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Durham Review (1897), 28 Jun 1923, p. 9

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44 e *~* reiape s mills â€"â€" _ DURBHAM gg REHBEEBEEEEEGEMHRHEMSBERE @HNNNNAINNINNIINUNNNNeammmmmmmmmmmemmmmemmetimemme»...........___ fi Sovereign Flour, Eclipse Flour, White Lily Pastry Flour g gg Wheat Cereal, Rolled Oats, Bran, Shorts, Feed g 3. Flour, Oat Chop, Crimped Oats, Mixed Chop, $ 5s Mixed Grain for Poultry Food, Blatchford‘s ¢ an Calf Meal, Pig meal and Poultry feeds. B s Our feeds are of the best quality and our & é:g Flour ishguaranteed. Our prices are right for E spot cash. * g.f- Highest Priee Paid for any quantity of Wheat delivered s «s at the Mill. Goods Delivered Every Day i fi Phone No 8, Day or Night. g ies $ JOHN McGOWAN s 3 The Masalt. im sA W hes s Flour ao Mixec % Calf M |s2el 0 gxxuxxmxxsxxxxaxxmxxumx3% gEvery Day a Bargain Day & F. W. MOOCN, Machinist, Etc. pairing. Call and see the Melotte Cream Separator buy elsewhere. Buy where the quality is good All kinds of Cream Separators repaired, S me.d.. Lawn Mowers and Tooly sharnansdt â€" Lt Magnet Cream Separators Lister and Canuck Engines, Lister Grain Grinders Lister Ensilage Cutters, Lister Milking Machines Lister Farm Light Plants, Lis. Bruston Automatic Plants Melotte R. J ARNILL, â€" _ Holstein Highest Prices Paid for Eggs, Cream Greeneâ€"Swift Made-to-Mre;s'l'l;e Suits Ladies‘ Summer Dress Gdods THE PEOPLE‘S MILLs Groceries Seed Corn on Hand The loss you would have to take on the reâ€"sale of a $2,000 to $4,000 car would DURHAM MACHINE sHoP Their Agent wil 15th, 1923, with a the date., SPECIALâ€"LUDELLA TEAâ€"Only &g: in you receive a. good China CUP ANI is equal to Salada and Cup and Saucer TY 2 h Ahd be AAn@iment Print, Ginghams, Voile, Organdie (White and Colored) Long Cloth, Nainsook, Lawn, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton, Embroidery, Embroidery Cotton, Lace for Trimâ€" ming, Ladies‘ White, Brown, Tan, Grey & Black Silk Hose NOTICEâ€"WE arE AGENTS FOR THE ToÂ¥ a Th ang y2, _ _ . _ _ W SR ORUCET casily worth 35¢. Try a ib and be convinced. CcOmFOoRTt soar DEALâ€"With 12 bars of Soap for $1 a Towel is given FREE. Quaker Corn Flakes, wax tite ««+«.....10¢ per package Wasstaffe‘s Raspberry and Strawberry Jam. This is the time to May vaour Shresue Puda uas insy o o Compton‘s Early, White Cap, Southern consin No. 7. Mange!, Turnip and Owarf Essex F JUST ARRIVEDâ€"â€"a Shipment of Also have Agency for I wapsomiedith .A 4. B0 .. a s 2 d c 1+ ) Salada and Cup and Saucer easily and be convinced. Cream â€" Separators L narators repaired, Saws gumâ€" Tools sharpened. General Reâ€" AT , Durham "HTY b2ap, southern Sweet and Wisâ€" consin No. 7. and Dwarf Essex Rape Seed. and Strawberry Jam.â€" mss your SUGAR. Our price is right Nearly opp‘te Post Office â€"Unly Egc per 1b. With CUP AND SAUCER. Tea beforé you | David Alles 60 M elgas: * Snd ie O Ceil | Margaret Aberdein 79 per | James Adams 69.5 (1) | Ella Ellis 67 (2) Martin Bye Ewart Alles Irene West t The numbers after the per cent inâ€" dicate the number of subjects in 'whlch the student received first ciass ‘ honors or 75 per cent. . To pass the | examination it was required of eac» ;‘nqdent to obtain fifty per cent mm ; each subject. | _ _Form 1 wrote on Zoology, Geograâ€" | phy, History and Grammar : Form i; | on Zoology, Physiography, Art and | Arithmetic. Fourteen students wrote their Lowâ€" ‘ @r School. f Archie Walls Lower School Exam. Results Holstein Continuation School _ Holstein will celebrate the glortous 12th this year, when 13 or 14 lodges are expected to attend. It is a nump»â€" er of years since Holstein had the Orangemen here and a big day or speaking and sports is planned. Both churches wil} provide meals, and will withhold grants unless steps are taken to build. If a building is to be erected, it would likely be a four roomed one, towards which the Gov‘t would furnish liberal grants. _ The question will be decided at a public meeting Thursday evening. | the pres and will A new Continuation School, or : is a burning question for Holstein present. It seems the Educat Dept. HAS @XDrecunit | Masesuc. 