West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Jun 1923, p. 2

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21, 1923 Om p» At ‘EMONT on to M qi Parent Sisters lb('ro" Spe M ve Ma Hall o promi put We6 Mivp in afte Eie M« ... > _ Pist tep in 'ro. last py, a DY hep : Â¥iSiteq ay TV ret UrDe nt the picke Of up 4 ©NjOy, .'r and SQ 'hu. Ste Or Xo L3 d Durkam Branck, J..A. Rowland, Manager may need them most. «The bad season may find you unâ€" prepared and you will have difficulty in rreeting your needs. SHOULD be used to "cleanâ€" up‘"‘ advances you may have received from the Bank. Keep your credit "good" and you will never bave any difficulty in obtaining funds when you tened to Hanover, whence Returning Officer Murray had gone, for an exâ€" planation, but beyond believing it a mistake, Mr. Murray knew nothing of it. Mr. MeArthur went home and the K. 0. communicated with Clerk of the Peace Dyre of 0. Sound, who coula searcely believe he had made the erâ€" ror, but said he would see Mr MceArâ€" thur in Durham next day. _ Before the latter could be got by phone, howâ€" ever, he had left for O. Sound, ana thus missed Mr Dyre who was bound for the inquest here. _ The Clerk of the Peace gave instructions later however, that all should vote, so all ended peacefully. That clerical error caused some stir for a day or two an it is to be hoped there were no similar zoticed When Co Poll No. 4, vised Voter was justiy | of voters, 3 pencilled, c ing his own U.â€"®. 0. sw tened to H; Officer Mur planation. b W 0 Names Struck Off List When Colin MeArthur, D. R. O. tor ‘oll No. 4, Gienelg, inspected his reâ€" ised Voters‘ List last Thursday, ne ‘as justiy indignant. _A whole page 1 voters, 30 names had been btue encilled, crossed off the list, inciug ig his own name and almost all were The Proceeds of Your Sales Fine Weathe THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Rowdyism in Celebrating. The only regrettable fe: €1.,09 to $l.a for Peas and $1.15 for Wheat at our elevator this weex. Rob Roy Mills Lln\med Inquest on Car Fatality $1 al bot Motorists! AC LK VOL. XLVI, NO . 26 OT Use British American Gasoline. It arts quicker and goes further. Sold Smith Bros. Garage. Three piece oak bedroom set for le snap. Apply at residence to one 76. Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder Rob Roy Grain Pricesâ€"We are ying 48e to 50e for Oats, 65¢ for rley, 65¢ to 68¢ for Buckvhnt.! 20 to $1.25 for Peas and $1.15 18 mistakes elsewhere and u 00 g Phney Crossing . Tatality . wuen Semple was thrown from a cayr llision with a C. N. R. freight ound to death on the track, out little new _ information. iver, Chas. Moore, did not see the approaching train, his car considerable noise, and never iz one from that direction. y brought in a verdict of death cldental collision of train with to, and attached no blame on the parties involved. J neuse rossed off the | name and alme pporters. He at rettable feature of the ition locally _ was the on of several individâ€" overâ€"ripe hen fruit in rowd â€" Monday â€" night. o different occasions, d, and both town and asts were _ offenders. tale eggs struck Conâ€" in the back who was in preventing too big main _ corner, . which ingered the telephon« parties _ had clothes inderstand the offendâ€" nd police court a.clion‘ ossing _ fTat was thrown held last Friday over t fatality when once nas The annual bee held at Durbham Cometery for the purpose of levelling the grounds and otherwise improv ing and beautifying the last resting place of the departed, is to be held on Thursday, July 5th. _ All are nâ€" vited to assist with teams if availabre or bringing shovels and other usefu; tools. This week white. cups and savcers 2 for 25¢ at the Variety Store. Cemetory Bee July 5th The groom‘s mother and sister, Mrs. and Miss Maude Kress of Durâ€" ham, were among the guests present. The Review wishes to extend best wishes to this Durham boy and ‘his bride for a happy life together. [.