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Durham Review (1897), 13 Sep 1923, p. 4

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Put-idem. "arding's Widow Receives Manny IM", M-.', T who aliMl In mm», .urs. lla.n..'u. (in. mun-M, Mr., Lincoln. In: Man 1tcKintey. "mums gaw- t'tser.rt the n-muindvr ot tho salary for the. ys-nr mm would have some to ”Mair husbands had they tized. The anuud salary of the President in 373. um and the salary year Nuns March 4. tiertator, and rvwrsrnlzuivm as- p;: mm "a: .mne will be done for My . “mum“ 'th. widow of own"; Prerduettt who am not 1tle ‘m "trite" has been gin-n a ”A”: annuity h; count-ass. sine» try l'w death at President Tyier---with lwu rtscir-sr--Mres Harrison and Ir"""""' a: Badman 'tesies Thur-day. Sept. 13. 1923 MIN) See our Display of Hobberlin Samples for Suits and O'coats " www- China Tun Sets. A . . . . . . .. 1:54? MA,'H, HAND "ttWLt4 for. . . . . . (.I.ASS TUNIILHRS. hall! don-n for i gum, .\LI'MINI~'.\I SAUCE PASS. . . . . .. . . ... . . . .054 NHL". OLIVE SUU' r................-..'". 4 for 250 13.155 WATER SETS. p4tehor and 6 glass“ F.... .79e W," unm- Gold "and DINNER SETS. regular $25 tor8t9.50 FRONT LACED Special Discounts AS p. c. J. & J. HUNTER Loavo your order and get the best Iolec‘ion. We have an hand tho latest and but in HATS A N " (YA PS. Look these over. Special: for Wednesday September t9th Harding had um I in mor" than $55 dts Harding may my. a 85.0w) aunt Four 60 or 40 Watt Lamps for $LOO Cross & Sutherland Hardware ttttt,taOGG':4 “EMS FLA IONIC SAL‘MN .‘.,.... t'tttu'ih.NT.i ........... Hill's”. large pack-mp- Nu’l? m.. Fr. ...r....'r "ta.s' ‘.' “mu mu? . THE VARIETY STORE C, H‘ARIJNH ...t...m...." "su (mauv- BLACK TEA A Special Assortment of 46 Ur" __-_ - this: at Cut Prices Popular Patent Medicines at Cut Prices GOSSARD CORSETS Wednesday SPECIALS ”mums mm mm; $Nllfi Specials for the I9Ih GEO. S. BURN ETT a; RED SALMON tt. MORLOCK & SONS lor " Wednesday Special in um (IRAN FLARE.“ Hauling. ac- custom. Vi” would have : had he liv- , his salary bark satar', not drawn, 1335mm. In many rereivrs annuity and . "iiickikiikiii & Lincoln. roam Kaw- nulary for gum- to Teat. The of four e, Mrs, Mra Ciwnland. In addition each was "tends-d the [ranking privileges-- that is they mm- permitted to send their mail tree ot chargv. Widows of senators and represen- 13(is who tlie in olnco. receive at the hands of canvass. on" yoar's sal- ary that would have tron" to ttwir irhhands. which amounts to $7.50“. An mic-hango- givas some permanent, hints as to news suitable for local :.u-.vspnpo-rs which We rvproducou Thu Review will always be pleasad to io-cviw- accounts of the following: I -Marriae.' given as fully as pos- sible; 'r-Births; t-0ettttr.s, aiwa.ts' Rive skvtch of lit»: t-Removals: 5 --1.oss. by tire, or otherwise : IF-- ]..md tramp-rs: T--Rotrberies: k-- t'nusual freaks or accidents : '.)--New or important "nterpriaos: 1_l'si. tors to or from a. distance: ii-.\li township no-ws and in fact any kind of nonws that is of interest: W-Pro. zro-ss of agricultural operations. Don't forgo-t to sign your name, which is not ior publication. What, not to ttive :--Jitres, hints on inaitutatiotts which only a few can make sons» or and which are unklnd In their naturv: the mo-rv calling ot one's neighbor on another, ”can. for some public purp- oi" : Sunday visiting. and though 'ev. wry 1assle has her laddie,' she doesn’t lilo. the public to know Peers' time ".".ir.r.r.........3 for 25e m. 75c. Bpeetal....68e ttt THE NEWS WE WANT .4542 per pk: 2 cans tor 25( ..25c ..29c ...45c 25e '25c Wed'y & Wed. Night, Sept. 19th Specials- Wednesday, Sept. 19th Challenge BREAD KNIFE. each. . . . . . . .. . Galvanized STOVE BOARDS, muttt . . . . . . MEAT sAWs, each m..,............."" WINDOW SHADES, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' noxnn's HORSE CLIPPERS. per pair. FOOD V MEAT CHOPPER. each. . . . . . . BlSSEl.L'S CARPET SWEEPER. each. . . WRIST WATCHES, good quality . . . ' . . . Women's Brown Kid OXFORDH sins 2% to 7. reg. $4.50 for Child's Patent Lad Brown Stu size-s 4 to 10%. reg. $1.50 a Women's Brown Calf 2-strap SLIPPERS. when heels. tog. $4.50 and $5.00 for............ Women's Brown Kid OXFORDS, cuban heels only 50 cents The REVIEW, C. Ramage ' Son, Pubs. J. S. MclLRAlO We will give THE REVIEW to New Subscribers the balance of this yearfor every Wednesday, at 8 p. m. Jity war/tam Citizens' Jihrnat LADIES‘ SUEDE GLOVES. lined or gauntlet. reg. $1.50 mr........ a...................."""' $1.20 LADIES' FANCY SILK GLOVES (Queen Quality) to rm any hair LADIEb EARL] anan uwv..- “._-,,, - _ for ".'..".r."C..C.C....,.......-..t'2ni) per pair FINE NAVY BLUE SERGE. 36 In. (or........85c yd BROWN COATING, M in. wide for. . ... ”41.75 pet yd BROWN \‘ELVBTEEN at................85c per yard Special Prim: on Rugs and Mats Reduced Prices on Curtains, Chintz and Draperies “a w , he calls on her, and the public does not can tor it either. . S. HUNTER & CO. BOOTLEGGING CANADA i Ever since tho enactment of prohib- him) in the United Stairs, Canada, or rather the liquor trtsttie as it existsin; Canada, has been tt nuuanee to law-1 abiding people. Big liquor factories, in Ontario when" lake or rivvr consti- tute the international boundary liiw, have laid special tracks to the water- side tor the convenience of the liquor stnumrler. Quebec and British Co- lumbia amwar to be proud of their positions as bootleggers' supply assoc- iations. Great govvrnment liquor stores were opened at strategic points wliere "1ng cargm-s could most read. Ily he run into our neighbor's terri- J8am/ Program tory Of course all the bootleggers Were not Canadians, all the law breaking machinery was not native to Canada; The liquor traiilc in the United States) as elsewhere, had always bade denr ance to the law. No sooner had it been outlawed than many of its sup- porters linked up with the trattle in Canada in a campaign to bring the law into disrepute. The United States' law authorities protested more than once, but Were met with scant courtesy. "Let them enforce their ri- diculous. hypocritical law themselves" was the tone of our liquor-ted papers. it is no affair of Canada's." As a. sort of Justification of the liquor smug- gling, the Canadian Press was sup plied with all sorts of "news items" THE STORE WITH THE STOCK For Wednesday Only Wednessday Specials Lad Brown Strap SLII’PERS. 101ir, reR. £1.50 and $2.00 for.. Repairing a Speciality _-A...-'---... M. WILSON, Conductor. . KRESS . L. GRANT The Cash Shoe Store from the one text. that prohibition had been foisted on the people of iii) United States by the skiltul lobbying ot an organized minority. in theory" that has bamboozled a large propor- tion of eminent British people-even rlergymen. especially such as drink liquor themselves and naturally look on the law as condemning them. it was implied that it was a rather praise worthy act than otherwise for this land of liberty to supply them with “f? " f? " l 1.20 liquor. Decent Canadians with a British re- spect for law and order and interna- lional unity. blush for their country when they see it exploited by the for. c--s of international anarchy. THE DURHAM REVIEW The demand of the liquor tttttie has always been that at the demons in possession: "Let us alone.'" But when let alone it has never failed to invite other spirits more wicked than itself or company. So the big profits of liquor smuggling, rum running, boot legging. or