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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jul 1923, p. 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Robinsm Ionian]. xisited at her t Nicol Mchouxall the Brat Messrs Arthur and Lu cl Conn. motored over an a a any with their chum Dun". teach, .. Mr. SYo-wart. 1 gun! with a wry subs In salucr. The trust looking al'wr the well "curbing will be in 1 In! year's work. "tttttt at it. Fl Sharp's. Holiday time has Come attain for the children. The promotion Hams were ttood and In- believe every one I” promoted Pive wrote on the Entrance from here, Irene Farm-ll. Olin- Wristht. Jean McKenziv. Rus. set ngin- and Earl Hunt. Wo how they ttill all pass with honors The Imi'ht'.'. Mr. Sta-wart. has tteen reten- mi-d with a wry substantial increase in mint-y. The truism: hare Down A-E-- _ - and . syn-m several day: hon- last Week. Mr. Albert Wrist; "In: his brother, M who m r"ry serious; will have slrvnglh the suriuus ope-rum on Sundan'. Mr holill N.' ' u. I my"; a .mus DURHAM :2 xxxxxxxxxxxaxxmxmxxxxx3333 I.) x Fluur is; 24. spot cash :xxxxxxxxxxxxxmxxxxxxwxxfig? 'iiiiliverr Day a Bargain Day iii) M r Sovereign Flour. Eclipse Flour. R bite Lily Pastry Flour Whmt Ce-n-ul. Rolled Hats. Bran, Shorts, Feed F'lour, Ont Chop, Crimped Oats. Mixed Chop, Mirul Grain for Poultry Food, fllatchford's Calf Meal. Pig meal and Poultry feeds. The People's trtghest Price Paid ior at the Mill. (1 Phone Not med, L pairing Magnet Cream Separators Lister and Canuck Engines, aster Grain Grinders luster Ensilagc Cutters. Lister Milking Machines Lister Farm Light Plants, Lis. Bruston Automatic Plants my It Melotte Cream Separators Will SOUTH BEND Highest Prices Paid for Eggs, Cream, and all Produce Greene=Swift Made=to-Measure Suits Fresh Groceries Ladies' Summer Dress Goods " you rota-Ive a Is tonal to Balm Try 1 m an JOHN MCGOWAN Mrs. IQangn and THE PEOPLE'S MILLS M Our feeds are H M " Wright. Guelph. is Vis- other, Mr Marshall Wright T seriously ill. WP hope» he sun-nun: to rat-over from ope-ration he underwent ri Call and see the Melons Cream Separator before you eruowhere. Buy where the quality is good. All kinds of Cream Separators repaired, Saws gum- , "m- ll,__.-_._ --- I In I ' - . “HON. Machinist, Etc. Nearly opp'te Post Office . J ARNILL, Pri to oawn DURHAM MACHINE SHOP 'owan (my: at her Mama-16L the Brat ot the rm. and Leon” Bishop an and chat -ir'ittT't/. r. Sh.» spent the on m Cloth n tt SPEtuAL-.t.UDELLA TEA-ony Aw guaranteed COMFORT SOAP DEAL-with 12 hats of I't'“ 30 we expeet in Rood shape for Hinghanw. Voile. Organdie (WNW and Colored) mu. Nunmook, Lawn, Blunt-hm] and Untrleaehed H'nbmilh'ry Embroidery Cotton, Lace for Trim. l.;ulim' Whiter, "roun,Tan,Grey & Black Silk Hone TI JUST ARRIVED~V A Shipment of Raw Mowers and l Day or Night Mills Inc-re and :3;- H33: Mt, Hubert Mr. and children, visiting frivnds NOTICE-WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE wi Mr. R. s 'ter Breen Ot . Though an my: the plow: "We every on, Wrote on thw Irene Parrett, Kenziv, Rus, out Also have Agency for a good China CUP AND SAUCER. Tea d.“ and Cup and Sam-9r 4-119in worth 35c. m! hr ronvinemt. ‘rll inwn 'mn Flakes, wax tite r any quantity oi Wheat delivered (ioods Delivered Every Day 'tive.n FREE. n of the best quality and our l. Our prices are right for uncl 30:) lit at end th on berry " Tools sharpehed. 1,Gd/rii" Re- AT Jiolstein beat Walkerton and I Tied Group: Playoii next Week Holstein played tt zanu- with Walkerton. 