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Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1922, p. 1

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feed I922 u." Un 'CII lit JI [I] majority on Monday of this week. There Were four candidates in the tield. It is only a little over twelve tears tttro since Mr. Dunn left Dur- ham tor the West. whore he is on- ol the lending legal lights. as well as being prominent municipally. Con- gratulations. Had Leg Broken Mrs. John Rear, east of humor-h. had the misfortune to break her right leg on Monday afternoon at her home. She had been nursing her mother, Mrs. Peter Reid Sr. in town. during her illness, and going home over Sunday. had intended returning Monday night. However that after. noon she slipped on in while going down a small hill and her toot turn- ed under her. snapping the bone above the ankle. It was set that ew ening. but it will probably be a month before she can set the foot to the ground. Want a fish and Game Warden At a public meeting held last Fri- day evening. but not Well attended, it was decided to urge upon the Provin- cial Government to have a Fish and Game Warden appointed for this dis- trict. as there seems to be none at the present time. The name of Arth- ur Thomas. now residing at Dr. Jam- ieson's cottage at the Lake, was sug- gested as a suitable otBeitth G. M. Leewn. M. P. P.. was communicated with. and he will proceed to have the Government take action. During the past summer our streams have been considerably denuded bv ang- lers who violated the law. both as to quantity and size at tish obtained. while law breaking hunters have also been getting away with it. The move to have s warden appointed. we pre- sume at some reasonable salary. is a timely and urgent one. it our tuheries and wild animal lite are to even hold their own. Durham Boy Again Mayor Magistrate Laidlaw rem c-xram Tuesday from hm Barrister W b'. Dunn of I Sash. stating that hr had vetpd Mayor or that city I majority on Monday of There were tour candida' held. " is only a little c er insides and you'll be sure to see something that will brighten your home or thou in it during and over the Christmas seasmx. . .Ic Consider”. Post Omee authorities are wry anxious that mailing of parcels, em. should be done early in the forenoon when the patrons will gm prompter serum- than in the rush hours of ar- rival or mails. Another desirable thing would be tm"everyone tothrow aside the tiny small envelope at this season. Be considerau» and espeeiar ly retire-Der to mail parersls, in the Do your éhpping varly “I tho days and in the clay. Come In and look at [layman's bright windows and bright- A Concert Will lw hold i Toprtitt School. on Monday. but Hit A good program consisting or dial ups. reeitations, vocal and inslrunw al music is be. in: prepared. Admit ion 25c & lac. Only " Days on Christmas 'orvnoon Shingles and Lath 1 Salt. , At lot 2t. con. 2, meom. Per. sons purposan buildin should have their orders with the undersUnesi, Com! stuff. Good value. Hardwoocri's in to your yard fa Commencement TB: "all. Wmlnesday rr mission 36e and 25 wtod for San 81.35 to 81.40 for Pets, d $1.10 tor Wheat at our elevator t 3 Week. Rob Roy Mills lulled The annual 'it"utt,',rgg ot S. B. No. l, Glonelg. (Bu essan School) has been postponed r t Dee. 20th to Friday, Jan. 12th. "R, Tuesday last gaw us the flrst Nia, zard of the winter. Cold too, only 4 or 5 degrees above Zero. The Weat is ”Down: or enduring, 10 or 12 be. low in some places. Medals and scholarships won last summer will be presented at thr. Tirs. Chains 3 x 3% at 83.25 per Bet at Smith‘s c, e. Rob Roy Grain Prie --We are paying 38 to t2e for Oat 55 to 6oe for Barley. 60 to 651- for uekwheat, $1.35 to 81.40 for Peas. d $1.10 tor Wheat at our elevator t In mm- VOL. Amr, N0. 50 Hardwood 16 in. Iv-nglh, delivered J your yard tor $3.50 r cord. .o-avv- your order at Levin . stow. 