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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jul 1923, p. 4

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" I i " N CI? 'herirm _3leaairtt, Ilrn t lb tin Boot Rod Salmon . "Ola: in.» Picklos. pint. 4 lb mil Apple Butter......., Former In Hum Friends We Met while on Maritime Trip 31in: Cluasic Cleaner 4 In. Rico ................ Summer Needs for Wednesday or Home of Quality Hardware J. B. HARDING Midi.» Matrhes, rz-gular Mr .... mammal-'5 Cnstite Soap ......... ("who Gum-u Blend mack Tea i ha that “manual"! Sugar .. WHO» and Red Jar mttrbers, Pet Run! has: Cakes. oath ........ Puma»- Pink Salmon. larxo- tins (Md Arm Chair Canny-d Corn ... Tmdivs' Voile Waists, reg 3.50 to 85, $2.49 Wh. Vbiio. plain & fancy, reg 60c. . .410 Apron Gingham, 40 in. wide. . . . . . . .290 Granulated Sugar. . . . . . . . . . 9 lbs for $1 Cat Glas, Cream & Sugar Sam Lama tin Kneading Pans ........ Clover leaf Breakfast Plates ... Colored Crochet Cotton..........., Hohproof Silk Hose. handclocl 32.50 for............, Thursday. July 5. I923 Lithographed Machine Oil Cans.. . . 15e White Enamel Refrigerator, reg. $20. Wednesday only .... . . . $17 Liquid Veneer Mop Polish, large size, 50c ed to b I "Mum is "M IcFADDEN'S REM". Ihlllil STORE f; in THE VARIETY STORE tt mil GGS’ STORE Tit wt Chocolate Bars for Bags of Peanuts for Quart Ice Cream for Pint of Ice Cream for Wednesday Specials couiue of our ream Mari. Wo rune in touch with two "Aluminum Ind who atilt , bo remembered to their mm hpru. The Town of my not be numwically huts, Liniments, Wednesday . . . . . . C haso's Liniment. Wed. . . . . Forhan's Tooth Paste. . . . . . Horlick's Matted Milk . . . .. i M) Wednesday Bargains Specials Wed. Evenihg ou Lose Money if You Miss These not be numerically large I'm": eharaeteristie and rm hold " retains on its loan.- the town eo en- "es else-where. ly 80 JAS. H. GIBBENS '. McLACHLAN n in tin J. HUNTER handclocked, "a per don-n “noon-u ot' hosts and it was our TFr ars-t that. our stay could not be "ungtl.-tl. Mr. Rombough Is now Mr hru-sn-al in fox farming and has 30 p..irs of the pure “silver black". win- ning svvvral prizes at the Toronto Wintrw Exhibition hut December. __ "-'-"""'"'J Miss (Hon-r, and Ilauxhu-r or a tormet ithoui.st WISHN‘ INT“) they made the kindest oi hosts and it was our TFr arr-t that. our stay could nm in- to his city. and not knowing us per". sonally. took this method of beeom. ing acquainted. Mr. Rombough left Durham in H93 and aince that time has been a world traveller, having crossml the occ-un no less than to timm. For eight years past Mr and Mrs. Rornbough have been living about tltret min-s out or Charlottetown and than have an exceedingly pr'"c. ty spot. Here he shows his love for Durham. in that he has a flower berl, purely of Durham extraction and from the Psombouo hills south of town and on 1' which he t'Pligioualy ant-nus. Mr. Brown is also responsible for this contribution to his garden. With Mrs. Romlwugh (who was formerly Miss Glover. and :lauzhtpr of n can"... J. W. Rombotum. now of Charlotte. town. P. K. island. While receiving in the Provinrial Parliament Buildings. from the Premier and Mayor. the welcome and greetings of the