West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1922, p. 5

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PI V - 23.? f: UV.I.J..-‘ --- --e (r, The people's Mills ----- DURHAM :5 Far"...: -/. i:,',ioiiuiiiikxxainrawtxixxaioaal"xx'il l 33%;; 5xxxxxwxxxxxxxxéxMEEEME3mg , , I) "'e'o'"'.e'o-oo-to-aro--aray4roe9 Savemgn Man: Parent Flour, per my in urns ......"'... .....V a Eelipce 'rnourw.n-.pero8lhiek.-:--. r.....-...." ...... 330 y; While Lily Pastry Fl. ur. per 98 lb sack .... .. r..... 3.20 I Bran Itmlum per 100 lbs...... .r.. ... ..."'"'. 1.40 M Sharla (lonlnb) per100lrs'r-r-: ..... ... ...... 150 MI feed Flour (\llddlmgs) per 100 "tr......... _........... 200 w No.iMi.vacuop.po' 100lbr...-. ....m.... -...'. l 75 a ttrt Chop par 100 lbs toldoati')..---. .......'. .. ... 1.50 m Crmsmdoatsr.per 100"); toidostr)--. .........-"". 150 "latehfordU Call Maul. 2:. lb "ak......... .......... .... 1.10 lil C'uwtcm Chopping. per 100 lbs...... ...r...'. ...... 7 cu m OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED. ii Tho above prices are at the Mill and Strictly Cash. M Highest Prices paid tor , HEAT delivered at the Mill 0;: GOODS DELIVERED around town every X afternoon. Send in your orders early. X Phone No 8, Day or Night. a J OH N MCGO W AN x nIIDIIAM F3 THE PEOPLES MILLS iii,i, We are in the market for any quantity of Milling Oats, Feed Oats, Barley, Peas and Mixed Grain. Will pay highest prices. lf you have Grain to sel or want to Aruy feed, (all! us up. Terms Cash Business Hours ti a m tor, p m DEC. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited We have a stock of Ground Feed on hand that we are selling cheap while it lasts. Priests for Flour and Feed Grain Wanted Patent Flour, pee 98 lb earls No Town Delivery Telephone day No l, Night 81 3.60 8 80 3.20 1.40 l M; 2 CO 1 75 1.50 l 50 1.10 7 cu a?! Miss Maimie Mason, olocutionist and pianist, was very proficient in het. rvspvctiw arts and shone espec- ially in her work as accompanist. The other artists in no small degree can attribute their success to hm sympathotic work at the piano. Mr. Charles Stanley. baritone,mtute his first appearance here, and has left a “worship impression His tonal qualities in different registers of his voice lett nothing to be desired, and his solo selections were ot the best character. Perhaps the ensemble numbers of the company Were enjoyed more than anything else and at least put the audience in the best of humor. Durham can stand many evenings or the calibre ot this concert. 1 ton of ne lassware and china arrived this w at the Variety Store. Custom Chopping every day at Me Ko‘clmie's Mills. It is many years since Mr. F'ax has been on " Durham platform, and it is lmrd to 509 any wear or (oar the years bring, on his genial (counten- ancv. His voice is in good shape yet and his numbers are gn’on with as- surance,- that is born of long exper- ience on the concert platform, one is always snro too, that no vulgar- ity works in, and his old motto Still holds good : "My humor may cease to be instructive but will never cease to he innocmtt." He was assisted by Miss Lina Craim-, a most charming soprano and comedicnne. Her high, clear notes wow a (lolight to listen to. She is also a good commit-1m» and in her trios and dumt work with Mr Fax and Mr. Stanlvy, fully upheld her 0nd of tlw work. II a. m, 7 p. m E.CAMERON, B. A., B. Th., Pastor DURHAM BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 17, IM?. 'd. m. : "It doth not yet appear" p. m. '. "The Messiah of Jeremiah" (2nd series) Durham Markets THE FAX FUN COMPANY 30 Mr " to 3H m 5h l 35 I 08 I, 140 Ill) 'o400 10 CO 45 tr, "'-oo-oooeoot-o,oeooooo-o,"i' ””0000“ .'e""""oo'oe'o4.'o-o-o-o iii Attractive Christmas Gifts iii' at Popular Prices France has granted the Canadian Government the perpetual use of sev- eral acre-s of land on Vimy Ridge. whore Canada may H'N'l monuments to the Canadian soldiers who lost their livvs in the memorable assault which earn-led that emlttenee tor the Allies. An agreement has been sign- ed by M. Riebel, Minister of the dev. astated regions. and