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Durham Review (1897), 21 Dec 1922, p. 8

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ri" .41 l .3} H " De. Bane! ot Fergus, appeared be. bro Madame Hellyet lust Thurs gAmgrnlng for infraction of the O. T. A. tteenG. tnsikkGpdaChiii occasion to visit this district and up- 8f1tttteyryt up_ the drug stores for “Dermal” Issued. found the sunning "cord or the above for August 01620. Coptember over 600. October 623,tusd , ,, V "Bali 1 . ' hi' , 7’ G . ' 9 'm lg . " . 't . I e , l" 4. an " " " . 'r', It if; ' l-l ,3 B. ' r. Y 1 V. ' " " _ tr Rg, The Cash Shoe Store DURHAM. --- ONT. at popular prices. These make a very useful and appropriate gift. Hive us a call before selecting your gift Slippers for Men, Women & Children Only Two More Days " Shopping before Christmas We have a fine selection of on hand, and our prices are right. Come and be convinced. R. J ARNILL, We carry a full line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Stationery and Crockery Fresh Stock of Christmas Groceries We are again in the Market for Don’t sell until you get our prices Store open 2fi,,25t We are in the market for Honest weight, and test. Dressed Poultry "I!" . 'd It ‘ Etixih ' Jf /i,iti'ii, ”"(§-’§75 :9 ll5(t,'.i?/i; {‘mffifiy JI eco, THE NEEDS OF FARMERS or.,ir't.f Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings Repairing a Specialty 'fit'?.' J. S. MclLRAlTH i"""'"-----,-.-...-. 'e"--'--'-----.- ii'tiir'setiiiiis" . if , yt' ii rr.?,'.'."" - _ . _ I" Wm ",:,'p', l “‘3‘. J'.'lii, ӣ13,333 " '.. :t, {$1.73 - ti': 't' _ . _--., . / -..,.. -,Treiri'r'cs"'1"itt K, "cuto..4esserrr' , "f'J.5 . 3%“ "WW” cc:cp,eaicrc- ' ' . é ' _ I .4: "I: a l%;:§$“â€"*~“-Qe~fmfl_mn 7 ye!» ter'Lf Holstein Branch: W. A. from Nov. 1st to Nov. 18th, 394. On citizen alone obtained " from Dr. Barnet and 10 elsewhere tor various ailmnts during one month. The mag- iltralP said that the condition was outrageous and must cease. The pen- alty was from 850 to 8300. Had he not pleaded "guilty" the magistrate stated he would have imposed a much heavier penalty than that given BANK OF MONTREAL The result is that this institution, with its branches estab- lished in all parts of the Dominion, is well equipped and organized to handle the accounts of farmers and to extend I t . . to tnem pcrsonal and thoroughly texperienced banking service. V' "THE Bank of Montreal in order to render thoroughly J. useful and intclligent service to the farmers of Canada has studied for many years their particular problems and rcquirernents. CREAM Established over 100 years Holstein REID, Manager. 1.'llfjiWiNCt ranch.“ .. Custom Chopping every day Kechnie's Mills. bank officials had no idea as to what the actual loss would be and could not estimate this uptil details are giv- en Jry depositors. A strange t'Patm'o of thu robbery is the tart that tln- burglars chose tho Royal Bank instpad or the Bank of Montreal in which had been depos- ited the day before the proceeds of the last days tax collection. It ls be. lieved that the robbers will be unable to realize on these stolen bonds. Explosive of Some sort was usml to blow open the look. A number or the safety deposit boxes were taken. These, it is understood, cohtained mostly registered securities. The :Bank flirrgljqal Mt forest Telephone cables in the town were out by the robbers, as well as tote- graph wires both beyond the railway station and in town. There is every reason to believe that the raid was the work of professional burglars. Tho first intimation of the robbery came with the arrival of the Janitor to the bank about 6.30 that morning. He discovered that tho outer door hid been blocked with a chair. R, A. Fowiie, manager of the bank, hag been in eommunication with thehead offlee in Toronto and also with the Provincial Police. The maranders, in addition to blow. ing open the lock ot the deposit vault. made an unsuccessful attempt to enter the inner safe whifh con- tained the bank's funds. No c ue has been obtained as to the perpetrator. A largo touring car is reported to have been seem leaving the town early in the morning. of $100 and 825.30 costs. The scripts shown as evidence, and the list ot patrons, taken therefrom as well as the amount procured by each would make a most interesting list to pub. lish in the News Record, as we never realized before that so many local parties had such an array of diseases. It would certainly be a grave mistake to close. the hospital here for some time yet.