'rompt dvlivory. "iii-i-ill-i-isis)'?,??;"??;';-,! TIER}: is an old-fashioned theory which some people still clin to-that a bank wants no dealings with them unlcss they have "lots of money." Such is not the case with this bank; you will be welcomed whether you have $1 or 81.000 to deposit. Open an account with what you led you can spare now and add toit regularly as "pay day"comcé around. It is a comforting eeling to know that you have several hundred dollars put away safely in che bank. Durham Branch: J. A. Rowland THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ldlaw received it tel from his son-in-Iaw Dunn of Moose Jaw at he had been re-el that city by a lam: HAVE YOU ANY MONEY IN THE BANK ? 'doc P present“) at the Exercise-s in Town Atext. 20th inst. Ad- JAM Ea EDEN shopping at the of this week J, Lrhuxr: Dr. n. Jamieson recently has de- posited the roments of a large can containing about 2000 tingerling trout trim-n he serum“ from the Caledon Club, into the stream ttowing out of Wilder's Lake, running through his bush to the west of it. The Lake is now stocked with bass, and the Dr. has had three or tour dams built on the stream, with runways that the trout may proceed up stream when desired. Dr Jamieson intends to have a much more thickly wooded bush in his 250 sores there than at present. Over 3500 pine trees have been plant. ed. and all cattle are to be kept out. henceforth to give thousands of young maples a chance to grow. The next generation will appreciate and enjoy the natural preserve now being created. It is hoped to make it a haven for bird life as well. The doc- tor has released some pheasants there similar to the Eugenia ones, ant: these are sometimes seen in the vi. cinity. Some are liable to meet the sun of the hunter, but it is hoped the, nook will increase. q Next Sunday the problem of Can- adian Immigration will be studied. This is the most important political, social and economic problem, also the most dimeult racial and religious qttesiion that Canadians face. New regulations are being outlined by the Government and citizens are facing the task of assimilating and christ- ianizing a vast horde of aliens. To understand the situation is the first hope of its solution. The Hockey Outlook it is years since there has been so little stir in hockey circles locally as this month, and chances are' bright that Durham wil have neither an In ternn-diate or Junior League team on the ice. The intermediates will likely arrange some exhibition games but feel they haw not suftieiently fast material to go Tf'ry tar in the race. We might be able to vanquish two or three neighboring towns provided they entered teams but against the strong Wiarton otttfit Durham woule. n't be in it. With the exception of one or two players. all the Juniors are on the High School team, and as this team is again entering a School League. it' looks like Durham's only League bunch this winter. Stocking Trout Stream The scholars of the Methodist Sunday School I sustain their rep- ulnlion at their a, wal concvrt in the Iown hall, Monday Dec. 18th. Drills and character song will be given by lots from Ihrvn ye-a up. Fan drill, flower drill and'vespe virgins will be among tho special fen res. Admis- sion 25e and 15c. Men's Class Rev. F. G. Hardy, the popular pam tor of Trinity Church here, has been nth-rod the parish of St. John's Ch., Brmnl'ord, by Bishop Williams of Huron. We understand it is probab- le va.‘Mr Hardy will accept the new charge. though no definite arrange- ments have yet been made. Methodist ChriArm" Concert For the convenience of Christmas shoppers from town and country, Durham Morey will be open the last thrw "venings of next week, Thurs- day. Friday and Saturday. Dec. 21st, 22nd and 23rd. May Go to Brantford Broken in Two Places Nurse Carmount, at present en. zngvd at P.J. McLean's. had the mis- fortune Io slip and tall on Monday of last wo-vk. brnakinz her right arm in two plan-s below the elbow. Though she will be ...