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Durham Review (1897), 13 Sep 1923, p. 8

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New Dress Goods 5. Id "om Barn Ions " t In San. Brown Corsen. 4u in , .1 Manna-pant, of the Township of Egremont, County of Grey. PYJAMA CLOTH. double Voters' List, I923 NO to M cups l . L. GRANT " lbs. gram-s mil boiling 1 viosely-es ooked fruit uumze out CASHMERE y no! mu , up. Every Day EOLINNE SAHTOY John Re The People's Mills Highest Price paid for any quantity oi wheat deliver, ed at the mill. lioods adhered everyday. Phone No "in 6". mod clay loam, lots T l3. Ktgremont, 3% mum n. may whom. Bank tr. eement stables. tram» d Ito-ll. well Waco-d. Air Our prices are our is guaranteed ot cash. lb JOHN McGOWAN , Wh How to Make Delicious Grape Jelly DAVID ALLAN. inn» best-kn Clerk m b:grentottt; his defense , Add ‘2 cl and simme vered sum in ch juice "r "rror', immo-dia R 1.50 per yd Tattire and in thi h " r Flo-min: emu}. Rolh "at Chop. L .Erain for rl. Pig Men 8. Day or Night. No d " any omis. rors are round Mate proreed- "on! correetvU " and 4 cups of $1.50 52.75 eas warp Highly abountho juice into large saucepan, stir p water, stiriurtd bring to a boil. At once add l r 10 miit,t,ty.el.r:e.t,te tscant cup) Cevto, stirring 'epnn. Place constantly, and bring again to a full [nth hae, 'tiiiiiliiiii' for I.., minute. ttcmove frnn1 sure 8 levvlifire, let stand 1 minute, skim and nd 4 cups of 1 pour quickly. nth day of " Reid, Holstein it at thav thr. pe NORTH EAST NORMANBY The W. F, M. S. gather“) last Tuvsday wwk at the home ot Mrs. Mun. "arm-r. Rev. Mr Burnett saw a fine address on "Home Helpers" which was onjoyed by all. -- .. . AMI mm I... The Varney' Ladies' Aid met last " weaursestlit.t at the home of Mrs w. c. * MAL A.” FIRM!!!“ 5 mum-n 'idiiiiiiiiaiiiiu-" W" w-lvumv Miss 1mm; or Brus. rels who started her duties as twach- Mr and Mrs John Stevenson attend. . _ . . . rd Durham Fair Thursday. tt m a, _ No. 1 an hum, 4th. . Mr and my Xltrort Marshall. Mr.; P? John Rice has purcltage1 a I!” and Mrs Wm Carson and Mr and Mrs. l Chr vrolet car. Geo. Smalhxmn urn among the number) :Miss Swanston has returned to who 'ook m th Exhibition last wrvk.‘ Miss ROSS an” a angthy visit With “an“!!! Smith and Mrwle Morice arel Mr and Mrs John Rice. "tt-ivlr.is' High school in Durham. 1 Don't 10mm thr. School Fair on Mr ..:..1 Mr- I). [with ot" Durham. Tttmulti, no.xt, Sept. INith. “W... “WWW, visitot'.s " Knox last; Mrs Wm. Brown of Detroit, is visit. 5.”. m. }inz with Mr and Mrs Herb Lamont. Mr and Nfrc Alex Smith spent (“TF1 Mrs Drumm attended tho l"""VI'HOH ' _. T__.. 'of her daughter, Mrs McLaughlin in who took Ronald unending Mr um of the best quality . Our prices are n "my of Proton. l Mr and Mrs Thos. Wallaco- and Mr. Wm. Wallace and Mrs. Andrew Mar. shall molorml to Paisley recently and visited a number m friends there. Au o-njoyablw afternoon was spent at the Itome of Miss Byers last Bat. urday when about twenty six Sunday School girls met there and all report a good time. 11t. Forest Bank Robber The 1-smuu- from l-ustody in the l'nitmt titates 0t Lewis Austin, wanted at Mt. Fort-st. on tho- charge of rob- bing th" Royal Bank there last win- ter, has bo-vn reported to the Attorney General by the British Ambassador at Washington. Austin has done the u- parts-(I. His escape from custody was predicted by the Provincial por in- when the Extradition Commission- o-r at Nrw York held up the order {on tlie prisono-r's return to Canada until ..n...