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Durham Review (1897), 20 Sep 1923, p. 4

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ls w...» knew as the Hangman? Swim"! Kw- alo~maml for our “INF tttttes att "In lime. Write for Ciiii) hum! "ammo-nu- NOW. i Ciznahugw- iree. 1 AC. . _ 53.1.1011 f5'. IO 'r-Pj)!?)))?!'?:?)..].!,:,)-,?,':)?.), FALL TERM OP‘NS AUG. 27th "Utt. nth-h You!" um! Charles 815.. Talon“) gum wot u "r'" See our Display of Hobberlin Samples for Suits and O'coats Oman and Wednesday Special, Sept. 26th lat-W nun-.1: "ost. " ' on tracks, with Works VIP" have your order and get. the best seleclion. u.” New Fall Goods are in. Look these over - Sweaters. Shirts. Gloves and Tier. YI Last Chance for Wed. Bargains Wednesday & WEDNESDAY NIGHT, Sept. 26th A large asarortmertt of FOR SALE Cross & Sutherland Hardware "ttYR' M tttoGtNY ELK TANNF',rt SHOES, heavy. the Shaw to stand hard wuar .. . . . . . . . . . . . .3333 INDYS' “lu\( K (1"!!!le SHHES, iteavy. Sic-Hints. 33.55 tt1btN' IIRUNN ('11.? ttAI,, English last . . . . . . . .3150 “SSH? “UK RIP BAL. high top . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.25 J.utist'.li' "UK CALF' “Ll CHER. heavy . . . . . . . . .3100 THE VARIETY STORE Owing to tho Japan disa.ster, Silks are bound to advance " to 50 per cent. Buy now and save paying tho advanca in price. We hove a full range of all kinds of new Fall Silks. Ruborts Syrup Tar... . ...... q..... 29c Carr's Cough Cure.... .. ........ 39e Goitre Specifie, reg. 2.50 for . . . . . . 1.93 Macfarlane's Dyspepsia Remedy . . 49e See our line oi MITIS AND GLOVES trom 50c to $2.00 1 String! r T. roam H, Proton llvmwvillv. It R. NI , H. C. v: “mu, MADDEN’S REXALI. DRUG STORE " -;l.l.lf)TT, Principal GEO. S. BURNETT Sterling School Shoes iliz we what you can buy for this amount 4.90 mhdow . MORLOCK & SONS It: In. throat. 'ith " ft blow Mt with eitltru' Wednesday Special . McKfictiNIE Drill. sows Wt' will have a New Fall Silks tertmaor No. l Heaters ' Normanby School fair I Eta. 'h"irtt't Katina than anticipation on the part of the various school scholars and teach"! m sormanby Township. prevailed on Monday but in Anon. when the an. nual school falr of the tovmship was on The day may" ideal one and the interest displayed in each and every: :lo-parlmo-m and phas" ot the Fair by parmts and pupils was delightful to an St-wart Cooper of the Dept. m trtrirulture. Markdalv. was in chars? ot ttw day's programme and had " busy tinte of it. He had secured as jurlm-s of the day's sports. Mr Fl. Rob. inson. Physical Din-clor of Hm Y. M. C. A., Owen Sound and Mr. 3it.rcer of Markdale. Nine seltools ot towrvsltlp mm- rerr rr-so-nto-d in the day's activities and to S. S. No. I. tell the honor for the sec- ond tim" in sum-salon ot securing first, prize for drill work. . About M, "rholars represented the school In the marrhing and were dressed to term» awn! the Indian. However the Judges ielt that the honor of the award should go more for their manner and wan in marching and all round do. a“?! Thursday, just arrived. 29c ‘. 20, 1923 _"-- ,,, s" Specials- Wednesday, Sept. 26th Aluminum Aluminlm Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum FRONT LACED Special Discounts--" p. J. & J. HUHTER Woman‘s Brown ( twels, H's. M. Wotrtetl's Brown sites :lti, to 7, Child‘s Patont . only M) cents The REVIEW, C. Ramage& Son, Ns. Wednessday Specials MEN'S FELT HATS, Worth $2.00 for $1.00 (Just a few left) BOYS' KNICKERS. Worth $2.00 for SI.50 imILORE?i's CRIB BLANKETS at N cents J. S. McILRAlTH N a will give THE REVIEW to New Subscribers the balance of this year for sizes 4 to ltH, Special Prices on Curtains, Chintz and Draperies GOSSARD CORSETS porunent. A cash award of " go”; to the pupils ot thls school for their drill rxottutiotts. A The second prize for marching went to S. S. No. 13, Miss Weinert, teach- er