West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 May 1923, p. 1

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”.VD‘VOT had such fan slnce I hall thr nwaslrs" in a common expmalon mil-ml by Jo: can youths ot today um: sat-h individuals may realize to what O‘H'n' the tun was. if they sullen-41 mun the awash-o u-pldl-mic passing over the ummmnlly. Children are mostly thte victims and fortunately " is a very mild form and their con nnl‘mrnl behind cloud doors ls brier. 'l‘rw m-hool tuttsruianee is greatly rc- chm-d. ttu. teachtsrn in many case-s talking to half tilled rooms. Dr. Httt. ton. M " M. has had 60 red llckots printed and the number of cases will llh-ly far o-u-o-ml that "ttre ere tit" Graduating Dentists Toothache, pyrrohova. abscesses. muralgia. and the whole gauntlet 0t pru..lrnt moth dimmers should be considerably diminished lollowing tha- graduation this Jane of almost G'trr young and ambitious dental surgeon: from the Collar in Toronto. " is the largest class m the history of tips Colic-Lie- and unique in the tact tint" almost all an' returned soldiers. in thr. numb" graduating. four ot tnv young men are known in Durham and vwinity. namely 2 Perry Ross ot Ho:- Ito-ill. who will praetiee in Bloor Bi. West in Toronto: Boga: Renwlclt, llt'omorr. who has plans to start pro- lrssional lite in Bobeaytteon. near Lindsay: Murray Findlay, formerly of [moron who will likely remain n. Toronto and Cecil J. Towner of Strat- tord. who has not as yet. announced his futon plans. from the t the largest Com-gr am armost all ttte numbm yous; men atoms:- i, Annual Meeting of w. "ammo Ttte aumlm mwtinx of Durham Bram-h Women'" Immune was halt: a! the home or Mrs. John Burgess on Thursday afternoon and despite th" eieiteateat canard by the are down Oown. was able to put through consm rrubh- bus-inns. Mr. Wm. Irvin xaw Mwrcal Evcnmg Number Five Measte. Epidcmic ”Xv-WT had Hut an inmmctiw talk on "tr I were a Woman" and said white tte originaliy annual”! that topic as gnawing or Kinca nadir Mano, liv " a Joke, the more tw thigh! over Ii, the serious aid.- ot the topic presen- ted use". The Insumw mam haw decided that they lost a valued lac: member. by Mr. Irwin being a mem- ber ot the male m-x or in other words a mere "mart." In. R. A. Hay am: Mrs. M. Knechtel favored the BUG. loner with an appropriate spring du- e.tt. Ira. J. 8. Mollralth. Dist. Bee y, spoke on hehalt of the district meet- Irttts that will shortly be held and the spealur. Miss Harcourt. that wlll address tt" rsaitwrir.ttsc. The date" an}! plans or that“ meetings wilt be pnbliahedl: mat iam- ct the Revlon The annual “ration of omcera also took tthw.' ti'.'. t',r'i' Pt" s'""tit'work was completed to last fan, a tmatures in. 2:. .isi. The nrwl:, tlre. mil" or two west of PriceTitte, bro- ts.u.ts: Livia , I, fit: J. H. L"3‘-‘»i1‘3,utniing towards Durham, and win is! W.tr. in?" '.'. Mr; John "T probably be not far from town heron ham; Lad H” i ,. r. “in Jirs. s Pau- snow dies again. The road already learnt Nu") ". / py Mies Winnio, constructed is as tine a highway ac', myth: Pro-s! ttw,' ' mics K. Semi, could be desired. "irectors, Misti Mattaret MeGtrr. ---------------.r---. Mrs. T. E. Emma .".r:~. A. "why: NOTICE To FARMERS. . Dist. llirvcsor. Min: ...1. mum-z t c, ' The Durham U. F. o. my. gm. nan Com.. Mrs. N. WON-nel- hits. Association will ship stock from nur- uuh Firth. Mrs. J. Meoteert. At, ham. on Tuesdays. Shippen m " the close or thr business session. tl quested to we the. day" notice. “my lunch was served by the no»; can" "emit. Manager ma. tPhone " r t---1 Dun-hm Returned Masonry will Prose» New T. A, Broadtoot. ot the Prem b: Until] South I'l-ilm Minion. and at [vrrwm humr on turlottgu, will preach '" Jr l'rmm'rrrian Clsttrch on Btttt. cy rum“: mat. May 13tit and wit, '" doubt rise. an interrslinx and an: ,uIno Flbl') of his ".iprrienees in that PosLthce Half Holiday. VOL. XLVI. NO 19 Mr tir, rst Grouping Announced In the tsrst draft of o. A. L A. la. 