‘ngle handed for some Woe-ks, she romained on duty. Three Open Nights Next Week I am in the m et to buy raw furs and am pro red to pay the highest market price' Bring them to Levine's More, bur , and you will saw money by doin' so. Keep in mind the" Baptist Sunday S'ehool Entertainment and Ideal Giv- ing Xmas Service. A play will also bo given "No room in the inn." Raw Fun Wan» Wood for Sal A quantity or wood dry, 16 to 18 in. n length, delivered any time ‘Apply Wm Weir, R.R l, Durham Phone 60 3-2 Don’t forget the Orange Tree at the Trinity Church bazaar. Saturday, Dov. 16th, in the Public Library. F'or SalP---A pair of hockey boots and skate-s, . Be 5, new last winter. Ramon tor 3 Mn: too small. Apply to Mrs. Fred bite, Upper Town. l ,fiâ€"w A host or n toys. games and dolls at the Variety ore. Large Coal Heater in good condi- tion. Will be sold cheap. Apply at the Review Oftice. "iiJitt" iiiirttiitltitiiti, Realism. 1, Manager JNEvisrc Ci Quito a number of the merchants of Durham .met in Mekechnie's store on Wednesday morning to make puir lie protest. against the placing or the stamp tax of 2e on all receipts over $10, which is scheduled to go into et tect January Ist, 1923. A resolution was drawn up, stating Durham met" chants were decidedly opposed to the imposition of this tax. believing it to be detrimental to the best interesis of the Retail Merchants and ot the public in general. This was signed by John McKechnie. Sec’y, and wired Wednesday night to Hon. McKenzie King. the Premier. Whon in session. with Mr. Jno. Hutttrw as Chairman, the matter of Transient Traders' and Pedlars' li. censes was taken up. The merchants Tht funeral on Wednesday was a: tributv to the worth or (lecoased.i Friends desiring to show their do”)? sympathy were meson: from far and! near. Those from a distance prom-nil were: Messrs ROM. and Geo. Moftat,, of Toronto, uncle and cousin of her-i caved husband: Mr. Will Wright,!' Toronto: Mr. Alex. McFarlane from! the West. The floral tributns \vvrel many and beautiful and in a silmtl way spoke sympathy. The Pall bear-l PP3 wvru John, Gordon and Donald' MrCanne-l ot' lloothville. cousins ori deeeasod: Will Wright. Toronto :; Nell A. Mrquvn and Chris. Wheeler) of Hart-mom, uncle and cousin. l HPY. Fl. Cameron had chargv ol' the funvrul son'lov and gave a comforting discourse. Rev. W. H. Smith was also prosom and led in prayer. Mrs. (Res., Cameron also rendered a solo. Somu of the many fioyal Iribuws Wt't't' a wre-nlh from the Masonic lwvxlzru-n ln Durham: spray. Dr. and Mrs. llullon: tvtvath, Dr and Mrs. Janus-son : and six tributes of differ- ent dvslgns from Toronto friends. NO BLAME ATTACHED TO AGNEW DEATH The remains were removed to her father's home to await burial to-day, Wednesday tho delay being to await the arrival ot the deceasod’s brother Alex from the West. Other brothers are: Neil and Charlie at home and John in Toronto. Sistrrs are Mary, (Mrs. Davis) in Toronto; Kate, (Mrs Wm. Seth,) Alberta and Flora and Margaret at home. ‘Decvasvd was the second oldest daughter (Jean) ot Mr. Donald urc- Farlane of Rob Roy Corners. Her mother, deceased a few years ago, was a native of Egremont, and a 82:3- ter of Mr. John McQueen of town. Less than a your ago, 25th of January last. she was married to Mr, Motrin, and a happy union has been rudely dissolved. To tho husband. a sncunt: time pluugt-d into widowerhood. and to his father, intense sympathy tn felt in their bereavement. Opposed to Tax on Receipts l . . I nam was much too low, considerably i Few deaths of recent )ears have below other towns and this was a cast such a gloom over the commme . ' In” as that of Mrs Ch M tr t material injuty to business men per . . ate. o at, on manentiv located here, who contribu uFriday morning last. its suddennesa . , l wa t li ' ' . ted largely to the town 5 upkeep, both 8 8 art mg. ll ednesdey morning hr 'ro ert' nd b . . t . , betore she was attending to her ll i . l p y a “SIMS: axes. A . - Butt committee consisting of J. Levine J. duties, was preparing dinner wh ' . ' en MeLaehlan and Grant McComb was pain and talntness over took . . 