City, we m-ro somewhat surprised to hear our nam- called out and that of the Chroniclr- Editor, Mr. Irwin. On going forward WP wpre :ieightod to meet Mr. Romtmuzh, though not preview:- ly knowing him. Through the thoughtfulnnas or Mr Joe Brown of town. In- ro-wiw-d Durham papm‘s, ac. quuintinz him with our coming visit .....e.... Me 6 cakes for 83e 2 for 25e r....... 89e 32.00doz. ....50 ball ..l.98 81.00 . " 98c Mc 5c 50c 250 Jewel. Clark's Pork & Beans......, 5 tins Pink Salmon for ... Tiger Brand Catsup.......... Luge bottle of Vanilla for And at the same time lava some money by ha- ving your eyes examined. and being fitted with glasses next Wednesday. to per cent Discount for Wed. only These Cross & Sutherland Hardware Programme will be given as usual. Numbers have not yet been selected. S. McBETH 3.5c, Liniments for................ Me 600 Chase“s Ointment for. . . . . . . . .. 49e Me, Forhan's Tooth Paste. . . . . . . . . .29: (ill Horliek's Malted Milk for. . . . .. Me Aluminum Ware Wednesday, jug Ar, J' p. m. dit, IDurham Citizens' wand ' D. C. TOWN o; SAVE YOUR EYES Jarmt' Program Wed'y & Wed. Night, July 11th 303T. BURNETT Specials for Wednesday 20 per cent off on all lines. Bargains hold good for the one Day and Evening only Arte-r lunclwon at tht. Chateau F'rontpnac, he again acted in the ca- pacity of guide and from the heights otlthe citadvl. were able to view a wonderful panorama of water hill and dale. and all so bound up in the historical lore of our country. Th" Doctor appeared to be enjoying thu best of health and spirits and wished to be kindly remembered to his many friends in Durham and vicinity. He is looking forward to a visit from: Mrs. Parquharson and Jessie to the’ ancient capital in a short time. 1' As will be understood, the usual: tpend of travelling from Durham and) vicinity. is westward and those who) have past associations wlth Durham,: are chiistty to be found there. Hence it was with mutual pleasure that our! visit brought Durham to the fore. l Ian cnurch. that we came in touch with our seeond visitor that gives local color to our trip. To our sur- prlsc the Doctor joined our party on loavine Levis for a boat trip down the St. Lawrence, and it proved to be a most fortunate .'rurprise, as no bel. ter guide was possible in locating for us the historic spots in Canadian his tory annals, along the rugged Shure line as WP passed along amt undvr the huge cantilever bridge. Artw- lunclwon at tho Chateau n_-_;," . - Also he is a naturalist and astronomer of no mean order and altogether made our timo vary pleasant while in this section of "The Garden or the Gulf." It was in that lntprosting and quaint old city of Quebec that we were pleased to mom Rev. Dr. Farquharson, tanner pastor of Durham Presbyter- ian Church, that we canv. in touch The Gift Shop Oh. Canada GOO SAVE THE KING .' . WILSON, Conductor. Dru: gist & Stationer ..'............ ............ 