-Pergus News Record. The hour of the robbery is placed at between 2 and 3 o'clock a. m. Two citizens report having heard an ex- plosion at about this hour. One of these, Harry Clark, Division Court Clerk. stated that shortly before the report, he heard a clock in his home strike two. A guest at a hotel near by also reports that he heard a blast. Entering the Royal Bank building at Mt. Forest, after cutting the bars of a rear window inst Thursday night robers escaped with the contents of is safety deposit boxes, consisting for the most part registered bonds. Pending further checking up the var ue of the bonds cannot be estimated, as the bank had no record ot them. Stole Contents of " Safety Deposit Boxes at Me Mr. and Mrs. John Kinnee of Dur. ham, attended the funeral on Sunday and spent the evening at Mr. J. C. Queen's. __ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr. Jas. Eden who has been under Dr. McLellan’s care, suffering with a hemorrhage from the stomach, is somewhat improved. but will be in- disposed for a month or so. Pleased to hear of his recovery. Miss Violette Aberdein is spending a weal; or so at the home of Mrs. Ar- thur Lee. Miss Ruby Matthews who has been attending Business Collegs at Owen Sound. was home for her father's funeral. -"_9t wvlu\ lulu um church by the Pall bearers, his neigh- bars, viz: Messrs Wm Hunter. Sam’l Patterson Sr., John Brown,, Andrew Henry, S. Patterson Jr., and Joseph Wilson. After the funeral a large number of mourners wended their way to Maplewood cemetery. Deep sympathy is extended to the Igmily In their sad bereavement. l The sudden death of the late Robt. Matthews was deeply felt, not only by the friends and relatives, but by the surrounding community at large. The funeral sermon was conductec by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Hardy at his home and from there the corpse was taken to Rt. Paul's church where he was a faithful attender. A large crowd of sympathizerl were present. The remains Were borne into tum "ls-a, L»; A. .. . Mr. Alex Allan and daughter Blanch spent Sunday at the home or Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Arum, Holstein. Mrs Thos Morrison and daughter, of Oklahoma, U. s., are spendlng a week or so with the tormer's nephew, Mr. Wm Morrison. friends in wishful? GiGi' journey through life. The young couple will be at homo to thvir many friends after Dec. 22nd, ruslding on the groom's farm, near Markdale. We join a large circle or A roceptlon was held in the even- ing at the home ot the bride's par- trttts where a most enjoyable evening was spent in music and games and other entertainment. The young cou- ple received many beautiful and costly gifts, showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held. The bride‘s travelling dress was of French blue duchess silk, trimmed with irridescent beads and hat to match. After the ceremony and congratuta- tions, the bride led the way to the- dining room where a sumptuoua wmlding dinner was served. The table was beautifully decorated for the occasion with a handsome tltree story bride's (who in the centre. THE DURHAM REVIEW On Wedntusday, Dec. 13th, a pretty Wedding was colemnized at the home or Mr. and Mrs. James M. Matthews. Mount Pleasant Farm, Holland, when their eldest daughter, Ella Victoria, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. George Robert Hark. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark of Markdale. The bride. entered the parlor lean- ing on the arm of her father who gave her away, and took her place be, heath a large white bell, which hung Rpm a wreath of roses. The brim. looked most charming in a gown or white satin eharmeuse, trimmed witn silver bugle beads and seed pearl medallions. She also wore the groom’s gift, a gold necklace set with pearls and she carried a shower bo, quet of pink and white carnations. Dr. Mair was in town one day last wttelr, moving some of his belongings to Hanover where he has started to practise. We wish him succoss. News is Bearce as everyono is busy at this festive season. We Join in wishing all a merry Christmas and happy New Year. to takp in at least part oi thdGjiiiiii, to be carried out by the Dept. of Ag rivalluh- after New Years. i,".' LocAL AID PERSONAL F4 The meeting announced regarding educational matters was fairly well attended on Tuesday evenzng, when Rev. Mr. Morris, Sec'y Trustees and Ratpayers Association .gave an inter. esting address on better education for the rural pupil. He touched on a great many vital points among which was.' it the pupils at present are being educated away from the farm. they shou'd also find wag and means of educating them to stay on the land. Upon his advice, at the close of the meeting, an organization to be known as the Egremont Trustees and Rate- payers 'Association was formed. Nelson Main 15 home from the West and intends spending most of the winter with his mother and other friends. . Mr. Jos. Robb of Saskatchewan, spent a few days with friends here last week. Mr. John Mark ot Saskatoon, made a short visit with his sister. Mrs. T. McMillan and other friends. Tuesday was fowl fair day in Hol. stein, when tons of poultry changec hands. Sleighing is getting pretty fair but the tin Lizzie's are sun putting 'away. HOLSTEIN LEAD ER ALLAN'S CORNERS Clark-Matthews Hymeneal Io has been under ', suffering with a the stomach, is ' but will be In. :h or so. Pleased a pleasant "Well thed, Jiiire ls t iatlon? Tom told me that the biggest things about 1 . WHAT DO YOU THINK t 'Are you sue you have shown me all the principal parts or this car T' asked the fair prospective purchaser. “Yes Madam, all the mun ones," replied the dealer. The undersign desire to express their deep apprec tion of much kind- ness and sympathy shown them in their recent Bore iAiii7iiad by the loss of a loving bus nd and father. Mrs. Wmmay and funny At a recent meeting held after the services in Amos Church one week ago, a resolution of eorutMenee, was voted to be sent by the "session to Rev. George Kendall on his recent bereavement in the death of his wife. She was held in high esteem by Amos congregation for her qualities of head and heart. ' rillallClai Statement was read and att. Mr and Mrs Arthur Lee also are opted and Treasurer paid " [or to be congratulated on the arrival of preparation of same. a boy. No rural dopopulation here, Allan-MeDoueatd: That the agree- that the U. F. O. speaks about. ment between the Police Village ane Mr Allan Brown has bought the Township remain as it is for the te Jas. Whitmore farm and gets posw malning part oi the year. Carried. tsession in Marcu. ‘ McDoutrald--witson:' That the loi- Sleigh bells. Christmas bells. and lowing tuec'ta be paid 1 Municipal we might add wedding bells, are rlnzu World, '12.27 1 R. Gadd, repair ttrad. ing all over. A merry Christmas to' er, t5.iro: C. Dmmm. oil on grader. all and sundry. I $1.60 : p'. Isles, repair culvert $7.25: An entertainment by the scholarsi J. Devine, cleaning drain No t, 818: at S. S. No. 13 on Thursday, aCltrist- A. Rae, repair mad. 1820, $6: J. R. mas Tree Friday at Amos Chureu," Meintrre, att on drain No 8, $8: do, and nomination proceedings same day postage on Prov. Engineer $2.25: at Holstein, means a busy time for Clerk, postage and phone, 812.98: those who wish to attend all events. do, semen re taxes 335-005 Minnes- . . ' . . salary $200.00: Co. rate $12.50 '. do We vow" the 8" mpathy ol the my balance salary $75 . do services i.iiil.' tire comunity. for the relatives of Mr. Members or auiaviii.G".. B Gib-I0. Hay and ska Matthews fl ""ig1"irdf,,". I Brom " 00 . ' . n removal y eat or bot . e lung ,. . 