whatever other name it. goes by, having attracted some of the worst elements ot' the population of the continent. they have acted ac- cordinz to their kind. They have dpnlt in and encouraged all sorts of ovil They have fought and robbed and murdered They have torrorizwd law abiding people, their ruttian vio. low IWFr.Bw..."e' W, lance has been exercised on omcers of the law as well as on each other. At last, after an exchange of notes between the U. States and the Canad- ian governments, a conference has GETTING ASHAMED OF IT . A5e . MM, ' 59c . .S9c 31.99 .t1.89 43.99 Grocery Needs in every Family SALADA TEA. per m,.-.......,.... New CLOVER HOEY. (5 m pail) .... FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER. po Large bottles EXTRACTS. reg. 25c t'ol Pure SINGAPORE PEPPER, per m.,. Fresh MIXED BISCUITS. to: 25c m., louse of Quality Hardware J. B. HARDING IMPERIAL QUART FRUIT JARS, per dot... .. 41.50 WINE QUART SRUXT JARS, per doa., . ' . . . . . . . . J1.25 IMPERIAL PINT FRUIT JARS, per dos. . .. . . . . 4.1.25 14 bars COMFORT SOAP........................$l.00 , m tin ot DALTON'S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE., . .65c Our Fall Shipment of has arrived and our on WEDF Junior RED SALMON ... s. MelMlhtllil 2 tin. MOLASSES for ....' PEAS. CORN, TOMATOES . FELS NAPTHA SOAP ..r'. Large bottle of "MIRACLE" CASTILE SOAP, largo bar w...,.......,......,..) SNAP, Hand Cleaner o.,.........-...." tin PALMOLIVE SOAP o....,....,.............'" 25c MISS DAINTY SOAP w.....,..........-' tor'.'m Makes its call for Gifts. We no prepared to supply your needs In nice gifts in Silverware, Cut Glass. Clocks and other Novelties. Nice piece. a! OILVERWAIE from......75¢ and up OUT GLASS - 'Nm..........x....1.25 and up CLOCKS from.....-..................-..$2.oo and up Can and see our stock when in need of I Gm. BEGGS’ STORE The September Wedding Wednesday, Sept. 19th Specials for Wednesday Snaps for Wednesday ved and it will pay you to look them WEDNESDAY OR WED. NIGHT. We will give five lengths of Polished Pipe with each Stove ROBT. BURNETT D. C. TOWN l moms», . McLAOHLAN been unused for in wmcn """ --- i ter may be discussed try rerreoentt": tives of the two nations concernHl.: Premier McKenzie King states‘thatt the American authorities have been, assured of Canada's dessire to cooper: we as far as possible with them in tho enforcement of American lava. Just' _ ‘ -__e .-. ohm Ameri- as Canada would expect can gov't to cooperate w authorities in the ma Canadian laws. It is pk that some papers who ha ing scorn on the suggest ada should interfere w hing. haVa- at Fast discovv mterierence is our ohm Stoves and Ranges "ingghavi‘ at last dincovvrm mm a“... ' "tterlerence is our obvious duty. Mining: and ttonreri'. , ne an... e:,te.iut,ttr.,horti, that the Conroy-iI was given in marriage by Mr C. mr ,'?)ih',11','.ie, "Timbtuh' plane in thidoli?. wore a charming French gown certing menus. if zsggcfrsml tit "01"iof shell pink (Roulette. her tulle veil um and a ttuitful swirl-"gr 14:23:“ bring canghi with orange blossoms. lional friction and disagreement 581w carried a shower boquet of oplr . mlla roses and wow the gift of the __, ------ igroom. a diamond cluster ring. Miss “ -e, “’ilnnn of o. Sound, was brides- Merohtutts ', Orderyour counter check books at the Review office. Ask to see samples. Lowest prices. Did you get your Gasoline to-day? St Smith Bros. When a woman winds a tovml around her head and calls for a buck- (-1 of water, it means the beginnin: ot a big day : but when a man winds It towel around his head and calls for water, it means the end of a big night. "i5Fi't'Nrtlty 'Afic TORONTO Drunist & Stationer mr moi Y"ll'G ...,..