and 3rd prire to S. S. No. 8, (Hamp- don), Miss Burgess, teaeher.. Th" Hall. where the exhibits of they children were shown, was Well mlod and rvnvcted much credit on tho stu- dents of Normanby township. R3093 and other athletics wr-ro- pulled off. such as a coat "CH, tug of war, ete and twrved to show what students can undortake in athletic stunts as wrll as work inside the schoolrooms. . S. HUNTER & CO. MARstIALL--LETrCH On Wr.dnesday, Sopt. 5th at Toronto the marriage' was solemnized of Jeswsie Pearl. daughter of Mr and Mrs Gnome [witch of Toronto, to Robert John Marshall, L. D. B., D. I). s., son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Marshall of Hamn don. mw. Dr. W. L. Armstrong Mir, iated. Th" bride was in Mr travelling sult of navy blue tricotine with brim- crepe blouse and hat to match. immediately after the ceremony the happy eouple left to spend their hon- " moon in Montreal. On their return thoy will reside in Toronto. FqDms--RoBERTsoN The following notice la clipped from ALUMINUMWARE at Very Lt mm PIE PLATES, each ...... dm SAH‘E FANS ........... mm Pl'l)l)lNG FANS ....... .. mm WASH BOWLS .......... mm DISH FANS. oval shape f mm (‘OFFEE PERCOLATORS mm PRESBRVING KETTLI-ZS mm COMBINATION COOKER THE STORE WITH THE STOCK nmwn Calf 2-stmp SLIPPERS. cuban 10g. ".50 and $5.00 for............ Brown Kid OXFORDS. cuban heels 'is. In 7. reg.$4.501‘or.............. Mont and Brown Strap SLIPPERS. [ to 10%,. reg. 81.50 and $2.00 tor.. Repairing a Speciality ED. KRESS Reduced Prices on Hymeneal Rugs and Mats . L. GRANT Low Prices for sink S,cuban " ........ I m heels " The Cash Shoe Store i a the CheaIey Enterprise, nod refers A former teacher at gage Hill, whom many in the section will remember: A wedding of interest took pluc- at the home of Mr and Mrs John Rotr crlson, Chesiey. when their daughter Agnes Jessie was united in marriage to Russel Alexander Flddls, son ot the late Mr and Mrs Geo. Fiddis of Brant The bride was attractively dressed in a gown of white ttat crepe and radium 1mm and she carried a silower boqnct of Ophelia roses and lily-ortho-valley. Her bridal veil was caught with ,m'augc blossoms and ShL' wore the lm-oom's gift a string of pearls. She was unattended. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Bramm ton. Toronto, Niagara Falls and other points, the bride in a brown broad- lcloth suit and Egyption trlcoletto [blouse with hat and show to match. On their return they will reside in -aN-..---.-.-- Brant IN DAYS OF YORE " YEARS AGO From the Review fyle of Sept. 17, 19M THE DURHAM REVIEW Durham Markets: Fall Wheat 75. Oats to to 45. Peas go, Barley 50, po- tatoes, per bag 60e, Flour per cwt $'2.50 to $3.25, Butter 190. Eggs 18e, Live hogs W'r cwt $5.80. dressed hoes $9130. he is - unnatural-scans. vach 480 "ratth 4ilc ‘oach 63tt J...$L65 ,....$L29 .....$L35 o...te.10 1.2. Grocery Needs in every Family SALADA TEA. nor m.........-....--. New CLOVER HOEY. (5 m pan) . . . . . . . .. FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER, per Jar Largo bottle EXTRACTS, rom 25c for. . . .. Pure SINGAPORE PEPPER, per m . . . . . . . .. Fresh MIXED DISCIVITS. r0: 25c m. . ' ' . .. louse of Quality Hardware J. H. HARDING IMPERIAL QI'ART FRUIT JARS, per doz. . . . . .$1.50 WINE QUART SRITIT JARS, per doa., . . . . ' . . . . . .81.25 IMPERIAL PINT FRUIT JARS, per doz. . . . . . . . .tl.25 H bars COMFORT SOAP........................$].00 1 Itt titt of DALTON'S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE. . ' Arire Metal ash Sifters with wood handle,250 Short Globe Cold Blast Lanterns, V reg.1.35for......... ., l4 quart Tin Pails, reg. tlie. . Jeweler s. FREE“! Penman's Pure Wool Underwear for Men, $1.50 garment Woollen Blankets s........ .r.r.....". $8.00 per pair Yarn at .............rr.r.'