West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1922, p. 3

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ms a ota od tom ml. nan "ed ho al plvn. The Republicnnr, de.- d late that they regard all depu- ties supporting the Govern- ment as traitors to the Repub- lic. Hales and O'Malley, the fir.cr .ictims of the campaign, wet: peace-makers between the rival army sections, and abandoned their peace effort only when they found it hope- ll railway m J Ot oh' Orn man Empire tl “tummy by bani: ,_...v-_;. I“ summary In: simple and tmmarred by hostile dammit». from the Republican minority. IRISH FREE STATE MUGURATED AS h DOWN or snmsn EMPIRE 7---- .mm mom: 'tapt-ht. maturation of the lrish Free State a one of the Dominion. of the Brim Empire took ' on chnesday. The aroma“! - -“‘“ - k. to kick); sinate th r Free Sta muted. gztion see "mum Timothy Hui; Take. Gath of Olheet Ministers and Member; Sworn in-AU, Deputy Shot and Another Seriom}y Wounded on Way to Parliament. U. a. DELEGATES TO The lukwnmioml Postal Confe Jack Mutiny at Queen’s University f maul] Sch won the Dominion Cham- .3 State was formally in- stecl. A general assas- n seams now to have dvstituted for the oviqin- Individnany Work. I are , Hotel 'y Bri "ht Sum ctrma ct were umtlbb mm, ___ t 8mm; of the military winding Defence Minister w let it sh :II the stor, W " ws it Can Midisters before m uniform. "batch from by; ales, . deputy d t il Are Hrs n " low 3n no end the who: Min- l in turn, fes'iowed f the DUI. Minimum) to each and Inca-t of the DUNE worn in shi Irv Gremriézm; numeral run-1k of tho G .c-mm yrn in as Deputy 2".ramztua fiirhtr on Wednesday., He was one of M was seriously personal friends, administered doc u r: Neighbor, Rc.bel Plot ua Davin inn-ant a 01»th mt running”. on West of Dub- 1"W Governor- y me oath to tltreaker ants at Mr. one to tt g the m CANADIAN CONVENTION urence opened in Ottawa December 4th. en'ling from the I'nz'tal Suxtvs: livttom Tra is to Cp, wing lg" cpptrtu.n'.ties trr trade tn China. They will buy everything We are pre. arM to .soll." 1e rays. ws-s p.19 sed last year dim-inat- ing country cream anti-m and providing a mien! of govern- ment grading and inspection. The provincial butter grading stations at Oahu-y and Ech- monton, through which about 60 per cent. of the butter pass- e3, report that this year 26 per cent. graded 'special' as com- pared with only 8 per cent. in 1921. That is an almost revo- lu:ior.ury improvement." M we “parted about twice as much butter as in the c.1799,- pohl‘jug period a your up, or to be exact, 17,994,188 his, as counted with 9,140,561. "The quality of batter mm in Alberta is showing a decided improvement since legislation more " When the deputies emerged "an! ‘T tho. hotel, the assassins appared toi .be loitering on the porch. Not/hing ihppened as the deputies prsed the', "goyrr. The shot. were not fired uniil' "ales and O'Maille hired the cab and were gaming into it. Then the Tye 'erers opened fire, They operated in 'twu groups. Eight to ten shots were' ', fired, most of them directs) at Hales! SAMMIE? hotel guest who stood charm; 'ting with Hales and O’Mame as they; entered the cab had a narrow escapej lfl'um "s.'.., cu have q“... -. nu.