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Durham Review (1897), 21 Dec 1922, p. 1

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oultr ancte 3A esday O0th ON EJ 1922 #1 of the funeral services. Deceased is an aunt to Mrs. Dr. Smith, Mr. Jno. Morrison, Misses J. and Christena Mocâ€" Lean and Misses A. L and Margaret McKenzie of town. Death of Mrs. John Heddle The death took place in Hamilton Monday, at the home of her son Maiâ€" colm, of Mrs. Jno. Heddle at the age of 72 years. Deceased had been ill only a week from p&urisy and pneuâ€" monia. For a number of years deâ€" ceased with her husband, who is «till living, has made her home with her only child Malcolm in Hamilton. Mrs.â€" Heddle was one of the welt known McCallum family of Bentinck, and only one sister now remains of the family, Mrs. Flora McKinnon of Paisley. The remains were brought to Durham Wednesday and interment took place to Rocky Saugeen cemeâ€" tery, Rev, W. H. Smith having charge Her né Profit on Hogs Vood for Sal Generous Christmas Gift w on the U. F. O. Executive mor to Mrs. Whelan TOTAL ASSETS OVECK LIUGITEIâ€"IHRECE MHLLITUNO Durham Branch, + â€" « John Kelly, Manager. VOL. XLV, NO 51 ten‘s Class /> .. ~OW N:3 5 rigs *I%~ "ams 2l â€"â€"OPECS recent issue of Hammuton 0 ives prominence to a civie tendered to workets in S during the war. ‘The v x of "The CB of Merey st imperial + ionor by the Serbil opsulâ€"G inada, by the or e rbhia. OA number al School (S. 8. No. the good people of rously donated $70 s to Durham Red C II be remembered t time, this same s Jo th by the Serbit ‘opswhGeneral nada, by the or e King rbhia. _A number amilton 1 received the handsome gift, amongst whom we were d to note Mrs. J. P. Whelan. nuny friends here believe that would be more worthy. To nt i1 Durham ood vyea Rov ALEâ€"One inch Massey raw Cutter w‘i'f\s ft. carrier, w. Apply SMITH BROS., Durham lay night a successful box concert was held at Aberâ€" 1 (8. S. No. 10, Bentinck) od people of that section donated $70 of the proâ€" irham Red Cross Hospital. â€"membered that during the his same section was a making similar donations ier worthy causes. ney you receive(Rfor Christâ€" be well invested a useful watch. tI 1 16 in ird _ fo order very. sU hurch, _ ] here will lowing toral dut AS a Bank closely associated with Canada‘s productive industries, we encourage proâ€" gressive enterprise in farmers. If you seek to incrsase your profits through greater hog proâ€" duction, consult the financing of your project with our local Manager.â€" Hardy d Lath for Sate. con. 2, Kgremont. ig building should i with the\ undersic Good value comd be inda F of Hamilton Spectaâ€" nce to a civie recepâ€" worketrs in Serbian war. The presenâ€" T cofMerey", the t Â¥honor, was bi opswlâ€"General e ordé he King mbes amilton dy, as.intimated last ted the. charge of ‘h, â€" Brantford. His : will be on Jan. 21st, ng Sunday, he will 1 duties in his new N@od for Sale ‘uXimiture Co. will buy , d a limited quanâ€" ircX and Bass. Also STANDARD BANK 301:( 34 at $3.25 per Garage. tC '!i;’andn also at Pricevilie and Wiliamsford. iln Pricesâ€"We are or Oats, 55 to 60¢ 5e for Buckwheat, r \Peas, and $1.10 elevator this weex. & Rey Mills Limited no neeting of the r, Dec. 24th, on ac istmas holiday. ApUSt work it JAM w EDEN C 10 0_ Or CaAnNADA ASSETS OVER EIGHTYâ€"THREE MILLIONS tove wood _ for «gÂ¥z of the\ Ladies st Church, re rk. _ The same to take up the th, â€" delivered .3 per cord. evine‘s store. J. LENINE D KINNEE OW x U THE The Sunday School of the Methoâ€"| dist. Church, "put on" their annual, Christmas concert on Monday night| and were greeted by a full house.