'Fit wanna. Durham in in No.; nup. lxm-rumlialv tseries, along with lH'lein" and Southampton. Rin. Mine We learn, 38 cropping out. nnnrr is not givrn any Intel-mu:- " grouping. but they may yet pace PM!) in along with Durham and ll ”“tt - . -- moi-l”, I Farm to Rent. Lot 3. con. 4, Gm ‘nn-IK. Apply to IbunMcAullffaburham F'A'Y'b’m _, A""")'".' To?” tll? Apartments for two small families . Tr,.rros wlrrre their revival ml: now 0pm tor rumnl at the lliddauzh [ .er my '.r. rpm Church next :sur House. am arranged r the Pre luxiliary. u Min: Ear} r ot the H re of snarl tsine ot and giving :day my”. the noon. I: loading r or [mum Monday and ; non-.1 week. 601: per his m them in. 'ir,'-':',,, Jiiiijijiiiik" gig-OPICS rit other will be cloud afternoons throughout alum: with the business LOT The new]; (Irr- rJ. J. H. Shtrk: Mrs'. John ura- put. Mrs. 8 Pa.- . Miss Wham» if Wednesday is hrhan's ()'/ Bargain Services One More Week Next Sunday will rum-luau ttw three week's rvvieal mirWort co.nduce ed by Evangvlist Torrie and Mrs Tor rip in the Baptist Church. The mum» lugs have born \wll attended from church Roert, from tar and near and many people who seldom no to church have bow-n often Been in the meetings. Last Sunday night was the crowning svrvivv of all when torty young pou- ple took their stand tor the Lord. Next Tuesday night the evangelism will upon a two weiks. mlssion in m. Muldk Baptist ehurrh. The Prosby- h-riun and Methodist churches haw tttwrt asked to cuoprnzto in this mm sion. When Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Homem- son of Durham wvro- spending Sun day “in: old friends here, they wer, Near Accident Sunday inking a spin around the town and z-t the Hartley House corner to avoid a collision with another car, Tom hm; to take to the sidewalk, his car bumping over the curb and landing; beneath a telegraph pole and a tree without doing any damage, beyond shaking up the occupants of the auto a bit. Fortunately Mr. Henderson was driving at a very moderate pace, otherwise a real smash would have resulted. --Walkertott Telescope. Canadian Ptscitit. Huang:- of Timo __ wl‘h-cllw Sunday. May 13th IN'.,. Important clvarutes in train achrdulr‘s will be maulr. Full particulars from any C. P. R. Agent. Lantern Lecture at High School A hum-m slide lot-lure "The Mas» (wro tthe Atte" will be glvvn by tar. H. Grill in the High School on Mon. day. May 15th. "all game [Ire-cellular it at 6.45 p. m. This is being held un- derthe amrpices of the 'l‘uxls Boys. but all boys and the general pub“:- as well an- 'Iuvllod. Admission is Last Friday Police Magistrato Luidiuw gnu» his wrdk-t in the raw trivdthe week previous against Jas. Wilson. Intspeetor Broke-I. the con; plamant. A tine of $500 and two months in Jail was imposed, but Mr Wilson has appealed the CMH, giving two suwth-s for $1000 van-h, and w.- letit nae! at that in the meantime. Durham merchants are this went inaugurating a Wedrusday and Wed. nesday night bargain day for tho summer months, and much week thesr Wednesday bargain offerings will an pour in the Review on page 4 in a group advertisement. Every mer chant whose announcement appears. has some exceptional maps for ttw public on that day or night. Get the habit-read every store's list every wwk. keep the Review handy until next Wednesday. then have your wants tselected, then come to Durham that day or owning prepared to save rm] cash when doing your shopping. Will Appeal Liquor Judgment “my The Durham Band will be an addi- tional attraction on Wednesday nights giving tine musical programs. Tttego will appear in the centre ot the at!» vertisements on page 4. Work on Durham Road Begins Monday Start now and start ruttt---turn to page tour of mm issue, read each an- vertisement carefully and keep it up vavh week. Spvclal Reduced Suk- at Spirellu Parlors in sizrs from 30 to 36. Mrs. J. C. Nichol. Local Rt'presentacvo Charges in C. P. R. Time Tame Rob Roy Grain Pvieorr-Wo are paying 4se to 50e tor oats, 65e tor Barley. 65c to 68c tor Buckwheat. 