-""""""' $1.00 per th Men's Black Woollen Socks at..,,................) CASTiLE SOAP. large be SNAP. Hand Cleaner .. PALMOLIVE SOAP .'.. MISS DAINTY SOAP ... Be sure and take advantage of these Bargains in EAR RINGS. all new styles and at exceedingly low prices. Wednesday only, 75: to 83.00 per pair BEGGS’ STORE Wednesday, Sept. 26th Specials for Wednesday Snaps for Wednesday ROBT. BURNETT D. Ch TOWN l . McLACHLAN The Gift Shop LADIES l. l The people or North Egremont were called upon lut week to my the last tribute of respect to one of the old pioneers, Mr Rom. Henry, who pulled away at the age. of nearly so years. Since the new railway but been run-1 nig through to Hanover and Walker- ton, llveryman Billy Caldwell has beenl up against a losing proposition. He had practically only the mail carrying lr-tt. the passengers and parcels going by C. P. It. so he applied to H. H. Mil- ler. M. P. to be released from Ms contract. Mr Miller at once busied himself in tho matter by writing the Postmaster General who has consent. ed to the change. _ I... Tr...", eu '" u": hilalla< . We are pleased to learn Mr Hugh McDonald has been informed. that his is the accepted hinder tor tho erec' tion of the new armoury. " is more 1‘0 a government gift to the town when the money remains here. Whittaker-ln Durham on Sundav. Sept. 13, to Mr and Mrs Grant Whit. taker, a daughter. Lenahan-- In Durham, on Friday, 30m. 4th, to Mr and Mrs Jas Len- ahan. a son. Connor-wr/tr-" At the Methodist Parsonage on Sept. 9th, by the RM ‘Mr Jameson, Mr W. D. Connor to 25 YEARS AGO Prom the Review fyle of Sept. M, ”9% A Couneil's free trip :Normanby on Miss Kate Hittta, i5r7"Attrty -AtRC TORONTO Draggist & Stationer MARRIED ......40c ....'..100 ‘......19c .....15c tltt .3 for Mc .3 for Witt 21C m Optician 70c "IN, Me _ 21c .250 the 19th of thin month. choke-J tum free from all many ttd,'iu'le'2',I, The whole council with Clerk and Treasurer, went to Toronto to partic- ipate in the mm wind up and the Ay- ton Advance very pertinently nysl that on next nominlton day for the question ' “How much of the railway money is there to my yet" will be‘ substituted. "Why did it require the! whole council, treasurer and clerk tol go to Toronto, to redeem these der ibemurps when the work might be idone ts otiectively by communication and thus save nearly $100 to the town- ship t" Mr Neil Minv‘uhur and uepl.ew Aux. ieft Monday to attend ttw It‘d- tting of imgaid AloAthur in mice Co. ml,iclt takes plat-o Wednesday. Mr. l Mc \rthur was a [armor of Nuii'é in . " Month'kv. Mr Hugh McCormick and Miss Sara accompanied by Mrs D. Meuuarrir, her son Peter and dnugttter Mary, took In the Owen Sound Show on Thursday. _ . A: a... mlufnr- ..n......_,.. Mr Alex. Fletcher bad tune to hurt his hand c week. Hammer we trust be allright again. Misses Bessie and Inn on Saturday. Miss ing to New York and visit Itet' sister, Mrs Lu land. Miss norms Honoss spent a day last Week with her sister, Mrs Hugh Macdonald, en route to Toronto. ' -- "in-4.4. anx‘ Macdonald, en route to Toronto. Mr and Mrs Alex. McCormick and little daughter of Durham. visited at Mr I). McQuarrie's ont' day recently. Mr and Mrs Dav. Walson visltc-d with Mr and Mrs Walter Clark tho first of the week. - A . A; _-._..,.. lll'Bl. VI I." n\\.-- The U. F. o. Club meet in the school house Friday night of this week and after the business is over the young people will give an interesting pro- gram. -- -- . ' 2, 3- noOnnJ_ Fo"'". Mr Malcolm McKechan is in attend- ance at the funeral ot his aunt 111 Hamilton this week. “Mum... k't"er 7 _ Our school made a very eroditable showing at the school fair held Ins! week at Durham, securing svvvral lat prlzvs, also a number ot 2nds. - -- - - _-A - J-" Mr and Mrs L. McLean spent In Chesley this week. Mr Chas. Weppler tment f with friends In Hanover. Misses May and Carrie Mitchell spent an onrettitttt recently with their sister. Mrs. Neil McLean. l, Mr and Mrs W. A. Livingstone or 31qu vauro, Ont., are spending part :of their Wedding tour with th" for- imor's parents, Mr and Mrs W. l. 3 Livingstone of this place. 