___ l on: P ins stamqhat; . authorities have been‘ HELwro--";e"'tf nadts's desire to MPH-i A very pretty vedding took place sossible with them in tho" in Hanover Wednesday. Sept. tr., at Lf"e"if,fdl" IT", “Hi“. the home of Mr and Mrs Chats. Rw expcc 6 mere ' . ooperat" with tu3ffi'relt; when the latter" te1',trQ, 'r, n the maintenance ot " May Redford. became the r e o l B. " is pleasant to 3.,“ Mr Norman W. Holwig. of Toronto, 19m who have been cast-' eldest son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Het. the suggestion that Can- wig of Ilanowr. The ccrcmony was nterfere with rum run- conducted try Rev. it. A. l-‘accy and inst discovvred that such' took place under an arch of uutumn ly our obvious duty. ‘foliagc and tlowers. The bride who "onod that. the Coni‘cr-t was given in marriage by Mr C. mr - . '”" -rrtr6a a charming French gown s__BI.. “an par Jar. tor,,..., ....5 ting for $1.60 ................25c ....s......niie tin .........3 for Me ur British-American Sold exclusively by .. Me ....21c ....25c 21c lb Option- 'toe 39¢ towel elia roses and wore groom. a diamond cl Ceeie Wilson of o. S maid, wearing blue with black picture Premier rows. Mr Toronto supported t groom. a diamonu “w“. Cecie Wilson of o. Sound, was brides- maid, wearing blue and silvvr tum-tn with black picture hat and carrying Premier roses. Mr Roscoe Helwig of Toronto supported the groom. Miss Vera Zinn played the Wedding march and during tho signing of the register Miss Winnlfred Clarke sang "Be cause." A buffet luncheon Ins serv- ed by Mrs Randall of Strutford, the bride's table being beautifully decora- ted in pink and white, bordered with pale pink ribbon, knotted here and there with tiowert' interwoven, and centred with the wedding cake. The dining room throughout was tasteful ly adorned in pink and white. Mr and Mrs Helwig left for Bigwin Inn, Lain ‘of Days. tho bride travelling a nu) blue suit, grey cloche hat and no) squirrel choker. On their' return the: will reside at 147 Balmorul Ave., Tor onto. --Post. - “““h In“ The bride in above skelcn spun her public school years in Durham with her mother, and will be remun- bered by many who wish her joy in her " citizenship.) Thrashin: in the order of than any in this neighborhood. Miss Ada Mela-an of Toronto. is visiting her aunt, Mrs Mchnnel. Mr and Mrs Rom. Whitman and Mrs J. Hopkins of town. spent. Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wm. Lawrence. Mr and Mrs Jno. Nowell and family spent a low days at Toronto "Ex." a...“ .- .r V -"v Mrs. Wm Grant and Mrs Albert Kel. lar of Varney, took In the Insmute meeting hold at the home of Mrs S. Patterson Thursday last. ': Mrs Henry Cross of Durham, spent a raw days with her slat", Mrs W. A, Q Livingstone. i Mr and Mrs Hurry Rear and child- ', ran. spent Sunday a! Mr A. C. Xenon- ald‘s at Crawford. Mrs Thos. Momm- ot town, spent a day with her Mater. Mrs John Bell. fur and Mrs Jno. MeGirr spent a day In Chester last week. -irr and Uri Robt Aitkons of Hot. stein. ape-m Sunday at Mr Dan Camp. hell's. - kverstrmir in busy getting ready tor the Show and we hopes the tenth- pr man will ttvor " this you. Mr and Mrs D.vid Adina and Maty tor Clarence, “sited their daughter, Mrs Swltzer ot Toronto recently and also took in the 'Er." Mr and Mrs Wm Torry visited our the holiday with their daughter. Mn- A. H. Park. Miss Rhea: uvlntrstono let', last week to take charge of a school at _ Mallawa. _ Mr and Mrs Irwin Brown and baby {of Mulock, spent Sunday with the l farmer's sister, Mrs Jos. Ray. Miss Ruth Mitchell returned to hrr homo in Toronto. Saturday, after spending a couple of Woeks with Ilsa Eva Adlam. We welcome Miss Butler of Harris. ton, as teacher " B. S. No 8, for the coming year. Mr and Mrs John Cuff, North Hut. ton Hill, spent. Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. Herb. Hunt. Mr. Geo. Reay sold his farm recent- ly to his uncle, Mr Joseph Romy. The price paid, we understand. was was $7000. Mr. Robe Mighmn also disposed of his farm to Mr Ben Comm. Mr and Mr: Jack Hudson and daughters ot Durham, spent. Sunday with MP., H's ulster. Mrs G. Wise. The vastlwr In somewhat like NI showers, the rain fills quite I and plentiful after the lengthy dr we had during August. This ls ely the Western Fair trenttter--e Mrs Knox And daughter. Misa Peggy of lndimapoiis. Ind. us visiting their 00mins. Mr and In Michal Byers for a couple of reeks. Mrs Byers en- tertained Thursduy evening in their honor a few of the neighbors. wrunneu mum” evening itt their honor a few or the neighbors. Mr Thou. Sharp who has been mu- Ing his brother Wm. during the lull. mar months, "turned to the Ameri on side last week. _ um Maggie Geode: Tuited Owen Bound friends over tho, week end. Mr and Mrs Elwin Perritt of Boise ville, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and In M. W. Bron. Mr and Mrs John Welll ot Ebenezer visited With the Charlton (may lucly. Minn 19.1.. “A ___-- -V_. - nun-u] Miss Aggie McLean spent dun last week with In 8. , A: Allan Pith. .m. u. a .une a back from tgel long holldny and matched at Ramp. den last Sunday at the and hour. Hoe Intends holding pnyer new“ It an John Decker. Wednemy eve-In A an mm this mt m alum. “mun-n. -ee-'"" , A buffet lunchmn wns serv- Mrs Randall of Strntiord, the table being beautifully decora- pink and white, bordered willy tnk ribbon, knotted here and with tiowert' interwoven, and d with the wedding eake. The room throughout was tasteful- rned in pink and whitu. Mr and [vlwig left for Bigwin Inn, Lake ya. tho bride travelling a navy "tit, grey cloche hat and grvy nl choker. On their' return they GREEN GROVE 01"er {ad -REDFoRD wedding tot) above skew}: spent a somewhat like " rain all: quite any. . This I: aur- 'reather--tsttonr. lettgt hy drouiil of thin (in? Tor- Vlcken lllr --- parintr tor tho WI Monday " Ayton. I our onerzeuc "twot .n enthusiast, Miss Rubin Ritchie went to Wing- ham on Saturday when sho- will uh tend Business College. Messrs John McKemla- ttttd (my Petty attended the Exhibition lam. week. The Inner visited with mph.“ in Hamilton over the int-k my]. u_ -nA Mrs C. Ovens of Lott.u. Messra Jonn " Petty attended t week. The latter In "ammo“ over Mr and Mrs c, breen, noompuuru .., _-__ spent Sunday at the Arms Murdock homes. Mr and Mrs John Ritchie sosriis EAST summon Mr Grace day. M r tein Be sure and attend the special [um-l In: in the Baptist Church. Muloclmm Frlduy evening It 8 o'clock. Sept, 1. Rev. A. J. Schultz of Cheater, who [we had wonderful espehencm', will be the speaker and Ilsa Leach, I gown: singer from Detroit. will slum 1-in-1 .. body welcomv. " _----. unnumvl.‘ - Wt nvv~~v We extend our dwstt Sympathv to the friends uni rvintivus of tho late Louis Former, who parsed nwa: " his home on tho 8th con, “mummy (Lamluh district) trom pnvumouiu after an Him-u of about a wwk'a (Inn ation. Deceased wns around 70 yuan- of use and In highly respected in the community. He lanes in mourn hi- losl his win- and nun. "itrughterr. Mr: Jack Unmb. In Wm woman. and In Wm. l'nruh. Mr and Mrs “A. Melton”) and family. motored to Brant DIV] 5pm: um ' with Mr and Mrs Audion Mr and Mrs Jam, Mt family, tnotored to Brant the 4” with Mr and I Milne. Mr and Mr: Frank Wise, Minn Park, visited their dauqhwr. Mm hes. Slurp for INN“! due ln-.' week. We m pleased to [mow " Wise is able to be around again Mr. Arch. and Miss Mart Mutual“ Top cum. accompamwl br Mr and Mus Neil McLeod and son Gordon o," Srlmou lurk. Vex? gum": or Mr and Mrs. Findlay McCain: Saturday hm l Mr