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Durham Review (1897), 2 Aug 1923, p. 4

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i it caine roHing dining car ut thre=th the c coing his level arsle sleepers. New Glastow ; bucriedly arase 6th r occupants usily fond of h ter the full timg previous. . (in â€" ars.c sleepers, We had arrived at New Glastow and it was 7 a m. We bucriedly arose only to find that the 6th s occupants of our coach were eq usily iond of hugging their berths, a!â€" ter the full time in Sydney the day previous. (im alighting from our car about & a. m., we were greeted with a line up of cars and a representative city Horist who presented all the ladâ€" es with beastiful pansies, the largest we think we have ever seen. The ity was gaily decked out in streamers ‘ad bunting in our honor and the whole place had a festive appearance. We were first taken out of the city «bout siz miles to a summit of land ulled the "green hill" and here is to »‘ soon A& worderiu! panorama of El;nc gur!;-am Mevirw With the Press Party to the Maritime Provinces Nova Scotia‘s Towns and Cities are Hives of Industry "Lact cal for breakfast" was our ot knowledge of anything on the orning of ‘Thursday, June 21st, as caine rolling from the lips of the ning car attendant as he passed r»"th the cight passenger coaches, in his level best to rouse the lethâ€" + ET : Ladies‘ Holeproof Silk Hose, elastic Â¥op........ **i*««.««*+*«>:<«* +« 98¢ pr 3 only 21 piece China Tea Sets:â€" ... 39.79 Sing.mesh cap shaped Hair Nets 5 for 25¢ Ladies‘ Summer Vests, reg 35¢ for..¢5¢ & 4 B« 4en s Thursday, Aug lig Bargain § suinimer Needs for Wednesday 11) be sSpecials for We JEWEL FLOUR ns, Boys‘ and Children‘s Canvas Footwear, rubber soles, at Special Discount of 15 per cent. y‘ CottimJerseys.............. 39c )s. Granulated Sugar for...... .. 1.00 4E VARIETY sTORE t t BEGGS‘ SFORE M {cFADLEN‘S PFXALL DEUG STORE New Glasgow necial Kidney Pills, reg. 50¢ n‘s Rhoumatic Pills, re + Balm, reguiar 40¢c, fo st Maid" Chasalsta Râ€". C Sibtbo M J. & J. HUNTER eumt of Quality Hardware J. H. HARDING Make Money by Spending It BARCGAINS weemmenimien es mnes ommenrcrue samere lnke d" Chocolate Bars Sait, reg. $1.00 for SPECIAL (with free cup rowdes ....... Powder ....... FRE ‘. McLACHLAN 10 tm 2, 1923 mam on cemusreec cale of Hardware ©iO1 SH EVERY DaY g. 50c for PHS reg. 50c foi closes Au« the original Scotch which toâ€"day, thei them honer. , From here we are taken back to the city to the car plant of the Nova ' Scotia Steel and Coal Company, wher> _ we were piloted through. â€" Here we were shown every detail, from the tiny bolt to the finished product in the turning out of steel box cars for the railway companies. It is the oldâ€" ost Iron and Steel Co. in the Dominion having begun operations 41 years ago and in the early part of the war atâ€" tracted considerable attention through out Canada by being the first producâ€" er of steel suitable for the manufactâ€" ure of shells. The district is also noted for possessing one of the larâ€" gest and best coal areas in the Domâ€" inion, while at Stellarton, a suburb, is a seam of coal, 38% to 40 feet, the | thickest in the world. Stellarton, | Trenton and Westville are suburban | towns, and though separate municiâ€"| palities, the four are geographically | one. We were motored through these towns and on to Pictou Harbor, about 12 miles distant, and which town has recently occupied a prominent place in the daily press of late. It was here| the good ship "Hector" landed with $iis ce w 1 L I reg. 5¢ each, very cxx«rr :«~««1 Tt 350 land and water, and hill and dale. For miles in every direction one gazes on pasture and orchard lands and ovâ€" er all hung that fresh greenness that is so characteristic of the month of June, when "Heaven tries the earth if it be in tune, ) # Confectioner And n satcer) oer it softly the