2 . t erals or both were largely attended. if}? ilsoe-ettr. That the Rpm" Mr and the proud last week. Congratulations to Mr and Murray WvLis on the arrival baby boy on Sunday last. The funeral of the late Wm. Hay, Dromore, on Tuesday, was largely attended. Servicea were held tn the church by his pastor, Rev. W. J. Bur- net, who conducted impressive serv ices and spoke of the deceased's christian gentleness and kindliness or" character. Amongst beautiful tioral offerings were wreaths from the Can. adian Hanson and Van Winkle Co., Toronto, where his daughter Geors glint is employed : lrom It. H. Joseph. Toronto : Mr and Mrs. It. itenwicis, Dromore: the immediate tamily and the McCall family in Toronto. The choir as it happened, had tine music, fitting in with the pastoral discourse. Pall bearers Were Robt. and Thus. llenwiek. “alter Hustle and Malo, Holes, Thos. Acheson and William Watson. a "quar wee mali",giants and dwarfs. Wit and humor there was in abuvar ance, and true to its lrish birth, it revealed itself unexpectedly, in the sanctuary of the most sacred, or in the pathos of the most tragic situa- tions. Alter all, in spite of news- paper correspondents to the contrary ireland is still the home of the fairies and the will’o' wisps and haunted houses. That the subject was ham:- led brilliantly. and with all an trian- man's versatality. goes without say- ing. Rev. W. H. Smith of Durham, introduced the speaker in his own. In- imitable way. Messrs W. Ramage and C. Bosley favored the tratlterrui,r with a few selections or Irish songs which were much apreciated. The Dromore Men's Club are to be con- gratulated on the introduction of popular lectures to the community. They were happy in their tirgt choice. --Com. A very interesting and instructive lecture was given on irursday last, Dec. 14th, by the Rev. S. Banks Nel- son, D. D., of Hamilton ' in Russell Hall, Dromore. on the subject "ire. land To-day." Contrary to our expec'- muons Dr. Nelson did not deal with the disturbed economic and political lite of the "distressi1tl country." Dr. Nelson discovered for us the underly- ing causes, theorlgin so to speak of that bewildering. multifarious and hetrogenous entity --irisll character. It was a lecture full of nymphs. an- gels, fairies. en's, banshees and many And now that the time has come again when we celebrate the Great Birthday, We wish ye Editor and stat! and all the readers a Merry Christ mas. Messrs A. Ross and H. Croat were in Owen Sound last week from Mon. day to Friday on Jury business. They each helped give decision in two cases. Mr. and Mrs. Witherow returned to their home near Calderwood, from their trip to Toronto and Visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mutch, last Thursday. tiur tEachErs and pupils are gladly anticipating the Joys ot the (at up- proaching vacation. On Sunday, Miss Tenn Merchant attended the funeral ot her uncle, R. Matthews, whose sudden demise shocked the neighborhood-as also did the unexpected death of Mr. Hay of Dromore. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved. Fowl picking bees are the order or the day, A great slauguter or tur- keys. geese. ducks and chickens In preparations for the holiday festivi- ties, ls going on. A number of our young people at- tended the play and box social at No. 6 school last Friday and are looking forward to the various socials, con. certs, Xmas Trees, etc., which till the evenings of this holiday season. Miss Gillies has returned to her home in Proton after spending a fvw days with her sister, Mrs. Troup. We are pleased to report the Im- provement of those we reported ill in our former notes. 