1 ner. appointed to interview the newlv On her husband coming in he iount: elected C " fl . f her sucering, but after resting awhile ounc at rst spasm" n she felt better and commenced io January, _requesting that transient stir around. oniv to find the ain re- 2?yitt? license be increased from - _p $25 to $100, and pedlar's licensetrom turning. The doctor was then sent‘ $2 to $10 m. d tor and he advised removal to the? - y, ay. . hospital at once. This was done and‘ The meicnants also favored an in- she reached there that event creased tax on amusement compan- Thursday morning saw little ng. ies, such as Palmer shows which . t _ or no came and carried away hundreds ot Improvement. Dr. Groves was sent . . . . for, and was in Durham within two 'lollt.trs.rrrom the town, but let't this hours after receiving the notice. to the Judgment ot the Council. Meanwhile local doctors saw the nee-' . easily or operating before he came,! Santa Claus S, left his toys, dolls, and found the cause ot the trouble to &c., at tho Varip Stmi. be internal hemorrhage. Everything Pastor and people of the Presby- was done, humanly speaking to z terian church. have given way on store the patient but the loss of blood Wednesday night next week to the and shook was too great and at two Commencement Exercises. and wit: ot-lock on Friday morning the end hold prayer meeting on Tuesday t-v- came. eniniz. the dav before. Death of Mrs Chas. Moifat DURHAM THURSDAY DEC. 14, 1922 ly Laidlaw, foreman" With which is ineortsorated the Holstein Lenin l It was also decided to hold a _ sewing class the latter part of Janu. iary. the Department sending an in. structor. The Institute would like to 1 see this Well patronized as it is a I splendid course. especially for young Ipeople. A well prepared paper was Head by Mrs. Frank Irwin on “Great Women," from Joan of Are to l the present time. were reviewed. ' She selected those women who work- ed or helped humanity to a higher ( level and made life better for all. I Ihay falls on the Monday on which lMunicipal Nominations are usually hold. municipal nominations will De l livid on Friday, Dec. 22nd, this year. .This will mie candidates extratimo _ tor canvassmg, but will put Munici- ' pal Ttvasuyers and the printers up :ugainst a pretty hard proposition m getting the detailed statements out I in time. 3 Let the Ads. Guide Your Buying. Row. hr. Farquharson.in sending: Mumm- of address of the Review, from Quebec to St. John, New Brunswiczt, tor I‘m winter. gives a whiff of his activities as follows: "Since leaving Quebec less than a month ago, I was “we? us tar as Pilot Mound sewing seeing my brother, round by Nixwlw swim: Dr. Stewart and the vendor;- they are working at the Provincia; Sanatarlum there: round by Brandon seeing my nioce and her husband at the Experimental Farm : back Dy Winnipeg where I got a sight ofmore friends: home try way ot the burnt x-ugion and Haileybury where I saw Jessie and am now at St. John, New Brunswick." DECEMBER WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The December meeting of the Wom. en's institute was held at the home or Mrs. (Rev.) Cameron Thursday last. A good attendance and an interes- ting program made the meeting go well. Alter the business proceedings a letter trom headquarters was read by the Sec'y. asking for help tor the fire sufferers. A web of tiannelptte had been purchased the previous month and was now almost made up and ready to be sent to the tire sul. fevers. Some fine exhibits of Christmas gifts were passed round and trave some good ideas for Santa Claus. Master Eben Cameron sang a fine Harry Lauder song. and this was mt. lowed by a tasty lunch and God Save the King. Congratulations to our local ex- port apiarist, Mr. H. D. Molntyrv. who was recently awarded third prize for his exhibit of honey at tho Fruit ttP/p Show htNil in London, Eng- la in November. The class he comxwted in wgs 0pm to the British limpirv and two of the prizes came' to