} The town hall never held a more anâ€"} imated bunch of small humanity. Mr Will Glass who is superintendent,| gave the chairman‘s seat to Rev. C. . Cole, and held it creditably well. He announced the Sunday School as| in a flourishing and growing condiâ€"] tion, the past Sunday having no fewâ€"| er than 109 present. Mrs. (Rev) Cole, was responsible for the evening‘s, program, and when one is let out at | 11 p. m. there is nothing more necâ€"| essary to add. At the close of lhel program, Mr. Will Glass called this! lady to come to the platform and as | well as having a complimentary adâ€"| dres read, was presented with a hand | painted sandwich tray and pieces of | Adam design Community plate. The| recipient responded in a few well chosen words, and said it was work that she loved to do. The Methodist orchestra enlivened the evening with several numbers, and the remainder of the program was given by the scholars of the school. It would be useless to enlarge on these numbers, and only the "flower drill" and "Vesâ€" per Virgins", are being singled out as of special beauty. The Sunday School exchequer will be considerâ€" ably enriched by this concert. as a Christmas remembrance from the Missionary Society. Election of oficers resulted in the following : Hon. Presidents, Mrs. Park, Mrs. Mcâ€" Girr, Mrs. Gun, Mrs. Ector : Presiâ€" dent, Mrs. A. Derby : 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Jno. Smith: 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. N. McCannel: rd Vice Pres., Mrs T. Brown : Sec‘y, Mrs Mellraith: Treasurer, Mrs. T. Allan : Mission‘y Tidings Sec‘y, Miss E. Calder : Home Helpers‘ Sec‘y, Miss A. Gun : Strangâ€" ers‘ Sec®v. Mrs. A. Jackson. The December meeting of the Worâ€" en‘s Missie@ary Society of the Presâ€" bytorian church was held Thursday last when the annual reports were given by the various Secretaries. tn interesting paper was read.. by Mtrs. A. H. Jackson and prepared by Miss Bella McGirr on "Immigration," our chureh‘s duty to the newcomers that enter our land. Mrs. Jackson with Mrs. Stonehouse, also contributeg a pleasing duett. The Society have raised by subscription over $50, for two "In Memoriam" certificates to ue sent to Mrs. Helen Whaley Tavisâ€" tock, and Dr. and Mrs. Farquharson, Teronto, in memory of the former‘s late husband, and pastor of the church, and the latter‘s two sons, who died a few years ago. These certinâ€" cates are sent to these two parties Mcthodist Concert a Success the direction she should take, and went the opposite way to that which she should. She wandered for some time and the family becoming anxâ€" ious, when not returning, started a search party. In the early hours of the morning she was found on the limits of the tewn exhausted and life extinet. Sent Memorial Certificates A Tragic Death An extremely sad death occurrea in CoHingwood recently, when Mrs. Wm. Williams, wife of the exâ€"prinâ€" cipal of Collingwood Collegiate, diec under tragic cireumstances. The geâ€" ceased lady hadwbeen calling one evâ€" ening at a neighbor‘s house, and on leaving, somehow became turned in The Young Women‘s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church met last week for their annual meeting, and| it is found the Society is in a healthy‘ siate financially. _ Officers were also elected for the coming year and are : | Hon. President, Mrs R. MeFariane : President, Mrs. Ralph Catton : lsi! Vice Pres., Miss A. McGowan : 2nd“ Vice Pres., Miss Mary E. Morton :| Secretary, Miss Mary McKechnic Treasurer, Miss Marian Calder. Word has come to her friends in Durham, that Mrs. John Collier, forâ€" merly of Edge Hill, and more recently of town, has entered into wedlock in Toronto, the groom being an early} friend of his recent wife. We have not learned his name but wish them happiness in their remaining years together. Auxiliary Annual Meeting Raw Furs Wanted + I am in the RMarket to buy raw furs and am repared to pay the highest market ices. Bring them to Levine‘s store,\Durham, and you will save