Hon. Rodolphe Lentieux. Speaker of the Cunaman House of Commons. under which this privilege has been granted. near Allvnford. They also found a couple of barrels of mash at his brother Stanley Porter's house. the semnd farm away. The twp mm: Were arm-sled and taken to South. ampton where they were released on bail ol' $2M" each. They come up for trial at Southampton this week. Gives Land for War Monuments Licenso Inspector Jos. White and Matt. Beckett and Constables Blood and Shaw of Wallwvton, won- on the "still hunt" in Armin Tp., Bruce cm, last walk and located a whiskey Mitt in tho attic ol' Lowis Porter's house. Mme, interesting and suggestive figures were quoted recently by the Ontario Minister of Education. He said there are 1,932 schools in the Province with an attendance below l?, pupils and 1.3m. with an averagi- attendance of 12. Six schools with an attendance of 1 pupil each, 27 schools with e, and 50 with 3. "When I want to know what kind of man a young fellow is going to make" says an old citizen of Little Lot in the Youth's Companion, “I just find our what he does between seven and nine o'clock in the evening." Found Still Near Allenford Mrs. T. A. Ferguson who has agam been under thenr's care. during all last week, is considerably Improved. although still confined to bed. Rev. A. Bushel and somu of the teachers ot the public school staff, have been training a number of young folks after school hours in the school preparing for S. S. entertain. ment on Friday. Rural Empty Schools Donald McLachlan or town, met with a serious acident beginning or last week. He was up in the hay loft above the driving house and something caused him to tall and he came down head first through the trap door and was found at noon on the lower ttoor unconscious. But we are glad to hear that toward the end of the week he was improving some- what. Fred Pinkerton, a returned soldier, has been quite poorly since he rev turnd from tho Hospital in Toronto several weeks ago. The Women's institute became interested in the case last week and had the sick man with his wife and child removed from the shack on the hill to a small house on Kinross Street, where he can bo better cared for. We have had very nice fall weather up to a few days ago and we noticed a man plowing a sod field on Monday of last week, Dec. 4th. We are Just getting around scam after a severe illness of nearly two months duration. Dr. Carr ot town has succeeded in getting us on our feet again, ti {act that we deeqed a few weeks ago impossible. The doc- tor has had several very serious cas- es since he came here, but so far he has been very successful. FANCY CHINA at Right Prices Parchos‘si. Ups and Downs. Flip, Crokinolo. Lost Heir, Fllnch. Pit and many others. Dolls! I)ollsl Dolls! Wonderful values. $3 Dolls for...............,.. 1-98 [i doz White Cups, Sau- 1 cars & Plates, Amas sale Half doz Clover Leaf Cups. Saucers and Plates, I Xmas salt.......-. . "d $lJardiritres, Xtras sale PRICEVILLE VILLAGE Wood Trays ..... . . .$2.oo and $2.75 Nickel Trays ........$1.25 and $1.75 Brass Jardinivros ....$1.85 to $4.50 Salad Bowls ............50c 10 $3.00 Teapots B............... 50c tot2.75 Light Cut glass Water t3eta....$2.0o 97 piece Dinner Sets.$24.00 to $32.05 China Cups and Saucers.15c and 25c Light Cut glass Sugar and Cream 75c Cups, Saucers, Plates PRICEVILLE he}: The . Variety Store Other Specials THE DURHAM REVIEW We expect Santa Claus to be here Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Bring the Kiddies to see him. Games $2.00 and '$1.'2.5 and $1.85 to ....50c to ... 50c to '.' 2.49 ale .79 1.69 $2.75 $1.75 $4.50 $3.00 $2.75 $2.00 For 8ale.