\'un(',\' Lou Tilson and Master Thompâ€" son Sohlberg, niece and nephew of }lhe bride, carried white ribbons whicn formed an aisle from the door of tne hallway to the bay window where tue ceremony took place. The rooms were gaily decorated for the occas ion. _ Rev. W. H. Dienbar, rector oi 8t John‘s Anglican church, conducted the service. During the signing of the register, Mrs Harold Burley of Toronto sang. At the conclusion of the marriage ceremony, a toast was proâ€" posed to the health of the bride ano to the King, and at 11.30 a buflvt‘ luncheon was served. Mr and Mrs.‘ Kress left on the 1.11 M. C. R. amid | showers of confetti and best wishes for a trip down the Hudson to New York. (G. Sohlberg, to the strains of the Lo hengrin Wedding March, played | by her sister, Miss Ada Thompson. Miss A very pretty wedding was solem: Wednesday last, June 20th, at Ti sonburg, at 10.30 o‘clock at th a honeymoon â€" in Muskoka. Upon their return they will take up rest dence in Durham â€" and the Gteview takes this opportunity of wishing evâ€" erything that is good to the younz couple in their journey through life. vreakiast was served and immediately after the happy couple entrained for The bride was becomingly attired in 2 gown of grey canton crepe ana silver lace, carrying a boquet o7 American Beauty Roses. Following the ceremony â€" a dainty wedding breakfast was served and immediately pastor of the bride performed the ceremony and was of the quiete«t nature, only immediate relatives being present. A pretty June wedding was solemn ized at the home of Mr and Mrs Robt Smith, Upper Town, on ThursGay morning last at 6 a. m. when the second daughter, Annie Edith, _ be came the bride of James Laimbert Farâ€" rell, son of Mr and Mrs Jas Farrell of Campbellford. Key. CG. G. F. Co. teem since he purchaset the barber ing business here a few years ago. They were the recipients of man;y handsome gifts. On their return they will take up residence with her motlhâ€" er here, On behalf of numerous friends, the Review extends all goo: wishes to the young couple, | The ceremony was witnessed by the | bride‘s relatives in town and a few of {her girl friends and immediately forâ€" lluwing. good wishes were extendec, 'amd a buffet luncheon served. Abon: 2 p. m. the happy couple left by motor I’on a two weeks‘ honeymoon to stusâ€" koka and other points, their frienas giving them an enthusiastic send ofn. tee Eiving them an enthusiastic send Oil. The bride is welt ana populariy known in town and district, having spent five or six years in the Standara Bank as one of the staff and has also been a favorite in social circles in the town, while the groom won high e~ quet ol sweetheart roses and the valley. _ _ At the home of the bride‘s mother, Mrs Margaret Kress, Countess St., Durham, a pretty wedding took place at 12 noon Wednesday, when her only daughter, Madde Rose was united in bymen‘s bonds to Mr Wilfrid MeDonâ€" nell, town, son of Mr A. C. McDonnell of Dundalk. _ The nuptial knot was tied by her pastor, Rev. W. H. Smith, . in the drawing room, with an u!trar(-j ive background of peonies and orange | blossoms. The home and table were | KRESSâ€"THOMPSON FARRELLâ€"SMITH MeDONNELLâ€"KRESS Hymeneal She carried a po lily otf e0 The town of _ Durham rolled up *Jamieson‘s banner majority, 744, which was more than even the Conâ€" servatives counted. Splendid orgarâ€" ization, abundance of cars, were big factors in rolling up this town‘s larâ€" gest voteâ€"944, 114 more than last election. Old and young, Tories and Carmichael‘s majority in East Grey is now 113. Fenton U. F. O. is in in North Bruce by 400, South Bruce was captured by McCallum U. F. O. and Mawhinney, Liberal retains Wesi Eruce. U Centre Grey will also remain in the U. F. 0. column. Hon. Mr Raney haa a majority of 1200, Hon. Mr Doherty 1000. Biggs in spite of the fierce aiâ€" tacks on his road policy won by hunâ€" dreds, and so did Bowman of Manitouâ€" lin. Raney, Doherty, Carmichaet, Biggs, Bowman, Nixon, are ministers who escaped defeat. Who will be leader is not known. O. majority in the poll putting him 60 behind. Dickin, Liberal, polled only about half the vote of the other two canidates. ‘Taylor took 1042 votes in Owen Sound city. North Grey returned Taylor U. F. O. as member by 60 majority. All reâ€" turns election night with 1 poll (Peaâ€" body) to hear from gave Breese, Conâ€" servative 112 majority, and his chanâ€" ces looked bright. _ But when this poll in Sullivan reported (Doug. Mcâ€" Kinnon‘s home poll) its figures were Taylor 186, Dickin 16, Breese 14. Breese was breezed out, the 172 U. F. . Uosdotdn *xaty Ffl pue N I}MMopo)ista deaourp yoe â€" ox@p sw Pur opey ‘pg capy "Motp attorn dotf }8 UOJRIRA dotp SUiptods s 0J ~UOJJO J, Jo ppreueya py odrzsaey SSHI ‘sSpUHLL mpdurep mm _ «pptodod po}tstA L2q R[fogesp pue Â¥pp sossiyy o J, ) ‘Up ‘AQ@a4qo@p Uelpp M ‘sapy ‘o} an analysis of the vote shows Leeson woud still have been elected had his townships vote of last election been polled. With all figures available in the townships, Jamieson has 36 tess than he polled in 1919, but Leeson‘s total dropped 818 in the six townâ€" ships. | ea Conservative "drys" so that both ;(-lasses swelled the majorities. |_ That stern work for the temperance | forces lies ahead is also seen in the ;f;w( that more than one of the Ferâ€" guson foliowers are insisting that the | Legislature can alter the O. T. A. | without an appeal to the people. Can ’lhs- now Premier withstand the presâ€" | sure that will be brought to bear upâ€" \ on him ? | Wellington Hay and E. C. Drury | were not spared to lead their diminâ€" | ished forces in the new House. The ;Iatrsl estimates we have seen give |Liberals 14, Progressives 17. Labor ’(-andidaws did badly also, only 4 surâ€" ,viving. Of 4 women candidates not one was elected. Sir Adam Beck had a great majority in London and under esy â€" PU® CJN U} M jo _ oyunp ssipqy Pur NOTES Though a‘l towns and villages exâ€" cept Flesherton, gave larger majoriâ€" ties than before against the U. F. 0. |represenrted by Mr Drury and hts | government. First to last Mr Drury | was firm and consistent in his advoâ€" | sacy of temperance and enforeement | of the 0. T. A. Mr Ferguson on the lolhc r hand showed a vacillation that gave encouragement to the "wets" !flnd his belated promises in his Spenâ€" I’w rville speech seems to have capturâ€" lwi Conservative "drys" so that bothn 221005 was concerned, | 3. West ! To many the defeat of the Governâ€"| DURHAM ment is also regrettable because of | ‘lhr impetus it will give to the ann-’ HANOvYER temperance forces in the Province,.