warm earth lays." . $3.49 per cwt. 13 bars for $1.00 ... l1¢ package Yening t€ Ile per pkg 3 for 24¢ 656 pkg lith otch settlers and of their descendants did 12¢ 1b ib tin VC 0C 1.00 .55¢ 85¢ 35¢ 39c 20¢ 9¢ only 75 cents Te REVIEW, C. Ramage & Son, Pubs hill and date.! At noon for the luncheon hour, we 35¢ Liniments for ........., 60c Chase‘s Ointment for.... 35¢ Forhan‘s Tooth Paste ... $1 Horlick‘s Malted Milk for 5. McBETH We will give THE REVIEW : Subscriters the balance of this $2.15 Jeweler Why have your Cattie suffering Special Sale Ladies‘ Kimonas Cross & Suthorland Hardware Tirese Bargains hold gocd for the one Pay and Evening only All the newest pieces of F »very ?flea’naadqy, at & j. m. Ly Durham Citizens‘ Rand Fine China Cups and Saucers +++......$1,.25 to $3.75 CUT GLASS in the Beautiful Corn Flower design, in Butter Tubs, Celery Trays, Spoon Trays, Mustard Jars, Candy Jars, Compotes, and many other pieâ€" ces 1rons.......2.2..000 00 CE uie c l o with the Flies when Zenoleum Fiy Sksot will give trtom comfort ? Wed‘y & Wed. Night, August 8th Specials for Wednesday For Weddesday Only . tins IÂ¥y for $2.85 | ROBT. BURNETT Inexpensive Odd Gifts In Rose, Blue and Mauve Different sizes and styles At 1 p.m. we entrained again and a short stop was made at Truro. The civic authorities of the town were much disappointed that our itinerary would not allow of a longer stay, the s having motors ready for to "do" the city. _ Premier Armstrong of Nava Scotia was on hand ‘and for the seeâ€" ond time in our tour, welcomed us to the Province over which he presides. Mr. Max Cormeau of Edmunstone, N. Brunswick, was song leader of the party and his singing of "Alouette" in his native tongue, with the part y chiming in the refrain, always drew rounds of applause. | Amkerst and Sackville | We boarded the â€"train again for Amherst, a border city of 12,000 peoâ€" ple and here the band turned out to do us honor. In three of our stops we had bands serenade us. Amherst is in more respects than one a place of particular interest to the tourist. The town is delightfully situated. In part it is skirted by the marsh lands of Chignecto Bay, which afford a pleasing prospect to the eye and parâ€" ticularly as the sun goes down, when marvellous color effects are beheld. were banquetted at a Presbyterian Church in the city, and followed by another flow of reason from various municipal lights, as well as members of the Press party. It seems strange to recall now, how our digestive orgâ€" ans were equal to the meals served the party. Sometimes we were eatâ€" ing five times a day and to say that no "first aids" were necessary is speaking volumes for the Press peoâ€" ple. M . C. TOWN . The Gift Shop WiLSON, Conductor. FLB RIGV LIIGW to New balance of this year for Drugg 20, Woednesda €IU AKUNAIvVES TORONTO a se sik‘s sike m +s 9OR andâ€"up ine Silver Flatware..75¢ up ist & Stationer â€"++.. S5¢ $3.35 " 1.00 Optician 23¢ 49¢ 29¢ !_ Sackville was reached at dusk, am!} it was unfortunaote that time would not allow us to remain longer in this | delightful town. _ This town is the | is the seat of educational attainments in the Province for the Methodist Ch. and in fact is of Dominion wide fame. The Mount Allison Educational Instiâ€" tutions are seated here and it may be somewhat of local interest to know that Mrs. A. E. Webster of Toronto, and daughter of the late M. K. Richâ€" ardson, exâ€"M. P. of Flesherton was an exâ€"teacher of elocution in this buildâ€" ing. We were piloted through the huge ladies‘ residence by the head, housekeeper and everything smacked of cleanliness and order. By cars we were taken to Sackville a distance of 12 miles and which brought us back into New Brunswick for the time being. _ Between theso two places are to be seen the famous Taniramar dyke lands and Fort Beausâ€" cjour. In this section there is also a great marsh of 25,000 