--A “no Ilveye: mare drisut wvighing over Applyto Hrrlwrl Sills. RH (10 C'tutwi'otul Harrison. A host of friends join together til wishing Mr. and Mrs. Newell a hap- py and prosperous voyage througn life. --Flesherton Advance. The bride's going away dress was of seal brown chiffon velvet beaded in amber shade with hat of brown plush and gold cloth. The young people gathered at the bride's home on Thursday ovenmg and gave a large kitchen shower. They wil be home to their many friends after Dec. 15th, residing at tho Little Mill, Artemesia, which the groom recently purchesed from Mr. P. Loucks, Flesherton. On Wednesday. Nov. 29th, a pret- ty Wedding was aoiemnlzed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thus. R. Betta, Sunny Brook Farm, Flesher- ton, when their daughter Annie Ro. sella. became the bride ot Wm. J. Newell, son of Mr. and Mrs George Newell, Glenelg. and formerly of Jar- row, Alberta. To the strains of the wedding marett which was rendered by the bride's sister. Miss Edith Betts, the bridal party entered the parlor. which was pretiiy decorated in pink and white streamers, and took their places be. neath an evergreen arch from which suspended a large white belt, with background or autumn tiowers. The stately bride looked nice in a gown of tietsh colored satin charmeuse with overdress of silk radium lace. with rosebud trimming, and a pretty em- broidered tulle veil, held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms and carrying a shower bequet of pink ane white carnations and maiden hair fern. Miss Mabel Betts. sister or the bride was maid of honor, wearing pink organdie. After the ceremony and good wishes, the company num- pany numbering 35, entered the din- ing room. which wore a festive air for the occasion, done in pink and white streamers and flowers. A beau- tiful three storey wedding cake cen- tered the table. When all had par- taken of tho sumptuous wedding din. ner, Rev. Mr. (lite proposed a toast' to the bride, which was responded to by the groom. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Walter Akltt sang very sweetly. Those preseznt from a distance were: Mrs. Geo. Newell, the groom's mother: Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Newell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Whitmore, Messre George and Lewis and Miss Margaret Newell, all ot Durham. The bride received many beautiful gifts, showing the high es. teem in which she is held. Christmas is again around the cox-nor and you like to rememlwr your friends at that season. Thinking about Christmas pres- mm for relatives or friends,way not send the Horn-w for om' year and keep them posted on the old homo town and district? It's like a letter trom homo. $2.00 R year anywhere in Canada: $2.50 a your to the United States. The Review as a Xmas Gift.I Newell-Betts Nuptials. for Christmas? See ours before buying Phonograph Headquarters for A re you buying a See on r assortment of Xmas Cards, Booklets, Seals, Tags and Candy and Nuts Give a box of NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES DISHES Decorations VICINITY for 2iic It I' hold bay 1100 lbs. Don't miss this bargain. Reg. 83 for..... ...'..... lat Rocking Horses, KiddleKars, Tram on Track, Friction Engines, Steam Engines, Doll Carriages, Cradles, etc. Reprints by the best authors 750 on Books for Young Folks ....5c to 50(- annoy. Dark Linen worked Centrepiecos reg. $1.00 for .............. 75(- Large White Centrepleees, worked in colors. spocial ........ $1.00 Drpsser Scans. worked in colors, lace edged, special ........$1.tt" Special. (Fancy), reg. 25c for Boxed, 2 in box, for...n5c, 2 Ladies' Hand Bags Boxed Papetries 25c.50c. 75c, 1.50, 2.25 Ladies' Hdkfs. Toys I Toys I an also showing up welt, In another sphere Canada has broken world rec. ords for shipments of grain, no less than 200,000,000 buslwls having been shipped this season from tlie eleva- tors at Port Arthur and Fort William. Honors for Canada It is gratifying to patriotic Canad- inns to read that Canada at the great International Stock. Grain and Seed Show at Chicago. was carrying oft many prizesa In grain. Saskatvhvw- an and Alberta are prominent with titut prizes, while Ontario cattle stock Fancy Goods H. G. Wells, the historian. came in at the foot ol tho poll in a tltree cor- nered contest in the recent Bruin: elections Wells in a bolievvr in the Darwinian 1heory that our first par. onts WHO' apes, and tht, vars took him at his own theory and ntzulv a monkey of him I.) putting him where- he belongt-d, at Hu- mil of ll". mm: The hit of the night was the skit. "Raifety and Rallies." a horse owner and his colored jockey. taken by Hary Hugiil and Ronald Giles. Rar- fety led his race horse "Bpark Plug" on to the stage and assisted his jock- ey to mount, which he accomplished backwards. On the owner demand- ing why he rode thus, Rattles er.