1 Mr and Mrs Clunis Helium ot ita- Henna, 5pm! the week end will: bur l, pan-mus. Mr and Mrs Henry Rear Congriiulations to Mr and “rs Vic. Scheurman on the arrival of a 3011, Sept. flth. Thrashing Is the order of the any in this hung at present and grain in turning out very well. 'iitThausiuuoeh of Michigan. Is at present visiting his mother and brother here. er and Mrs David Adlam and ftuty Ily, visited their son George in Owen Sound Sunday. “ilvrr-‘and Myls Wilfrid Livingstone of Du Revere, Ont, are spending part of their wedding tour with the for- 1 an?! to hear Mr Charlie Mighlon is gimprovim: from Ms recent severe ill. _ ness. 3 The SehoOl Fair which took place 'ttt Ayton on Monday. was the beet inver. The day was perfect and a Elm-go: showing ot schools shownd that ~hail: pupils and [minds art warming up to the sensibility ot the an; through the mifa'linrt snort til Mr T ES Cooper, the muniy's {run-sown {the Hannah-n is loot haul an: lar ".ret amount o? puma out, nn‘y twt inn unending, hm ,ust 00min out Ithird in the department ot marching. liMr. Archie Park of the West In spending a link while with his Math- Pf John here. In Mtss Rita Bailey leaves this week for Toronto when Bite will attend Normal School. ' Mr and Mrs James Byers and tam Hy Fisited with Mr and Mrs Ales. Me, Lean, South Bentinck. recontlv. Mr and Mrs Little had as mean: Mr and Mrs Barney from Gananoque thr. middle o' the Vwok. Mr and Mrs Walter Little and Mr. and Mrs William Little of Blair, also Mr and Mrs H. Wolfe and daughters “not, Mabel, and Alice of AH .mo- torod up for the week end, ”siting with Mr and Mrs Michael Byws. 'Bon. nie View Farm." Mrs Knox and daughter {Nagy left for their home in Indianapolis Satur- day morning after spending apleunnt two weeks' holiday with friends here. Mr R. Wright, whool ittspor.noy. via. ited the school last week. FOR SALE Two buggies, cutter. humus. an]. tary toiiet, urge can heater and our er lhlnu. Apply to ROCKY SAUGEEN I I...."-. council with Clerk and} rent to Toronto to partie-l ttnal wind up and the Ay- h very penlnently my; t nominaton day for the How much of the nilway rere to my yet" win be "Why did " require the ell, treauutrer and clerk to Ito, to redeem (11959 de. hen the work might be ,etively by communicau'ou _-.) “an. “no to the town- Weppler tment Sunday ' and Annie Smith y, Miss Bessie return' rk and Miss Annie to Mrs Ludwlck in Cleve- had the misfor- md one day 1tust trust it will soon T. W. SCARF a day a day Mr and In o. K, rum u... ..- Sol-o and wire and child. who in" been marina through means» and Canada tor the put two works. arm . day with NI sister. In P. Durand. -- "“h- who nu been In our Mr Alister N with his uncle Miss Ruth day with In Ledinlhlm- Wan-3......" The monthly meetintt of tttor wom- en's Institute was held Sept. mm at the home of Mrs W. Robot-mun, the attendance being M. Mrs Sill-rs gun I paper on "The Bit-suing of Rest" , Mrs E. B. Dix-gavel read an articlel on "Oo your best": Minus B. Cnmpboll. a reading on "The (199.“an uneasy. Mina Cram. tt recittrtiott. " was aux. gated we (other money to Improva =---. Thu nuyi me) - MIDI-In. - .7 -7 trested we. gather money to improve the baton: cemetery. The ttext mow. In: will be held at the home ot Mrs C. Mclnlyre. Mrs Fl. B. human-l spent Frlduy o-v- enlng with Miss Kalybel Black. Chem, 7 Mrs Fl. " ening with Ivy. Ir}. Mrs C. Metntyre enter-mod a nun: her of her friends Wednesday anon noon. - ,,. In...” I... "Wu. Mrs E. Muldoon 1nd family Iv” tor Hamilton on Monday with hm brother. who his been with them to: 11 few days. Mr Muldoon expeets to follow later. n nu,“ ‘Iln ul\l‘ I‘ll“!!! ln-\.. Mr and Mrs Thou. Bailey, Mr and Mrs Russel