‘ 1 To read of cheering crowds parading * in Toronto and shouting "Down witu 3 the "U. F. O." is evidence that the +4 city populace at any rate is antagoâ€" 5 nisiic io the temperance issue, as 6. represenrted by Mr Drury and hts BENTINCK L’(‘:Hrf‘.;‘.lh: C F‘irs.t.to lu:«:.t Mr Drury 1. Stewart‘s was firm and ennsistant in his ajun Receiving the Returns l Landslide Sweeps Con. Party into Power in Ontario ; 37 Dr. Jamieson Again South Grey‘s M. P. P. by 313 zy uo Poll®) ‘JoAOU® uV sw PU® 4JY OS Kqao#@ moapuy *sapy ‘Hos. T 4Inf ‘Aepuopy ‘AeG sprodg sso1n) pory oy) 3e Furresoddy s * DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1923 his party in s own sweet e ‘turgang; pure y soN) & amâ€"TVOD o ,.ax ‘C °P ‘S‘W e + +Lepinges uo ‘qtue" * Lagy Amufâ€"urâ€"40ujoaq s1 pd "o sonoues J0 PABZZLL POJef ‘aIQ [ Py | * "pruts ‘M ‘f ‘sJp ‘loyfou W frou 1118 s4eprioy â€" 491 Huwu.ulé,; aAd‘ €ll, qroajed JO UNHWUS joresavy ssty ";:,“ o *yJoM }88] SUlIlUoao .uua (94 £800 ) punog uon( 0)} padojow ‘uoapfry OM @tW | oi) pug 491D ‘N ‘C ‘slpy Pur '.||\r'( ue flll;’:» ‘t.)llllh“llu.).n: ‘Pi8eue@Gajy (8np "”\: 610 90@pe ‘UW1J poo# t j10 I Deceased was a Miss Woods ana was born in Co. Cavan, Ireland, over 81 years ago. _ At the age of 18 she came to Canada and for a time lived in Toronto. Here she was marrien. Later we find them in Esquesing and from there to the 6th con. Glenetg, then some 50 or more years ago to the well known Rob Roy Corner, where the best of her life was spent. 22 years ago they moved to Durhan: where they enjoyed the respect of ali citizens, surrounded by the famiiy who loved them and who were lovea in return. Wednesday morning early this well known Durham lady passed away at her home on Lambton Street. For some four or five months past she has been confiened to her home and most of the time to her bed from an illness that followed an attack of inâ€" fluenza. She has been tenderiy carec for by her daughters and has survivâ€" ed her husband by three years. ‘ 1. Allan‘s 69 101 32 2. Dromore 43 120 Y. 3. Holstein 118 155 37 4. Yeovil 43 143 100 5. Mt. Forest 27 M# . 86 6. Drury‘s 34 121 81 PROTON 1. Cedarville 44 _ 97. 53 2. Hopeville 69 144 10 3. Swinton Park 64 159 4o 4. Ventry 29 i8 49 5. Dundalk 34 6. Sep. School 15 10 55 7. Kingscote 31 267 30 8. Proton Station 8 DUNDALK 27% 72 201 Jamieson‘s majority in Riding 31%. NEUSTADT ’| FLESHERTON ARTEMESIA 1. Orange Valley 2. Flesheron 3. Proton Station 4. Ceylon 5. Priceville 6. Vandeleur 7. Eugenia 8. Portlaw GLENELG 1. Ritchie‘s 2. Glen 3. Markdale 4. Dgrnoch 5. Tp. Hall EGREMONT She leaves as chief mourners Wi;â€" UOS Death of Mrs. Geo. Ryan Sr. uB J rulg PM 1 1. Stewart‘s 2. Clark‘s 3. Hutton Hill 4. Allan Park 5. Camp. Cor. 6. Lamlash 7. Louise 8. Elimwood NORMANBY 1. Alsfeldt 2. Ayton 3. Ford‘s 4. Hampden 5. Blyth‘s 6. Nenagh i. Gleneden H}} jt csurex â€"odl puB ABpNMAJ 98stf sng & UBO"JJj uy uhamard ‘o ty cp o popir =}8 Uoopyagy wodj aoqguintr }In() Ppruogaogy ugop ‘sagy ‘loJSI lof ZunIsta st prus Aduty ssy ~Bd PIOJ € Uf JSoAULT 04 t ) uo }sopep o) st gny pod p uqy * Grits, wets and drys,â€"Jamieson got e almost all of them. Hanover with s 504 majority for Jamieson, was a blow â€", to the Con‘s, who were counting on .‘ 800 to 900. Ho!stein poll dropped Leoâ€" â€" son‘s majority by 100 and when Dunâ€" _ dalk and Neustadt boosted Jamieson‘s _ majority, while country polls were ; dropping off in Leeson‘s favor, a turn | over was assured. Aimost all South Grey polls were hear from by 9 p. m. with Jamieson leading by 400 to 500. | The streets were thronged and ponâ€" iires blazed on the main corner and u:’ foot of the hill, while horns and whisâ€"| | tles resounded. Dr Jamieson mounted | the band stand and thanked his supâ€" | porters in a ten minute address I'or: | their whole hearted aid. Later sever al cars went to Hanover to assist ::1, rejoicings there. THE VOTE iN soutTH GREY DURHAM Jam. Lees. Jam. Lee