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Durham Review (1897), 21 Dec 1922, p. 4

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CX 44 ' k Th E. | MA[ N .’?I:}sj mm mmimmmy n ~ i ht 7 "}s? w‘ ~/~ en M t A L ut 7’1412&“7*' ' se t snT || m e ie persist cnt coughs. It is c ever used during my two pleased witch it, that 1 e~ tarturu . Please shin m A citizen several years in arrears for his paper who never had a good have used wi: Our forefathers a generation agy, wore hard collars, burned hard woo.. ate hard boiled eggs and did all kinds ol hard jobs, but now this generation wears soft collars, burns soft coa:, eats soft boiled eggs and looks for soft jobs. BALSAMEA quickly and permzanenily relieves the hacking bronchial cough that exhausts you with it3 paroxysmr; and.keeps you awake balfl the nicliur, gS xX McFAPDEN‘S DRUG STORE To RomoRL store DURIMNLONT _ Buy Greeting Cards â€"= Canada‘s Best Buy â€" TH=eE ECONOMY rackage Fancy Xmas Boxes and Baskets, all ChOCOla'eS kinds and sizes. Per‘umes In Fancy Xmas Boxes, from 25¢ to $5.00 CIEUFS arine bestcigars; in bokes of 10; 25 and 50. e i Fine Gift Boxes of Fancy and plain :)'8"0"9"_\’ Note Paper, at all prices. Fancy China and Cut Glass AFewLast Minute Suggest‘ns Leather Goods French Ivory ‘/2 ]b-Now 804: (Arso ProcurasLeâ€" 42 lb Pachacse 15¢) 54 orunerramemniemmmmnnasmeiememrmnemcormioennngmrenenonnoyyrateiciec oo IP PAEAOE 15F ) 13. ‘discna Phonograp@s ecad this Doctor‘s Testimony Ho«ts of other Goods too numerous to mention. to $6.00. large beauty at $395.00. lady. A piece to suit any purse. Including Purses, Toilet Sets lher CIOOdS and Rolls, Hand Bags, Collar Bage, Music Rolls, Bill Folds, Etc. FToilet and Manicure Sets, Brushes, n‘:h lvory Trays, Combs, Mirrors, Jewel Boxâ€" es, Manicure Pieces, Etc. me a sample bottle of your Balsamea whie! th uavarying success in cases of bronchitis a ghs. It is one of the finest preparations I i: ing my twenaty years of practice. I am so v it, that I expsect to use it continually in my sa ise ship me, without delay a five poun d bottic Buy a Bottle Toâ€"day Sold by Drusgists Everywheore. McFADDEN‘S BRUG STCRE, LUKHAM llalsamea is 2iso unequzsiled as a remedy { r infdluenta, whooping courslh and croup, and w.ll arrest pnecinonia and pulmonary tuâ€" bercolosis. Pleasant to take and coctains ro harmin] dra â€". Balsams We carry Waterman‘s Ideal Founâ€" tain Pens in all prices from $1.2%5 Our assortment of Gards, Seals, Tags, etc., are particularly nice. word to say for the Editor and who was always opposed to public _ imâ€" provement, was dying. "How do you feel" asked the editor who was ‘on hand to write the obituary. _ "All is bright before me," gasped the dying man." "I thought so", returned the editor, "you‘ll see the blaze in about ten minutes." word to £$54.00, $75.00, $85.00 $125.00, $195.00 and a wnte the obituary. "All is elore me," gasped the dying "I thought so", returned the you‘ll see the blaze in about ro harmr] draâ€". Always plea simg ~to & usys well It is evident from these figures that motor traflic in Toronto, and indeea in most other large cities of the conâ€" tinent, presents a probiem | whichn +s unknown _ elsewhere. The _ streets were not designed to carry such a traflic. _ The danger to both pedesâ€" trians and motorists is increasin; daily as the number of vehicles inâ€" creases. Nor does twice the motor® trafiic mean merely twice the danger, It is like putting water into a quart measure. When there is a pint of liquid in it, a pint of room is stii; available. Bui if the pint of water passenger cars alone excceding that of : countries. Twenty _ five years ago the moior car was regarded as a curiosity. Not one was owned in Toronto. _ Toâ€"Gay the world registration of motor vehâ€" icles exceeds 12,500,000, And Canadga with a population of only 9,000,000 | has more of them within her borders than any other country except Unitec States or Great Britain. \| The four leaders are : U. 8......10,448,632 Canada.. 