money bwWdoing so. Splendid assortment Wf watches,| jewelry, ivory, silverwar& cut glassf and clocks for your New Aears gift. | Large Coal Heater in good cofdi tion. Will be sold cheap. Apply at the Review Office. Che Burhd J. LEVINE D. X. Towx 361 ‘M...:s_ t _‘ . « Municipal Aspirants We congratulate Police Magistraie Laidlaw on having his field of oper>â€" tions widened as the following copy of an Orderâ€"inâ€"Council approved | by His Honour, the Lieutenant Govornor on Dec. 5th last will show: "Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Attorney General, the Committee of Council advise that William Laidlaw, now Police Magistrate in and for the Town of Durham, be also apointed Poiice Magistrate in and for the Townâ€" ships of Bentinck, Glenelg, Norâ€" manby, Egremont and Proton, his jurisdiction in the said townships to be concurrent with that of other Police Magistrates now having jurâ€" isdiction therein : the said Police Magistrate to have the privilege of practising a profession or actâ€" ively engaged in a business, trade or occupation until otherwise dirâ€" ected by Orderâ€"inâ€"Council." Certified C. F. Buemer, Clerk Executive Council We sincerely thank\ the many friends who in our recent sore berâ€" eavement, by the death of\ Mrs. Chas. Moffatt, rendered kindly \ help ana sympathy. Our appreciati is deep and sincere. k Husband, father, bro\hers nd sisâ€" ters. \. of this council be tendered to the Mayor for his efficiency and courtosy in discharging his duties for the pas:t year. This was carried and Mayor Allan replied thanking them» for their action and for their coâ€"operation duarâ€" ing the year. He also announcea that he would not again be a â€"candiâ€" date for the Mayoralty and thus 1922 council passed into history. Cheer up ! Pg»day, Dec. 2ist, is our shortest day, and from now on they will lengthen. Card of Thanks A Earl MceDonald was granted a reâ€" bate of $4.40 which was a business tax wrongfuly imposed as he has ns place of business. A premium of $114.60 on the Jackson building was also ordered paid to Mr. Calder. The Treasurer‘sâ€" report was reâ€" ceived and 1060 copies ordered to be printed. Claik Metals was given a rebate of general taxes for 1921 and 1922, which does not include school ana frontage tax. Smithâ€"Saunders + That the thantre The Allan Bell account of $14 for an indigent interment six years ago, was also ordered paid, again the Reeve alone entering his protest and vote against it, as being a dangerous precedent, Coun. Adams voting with him. The last meeting of Durham Counâ€" cil was held on Friday last when settlement was made of a few conâ€" tentious things. _ An account of Mr. Laidlaw again met with the opposiâ€" tion of the Reeve as being a county liabiility but on motion of McDonalu â€"Adains, it was ordered paid in the meantime and look to the County io make good. Normanby is sure to have with Dep. Reeve Filsinger up to contest the Reeve‘s s Reeve Hoim. Councillor â€" M run for deputy reeve, | Whiteford _ his probable . Richard Barber is again in for Councillar. In Egremont Reeve MeEache n will seek a second terin, but will likely meet â€" opposition. Either John Mc Artbhur or C. Meinnis may face him again, or possibly other aspirants. Alex. Allan, we tlearn, will likely stay another year with the Deputyâ€"Reevs ship. the Reeve‘s chair present Council 1 pected, and aspir Albert Livingston last year, and A! District, whether he will have opposition. Bentineck will likely be quiet elec tion day. Reeve Hunt and the Coun cil seemed to have given good â€" sor vice and the former will almost ce> tainly be given a second term, whotn er there is a contest or not. F Schmidt and R. Brigham have been mentioned as Reeveship prospectives, but are unlikely to stand CLOSING seEssion oFr counciL With Reeve Thos. Turnbuil every rrosnect