1 MÂ¥ J. J. Maloney of Dundas, occuâ€" pied the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday of last week, gave a fine lecture Monâ€" day on "Mixed Marriages" and also spoke at the Garden Party Tuesday. He will be heard here again in the near future. Mrs Petrie and Mrs W. A. Reid atâ€" tended the wedding of Miss Colbeck in Toronto last week. Mrs Watson returned _ to Saturday after a week with ents, Mr and Mrs W. H. Roc Mrs Hostetter returned after a couple of weeks pl it in Detroit. The Ladies‘ Aid Garden Party in the Park last Tuesday was a complete success, many enjoying the program _and other attractions on a warm eyâ€" ening. The proceeds after expenses were met, were about $90. The Ladies‘ Aid of the Methodist Church wish to thank all those wuno so kindly assisted in lighting ana other work to make the Garden Party the success it was. f Holstein streets ha good coating of oil a are free from the dust summer, 2. mCRenZie, Miss Davidson has ’been reâ€"engaged for next year. Both rooms are well filled and if the schoot population shows much increase, anâ€" other teacher is a possibility. The Library Board are offering a special rate of 50¢ to the end of 1923 to new members. Mr. Robt. Freeman, Duluth, and Geo. Freeman, Mt. Forest, were recâ€" ent visitors on many friends in the village. C has expressed disapproval of bresent premises as a schoolroom axily ce v c The Public School t engaged Miss Floyd of Junior room teacher suce M. McKenzie. Miss T been reâ€"engaged for next Misses Edith and Pearl Dingwak are holidaying a week at Hamilton, Winona and elsewhere. Rev. and Mrs. Truax and sons of Grand Valley, visited the first of the week with her sisters, Misses Mar:a and Sarah Brown. Fine new cement steps have been built in front of the Presbyterian Church and the windows reâ€"painted, improving the exterior of the church in keeping with the interior, whicn was recently renovated. Miss Snyder is presiding at the Entâ€" rance examinations here this weex. are writing the Entran;:é exams in Holstein â€"school. Who will win the medal ? Miss Jennie Christie who has been visiting old friends in St Marys, has returned home reporting a pleasant holiday. , The regular meeting of the Womâ€" en‘s Institute was held at the home of the Misses Morrison, Thursday June 22nd, 21 ladies being present. The Inâ€" stitute are donating three prizes, 1st, $1.50 : 2nd, $1: 3rd, 50c at the Fall Fair to the girl making best house dress. Open only to girls belonging to sewing class. The report of the anâ€" nual meeting given by Miss Morrison was much enjoyed, our Holstein branch showing up 1st in the District for amount of funds raised, Durham and Hoilstein equal in membership and 2nd in papers. The annual picnic will be held at Mrs Rogers, July 26th. : tiiin td db w W miindit ids sict Bsc 4s 1120 St., Holstein, Monday and Tuesday or each week, beginning July 2nd. St. Clarens Ave., '1‘;);'1;;“0.~ “wilvl' duct a branch office at his home, Dr. E. W. Linklater of St. Michâ€" ael‘s Hospital, Torgnto, spent a rew days with Dr. McLellan. We are glad to announce that Dr. Percy J. Ross, who has taken over a dental practice at Boor St. W. and FORM 11 "5. per cent (3) _79.8 per cent (4) 79.5 per cent (3) HOLSTEIN LEADER Oor 95.7 per cent (4) ! accompanied by Mr LOCAL AND PERSONAL are pleased to report 29 pupils fi..,wfigfmfis Chgh 'f’,"‘;l i teacher succeedlnéuM iss oil ard our cltiz;ns have received a cent (3) | __to Toronto with her parâ€" . Rogers. menace for the d Saturday pleasant visâ€" Education , or not, Chesley â€" as St. W. ana Mr an ently