- plained he was "backing his horse both ways." The "horse" was a cleverly Improvised steed. with plen- ty ot action and Its antics rocked the crowd with laughtér, especially as Its Jockey attempted to "train" " as a circus horse. Don't forgot the Box Social and Concert to be hold in Aberdeen School house on the 15m ot' Dec. Ladies bringing boxes free. Pro- ceeds in aid of Hospital. Where He Belonged Another amusing sketch Wu "Caught with the Goode"-the [risin- man and tho Coon-the parts being well enacted by Wm. Benson and Weg Smith. An oddly attired bunch was the jazz band with just as odd an assort- ment of instruments. Led by an ee- centric professor -George Hugllt. they produced a new brand of music. and also accompanied the professor while he executed some fancy slaps. A male quarleue by Messrs Geo. Hugm. J. Rainsl'ord, Ed. Buschlen, and F. Giles was an enjoyable number as were also the solos by Master Enc Clark. Piano and Cornet soles by Mr. Jos. Rainford and Btutdmaster P. Bunce. lent more variety lo the novel program. Three numbers were rendered by the Band as a whole. and In splendid harmony, showing that though In- struments were out of use for I time. practice soon produced the belt of music. Their closing number “South- ern Breezes," a medley of southern airs. was a treat. A bright humorous play was “Thir- ty minutes for Refreshments" where a bachelor's interruptions and delay: in securing a good 30 minute dinner were finally explained. All the char- acters were well depicted. these tre. ing taken by Misses Irene Whittaker. Annie Smith. Katie Kelsey and Peter Ramage. R. L. Saunders. lloyden Burnett and James Lloyd. Though local concerts are numer- ous at this season. the hand we- greeted with a well tilled house for their concert last Thursday under Joint auspices of the Band Ind the Junior Hockey Club. Many deemed it one or the best here In recent years. it being unique in having sev- eral new and spicy features. ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO The proceeds Were about $121.00 BAND CONCERT WAS GOOD Books Mc, 5m " ii', lots in stock. ' t C L. Grant t in” O *t'l't'l'i' The Durham U. P. o. Live Block Association will thin stock from Our- ham. on Tuesdays. Shippers In re- quested to give three days' notice. “From Pain to Eon with urea." THOUSANDS of Canadians have tried Tau'.'. and found they do drive out rheumatism, And alt similar pains. Tut.cn rout the seat of pain. for their medicinal pow- der is carried in the blood. 'rm at your drugzisl's. Free sample Temple. ton Co., Toronto. Cam's Sill“ My In: no. Lots 13 and H Concession 2, N. D. R. Glenda. 100 acres. Apply to Sarah Webber. and A. H. Jackson. Mtt Executors, James Webber ram. Jae. Lawrence, '"natter Phone 606 " Durham, RR. t rerun. loam»: Arman-emu for “In I $1939.55- “!I'Lbe “Men me Kevivw on omit-arm. "rHxievuuatriiuiadiau -- then. or to Ceylon no. will he proton!) “and“ Nt, Eemr"oetsppurwtiem to D. MoPHAIL - Kr “In." In: a wlephnne in m- " "oetr In (‘eylon And you will haw started on the way to better pay. Business and Shorthand Education. Individual in. slrucllon. Special course arranged for farmers“ sons. Catalogue sent on request. because our Instruction ls Individ- ual. You are taught as fut as yon can learn at the tkch REPAIRING " Kinds HACKNEY Farm Machinery. Cream Bepar. ators, Guns and other small Ir- ticles. All kinds Tools sharpen- ed ; Saws, Axes, Scissors. Knives and other Cutlery. Linen»?! Auct.ic;l;or“(or Co. You can Begin any " Machine Shop Sold try MaeBettN Drug Store. Machinist. on. Nearly opposite Post omco MOUNT FOREST 6NT. NOTICE TO FARMERS. “f. A. TRIMBLE. Principal r. W. M00! D. IcPHAIL. Ceylon " to C. BAIAGE. Durham Farm for Sale h“~"~ 1'ltltit'ii'Mrg

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