Catton is not in the field, to contes: the Reeveship, and is definitely ou: against all comers. It is uncertain whether he will have onnositinn In Durham, with Mayor Allan definâ€" itely retiring, Dr. J. L. Smith is stepâ€" ping up after two years good service in the Council, and he will in ali probability be accorded the Mayoralâ€" ty by acclamation. Barrister A. B. Currey has consented upon solicitaâ€" tion of friends, and since Mr. A. . s } and staif wish a ver There are good prospects of elecâ€"} tion contests in most of the municiâ€"| mt 8 palities in this neighorhbood New | HAPP ( CHRIST] Year‘s Day. ‘The nominations on Pri | â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"~â€"san=m<amommmen day will tell the tale, and those w:mf Keep in mind the Bap decide to "run" will have more than &‘ School Entertainment an full week to win the approvel of tne ing Xmas Service. _A pl electors. 1300 is dee o. ce Pn Nn eE Lo e WIDENED JURISDICTiON unlikely to stand. Reeve McCuaig : irnbuil in the field, ospect of a lively ‘e‘s chair in Glnelg Council will stand ind aspirants ment ivingstone, who ran ‘, and Alex. Aljoe, w# @ was ordered paid in the d look to the County to DURHAM. THURSDAY DEC 21, :922 was given a rebate of for 1921 â€"and 1922, include school ana the following copy| Anthem & $ | Topic of Sermon : _ Series on the Police Magistraie| Apostles‘ Creed : The second comâ€" are Lining Up report â€" was re ies ordered to pe * Memachern w but will like Either John x t the thanks ve a fignt r stepping seat with Miller wili with Jno. . opponent. in the fielc in so clo ‘Of â€" No. ind it ther of Mr. opposiâ€" county Donald All ou With which is incorporated the Holstein i 1 am directed by the Minister of | Education to draw your attention to | the recent report of Inspecior Rogers on the Durham High School in which he draws attention to the dificulty ’ol‘ providing satisfactorily for the inâ€" ]Cl‘e':lSF‘d attendance with the present | accommodations and equipment. | Hec‘y gigh School Board | Dear Sir,â€" Christmas Sunday in Subject : "Jesus the Child" 11 a. m. Anthems : ‘The first Christmas Morn‘ FO. .... ~â€"Newton 11 a. m. Topic of sermon : "The Angel‘s Song" Anthems : "Glory to the New Born King." +4 wl% /... sacobs "All Praise To Thee Eternal Lord"â€" e wl £ /+ + Andvoam®s Male Chorus :: "Star in the Christâ€" mas Sky." i% <..> =â€"Ramier ‘ "A Son is Given" â€"Caleb Simper Solo : O Litt‘e town of Bethlehem" ... . Mr. W. Benson Male Quartette 6.45 p. m. Subject : "Jesus the King" Anthems : "God from on high hath heard.""*. ... .... .. . .â€"Turner "Shepherds of Bethlehem"â€"Judson "Shepherd‘s Dream â€"Gerber Solo : "Peaceful Night" Mrs Wilson Solo : Mr. Bert Saunders Male Quartette TRINITY CHURCH 11 a. m. Holy Communion Subject : "Emmanuel,â€"God with Us" 7 p. m. "A Wise Man‘s Christmas Special Christmas Music DURKHAM BAPTIST CHURCH E.CAMERON, B. A., B. Th., Pastor Christmas Sunday, Dec. 24, 1922 11 a.m.â€"‘Messages from the Manger 7 p.m.â€""Messiah in Isaiah." (3rd sermon.) Musicâ€"‘The Ninety and Nine‘ (Eiv. Campion), by Miriam and Eben. The importance of the work underâ€" taken by this school and the large district it served make it imperative that as soon as practicable some acâ€" tion be taken by your Board to carry out the recommendations cornâ€" tained in this report. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, A. H. U. Colquhoun, Deputy Minister of Education ] A special Holy Communion Service | will be obsorved in Trinity Church | on Sunday, Dec. 24th at i1 a. m. Gwâ€" \ing to Sunday preceding â€" Christmas | Day, there will be no service in that | church Christmas Day. | Held Over Till Next Week | _ The High School Commencemen: | Exercises were held Wednesday and | Thursday nights of this week. Wee | nesday‘s program ‘was a splendid one | throughout, very lengthy, and as usâ€" | vual had a wellâ€"filled house. Owing t0 ! limitations of time, a full report is withheld till next week. ‘ Poview Plant Rushed | _ Getting. out two â€" Financial Slu:e-‘ | ments in the brief timeâ€"between tha| The report oi High School Inspectiâ€" or Rogers, whoso visit was made in October last, was read at the meeiâ€" ing of the High School Board on Thursday evening last. The grading he gives the equipment, the â€"staif, the work done, the play ground and some other points, is generally satts lactory, but on the school accommoâ€" dation and the increasing attendance, he points out plainly the handicap to ellicient work caused by the congestâ€" ed state of the rooms. As is generâ€" ally known, even the Science room has to be used as a class room, and there is provis‘on for neither gymâ€" nuasium nor Assembly room. Along with the report or soon afâ€" ter, the Secretary received the foiâ€" lowing letter, from the Deputy Minâ€" ister of Education, from which it will be seen with what urgency, the Deâ€" partment sees the nocessity of inâ€" creased accommodation in Durham High School. ‘ Increased School Accommodation Wanted many Qitite of in Lo: School Entertainment and Ideal Givâ€" ing Xmas Service. A play will also be given "No room in the inn." Holy Communion Service ing of Jesus Christ or"‘ GREETING Keep in mind the Baptist Sunda PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH U1 To all correspondents, rea ders, advertisers and friends, â€"to everybody â€"the Review and staff wish a very merry METHODIST CHURCKH 1 A "All Glory, Laud and Hon i.. â€"â€"Negit has « ext week, _ Rushed two â€" Financial t brief time â€"between of Councils and not Toronto, Oct â€"_ PI3ANCIAL _ Slaue [ time â€"between the ‘ouncils and nominâ€" sed us a busy week work and made it ige the many lab m the Churches mMAS 26. 195 ceded her there. Later Mrs Jno. Lunâ€" ey, who was Miss Jennie Hawkins, when she acted as bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Nellie Ingram to the late Rev. Thos. Colling, appeared with a big basket decked with rib bons and filled to overflowing with towels, aprons, handkerchiefs and other dainty and useful articles. Tempting high tea was served at prettily decorated quartette tables.â€" London Advertiser. To be given a surprise party and shower on her birthday, just like any other bride elect or debutante, and further to have the presentation of gilts made by a girlhood friend, the bridesmaid at her wedding many years ago, was the happy experience on Tuesday afternoon of a well known London woman, Mrs. Ellen Colling of 229 Waterloo St. invitec to the Wellington St. Methodist parâ€" sonage to have a quict cup of tea, as she thought with Rev. Geo. T. Watts and Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Colling was both amazed and delighted to find that 30 of her warm friends had preâ€" O When you want sale Review Office will make tory job both as to money ance. Farm for §q!e are irl dealing mot LV ers Toro Mr. Lorn from Bruce ton) on Tu some time Mis. W. 3. 1 to Weston Tu« Christmas with Mever. He Mr. Ernest McGirr of the School or Faculty, Mr. Alex. Beii of Meqicai College, Morrison Smith of Practicai Science and Chas. Ramage of Dental Coliege, Toronto, are ai their reâ€" spective homes for the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Coulles, London, wil: spend the holiday with Mr. and Mrs Aisthy Y oun: Mrs. Harrison of N visiting hor daughter, N coner,. Miss Bertha James of PMcevilio, was a visitor over the week ond at Mi C. L. Grant‘s. Mr. Gavin Reid of Regina, is visitâ€" ing his father, Mr. Poter Reid Sr. Mrs. Harrison of N. Egremont, +3 visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Fa: P“‘ MW*K"“'Q 1| gMennadontianiiientitiibiniitetiitbtitidiins We M HfrON| : f R A 2 wâ€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"t>oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l Christmas is Drawino Near & M J. H. HARDING Christmas Specials "***<Mouse of Harding Electric Irons, complete with cord and the usual guarantee......... Electric toaster stoves, complete...... Large No.9, aluminum tea kettles, : â€"AnHolly boxes ,....:.........., Aluminum roasting pans .......... Nickelâ€"plated copper percolators. do do teapots....... Electric curling tongs............. 