at At _ _Mrs Jas. Allan is vi':n; with her daughter, Mrs. Miss Jgaq Kerr and Miss Kate Allan with Miss Bone left for their h nipeg on T_hursda,v last. ulc i e t on ‘and adjacent points, will be held in ‘‘r and Mrs Wm. Lawrence of Durâ€" i High Park, Toronto, _ on Saturcay, ham, with Mr and Mrs Lorne Clark | July 7th. , All who purpose attenging and Mrs Heslip, were the guests of| w be at‘ the Bloor St. Entrance to Mr and Mrs .D. Davis on Sunday. the Park at 3 p. m. that cate. | A number of friends and relatives An Egremont Boy Stepping Up. | enjoyed a pleasant evening last weex Mr. R. Wells, now oi â€" Punnicny | at the home of Mrs Jas Allan in honor | Sask., but rorm;rly a resident of Droâ€". of her daughter, Miss Kate Allan who l more vicinity, is gradually rising in | was accompanied from Winnipeg with his chosen calling and is now mana;â€" her pal, Miss Bone. ‘The guests SPERL| on of the Bank of Montreal at Punâ€". an enj'oy&ltble evening â€" dancing and nichy. _ He entered the Merchants ; card playing. § it Mr and Mrs Wm. Gordon and family f:: kaf(::rc;l::“’zg ‘: ;‘::rm;xei:e 1:,’;:‘ bent Sunday at the home of Mr. D: / transferred to Souris, Man. 2%% years| Long‘s. | was spent there and from nere wen:| sozl:"(szrxv?t;r:o"::: ostpell)x‘:lll.lz:;ma :l"'l! to Shaunavon, Sask. where he reâ€" | days with the f6rmer‘s daughter, Mrs| :,‘:::::.:eie::s D:;}:r:a;a:? !::) :;:'é: x‘ Wm. Nelson who is quite indisposed | place Ne Oonanayâ€", . â€"@, . ____" it which i at present. | enjoyed a pleasant even ’ at the home of Mrs Jas 4 of ‘her daughter, Miss Ka was accompanied from W her pal, Miss Bone. The an enjoyable evening . ( card playing. Mr and Mrs Wm. Gordo spent Sunday at the hon Long‘s. Mr Mr and Mrs Wm. Lawrence of Dur. ham, with Mr and Mrs Lorne Clark and Mrs Heslip, were the guests or Mr and Mrs .D. Davis on Sunday. A number of friends and relatives NC C7 RS, enane o 1 WiiddrnliPatuinet act 1i M 31 Mildmay 8 1 0 \ a Holstein 2 1 1 ‘ 93 Walkerton 0 3 1 1 June 29th, Holstein at Walkerton d Mildmay won from Holstein 1â€"0 i; © | Mildmay. Some 15 carload of fan: ‘€ | followed the Holstein team to Mil may on Friday, June22nd and were re * | warded for the trip for although Hol: 8 | stein lost, it was one of the best ex. © | hibitions of football seen there for some time. The weather was threatâ€" © | ening but held off for the game atâ€" ° | though the heat was almost unbearâ€" ‘ | able. There was not a breeze which * | made it better for good football. The | game started off slow for the first 5 minutes, throw ins being numerous, | but the next 25 minutes were full or ‘ | thrills both goals being tried and with | Holstein having much â€" the better| | play. But the period ended 0â€"s. Mildmay scored in the second halt after 10 min. play when Schefter got a rebound off one of the backs ang: and drifted a hot one just under tnc, bar. From then on Mildmay had the better of the play although Holstetn were always dangerous and only for I some good saves by Wendt, wou n |. have evened the score. Holstein go P to Walkerton Friday and have to doâ€" Ii feat Walkerton to stay in the running. ( Hawkins of Southampton handlel‘( the game at Mildmay to the satisfacâ€" I tion of all. 2 HOLSTEIN MILDMAY u Roy Pinder Goal C. E. Wenat c C, MeArthur Backs Pletsen e Bert Gibson Schmidt a C. McArthur _ Haif Backs _ Kunkel Jas Blyth Schurr ia P. Whyte Ellegg SC C. Calder Forwards Doerring pe R. Pinder Kaufman dr B. Eccles Schefter di R. Dickson Diebel nc N. Dickson tirudn 2. Holstein Loses to Mildmay ALLAN‘S CORNERS i mooie e e eente? Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"Jean Renwick 81. Jr. HIL to Sr. IIIâ€"Margaret Leith 77, Robert Renwick 77, Alexander Tay. lor 75, Lucy Wells 70, Roy Tucker 63, Hazel Wison, rec. (Unable to write examinations.) Sr II to Jr IHIâ€"Isaâ€" bel Hastie 76, Beulah McKenzie 69 Jr II to Sr 1Iâ€"Raymond Hornsby 83, Annie Wells 76, Russel Taylor, rec. (unable to write exams.) Pr. tolst â€"Billie Renwick. Pr. Jr. to Pr. Srâ€" Nellie Hargrave, Orval Eecles, Lorne MceMurdo. _ Pr B to Pr Aâ€"Thomas Watson. | Mrs R. Lewis visited rec. the latter‘s home, Mr Jas, PROMOoTION EXaAminaTioNns prRo. MORE SCHooL (Pass 60 per cent, Honours 75 per cent. Figures indicate per cent.) & am i s 222 C Ellis, Helen Smith Sr Pr to Jr Iâ€"Marie Aitken, Marâ€" jorie Nelson, Walter Aitken, M. Aitâ€" ken, Freda Lawrence, Beverly Gibson, Irene Ellis. Jr Pr to Sr Prâ€"Kenneth Nicholson, Bert Mather, Frank Gadd, Vincent vus s se 3 & w (Junior Room) Bobbie Christie, Gertrude West, Margaret McPhaden, Daniel O‘Connell Cecil Johnston; ~John Lewis, Hazet Smith, Clara Arnill, Carman Tyndali, Billie Arnill, Vera Allan, Irene Mcâ€" Call, Margaret Heaney, Sr I to Jr IIâ€"Margaret Irwin, Mary Woodyard, Norma Johnston, â€"Morr:s Fiddler, Wilma Bilton, Charlie Mow-‘ bray, Eva Gadd. To Sr IIIâ€"Honors : Brown Irvin, Denzil Haas. Pass : Lizzie McKenâ€" zie, Beatrice Smith, Inez Leith, Isabel Leith, Viola Johnston, Sadie McCall, J. E. Davidson, Teacher ton, Sandy McKenzie, Ro;i Stglla. Woodyard. Allan is vislilég at present ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS ToRronto THE DURHAM REVIEW EVA A. RENTON, Teacher the trip for although Holâ€" t was one of the best exâ€" football seen there for The weather was threatâ€" eld off for the game al«l heat was almost unbearâ€" GROUP NO. 9 won lost tied to play Pts 3. Ed. Lindsay. id sister Mary, . Brown, spent h her friend, home in Winâ€" V McKenzie, Teacher E. Wenat Pletsen Schmidt Kunkel Schurr Ellegg Doerring Kaufman Schefter Diebel Weiler Yine t ind Airviantcricatee t L ine country around is covered with poplar trees and is . very préetiy. Prairie chicken, bartridge and wil; duck are very thick. â€" Indian Reserve» are quite close by and it is not u:: usual to see numbers of them in town, | Pe manager at Dollard, Sask, at whicn | place he opened a new branch. After |serving at Dollard a year and a hair, he was transferred to Antler, Sask., ,as manager. In 1921 when the Merâ€" chants was taken over by the Banx of Montreal, he stayed on as Manlgerl and this past month was" promotec | to the Punnichy Branch. This place | is situated in the Touchwood hii:s,' west of Melville and is naw a......‘"| Aitken, and adjacent poi;tas" We noticed the other day the genâ€" ial George Smith in one of his hanaâ€" some new cars teaching a lady in the: person of Miss Susannah Snell to | drive. _ His extra geniality was not| due to the result of the election, that | not being known then, but to the pre»â€" | ence of an estimable lady by his side. ' The annual picnic in Toronto or| exâ€"residents of Egremont Township | and AMtnnant «.104 TW At the C. E. meeting in the evenin: at the same place, the subject was ts ken by Mr Chas, Mecinnis of Fairbairr congregation, on "The moral standard of living." He spoke in an interest. Iing way, citing incidents of his earty ‘days and showing the influence of | early training in others whom he had met. Upon following the diction ang guidance of the Ten commandments, upon some of which he spoke, one could not go astray. Making it interâ€" esting, he was altentively listened io and appreciated. | & At Amos Church on Sunday last Mr. Robt. Renwick, an honored elder of ‘ the church and commissioner to the . | General Assembly held at Port Artiâ€" ‘| ur, gave an address descriptive of the ‘| meeting and his diffidence and feeling | of almost regret at first, but felt hignâ€" | ly honored and pleased. He spoke in : an lm.erestlng way of the journey thither and meted out sincere & grea; praise to the people of Port Arthur | in their hospitality and christian spir-; | it exhibited and was as surprising as | | it was pleasing. The church there | had a sceating capacity of 1400 and | was filled at times. The utmost def.