2 tins for Me .....rr..... 1.00 15e a bottle Optician l, Sr H to Jr. Ill-Gordon MeCrne 'Audrey Bell, Clen Rowe. Gorlmdn :tllass, Thelma Dell. Moore McFaddr-n '.11arjory Noble, Dorothy Pickering. Bowman Jamieson, Elizabeth Harding and Clara Traynor (equal). Frank ,Goodchild and Wallace Thompson [(oqual). Earl Mekechnie, Violet Mc- Jr m to Sr. IH-Elsie Willis, How. ard Damm. David Marshall, Jean Me- Kay, Leonard MeCombe, Roydon Con. nor, Sadie Holmes. Harry Ryan, Vio- let MeClyment, Gordon F'alkingnam, George Hahn, Harold Wilson, Ken. noth Wilson. Sr m to Jr. Iv-Ernest Neavm. Thomas Brown. Clifford Moon, Elsie Kearney, Lyla McDonald, Roy Mat. thew.s, Ellen Hay, Jasper Traynor, Mary Young. France-s McArthur, Erie Cittrk, Norma Gagnon, Ellen Marshall Janie Traynor. (Home Falconer, Bea. trice Miles, Mabel Montgomery. Helen McAulifte, Lourdes Sibbald. Donald Smith. Melvin Ashley. - . . ILean and Willie Erwin and Norman Promotion Examnahons. new". (equal), Cyril Becker, Vie. - “or Hind, Ned Burnett. Ada Holmes Dun” iand Eddie Miller (equnl), Mary Tobin Mt PUBLIC SCHOOL Him Henderson, George Hay, Ada (Names in order of merit.) [gimpman and George Noble (equal‘l‘). Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Florence Menon.' .velyn Baird. Grace Decker and _ aid. Christino Goodchild, Bea Reamer ' ances Slb'bald (equal), Gladys WW" J. D. McAullfro. Marr Chalmers "i, I l§mjbert Young, FfedIMurdock. Wilma Saunders, nlutotrlte Murdock. 'viiii Smith, ITrl P'Nkirurltyn, ‘Nelson Mountain, Fred Voile", Hugh Thomp- i Lowtu, Myrtle ll alson, Alex. Graham, son. Myrtle Dean Wallacc- McGowan I Ruby Hulmo and Dorothy Clark f/y: Marv Brown Him Hind. marlin Lal), M‘W! Nicholson. Lawremm “lulu“ Joan Baird Donald {bun} ,Whiimoiua. Harold Clark, Newtonciar'crl, I . l ' , . '. 'ih'am Glasw, Kenneth Agnvw, Jean) "l,,, l'illlm 'f'"P1)"'tnm . -- fCollinson. l, THE DURHAM REVIEW Grant's Wednesday Special Special Prices in Tapestry and Brussels Rugs, also Curtain materials and made up Curtains. Bl‘LK COFFEE (Special Blend). reg. 60c. pound..49c PINK SALMON. half m tins ....e......... 2 for 25c TOILET SOAP in Rose, Lemon, Hard water, and plain, large bar "B'.'.".................... 10c Save baklng. Now Is Hm season to buy SWEET BISCUITS. We have in stock the following: Ginger Snaps, Plain, Cream Cake, Lemon Biscuits. Jam Jams Raspberry Tarts, Macaroon, Fig Bars. and Apple Blossoms. ranging in prlces.. Me, Mc, Me, and Me Men's Pure Silk Heather Hose, Special Men's Pure Silk Black Hose. special.... Ladies' Fancy Cloy Silk Hose, reg 2.25. ihreeial..,....c........r.r..'.'.y.."..rr.' Broken line of Lndies’ Silk Angle Hose. Special 'e..'.........................,,,, (han' iitrtrtirtar welt Pat. Oxfords ti Straps Rellable Brand Parker-Hunter m Best Quality Paris Green ...... 3-Burner Coal Oil Stove complet Best Single ply Rooting, 32 in., p Combination Weeder and Cultiva Goodyear Bicycle Tires ........ Georgia Pine Curtain stretcher.. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I S. MCILRAITH WEDNESDAY SPECIALS in sizes from 3 to 7. These sun at from $6.00 to $6.50, m lo you on Wednesday for only Specials for Wed., July ttth' Rugs and Curtains ti. MORLOCK & SONS Wednesday SPECIALS . S. HUNTER & CO. 10 per cent. off all Tapestry, Velvet and Smyrna Rugs THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Repairing a Specialty . MCKECHNIE Wo . Stores closedThursday afternoon . KRESS have a limited number of 'o................... These Shoes which rogularly 5.50, BY' aw offering or only "'......... 5. 