31.2010 31.25 tor Peas and 81.15 for Wheat at our elevator this went. Rob Roy Mills Limited Mr. Thos. Nichol. or Prieevme,nra, m town wsnrday. and informs M" he “pm; to re-commence work with his gang. next Monday, building the Durham Road into an improved High. way. He will commence from where work was completed to last fall, a mi.1 or two west or Pricevillo. bur (main: towards Durham, and win probably be not far trom town before snow mes again. The road alreacy constructed is as tine a highway as could be desired. Maid Wanted. Apply at once. Mm Wm. Calder m 'ilihttlittiti, . fltgitttt Day MNntyre's barn, also in line. was fortunately saved. It contained an; oline and a . large quantity of bee hives and equipment-- very infrany mable material. R Lindsay's our war. pulled out but account books from two- sturv he formerly owned Were (u- stroycd, along with three trunks ot (Continued on page 4) Fortunately thrre was practical/c no wind. othm'wise the property mu stroyvd might have been much great pr, and Emma] of the streets wips J, out. An it was iivo residences we“: Miro at (“Harem times--Jas Atkin- son's. H. D. McIntyro's. Robt. Linu- say's, W. fu'. Clurk't,' (recently A. Cet. ton's) and Win. Hill's. All contents ox Mill's house wurv carried out when it was thought posslbly doomed, but an ttct,'ve roof brigade with tho aid. of the l-I.)l'('. sand tho newly built hams. though mol' was cut through in l‘u’rrul places. and house cousin, with!) duruxgod by wan-r. His garage close by (recently Mr Canon's) was coiuzunn'dt Sum-ml pianos were rt" moved from other houses to ensuru safety. The Brigade had the tire out shortly after four but remained lam-:- to onsurv no further outbreak. Congidvmblo intvrost was manifes- twt in Judge Sttthtarlttnd'tt Court how on Tttrsday Inst, attracting besides litigants. some 50 or 60 spectators. A don-km of tive casvs was presented, but interest centred largely in three. Lynn v. Adlam.--Nelghbor farmers in 1lentinek who had been exchan:-,- ing work and in gvnt-rnl living as H customary in the country, but dif- ferences sprung up. Plaintiff matte rlaim at $16.15 for cow service. and for a quantity or oats loaned to De. fendant. Defendant admitted part or the claim and had paid into court the amount of his admission. He made a Counter claim ot $20 for assisting hauling manurp, use of horse, &c. but this was not allowed. After hearing, Judgment was given to Plaintiff for $12.50 and costs. E A. Henry, Solic- itot. for Plaintiff: A. B. Currvy for dvtondant. Roscoe Wren v. Clark Metals-A wage dispute: Plaintiff claimed $196. 45. Defendant admitted $146.15 and paid this amount Into Court. Thr.. dii'ference was accounted for by the Defendant and his witnesses, citingn verbal Agreement made at a meeting held about two years ago, when De. fendtmt frankly told Plaintiff and oth- er workmen that the state of business was such that unless they accepted a lower wage and relinquished back pay, be would have to give up busin- "ea. This. they said. was agreed io by Defendant and others. The Plain- tiff stoutiy denied that he had acqu- ieseed in abandoning his claim to his arrears of pay. Judgment for Plain- tiff tor 314615, the amount paid into Court. E. A. Henry, Solicitor for Plaintiff : 0 E Klein. tor Defendant store was burned nearly ten years ago PM: Lityral Convention 'ite., for has so dangerous 3 tire visited unr- to day, 10th May, has been postponed ing to the unprecedented blocking ham as that last Thursday ulternomz. ow . . . . of roads by the snow storm. ll) next the first business half holiday. week there will likely be another an. About 3 o’clock John McDonald . ' itret noticed smoke arising from tm- nonncement. small garage behind Smith Bros. rep "Every chance tor a genuine sno rr idence on Queen Street., but before a.» storm first week in May," predictor! could quench it. the garage was 2.1 Bows of Chatsworth at the beginnin: intuit-s beyond control and quickly ol' the year. Sure enough this 9th or :ppreadto the two Smith barns mutu- May several inches of the "beautiful" hit to it. Meanwhile the alarm, have fallen and muddy commons sounded by factory whistle and lint will prevail for a day or two. The bell, start" d the town and amp.