469,310 U. Kingdom 497,532 France . .236,148 No other countries are even in the 100,000 class, though one province of Canada (Ontario) has over 200,000, Australia has over $£1,000, Argentina 70,000, . Germany 60,000, Italy 53,000 registered. Toronto has nearly 40,000 Wo country people do apprecitate folks and what they will do for us, but like most other people, _ we do not say so till they are dead. By way of breaking that poor rule, we wish a morry Christmas to some of our oiherwise unthanked i« neaactors. To the doctor who does noi wait â€" for beiter weather or to find out about our financial standing Before he drives out to us in slush or storm ; to the mailman who grins and bears it all the way round his route, sprinkling the otherwise benighted land with the ligsht of Suns and Stars : to the neighbor _ who must put up with us as neighbors wliether he will or no : to the motorist who ! gives us hall, or even quarter of the | narrow road : to the merchant or grocer who stands patiently behind | the counter listening to us audibly | forgetting what we wanted and reâ€" marking _ meanwhile how â€" dear his | wares are : and to the editor of the local paper who compliments us on our birth, marriage and death, no j matter what our friends say â€" about‘ these things, and who extends credit though no city publisher â€" will. To those and to all other wellâ€"doing and unwearied, though unappreciated people, we wish a more than â€" merry Christmas and a New Year of _ keepâ€"| ing right on in their good old way. | 1 7 oo en e en nE edet" Iy, the courtesy of a complimentary ticket for admission to concerts, enâ€" tertainments, etc., and yet an extendâ€" ed report is always appreciated. We do not propose to give this extended report unless the desire«for it is inâ€" dicated by the presentation of comâ€" plimentary ticket to give admission. Newspaper space is not our stockâ€"inâ€" trade, and we ~cannot see our way clear to spend our good money to ge: into a meeting in order to spend our equally good space (better in fact) to: give publicity to it. ( FREE PUBLICITY (Meaford Mirror) Ii has not been the practice in Mea ford to extend to the Press, appareniâ€" we s uen c Ste e o D 8 ICK. ie must be able to talk wei and sensibly, and know when to keep silent. Now then, candidates ! A farmer who is canvassed for h:s municinal vote has been measuring up in his mind the manner of man he would like to see nominated. A canâ€" didate for public office, says he, should first make a‘ success of his private business, managing it in a creditable honorable and â€"not undaiy _ greedy way. He should have earned the reâ€" spect of his community by showing his ability to help in community ar tairs with modesty and tact, not figuring in neighborhooc squabbles or attempting to "run the show." He will take care not to be the cat‘s paw of any community wielder of a "big stick." He must be able to talk wein ¢‘yt ifiurl;um Review WHAT A CANDIDATE sHouLDp BE From the Corduroys and Cedars A MOTOR crRowDpED city Best Christmas Wishes LDec. 21 1922 "COUNTRY KIN" n i0 some of our d Leneiactors. To es noi wait for to find out â€" about run the show." He to be the cat‘s paw wielder of a "big i registration iy _ European figures that and indeea of the conâ€" his routo, benighted ‘ Suns and who _ must The Wilson Bros. of Varney, hag : sawing bee at that place Tuesday or this week,. Mr. Fletcher McLean of Holstein, is spending a few days at his hon:â€" here. Messre Will McCracken and Herb. Hopkins took in the Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week. sometime ago the school children collected $9 in aid of the Children‘s Shelter in Owen Sound. A very successful box social was held at $.S. No. 10 on Friday evenâ€" ing last. _A splendid program was rendered and the boxes sold well. The proceeds amounted to $93. * a clock for the school is to be purchasâ€" ed from this amount and the balance is given to the hospital in Durham. We are sorry to report Miss Milie: is leaving our school. We wish her much success in her new school. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Robt Twamley o7 Crawford, visited the MeCracken and MceDonald families the first of the week. Mr. Jack Smith spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. B. McDonald of, Priceville, accompanied by Mr. Elmer Watson, spent Sunday with Mr. anc Mrs. Jas. McDonald. HE BilEkEkaw REVLE W Mrs. A spending friends. with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Livingstone Townsend‘s Lake, on Monday. Remember the Xmas entertainment to be held in the church on Dec. 25. A splendid program has been proâ€" pared. Mr. Waiter Clark had a wood bee on | Thursday and got a fine lot of wood| cut ‘The remains of the late Mrs. J.