- I... had to.rved a term for rum-l er at Nr-w York mutt up u"- the prisonrr's return to Cut alter Ito had served a term running in Oklahoma. When Austin was arrestr Pennsylvania Railway static York, with fully half of stolen trom the bank at Mt his [umwssiom he decided t tradition to Canada. A When the titiisiott was maue (Wm;- ing Ilu- return of Austin to Mount kotist, Gtmvral Williams. Commission- o-r of Polic" and his deputy. Alfred Caddy vspressed keen disappoint- ment. Austin seemed to have plenty ot money at the baring. ramming ‘lhv trest-known criminal counsel in . , _ B, .'........ Wt f. The result was that un- mun urn-d detained on the rum-run- -rm. with instructions that he dtul over to the Ontario Pro- Polio. upon his rule-um u the decision was made (it-my- " return of Austin to Mount Homo-nil Williams. Commission. Alex. Smith spent over with Mr and Mrs Jas s/L' Aid met lust home ot Mrs W. C. My and our arc right for Breaks Jail Dnrham dis- aritr' man -rurv 9 * LDGAL AID PERSOIALS Prsmiun VANS" 'idiiiiiiiaLd--" will he Mr and Mrs John Stevenson attend. tmduuls It‘d Durham Fair Thursday. purclme . . . n-mev ', .M- John Rw- has ptuthauel a raw otFon , , L In x'mlwl car. oroulil ', Miss Swansmn has returned Io Brietl iMiss Russ urn-r a lo-nmhy visit with never t {Mr and Mrs John Rims. ol any lmn't mun-V thr. School Fair on run tit" a: thin of her daughter, Mrs McLaugnnn m Palmerston, the first of the week. Mr. Koch, Continuation teacher. tis. ited at his home in Stratford over the Week end. I MI'SSI‘S Flare-nee Fenton. Jarvis Scott. loft Tuesday morning to attend London Fair. I (flare-net- Calder and llr. Ellis mot- ilorvd to the Niagara Peninsula Mon- (day, returning some night with a truck load of fruit. Mr and Mrs John Mrilobb and Mr , and Mrs Dan Eccles of Conn, attended " the morning service in the Presbyter- l nan church and visited Mr and Mrs in‘ Nelson. Mr and Mrs Ecrlvs cal- " ling on his mother, Mrs Jas. Kccles. (' Both public and continuation schools it are in full swing. Our public school .! is almost overcrowded while 27 are / attending the continuation school. ol, with a probable 30 in the may future " Th" regular mew-ting of the Worn. (, l vn's Institute will bl' held \V'uiiwr‘dm' l 'Svpt. 10th, at the homo of Mrs Turk it . , . , . e,-' Roll vall--sugpwstions tor FM: Pam ..; Iyotyon" Wo-lC-‘an. Mr and Mrs Walton Robertson of )lrat'ord. are spendiuq part of their honeymoon with the tornwr's uncle, Mr Nichol McDougall. Fveryone was pleased to s“ R Philp at churcn again a"... i.'trtss. Ur MrLo-llan attended the Medical Convention of Bruce, Dutterin and Grey at the Public Library, Owen Sound. ET l'nde-r the vo-opvrmion o [mow-es. Womeu's lnslilu'v Ariicultural Sooivly, tlo, In ing, (-ln-ant-d and lwaulilml chm and tables Gre btuYgr. piitckers and (tomb-n ParRiv Marshall Burrow”. Cater tle am to by levellrvi attitrtic field is to 1rd tor mm year. KLEIN--on 10th con.. Egrvmonl. on Smut. Ist, to Mr and Mrs Jas Klein, a daughter. mynI.NsoN--LlTTLE A quiet wedding took place at the Manse. Rockwood, when Myrtle Sus. an. youngest daughter of Rev and Mrs John Little. was married to Robert H. Robinson. ILA. Toronto. eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. Robinson. Fer- gus. to the strains of the wedding march. played by Mrs J. 1). Bell. Tor onto. sister of the bride The bride entered the drawing room with her brother and the ceremony was ('ondue- ttetl by her father. and looked charm~ ing in a gown of headed Canton creme with embroidered veil. fastened with orange blossoms. also wearing a rope of pearls. the gift of the groom. After the reremon; a dainty lttuelt- Hm Wes sturvr-d, the tables being beau. titull} decorated with rose Caudlrs and American lieaut3 roses and way, waited on by four intimate friends ot' the bride. Shortly