Cunada, MP. H. G, Sibhnkl of 't'tw. onto winning the first. Mr. McIntyre has not yet rm-eivml his prizr, which will be mvsvavdrul by the Provincial Animist. He bt‘iit'YPS he might have secured first had he known of the competition earlier. and Irrepared an exhibit before it had crystallized. Dr. Farquharson on a Trip Mrs. Wolfe gave a tine resume of the month's current events, showing her extensive knowledge ot what is going on in the world. Mrs. N. Mc. Carmel, enthusiastic with her visit to the great Provincial Convention in Toronto, gave one of the best reports that has been heard from the various delegates in the past. The Jleview's columns are crowded this Work with Christmas advertising and by perusing thr advts., our routi- tl‘S may make mam Christmas sel- w'tions to their liking, This has rt" (WOW! our space- available for local rim-'33. but we ask our readers‘ indul- gmcc tor this week and next, after which considerably more news' spat-i- will be obtainable. This is a busy st-ason in newspapvr olllces. and ex- plains why the Review is perhaps not up to st‘ard in amowt ol' locui m-ws for n - or so. ' l Won Third in British EmpMt The Durham rniture Co. will buy all soft Elm logs,'. . nd tt limited quan- tit: of Maple, Dir and Bass. Also offvrlm: good green 'tovv wood 10: salu. Apply a: olllm- . to DA KINNEE Don‘t fail lo attend he High School, Commencement Exer 'ttses in the Town Hall on Wednesd . and Thurs-, day, Dun 20m and 21st. Admission: Mc. Plan at Mcnelh's Dr Store. I Logs Wanted rVood for Sale l Nominations Earlier Owing to the fact that Christmas Day falls on the Monday on which Pastor and people of the Presby- terian church, have given way on Wednesday night next week to the Commencement Exercises. and win hold prayer meeting on Tuesday w- ening, the day before. The merchants also favored an in. creased tax on amusement compan- ies, such as Palmer shows which came and carried away hundreds ot dollars from the town, but left this to the judgment of the Council. were unanimous in the opinion that! present license tee of both in Durham l ham was much too low, considerably" below other towns, and this was a material injury to business men per- manently located here, who contribu-I ted largely to the town's upkeep, both! by property and business taxes. A committee consisting of J. Levine, J. McLachlan and Grant McComb was) appointed to interview the newly elected Council at first session in January, requesting that transient. traders' license be increased tromi $25 to $100. and pediar's lieemset'roml, $2 to $10 per day. I _-------.------- Walkerton Public Library Board are this coming winter showing an energy that will no doubt rodound to the ultimate good ofevery citizen or that town. Through the. Department of Public Extension of Toronto Univ. ersity, they have arruttgvd for a Ber. ies of monthly lectures from Univer- sity professors. These speakers come for their expenses only and speak on their special line of work. The topics choson by the Walkerton Library Board are as follows: "Men. tal Diseases"; ‘Present European Conditions" : "The Einstein Theory and the Australian eclipse": "F'renen wit and Scotch humor." NOBLE ---in Durham. on Tuesday, Don. It, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Noble a son. awn-ml yards. The wolf had chewed the stake almost in two in an ettort to libvratv himself, Being unarmed. Mr. Each was forced to attack the maddvnml boast with a heavy club and bout it to death for fear it would Pscapo before he could get a gun. In addition to the bounty, the fur will be worth at least $20. Extending its Usefulness Henry Each oGLindnay Tp., “rue;- County, will collect $40 as boun:y from HIV gm't-rnmenl, for capturing a timber wolfe in that district. Tito animal weighed 70 pounds and was caught in a trap set for a skunk am: when the owner discovered his catch the woln' luul draggml the trap and a 'ruuw.v stake IO which it was attached. Two lady inmates of the House of Roman, Markdule. got tired