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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1922, p. 7

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i'ar""aiiiir"iiF but or they'll slop laying. Keep food!“ the pullou " turn no. growing. If you are not In: the (arm. dutch ya tome hard “will”. united. A rough board enclosure ten feet square and olsht feet high will hold sutllclout tee to provide any pounds per day for 180 dsys utter ulowlnl tor s rusonshle mount of vats“. An important fnet to be remembered Is that tho smaller the quantity of In stored the larger ts the proportion of Haste. The bottom of the enclosure should be coverod wtth s toot of sow- mm. and a toot of space left between the Boards and the ice. which should slsu bo ttlied with sawdust. The too should be slmllsrly covered. The drier the sawdust the better. " the null bescath the v-uclosurc ls imper- ' .uus clay, a layer ot xrwel under the sawdust ls advisable. _ A _ tt sawdust in not obtainable. plan- tl' will shavings will serve. It neither is to be had. two feet of maul! has ur any wild hay will answer. Tho mush"! kind or . lined that will re. “at the weather in all that is re Did you over try eo-oporatlon in in harvesting.' It work: like I charm. Get one or two ot your ucixnuon to so into such a nebeme. Oae pond or stream and one let ot tools will answer for on. The equip- Iuent non-nary tor harvesting and storing tee conun- Iimply of lawn. ton”, and iron bars for Pushintt the block- of Ice around. Farmer. who hue not already done no should pupae to lay by n More of ice tor cooling milk and tor house- hold us. nut “mm". The cost at hnrvootinl and storing ice in tow when com“ with the loving ei- iwtod. m1). it in late to har- vest two ion of ide for each cow in (ho had. Thin will allow tor melt- wg and lave enough tor family ucedn. Where cream only in gold. uboux onvthud ot that quantity ot ice will be needed. For the out st the trout lugs start at the center, cutting the “in well forward at the brisket and In advance of the trout ierbus. cut baclt to the tmluh of the ture leg and body and on down the lnside ot leg to meet the cut made when skinnlng the shln. In annulus the hlnd less stsrt at tho c.tnater line nhout sis Inches from ths tall wad split the shlu m straight hue to tho hock. Sttin over the rump sud thighs. At this stage it Is best to lasert n sombrel shove the hook Julius sud also the est-case so that the shoulder will stlll rest on the ttoor. Syllt the skin on the under mar ot the tsll sud "in out the tall boue to the end. sun Anny From Tall and Legs. Shut the hide esrelully away from tne bcse or the tall mad strip trom the legs tsud hack. uslng the list or a blunt instrument such as a halts mule, stoning stone or the hack ot s cleaver. Be careful and do not cut the hide. slnce each cut reduces the vulue. When skinned down to the shoulders the caucus ls holsted clear of the ttoor and the "inning completed down over the neck. Spllt the ears by cuttlnx lenxthwlse and told the hide 'eau slde tn. Tle for 'tst-t_-ontario Department at Agriculture. Toronto. hum Forming at Wrinkle; Aited removing the (an the hide ,..uum be "up“ down we belly from As d'-iclsiaq cut to In. tail. 't tte side; “out Inca be Illunw by working )x'warj u m- brunet and then back " no “um ot we mud has. close 1.; m. tall. The tree hand would be am: lo ..t: away. Pulling outward and Wu“. agalult we ttuite. Lure vhulll‘ T “men to prwent tue torm- luau C wrwheo under tue him: as w u i, w; ”moved. 't he hide should w Armand " many " the back mum mum; it attic ted at the thlglm ma shoulder). Chang» we prop over .1 Lu other side of urine! and skin Cho other 3.4. In the “we mama. [in (wet-My About the has. ....l come on Make sure that the ...1f.. ls sharp. Attor alumna; Lad l mum; the anlmal it should be sus- . “in; to humans bleeding. When t mo suspended [mention the oper- n snould new: skinning the head. nat-lit, and face. When annulus over .