| Hedle of Hamilton are being interred toâ€"day, Wednesday, in the Rocky : cemetery. Mrs. Hedle was well and| favorably known here, having man;| relatives in this part. We extpml! sympathy to the bereaved family. | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Legate and famâ€"| ily, Tororto, have become residents| ily, here iast sunday,. Mrs. D. Wilkie left for Toronto to spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs .B. Jordan. % Mr and Mrs. Jack Braun visitc former‘s sister, Mrs. P. Mov last Sunday. Teacher and pupils are in readiness , for their concert to be held this 'I‘hur-" sday â€" evening. Let parents and| friends gather and spenad a social| iime. I We are having real winter weaâ€" ther at present, but would be better with a little more snow. Weavish all readers of the Review a merry Christâ€" mas and a very prosperous New Year ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO .|__The December meeting of the Dorâ€" l noch Women‘s Institute was held at ; the home of Mrs. Jas. Sullivan, Weeâ€" â€"| nesday, Dec. 13. _A goodly number »| were present considering the inclemâ€" ,| ent weather. _ Miss Sillars read a well prepared paper on "The study of Literature as a means of culture" , which was much appreciated by all. | Mrs. Bryce Dargavel gave a few hinis | on inexpensive Xmas gifts : Mrs 3. ! Koepp and Miss Kathleen Sullivan | supplied the musical part of the proâ€" ’;:ram. Mrs. Sullivan ~gave recipes: [ for icing cakes. Then as we are | about to lose one of our first mt'm-{ [bers. Mrs. A. Campbell, we decidedl | to show our appreciation of her past | duties. Mrs. W. Robertson read the | | address. Mrs Campbell, taken greatâ€" | | ly by surprise, replied very appropâ€"| i riately. The address is as follows : | To Mrs. Campbell, \_â€" In view of your intention to I‘-:u‘pl us to take up residence in Elm wood, | we your friends of Dornoch Women‘s| Institute have_taken this oppormn-' ity to express to you in a slight way | i at least, our appreciation of _\'01;.‘] work in our midst. We assure you that in â€" severing â€" your connvcliou* with us you will be greatly missed. We know you to be one of the firr:t‘ members of the Institute and we have always founrd you ready and willing; to iake an active part in anything} that tended to the welfare of the society. We are glad to know that in leaving us you are not going so rar away but that one may hope â€"to sool you and meet you in the future. As a slight token of our esteem, we ask! you to accept this china fruit set and| hope that you may have many years to enjoy them and may ever remind| you of the warm place cherished in the hearts of your friencs here this afternoon. Again we ettend to you| our best wishes for your happiness | and welfare, also of Mr. Campbeii and your family, and assure you that| , you will always have a warm welâ€" 1 come in any of our homes. Signed on ] behalf of the Dornoch Women‘s ln-' stitute. * Mr. and Mrs. L. McLean visites Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgson enter tained a number of their friends on Wednesday evening. Mr. Lorne Mclntosh and sister Rita accompanied by Miss Ruth Lowe, spent the week end in O. Sound. Quite a number of our young peoâ€" ple attended the Hane and Box socâ€" ial at Atcheson‘s schoolhouse on Thursday evening. Mis Crang spent Sunday with amss Lavina Mortlevy. Mr. Will Hewitson and Miss Fuller ton Sundayed with the Morrison fam ilv. Pleased to hear Mrs. C. Mortley is home‘ and improving. We â€" trusi she will be restored to health and strength again. The situation is monthly more serâ€" ious and while the season is Apâ€" proaching at which many people "iay up" their cars, it isnoted that the :: creasing popularity of the closed car decreases the number of motorists who refrain from driving in winter. selves find it hard to keéi)‘;)-u-tâ€" of each others‘ way. is doubled, the available space is no: merely cut fn halfâ€"it disappears ar together. It is that way with the streets. As an ever increasing stream of motors is poured into them, tue room for pedestrians at hours or heaviest traffic becomes alarmingty inadequate. And the motorists themâ€" A. Sims has returned after zx some time with Greenoc: RCCKY SAUGEEN Mrs. A. Melntosh, Pres Mrs B. Dargavel, Sec‘y ABERDEEN DORNOCH ck braun visited the Mrs. P. Mouniain P esnt Cnesd L day team>.......::,...r«%Â¥2, Thos. Stinson, half day ...... Robt. Twamley, 2 days ...... Henry Dunn, 2 days ..;...... Jno. Grierson, culvert R Ledingham & others, grav‘g Jno. Milis, $5 yards ........ Jno. Pust, and others, gravel.. Jno. Pust.s42 loads ........., Sam Boyd. 4% Uays .......;.. W. D. Connor, sales tax .... D. J. McDonald,/1 day ........ Div. 2â€"Jas. Turnbull, Com. C. Petty, drawing & placing culvert . .....l. Ts va en W. D. Connor, 6 18â€"inch tile .. Jas. Turnbull, half day ...... A. Lindsan, culvert, half cost. T.: Prast, Mike . ...;2..1h i .seinl N. MecCallum,. work .......... Div. 3â€"Chas. Bailey, Com. H. Boyce, Styx bridge. ..;..., iJ W. D. Connor, tile . ..........‘ 16 Thos. Kennedy, roadway _.... 10 H. W. Hunt, telephoning â€"...... 1 Div. 1â€"D. J. McDonald, Com. Neil McLean, 19 loads ........ 1 Wm Hodgson, % day man, Vn H. W. Hunt, Reeve G. Si Hopkins, work, material The following acounts were recom mended to be paid : Hewitsonâ€"Turnbull :: That nominâ€" ation be held at Lamlash on Friday, 22nd day of December, at 1 o‘clock "n the afternoon, to nominate Reeve and four counciliors for the year 1923. In case a poll is demandeg, election to be held on Monday, the isi day oi January, 1923. ble to taxation accordlng to â€" the Ontario ’lfelvphon(- Act. _ Carried. Hewitsonâ€"Bailey : That Jas Turnâ€" bull be paid $7.60 as delegate to Torâ€" into, re changing of Durham Road io a county provincial highway. Car. Baileyâ€"Turnbull: That taxes of tne Bowman and Suroff Telephone Co‘s be struck off roll as they are not hiaâ€" Turnbullâ€"Bailey : That, owing to weather conditions, Stratford â€" Bridge Co. are not completing their contract till next season, we nerevy agree to pay 85 per cent of contract price the balance to be paig whuen work is completed. Deposit cheque returnâ€" ed and a payment o £$10,970, plus sales tax on steel. Carried. Turnbullâ€"MeDonald : That timver on 8 L 10, con. 9, be soid to Chas. Alles for $5. _ Carried. solicitor. _ Carried. Hewitson â€"Turnbuii : That Wm. Lorenz be refunded $5 as part of property is not in lighni iimit. Car. Baileyâ€"Hewitson: That account of Middlebro & Spereman be paid, $16 re expenses incurred in Jno Noble case, and A. B. Currey $25.53 as Tp. Solicitor. _ Carried. Turnbullâ€" Hewitson : That Chas. Emke be paid $30 for sneep killed and injured by dogs, and Peter Krauâ€" ter $1 for inspecting. Carried. McDonaldâ€" Hewitson : That Ed‘d Boyce be paid $5.50 for erecting 22 rods and Ezra Sachs $13.25 for erectâ€" ing 53 rods wire fence according to byâ€"law.â€"Carried Members all present. Minutes ofi last meeting read and adopted. s Hampden will te well represented at the Christmas Fair in hanover on Wednesday. A few from this part took in the Fat Stock Show held in Guelph last week, Quite a number of the young peoj le from this part, motored to Lamlash last Friday might and took in the Xmas Tree held in the school. Mesrs Wilfrid and Earl Robinson Of Hamilton, motored up and spent a few days with the Robinson family. Mr. Bert Byers who had been spen«: ing the last two weeks visiting reid: tives in Preston and Ayr, arrived home last Friday. Call in and look over our stock. See nicely displayed and.easfly seen. _ We inv and think we can satisfly you with our go« Mr. Jno. Cooper arrived home {rom Toronto with a carload of cattle last Monday. 7 tended the Mr. Jno. Whiteford aiten U.F.O. Convention in Toronto | last week. We have Belts in fancy Boxes We have the newest out in Shirts, Collars, Ties, .Here is the Place to buy your gifts for fnenfls. Why ?2 Because every man likes a Man 5 StOfe. LOOl( OVEAF Aur® ctnalk Aaf If It‘s New It‘s Here Theldeal Mens Furnishing Store . B. BURNETT BENTiNCK COUNCIL Sweaters, HAMPDEN ‘* UNDERWEAR $11 10 9 0o 5 00 2 0u 60 bu 3 bo 38 Bigger and Better Stock than Ever 11 Trousers, Suits & Overcoats 60 0:3 95 45 85 6i Ou 9t )0 20 00 Uu 0o Ui% cause every man likes a gift frcm Look over our stock of hole ;..1:>>>>** * J. Hewitson, paying â€" T. O‘Brien, drawing Something newâ€"just out Soft Collar Case A real gift would be the Good Service â€"â€"â€" A Square Deal 08 0809 @0 000000000066 66 00@ JNO. McKECHNIE, Durham To a]l our Customers and Friends, we extend best wishes for a Ver_v Merry Christmas the noâ€"button combinationâ€"the niâ€" cest garment a man ever wore. Try one. men ..+>++ & placing Men‘s Furnisher 43 T5 T. Smith, underbrus 1 53 â€" Council adjourned. Jee our goods, all invite you to call goods. CUIVOPL . se s e e e ns se + ++ Dirstein, 13 84nch tile...... Hewitson, inspecting timber _ Meyers, 42 !'u'_n_il gravel.... DEC. 21, 19 Hosiery Gioves and Hand ker‘fs All real classy . your men If it‘s Here It‘s New J. H. CHITTICK, C)» Om 10 0 &%

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