- ucyuues is "Ir fus'fi?lment of a constant threat. Notl only tho Ministers who ordered thel recent minus. bot all the mam-l bars of the bail Eireann who voted in favor of rapn-saive measures had their! names published in a black list and were warned that their would be held: P, 21p; nmhlo. f Hence some of the Mianxters and, several of the member, M an. rm» _ °_v.. "my - (“If ting with Hale. and O'Maille as they entered the cab had a narrow escape from being hit. A lorry load of British soldiers. ar- riving on the scene, opened fire on the Deputies' assailants. who were scattered and paw-med. It is not known whether any of the attackimr nartv wore iniurdd Vic-am being The Natural Its @1129; Intel- zcnce Branch of the Depart- :ent of the Intcrior a; Otiuma Find: Big Trade In China '. T. O‘Hara. “Or-my Mini: cnd f'cmu / ",?. wha 505:1 Car.Vi ' , dair 19 up ine 1ivvs y any cf the attacking EM Injured. shooting of the Deputies is in some time past. taken up moi: in the Government of. home were willing to risk by residing outside. as a Prorrirrort: supporter .e-mmcm and had been a h',zhtvr against the British. 2 of Michael Collins' closest; St me of the Mianxters and the mm: of the bail Scu.at ive Yeats is not in; industry tcr the 12 September t in the head and Top POW, Ed. t, Div. Suot.. :ter of ts out pt CLUNG TO ICE FLOES WHEN LAUNCH SUNK A dispatch from Sault Ste. yarit) and rolled, keeping her 'i"ifriLi.""r'C'. Orrt., sarr.---The passenger launch.‘ three hsurs they floated with the cur- Mopiea, running between this citylrent in mar-zen weather. and Neebish Island, sank in the St.1 Their screams fizally were heard Mary's River on Wednesday night; by a coastguard at Oak Ridge Park, when its hull was crushed by striking a mile and a huff away. and he came an Me. It: three occupants. Mr.‘ to the rem-us. and Mrs. Guy McIntyre and their baby ----9------- narrowly escaped death. Mrs. McIn-, The enamel on teeth is the hardest tre in in a Ito-pica] was?!" fromnisaue in the human body. I Parents and Baby Rescued Hours in t. Mary’s River. W -.e- ... ...-u “uncanny-en u“: "oN"' That keep him secure, then briskly he snaps The lock from the storehouse, selects all the things lie marked for the ehildren--then upward he springs To the top of the chimney with light, airy grace, And downward he glides to the big fireplace. The stockings he fills with a genuine joy, And pours out a blessing on each girl and boy. Then listening a moment, he turns on his toes And quick as a flash up the chimney he goes. He springs to his seat, sets the motor to purring, Calls out "M-e-r-r-y Christmas!" to any one stirring: Then off to the next house he speeds on his wtW-- And so through the night to the break of the day He scatters behind him full many a treasure And fills all the hearts of the children with pleasure. At last with the dawn all his journey is dore. "Ah, ha," shouts St. Nicholas, "now for some fun l" "My storehouse is empty, my burden is light-- Just a few fancy stunts with my plane yet to-night!" So saying, he noses his plane to the sky, And swiftly and gracefully clambers on high; Remains in the air for a moment quite brief, Then suddenly drops like a falling leaf. But righting himself with a dextrous turn That any professional one might yearn To imitate--"Ah," he remarks with a grin, "That's glorious; now for a good tail-spin !" He spins him around like a sinking sloop-- He volplanes down and he "loops-the-lo/m"; Right side up and then upside down, High in the air and then skimming the ground, Then near to the earth you could hear him call. "Kriss Kringle is here! M-e-r-r-y Christmas to all!" Then he clambers again to the sky-blue dome And hurries his aeroplane straight toward home. He knows how to do it-his skill is the proof, As he settles with ease on the top of a roof. He turns off the motor-unbuekles the straps 'n‘.41...n_ L:_._ .