-. ' he. have the new on the head. t s'" menace ot meat on the hide is ... own-Jon. The head II removed [nun the meet at the atlas Joint. or nd oi mu mum column. The horn: s, and not be removed lroln tae “all. an the head out or me my Inc tn,:ual should be complelely lowered :le placed brunt up, mall”; held In -'. N puuluuu by a “Hind asttett be- m-mn amulet and 'tour. The log: 3.. mm men he Ilium-u out and hue During the autumn season. eon- udutdble bun butcherlna la done. no in the openllon may and hides Ve apolled In the skim-Jug. To do a suod Job eaatir select a clean hard 'siaot in the shellor of a tree or In a and"); it the 'ttor is good. A block mu tackle or other how! unuse- Uuut would be than! in 3 con- :euwul position. “an While harem In Warm. The annual should be clean; ll no! ' 'rtit be clan-uh to keep the hide -.-.»l cart...“ in proper condition. The ,nnnlné should sun-l Immediately v..- annual is dead, and the more “In” ll. ll done wlule the onlmal .3 mum the more can“ um um- (gunmbuud by Onlmo Deputh Agriculturo. 'I‘orunw.) skin “soup I“ For up Farmer. ilrll0ilrCiTCilitttt I removed. n WhUe the (3mm In Wars..- llavo the Kane Shank-Avoid “Th-Hing - Cut Carefully Alton the Legs. we not muting money on scratch your head and dc no, 7, he more can“! the Liiii; on Make sun: that the aw. Attor alumnus Lad of I Sonic Farmer: Recommend the b Use of tHu-oh, Dobbin Steal. a , March on the Tractor. (Contributed by Ontario Department of l Agriculture. Toronto.) ( Sweet clover should be cut for hay '11: the green sappy state Just before ,bloomlng. It cut for hay, greet care Ihould be taken to properly cure it. It would seem that the best method In to coil it in the field and dry it 'thorouzhly before drawing it to the when. Wet, damp or poorly-cured In, provider ideal conditions for the Envelopment ot mould. seem to be in the to, The experience of th however. has revealed certain precautions are making Mine it it is tt the silo green. succule trom mould. --. - green sappy state Just before blooming. It cut for hay, greet care Ihould be taken to properly cure it. It would seem that the best method In to coil it in the tield and dry it thorouzhly before drawing it to the ban. Wet, damp or poorly-cured he, provides ideal conditions tor the development of mould. " sweet clover hay ls ditBeult to cure under the best conditions a. very Bomt means ot preservinz it ,rrrtotd thts Regardinthle Cutting, Cur. ing and Siloing. b, F '; q g - _ t A z)“ _ ,,-_V-v u-W‘ "ntine the Silo hump Well- mu, revealed the tact that recauuons are neceuuy in “use it it is to come out of green, succulent, and tree revealed the " hay is ditBeult to est conditions a. very preserving it would the form of “has. the last year, EN and women of Ontario-it is time that we should all realize the terrible com- pleteness of the fire calamity that devastated Northern Ontario in the early days of October. Fires and calamities we have had before, but never such complete destruction as this.L 3; Over l,200 square miles laid desolate, town after town nothing but a bleak expanse of ruins, hundreds of farms swept bare, thousands of your fellow citizens "cleaned out" and thrown abruptly back into man's primeval struggle against nature and her grim forces: fire, hunger, ice and -the stark northern cold. Coming as this terrible fire did, in the autumn. with the harvests in, with the townspeople already preparing for the rigors of winter-the complete destruction wrought is the harder to overcome. _ - , .. wvuou yunuuuy new In outta; '" One of the most important steps in l the fodder. the making of good silage is to bet In conclusion, it may be well to sure that it is spread evenly and sum up the tour important steps that tramped thoroughly in the 8110.6 must be followed it the sweet clover Seventy-five per cent. ot the failures. is going to be ell-tinged in the best in making tirst-eltuus silage last year; possible manner. were due to lnsuttieieat packing. At (1) It should be out before blos- least two men-preferably more---' coming. are necessary to properly tramp' (2) It should not be allowed to lie sweet clover in the silo. Great care hr the field after being cut. should be taken to see that it is (3) It lhOuld not be cut titttt. particularly well trumped around the (4 It should be trumped wen.-- edge. Neglect to properly pack the Ontario Asricultural College, Guelph. silage was quite apparent throughout; -rrTrrtr.rrrrrtr1L...