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Durham Review (1897), 28 Dec 1922, p. 5

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ERS al is m Pcople’s Mills - ovum» 'g "iiuatsrxxxxtiaiwrrixxl=xlgli1illirailrtril0il 'y""'"""""'",",":;,","":'",".]'"].:"'."".".".'.'"':'"'" "T MI i:i THE PEOPLES MILLS 32 1L... hi y:ysyaaotxxt'rgXxxXxxxxMkqlXh?lMNalM?c'i, Phone No 8, Day or Night. Fowrngn "who” Patent Flour. per 98 lb lack Eclipse Flour Blend. per 98 lb not ........_......'. Wlme Lily PM", Flo nr. per 08 lb Ink .... Bun um: Iotr) per 100 tu...... ..... ... Shorts ('on iotr) per 100 "tr...... ..... ... Feed Flour (Wlddlmp) per 100 tbr......... No. 1 Mixed Chop. per 100 lbw......... ......., Itat Chop per100lbo (old o.ut)......... ....... (Inward Oatr, per 100 the (old ou0........ ., Mulchlord'u Cl Hell. M lb "ak......... ., Custom Cbopping.pot100|b¢...... ......... Highest Prices paid lot WHEAT delivered atthe Mill tfl, If you have Grain to sel or want to buy feed, call us up. We are in the market for any quantity of Milling Oats, Feed Oats, Barley, Peas and Mixed Grain. Will pay highest prices. ' Every Department will bsbristling with "hyst.eia!.e" for the days of the sale and only as long as Goods in.8tf Sale. So shop early and be assured of getting-just greatly reduced prices. mac. 28, But here are a few of the Specials; Men's Railroad Overalls, big and roomy in black or blue stripe, reg. up to '2.50for...........i....r.....". " Men's brown Duck Smocks, lined with heavy plaid kersey -corded a 95 velvet collar. Reg. " for...... o Men's, Ribbed Wool Underwear, broken sizes and worth 81.50, to go as each garment at..................... . Boys' black Overalls. all sizes 4 " Boys‘ PulloverSwoaters ribbed, all wool in black and gold, brown and 1 98 green. reg. up to 2.75 for...... I Women‘s Fancy Blouses. all styles and include some Girl's middios, 9. reg up to 3.50 for................... a Women's White flannelette 1 a, N ight Gowns, good value at 82 o This is the first Sale of its kind.we have ever held and purpose making it well worth your while to come out. Everything must be sold for cash, but FARM PRODUCE taken at market prices considered the SAME AS CASH. NOTICE " . A Four Day - January Clearing Sale Term: Cash Business Houtss n m to5 KARSTEDT BROS., Priceville ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited We have a stock of Ground Feed on hand that We are selling cheap while it lasts. 1,: mac: uveraus. allsizes 1 1o OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED. _ Tho above prices are at the Mill and Strictly Cash. JOHN MCGOWAN GOODS DELIVERED around town every afternoon. Send in your orders early. Prices for Flour and Feed Grain Wanted v Commencing Saturday, January 6111,1923 and Ending Wednesday, January nth, I923 Arrangement must he made for tho pal accounts on or before January 10th, 1923. No Town Delivery Telephone day No 4, Night 8] Inner Announcement Next Week with 'Specials" that are good only as Goods in Stock last during this of getting-just what you want at Gtperal, Purpose. Stable Shovel, each' q . . . . . ,. Dairy Pail XXXXfor...% Largg Gglvaq’d pails, straight orf1aring,for...-.. 600 Herbsgoum Stock Food, 4 lb packagefor.............. 75c Herbagoum Poultry Food, 2 lb package for . . . . _ 400 Good Louse Killer, large pkg 25c Cornmeal, 6 lbs for . . . . . . . 25c Lautldry, Soap, (assorted) 15 lbgfor '_."..'......... 1.00 Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes for Me Cooking Onions, 8 lbs for. . 250 Spanish Onions, 5 lbs for. . 250 Maple Leaf Flour, per bbl. 7.25 Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs for 890 Rolled Oats. 20 lbs for. . . . . . 