--- - aT _ . . . . - ,___,, -'""' ..... “an,“ J""'""' cuulul " 'Tis time," mutters Santa, "that I were descending." Then pointing the aeroplane downward, he fu'es In large sweeping circles, till, dimly, he spies The outline of houses appearing in sight. "And now," murmurs Santa, " 'tis time to alight." O'er ice-eovetvd fields where the Eskimos ramble, Where blizzards are born and where polar bears scramble; O'er bare, frozen tundras, o'er bramble and brake, O’er bare, frozen tundras, o'er bramble and brake, He spreds like the wind, till, his quick journey ending, " "Ph, ihmn n “unnuw (ukLr Ala' ' v - -- " ___ _-Vr-“-, QIIVUIIIW w VIII. on]. As swift as the eagle, it circles and climbs The far dizzy heights of the air; and betimes St. Nicholas guides to the south as he speeds On his mission of love; for he knows of the needs And the wishes of all. "There's no chance to be late," He chuckles, then cries out, "Oh, b-o-y, this is great!" He turns on the motor; anon comes the whirr Of shining propeller, and then the glad stir Of the wheels as they move o'er the hard frozen tmow, Now lightly they creep, then more swiftly they go, Till, spurning the earth in its effort to fly, lye ugroplam‘e rapidly t.tPu.nty to the sky. - --_eH r""-7 run-en ulnuv yqu‘W The good little children throughout the land, From the Arctic zone to the coral strand: Dollies and dishes and buggies and blocks And pretty tin soldiers and Jacks-in-the-box; And trumpets and drums and tables and chairs And fairy-tale stories and big Teddy bears, There are red sleds and skates, for the snow and the ice. And muffiers and mittens and everything nice! With oranges, golden and juicy and sweet. And the perfume of roses our noses does greet, Every inch of this storehouse is filled with the toys And dainties and gifts for the girls and the boys. bit. Nick rubs his hands and chuckles with glee As he thinks of the pleasure and joy there will be. Then he looks at‘his watch and he looks at the moon, And he says to himself, "I must start very goon." So he puts on his headgear, his goggles and coat; Tucks in his white beard from his breast to his throat, Then springs to his place in the big aeroplane As nimbly as though we were twenty again. He straps himself in very tight and secure, "In ordcr," he says, "that I'll be very sure Not bo slip from my seat and go whirling through Bpaee- For a fall from such heights might disfurure my face." ll is roomy and strong atufii Mid-s; with ease Ile 2112245119. 3:151. fPe prjgtty things that please Kriss Kringle laughs with a merry glee: “I'll fool the children this year," says he; "They think I am coming with deer and sleigh. And jingle of bells. in the some old way. But why should I flounder through cold and snow And catch influenza, when I can 0 _ With a lightning speed through the nipping air And while I am here, be almost there. 'Tis time that my reindeer were given a rest, And my sleigh is old and not at its best; And the boys and girls-there are millions more Than there used to be in the days of yore. I must have more room to carry the toys And must ily like the wind to the girls and boys; From house to house I must speed with might To finish my work in a single night. "But I'll do it," he says, with a knowing wink, As he opens his hangar-and what do you think? There stands in its shed like a waiting train The finest brand of an aeroplane. Shining and gleaming and new and 'spice--- gust made to order for Old St. Nick. h Maiden Kris: Kringle By Harold Barnes ire $591: His wife climbed opto a floating piece which constant! tipped and rolled, keeping her d'renczed. For three hours they floated with the cur- When the boat sank the occupants jumpsi into the river and clung to cakes cf ice, McIntyre “Wing to save the baby as well as himself. He managed to get onto a fairly safe exposure. Her Legs were frozen Captain of Western Champions Stu-imam. or thr. Bdmcntm