41 D ‘eports in his U to Lorne MeNally â€" came Bruce, Alberta, (near m Tuesday, and will v time wiih his parenis id iys io biuy ds you by ends with owith. p to Come in and look aroundâ€"if we hav‘nt what you want we will be glad to get it for you and at reasonable price. Our prices advertise us. on ‘Puesday oronto it conditions part of the Murdoc the city Hunter reck, af () buy ipbell orabe CC M Derby, Beniit nel it U('“. nd Miss Normai, Normal e for th d at home. You see and you know and the party you are \&fm «t con. south Dw 100 acres. 75 0 ‘res cedar swamyj In good state 0 creek _ running U 1 s cedar swamp, In good state of creek _ running fraime house and from school, 3 \ Apply to Mrs. .\’ri(-vvillo. Ont. Leader Nic! nd 118 bills ition o th tislad Te td i0 Ol M« azt 108 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO % % 7//01'/06'/% (f' c,?g”ly Ta> BDRRABANRAPALN7A>ApMPAp ARERAN A OE3 D0 33 0 00 / $ J B /2 Make your Selrciion Now Durham It is better to make your selection now, as Christmas is not too far ofi to see about it toâ€"day. We will make delivery when ever you like, and if you so desire we can arrange terms of paymnt to suit your requirements. Call in and hear our talking maâ€" chines play. Our cabinet machines Call in and hear our 1 chines play. Our cabinet are from $39.00 to $400.00 We will be glad to show you a complete line of our various modeis, and you can choose the one that suits vour home best. THE GUNNâ€"SONâ€"OLA and CONCERT GRAND Here‘s a Gift the Whole Family will Enjoy â€"â€" â€"Not only on Christmas Day wheon the home should be filled with musâ€" ic and gladness, but all through the yearâ€"and for years to come, No Phonographs can equal Keep Christmas with a Phonograph We also handle a complete range of Sweaters, Mufflers, Mitts, Gloves, Mosiery, Fancy Neckwear, Fine Shirts for Mer, Hats & Caps, Togues Arin Bands, Braces, anqg many other liges of morchan dise which we would be pleased to show you. XMAS GROCERIFES Wh hevna i4@t nnanadl un »a 3 AMAd UNUULERIE3S We have jast onened up a shipment of fresh groceries for the Xmas trade our line. RATSINS We can now sansiv Spanish Valannia RAIOLIXO® We can now supply Spanish Vale along with our other lines of raisins. HANUVRUCKXUINCETS® See our unusual assortment of Xmas hankerchiefs for men, women and children, separately or fancy boxed. Get our prices on Handkerchiefs, It will surprise you. MEN MEMNâ€" _ Men, you should not miss sseing our beautifal range of Xmasneckwear. Wespecialize in gifts for men. HANDKERCHIEFS Seo We have the stock from which you can choose usesul and practical gifts for both young and old. "The Phonographs with a Sou!l" JZ"’ '0w F k k ; o‘ : Ufinza&. ‘-‘.;l A e P1S :S opi? 1'1'25 . $3 95 3 95 + ui o e e en .I:&‘.xmwâ€"â€"-oâ€".‘-,â€":-nf_y"....‘._‘,_, maott No SMITH BROS. Publabs# Weekliy at #2 0)« v mt in advence â€" To Unated Staies, $2.50 in advance. C RAMiu® a souN xt .>» ak«e Open Evenings till 10 o‘clock. Aluminum crumb trays and scrape® Nut rfets. seven pieces............... Alumiuum casseroles .................. Reading Lamps............$4.50 â€" to... Boudoir Lamps............ $.00 to.. Hand Sleighs 80c. and upwards: Cut glass at attractive prices Pyrex ware of all k\inds Hardware & Plumbit DDurvshaim Drawing â€" Near Mt. Fore 14 TA KA

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