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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jul 1923, p. 5

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In): u tl SHORTS rr10 OATMEAL CL “sun STOCK FEED ctil0TAIN MIXED FEED man “man CHOP We have a good stock of feed on hand. consisting of: mum Labor ha been the order at day for the put ween. I Thursday afternoon of last week annual Sunday School Conven- was held at Zion church. At- Kh the rrrowd was not large. quite min-r attended the afternoon ttttd in: sessions. Rev. Mr Maddon Immune)” was present and spoke “my 5, 1923 ROB ROY MILLS, Limited "r'.',', L' uh No Town Delivery s; PBS Hours _ a m tor, p m. Telephone day No 4. Night 81 ROB ROY MILLS, Limited A?” \ut- you Money. TERMS-cash Only We .nrv selling our Feeds at Special Prices in LII-gr or small lots. Get our prices. No town delivery. Business Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ooi he ti -duy ant-moon in bush. Mr Ed. fur the program and violin music. ' the raees the "l a smart name boys and girls of " boys were vie. Edge Hill r . home or town. Th ‘HUH'IL .tr' f" _ - __ _ -__e__e __ -- "_--"-"".. The followln visitors trom Toron- , mm" "W" "lil',? riy1feh'ie'inrs"Ttfgiteto are! to spent the wgek end and holiday at :Io-rnuon and . o th MIrnmer vacation. with' their respective homes and with Mr MiMdon 1p".r"rtnx d9 ,'iifii.' Mrs R. Banks (,trlends here: Misses Jeanette MeDon. rm and wokv- their Cran mo . - . . Jam. Olive McLean, Nellie McLean, Miss Pearl Mortley is spending lk Jean Buchsm Messrs G. McTaggart, 9- Hill -w-z=' W days with her "it!t.trf, MES, Ernie Jno. H. McLeEm. A. B. McAnhur, Geo. W”... m M", Gym-nwwd and Mrs. Victor lv""amy Robertson. D. N. MeLauehltrn, M. Mc- m Thr. w- Miss Mary Monet of town is speud- Kinnon, Findlay McPhsil. and Mr and [anihh’ and intt a few days with the Anderson, Mrs. C. A. Jones. M hmm- c;tt and Firth families. I Mignon Minnin and “ml-warn! Mm“. " their m’tnnoon CRUSHED OATS Crushed Oats, Corn & Barley FEED OATS POULTRY SCRATCH BABY CHICK FEED F'ritsnds trom Teeswater and Hamp- den spent the first or the week with the Robinson family. Mrs. Burnham trom Galt ls visiting Misses M. A. and K. E. Edge. Mr and Mrs Adam Anderson, Met ville, Mary and Agnes. left this morrr ing, Tuesday. for Brampton. Mrs Geo. Smith is visiting Mr and Mrs. Geo. Ritchie and family. Miss Mary Glencrou is mending a my days with her cousin. Mrs Lawr- ence McFadden. Mrs. David Robinson in visiting friends in Chosloy for a week. torious with a score ot three and the. Edge Hill girls winners by one run. Both were exciting mos. _ Dr. o. E. Carr is in Toronto, taking a post graduate course. He will be I away a month and his work here is , being taken by Dr. Sackln of Toronto. _i Keep July Wth open for the Pres. byterian Garden Party on the Manse grounds. i Mr. F'. P. Reilly and family and Mr :Bvrt Aussum, motored to o. Sound one day recently. Mr Jack Whyte is visiting his ems at Meadowvalv. Messrs Jos. and Wm. Oliver Rev. Koarns preached his first Ber. mon in the Methodist church on Sun. day. We welcome Mr and Mrs. Kenna and family to the village. Mr. Ralph Williamson has return- ed to the city, after a wevk's holidays at his home on the o. l). R. Ralph is now a full fledged druggist and has a good position in Toronto. Miss Margaret Tryon is holidaying with her father, Mr. G. W. Tryon here. Miss Dorothy Carson is home from the city. Mr. . H. Cameron and son Alan, Donald Cameron and Mr E. Bushel, motored from Toronto, and visited A. B. McDonald and other friends here over the holiday. Mr. H. B. MéLean was in Toronto with a caricad of stock last week. Dr. J. McLeod of Orangevillv. a former Pricevule boy, called in town on Monday. Nurse. Lydia McKinnon roturnnd home after being on duty at Gorrie for a. couple or weeks. Misses C. Patterson and E. Garbut, teachers, have gone to their homes at Wiarton and Meaford. Mr. Ray McLean made a business trip to Toronto last week. Rev. C. S. Jones is attending the Summer School at Orima. Mrs Jones, Miss Bessie and Master Eric, are vis- iting friends at Leith. Misses Minnie and Margaret Bimp. son of Chicago, are spending their YtV cation with their sister. Mrs K. Me. Arthur. Mr and Mrs. Geo. MeLellan of Ni- agara. are visiting the latter's mother Mrs. K. McArthur and sister Mrs D. Campbell. Mr. A. D. McLeod is spending a few days