___., the country this sprint. and it was _ ' . not always in ratio to the number' 1tmyytce' the Young Peoples ot men in the silo. One farmer saldi Drne'ior the PP.??,!?. Leave your he had two men in his silo while it money at eithet banks. was being filled last summer. and he 5 For Sale . could not explain why one half ot his 1 Littur of Pigs, tive weeks old. silage was rotten from the top to the ‘ G. M. GRANT, R. R. 3, lirdtnu“ u:\r' 05.... .t.. ac- __-»~:AA -rN, Winter-the relentless foe "otforv. Clover Should Be Carefully Xrantped, When to an tor tuuee. Swoet clover for silage should be eat at the same time as tor hay, l.e., just before blooming. The binder should be followed as closely as pos- sible with the waggons sad the sweet clover put lute the silo " once. It should not be left lying on the ground for even a day, especially dur- ing hot, dry weather. The knives of the cutting box should be set to cut the sweet closer as tine as posslble. It tor any reatiott the feed seems dry s stream ot water should be tun into the cutting box, tor it is essential to have the sweet clover well moistened so that it can be well packed in the silo. - f'-""'-----.--.. Give 1,800 families a fighting chance to get on their feet. Temporary relief must go on. We must not fail the North. .‘ b 'r _ a _ _ _ V, A; A I ", , _" j _ tr, _-r t r I r [t ---s,'. 3 f r c," T ', w t . .5 t _ _ TI. F ‘gv " .-L f A, _ I 77 T . ' I - I . A V ', . e' ' . t . “it"? r: V I _ _-' T av ' a . , _ ' . pg.“ . , in; I. l . -, a I f ' _ _ e t . C t V - I, . _ _ _ . . _ 1, Im., "t . "u 17 -. 7751 . _-". v ' F _ . _ . ' f Ffc,', 7 i; c-l- ' 7 ' =5,- ‘7 ,-"C" _ c-tl' if}; m.P V, . ." _ I I“ - _ _ “it v. Gr, T C. "di, v" ', _ f,,,':.,, "S _A gr I _ _ »' q '--: '6 , E. I. ' "r,rt .1 a' - 4 . ' ‘r A "', A ‘7 _ - .' _ _ :. “v.3.“ )2 -C- I J' ‘ v' C, 77 A: :5 u: _ A, {a . ", m., l - i). "r.' . - -' r - : i" a . t _ V N r , " . l - ' Ft w“; _ A .x' .";:y~ a, . ' C as ," I . J ~. f y -. r x ', .73, V ;‘ I‘M ' I V . -, " . rr") r _ __ P Ie,, ' r r" V _ _ ' _ .. 4f/. . N " F , - ' -- C _ _ _ M - 314w; L. - A ' . T c".-, " ‘42. 'W, "a 2. " rr2rs run?» .‘~. . t , A mr' '", 7 __ _’ Ws -, L“ ., y I q A! ' c, f A . -. -» ' is V f C c', w A If): _ V ', r." and that.on the oorootiitrsside (2) It should not be allowed to lie hr the field after being cut. (3) It should not be cut one. (4 It would be trumped well.-- Ontario Aarlcultural College, Guelph. In conclusion, it may be well to sum up the tour important Item that must be followed it the sweet clover ls going to be enlilnged In the best poaslble manner. was easily explained, however, when it was realiwd that the two men had tttood on either aide at where the out todd was blown in, and had simply forked it over to the other side and did not bother trampinx " ali, Be- cause sweet clover ban a hollow stun and bu not the weight that out corn has it requires to be peeled more tiruuy to prevent the development of mould. Some Farmers Recommend the Use ot Balt. The use of salt either in curing the hay or in the silo is ntronxiy re- commended by some farmers. end it the sweet clover in not being handled under the most favorable conditions it would probably help in curing ot the fodder. from mg mower pipe. rue cmsm TEE. DURHAM REVIEW in the name of humanity we must see these fellow citizens through until Spring opens up the land and general business activities are resumed. Money must be forthcoming from the citizens of Ontario, from municipalities. industries, soci.. eties. public bodies, lodges, churches, etc.-not for rehabilitation or re-cstablishmcnt, but for the supply of bare necessities, "temporary relief" in fact, to the stricken North. Temporary Relief Until Spring Durham e _ I ','i'iii'i'i;ll1llllgiig .' - x, w _so1tit',s,t,)i:s , L: I,.,,; hi - Canada's Best Bug - THE ECONOMY meme: jbg lb'NOW Mt (ALSO PEGURABLE-Kz h Pm: Ist) , Here is a portion of our Province in ruins. and {or the sake of the whole Province at well as for its own sake. this section must be restated to prosperity an_d happiness. We need the North. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO All for One-One for All "

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