acres, which evâ€" ery year produce great quantities oi hay. At one time this land was simpâ€" ly a bog covered with water anda stunted bushes. But the dykes were built in the French regime and this\ has reclaimed the land to such an exâ€" tent that now it is estimated over 40, 000 tons of hay are harvested (-ach‘ year. The soil is very rich, requires no artificial aid and crops are raised each season without reâ€"seeding. Amherst‘s streets are broad, its busâ€" iness blocks modern, its public buildâ€" ings and eburch edifices substantial and pleasing in architectural design. while many of its residential dwelâ€" lings are handsome and imposing. THE DURHAM REVIEW "PARNER HUuNTER BUG KILLER..23 Ibs, 1 inch Hay Fork Rope nx++++kk....... . Dep Granite Presorving Keitles, each Fruit Jar Rubbers, por "package .....;,¢.. Granite Water Dippers Hang Hay Rakes Sweat Pads Large Pail Axle Grease 7 inch Stove Pipe Eibows ... :; ~ specialsâ€" Wednesday August 8th Mi Grant‘s Wednesday Specials Men‘s (Greb) Wor Men‘s Prown Calf Men‘s Brown Calf J. S. McILRAITH NEW s Arrived this v 1 Wh. Enamel Writing Desk, $9 1 Whits Enamel Dressing Men ol« 20 pair Lace Curtains, 25 x REMNANTS OF VOILES at Men‘s Rubber Beits, regular Everâ€"Ready Dundee Cocoa, .. A. S. HUNTER & co. Black and White, regular $1.35 for Khaki, regular $1.85 for ... . +**Â¥a%% Heavy Blue Duck, regular $1.35 for WEDNESDAY onLy ints‘ White C s und heels. 14 Wednesday SPECIALS THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Work Shirt Specials V V Table White and h U H. MORLOCK & sONs avy Chrome Work n te «McKECHNIE SsTOCK OF Tagice OILCLOTH week, in 15 yard and 1% yard v Canvas Strap Slippers, leather els, sizes 8 to 1014, reg $1.50 for Canvas Strap Slippers,/leather . sizes 3 to 7%%, reg. $1.35 for Repairing a Speciality . Stores closedThursday Zaiternoon anv anser â€"Blucher, wide toe; Bal, English last .. rrrs ssisls enAAA 4.00 . KRESS a 5 Strap Slipp izes 11 to 2 r Three piece oak bedroom set for sale. snap. Apply at residence to Phone 76. Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder Did you get your BritishAmerican Gasoline toâ€"day? Sold exclusively by Smith Bros. A reception was tendered the party at Fawcett Hall, a beautiful building donated to the town as a gift from a benefactor of the place. Here speeches and more speeches, that in a small degree, resembled a royal cortege, judging by the homage given to the party. An appetizing luncheon at a club house and we were warned to make for our train which was due to pull out at 9 p.m. _ Sackville is 'thc- junction point where the branch line to Prince Edward Island dlverges; ! Bound for Pr. Edward Island \ _ We travelled on into the night and' were due to arrive at Cape Tormenâ€" tine at 10.30 p. m., where the big ferry was to land us, train and all, over to Borden, 9 miles across the straits, on Prince Edward Island. _ Some of the party sat up to watch the procoss] and others went to their berth. This: transfer took place about midnight, as we were in the best and soundest: sleep. But we in a short time rud«ly: awakened by the shunting and jolting} and sent sleep flying from us till we| safely landed in fair Prince Edward| Island, commonly called "The Garden! of the Gulf." _ But what we saw and| did there is another story and will be| told in next issue. ‘ . L. GRANT 38, reg $2.50 fo Oneâ€"Third of R« 602 fOY‘,..._._AA ‘catner $1.15 for 1. a leath« d of Reg. Price ......40¢ cach 20c tin for 15¢ .3 tins for 25¢ The Cash Shoe Store ither 0 for 5 1.50 $5.00 $4.50 $5.50 $5.50 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 We are sorry to Andrew Fulton had break her arm last she was thrown off cuiting havy on tha Mr. and Mrs, Jas Mrs, Anderson and ed friends in Walk the week, Mr. and Mrs, Jno family spent Sunday M._ W. Byers, 0 havea mho,, 1 "V, J4Canor Gllmory who have been holidaying here, re. turned to their