of the monotony of that institution and de- cidvd to visit some t'rit-nds over Mt. Forest way, unknown to the Refuge authorities. Arriving at Dundalk on Monday owning last week, they found the walk rather tirossume, and on Ili- slructions from the manager they Were retained there till Constable vaphill arriva and were lulu-n back to their "vs: by aulo that night. Receives $40 Bounty Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mama of o. Sound wore in attendance at the fun. eral of the Late Mrs. Chas. Mottat, Wednesday. Wanted a Change Admission 35e and 25c. Mrs. M. Marshall is at Townsend‘s Lake this Week. visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert Livingstone a few days. Mr. Livingstone is having a sale of stock this Friday, and after this is over, purpose with Mrs. Liv. ingstone. to spend the winter in Dur- ham with her mother. Mrs. Llvintp stone, is We regret to slate, in a poor state of health at present". Miss Cross of Durham and Miran l-Zidt at Port Blight, Were the guests o." their former classmate at Guelph General Hospital, Miss Marjorie Wc.-. --Walkerton Telescope. Electrie Irons, complete with cord Christmas Specials (last.,:.,,,,!,-!-.',',:'-,,,.,.'"-" of Harding' -- H Wand the/usual" guarantee......... $3 95 Electric toaster stoves, complete...... 3 M Large No.9, aluminum tea kettles. . ._.. - in Holly boxes............... Aluminum roasting pans ......... Nickel-plated copper percolators do do teapots...... Electric curling tongs............ Come in and.look around-if we hav'nt what you want we will be gle to get it for you and at reasonable price. Our prices advertise us. . H. HARDING BORN M i r4 " ii; 35.131 it. A., Warlock d (You: 'é 'o',) 15,: qtevttvmsviresmmstetrsemsemv:it ME ONTARIO ARCAN TORONTO 4 givmmmmwwmwmwmwrg .. i Christmas is Drawing Near g Make your Selection New Durham Call in and chimps play. are from $391 " is better to muku. your sul" [inn now, as Christmas is um um tar a: to Bee about it today. We will mak" delivery when ever you like. and it you so desire we can arrangc- lo-rms of paymnt to suit your requirements. THE GUNN-SON-OLA and CONCERT GRAND We will be glad to show complete line of our various and you can choose Iho- one H )our home best. Here's a Gift the Whole family will Enjoy .-- -Not only on Christmas Ila) who the home should be filled with mu ie and gladnrss. but all throurrlt ll: year-and for wars lo (‘mma N Phonographs can equal Keep Christmas V with a Phonograph We also handle a com plete range of Sweaters, Mufflers, Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery. Fancy Neckwear, Fine Shirtsior Men. this & Caps, Tetques, Arm Bands, Braces. and many other lines of tttercttrt. disc which we would be pleased to show you. XMAS GROCER'ES We have ja<t opened up a larrw AMAS UKULbKIIZS We have just opened up a Iargo shipment offresh groceries for the Xmas trade. Try ourline. RAISINS We can now sayoly Spanish Valencia raisins We have the stock from which you can choose usosul and practical gifts for both young and old. tthN0KERCMEFs See our unusual auortment of Xmas hankerchiefs for men, Women and children, separately "t' fancy boxed. Get our prices on Handkerchiefs. It will surprise you. MEN Mt:N-- Men, you should not miss swing our beautiful range of Xmas neckwear. We specialize in gifts for men. RABIES We can now sapply Spanish Valencia raisins- along with our other “was of raisins. i1i)ms ai/Deus your thistmas gkoppz'ng 5‘ “The Phonographs with a Soul" “Maid Wank" " " o t Q mm in ,dvetreo To l'mmd Stun. 32.5mm dunes. tl man... . at"! HM»- ... Open Evenings till 10 o'clock. Aluminum crumb trays and serum r Nut Oats. seven pieces-.--- .. Aluminum casserules..............‘,.H.. Reading Lampr..... .... A4.rdr to.,. Boudoir Lamps........-. t,.oo to .. Hand Sleighs 800. and upwards: Cut glass at attractive wives Pyrex ware of all kinds Hardware 8/ Plumbing l on r1; No Dun-hunt ll Mt. Forest 200 i800 1000 rm

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