rltkv', wro were defeated by Queen‘s I'm- versity, in a game at Kingston to de, eide the Canadian chamrdtmship in rugby foothill Macks. LGeiaTiir "ti;"" G'e'.' i' Cured mqats--Long clear 9 Ito 70 'fos., $21: 70 to 90 mm Straw-Car lots, per ton. lt rants, Snuke‘l 1urats-rlams. mo. 2fle; trroked ham, 38 to 40e; rr"s, 26 to 28e; PCi'cutte rcll Me; breakfast bacon, 32 to 1 '.tial. bend Itreaktast bacon, 38 -"-"", T""" y\' Huh, -uu paw Hav-tXia No. 2, per ton Toronto, $16; mixed, $13.3" ehpyr, $13450 -to 815. No. 2, $1.05 to 1u,07. I Ontario No. 2 white (:its~~4l M 25- Ontario ©ortt-- Nomivak Ontario tlout-r-Ninety per cent. pan. r in jute bags, Montreal, n'nn'rr' ship- 7 ment, $5.20 to $3 30; Toronto hash. $5.15 to $5.25; bu}, seahnard, S5 tn t 35.10. Manitoba flour-ts sags, $7_._10 per bbl.; mans. per ton, $2c.. middlmgs, o," good feed thvar, ty?. Ontario wheat “(0. 2 white. to $1.10, accordhlq it f eight: or No, 2, $1.05 to 'H,07. Is Manitoba wheat-No. 1 Northern, ', 1.21. ( Manitcba ca'.:s-u'4ctninal. _ Mamtoba betrhy---Nominai. AB the above, track, Bay ports. American cortr--No. 2 yelluw. 88%r; No. 3 yellow, 87%e, all rail. BtTuT--rMir.!eing, 470 to 62e, avg-ord- ing to freight ott'rside. Burknhoab~§h 2, " to 75e. Rye-- No. 2, hi a 78e, Milifeed-tei. TYontreal fyr 72}. t , bags included: “mm, per ton, .524; shorts, per ton, $2c.. middlmgs. $23 M; goqd feed thrur, ty?. The Pas Lumbar Companr's camps on the Carrot River and ratum. En- tries are expected from St. Paul, Minn., Northern Ontario, and Ver- mont, white a team of Labrador husk- ies ahro is a possibility. l Medicine Hat, Alla.-mu, Roam-vi Tomnto, ont.--ahe Nurse Show at the Royal Winter Atrricuiti'. Show was bigger than the Mamas. Square Show of which the New Yorkers are lo proud. It had 160 vxhSitrnrs and 1,200 entries, American breeders who have never before .shnvn in Canada being represented. The Pas, Man.~Tho annual Dog Derby of two hundn-J miles, for a purse of $2,500, will be heu'd this with ter on February 22, it was decided at a meeting of The Pas De: Derby Association. The mum will be the name as last year, from The Ptta to N, -_......u, and Hunt has always been a question as to whether or not there might not be valuable deposits in this new Quebec, as well as in new Ontario. Within the past. two weeks many chums have been staked out by prospectus. -'-__.. B"""". v. Luv 1 xuV'ln‘i‘e of Quebec, in tho district of Abitibi. This adjoins the gold and silver dis- tricts of Northern Ontario, and there in... -c__, . ei' is an almost inexhaustatpe supply of this product and that it in apparently improving in desptlt. This discovery opens a valuable new industry in the territoey, M. John, N.B.--The contract be. cred, at a depth of 200 feet. a six-foot Nets of almost pure white salt, which tutabsU has proven to be 99.1 per cent. pure. The engineers state there laid fox {am Ji;, iiiiii"'t, ii'L'i.'i, their share of the 1922 crop of silver- blggk fox pelts. New miseow, N. tr.-ierators on the Mgiaggsh properties have discov- Nrrtoundhmtd--thitsoutst to mine:- tion by the Newfoundhnd legklaturo. the Pannier of Newfoundland he: eon- chdod tn agreement of settlement be. tween the Reid Newfoundhnd Co., the Government of Newfoundland, Mug. Whitworth. Ltd., and the British Government, the outcome of which is expected to be the oreetiorr of I pulp and paper plant at a cost of) $18,000,000, which will outrival thol famous mild: establish! hy the late.' Lord Northcliffe. I . Charlottetown, PE'.r.---Fnrr,rligh 'ur, Toront o. wheat-No. 1 , per ton. track, T (limadafraittUsttrrat I busy visiting the is.. Theldy Miket rle,,riort pats . in ("Mon ‘ L's-l. 2nd mum $13.60. Map PT ton, track. 