in o. Bound. PRIOEVILLE tne,", PRICEVILLE pa t' and On the afternoon of July 2nd we attended another funeral, that of Mrs. Alex Livingstone, who died after a lingering illness of some months at the age of about 74 years. Mrs Liv, inzstone whose maiden name was Am nie McArthur. was raised since a lit tle girl on the Durham Road. Glenelg where she came with hey father and mother's family when four years of age. About a month and a half ago her brother Donald died, thus the tam. ily has the double bereavement. The funeral was largely attended from different parts of the locality. From Toronto came her brother Chas Me. Arthur and some members of his family, being Misses Belle and Vida. and one brother. Prom Bentinck came Mr McDougall and two Messrs Livinm stone, cousins of tho late Alex Liv. lngston, deceased's husband. also from North Glenelg came Mr Neil Living- stone and family and Mr and Mrs Jos. McNally, a daughter: Mr Young and sister Mrs McLaughlin and many oth- ers from Proton and Egremont. Rev. Mr. Jones, decetvsed'ts pastor, preached a comforting sermon on the solemn occasion. Undertaker W. G. Watson had two funerals on Monday. Miss Edna Beaton of Toronto paid a short visit to Prieeville and attend. ud Mrs. Livingstone's funeral. The pall bearers were six of deceased's nephews. A tierce storm of thunder, light. ning and hail, the worst all summer. has Just passed over this noon the 3rd ot July. We hawI not heard of any damage by the hail but it must be hard on fall wheat which ls beginning to turn color now. Her comfortable home was often a shelter to the weary traveller and personally we can certify to her kind manner of entertaining in being the recipient of her abundance, of alt that made a Weary traveller comfor- table. Her pastor, Rev. Father Goey spoke words of comfort concerning the departed one and to all his hear. ers. Father Flahaven was also in at- tendance. being her late pastor. Her remains Were laid to rest in the tine cemetery near by and M. John's acre was made the richer by another of the faithful laid to rest near the cross, which is placed as a reminder of the crucified Redeemer, in the centre oi' the cemetery. The community ex- tends condolence to Mr McVicar and family in their sad bereavement. l We noticed some hay in coils but it would be better standing as the heavy rain would go right through to the bottom of those small coils. Mrs McMillan of the South Line, Is not feeling well at times but on the whole enjoys fairly good htal_th. . Mr Maicélm McKinnon of Toronto, paid a short visit to the old home, 8. Line. Glenelg, on July Is!. - _ Willie McLeod lost his favorite horse a day or two ago by bloating, from eating too much grass after let. ting him out for the t1rtrt time. Dr's Wolfe and Ottowell were in attend- ance, but could do no good. It is not safe to let a horse or any onimal eat too much of the new grass after being let out for the ttrat time. 100 team: Lot " con. 2, Glenelg. 1 mile east of Durham: in good sale of cultivation: will sell with or witn- out crop: good bank barn 40 x MP. tstraw-tshed, 35 x 45; good frame house with furnace: hard and soft water. good driving shed: running water on both ends of farm; also 70 acres posture. lot " con. 2, adjoining tam will be sold right to quick purchaser. Apply on the premises to H. J. Atklnun, R. R. No. 1, Durham In the forenoon we attended the funeral of a lady who suffered long from an incurable ailment in the per- son of Mrs. John McVicar of Pomona. The funeral was largely attended by all classes of the community to pay their last respects to a lady who was highly respected by all classes of the people. Mrs hit-Vicar was a Miss Mc- Donald, daughler of the late Alex. Me Donald, one of the pioneers of Glenelg where the deceased was born about 60 years ago or more. She was a woman possessed with a kind dispo- sition, always ready to help the needy. This Tuesday a. m., the 3rd July, we sit down for a short time to tell how We sant the 2nd July which was calobralvd for the lst this your. It watrn't in attending gay sports of a nature which was fitting for the cele- bration of the day, but in sympathiz- ing with those bereaved of loved ones. PRICEVILLE The funeral ot the late Mrs Alex. Livingston was held today. Monday, from her late residence to the old cemetery. Mrs. L. had been ailing for some time, but was bedfast for only