home in Burgessvilte on Monday, Misses Maggie Gitmour and Bessie Mather accompanied them and will remain for a few weeks, Mrs. Jas, Park spent an afternoon recently with her mother, Mrs, Ww Geddes, ptantiion i 890 £ .01( Misses Marie and Ele who have been holidayi turned to their home in on Monday., Misses Ma and Bessie Mather accon and will remain for a fow Miss Rache] lu‘_zi friends in C y . C 7 mends at Lucknow Mrs. Armsirong Sr. was ta while at the home of hep da Mrs. D. Mountain last week, t are pleased to say she is reco Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith of spent Sunday with the latter ents, Mr and Mrs, Chas, Petty, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Coutts of y Spent last Tuesizas ar " ae.. se strong‘s genia Miss Sybil Law week with friends [CEURME nay on Mr. Russeil, 1 Siste vi tion M Mr. Fp holidayin Mrs. Tho Mrs. few day son, Mi mir. Alex. Firth of Brampton around this burg last week ren old acquainances, Mrs. \Wm. Cardweln and â€" day Froda of Toronto, visited last w the home of her cousin. Mrs JIoh soUTH EAST BENTINCK T fi se Sm Hill and No. 9 were given pleasant address by Mr. 4 Brampton. Mr. John Gra ham occupied the chair, singing of the National platform was laid and th ple enjoyed themseives or more in dancing, f were lighted for the Smith Bros. of burham, well worth the extra awn Mr. MceCrea of Palmerston, â€" spent over the week end at Jos Atkinson‘s. The Union Garden Party between Edge Hill and No. 9, held last Friday night on Mr. Wm. Weir‘s lawn, was a great success, The evening was fine and a large crowd turned out and we think further, everybody enjoyed themselves. A game of baseball was played in the evening between the Union team and Rocky Saugeen, the Rocky winning by 8 to 6. The best part of the evening was a program, consisting of music by the Rocky Baugeen orchestra, songs by the Misâ€" ses Kerr and Miss W. Blyth of Varâ€" ney. A number of readings and seâ€" lections by the yvounr neanle Aaf ViAeq " m eorge Smith of Tor siting this week at Wim. Smit Mrs. Dewar of Owen Sound couple of days last week w ster, Mrs. Wm. Picken, Mr. â€" Otto Bauer and _ frie tohener.â€" snant) Knidac gucll El Miss Pierson of Listowel, is visit ing her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Weir Jr. Mr. Harper McGirr and Mrs Mur ray Hoy of Detroit and Stratford ro spectively, are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MceGirr. ETT ET7 EITUTCT WITCD onto, spent a few days recently wllh‘ {riends far and nea her parents, Mr and Mrs. Jos. Atkinâ€" from a considerable son. [ old schoolmates. Miss Pierson of Listowel, is visitâ€"] Midighnt found th« ing her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Weir Jr. | themseives, but they Mr. Harper McGirr and Mrs Mur| for some had quite . ray Hoy of Detroit and Stratford rc-[ sides the Smith Bro: pruamill 3. wal ues 11 . Mr and Mrs. Alex. Aljoe and sister, Miss Victoria, spent a few days with Mamilion and Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Noble, Rocky Saugeen, visited Mrs. Alexander one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Patterson of Torâ€" Miss Maimie Haley of Detroit, visit ed her aunt, Mrs. R. McFadden rec ently, * Mrs F. McPherson tives, the McDonald Hill. Master Will Holstock of O. Sound, is spending a few days with the Bell family. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamilton â€" spent the first of the week with Mr. and Ml:fih\\"!lrl: McFadden of Orange Valley. Master Lawrence Whitmore of town is swending his holidays with his grandmother, Mrs. N. Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs R. Moore and little daughter of Meaford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Crutchley. The dry hot weather seems to be ripening the berries very quickly wnich is a very bountiful crop this year. The Rocky boys played baseball at the No. 9 Garden Party on Friday evening against a mixed team, our boys winning the score 6 to 8. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Searle of Guelph are visiting her mother, Mrs. Hill. Miss Irene Vessie, St. Marys, is spending her holidays with her grana parents, Mr and Mrs. Jno Vessie. Most of the farmers have their wheat in which appears to be a good crop. A number of this line spent a jolly day in Owen Sound on Saturday. Welbeck. Miss Edna Ferguson, accompanied by her friend, Miss Betty Pierson of Chicago, are spending their vacation with the former‘s aunt, Mrs. L. Mcâ€" n Rach‘el Ford has Miss Helen Watson is e home of her brother Dunsmoor of Durham, spent 8 last week at the home of h« . C. Dunsmoor,. is in this \'iclhla"x Marie and Eleanor HAMPDEN rs. Ben Coutts of Vickers Tuesday at Mr. E. Arm GREEN GROVE °O _â€" "HEL Wweek, Dut we to say she is recovering, Mrs. Robt. Smith of Conn, 1 Mc mour‘ain of Detroit with his parents, Mr Mountain. and No. 9, held last Friday Mr. Wm. Weir‘s lawn, was uccess, The evening was large crowd turned out and further, everybody enjoyed i. _A game of baseball was Ud â€"6GP . and friends spent Friday last at Walkerton n off the mt;;"er ;ll;ile i the Bentinck farm. who has spent the past _ with the latter‘s pai Mrs. Chas, Pettv. ue young people of Edge _9 were given and a very ress by Mr. Alex Firth of Mr. John Graham ofi Durâ€" to report that had the misfort last Thursday rence _ Whiteford ang with Mr and Mr3 Byers and family, Miss Nellie, visit. b has been visiting vicinity recently, ret I and daughte ited last week a n, Mrs John M« A mor mlsfonux;;'{a rsday â€" when mower while was taken it her daughter visited her relaâ€" family of Edge the is visitin $ a program,| ~,) ~~>*~ ~»A i0cif sister, Mr y the Rocky | !® ; by the Misâ€".| . Miss Ella Sillars, of Toronto llyth of Vap. tUra2ed home on Saturday to sp:« ngs and se_’umplo of weeks with her pa ople of Edgo Rev. and Mrs. SiHars, n and a ver,\’] Mr. Lorne Mcintosh sports a Alex Firth of| l'jpz"d car, also his brother ham of Durâ€"| Giris look out sor a good time. After the| % _.\lr. C. Mortiey, accompanied _ Authem a| is twe daughters, motored to A e young peoâ€"| ‘b:‘.lurda‘\'. to visit Mr and Mrs. 4 for an hour 122 jJ0r a few days, The grounas | .\ir.. and Mrs Jno. Kennedy and occasion by ily of Kenilworth, and Mr and surinints ) anoe P ADRPVEN | EMANRNE onl( Sivcuoacds 6e o .ws lor 1 to I sion b ich wa in hour grounds aughtep Mrs Lent her of Eu pent 0| Al S¢ ( Mr. Donald McCormick is as teacher in 8. 8. No. 1« coming year, 200 PECeRmIeant, VIT 24 on the line last week., Miss Dorothy McKenzie of Kinâ€" cardine, js visiting hor uncle, Mr T. Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MeDonald and t‘!‘lughter Janet, of Pricevite, visited rs Jas, ‘Donzld on ess 'u and Hugh MeDon:ld nagq, _ ""CUonalu inmilies on Wedâ€" nesday, Miss . Tena McLean of Durham ana Miss Isabe} MceLean of Michigan, visâ€" ited on the DINB 1nCF amscl Uwen Sound, visited Mr N. Clark recently, Mrs. Duncan Morrison ter Annie of Dornock Smith and MeDonalu izm nesday, Mr. and ih Owen Sound. week, Mr. and Mrs. to and Misses . Durham, were McDonald on & Mrs. J, el family Misses Cath. and Annie Cla visiting Mrs. j Messrs Alex Cracken and Fletcher and q Mr. and Mrs, Sunday, nome line, As Mr sold out in the ww % they will settie nea wishes go with her. Mrs. Needham re in Toronto Monday A very interesti while she empti read the verse a ticle. â€" The man she received go esteem in which the Misses singing *For hnd ti placing of the was cai ure for the West husband, Mrox aDou the } pres: at of ily Ha M Miss Ella turned home couple of w Rev. and Mi Mr. Lorne Ford _ car, Giris look ou few wer let. June, of ‘Toronio, spent friends in our burg. Mr. Angus Mactniosh spenit Saturday with iri Sound. eighbo rriving Mr. J. H. Klein left on Monday a er spending the weck end with + Dargavel iamily. A number of our young people to in the Zion Garden Party on Thuy day evening. Miss Ruby Smith of Toronto is iting her parents for a few weeks, Nrs. Harold Picard and daught June, of Toronio, spent a week wi Midighnt found them still enjoyir themseives, but they soon disperse for some had quite a drive and b sides the Smith Bros. of Durham b gan to take down their lights. 