29tlt and won from the by the score of 2--tt. scored both goals. the the close of the first sworn! was made an: play in the second made some good tries. Mildmay Holstein Walkerton namrrlon " 4 . " Games to break the Tie Huh-win at Mildnmy July .'tth Mildnmy at Holstein July 13th Holsh-in played their postponvd Cam" with Walkerton. Friday. June anh and wan from thom in Walkermn My your SHEAR. Our price is right and h'trawtrerry Jam ,"_s_. "mum... - nurnmn. I nere were seven stand-rd sleepers of the latest design, two modern diners with arch] crews. o specially equipped liter, car. a tourist cut for the use of t . train crew and a locomotive engine 0 the transcontinental type. From start to finish the train was of solid steel construction and excited much in.. This MI mam: train was thl convention a, the Canadian We.” Maritime Province: and bark to ' equipment which the Canadian h were. gluten ttaruurdA.eepervst the GROUP NO. 9 Holstein 10c per packaee won ion Soap for $1 halt. Pindor one hitting thr Friday. June n in \Valkvrtlm Roy Dickson tirst (0min: ttl half while the tivo minute Witlt points 1Vl (rt " Mr and Mrs Anal-ow Wlodrnan ol Arthur. visited her I'athur, Mr Hugh lie-id and other relatives Mr and Mrs, Jas. Wilson of Varnvy and Frank Forrvsler. Arthur. visited at W. J. Philp's last 'Peek. ("We more our school hell is silent! j and w etlo not hear in the school yard: " l the tnrtry sound ot' children's voices My lllillK't'd with the whack-tltud or football, etc. Wt. hope all will lime it thoroughly enjoynble vacation. The great majority writing on the Promotion exams. \'.'t-l't- successt'ul,‘ J and WI' congratulate them nil.-tti-o (ht Ella Ellis. Ewart and David Allis on Me their success in Continuation sehool.’ m4 We bopo all the Entrance scholars lie will [hihzi with honors also. l (re The three teachers ol this conees~ Sr sion have resigned their schools and Let have gone to their homes. viz: Mlss‘ Bat F. Hattie lo Woodland. Miss J. Clare to o. Hound and Miss L. Bain lol Paisley. , . Those privileged to attend the S. J H. Convention last week. speak high. Ha: " of the program and regret there Per Were not more to hear it. lLor our girls who attended the W. Li Hm Sewing class in Holstein during Mr.“ to Foster's two week's supervision. think) " they learned considerable. this The men in this vicinity are busy) Jr) at the roadwork this week. l " Mrs. Capt. Wallace and son Eric.. Fra eatin- over last Tuesday from Port Jet-j bur, terson, N. Y., to visit her trrothev,,'sc'li Mr. R. A. Nicholson and other "N lives. Mr and Mrs Duncan Calder of Lis~" S "Wei. recently visited his uncle, (H) Hugh Sinclair. i_w‘ M r Rev. G. S. Scott rvturnc-d to Brant. ford Saturday afternoon. being called there by the sudden death of his sts. n-r. Mrs. Jarvim at the Bruntt'ord Hospital from heart failure. Mrs. Jap. vis had [won in poor health for the past two months and had recently Mone to the Brnntt‘ord hospital. Rm; Sm" had just. arrived home from visi, ting het. on the noon train when he i'eteived thes wire or her death. It:- tru'tttvtit from Toronto. Mr and Mrs Armin and family. at companied by Miss Ethel Sharp. mot mm] to Toronto last Sunday. return ing Tuesday evening. Henwtnbet. the home and Kames with Mildmay m'xt Wtwlt low the loam to Mildmay and tlie boys support. Stu, bills for tivulars for Holstein gum“. Miss Rota Roberts has returned mm] her school at Draylon for the summer holidavs. Mr and Mrs Swain and frivnt Toronto, visited hey pzu'onls. Mr Mrs. Mulch over th" holiday. Miss McKnnzie.daughtvr