0Ano\0F THANKS NORTH EGREMONT M rs Thor}. possessors ne that was one of about a car." YEOVIL the depree last. Dailey also an: of another gin, M Pts of a ' No other Jou al caters so intinh. aiely nd mianut y to the 'm-eds at the agriculturist and country dwet. ler as does the amlly Herald and Weekly Star of antral. From ttfs medical to his religious, needs. from ‘inc health of his lock to the CNrtt- billllei or his miAClmery. from ttttr Judie: embroidery to their pickles. mm the minerals on the Ind to th tielt in his brooks, t' In the books If his leisure hours to the unionism of his children. from his individ I cares to his public dura, Inc .3. companionship. help ant] nuance In the same old journal w ch delighted his fathers and Is the toy o the children to-day. He canhot would to be without the Family Kenn " any price. The cost of Area-'- mb. l Suntan in only two dollars. ' .,. y'M'30n-Aa'Nat: That the Realm mate the chair and Deputy Allan ocupy same. Carried. Brier ad- dresses were then made by the Reeve and other member: of the cannon, after which the council arose. Com. Ain-Dougald reported the ex- rendu- of $331.59, 8190.00 of this was for strvttgtltening and repairing Porter's bridge. School Attendance ()mcers J. Me. Pliee and J. R. Philp reported work done according to the Act. Fem, " Account of M. Burke for couwy- lug Mrs. Dunn to H. of Refuge $10. Financial Statement was read and tut. opted and Treasurer mm " r-... Com. Wilson reported as follovn: re Mclnnes bridge as supervisor ot construction of said bridge, in which I reported in construction ot the abutments last meeting or Couttett- would further report that the steel in now placed on the abutments, a temporary iloor of plank being in use tor the winter months. Would rocotmttettd that the sum of 8475 be paid Mr. Hill as part payment on the sum-r structure of sald bridge retain. ing tho sum of $225 until completed. Com. Wilson also reported work to the amount or $37. Fees $5.00. Conn. Grout Imported expenditure of $33.10. 816.50 of which was on li. & P. T.I.lne. Fees $2. Den. Reeve Allan reported that he had attended the Convention held m Toronto, Nov. 30, in vlew of having tire Singhampton and Hanover Coun- ty Road taken over as a County i=ro~ vincial Road. Hon. Mr. Riggs gave the deputation good encouragement that the change would be granted. Com. Allan Elsa {egrtgl GiiGi;in. ture ot $1'25.60, $7 of which was on E.4 G.__t_q_wnllne. Fees 82. on to liw land of Jno. Devine and I employed Mr. Devine to till in and build up the washout. which he has dorm and Ills bill is herewith BUD. mitted for the said work, amounting to $10. and which I recommend to be paid by the Council." spring and l herrwllh submit the bill tor his wages amounting to 88. I also found that the banks of said drain along the townllne between Eg't and Arthur, had broken through Reeve reported as follows: With respect to complaint made by liobt. Nichol, regarding construction of a culvert on the townline between Hg't and Proton, and also to his threaten- ed action for non repair or the south branch ot Drain No. 3. “I beg "save, to report that I proceeded to inter- view Mr. Nichol and concluded an agreement with him by which hei agrees to take no further action in! respect to the culvert In question, nor to take any further action in respect! to the Drain. I have employed to clean out said drain as provided by] statute and according to the engin-l eer's ptxUMe at the ordinary rate or wage per day for the time necessary‘ to complete the clearing.out of said drain, he agreeing to abandon all tttts ther proceedings in the matter. Mr. Nichol proceeded to do the work un- til stopped by Weather conditions. The work is to be mntpieted in the as. McBETH Council met Dee. 15th, members all present, minutes adopted. til,' Pipes, Cases, Safety Razors $223212 ili Fountain Pens, Toilet Waters, Etc. feeeeteeee-ee“ ..t.........t..t.q ft t Christmas Gifts in abundance 'll If Chocolates. in fancy boxes tl t, Stationery in boxes, 25c to $3.00 i tl Cigars, in boxes of 10.25 and 50 (ll summed EVERY NEED ’aaaasae '.a.aas.sa.a:saa.sa.s.sp" YF Christmas fags. Seals, Cards, Booklets, in abundance Nothing Nicer than French Ivory Choose from our complete stock of Comb, Brush and Mirror Cases, Sewing Sets, Photo Frames, Crumb Trays, Powder Boxes, Hair Receivers. Clothes Brushes, Paper Knives, Trays, Shoe Horns, Etc., Etc. EGREMONT COUNCIL - NORTH-EAST NORMANM‘ ll caters so intith. LY to the ’needa Ot and country dwal- amlly Herald and Eomreal. Prom hlfs Choose from this List. We omrintee satisfnction or money refunded. --e w Ill-l “in!