1. L. GRANT 1 51' I to Jr. Il-Genevieve Saunders, 'Clura Gliddon, Helen Young, Annie lCumpbvll, Jean Grant and Alice Nic. rholson (equal), Lulu Mills, Norma Allan and Elsi» Goodchild (equal). Edna Gralney. Gordon Grant, Orval McDonald and Frank Ritchie (equal) Lnulso Jamieson, Cecil Hind. Donald Knight, Edith Erwin and Harry Bai. ley (equal). Elsie Falklngham and Al- lan McLean (equal), Billy Firth. An. nie Walker and Clarke Lloyd (t'qual). Charlie McDonald, Gerald Fulcom-r & Kelso McCawley (equal). Clarranee Gliddon, Abbey McLean, Norman El- llotl. Den Firth, Donald Croft, Fred Boltter, Lloyd Hawke, Ina McDonald. Eric Grille. Evelyn Hall. Jr II to Sr. It-Ruby Willis, Isabel Jamieson, Jack Lauder, Teddy Elliott Janet Watson, Maud Storrey, Jaslwr Greenwood, Clifford MeGirr, Dorothy Meh'arlane, Glenn McDonald. Frank Hulnw. Charlie McKechnie, Jean Vol- Mt. Bug Killer .. S'1ie tb 'e..."....... 59c m lete with oven..$27.59 per roll.,...... $1.69 vator ...... 98c each ..'....... $1.89 each '............ $1.19 set ', special.... 80c The Cash Shoe Store .....75c ... Me .M.00 "__ - .yclll. war we week end with the former'. sister. In. W. I Derby. In" HIM lcRonald of Toron- to, in lpendmg n tear weeks holidays, " her home here. Mr. Orr of Guelph visited mr n few l days with " nleee. In “- "L" V ,__-..-- I m... Jmuste Mlcdonald of Toronto. m to Iv-pmt: Dunszloor Tift, til/ttye,?,',',' her vacation with her -. . McFad en. r . g." 3.23332; Arnett, Kenneth Dun- Mr and Mr: Dunn! Clark and 3 . . or Rov Harzrave, Mary Hopkins, fully of the Rocky mm. “we the (' 5T?“ 'iriru't Lounge Jncques. Ber-4 guests of the Lamb (may the In! at 1 the. McNully w.; Sr. " to Jr m-', the week. [Mu Collinson. Grace Hopkins, Irene x-k 1001.11an tro, watson Walker M. ‘Jr m to Sr It-Evelyn 11:?me "I "AWN-2N IVera Robins (H), Eddie rence. Mr. Norman Anderson of Camp ll; Jr ll~Margaret Dumunoor (H). Borden," motored to In. home overuse ‘Claronce Hargnvei f'it't,", -t'tt week end. ‘moor em. Lucy Rob " l I!” A. Barge-a In small; her Collinson. Jr Pr to Br MIRA. holiday: at her he at Burgoyne. Jacques, Freddie Arnett, t%srte 'trg She will return to her ttttttee here u i wood. Doria Lawrence. Pr a!” I," teacher With an lam In lulu-y. IPr-tttian Common. our. Bu. {n mu En mm of Unlock 'tattaset A to Pr B--Ctarende lcNuly. D‘"' with I“. In Byers at her hone AOoe, Olive Dtmamoor. Gordon Greg-t hem may. wood, Elmer Dunsmoor- Pr tatlt') The Sunday School on mu. Clan new". Ruby Iaorremse, "erne! In looking form to u: "tttvate Hudson. Margaret Brown, s'lfg', fl day on I.'tterddr' Vina they will we» 'otl't'rhtfiiliiii'tiiii;i2 l ' Ott I Me a Pike We. cola. by mom. ore. t . a q Mon Wu held loud. . It M. PARK, T'eaehet' at mm.“ Olly ii'W"d'dttg m ‘m mm to utter and the! out In n y n to opt. sko We: illll11Nt' m seg.. PM Mr. and n. In Inn- --" - 2 Sr. Ill to Jr IV-George Eckhardt, (H), Francis McEachern, Annie Me. Kinnon. Theresa Welsh. (R). Jr. m to Br. m--Heien Courdt (H). Archie McPlIail. Mary Proudly. Alite Eek- hardt, Katie McKinnori, Martha Eek- hard! (F). Sr. ll to Jr tn-Anna Mc- Eachern (H), Florence McPhull. Mae MeEachern, Alice Proudly. Jr H to! Sr. tr-Gladys McKinnon. Robert Mc- Intyre, Roddle McEachern. June: Eek. hardt. Class I--Maimie MePhati, A. McEachern, Alex McKinnon. Sr Pr. Anna Mae McIntyre, A. Mchhern, Cecil Proudly, Edna Eckhardl. Jr. Pr.