and Mrs. Aird and dmghmn Jan and Helen sud In Wm Fultori. ttttended the anniversary ponders in Glenda Centre loud" of last wr,ek They were pleased to but Rev. Ilt. McEwen tuna. Mr And Mr: Jack Mekechnle usd friend viewed Mr And Mrs Rom. Mm Culin. Louise. on Sand-y. Mr and In .w..a . Roger: or Hot Item. while In town judging at bur ham Show. Wetland”, our on ‘0 lulock. and spent the night at an Wm. Walton's. We as having an. weather at prov on! and hope It will oonumxo till w er the Shot Mr tad In Jae. Durham and no daughters of Clifton Sprinu. N. X VConxntuluionI to Mr and Mrs Jas Inter on the "rival of a non. art-"spending a few dun trim am Buchu'a parents. Mr 1nd Mrs Job: Venue. The W. M. S. hold their mouth" meeting " the home of Mrs Donald McKechnie. There 'u a record at tendwce and . substantlnl coils-0119:» taken. Splendid papers Were Kit'ul and altogether I very interesting limo spent. The next meeting will ha the 'runkotterfutr nnd will be held in tho church on Wednesday. Oct. 3rd, Me Sill!“ Vlll address the meeting u::.l we hope for . good uttendnnna Mr and Mrs Rom. Lin-non spew the ttrat of the week with Mr and Mo Lochie Help“. tutre. IS, 1923 Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbull, Bu. Huck. spent a dsy recently with the NW" mother, In Hitt. Mr nnd Mrs Neil Helm-n and child ran were visitor: with Mr and Mrs (A Boyd the ttrat of the wank. In Arch. Thompson but returned home after spending a pleasant bun thy qrith her (hunter 1n Toronto. Mutt Bounce Veule. St Marys. " Spending . few not. with relatlse" In this neighborhood. THOMAS TOIPKINS eotttttriaitsg Lot Number “In; thrcue and the But Halt of In! Fortyt'ro In the mm concession north or tho Durham Road In the Township ttl Relaunch. Seventy-Ive um. Isublec' to reserve bid.) [ In. Smith and family of “u spent Sunday It Wm Smith's or m Stock. lmplomon's. Umb- Ete., Ind also the Parm Lands tICU Building. of the Isle Ott the Pram-en u Two o'clock. on Swim-y. September "th. 1933. For anther Meant-I and conch tiottts ot we. apply tome “dammit“ HOBBS JACKUN ' J. A. PATEBSON Executor: 0! "up Emu. of Thom.” Tompkins. ttecmrsa'd ch Mitta a Paterson. 1 _ Hanover. Ont. _ ROBT. BttmtusCiiilliiieer", The Durban U. F. o. ure Stool we» will on. stock noun W- M on Man. Shipyar- an re. “W b I!" was days' ”0600. cum“ Howe“. ”IRIOO' PM: n r t---t 1mm J- u-v-u-n. md Mr! John nimble- and up motored to Clifford on Salm- Rom DIM?“ ROCKY SAUGEEN CREDIT AUCTION SALE NWICI " PARKE” “may... no busy pre- ml mir held nu! ton. Mitm A. Bursa». school m’nm. l6 quite try Mr Andt-rsou, tho Armstrong and of Hul Va. Sting by Bee ourcs Mr. and In. w. r "ttNeed the In.“ " months old. " {mm the cnr and m Edd?!” ham INN trom (Swim: mad After minus on mm. In (mm You" and baby r w..,' to Watiord an when u bow "gm INK and in the v- 1tttt " off, th" cat (Ind and (hr mm "rd 3.0. 'M throl ty hilton Tho Jr,' 51111;an Ihvu mm for. and mum] 1-.- III onnmoon-d an: - m (Huh-HM; .0!an Darn-LI: " In In aux-u rim» ld " -ord, '40th nnd Matt “torn. Lister a/ Inn. Pump Jack» .31”. Cutters. Puma, I sartoty I m In good mmh‘ 1 bar marl- 5 's" meedal mum! of Cram SWIM “burned, “an om 15W While (Nearly opposnv P F. at. Mon. Mac "" 13, i923 DURHAM MAC 'i, Special iiiiiii1'irs EMULSION c.' "'4 ', i . 'iitiYr'irld, tkd . N 3/ [rsjka'e'i,'7, _ _ - :37 or, " 0*;- v ~_!. _ . . f op, t ”33,3533 if] -' _ 5.“: Ptf.iit ism lbs. GENERAL ltr BUILDS STRENGTH ii1eii!f-"i' Se.' Ir-", f - FOR SAUL on In nun Mrs. W. N s57. 'STI' '35 no mm mm for. Cut Ml!- hcttts A I I " $29.00 p p' .4 We ham? I Heavy Mind m" p', w' ’11“ a: hand Sut'kd whilet It yAs.e I08 I SURPRI for use Creel y withm ing ot t MINE Motor Fat M Mad in M AP. In

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