of Dr Kwnzio, I'ormvrly of Uranium], is hing hvr aunt, Mrs. Robvrls. At a mun-wing in the schoolhouse ol' the l'atwpayvrs or S. H. No. 3, this school sew-lion decided by a vote of .15 lo 24 In go ahead with the 1'ontinum lion Soho"! to be built in conjunction with tlu. Public School. v n d Mr and Mrs Hurtloy Allinglmm and daughu-r Jessi", visited at her moth. o-r's. Mrs .J. Brown, uwr tltr. work Mr and Mrs. Tien, Lamont and Mrs. Geddes visited in Tevswatvr over the holiday. With the stops at tho Prvsbyterian Church oomph-led. and tho outside of the church docorated Jhe c-xterior (If The church is in arcordance with the interior. 3 cross bar. while another missed by [inc-hes. Holstein now finds itself in gthe same position as last. year, tied With Miidmay, both teams having won two games from Walkerton and Mild- _ may and Holstein winning their home games in the first round. Mr. and Mrs Chapman and son Ed- ward, melon-(l from Toronto and smut the holiday wlth their aunt, Mrs Brown. Miss Williamson of Weston visited at the home of Miss Ross ovvr the week end. Dr. Percy Ross, our dentist. was busy Monday and Tuusday at his of, fire at his mother's home. We hope that he may work up a trade that will keephirn with us. not only two days but six days a week. ire'"""'""""'""" is LOCAL AND PERSONAL a Dean Thorne, Rose and Irene West, Eric Sharpe, left Wt-dnesday morning tor Kitchener and other points. and Mrs Swain and some friend Holstein now play Mildmay in Mild. may Monday. July 9th with the return game in Holstein Friday. July 13th. Mrs Rife with children Ross and Eilena, spent the week end with her parents in Wiarton. ity Come to the celebration at Holstein on July 12th. Hawkins of Southampton again won the approval of both players and spectators by his tine way of hand. ling the mune,--tstriet but no Unint- its. HOLSTEIN LEADER sarto:tt::-s-osss,stetwaf 'Rgijyiis V iarfi.i%riiuii"rifeT Cahadianfigfigm:fi:;a_y’s Solid Steél P YEOVlL wain and friends ol' hey purmlls, Mr and b th" holiday. and homI Fol. givv par. In» Sr III to Jr IV-- VIS M o Sr III to Jr IV-- Margaret Wilson (H), Ernie» Hamilton. Jr m to Sr Ill ---Elmoce Hamilton, Ella Nelson, Tom Howler-son, Jean Lamont. Jack Nich. Olson, Willa Wilson. Ella McEachern. Sr H to Jr [IF-Donald MeEachtrtn, Gordon llvndvrson. Rose Lamont. L. Henderson, Russell Drlmnllv. Carman Dunstan. Kellar Henderson (R). JESSIE CLARK. Teacher 'Jr IV to Sr IV. Honors-Arthur Haas, Milton Schenk. Pass-Will; erguson. Jr ill to Sr. llI.-irurrs Lorne St-henk. Earl Ross. Pass- Harold Mephee, Murray Ross. Sr II to Jr. m-Honors-- Kenneth Alles. Sr Ir-- Honors-thaw Ketchabaw. Pass --kltnerm Troup, Leroy Ketehabaw Jr I-kenneth Ross, Reid Ketchabitw. " Pr. A--lmris Troup. Laura Ellis. Franklin Ketchahaw. George Hora,. burgh, Ada Ellis. Jr Pr B-Wilber, Sclwnk. L. 1. Bain. teachtu. west and admiration among the delegates and " all points visited. I The special In the longest all steel saunter thin ever run over the Atlantic division of any Cnnndiau rulroa . The sleepmzNurl were aiming to those used on the trtpmteontinentat run of the Canadian attonnl Reilwoyu and they found much favor "non; the 200 plunger: on board, all of whom expreuod themselves as being astonished " the 1eeMyntr.dttion, comfort and convenience. which these sleeping can provided. The dmin: cm loud similar favor in the eyes of the pluengen and, in feet, the whole thin NO. ll. NURMANBY Jr IV to Sr. IV-Norman Mollvridw (honours), Myrtle Park. Geo. Schenk, Meryl Hallow. Sr III to Jr. lv--' m-lh Mcilvride, Jr " to Sr Il-Wil. li" Park, Clayton Damm. Bept Lewis (rpm) " II to by. il-Harry Park. Hr Pr. l0 Jr. 1--Walteu. Park, Kelly anis. Jr. Pr. lo Sr. Pt-Lv.