attra- the happy eouple lelt for a short trip through Muskolca. after which they will l't'Slll" on Triller Ave., Toronto. I, The bride‘s travelling suit was of many tricotine with beige smock of Tho bridv’s travelling suit was of navy tricotine with beige smock of m-nrgrxtr. duvrlyn hat and shoes 10 [MAIN]. The Naming gifts Wert' man) and beautiful and spoke siltmtly bu! eloquently of the esteem in which thr, bride was held by all who knrn' hey. for snoxhvr year and will be a good report this term. I don't know much about Tomorrow: I're never sou-n lwr yet. She may be very fair To-morrow, But slil I don't regret That We have nevrr met. Today's my friend, my comrade: she's true blue. And in my heart I haven't room for "to. Have you 't T0.DAY'S MY FRIEND Hymeneal BORN for tvnn' In [)vrfu THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr J a lout. built Ittt" s by Mr. ' L'ruumh I and the ll "nd tiw I'urk is A kit- fornwr Premium Policy for Rams rrvqu-u. I v---, .7. V7? iouce Main the season wl.en Rams will he rv-uuired is Last twproaeltiru,'. undoubtedly many will be forced Io purchase a male. To Ilium the au- tvancrummt ot a comlnuam'e l’u: an. ollm war of the PA-xmuui Polity would be favorably ivumul. l Briefly it is as follows '. Any farmer never having owned a registered ram ot' any breed and having over 10 ewes can sucurv a premium of $10 payable 35 this year and $5 next year, pro- ; vided he purchases a ram which will .. a“, A- bkn H Vluru In M"""'""- V. register, and makes application to the Dept. urAgrioultttre, Markdale,before December Mst, ot the year the ram is purchased. A - __ F, M”... n. am. T( nt mdoubtru'tc many will De mrceu Iu ..e_--" n _ urcirase n male. To them the au- Tomorrow. Mr and Mrs Rogers "yi) luatnceinent ot a tttee..".?,',),' lot on: Mrs. Grout go to Durham to usisti Ily Ty, of ll','.'. Pmmnt'n pom) 'lth the Judtrititr---Mrs Grout. ttom, would be .avorabl) tunnel. . . baki . Mr Ro . Brietiy it is as follows '. Any farmer ers . Mrs Rogers, " . s lever having owned a registered ram ers, roots and vegetables. , ti' any breed and having over 10 ewes Thos Ellis, Alex. Eccles. J. D. Drim. ran secure a premium of $10 payable me and Russel, were amongst the Wang“: year and " next Hilary. “(a visitors to Toronto Exhibition. I " Pt e pure ases a ram w 1cn WI . register, and makes application to the Mr V. Ailes with Ethel, Huber and Dept. otAgrio1ltttre, Markdale.betore David, also motored down, taking December Mst, ot the year the ram Mary back to her city duties. On is purchased, their return trip Mr Alles stopped in Since making an endeavor to im- Guelph and purchased 21 Gibson cut- Irrove the sheep industry of Grey‘ting box. County. many roses have been noted! Mrs Geo. Reid and son Frank of of tanner-s going to the local stock Toronto were recent visitors at Val yards and buying a non-descript, shag- ' ' ' . gy. long-tailed male without confor- Alles'. motion at. a price nearly as large as We were sorry to hear Mrs. Thos. was being asked for fair quality pure Keith was confined to her bed, but bred stock. all are glad to know she is improving l 'ie,), “Hora” “11““!le rttt.'k'f,1J'l1'.l, and we sincerely hope she will soot n uslry ant estroys Lie mar et or ' . . lambs. Why not take advantage of bs alirlght again. the Premium policy? liuy a pure Misses Rose and Irene West wen bred and improu- your stock. recent guests of Mr and Mrs Home: Service Croat and in the evening all of then _ . ___ act., “Mum"... n. enmh Hand to visit at G my"... On two or three occasions this past months on trips through the country it has been intimated that farmers say they will not receive the premium for rams: Wen if they apply. Evan prominent breeders say they cannot allay the suspicion which exists in the tarmrrs minds. Some feel the Prem- ium policy is some catch which will in- volve them in a trap from which there is no escaping. _ -.