“ won to my without tirsst notice, um! um: MVP t or worry and eXpenIe. Th rt'ISOnlble balm-g pm: and for this Mm . when you give it”: siderallon. m . ..... newspaper mm: to nuke in Nttteat to alt those who are In arrears for subscriptions to bring their accounts up to dalo'. We have all-My sent out a nu l her ot summenu. and the rvspo has been very neutral“. 8 there In than on our lint- who usually require "ro or more "dun- ners" before they "tme through. " into r'th"tttp'tijiai"rly/l'l'li'Su,: pal at this time. " I: not only tumble hmnen um conun- ual daunting. but a I: cum. Mar 'l;eitfgt,iit,iii,itiie'fe')2ugid'i'. pedal emu-t to an" - _ _ -- “x. - There has been lumclenl snow to Me very good dogmas. It Wil? nuke the My Ian-n brighter if it inn with In. We nah the Editor. Butt and an the render. of mu paper . wry Joy- ful In... We haven't heard of any vtattom at the Bend, but expect ttte usual hm tumuy gatherings. WWIPTION TIME At this ten-on or the yam- cu-wnmry with newspaper a nuke In lane-J to In thm are In um for whean’pti bring their mh“ “- ., Letter Breen B. tr. teachers and scholars m buy Heparin: m: . Xmas Tree mttertatnmeiat. The pro- xrun win be and not Santa l mun will be In attenua- u usual. Sis. ver 00an. on Dee. "o Mr. Gordon Logger has decid, d to give up timing and has sold his wry tine homestead to Mr. lclbugain up is pretax-1n; for a sale mwa In the New Year. We are 30m lo man» them late this neighborhood but hope they will and a good mum to make a home In. We an glad to hear Cowan is improving in Is able to alt up must I We hope he will mu restored to health. In. Douglas had a bee wood last Friday and Sunni: tins and saving. Our mayor has been rather poled tor the out week but s. be on the mend once more. Mr. Rom. Kirby In eontttted to the house with an “not of tonsilmn. which seem- to have visited other homes in the section also. mu Emu John: who has bow: spending n few weeks visiting frivnds in In. W. returned home Smur- ft',' evening. after an e.yabh~ has V. A small auction sale was h! last Saturday. when the hum-whom enema of Mr. In. Hopkins Warn dip posod of. Mr. Hopkin's health is it a critical condition and he has bow“. removed to Durham Hospital. His daughter, Mrs. Jim. Brown who hue been tending her father tor almost a month, returns to her home at RM eau, Sum, this Week. A number from here momn to Gualph tart “0-day and the Winter Fair and hid an trip home though the norm Well tt looks as If wo might sleighing for Xmas. " (new d: samples of'the mild weather ted, I think we better all mow before we have I severe one. We wish Editor. tttaff and r. a merry Christan. and prop-p New Year. Word has boon recoived from I. sden. telling of Miss Irene McCaln eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs ll McCalmon. being operand on appendicitis, She was unending . mal School In Regina. Messrs Andrew Stewart and IN Porter, were In o. Sound on llu j' tor a couple of any: Int week. Mrs Ju. Wether ll home from , gus Hospital, slightly Improwd health. Hrs. Jno. Marshall ls expected home on may from u throe "Pek'l any in It. Forest. All wish In. Marshall better Mulch In the fut-R. Mrs. Alex. Smith and In. Wm Carson am also under the Doctor‘s care. Miss Iva Marshall total-nod hon rocently [mm o. three month's vie in tho West. Drugsist and Stationer DURHAM SOUTH BEND ttUd to hear that M _ieutextvtng tn health, ORCHARD a}: 'e 21. 1922 had I bee cumin;- Ind Saturday. bug. ma Ir; 959mm”. of the day I be comp! you " In due Il1|oi even Ber tad down look ti esciuae India- was to Wiit low 11-1: ite u It! qt I. \ I ch “(I V0 tam lat-1' em: (but Log rt Ann Hor, u :1 ttw ulnl p. m, l caving - l (or tV lo H ine , Dunk chm his are WM vim telt w l NIH Gf ttne H d Se M

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