- snow full will furnish a line moisttuu smoke and flames Were readily no'- that will benefit sowed crops, so it too-Ii. mummy the tire spread to Rob! has its compensations. rlilej'"i,r'.s,.,1if ie,"', "ell.'":':',",:'. Font-n. Hatching Eggs . r Otrt u, an .t u, thumb Ln“ “‘1‘“: Rrtrieod prion-s alter May Is!. in the meantime the lire brigade ham Whit" Lutrhorn, $1 per 15; " p-r engine 1nd rot-ls out and. '"1ttii.i'0,r".1' ftuy. Choice White Orpington, '.l difticult.t getting the engine smtal: y [NT IC, : o. A. C. Strain Barred 'docks plan-d cu the ri'.'er bank. three lin-, 7iic It; y 15.Day old chicks, hatchwl ot boar m-re turned on and tht, bitttc May '21, May 28, June 15, and Jum- controlled. .. ..A (Toss & Sutherland v. C. Mighton-- Action arising out of a furnace instal- lation by Pltuntitta, which Defendant alleged wan defective and refused to pay. Plaintiffs had guaranteed the furnace and on learning ot dissatis- inction had it overhauled and even built a better chimney to secure ir- suit. Defendant and wife and severu. neighbors all teBtifled to injury done the rooms ot tho house by smoke and, tatry substance running down we pipes. There was no contract in writ-3 ing but defendant was to bring in, some wood and pay cash for balance? Judgment tor the Defendant, dismia-' sing action with costs. Judgment for? Defendant for counter claim for 310 without costs. l McDonald v. Halliday-A claim in:- an unsealed account and commission Was settled out ot Court. Not since the Black Hardware More was burned nearly ten years ago has so dangerous it tire visited nur- ham as that last Thursday utternooc, the first business half holiday. Four Town Barns Burned in fieree Blaze Thursday Arnill v. Lawrence-. Unaettled an count. Adjourned to next Court. . Gm. Calder 'v. Jas O’Connell. " hr. and Dan Farrell. Garnisnee: "Judgment against Garnilhee for amount of Judgment. by default." Division Court DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY IO, 1028 With which is mcotponted the some“ Lena Filly years have passed since Mas. onry had its origin here, but during the passing of time, the lodge in town steadily grown. until to-day under nu.- able guidance of Worshlpful Master J. H. Harding, and former equally cu- pable w. M.'s, the membership roll (numbers 124, the largest in us his. .tory. Of this 124 there is only Ono iwho can span the 50 warm-C. L. LGrant. who was a charter member. Durham Masons will Celebrate 50m Anniversary Masonry in Durham will Celebrato its fiftieth birthday on Tuesday or next wrik. The semi- centennial or tho origin of Durham Lodge, No. 30!) will bo marked by big ceremonies. as unique and appropriate in character as were ever held in any community or by any order. Durham’s Population About 1650 Mark To members of the Lodge how. Tuesday will be a day that will stand out prominent in the calendar ot us hlstory and a memorable date as thrs decades pass on to make way tor oth or events. " Me weather permits it is con- f1dvntly expected that 500 Masonic brethren will be visitors of Durham Lodge and extend and reeitve frater- nal greetings. All the lodges or Dist» riot No. 25 will be sending a large quota to town and guests from om- side the district here have also been invited. Committees have been ap- pointed and the work is being duly organized to look after the welfare or the quests. Distinguished visitors will attend this semi-centennial gathering. Nome other than Grand Maater W. N. Pon. ton, K. C., of Belleville and Pas: Grand Master W. D. McPherson, oi' Toronto, will be guests for the any and will give addresses. Thess- mu officers of the Grand Lodge, enjoy it nation wide reputation, not only in Masonic circios. but in highly cultu.