Bailey of Hanover. mot cred over and spent I day with Dar. gIVPl's. Mlss Susie McIntosh left on Tuesdar for Toronto. after spending a couple of months with her sister and brother. Tendergs will bo rocelvod try the un dvrsigned up to tho Ist day of 0m ober next, for the trate of the lollow in: property c-- . l. um " on the was! side of Queer l. no! " on the was! side of Queen Btreet, Durham. containing 22-100 acres, more or less. 2. First division of Lot M, in the First Concession or Benunck, con. mining 50 acres, more or less. The highest or any tender not neona- sadly accepted. Ot Farm Stock. lmplomonts, Grain. Em. and also the Fnrm Lands and Buildings of the late THOMAS TOXPKINS comprising Lot Number For17~threo and the East Half of Lot Forty-1v. In the turtrt ounces-Ion north of tho Durham Bond in tho Township oi Benunck. Seventy-ave um. "ortec" to reserve hid.) "0i: this Premtaes at Two o'clock. on. Saturday. t.9eptetnber Mth, 1923. For further puruculm and eondi. “one of “In. upply to the understand MOSES JACKUN J. A. PATERSON Executor: of the Esau of Thomas Tompkins. comm-d c;o Mllla & Paterson. Hanover, Ottt. ROB? BRIGH AM, Auctioneer IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Archibald Sinclair Hunter. late or the Town of Durham. In the County of Grey, Hardware Merchant. de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant to section " of the Trustees Act. R. B. 0. 1914. Chap. IM, that " credr ton and others having claims or de- mands against the Estate of the lat. Archibald Sinclair Hunter. who died on or about the T'enty-oecond day of May. 1922. at the Town of Dur. ham. in the said County of Grey are required on or before the First dar of October. 19'M, to send try p055 prepaid. or to deliver to A. B. Currey Solicitor for the Executors of the in" {Will and Teatunent of the said de l ceased. their Christian names and star Inames. addresses and descriptions. the full particular: in writing of um. cialma. a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security. it any. held " them. \rtnur. -l- N.-.-""" " he has “way: taken an Active in our Y. P. A. and lino “aim-d w choir. We wish him IIICOQSlL . Alister Mills of Windson. visited his uncle here for a in! duys. in Ruth Winghnm spam Sun- with her parents, Mr and In: J. AND take further notice that alien such last mentioned data tho said M centers will proceed to distribute the meta of the sald decewd among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which thes shall then have notice. and that the odd executors will not be liable- for the said asset: or any part thereof Io any person or portion- of whose claim notice shall not have been rereived by them at the time of such distribu tion. CREDIT AUCTION SALE he I buy mart- r, years old, weight Aver 1500 IN,. GENERAL REPAIRING Special attention to all mums of Cream Separators. Tools sharpened. can summed. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP (Surly opposite Post other) ( F. w. Moon, Machinist. on. DATED at Durham, $33 Sun-nth FOR SALE BY TENDER Malone and “and Cream Sep. mmn. Limter tUtd Cannot Eu- inet. Pump Jacks. Gain Grinders. Basil-go Cutters. Farm Light Plum. a variety of and Septu- tors in good condition. NOTICE TO CREDITORS day of Septomber. 1923. OLIVER R. HUNTER. MARGARET L. HUNTER Executor: By their Sullcllor, A. B. CURREY FOR SALE i. n. cram-n: Solicitor Durham, Ont. of mo Won: lett her Ilsa-c Ad IanrI-n» I: the T. Haton ttttertditttt th, dly lint Huh»! fin-man “to nation with errthur valli In: I r A” In SOFT Ur . pply M “his Mu Miss N [MALNUTRITI lb -....‘,'o-.’- - up - l Speci SEPT. 20' lbr‘t’) o-o----"" Scott’s Mid hon-ruck“ mum». “in. M THE "OLEN" "when. an can you cm" M 1 an: Ca " Mains In " “(GIN 1AH $29.00 hand packet whilts can t} " but ROB W: ROB Thu av w her soap Al ret at It

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