| erence was shown too at all times at | ’the announcement of any vote, Conâ€"| vincing arguments pro and con were | given by the various speakers there, | high excitement though well controlâ€" led was felt at the momentous issues | being discussed. Mr Renwick having | taken copious notes, promises some | more in the future. However now tha Conservative party w bility be called on to will be interesting to tempt to hold down en how they will boost th and squander timber 1 WOsA insl inscc h Lo L1 +7 1 4 of a province like Ontario, mainly agâ€" ricultural, with the idle dream their interests will be better looker after, than from a gov‘t such as we have had for the past 4 years, can only be the hope of an idiot. nts | D "itine this Tuesday morning, we’::etm&?l::gbob(: fll;itl:l::: "‘‘‘The |are not in possession of the actual ; 1 under your painstaking care results of the election but if half the | ye d°° ubl‘llll: e:s). teacher, has made reports are true, it is abundantly ev:| 4" Iubly rowth and .we value eqâ€"‘ dent that a most deter mmfi? eflon’z;ill!ll;ru ;u‘ch the impress of your has been made by the com ning of | j the Grit and Torz parties to cmsh,chamcter on ‘the ;n :;:!ds c:f :‘l,le :::; out the farmers from political power ©AMe under chese . w is n smail and in this respect we are justified in 3°4 !9 :cept these Etjon. | thinking that Durham has played ajtol“;:“z r:ur ::;fi;ecm lose you as a very prominent part along with them. | tésch ‘;:) there will be many | Just whether they will succeed in |‘©2ther we hope have youwith | doing so, time alone will tell, but on« | °CC@8i0n8 'l;;:n:: ::nb e;:" );t s. s.| thing we are absolutely sure of ts ;’:’ af;"m lont # ; the fact that never again will it be . 13, Egre * | possible to whip the farmers into big.| Al@x@nder Taylor Jlembe:‘;:";k | oted partyism as in former times, | James Sm;l‘: h s; b “7' ne i While somewhat loathe to think so,| Ma@rgaret Leit HiGgiv mox es:a ‘ we are almost constrained to say that Miss Renton fee mkiy _ exp ries“ , a& considerable proportion of our far.| "ADY thanks for the kind APD r:lc; on‘-, mer are a stupid and indifferent class | and beautiful gifts, after whic .':' of people, and are not able to and qo ‘ short program was given by the chlla-l ] not appreciate good government,. To "*" ANd all partook of a luncheon. | elect a gov‘t largely, if not entirery.l w M lfi zww : composed of lawyers and doctors and ’ Manufacturers to conduct the businessl FII::,_B. ‘:.,'”.‘- Fm % ag o 2 Sm No AP OO Writing this Tuesday morning, we are not in possession of the actual results of the election but if half the reports are true, it is abundantly ev:â€" dent that a most determined effort has been made by the combining of the Grit and Tory parties to crush out the farmers from political power and in this respect we are justified in thinking that Durham has nlaved a That the election of Dr. Jamieson is due largely, if not entirely to the red herring held out by him on the ©. ance people particularly of the type they have in some localities near here, we could be sport enough to offer congratulations. Well here we are again, cast down yet not discouraged, disappointed yet not dismayed. The most notable election in the history of the Province with three contending parties seeking control of its affairs is now over, and were it not for the fact that it is cerâ€" tainly a notable triumph for the liqâ€" uor interests, assisted by the temperâ€" NORTH EGREMONT i the Touchwood ;fl:; ille and is new couniry, around is covered with BLYTH‘S CORNERS neeting in the evening ce, the subject was thaâ€" . Melnnis of Fairbairn "The moral standard spoke in an interestâ€" party will in al l;)l:OblI where he reâ€"| as promoted to | Sask, at whicn | _branch, Arter,‘ ear and a hair,| Antler, Sask.,| when the Merâ€". r by the Banx / on as Mlnlgerl was ‘ promotec h. This place | uchwood hii:.