1t w; not long till quietness â€"reigned 8uU reme and every one was satisfied wi the night‘s enjoyment The large crowd present included many dormer Hampdenites, After a musical program with Mr Jno White tord as Chairman, in his usual eflic ient manner, and an appetizing lunch, the young people amused themselves in piaying games on the ten acre field adjoining the spacious Jawn while the older ones conversed with The Hampden Garden Party which was held on Tuesday evening at thc home of Mr. M. W. Byers proved 10 be very successiul in spite 0f the raim which threatened all day but which has been postponed indefinitely. Dr. and Mrs. Hauck of Mildmay, visited at the home of Mr. Wm Sharp recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas,. Fursman and family, accompanied by Miss Clara Muir of ‘Toronto, spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. M. Byers. Mrs. Bailey of London, spent a few days with her brother, Mr Herb 11;, ingstone, % Misses Ethel and Mazel Young o; Durham, visited Misses Agnes and Evelyn McLean recently and took in the Garden Party here. Miss Edith Knechtel of Hanover ; holidaying with hber friend, Miss Ne tie Byers. Mr. E. Geddes accompanied his sis ter, Mrs. Jas. Park to Carrick ang spent Sunday with friends there. C agy " sg c ° NP N. W. Byers, Mr. Noble Fizze] has been assisting Mr. Win. Little to take off his hay, Mr. Albert Mearns spent Sunday eyâ€" ening with friends here, Mrs, Bradiey foom Toronto, motorâ€" ed up from the city with friends and spent the week renewing old acquainâ€" tances. The Misses Schilling â€" of Hanover, visited with Mrs Derby on the "Tarm" last Thursday. (Intended sor 1ast week,) Mr. and Mrs. W. Durnan, Mr Robt. Durnan and Mrs. M. Woods 0( nes; Goderich, spent the week end at h home of Mrs. A. Anderson. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Noah Mey son Garfield spent an e, ening at the ho_nge of Mr o M. w. B\ month with her sister, Mrs 7.\;de|~m. returned to his home a; Guelph ty Wl Aas i Thursda it sixty o hom Mr. °6 3CIUC about nin« ie house full of fri« g her in a chair in _room, the overfior arried in by Mrs. N. nd L a mis pending Sask home about : house full 0 ber in a chs roon. the av ses Lamb and For she‘s a jolly interesting / time« AMex, Pletc and _ the and Flora Mrs. Wiggs in Misses Siltlars eks with their ‘ Vlark, all of Toronto, a irs. J. w Smith, D. Clark visited the Darga at Wiarton the first of th dau Gty atharine and CnHH> nandasome pres d go to show the love which she is held on As Mr. McLean has the West, we ail hope ettle near us. The bes DWe was 8. Wm. Milne of Toro: vathy and Ina Milne o ‘_ guests of Mrs Joh: Bunday, . Walters and family o DORNQCH a m ie M Eie Dornock _ visited the M pr« Ved the cont accompanying Morrison and daugh the | ; greatl vious to her to join her ; H turned to her mIck 18 ergaged . No. 10 for the cher and M‘m \ Misses Margo MeKinnon, visit P at AI Ne d tey some comir distance to s« and Mrs 1 M nds in O ssie Smi H« Morth ) W in 0 c©10 dhan oon pend , Mr d lzger and 8 recentiv DC 0| n mt FALL TERM OPENS Auog Yonge and Charl Arrange now to ous school â€"{am: high grade work ; ly helping gradua employment. Non ada. â€" Catalogne i W.G. W ATS I have recently adds MOTOR HEARSE 10 my F al Equipment, and am no a position to give better «0 to my patrons. Embaiming a Specialt WwW.G, W ATS( Harness and Undertal [Â¥ AUVG 2 P 2 will d The Quali M BV ux oo it 4 4« ) wR Th PRICEV 1923 Ha (G

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