1h 1’30; xipo. " to 40's: to $1 . 26 to smoked fi! 08 30 W) new.” t acuity. $2.75 to $3.50; bum: rum.. s.?"., wives, belt, $10; do, mod». 89 up; gusset-s, 88.50; km, good 313; do, com., “1.50 up; m SHIN. to ”1.75; m. $9 to $10. - be at r - H, -v -- a". “an. .Vv. I ""ra, "1 t4: 58c;“No. 2 load White, iv, 1% (ft: Flour, . an. s.rrrini w t u. r " $7.10. Rand anthrag? ti.ll; to 'Je Bran. $24. struts. ki. Hay. iiG7,"siiii.' h will" We 00 10 tttte. Ay. over British Columbia hub". s7.10.' . 'l'liAl,'i'"'Is(,l?t'atttuipt 5" ort'tt.ions have ttke/t 'PP W 88.40. Bren, 824. S‘mrts. ur. my, ‘W of "tft, ty! an "1an de. No. 2, m. ton, our Iota, $16 to $17, AceIopment In this eottnretiott 1! an Cheese. finest eastertts, 19 to iioc.' mmon cf a railway line. forty m". Butter. rhcicevt mun-om 36% to long, on Vancouver [mm for the Vic- ”rt/4?; 'ty; 'yet: g to et; whet, tori: Lumim an! Mttnufaetarieg Co. e: _ ._. n a I... _ b, A“. ILA . - u. Corn, Ann-rim No. 'd ye 98e. Oats, No. 2 CW, 64 t , CE, 6thto for'; am No. $10 sshoide, £21. sheep. ch $2 to $5; $5 to $ era, 2... $4;cue'; $8 to t', tlti do, u “my; to O prin a! ening. t 13%. 10 16% lbs. and bands. amount inrolvéd [liA despatch from Ottawa say:s:--Mnother of the new ;taxes. imposedb the Cavem- ment1: budget legislation at the last session of Parliament, will become cperative at the beginning of the new year. This is the. stamp tax on re- ceipts given in acknowledge ment of the payment ‘of sums of Sen dollars and upwards. The tax is not a graduated one like that on cheques. In the (use of receipts a two-Cent stamp is to be affixed to earh instrument regardless of the 40 " Stamp Tax Imposed ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO King George of Greece Who untested canine: the Greek execut."cis, an] was t'oiititied In " palace In Antone; as a ”Loner when he attempted to nee haul the country, Ht uncle. Prince Anthem has b; Pt ttted for treason and manure! u.- l " long exile, Btitter---.Pimmt o'clamery prints, 40 42c; ctdimry (mam-er prints, 38 MY. Dairy, 29 to 31c. Toot'i'n',f/, 21c. “retell poultry-£l2ickens, 4 1hs. wt up, 28e; do. 3 to 4 than, Me; fowl, ls. and ' 28c; ar, 4 to 5 lbs., 25c; , unier (Inga, 17c; geese, 24e; duck- Saskatoon, &ck.-The population of this city is now estimated ttt 88,722. nearly 8,000 mon- than the fltrures re- sulting from the last Dominion com which was 25,743. according to Hon- derson's Directory for 1922-23. The direetory, however, contains name: of people living just outside the city lim- its, estimated at 2.000. 1 new: under ale-s. which they chin: wilt make it the second lute-t phm in the Dominion. o.h.. $10.25 on (I uli -Cermtdian, hand-pieko times, Mic. ple Drodu-Rvrort m..- ; No, 1 stock, M to 36v: Poi? CiiiiiG,U' L-r hag. car 10?, 90e. $225 _ timber hnds M‘s $1.75 to 2; cutters. . I the l I name on 5. on": and heifers, d' 157 pped y. Quality, 82:75 to, $3.50; ttit/ii " " H my 'c'; turkeys, 50c. '.rine--20 to 22e. -No. I candle} 43 to Mc; who: (faces, 1814 to 133ic; tubs, , Me; pails. 14% to IMic; 143% to 17%c. ricNew, large, 25c; twins, triphrta, 26%e; Btiltons, 27c. Ae, 27e; twins, 28c; Stilwns, o rirodiete-S.vrup, Der imp Ln. --- E 2,", , A” A up, SIS; lightweight rolls, in $41; hssavyweisrht rolls, $37. Pure tierees, 16c; tubs. Lib, 1ikiItin"r/s, 16%c. Short, a) $3; {ceding steers, good, " do, fair, 84 to tr,,. stock. tt to $4.50; do. fair. $8 tn rhoice, $10 tn $12; dn. mart, u do, com.. " to 87; mild: 3, $80 1:: $100: crriturera. so; do mod.. $2.75 to 83.75 cutters, $2 to $2.25; but 'ref,f3.i.r.o to 84.80; do 'lVr, chniee,' $6 25 $7.25.. to $6; do, med.. $4.50 lo it t? $5; butcher heifers. Montreal on All Receipts 'TO am. I'm- It win open up 5mm of the fineat 90e. ‘timber lands on the ”at To can. Sutsrst.8.2.1ur I tune the cam-mom amply of limb: iii't'.c.ht,g.iiifii'd 14' this railway the 0"‘f‘P‘n’ new. Ga'. W‘W'. 