- Bauer. Fl. Browning, teach-y Guild held tln-ir monthly meeting. The union pit-niv passed off wry successfully which was held in Mr, Milford Matthews' bush. 'ilhr. mom important mm-rtuinuwnt was the ball matches botwoen No, 2 and S. S. No. I). The former won lhe football Kame und tho killer tlw base ball. Miss Violet Alyvrurain is spending and tho lunar tlie base ball. Miss Violet Alu-rdvin is a row woeks at tho home of Mrs. Ed. Lindsay. Mrs. Jno. Pollock and daughter Lots ralnn of Chicago. Ill., are spending a row weeks visiting their relatives of these parts. A numbvr or ther ladies of this com. munity, onjoyml a pleasant ant-moon on Wt'tinesday last at tho home ol Mrs. Jas. Wilton. where the Varnoy Guild held tln-ir monihlv nmminu Miss Gertrude Pollock of is holida.sing with her relativ vicinity. Miss the Wet here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Robinson of Tor- onto, acmmpunivd by Mrs Jno. Car. son ol KiloiH-nvr. spent tho day with friends and t'elatives of this locality. Miss Mary Krrr or Holstein 3pm! Ilu. week Hid at her parental home .. -- Mr. Thos, Tuckm: while collecting odd Vttttayi around those corners with his car. ran into Mr Geo. Pollock Sr. who was driving his horse and bug. Ky along the mad. but luckily none ot the occupants were injured. yy " :u'v sorry to “port that Mr Jas Robertson rpm-hm! a wry sore: arm from at fall which he had Monday. Mrs Weinglvr Hespolrt :m- s at tho humv ol' Dickson. We are sorn' Entram-v vaxnnalions in Holstein last Wild". We hope they will be among tho sttrcessrttl ones. eVt'tt so fur as [O cuptut'e the medal. Mrs Weinv,trw and two children of llvspn-Iur. :m- spending a few weeks at tlu. honur ol' bur unclv, Mr W. C. 'st_t School has slapped for anothrr h-rm and the kiddh-s are enjoying their wwil ".u.tuiod holiday. So also is Miss Colgan at hit homo in Dundalk. Two of ho-r pupils, Misses Jeem Smith and Lilian Smith wrote their A t'arload from Hvspvlor visited with Mr and Mrs W. C. Dickson rely an”): Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. CI Lewis on the bitth of their little daughter. -__H u“..- .._.,. livv. Gm. A. King, a former pastor on the circuit, ('allod on a few old friends last wen-k on his way to his sumnwr rvsort in the peninsula. Mr. King has been preaching in Brant- ford of late. The Football schedule has been completed but on account of a tie tw. tween Holstein and Mlldmay. anoth- or game will be necessary to decide the winner of the district. This will liktu.y be a splendid game and we hope lln- luck blows the right way. Election excitement is almost at an end for this time, though we still hear some heated arguments over political affairs. However as one of our chi,uf Ilanlif's is "seltucentredmess" prob. ably we will yet be led to so? that a change was better, if for nothing else than to keep the government from be. coming "selt<yuttred." motored up from Toronto on Satur- day and spent the holiday with her payouts. returning to-day, Tuesday. After spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. Reid, Miss Helen Urq- tthart returned to her home in Owen Sound Friday last. Here we are again after a long quietness. due to being busy. Well the excessive heat or two weeks ago, was certainly dzuupered last week, but tho cool wave seems to have pas- sed on again and the days are becom. ing quite hot. rumotion Examinations ALLAN'S CORNERS S. S. NO. 10, EGREMONT ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW NO. 