-- ed business and professional line" or citizenship. Both are orators ot high rank and their visit to Durham will prove a source of Inspiration to thter iocul brethren. Property values are assessed a; $508,245 and the total assessment Ps $567,630, a small Increase over ms! year. 9.55.1:501‘ Mellraith's roll for 1023 give, tho population of Durham an H336. with a tvw more to be added. This is a small gain ovrr last years ti,i.rures, 1622. Tim-v are 358 children but WOW: 5 and 16 years of age mm 1-1 bvtwwn 16 and 21 years. 16 births and 12 deaths wvrn roeorded. Theo. :m- 65 dogs and bitches reported In the town, including the useless otte.s. The afternoon muting will be new in the Lodge room in town. while tht.' Bresbyterian Church will be the seem- of the evening sessions. A Dunn lunch will be served in the basement and at 8 o'clock the brethren will gather in the auditorium to hear at: dreses and work relative to the great: Masonic Order from their chiefs. Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Um: 3tr, Durham. Ont. Hatching Eggs . Brawn-(l prim-s alter May Is!. Whitr. Lnghorn, $1 prr 15: " p-r 1w. Choico White Orpington, {I Pt't' 15 : o. A. C. Strain Barred Rocks 7iic 1n? 15.1)ay old chicks, hatched May 2.r, May 28, June 15, and Junc.. Masonry is a vital force in Durham and the gathering on Tuesday ls bound to leave an additional imprint in the path or progress tor the Order here. Warden Brown. Chairman Taylor of the Good Roads Committee. Jrw. Johnston. Superintendent of tire County Road System, were in tom; Saturday discussing with Reeve Cur- rey. road improvement, the burning question now locally and pmvincbm'. 181h Filme Developed Free Prints 4c each. glazed tinish. Fir.. ished twice a week. Liberal Convention Postponed Tuesday to be a Red Letter Day for Local Lodge-Grand Master Pon. ton Coming. F'. W. KELSEY, Durham I Assessor Mew-am: was paid $80 on t account. l, Permission was given to Bell Teie 1 phone Co. to erect poles on Elm Street (for telephone to In Matthew's rest Idence. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hume. Drer more. announce the engagement of their daughter Emv, to Mr. Earle w. McHenry, Brighton. son of Mr and Mrs. J. C. McHenry, Toronto, the marriage to take place in May. Mr. Wm Irwin. Mr and Mrs Frank Irwin and Mrs. George Menon. ald wore in Guelph last Friday. The tormt-r attended a district press moot- ing. SiBBALD-On Lambton St. East, Durham, May 8th, to Mr and Mrs John Sibbald. a daughter. After routine, much discussion toox place over the question of street oi'.- ing. the modern way. to ovvrcomn- lim- dust nuisance. Mr R. G. Lye, a repro" scntative ot' the Imperial Oil Co. wav, present. and gave expert information. Their represntative here is Mr Dom ner. Mssrs John Smith. supported by J A Rowland, Zenus Clark and on;- ers. pressed the Council to extend tire area on Gural'raxa Street to be treat- Mr. James Burt is back to Durham, for tho summer months, from Kim duties at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Council met in regular meeting nn Monday evening and trot to their places with commendable promptmw. ed further south than Smith's gar- Me. Council agreed to fix South St. as the limit on the south. C. P. R. crossing the limit on the north. to be undertaken without delay. Reeve Cur- rey intimated that there was $1500 available ot County money to 888151 improving Durham Streets. but Coun- cil must make disbursements tiret. Mr and Mrs R. H.Isaae nud daugh- ter Margaret. accompanied by Mrs. Will Firth, visits-d with Irromore tihmds the beginning: of the “wk. Dr. and Mrs C. Park, Hamilton, v.3 Hm! kin mother here on Tuesday. They have said their fitte summur 110er at Soulhmnpton but will in- stead more to Dundas. whore Burs Park's early years wore spun. wee' Mrs. Alex Kearney lett last Weck to join hm husband at Schumann. where he has been appointed mark: gel' of tho Royal Bank tltrre. Mrs. Jake Kress and daughter Miss Maude, spent a few days last Week in Toronto. Miss Mary Caldrt roturnu: hm week h.nd from Toronto, where sm- visitt-d for a week with fricnds. Mr. John P. Whelan of Hamilton, tun-m 'l‘lursdcy of last week with his mothvr in town. John [inmost-.2 with Mrs. Wlnlztn and daughtt-r Nur- Inn. to spend two or more montm touring: Europe this coming