maj. mayj Y ounreipe The storm of Monday _ afternoon made securing of Provincial returns difficult owing to wires being down everywhere, almost south of Fergus. Enough was known however to show the landslide occurring in favor of th« Conservative party in the Province as well as locally. | CSIWâ€" pur ‘upy pojrsi ‘e[Jogesp A@geq pur * Y soump ‘sgy pur uy pur y ‘puounpory souw (‘JUJPUOUSIIIOD UAMo . Nerth East ° SsBEX Jdot Surssed ut uriey 0f suomnemper; ‘PdOJ Miu) Ir 0M uIMA Aepung qi tos put ppruoGopy ugopâ€" *Ma0A }st] in ‘uoopdloqy 69 43 118 43 27 34 44 69 64 29 49 145 94 38 65 36 93 45 182 63 59 31 86 120 41 32 171 105 86 12 148 9« 62 59 049 844 31 40 211 284 64 90 45 97 144 159 78 101 120 155 148 113 121 130 110 94 82 126 14 113 84 59 $5 48 102 59 49 95 59 61 44 10 16 66 47 100 MUT 45 51 48 6O 96 504 51 120 Jn()) 1( 102 14 87 53 144 16 18 89 88 54 44 11 1(Is H\ 37 100 86 §7 419 184 8G 12 29 SuOU U TD N SJt 41 UV 56 44 40 123 1i 51 10 16 18 Buy a 35¢ Tube of Kienzo Tooth Paste at the regular price of 35¢ and you will get aâ€" nother tube for one cent the Library, when appreciation was voiced of the good feeling existing and the visitors expressed pleasure over the reception. Durham Band will play a return concert in Harrisâ€" ton in July. The open air band concert rendered last Friday night by Harriston and Durham Bands in one, led by Banceâ€" master N. Wilson of town, was enâ€" joyed by a large concourse of citizens and visitors. ~Fully five or six hunc red surrounded the band stand or were seated in cars parked the opâ€" posite side of main street. _ Thougn unfamiliar with Durham‘s music, Harâ€" riston Band played in good harmony with the locals and intensified the volume. Durham boys afterwards treated the visitors to a luncheon in | | _ The remains of the late John liar vey were laid away in Durnam cersâ€" ctery, Monay last. Rev E. Cameron having charge of the services. The local Orange Lodge, of which decease was a member took charge of the serâ€" ’vicws of their late brother at the grave. The pall bearers were Messrs Wm. Erwin 8r., Wm. Erwin Jr., XMr. Ashby, W Harvey, J Tasker W Hewil. At the service at. the house Miss Miriam Cameron rendered an approp riate solo. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, among them being a pillow from the local lodge Orangemen, spray from the True Blues and sprays from Mrs C. Lang and Mrs Joe Brown.. The relaitves present from a distance were Mr ana Mrs John Tasker, Mrs Bolitho, Mrs.f Fleming, all of Long Branch. Wim ana Mrs. Harvey and children of Toronru.‘ Enjoyed Band Concert #Ms, Monday afternoon last a wind storm ’of unprecedented severity struck cenâ€" tral Ontario south of Fergus, causing damage estimated at $2,000,000, Fron: the train windows between Elora and Guelph evidence of the loss is seen in uprooted trees, levelled orchards, unroofer barns, two at least apparentâ€" ly levelled to the stone foundations. Worse than all four lives have gone out as a result of injuries of one king or another, 1 Funeral of the Late John Harvey | or 2 for 36c. Disastrous Electrical Storm Notice.