'A EGREM ONT ORCHARD 'ollock of Toronto. hey relatives in this spending Mr and S. S. NO. l, NORMANBY Jr. IV to Sr. IV -Janet Marshall and Margaret Marshall eq., Jessie Marshall. Sr III to Jr tV-Eleanor Marshall (H), Hazel Mountain, Flor. ence Marshall. Sr ii to Jr m-Matt. el Sharp. Wilbert Petty, Myrtle Mar. shall, Melville Watson, Melville Petty and Jack Smallman eq., Edgar Mor. ice (rec) Jr " to Sr It-Otto Birr, Claire Morice. Sr Pr to Jr I--Elgtn Petty, Wallace Marshall, Jessie Mar- shall. Howard Marshall. Jr Pr to Sr Pr.-lusan Marshall, Thomas Watson Irene Petty, S. S. NO. ll, EGREMONT Pass 60 per cent. Entrance Clastr--Jno Switzer 87. Mar- garet Falrbalrn M, Grace Calder 81, Kathleen McLean 80, Islay McEtrele ern IT.. Br IV-Donald Gardiner,Gots don Watson. Jr In to Sr m--Mttvitg Snell 80, George Calder 76, Robert Myers and Rose: Swluer hi, Mary Plester 70, Ilene Hester 62. Br ll to Jr Iu-Ellw.vn Plester Ti', Ivan Blacks 75, Robert Calder 74, Mary Memb- ern 74, Arthur Watson 73, Marjorie Gardiner 67, Willie Wagner. I to It-. Irene Gardiner 79, Alex McEachern 76. Sr Pr to Jr l-Edith Hlncks 82. Gilbert MeEachern 73. Jr Pr to Sr. Pr-Robert Switzer M, Gordon Ples- ter 8N. Pr Jr-Fred Wagner 89. Rich- ard Morley b4, Ellzabeth Morley 76. Primer A-Edna Watson 80. No. on roll 30. Average attendance 26. FLORENCE C. HATTLE. The Duty of F Fire Prevention ,' RI'BY I. CASWELL, Teacher Teacher V -.. 'u In Aiiiriira, in the tipei1tiii'llitel'lhtegue.e,t,vre, mun nation-l - 're1iiii'it,'irtit'itrpttt li,llt,tlTgftt ,tG?'iis, fizmdm.za.;mm..°-~.... “WM"WM‘; trt 'tiiii5iiti'3ltit.istii :iiii?fi?,iiit “It. Home. at Crush well about 3% lbs. ripe fruit. Add 1 cup water, stir until boiling, cover pan and simmer 10 minutes. Place in Jelly bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 4% cups juice into large saucepan. Measure 71h. level cups (3% lbs.) sugar in separate pan. Bring juice just. to g on1gthte minute (Whig How to Make Red or Biack Currant Jelly Oh'. If you only didn't "veto boil, boil. boil your fruit to long in a hot kitchen! Wit..h. Certo the "dell" point is reach- Ame, ednwnth .onluy gag m.inuty boiling. Carelessness with cigarette butts, cigar ends, matches, pipe ashes, camp fires, fly smudges, railway locomotives, slash-burning operations-human carelessness of some kind accounts for over 95% of the forest fires in Ontario. 8". fruit, fuel, hard work" and worry. Certo never tells. it in Nn.. ture'a pectin. the natural jellying ele- ment In fruits. Your jun or jelly will cost less ind keep perfectly. You can't help getting the most de- licious (am o_r jelly WPeve.r mated} Coma?“ Booklet of Recipes with every ttle. If ii'i'l",', grocer does not have Certo, send is name and 40e and we will mail you a bottle. Write today fg ravine! Certo Booklet of 73 recipes l rec . car was the “that at my ”Elli-um from was Pull-l Conn-r. “I. K about. 57 boil, and begin to add sugar sh.“ with can“ stirring. taking about minutes to ndd sugar. keeping ji, nearly at boil. Then bring to L. and It once add 'd bottle (scam cup) Germ, stirring constantly, lt bring again to a full boil. for ly n, ate. Remove from fire, let slam minute, skim and pour quickly. JULY 8, 1923 VOL. XLVI. "enrich! Usw Hm Hum. tt tot Foeshu to als Peumg Fl I n15 ant 51mm Thrm' Itotr tutt h [buys In Hut-(loll i Home in "How to how: 011(1an tttrn wlmhinu " N g“ nod a0% (1mm 11ml

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