--Dona= McLeod, Florence Mc- Eachern. Names are Changed In Ord.. or of merit, U. S. S. NO. 2, BENT. & GLEN. Sr m--Aliitrter Lawrence (H), Bea. trice Grasby. Jr III to Br ltr-Cather. ine McLean. Sr It to Jr m--getut Clark, Corrlnne Lawrence, Amelia Legato, Margaret McLean, Wlllle th- ate (R). Jr Ii--Ferot Legate. Myrtle McLean. Sr Pr to Jr b-Herbie Xlller Clarence Ritchie. Jr Pr-- Muriel Brown. lena Clark, Chester Mlllmm Pr B--Camptren Ewen, Archie McLean] Howard Legato, Fumetm Lemm- LATONA SCHOOL Jr IV to Br "r-Donald Morrison, Mayy McIntyre. Clark Mordson. Sr. H! to Jr Iv-Lena Schafer. Sr II to Jr. tir-Colin Ray, Walter Schafer, Tom Melosh. Sr I to Jr. "--arrtutetts Melosh. Pr to I-Freda Schafer. Prtu mer-Emma Schiller. Meta Melosh. Tommy Bell. MULOCK SCHOOL Sr "I lo Jr 1V. Honors-M. Ble- mann, J. Aird. Pass-T. Adlam. Re, commended on account of "lness--C. Adlam. Jr. m to Sr. Ill. Honors-- P. Vickt-rs. Pass-H. Dunn. Rec. on account of illness --Reg. Adlam. Fail. ed-C. Brunt, L. Dunn. Sr " to Jr m. Honors-L. Mighton. Paaa---U. McDonald, E. Riemann. Failed-H. Alrd. E. V. Fiddes. Tea-nor Sr. ill to Jr Iv-Christen" Ander- son 37s. liomthy Ritchie 370. Armou- ell (Hem-Poss 348. Bell Boyd 315, Arch- ie Greenwood 285. (Recommended.) Jr m to Br m--Lena Bell 378, Dan Ritchie 368, Dan Firth Firth 368, Bian, che cKechrnie 365, Grace Paylor 354, Dorothy Robinson MI, Mae Bell 332. Jack Anderson 325. Ralph Staples 3M. Myrtle Glencross 303, Irene MeKech- hie 265, Tom McNally 147. Br I to Jr It-----", McNally. Jr. I to Sr. I--lsabel Fireh. Mary Anderson. Rubyj Staples, Jim Bell. Jr Pr Jo Sr Pr-- Davey Allan, Viola Nebly. Daisy! Street. Jr Pr-Margaret Firth, Willie Gleneross, Aggie Anderson, Gordon, Greenwood. Pr (a)--Vi_rziutt Pinion, Willie Scheurman, George Schema! man. Sr. Iv-Glenn.: Firth, Ada Paylor. Alma Robinson, Frederica Staples. Promotions ' marks necessary for pass 300. Honours 375, old TYatrord, Iris Hugill. Pass-Jean Itowe, Elsie Hunter, Mary Pickering. John Greenwood, Rosswell Middleton, Clara Falkingham. Arthur Nicholson. Bert. Trafford, Betty Henderson, Lau. pine Campbell. George Hulme. From Class B in Miss Schaefur's Primary room to Class A In same room. With Honors-Main Moore, Ross Wilson, Elizabeth Nicholls, Har- Class A in Miss Schaefer's room lo Class " in Miss Cole's Primary room. With Honore--- Alfred King, Susie Bell, Gordon Mch'. Gladys Ritchie. Pass-Violet Hind, Arthur Koch, Jean Danard, Nora Baird, Edna Elliott, Nathan Ritchie, Leah (Brute. Goorgc Gibbs. Essa] McArthur. Oliv- cne Yiirs, Victor Goodchild, Crawford Vollett. Primary Class n to Class A (Miss Gertrude Cole's room)--Wilfrid Mont. gomery. George Hawke, Lynn Vollett Mona McDonald. Florence Havens. Catherine McCawley, Margaret Wilson Margaret Watson. Geo. Braithwaite, George McKeehniv, Alexandria Tobin. Joan McLean, Percy Murdock, Eldon Whitmore, Lewis Whilmore. Charlie Caldwell. K. McDonald. Frank Bunce Sr. Primer to Jr. G-Margaret Sib- bald, Eddie Hunt, Willie Noumea. Geo Ashley, Frances Hay, Arthur Watson and Vernon Colllnson (ennui), Ernie Glaser and Elsie Pinkerton (equal). Helen Clark, Reta Graham and Jean Atkinson (equal). George Lloyd, Char- lie Nicholson, Bessie Atkinson. Cili- ttwd