â€"Persons loitering or sittin= on the wall in front of my residence or destroying or mutilating it in any imanneor, will render themseives ia>â€" le to punishment, J. H. Sherk Caretaker Wanted. For Durham High School. pDulies io begin July 1, 1923. Apply on or ucâ€" fore that date, stating salary, to J. F. Grant, Secreiary. conducting services liam George and Robert, all in Durâ€" ham. Mary, Mrs Nichol : Eliza, zrs R. Douglas : Anuie, Mrs J. Whittaer also all of Durham, and Margaret, MNrs Kearns of the West, but who has been home for some _ time, A son Thomas died some years ago. The funeral is on Friday at 2 p. m. to Durham cemetery, her pastor, Rey Mr. Whealan of the Anglican chureh a â€"m»â€"aiP . e C ctn â€" n wiithe =â€"+ â€" fe the NHoistein Leader Commencing 12 o‘clock, Noon on â€" ONE CENT SALE! At this sale besides the usual toilet.articles, Remedies, chocolates, perfumes, Rubber Goods, Stationery, and Drug Sundries, we includeâ€" CHINA, CUT GLASS and WALL PAPER Etore closed as usual Thursday afternoon. was originated by The United Drug Co. for and is an advertiging plan pure and simple. McFADDEN‘S REXALL DRUG STORE dMAfPUY Wed. June 27 . Saturday June WATCH FOR LARGE BILLS WITH AT THE REXALL DRUG STORE Anglican church Beef, Iron and Wine, The old reliable Tonic and Builder $1.25 Bottle of REXALL aso: Water Fight with Fire Engine ard Hoseâ€"Baby Showâ€" Lesague . Bascba‘lâ€"Durham Bardâ€"Races end othker Aibleticsâ€" A Slow \r Ford Raceâ€"Best Decorated Carâ€"and many octher attractions. "‘1‘1 * » » » :ix‘e'.,' Liberal Prizes will be given :. The famous LOUGHEED Group will furnish cron | their Spectacular Attractions Successors to MacFerlane & (h. ~ | W 2 for $:,26 ES. MCBETH 2rl:'ggi.1;ua£;i{AS;‘ntiuner C& yICEEEEEEEEEEE cegecceecres. Mrs E. Ackroyd of â€"â€",. _ State of | Maine, with infant child, came .o! Durham Monday night to spend some | time with her parents, Mr and Mra' Jas. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. MceNab and two child ren, Mt. Forest, visited at the home 0; Mrs. Robert MeGowan over Sunday, Miss Margaret Harris, Toronio Is a visitor to her former home town tor a couple of weeks and is the guest ol Miss Margarct L. Hunter. s5¢ and 25¢ Admits to Groundsâ€"â€"35¢ and 25¢ to Concert Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Hospitai DURHAM, JULY 2 WOODBURY‘S FACIAL PREPARATIONS % 32328288 23233293 â€"s 232034233 For Proper Care of the Skin and Complexion, use RED CROSS SPORTS DaY!; PW Grand Night Concert in the Rink ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO Woodbury‘s Soap.............. 25¢ Woodbury‘s Facial Cream, tubes . . ... 4* Facial Cream, new, tubes id Facial Cream, jars ..... Published Weekly at $2.00 a year in $2.50 a year in advance. C or a 35c. Fancy Cup & Sauce, 2 fof 36c. A 25¢ everyâ€"day Cup & Saucer e Anere nnnnarnenrrin 2 for 26¢ Aamanaaannandinnaanianannnananerres > _ "a4. * s 4* b af *T & :s 8 ... ‘ L}! Ni Hqa s "Ca se Am This Oneâ€"cent sale plan the Rexel Drug Stores Miss Ont., home sy©G | Miss Jane Ritchic returned to i ham Monday night after sev« weeks spent with her sister, Mrs C Firth at Jessopyille. _ Mrs Firth flumed with her for a visit among | numerous friends and relatives. | _ Mr W. E. McAllister 0f Norman was seriously ili at his home the 6 ior the week but at time o° writing somewhat betier, Mr. Joihn MelLachlan, Price ville, is the new overseer of Durkham Hospital, Dr. Marie Cameron of Winnipes, who has just secured the X. D. ¢~ gree in Manitoba Medical College, is a niece of Rev. E. Cameron, pastor of Durham Baptist Church. Txo of her brothers â€" preceived â€" mediop} dogrees not long ago, ‘@ .# 5 Mrs. Everett Hoy and Ganghter « Welland are visiting her parents, 1; and Mrs. T. MeAlister, N. P. mo manby. | Buy a Roll of : Any WALL PAPER at regular price and you will get another roll tor only 2 *4 /8 /# '{ PW ,25/ !82 <i+s +« » SOC Kaulos in advance. _ To United States, C. RAMAGE & SON, Publishers Ending on ORE CENT _ "Big é;-/.g‘/ #7 Asz# P ~~ O [$82 & y er sister, Mrs Coo e, Mrs Firth ro /18 oL to Du;> seversit HA C fir A y\«f ie ?i‘ t ® $[

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