950 Fine wheatrneal for Pprridge be (fir) payment of all outstanding Toronto." A wonderful work is being done by the National Sanitarium Association. The death rate from tuberculosis in Ontario has been reduced by more than one-half during the lust twanty years. It needs your help to make its effort: ntill more effective. Contributions may be sent to Hon. IV. fs. Charlton, Mt College Street. Take It Now! -n...,..-.. ~.auuu.u -uvtllvl Uncut". Alter trying various way. to over. come his physlcal weakness, he went to the nMuskoka Hospital. His par- ents ore anxious about him. they send the other son to are him often, for they a!» old and techie and Journey- ing In a hazardous undertaking to them. Tom's own troubles are never so real to him that ho forgets others. He ask! for those about him, live! for little bits of new: about his home, And never foils to m-nd this mes- ouze hock. "Don't worry nbout me. The people here lure do treat you white." On A little farm Away up nortl Tom lived with his parents and om brother. His father, well up in your. found himself unable to continue the turd work of farming, so Tom took up the burden. The income was not intro. and the lad nitned up with a lumber gang working netyrbr---mswing logs, stripping bark and driving the mama. Altogether there two Jot" Mrmer and lumbertturn, kept his du so well filled that he had time tot little more than sleep. Nature re. belling at this heavy burden-con, uumptlon c.1ttimed.atitrther victim. . There is no logical reason .why anyone should hesitate lto take cod-liver oil. This energizing food has been an Iimportant factor in the health record of thousands. ttttME/dia "Don't Worry About Me" Tom's Assuring Message ........ 4lbsfor25c is thé easy and efieetive way to take pure vitamins (.hxx, bearing cod-liver oil. 1. It is surprising how E? many take it to help M, build up body and strength. tKott & new": Toronto, on 70c 95c 22-39 MARRIED mChRD--ALDCoRN-- On Dec. 16th, 1922. at the home of the bride's parents, Swinton Park. by the Rev C. Sincllir Jones, Margaret Manon youngest daughter of John and Mrs Aldcorn. to Robert Edward Heard of Swinton Park. . DUNCAN-FERGUSON-on Dee Lt, 1922, at the home ot the brides parents, Swlnton Park. by the Rev. C. Sinclair Jones, Janet Haze. only daughter of J. L. and Lira. Ferguson, to George Emerson Dun. can of Dundalk, Ont. NiCHoLLir-MlNToBH-- On Deals, 1922. at the Manse, Priceville, by the Rev. C. Sincloir Jones, lube": Helen, daughter ot Robert McIntosh and Mrs McIntoah, to William S. Nichol". ot Dundalk. Ont. On Thursday, Jan. 4th, Miss Me Phail, M. P. will moot in tho Honing; at the club rooms at Swlnton Park. with members of the Club and their wives and any othr-rs Interested with a view to organizing a ladies' club and other talk. If the ladies bring a lunch we might have a meas- ant and protltable evening. Christmas Day was beautiful .-- sunshine and the best of sleighing. Cars were also out but with all things lovely. the day was greatly saddened. by the death early that morning ol a much respected lady, namely Mrs. Arthur Richardson. who was taken ill the day prevlous. Dr. Sheath and Martin were both called. but God had need of her and she was called up higher. Mrs. Richardson was a Miss Pallister. east of Dundalk and was married about three years ago. She was a member of the Methodist Ch. before marriage, but after marriage. joined by certificate from the Metho- dist church to her husband's church. and was much esteemed in the neigh- borhood. The. funeral is to be held Wednesday at 1 o'clock to Swinton Park cemetery. Much sympathy ta felt for those so suddenly bereaved. especially for the young husband. Mrs Richardson was 22 years of age, and the picture ot health and good humor. Rev. Mr. Jones preached an