-'.’ that the o form a Gov‘t, it o note their atâ€" extravagance and things in genera;, limits, etc., etc. W in B wobbling BANK OF Films Developed Free Prints 4c each, glazed finish. Finâ€" ished twice a week. Films left ar D. C. Town‘s Jewelry Store will reâ€" ceive prompt attention. us again. Signed on behalf of S. 8. No. 13, Egremont. Alexander Taylor Jean Renwick James Smail Isabel Hastre â€" Margaret Leith Ruby Weiis | Miss Renton feclingly expressed, many thanks for the kind appreciation | and beautiful gifts, after which â€" a j short program was given by the chilaâ€"‘ ren and all partook of a luncheon. | children to make the following pre» entation to Miss Eva Renton who has resigned her duties in above schoo1. Master James Smail, acting as chairâ€" man, called upon Miss Jean Renwick to read an address while Miss Margâ€" aret Leith presented Miss Rentou with a vanity bag and Masters Alexâ€" ander Taylor and Robert Renwic« with a club bag. The following is the address : | Miss E. A. Renton, i Dear Friend,â€" i It is with very sincere regret we learned of your decision to sever your connections with this section,‘ where for two years you have givenl' us faithful service as teacher of our school. In these years we have learnâ€" ed to look upon you as a friend indeec and asociations have been formed in A pleasant hour was spent at 8. S. No. 13, Egremont, on Tuesday after noon, June 26th. About 3 o‘cloc«k many of the parents met with the Total Assets in Excess Presentation to Teacher | ring . KELSEY, Durham _ _ "~*~@HEeS, r ver every Provy. ince and form a reliabl, : CPrOAnmn ane t2t_ C m m “ from the 'M""'i-i- _ . , Amarters 6N) Rusl ce of the m’l tbeCl'oplinCan,.d.. These re. e and while: b:axl:, one full minute, The reports are furnished free. lz Upon maayflrâ€"uo]‘&e Bank your name will be placed on our mailing list, 1 EECCCTD ACIIUED IH 4 to 8°VEr up and sit on the ve sectIOn, | she will soon be qui ve given| »frs Thos, Reid‘s r of OUr‘ plad that she is able ve JeA nousehold duties af d indeec¢ sickness. rmed Iin. Hirs Amos who wa Sam ie +1.... *Z, werto. From time jam is taken off fire, allow to stand not over 5 minutes, by the clock, before pouring, _ In the meantime, skim, and stir occasionally to cool slightly. ‘Then pour quicll]y. EK in open glasses, paraffin at once. If in Jars, seal at once, and invert for 10 minutes to sterilize the tops. remove from fire and stir in half bottle (scant % cup) Carto, " p_=â€" | _ Build a garage with the difference ‘between the price of a Ford and any ‘other car. See Smith Bros. at once., _ Mrs F. Ihome in |_ Miss Jessie Clark has spent the . last two week ends in Durham, White there she visited her sister, 1 rg. , Wallace, a patient in the hospital. | Miss Bessie Alles arrived home from Toronto or Saturday evening for a tos 'd;_v‘s vacation. She was accompanied ) by her friend, Miss Gibson. summer visit to her Mrs. W. H. Rogers. Mrs. T. Keith. F. Reid, wife and children and Mi Jessie Merchant spent the week eng * in Owen Sound. _ Miss Helen Urgquâ€" hart acompanied them home. Little Florence who spent the last five weels with her grand parents, also returnâ€" ed with them., Mr and Mrs Brunkard and family, from near Drayton, were recent week end guests at her parents, Mr anc »APPCCCHIY iL VTORC tne excessive heat as toâ€"day is much cooler with a high | wind. f We were very glad to hear that Mre |H. Sinclair, who has spent so many . tedious months in bed, is able to be up and sit on the verandah, We hope she will soon be quite strong. | _ _Mrs. Thos. Reid‘s friends are also glad that she is able to resume some household duties after many w.e..:> Mrs Amos who was ill at Alex Merâ€" chant‘s, recovered suffi¢iently to ho removed to Durham Hospital by Dr, Sneath. | Last Wednesday a gc the Fairbairn W. M. S e e s coog were Admired