Rendllewd. Robert Neaves, Car. man Allan, May P,raithwaite, Hazel) Moore, George Glass, Verdun Mcrrott-, aM, Earl Gliddon. Alice Pinkerton. Tommy Lowe. Mar. Erwin. Clatlowe ISLAY B. may Armeua MvKochnio. Teacher S. B. NO. 3, GLENEUG Lavina A, NO. IO, GLEN. &. b' Proudly. Alite new“! McKinnon. Martha lick-1m '. N to Jr tn--Atum Mc- ttr Florence McPtuul, Mae Mt, lice Proudly. Jr " to , MoKlnnon. Robert Mc- tet McEachern, June: Eek. 1 f--Maimie Mephati, A. itt Iex McKinnon. Sr Pr. het "-_. “I"? " very ooikV a: ‘V week: holiday; WHOM. l Ide. P. "NW of Net-Ml. In _'r',',','rj0iiii'a11titltt'urgata. l waned mr a new. "t ”an. r. In Geo. Tun. "e, A. McEwchern, an“ Eehtumit. Jr. W. Florence Me. are mused In Ord.. H. Jr pr-U iGiiii flark, Chester Minor. Ewen. Archie McLean Fumetm Legate. I. E. LAMB, Teacher I, GLEN Eur Mortiey, teacher AIO, Teacher tietuti Macho; Open: tlt i;;; Mr. and an eertly. - a...“ unwary-i1- ot Toronto, is holidaying It the parental home here. Min Clara "one" or Tomato. spent the week end with her sister. In H. McDonald. on her way luck to the city. In. Bush lcPhul ot Prioeville. spent a few days with hm- “h“ Mr --‘ " Mr. mi few day. Miss " tttun a? iii",' "would. Mr. Jno. P. McDonald ot Pricevllle, visited Mr. Hugh Macdonald on Sun- day last. Messrs Alex. Fletcher. Witt and Sun McCracken motored to Maxwell on Sunny lust. Mr. 3nd In. Herb. Reno of Toron- to, accompanled by Mrs Honeu and Miss Bertie of Cuwford. spent the ttrat of the 'rtrqstr M“ "- ‘ - mr. and Mrs. Alex McEnhern and family of Toronto motored up and spent the holiday with Mr And In. Arch McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Pulherbough and ramlly of London, are holldaylng with Mr. and Mrs. S. Putherbough. Mr. Jae. Mncdonald spent. I. few days recently with friend: tn Photon. Mr. Donald McCormack tit spend- ing the holldaya with hlo mum here. Mr. Jim. P. McDonald of Pricevllle, visited Mr. Hugh Macdonuld on Bum dnv In“ Messrs Wm 1nd Chu went to Toronto last week t have secured employment trade. was Sybtl Lawrence. who tenchlng at Paisley, ia hot: holldlyi. Miss Maiicé'irii' holidaying with her Pickett. ”,__v._., v: “n: "21". Miss Ella Ithadden of Toronto, spent the holiday with her mum, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFadden. Mrs. A. Knisley spent Tuesday at Fergus with her son Alex. Mr. Clifford Ritchie .came know from Daron on Monday. n:_- ‘.,,.. - k Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mountain Ind the latter’s slstor, spent over the Week end at Mr. Thus. Mountain's. Mlsses Marlon and Agnes Petty ao- companted Mr and Mrs Walter Dug- gan. who returned to their home at Flint, the beginning of the week. Ill..- n“ -- _ - - Mr and Mrs. Geo. Jones of Kitch- ener. were the guests ot the lomer'u mother, Mrs Jones on Sundny. Mr and Mrs. Honky went Sunday with friends " Edge Hill. Mrs. sums returned Saturday after a two week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Kellet or Btrrtntrtketd, Mr and Mrs. Lang entertained a number of their friends Thundty er. Pnlng. The Dornoch Women's Institute will meet " the home of Mrs Sill": on Wednesday. July lath and I." we m- vited. SOUTH EAST BENTlNCK Mr. anf _Mrs. Alex I Glad to report Mitm Susie (ll-lemon imueh Improved after