribers to his paper: MONEY batons. Send 1 Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. whether food treated In thi- ng In. tit tor hunch consumption. Not until the Lord Mot had re- ported that he had eaten and survived would aha have coal used In the non! kitchen. One day a. Northumhrhn lubject mm her a. consignment of cool. The Queen saw it burn on the hearth and enjoyed it pleasant glow. "Can It be used for cooking?” she am. She was wanted that it could. But Mtet wu a. cannon: pencn. 8h. Bent a quantity to hear Loud layer. 'murhttrhtmtotttsoitforttoo-ti Until her reign coal wu almost un- known In an. South of England. though sea, coal was gathered mulc- ly from the shore and used in tho North. In olden days the Lord Mayor of London was onoof the Sovereign's moat trusted henchmen, and " times may “range duties have fallen to " lot. One of the quintet was devised by Queen Elizabeth. mol- got I bit ot not. . “I “a tooling simply all tyured out what I not my ttmt bottle of Twine, but before I had tittished it, the pains in my staunch went away entirely, my food began to agree with In: and I In.” never ind indigestion since. With my nerves calm, my strength but and my nppotito in tine In”. I expect to "do! Christmas dinner nad " the good thing- of the holidays as I in." not done tor n long time. They can count on me to always give n eood, word tor Mac.” l Tun-lac in mid by all good drugghu.§ “My stomach was troubling mo for tx1oetqttmerandreot intonbadly mn- down condition." he said. "Almost everything I no ttttmst no terribly, and as would form on my stomach and keep me miserable. My nerves Were Bulk Cuba romm’o Sad.' won” c. J. our: . venom ae-tta-r-ii-Gai-r" “Twine built me up In the dune tart Smut. ma now I an “an. :11. other bottle as I tonic to keep me a: for the cold Weather." declared Henry Duefenbachg 450 York M., Hntnlltmt, on, recently. Mr. Ducted-ch he. been 'detettttlesd with the grocery busi- ness in Hunt-non several was. sad II very well known. I Testing Cod for a Queen. "thsarets" lik GOARSE SALT L A N D BA L T 98t to th'") it. PO SAL EVERYWHERE, GETS I"! II FINE SHAPE FOB WINTER For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels FOR RHEUMATIBM ISSUE No. 46-'22. Humane education is the tummy that leads people, young and old, to increased eonsideeution for " ani- mats and kindnm to them a well u to human beings Liam and than we too weak in "atryro-toetmmrtrxrtuatuut. Mittatrd'e Llulmont for butternut. Millions of mother- hop "mum " Syrup" my. Ther know a m spoonful may an. n “ck dull to. mot-low. Auk your drum tor IONI- ho "Comm " Syrup" which MI amuono for bobb- uul children ot an an: minted on home. Mom"! You no.“ I" “Californh” or you my (at an Imitation " syrup. liver and bowels. In n. (at hour- you an lee tor yous-next how thoroughly it work: all the sour bile. and laminated food out ot the bowels and you hue I well, playful child “In. Even I 'tross, Icindh, muons, or continued child loves the "fruity" m ot"catitornin " Syrup.” A m- Ipoontul new: mm to clean“ the num'uiyhég. ttter Mud itchedandtmmiotut0emehed thee. Theyimpl’ we to lug. thn I In "tinmid to go Tai 37y (than. I would lie "rake t. gaging“ my face VIII “tun, db- [telnet] ad Bind. hee "A friend advised In. to try We all Soup and 01mm. After not“ than for come time the pimple. be. gm to alum-r. Ind when I had used three can: of Soup and two bout of am I was hauled.” (Sierted)H-rNttstet new -- a. Word. Comm. may 12. 1931. UseCtttiatmrootitttNttnt-. ONTARIO Move Child's Bowls with “California Fig Syrup" by - in. at unlit-523*! "ed "ir-Drtqrguts. [ARISE M?llill All [IVER FACE Accept only an “Dhaka: package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.” which can“. Mons and dose worked out by phyddns dttrfng 22 you! and proved safe by millions for “Fifteen to thirty drops of Emma of Roots comedy called In”: Sign Cur-tin 81:1,. may be taken in water with meals and at bedtime. for indigestion, eonsti. pation and bad blood. Persist. ence in this treatment will give perm-neat relief in needy every cue." Get the genuine u druggisa, 50c.and $1.00 bottles. UNLESS you see the name "Btyer" on tablets, are not getting Aspirin at all How to Purify the Blood MOTHER! 'ir'-""---- ASPIRIN TORONTO It you are sunning from May at the nrlous ailments which Imam» my female weakness lry Lydia E. Pullman's Vemtale Compound. Women msufy again and “all that they have been helped by Lydia. M. Plnkhun'r Vegetable Compound Nfter other ant-ines have failed." tt has been tried for nmu'iy ttttr 3'0ng and not found “muting. foot heelth I elweye tell her to take t. Although you know that doctan and nureee do not use petent med' cines I must say that I think there is nothing better than your Vegetable Compound. When i first took ii many years ago, i was so tired when I got up in the morning that I could not eat, and when i went to bed I. wee too tired to sleep. My mom in-hw told me that Lydia E. Pinks heln'e Vegetable Compound wee In! whet l vented eo I tried it end only took two bottles when I felt better. Since then I have found that there In nothing that makes me feel " well, for it leeme to build my eyeten right up. I don't know any other medicine that hes done so much for Wqttnett."--hitts. W. H. Pumas. ll Welleeley Ave.,_'Nronto, Ontario. tumult“ stomach relief. Cornet your mum: Ind digestion now (or n few_ on“. Drug!“- oell million. at pa dam mutation a stomach Mun-77H by "Id/Ir. A few amen an uncut "PiiiksCiiiiliGiGiiF I. the quicumt, can“ "In for hike-tun. m, one. qat Toronto. Ontario.--", took Lydia B. Platinum Vegeublo Compound (or your: and " In the only pun! nedlctno I ever recommend. t In a “no our " I and . woman In In Lydia E. Pinkhun’s Vega-- hue Compound Advinod foe "ttumistNgttNttdtrsm-mtts. diet-amid. NURSE THINK$§ NOTHING BETTER - v --. -- - 1-1" - all winter. "or!“ Indirect Boom". tor lump. Toronto I Queen and 'ittadina. Toronto. "_-'-'-"----- WAHTE SPACE IN CELIA“ _ A'tut be and. yleld ME a. aliWometninPoorHeaitk BEIJING F07! Sill f ARy--woNDtlMteUL STOMACH MISERY. GAS, INDIGESTION “Ptpe's Diapepsin" Com Sour, Upset Stomachs amuse " ALL Kuwaiti SALESME mia Vicki}? pa; "rs-A..-. .--- --- ___

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