summon: Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder left Tue. day to visit for two wwks with mud; in Toronto and Port Credit. Mrs. Airs. McMillan of Prim-vim. visited ovor the wu-k end with how cumin. Mrs. Jno. littz'tjvw. Miss Lavina Murilvy of Dornoch. was the guest of her friend, Miss Mar) Mckeehnie ovr the week and. Mrs Norman Kelsey (mm Miss no"? Cameron) is a visitor among her hu+ band's relatives and other old 1tiendc,. Finally on motion of currey-Mu_ dock, it was moved and carried that Council purchase from Imperial Oil Co,, 3200 gallons or oil at n 35-100 cents a gallon. to be shipped not lat. er than May 21, and that. the Ctt, send a man to assist in unloading tum spreading. Clerk Vollct, on motion of Murdock --Bell, was granted a weekly half holiday. same as buslneas men. The community will please remember this. Mrs E. L. Knight and Miss Winn:- Park were in Toronto ttw first of the Mrs. n." Eden was granted 830 on her claim for injury on sidewalk In December last. Thos Daniels and others remit-Em more lights on Elgin Street from Sau. dler Street to Cement works. Mr. Douglas Campbell ot mini Itlvor. formerly of North maniac-u. is talking of prospoeting in the Que- twe gold fields this summnr. Mr. John McCoskt-ty is In Torontu receiving treatment in a hospital thepo for his cars which have been treubling him for some time back. Ipaiest word tail; of him teeling sum-n IN hat improved. ' Mr. Ernest McGirr, B. A., who ..; graduating as a. High School teacher, from the College of Educallon. Tumu- to, in June, has been engaged at :1. rr- munerativo tiqurv in Gait Collegiate Institute for next (um. He hm spoeiiulze0 in English and History. i"E Street will be Ghd. .", BORN TORONTO 3; iiehMhh"ihh'vhhh""i1"a1ohiilh1"h"' "ls, h, PM MlWMNWNPWlWl'iMAlWPlPM8?jW?iy,tt , as l.' ". Save our praiit sharing coupons and in r.-mr;1 N's u i will be well supplied with Community par plate smol- ware. C-di H Morlock ik S C O a ons g"""'""" "I"""'"' I 39 Everything you Require in t t New Silks for Summer Wear it.. S. McBETH Jlc'y Durham Branch, The F armer's Partner Now sell enough paper for the side walls of another mum 'of same size and same priced paper. Your choice of whole stock. If you buy enough paper for one, room, we will give for One Dollar tt DRECO MCFADDEN’S DRUG STORE Secure your Fishing Tackle Here taraaaa;as 33333335 .""' 3314* We are sole Agonts for the famous I'cnas Siik il um Have you. tried a pair of these Base? (3 dun-s ir i L it: Isltsek,navy,white,beigo, errrdovan brown. mm», 52%.»: and dove in plain, fancy ribbed and Max. The Gingham Season is now at. hand. thtr sxlrply is large and consists of a large variety of psuerns from which to choose from. A fresh new stock of Belding's High G rude Silks just to hand, including Duchess. Taffetas. Pullman Messa- lines, Wash Sarina, Sport Satins and Crepe de chenc< Continued for This Week WALL PAPER SALE (llliiighliB, GINGHAMS, GINGIIAMS REXALL DRUG STORE Weean supply the needs of the most particulu angler in Rods, Reels, Flier, Hooks, etc. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EtGHTY.THRF.P. MILLIONS Publhlml Weekly at 02.00 I year In advance. To Utiitr.d Sula-L 82.50 a year In advance. C. RAMAGE & SON, Putrtishertt Wallpaper, Furniture Polish, Disinfectants Formaldehyde. Fishing Tackle, Garden Seeds Moth Balls, Moth Bags, Camphor Flakes. Lavender Flakes, Cedar Nukes. Etc. This Bank has been so closely associated with uni develop ment in the put half century that it is and charm u the Farmer's Partner If you me looking for practical banking with!» be out loal Manager demon-true "Standard" nudes. l! TH I STANDggg BANK Brincha also at Priceville and Wil'jumdonl. Bank. like an individual. is known by the company it ' keeps -- in other words, every bank has a distinct character. Tine, This is the Place to Buy VENUS SILK HOSE . . . John Kelly, Manage. the new stomach Tonic medicine at same price as City Cut-rate Stores DISINFECTANTS Druggist and Station" - DURHAM m " 1%!

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