a few days. We extend our sym- pathy to the family and friends. We expect the veteran correspondent of Priceville and Edge Hill will write an obituary, so will leave it to him, as he has been intimately acquainted with the family for many years. Mrs. Jno. Burgess of Durham. called on friends in the village on Sunday. Miss Mildred Scott ot Toronto is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs. Alex. McEachern and family of Toronto, visited the tor. mer's parents, Mr and Mrs Rod Me. Eachern. Messrs Fred and Herb Conkey ot Toronto. are visiting friends here. Miss Anna Mary -MeLean is home from Toronto Normal School. Miss Campbell of Montreal is vis- iting at the old home on the North Line. The young people ot Swinmn Park are putting on a play entitled "The New Minister," In Watson‘s Hall on Friday, the 6th July. This play is well spoken of and should draw a large audience. Mr. W. Mather and family, Sunday- ed at Mrs. Mather's home in Durham. Mrs. Thus. Nichol is visiting her parents and brother in Stayner. families spent a few days under (he parental roof on- the 0. D. R. FARM FOR SALE and ELSEWHERE THE DURHAM REVIEW Trtemmr We beg to announce to the public that We have opened a new Mllllnery and Ladies' Wear. The best styles on earth arrive every day in Millinery. Dresses, Gowns. Blouses and all las- dies', Misses‘ and Girls' wear. We specialize in better lines of the new. est styles and designs of the world's invention. When you want. to appear the best, here is the store where vou can get the styles at any time. It doesn't matter where you live--- you always save 25 per cent in all purchases from us. and get the best quality. We guarantee to return mo- ney if not satisfactory. We have cut down the price so low. that poor as well as rich. can buy. I want your patronage on the grounds to give the best and newest designs in the world Yours respectfully, PHONE " All phone and mail orders receive the best carp. We reply to all letters loin. Dromore and Boothvillo. Thvy have. played three games, winning all and have not yet lost a goal. They go to Holstein Wednesday of this Week and if they win it, they will DURHAM BAPTIST CHURCH E.CAMERON,B. A., B. Th., Pastor Sunday. July mu. 1923 A. M.-'tnited Brothers." P, M.-"The Morning Star." havé {REED-EB; this year. Gd to it boys and win. Swinton Park is without a Football loam this season but a few of tho, Proton boys are associated with the Uoothville boys and are proving them. selves worthy ot notice. They be- long to the Egremont league-HON. Mr. and Mrs J. Aldcorn enjoyed the presence of their three daughters with husbands and families along with other friends from Corbetton and Tor- onto, who celebrated Dominion Day with them and picnicked on the lawn. A Rev. Mr. Caswell of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit here next Sunday, while Mr. Jones attends Summer School at Lake Couclching. Mr. Cranston, teacher here for the past two years. is enjoying a few hol- idays among friends in this vicinity before going to his home near Luck- now, where he intends assisting in the farm work during the holidays . W. J. McLeod arrived home from his school at St. David's on Dominion Day, looking the very best. He gees back in September at a. salary of $1450. This will be his third year and a good salary for a common school. Mr and Mrs Jno. Aldcorn the wedding of a nephew wlch last week. ly helping graduates to secure employment. None better in Can- ada. Catalogue tree. The young people's play given last Friday night was very Well received and a fair crowd enjoyed it. Altogeth- er there are 24 participants, each doing their parts well. They will put put it on in Priceville Friday night or this week on a fifty titty basis by swelling the receipts. The Mth Dominion Day has pas- tred,-not nearly as well celebrated as the first one in this place. On our tirat Dominion Day celebration we had a monster Public School picnic in which both old and young took part. it was held in the bush on lot 12 con. 17, the farm now owned by John Lane. Very few remain in this section that attended the picnic 56 years ago. And celebrations are of a vastly dil- ferent character from those days when every one came on foot. There were no cars, no buggies, and a very few owned wagons. Nevertheless the people enjoyed themselves fully as well. Instead of the ball games of to- day, there