her recent lu- l noes. Miss Maxine Sullivan of o. Sound is home for the holidays. Mr and Mrs Gurus otimsind.Grs. ited Saturdny with Mr lad Mrs Colin McIntyre. Messrs Birnlo and Joe Come” ot Detroit, are renewing old tuutuattnt. ances around here. A number from here took In the tray, at [Figaro on Frldny evening. Mr and Mrs Vasny visited their daughter. Mrs Lawlor of Allilwu over the week end. . Mr. George vause/returnmt to bob- don, after a two week's visit. It to home here. Mr Alex Brown and chm-r Annie, Mr and Mrs John McKechrtte and was Mary Mekerhnie of Crawford. were visitors at the McIntyre home Sunday. Mr and Mrs noble, Annie and Mew. art MeGitlivary of Toronto. ire spend- ing a few weeks with their menu, Mr And Mrs. D. Mocllllv-ry. Miss Ruth Ledlnxhun of Owen Sound was home over the week end. Mr and Mrs w. J. new} and runny and other relatives, spent the holiday at Eugenia. Falls. ,v.‘. "In". the or the week with It and In H. lonald. ', Hugh McCormuck is spending a days in Toronto this week. " label Mean-Mn -. - Mr. Nathan GrterGn' left May tor Buffalo where he will take tt year's coarse in fPe ot the hospitals than. Mr and Mrs. D. ii. Coopef ol' Pals- Iey. spent the holiday with the latter} sister, Mrs Will Derby Jr. The Threshing Co. held a buslnmm meeting at Mr John MtttitrasN on Thursday night to Ret. things in shape for the coming season. Mitre, Mary Tumbull of the Guelph Collegiate. In spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. E. B. Code spent over Sunday with Mr. Alex. Grleuon. new "ya qeith "V ---wvlll(' Mm. Arch "H.113 mt“ once. who has been 'y, u home for the Week where 15;, of Toronto, is ulster, Mrs Wm. ti, I993 in Ritchie mm utter bu been the 0rd the In! tor the mi I'm. 0. “and“ at'terttooet of In" 1 the annual “my new Coq “I I'll hold at Zion church. [but the crowd in not lam», , . umber anemia! HIP allvrnoon will “lions. Itev. Mr M in. Wotan wns prvsvnl and: It both union-x A In"? crowd trom Edtw Hill 1 My evening at the mum m' and In. C. Mom-II of IOWIL Th will! wu awn! in card playinc' onetntt and eu-num- Wtutt hon" inlet with I good Univ. the Sunday School Iu-Id tin-I and picnic on Gamma) nth-rm Me. R. T. Edwards" bush Mr ward. was chairman tot tht, I.” of Nations. songs and \mlin t In the awning arm thr. rmv My: Ind Rirus play-d a Mum-l ot Web.“ with tlt" how and gi W Hill. The Zion boy, “my. _iliritts OAT SHORTS FEED OATMEAL CLANSMAN STUCK FL CHIEFTAIN MIXED Nil HEAVY MIXED CHOP We will save you M We have a go hand. cons Jun! 5, 1993 Term Cad: Buinm Hours " a m t ROB ROY ROB ROY Ham crowd from Edtte Hm on!“ II tlte Itome I C. Hamill of town. T I mm tn card playin We are sellingl in large or stud Look back oi Ins trod. The; cut off from ci miles of sea. fl I witdernesss-/ Some are It ing to escapi find there is a In seeking " many of us that the great est, hard we intelligently 1 panied by all It takes tin! it takes grit. knows in his is coming the worries can I ing further I preach blue ri country and chievous pr while still social order sign to indi dar-au this {illness of t there was no the war, th road to ply former boo confidence. tiefiatiott Quack rem theories bead Sid No town d Hours 8 Our E on am: ti'

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