and the company dis. persed after the thunder storm pasâ€" sed by. Yesterday‘s rain was very welcome, Apparently it broke the excessive heat as toâ€"day is much cooler with a );», CREEEC TTWe Spent AIveP the Program an appetizing lunch was served. . neighbors were also present, q . pleasant and we hope, profitable ernoon was spent. After the pros nc FEaIrDaIrn w. M. 3. Bathereq Mrs. Groat‘s home for their j meeting. _ A few other friends HNt %» cup) Certo. From is taken off fire, allow to Avor hact k o " Watson has returned to her Toronto after her second isit to her parents, Mr ana good numbe , 1923 many wee}‘s and flowers Juno of at 40 Annual Bowling T Com., Mrs. McBeth : Entertain Mrs R. MacFarliane. _ The ladie have the use of the bowling gre Monday, Wednesday and Friday noons. Al ladies wishing to are invited to join the Club, n application to President or Secr Friday last was a gala day for lers and their friends on the green. The day turned out to 1 of the best, though as night 1 became considerably cooler . at those not actively engaged i sport, it was even cold. _ Ho Canadian Greys‘ Chapter, 1. O. had a tent on the grounds all da supplied the players with ho cold drinks if desired, as well a er edibles. 19 Rinks were in the terest was held high t day. _ Durham Club handsome prizes to t rinks and they were y The first prise went 10 mus rink from Hanover form of four «crrving member of the rink : 2 rink, O,. Sound, four s Dad Merriam‘s rink, Ch electric stoves : 4th, T. rizk, Durham, four The As we have stated there w« rinks in the pisy and cight 0f were from Duszham. ‘The rem rinks and the numbor of rimg were from Owen Sound 1, : worth 2, Mt. Porest 2, Chesicy 1 over 3, Clarksburg 1, Arthur 1. The Hahn Trophy was ailso fought for by the Hanover rin they succeeded in taking it back them by the difference of one & The play proved to be throw of the most pleasant nature, J. O. D. E. will clear around $4« the sale of articles at their bos The annual Garden ] och Presbyterian chure on the church ground evening July lith S trom 6 to & p. m. ev. P. T. 4 of Knox Church, 0. Sound . wi dress the gathering and Rev, Mi ham 0f Chesley is also expected. Janet Gilchrist, soprano soloist Sound, will be present and solos, also the Male Quartette Knox Ch., ©. Sound. Admissio children 15¢. Lady Bowlers have Organized A number of* the dady enth in lawn bowling met or the gi Tuesday atternoon and organiz Durham Ladies‘ Bowling ©Clu the following officers : President, Mrs (Dr) Pickering : Pres., Mrs. 8. D. Croit : Sec‘y Mrs. C. Robbins : Executive C Chairman, Mrs. Harding : Loses her Brother by Death Mrs. W. B. Voliett will mou loss of her only surviving brot death in Parkdale, Mr. Robt. & land, in his 82 year, Me was 4 pioneer business men ol Pa and had been in the insurance ess for over 30 years. HMe lea mourn him his wite, two dauy Helen L. and Lilian A. at honf one son Fred K. J.. Edmontor was a member ol St. James Ar Church in the city. Will be Principal at Parry Soun Mr. C. H. Danard, Principal lose Crowded out this Week Owing to the crowded condi our columns this week, we are 10 deave over our continued s the Press trip to the Maritime | ces tette will be tainers. . LA p. im. Adm Rob Roy Grain Pricesâ€"W paying 48c to 50c for Oats, Bariey, 65¢ to 68e for Bu $1.20 to $1.25 for Poas an Â¥or Wheat at our clevator thi Rob Roy Milis VOL. XLVI, NO Use British American Gasol starts quicker and goes furthe ut Bmith Bros. Garage. Three piece oak bedroom sale. . snap. *Apply at resid Phone 76. Mrs. A. W. H. A serious shortage ol sweet seed is predicted, therefore a seed as possible should be sav« were in the play a held high throughor am Club had d« vs‘ Chapter the ground players . desired, as Sup1 the â€" four well cont 0 the Ber To ea ler and tC 8 WOT Ved 108 bo T Dh how ro

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