__:-ln.-.. " t LEAD ER 2. it will hr, inn-resting to see ll as' a rusull, of tlie predominance of ban.! mliun Ohm-5v on the market during.) the ttext few months, the difference inl the price of Canadian and New mini-1 and clwesc will be wiped out perman-l "ntly, As previously pointed out, N. Zn-ailund has burn n-tching from 2 wl 4 shillings " ('wt. more than Canadian; (luring the past few months. This is al lthe morn- regrettable because it' usml m bt. tln- other way about. 3. During the tlrst six months or: 3. During the tlrst six months of the pvt-50111 yvur Canada sum only 1ori,672 cwls or vhoesv to the United Kingdom---" rmluction of 30,960 ems compared with llu- corresponding purl iod of last war. spring. thw total valtnr of New Zun- and's contribution for six months was nearly 2.0“".hnn more than for the vot'rvsponding period M1922, while Canudu's total rmtlizvd 10,6601955 than for tln- corresponding period of 1922. It Can the and, 4. Canadian butter is no longvr 5mm on the British markrt only 254 cms having been imported during the first six months or the prt-svnt year. New Zealand sent 349,536 ewts, during the smm- period and the threra Australian Stairs ---Vietoria, New South Walo-s and Queensland--- 433.352 cwts, bo- tween them. 5. The subojct of Canadian cauln continues to be well advertised in the press or the United Kingdom and it can certainly be said that this new trade has plenty of room for develop- mvm. Canadian cattle comes to Eng- land in lmndrvds only, while Ireland smui thousands. During one week Flu-0M" to the single month months. The reason rvc in tltr (ro Canadian pmdum- is 101' no mhwr rouson than a nationally ri-cognizr'd standard grade has not been main. tained. The Dept. of Agriculture, Myrknlah'. regrets this exceedingly and it is coming and minim: 'r'"? wlivn quality will be the first consider. ation and upon that must Canada re- gain her position. All producers must become reconciled to the grading sys- tem, whether it is applied to bacon. butter. eheese, eggs or meat. Por Homo-3. 150 amps good oar') farm, east half of lot 21 and 2'2, con. IO, Ezrmnont. fair buildings. plentr or good spring water. ', mile from school. 2% miles from village of Dro- more. Will also sell crop and stock and implements. Apply on premises or write '. OF AGRICULTURE I hr is not so many years ago since ada sort" twice as much chwm- to United Kingdom as did New Zeal- tly 960 Canadian cattle tu l'niwd Kingdom. whil tt J. HILL, Varney, RR. No. 1 FhRN FUR SALE d intervsting to se" if as " sornt twiee as mm”) United Kingdom in a as Canada did in six for the falling down ot M e d _ arrive- durin Once more the time lor our .um.‘ Fall Show draws neat. This week' Durham: next week Mt. Forest and our Township School Fair in which many more than the children are ln-L terested-Qtte week utter comes ty) World's Fur at Holstein. These re mind us that our summer ls over amil, (Autumn at hund. l Mrs Geo. Reid and son Frank of Toronto were recent visitors at Val. Alles'. We were sorry to In Keith was confined u all are glad to know sh and we sincerely hope bo allright again. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Misses Rose and Irene West Were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Harvcy Groat and In the evening all of tltotit went to South Bend to visit at G. Hunt's. Mrs A. Ross spent Saturday with her daughter. Mrs R. Kirby, Orchard. Miss Hilda Whyte came up from Mt. Forest to spend the week 0nd at home. Mr. Geo. Drimmie has purchased a brand new Ford car. J. Rice has also bought a new Chevrolet. An enjoyable evening was spent at fOkanagan and Fruit Conservation This photograph was taken at the Europe: don, England, and shows a number of men who u ther enquiries with regard to the scheme and on! five thousand man, the finest to come within the the Canadian Pacific. and lack of steamship ace almost as many more. . THE fruit of Nar, Canadian ini fions. After mg on a sm; up a large pl ing on a small scale, JitH. 2mm IS km: gun; Uptnuug up a large plant for the dehydration of fruit at Poplar Grove, between Naramatu and Penticton, where sev- enty fruit products will be prepared instead of eleven as sent out by Mrs. Smith from her ranch on the benches. The site'of the new factory is a point in the very heart of the fruit district and convenient to the rail. way. A siding of the Kettle Valley Railway will be run into the premises. - . _ . . The most important factor of the enlarged scope of the work is that the new industry will utilize much soft and perishable fruit that would otherwise go to waste " most of the fruit mes! be in a tree-ripened condition for dehydration and therefore much too ripe__to ship.. f . tkt " , .' . A t Mrs. Smith was visiting on the prairies in the catty stages of the war when conservation of food was beginning to be a vita). question. She I" dried luran berries for the first time Indjt led her to dwell on the possibilities pf the (elicitation tt ,tlyt,t fruits i"id""vGiiihi." Gui," vl'isiiing in Valley, the In much ”would 1 Tu view u out at . tlnuruhing new hull “Add in her tiehrdrtstimrt ylah! (h'ouon km. 'Hr'. fruit products industry of Mrs. M. B. Smith of Naramata, Okanagan Valley, is a story of nadian initiative that has assumed large propor- ns. After ehter.c,ive research work and experiment- . on a small scale, Mrs. szth_i3 this year opening a large plant for the dehydration 9f fruit at Poplar on, between Saramata and Penticton, where sev. ty fruit products will b? prepared instead of eleven sent out by Mrs. Smith from her ranch on the hear Mrs. Thos. to her bed, but shv is improving he she wiil soon tor our local This week lune Garden Party at Jas. (and around $70 realised. i Jae. lei-iacbern recent telephone installed in his ‘ 'e-e, on line t). taken at the European head office of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Lon- aumber of men who were induced by the special harvesters rate to make fur. Lo the scheme and conditions to be expected here after the harvest. Nearly at to come within the Canadian immigrant class in years. were recruited by ack of steamship accommodation necessitated the closing of the doors against “If you an toss a mucn mm a. _.%... Ins. I And never give a thought to put It out, l Or drop your cigurcttr' butt without tearing l That titunes may kindle in the inn-s t about. I If you can knock the ashes from your brief, Without a glance to Bee where they may tall, And later find the forest all a Where you have vatssed--wlth 7 near to can. If you can drive your auto t the working. And cast your stogie stub it slash, l'umindtul of the danger thed lug. Or homes or happiness that YI smash: " you can leave your camp tir 'tis glowing. Nor think of industries that \ blight, Or of the billion saplings in tl . ing Turned into charcoal ere the night. If you can tit't a fire beneath a pile When the wind Is roaring like tam gun-- You surely should be jailed I trlal And labelled as a lunatic, my RACER TO COME TO CANADA o"' 3-: b-"'"""" - 1 Party at Jas. Hamilton's! NOTtCE TO CREDITOR. I 170 n-ulizrd. l - - ---- Iach r . IN THE MATTER, of the Estate ot e n recently "ry.,".) Archibald Sinclair Hunter. [we at . mm“. m Durham. In tl"' Coulis S-le"""'""""" a la. Hamilwn's‘ "one: To cu....