was running, jumping. put- ting the shot, tossing the caber. wrestling and many tricks ot an ath. letic nature that are never seen now. FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 27th Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto Arrange now to enter this fam- ous school --4amouB (of strictly high grade work and for prompt- ANNOUNCEMENT See the Pailette Silk Wash,Silk & Satin Velvet Ribbons C. L. GRANT Jos. SURACE just in at Grant's W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Box Chi, Dundalk, Ont. Black Crepe Also attended in Ford- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walsh attended the silver wedding ot the latter-'0 Ill- ter, Mrs. E. Connors. Walkerlon. Mr and Mrs Jas. Morrison of Nor. manby. were recent visitors with Mr D. and Miss Mary Campbell. Mrs. Rom. Renwick and daughter of Dromore. is spending a few days with lwr sister, Mrs. w. Weir Jr. Mr. D. A. Campbell has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corlelt of Elm- vale, are trpendintr this week with his brother, Robt. J. Curlew Misses Lolita and Marie Walsh, Margaret McCurdy. Gladys Corle't, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ridden. Miss Margaret McCurdy. our high; ly esteemed teacher. left for her home', in Paisley on Friday. Before leaving she was presented with the following: address : ' To Miss Margaret McCurdy, l Dear Tetuetter,-- ! We are sorry to find the end of; June and of our school term so near, knowing you are not coming back to us. We have had many pleasant daynj together in school. during the year| you have been with us and we do.nol! willingly lay good bye. We would ask ', you to accept this hand-hag as a small I remembrance ot your pupils and€ friends at Welbeck. With the “our; rance of kindest wishes for your tutu ure whereever you may go is our an», core wish and we hope you ttnd true, friends and the appreciation your' earnest and painstaking work dealer-l yes. Signed I Esther Ridden Marguerite Corlett Audrey Noble Ellie Campbell 1 R. G. Hay Dave Boyce i, Wanted A reliable mu to net in local rep resentatlve at Durham Ind dun-let. tor "The old relluble Fouthlll Ntte Ierles," to sollclt orders for Mn class mm and ornamental Moet, New Ieuon's Milne" jut mum: I splendid opening tor the right mu. erte tor full Wk“. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawrence spent the firtrt of the week with their t"rt1Jtuntts_Irr the Rocky. Morrow and Gordon Ridden of Dur. ham High School are home tor their holidays. Mrs. Arthur Hunt of town spent a few days with her brother, Mr Ed. Lindsay. Tenders will be received by the? undersigned for mums In openi drain over 100 rods long at lot 20, cor. 12, Glenelg. Tenders received up to' noon, on Saturday July 14 next.' Plans and tspecifications can be seen! " Connor Bram. at the location of Drain. The lowest or any tender noli neceeurlly Accepted. i Some or the people of [his neigh- borhood spent the holiday in Owen Sound while others went to Eugenia. Pricevllle P. o., Ont. June 25th. 1923 Miss Ethel Hargrave is visiting her aunt and other friends in Toronto. The young people of the neighbor- hood intend playing a game of lasso ball with the young people of the Rocky on Tuesday night. Later-- The Rocky team proved to be the vic. tors. Mr and Mrs Murray Hay of Strat. ford, visited with her parents Mr and Mrs. Thos. McGirr. Uuuulru auu Aura mailman "' IOI'DLI- H to, visited with Mr and Mrs Jno. Mc- r'll'l'i' . . . .. Girr over the holiday. _ “if: . . . . . Miss M. Park left this morning to , “r ... visit her sister, Mrs Anderson in the Wheat ... West. i Barley . . . Miss Mary Mellrajth of Toronto/Hs? ..... visited with friends in the neighbor-'Buckwheat hood. _ Flour . . . . Mr. Ramon of Stratford spent over the holiday with Mr and Mrs. A. Park. Mr and Mrs Archie Beamish and children and Mrs Robinson of Toron- to, visited with Mr and Mrs Jno. Mc. Glrr over the holiday. Mrs W. L. Dixon from Dromore, vis lted with her sister. Mrs. J. Bell t'PO ently. ' V Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence visited wig! Zioq friends lately. A number from our S. S. attended the Convention held at Zion on Thurs, day last, and tell ot an excellent ad- dress given by Rev. Mr. Madden from near Brampton. Our annual Sunday School picnic is to be held next Friday, July 6th, in A. AIJOe's grove. A game of baseball is being arranged between Edge Hill and No. 9. We would like to have ev- erybody come out and spend a pleas- ant afternoon together. Mr. Chas. Weppler is busy this week burning a lime kiln. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lamont and ram ily of Elmwood, were New“ visitors with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lee and tunily. Owen Bound, were callers the first ot the week with Mr and Mrs Jas Lawrence. A number on this line spent a very sociable time with Mr and Mrs CHI! Howell in town on Friday evening. Miss Armetta McKechnie is ttttend-l ing the McDonald College at Guelph, taking a summer course. l Mr. and Mrs Jas. Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. L. McLean, took In the sports at o. Sound Monday. Miss Irene Smith. Rock Mills, spout the week end recently at L. McLean's. Miss Esther McLean, Rock Mills, is spending her holidays at her home here. Mr. George Bailey ot Louise ls en- gaged with Mr. Angus McArthur tor the summer months. Miss Mermn McArthur has return- ed home after spending the your at Toronto Normal School. A number trom here attended the Mulock gurden party and report a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs Bert Tuylor. Toronto. are spending their nation with the latter’s parents. Mr Ind Mrs. Arch. Thompson. Stone & Wellington, Toronto GREEN GROVE WELBECK A. MeCUAMh Reeve of Glenda TORONTO Mimi-ugh House. --. Durham MS. c. ti. and E We. to m loml Ochoa!- SCH©©IL The Moo! in th-ttir equip" a an " the following count. '. The Science that adds Life to years and years to life. Call and See us. Consultation Fm. Bach mind the can hay-iv- mntze'gnduke Ind to experienced teac . handing pupils should prep-n: to en- terat the beginning“ the fall tern. lulu-um“ (o'counu may hair tnined 'gqtnt the Principal. The School In. I creditable new“ in the gut which it hope. to maintain in the nature- Durhln in in attractive Ind M, to“ and good "eoqugtodatioet an be chained It reachable at“. c. L. "MN, own-u 0. B. mun B. lam - Ir I :l’tull In: . alumnae in MO deuce In Ceylon. UeeGed Auctioneer for C,0. Urey lat-l. lodenu Amuse-om. (or an. I 20.29513"; tee.ttt.tene n [he Inge) .017 Nelson, Annie Hooper, George Wil. son. Jr. Pr.-Fanny Hargrave, Lewitt Wells, Lloyd Brown. between SUCCESS and FAILURI is made in youth. Resolve now in get ready tor SUCCESS by enrol- line for a course of study In A M recur/1 _ . S. 8. NO. It, EGREIONT Jer to Br. 'v-into" Muttlwnn, Wilfrid Duly. Sr [II to Jr "'---trwia Matthews thon.) Edith Hunter (hon). Jessie Hooper, Pearl Watson. Norman Watson and Harold Eccles tNI. Jr Mt to Br. m-John Hooper. tt to Jr Ill Wallace Adams, Florence Patterson, Ethel Lawrence. Lolita “My. Martha Lawrence. Jr "---Carmnn Wilson. John Matthews. Douglas Nelson. Sr. t--Morris Matthews, (Tarman Htus crave. Jr I-Lawson Andrews. Sr Pr to 1--Mary Daly, Willie Patterson. Clara Watson, Dave Duly. Clarence Here you can equip yourself for a good position in the shortest pol-F ble time by means of our swim of Individual instruction. Enter any time. Catalogue tree. d, Mr. Perc.i. Barber of "wood; ii visiting at his home In Barbers' com. en. a Messrs Stewart Grant of Detroit and Campbell of Toronto, are holidaying with their parents and friends. Quite u number or this line are at- tending the Ladies‘ Aid which I: held todtty, Wednesdny. at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. J. Wilton. Miss Mary McAlllalor and In Er. erett Hoy and Helena are spending thtrir holidays at the MoAIIIsler home. Mr. and In. Joe Roblnnon. Gm Eden of Toronto, Mrs. J. Canon. ot Kitchener, Mr Ind Mrs. Baht Gall. Holstein: Mrs. R. Eden and " A. McCain. Varttey, spent Sunday even- ing with Mr and Mrs Jun. Petty. NORTH EAST NORMANBY. Om Sound. Ont. Individual Instruction in nil bul- in“: subjects. Catalog free. ',. A. Fleming1 E.Q.A._ G. D. fleméu. Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th at the DURHAM MARKETS Promotion Examinations DURHAM. JULY 5th. 1923 new" roncsf 6N1. Chiropractic Chiropractic Specialist- mm. - _ isrei' "rjiiiais.irilEéiure vi ‘ mcewon Ito. mhll he may“, ca, fer-I on amine-Ila: to W. A. TRIMBLE, Principal BESSIE MncGlLLIVRAV THE CHOICE D. IcPHML. Ceylon or to C. IAIKOE. Durham D. McPHAIL Mae Davis, Teacher an“... " 350 120 W T " " IO 6,5 (ii [31 i-tiii-ii,)' rj'itfr, L. i", l Lurk»!

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