elo. quent Christmas sermon Sunday, tak- ing the whole of the lat chap. John, tor his text. Appropriate hymns were sung by the choir of faithful young ladies. At 10.30 next Sunday night. there will be a closing of the year service in the Presby'n churcr or ringing out the old year and ringing Jn the new. The concert held in Top Cliff scixooi lately was well patronized and an assisting in the program took their parts well. Miss McCuaig, the tea. cher. is to be congratulated in the, manner she trained her pupils m the several parts taken. Rev. Jones acted as chairman and good order was kept. After a vote of thanks to the chairman and teacher and a,; taking part, the meeting closed about 12.30 a. m. The amount realized was $20.25. Mrs H. McPhall is visiting friends in Toronto this week. 7 Mr. Willie McLeod is home for a few days with much pleasure to his lonely father. Miss Minnie McIntyre of Toronto, is spending her holidays at the old home at her brother Norman's and sister, Mrs. Chas. Ferguson's. We are pleased to learn that Colin McLean's son. Alex., who had a sev- ere attack of sickness, in geting better and is now at home from Fleshertou where he. was attending high school As we ire finishing our writ)nq the weather has taken a change by nav- ing a thaw and our good sleighing will soon disappear to the dissatis- faction of many and to the satisfac- tion of others who are scarce ot mu- or. _ "Again We are reminded of the pam sing‘bi time and on this Xmas morn. ing, " we sit down and consider ot the many returns we have seen of the Mth of December. it makes us feet that the returns to many of us will not be many in the future. In giving a backward review, it is beyond our ability to recollect the many changes and innumerable obstacles that met us on our way to Dec. 1922. On Xmas morning we are greeted with a Merry Christmas. Yes, it is merriment to some and sadnes to many a home. We hear the chimes of the Xmas bells ringing; it indicates that there " joy and merriment in many a home. We also hear the doleful tones or the old church bell. " if telling that there is a funeral procession on the way to the city ot the dead. We hurriedly enquire who is bereft ot a friend '.we, are told it is the mother, the tatiter,) the young daughter or wife, or the son ‘ or brother. To all those Miieted it is only a gloomy day. l We hear the Jingling of the sleigh bells going hither and thither on this Christmas morn. The new convey- ance, the auto. is laid aside and the old fashioned sleigh or cutter is sulr stituted inst ad, as the season is up to time by {avian plenty of snow to make the runners go smoothly. Teachers and scholars awa from their several homes, are 'h,'yrl,"l, themselves at their different homes in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Nea. McDonald left a week ago to put .111 the most of the winter with their son John L. in Ot. tawa. But to all it should be observed an a day of 1031mm gladneas as it is the birthday of the erucitled Redeemer. PRICEVILLEAND '-, - ' SOUTH LINE SWINTON PARK PRtGEVlllllLLE fncl', _---' -0- -_---.- THE DURHAM REVIEW Brodie-M. Black: That owing to the uncertainty ot the casting boun- daries of the different school weighs we deem it advisable to have is matter definitely settled at In any date. Carried. Turnbull --1. M. Black: Thu the Treasurer accept $4 from Mal. Black tor the old stow In Hall. Carried. Brodie-M. Black: That the Clerk be Instructed to write Mr. G. L. Campbell re hls letter of Dec. 11th. asklng for rebate on Ms tax Mil .' and explain to him from what source he reeolved his authority tor the ire'; Each member of the staff in. Univ, crease in amount of same. Carried. frail: graduate and an experienced ituc or. Brodie-M. Black: That owin to; . . the tmeertaitity ot the (,',urll"tu'f/ Intending ’"P"'..h°"w trretmre to en- daries or the different school sec 3 ter " the. treqirtninttot the fail term. we deem it advisable to beams: Irt.torrtetiony “PM!” Mar tech matter dettnitetr settled at In early l tamed trem the Prineipvl. Brodie-M. Black: That orders be issued on the Transfer tor payment to the trustees ot the several school sections. for General and Trustees Levy for sub section. Carried. Council adjourned Sine Die. Brodie-M. mack-That by law No. 634 for extending the ~Gieneig Muni. cial Telephone to the premises of Mr. Dan Kennedy and John Ritchie and providing for the issue or debentures in the sum of $250.00 be now read a third time, signed. sealed and engros- sed in by-law book. Carried M. mack-Brodie-That cheque be Issued on the Treasurer for payment of $343, maintenance levy to the Svcy Treas, ot the Glenelg Municipal Tei. ephone Sysu'm. Carried. 13rodie--M. Black-That the ques- tion of a donation for the Fire Sur- ferers of the north be left over, to get more information of the need and for a uniform plan of contribu- ting. Carried. Turnbulr--rlrodie--iitat account ot J. C. Ross, dated Nov. 9th, 1922, tor fixing culvert and work on road, a.- mounting to $11, be paid. Carried. Turnbull-Brodie-- That Dr. D. B. Jamieson. as executor, be paid the sum of $57.50, same being balance due for professional services and board to the late Pred McArthur. Car. Brodie-- Turnbull- That John S. Black be paid $40, balance of salary for 1922. Carried. Turubull-M. Black-That w Ken- ny be paid $16 for sheep killed by dogs, crwtifltad to by Colin murmur and that Mr McArthur be paid 81.50 for inspecting same. Carried. hall. Carried. Brodie-M. Black-That Jas Hastie be paid account of SR for repairing grader in summer of 1922. Carried Turnbull-M. Black-That P. Nel. son be paid $5 for Il/i cords wood for hall. Carried. tor clerk. Carried. Turnbull-M. mack-That N.Whit. more and John O'Neil be paid $15.00 each, being salary as Truant omcera for 1922. Carried. Brodie---M. Black-mutt the Trans be paid for postage. stamps on tthe, gums. stationery and supplies sum and balance ot' 1922 salary $100. Car Drodlu-M. Black-That the Clerk be paid as follows: for postage $1.06; for writing minutes to papprs 3 11105.. $2.50, bal. salary for 1922 $50. Carried M. Bltuek- J. J, Black-That the reports of the different Wards be ac- cepted and cheques Issued for mu" ment of same as follows: Ward No 1 --; Ward No 2., 8196.90; Ward No 3, $159.00; Ward No 4, $68.70; Town lines and bridges tthe Reeve) 121.65. Carried. M. Blaek-Turnbull--- That Alfred O'Neil be paid t25, being salary as Caretaker of Hall for 1922. Carried Turnbull-d J. mack-Tut Chas. Weppler be refunded $9.16, error on Rolls. Carried. M. Blturk--Turntntli--That Malcolm Wilson and Elijah Dennett be refund- ed the amounts charged to them for Statute Labor by error, being 83.75 and " respectively, the some having been eertitled as performed. Carried Turnbull-M. Black-That thetlme for returning Colleetotm' Rolls be ex- tended until the Jan. meeting and that the Collectors be paid $35 each at that time. Carried. Brodie--Turnbun-That Joe Kieffer be refunded 82l.08. paid to Public School in error for 1821---M, and that Sop. School No 3 be paid $60, and that U.S.S. No 3, G.& B. refund 842.33 to the To. Treasurer, being errors on the Collectors' Roll. Carried. Turnbull-M. mack-. That Wm. Mather be refunded " dog tax, he having no dog. Carried. Turnbull-M. Blaek--That the tol. lowing accounts be paid tor work In No 1 Ward: Arch. MeNab, " hours work, lot 7, con 4, N.D.R., 82.40; C. Howell, 14 hrs. dragging, 85.60. Car. Brodie-- J. J. B1aek--TUt Munici. pal World be paid 82.62 tor supplies for clerk. Carried. Bgodie--M. Biae1t--That bonus for wire fences be paid as follows: Wm. Mccmhy. 