'rt '?lC't'otty4t the 'Ntpcu'ty of Low. 92 tn '1 65L; No. ne ' $7.60 to " cows mic b feet a I tc eight-en people Motor sehicles nan-1r rm in l math during the year 1922 nurpln-re'l CN,- 000, as compumd with 402.1129 'au'S in 1920 and 2.100 our: in I907, oireordirut to the Heat government figurru. Dur- ing the past four years the car legis- tration in Canada bu almost can“ and the Dominion now hclo's was“ place in not - possession of at. tttdril-brut mm car to every eitlw Have you tanked on so you'll know where 1 for the youngsters' (‘h [barium you have bee to lqlsdnbivr halls. 1 luindsu'y. some are I these youths are to to walk of lite in thes program. " 01st “mixed with interest Many of those ch good families of tico England. who, living uade.sitw.e condltio: or no opportuully to " then In a prre -i, gallon. and mug: l mlnion would be " more of these efttldr' twin u tumors. I not M to take up cation. there an: 'Ai may learn. In fact ”unable. Some luuv, from El only tV to further emigrm Armistice migmiivn during 1921 approx [was entorvi the t with which these r" his [Wt-vented wh England 30.854. only mum this trartr It has been C%' dn's boys and been sent t, worth $5.000 l 000.000. Ttrr spleatiLl War B'ar, I The scheme as proposed I: tttat n summation be formed to be lam- ls: the Gum-to Pam Cadets. which l, would recruit hays who wanted to mul- ‘gnto tor a period at tour you", The lads would be divided lam mum of tett or lwettly, and would be sent to Fun.- vda in t urge ot I "radet lumen." who in tum would har-l them overrun "hunt!- 1.en..t:.t.tr.srr' which would be established [at Bottle. convenielxt point In the pro- Tvim-v. "Mead-ies." In mlidy n ' curing-houw. would dhtrlhulv Co hon tor I term of two years to [arm- m. who would undue-lute to Home and feed them. " well a sum c: nu I Rood, sound (maxing In CanadUtt tarm. ing methods At an end of that time. if the cadet so dmlrml. the Guwnl- Mt men! would assist Mm In u‘qufrlng I farm at Mo own. Vain-Mo and “but“ “than. Mgr some years the Dr. mum-do Homes have been leave in sending Juvtsntte immuzrants of the Nun-st type to Canada, and to date some 26.- 000 ham (mun! the Dominion Irmu ty." Old Granny undo!“ tlasir auspice; Their plums fur the distrilmlicn ct tho 1-1;!ldrm upun arrinl in tunvda am- much tho Hmu as (yummy?! ulmw, only, of count. tiny do nut give a: _ alive to the your) in "equ :1ng [mm T In a great “may 2: 4:41"! " th pt' H. '; tmio boys. after gaining r'crmitip,r my penance. take up huanunis m the xwwer genial parts M the Domini -n. where they haw lm-n wry sum-v. Mul. I Juvenile I.“ b an“ - (ttte an In as. - I. m D ' timed tone at In M ham and and: unnu- Inuit. (can on ANd County brill-Amino! than (rat,", have can.“ At it. - , “In. (than an mm- M at than. , IMI at We ban In m who "re out at can»! and “MN. In “ ,work owing to the pawn!" In.” lama conditions. In! the MO Gov. mmem ham under Mention I Isow-me for the bringing of some of ,those boys to CHI-dd and plums than " with faunas {Whom Dunno, ttlt If put Imus (mum. will an only relieve the congestion in England, but bring to this pmvlm‘e a consider. able number ct ti', ildrmt who purse- - prna'ibilitim of assimllnmm and eitixrtrttusk'.rg. in h IT ONTARIO FARM by the nae-dilly cry bc don't. mah wl e war " "l'rt l9 V trr b Ir mi u Hum rd appl " aim rla ll " tl I 000,000 r n ark‘ H I)“ " tv" tsie, during " Ur tion M 'l 'd h tt I!!!

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