-.-- lined. l ------- _ IN THE MATTER. of the - at K‘mulromtw :34 Archibald Sinclair Hunter. we or . t " the Town of Durham. In the Conan ot Grtr, Hardware limbs“. de. match Into a den- fire beneath a brush as that you may ere the coming jailvd without a the ULan-znn hultrr Mar auto throutttt in Canada who has dried fruit, other than on I commercial basis. Her dried peach only totally peeled peach on the market, C Can_a_dn Ir the United States. stub into ttw Mrs. Smith, being very mach in ments to promote the practiral use declares that there is a large Oppol in this work. Having no desire to of the new industry of which the , the founder, the hopes that ttll won ing districts may start small en; are for their surplus (will. not a hourho‘ld: hut .altso ty am. __ W... ._.. “run. By dehydration a large part of the fruit and vegetables which otherwise spoil is saved. The pro- ducts m to reduced in weight and bulk that one mm, cut or one chip will carry " much dehydrated fruit as ten of In“. . mm" ifaith, in continuing tgu"ite,t study of con- . one, openi " a new A “emanating mt we; "at Ie.tel “M. has the M- all Ann: in the grow fire while «in lam no one It ma) a dis S'PTIHBBB " ham. m "te l tl, required on “if October, a prepaid. or tt " l Solidwr tor Win and Te "l ceascd, their namvm add 008590. NOTICE In homily given. W to section " of the Trustee. Ad. I: s. o. 1914. Chap. 121. out all ma- tors and others hula; old” of It munds against the mute ot the we Archibald Sinclair Hunter. who dlgsd on or about the rraiirieomtf, by at May, 19'22, at the Town of Dar- ham. in the said County of Grey no ‘rvquih-t! on or before the First do! .of October, 1923, to Send by port l, prepaid. or to deliver to A. B. Currey I Solitiwr tor the me-utors or the last l'i'iliii and 'l't-sumn-m oi the said do rmsvd, thvir Christian names and an names. addrvssvs and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts". and the nature of the security, it an), , held by them. AND take further notice that atm- such last mvntionvd date the said up I‘ecutors will proceed to distribute' the asst-ts of th" said do-coascd among .. . “mum hurl“: AND take l’urlurn a...“ such last mentioned, date et'utort' will [broom-d to d assets of the said (New the parties entitled ther regard only to the claims o shall then have notice, I said executors will not the said ausvts or any pl any person or persons of ‘nolice shall not have b (iii them at the time of I tion. .._._.,___ Wanted Want" A reliable man to act as local rep- resentative at Durham and ditrtrict, for “The old reliable Fonthill Nur- series," to solicit orders for him: Stone & Wellington. Toronto m. DATED at Durham, this Sunni. day of September. 1921. OLIVER S. HUNTER. MARGARET L. HUNTER, Exoculoh 'ing no desire to keep a monopoly y of which the any be said to be mes that In women in fruit grow- It", small tPpoptiye plants to By which Mrs. Smith iiruett has and. their Solicitor, " match interested in move- metical usefulness of women. Iarge_opport_unity for women 'm. ' further notice that alter u-nuouvd date the said u- l [broom-d to distribute tit. he said deeetused Among ontitled thereto, havlup, to the claims of whlch they have notice, and um We mm will not be liable [or ' not bnly to? tkiiCi,G tort. my? .ot the_ {gait and 't 1923 part thereof to pf whom» claim been received such dhstribu» Citlter (SURREY VOL. XLVI. NO 'il,',,,,).],-,,.;:',,),-, / ..owm% 'iieiti'i' 2.; ":ttymcti.

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