67 rods at lot 17, con 12. amounting to $16.75 and Daniel Me. Carthy, 31 rods " lot 18, con. 12, w mounting to $7.75. Carried Turnbull-Black-That Com. on ex- penditure be paid as follows: Ward 2, J. J. Black, Com. $15.75; Ward t, M. Black, Com. $12.00; Ward 4, T. J. Brodie, Com. $5.45; The Reeve, town. lines and bridges $10.00. Carried Turnbull-J. J. Bltuek--That the fol- lowing accounts be mud: R. McGilli- vray. $6.50: A. Vest $2.60; Thomas Laughlin 86.50; A. McArthur 82. Car. Brodie-Turributi--That Jas Hesllp Impald " for 2 days statute labor charged in error. Carried. Letters were rend from W. H. At. derson. Chairman Nor. Ont. Fire Re. lief Committee; J. J. Morrison, Beer U. F. 0.; and Jan. C. Rose re aid to sufferers from the tire; R. J. Torry, Markdale. re school taxes; L. G.Ca.mp- hell, Markdale, re taxes on lot 95.con 2,S.W.T.&S.R.: Wm Mather, refund of dog tax, Jae C. Ross tor black- smithing, Wm. and Daniel McCarthy for wire fence. Met Dee. 15th in accordance with statute. Members, all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes or last meeting rind and motion that same be adopted carried. H. H. McDONALD, Clerk. View"? Ct I Thé Behoni is thoroughly equipped " L l “he up the following counts . 1th. I I. Junior '"triettlttiott 3:: ' 2. lutnnce to the Normal School- The School In. I credit-Ne "and ir the put‘hich it hopes to mlintmn tr the future. DiaiG, in In attractive and henltht towo Ind good aeeommodrtimt an be chained It reuomblc ram. DURHAM 13111613 SCH©©L Burkwhcnt Barley .... Who " . . . . . Flour per cw! "can“: Due 28 1922 frotmtive,fotr.... 1000 Bauer 30 m 30 Exp 50 tn MI 0am .... .... as " Barkwhent . .... 60 65 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Br Iv-lords, Thompson. Br Ill --Nteatriee Grasby. Allister Lawr. ence. Jr m--"cora Dyer, CIttherine McLean. H---Netut Clark & 'Alrred Dyer equal. Willie ngaie, 'Margaret McLean, Corinne Lawrence, 'Mary Dyer, Amelia Lennie. Sr I-Perot Lemur. Myrtle McLean, 'Gordonmw-r Sr. Pr.-- ‘Herbie Miller, ‘Clarence Ritchie, 'lmris Dyer, Chester Miller. Jr. Pr.-joward Iavttate. Thom, marked . were present every day. M. E. Lamb, teacher 4th--rreeman McFadden. Reg. Ar. nett, George Collinson. Adolphus Lor. rence, Bertha Ritchie. Minn. Hur- grave. 3rd--Reg. McFadden, Jno Dun. smoor. Annie Amen. Kettttethe0tirta, moor, Orval Hopkins. Dorothy Arnett, Mary Hopkins, Louise Jacques, Roy Hargrave, May Andrews, Bertha Me. Nally. Sr. 2ttd--0rtMee Hopkina,May Collinson. Watson thkcr. Irene Col- linson. Jr. 2tMi--Vert Robins, Eddie Lawrence. Br. l-Clarence Harman. Jr.1- Roderick Dunsmoor, Margaret Dunsmoor. Lucy Robina. Sr. Pr- ---Jtto. Collinson. Jr. Pr.-icreduie Arnett, Clara Jacques, Susie Green. wood, Doris Lawn-nee. Pr. B-ANive Ball, Lilian Collinnon. Lilian Duns- moor. Pr. A--itvie Aljoe. Clarence McNally, Gordon Urn-11mm, Elmer Dunsmoor. Average attenduce " E. M. Park, Teacher Mr .and Mrs. Henry Moan! moved In! Thursday on to the Greenwood farm, which they recently purchased. We welcome them to this neighbor- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McNuly spent over the holiday with her parents at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Rain. Adam. the lat- ter s former resident of Edge Hill. now or Pinkhun. Sash are east tor the winter and visiting her mother, Mrs. Jae. McCracken in town. Bev. eral here have had the pleasure or renewed acquaintance with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williuns and children of Toronto, Are visiting at his father's, Mr. Hurry Williams. Mr. Herb. Edge spent lust week Vhit iting friends at Toronto. and attend. ing Convention there. Mr and Mrs. Duncan Smell“) no Christmas dinner at their brother-in- law'a. Mr. Thos. Ritchie. On behalf of the neighborhood. I number ot friend. came to the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green. wood last Wednesday night. had pre. sented them with I. set of dishes. ne- companied by an address appreciative of their citizenship, and expresing re- gret at their removel. which was res: by Mrs. Arthur Edge. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood moved next day to their new home at Durham. l Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Howell and little son. visited in Toronto last week end, remaining over Christmas. Miss Maggie actor. teacher " Suntan. Quebec, is )'ril".ey, the holidays with her mothe , Mrs. Rom. Ector. Mr .md In. Perry (nee Maxie Firth) ttttd little daughter or Sank. are visiting I tow weeks with her brother, Mr. J. G. Firth and other relatives in the vicinity. 'v REPAIRING All Kinda MACHINERY Farm Machinery. Cream Separ- ators. Guns and other small " tlcles. All kinds Tools sharpen- ed ; Saws. Axes. Sclnuors. Knives and other Cutlery. No. 2, BENTINCK & GLENELG Machine Shop DURHAM MARKETS Machinict, etc. Nearly opposite Post omce c. MINI. cum: 0. B. but” I Lumen”) S. S. NO. 9, GLENELG r. W. MOON School Reports Durham M I " l 08 Mt 110 'lic. L “MG have. * “an t and a Happy t t and Prosperous t , New Year. 3 t Wishing all our I',' t Friends n 3 - . at! , Merry Christmas It *mwwrvr *VEVE'ME we of Denm'snizoom of Ont tho 303:; Ova I t , HUNTER“ "a. Inn. [Joan-ed And“ torCo "up for... .01!!th tot ale: . 109-16 Ae., Inn (Gard gig - m BRS. umesou e JAMIESIJE omen H Afternoo- llotvn: '-' than“. a W.C. PICKERING B. It s., L I) S uV-.-_ Ti7rru'aG "riGUGiia111r' - an: I not” a “to. iiu'll'Mf'llPh m " II .. - var Javelin Ms nu 'ttttM' lilo Post (no; Offloe and residues. corner Counter. and Limbwn, up”: old Pout on. Oftiee Noun: 0 D " I. m., I.” to. an. 1 to 9 Fm., Sunday. Ind - afternoon chanted. HONOR amount: of 1m Unitas“. . “as” “no at Coll... of 'lL'2fkf,Ce',','f, of Ont grin Ron-- DUIIAI - an - an: 3:55pm. Iguana. Ste. B. IcPllAlL. Ceylon or to C. IAIAGI. burns. - It Kenn” an I ”Jenna:- In tti, " M“! Onio- D. MoPHAIL- " J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. c. P. S. "tt o. n ' UGC.' “but.“ 005: a u Maul“ Wele.et.?,rhtt.,.tee.ttt,eerttr, 0-- J q.mrrrotctro.,diG Yonge and (mark-I on. Toronto This School stun“ MI] with a clean-cut n-cord for tttgherade work. Every graduate of tttig year secured employment Write for catalogue Winter Term Opens Jan. 3rd And you wlll have atarted on the way to better my. Buslneu Ind Shorthand Educutlou. Individual ttt. strucuou. Speclul course unused for tdrmertf sons. Catalogue sent on request. Telephone 2, " t. New ln-rm own. January 2nd [ Inlormmion Free on request l , by mail or phone. C.A.Flettrng. PC, x. G. D. Fleming. Principal Secretary WINTER TERM Opens m. 3 r' Enroll at J. [GIANT 0.0.8. LB. I on. o. E. CARR, ILA. (rm; A GIF ' TILT LISTS Courses, also l’rmntoryeour- Be for Hum» who IIIBHI the titat Chuul'v puhllc school. Give (but boy or girl of your! a gift that luu n Ute time-- and pan dividend. daily--- a course in the Owen Sound. OM. Business. 'elhorttttutd, Farmers’ manoIhco rum and lam-o one IHOI: Our 1. P. “Wolf 0 In! , tt duo-In iaGrr'tr"i'lt',' “ Incl: In)“ “on. o! a. in an: no on “In h. h- p?)) oraf'rffffkf.( i,)', (r'j'j-rrllr')f/slf(liik mom" was" 6NT. or m Ceylou'ilif an be 33h??? " M Tnml‘m w Bleep: 80nd." 1, _ -0 Pt""" "i'diiri;k A. B. GUIBEY w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal W. A. TRJIBLE. Prinetrat 01mm- 4" t--o a. I f i when Ole. .. Pdtul noun. "NEVILLE C l TT an.

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