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Durham Review (1897), 20 Sep 1923, p. 5

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Mia Mabel Benton retttnted to Hamilton after spending I month's vacation mm but ulster. In Angus IrArthnr. Mimi Ada Brown and Int-gm! Hera-lam- have taken position- with rhe t Baton Co.. Toronto. and Inland qwndinz the winter months in the "trv. Miss lurk! Nichol we!“ the vest and with her friend. Ilsa lute Me. uthur. Miss Mary Cameron of Boothvmo, was a tortnigtht visitor with I!” Manitaret vallir. Mr and Mrs. Colin Mew and Inwnds of Woodbridge, spent the In“ u' the week at Mr Mucohn Mdnnll’. Sorry to say Mrs Thou Helicon!- nmlwr the doctor's care but at the ot wtutintt is doing Neely. Glad to know that Mr 0mm Smo-llio- is on the mend and hope he will continue. mm m Bee some more in weather as quite a number of the farmers "re not through harvesting. Mr. Wilfrid Brown is home ntter spending a m»: in Hmllton with his aunt. Mrs Will Harding. Mr and Mrs Joe Firth of Durham. wwrn wwk end visitors with Mr And Mrs "In McArthur. Good ttottse sud lot, splandld loca- Yiun in Prim-villa owner obliged to an” owing to m health. Position as keeper or Pricmuls Fox Co. Ltd. atom-r with purchase to suitable person. Fur pricu. terutn and all particulars apply to the undo-rslxned. Special Price on Mixed Feed THE “GLEN" Tor- Cash “nail!” hand I n 106'. " TOWN DEIJVERY $29.00 per ton We have a limited quantity of Chieftain Heavy Mixed Feed that we are selling at £99.00 Ber ton packed in second hand Sacks or Java packed in new sacks. This s the carload price. while it lasts. Other Foe cos this month. FOR SALE ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY KILLS, Limited AN DREW FORD. Prim-ville, Ont. and price. Get a few tons Other Feeds at special pri- ! Large congrogntions assembledl Lmorning and evening on Sundsy in! tin St. Column Church. Priceville. the occuion being the lust services ot ‘Rev. C. B. Jones, who has been their !lninlster nnd also -of St. Andrews’ Swinton Psrk. for the past tour years and four months. At both services 3 he made kindly references to the har. monious relations that had existed be. tween them and also to the friendly spirit that had always existed with‘ the sister church there. His evening‘ discourse was founded on s clause in l Lthe last verse of the 11th chap. ot Hebrews, "That they without us should not be made perfect." He had i much to any by way of illustratIOn of 'the heritage handed down to us by i the pioneers. Their faith and courage in establishing schools and churches . amid physical dimeutties neither few ' nor small. was in a sense perfected in us. The duty rested on us to see. . that the benefits of the foundations ' thus laid should be passed on to our (successors. and he made admirable use of Col. McCrae‘s lines, “in Flan- , der's Fields: To you from failing ‘hands we throw the torch. be yours , to hold it high." This was the gist . or his parting message. to "pass it Farewell to Rev. C. S. Jones $30.00 per ton Monday evening. a farewell gathering of another nature took pluck and kindly feelings found vent in many kind words. accompanied by a 'tell- mm: purse to Mr. Jones and a. Life Membership Certit1eate in the W. M. S. to Mrs Jones in recognition of her warm interest in Mission work. PRKaMLLE & GLENELG Last Thursday. 13th September. we had showers of snow in the afternoon and as cold 3 day as we have in the winter sometimes. Lots of crops out yet waiting on the turn ot the tide to get it into shelter. Some that was out a month ago. is now getting the worst ot the weather and growing in the sheaf in some cases and lying on the ground. We notice on old Otto Konold'i farm, D. Road, Glenrlg. 35 PRtGlliMLlLE tng', NO Tm Delivety Tunic-e day No 4. night Bl TERMS CASH acres In Moot, owned by Arch. Me. Lean. who rented that part of the ftmn--a the crop. Mr McLean in- tends to thrash lt In the tield and we hope he will get suitable weather for the purpose. Some are busy thrashing and they say grain in turning out well. Corn harvest and buckwheat have to be attended to in general yet. Quite n number are tttttshed sowing their tall wheat in the vicinity of Durham. We notice overseer Thos Nichol moving pretty well down towards the Glen with the Good Roads work. It will take him att-ttig time to get up big Peters' Hill this tall on the old mad We are sorry to hear ot the illness of Mrs Thou. McKeown. also Mrs An n. McLean. but we hope than two good man-s will be better soon. Mr and MI; IV J. Ritchie, Hector and line .\Ic.~n;~'.ld. amended Presby. 1rtito' church. run-Vila Sunda.‘ be. 10n- " pt an! (allhnl on Mend: Itr'/otc nt'n' mg. Manv wow:- plea ' " it " , M. llvb'd Mr )onuld our. cn Smith" it churvil. tram}: by In. '.r"cresr, his ‘i'l'l. Mc. Kinnon in his car. Mr McDonald's health is fairly good and his sight is slowly Improving and hopes he will yet be restored to his usual sight. al- though no cannot expect it to be as good as in former years. As customary we spent a few days i and nights at the old home of our 1 youth. Our thoughts went back to , years long ago when an unbroken 1 family of father and mother, tour 318- ' ters and six brothers, we assembled 1 under the root' of the old hewed elm _ log house which was built in 1854 l and as fresh as ever. As we viewedl the old room where with a younger brother we pleasantly slept at night, we could not retrain tom the thought. that here we were, while two of ourl younger brothers had gone the way of i all living many years ago and also two of our younger sisters, while 'd') live yet to tell the story ot our pas- sing years. The old home is now 'dl) cupied by a brother and sister,!, While in our old town on Sunday,) we met with many kind remembran- ces and we specially admired the manner of those little boys and girls for they al lmet us with a pleasant smile. We wondered what Priceville will be when those dear boys and girls will see Septembed twice forty two times return. Will the. old Pres. byterian church. which is now 35 year old. be there 70 years in the tut- ure. Will those papers and coins inl use at that time, which was placed in the north east corner stone, be as‘ fresh as ever ? Whoever will see irv) to that far away date ot the future/ will find some of our writing in the Durham Review. The Editor was Mr Ben Townsend and it' we are mate ing a mistake. the Editor will please correct us We were 35 years young- er then and we wonder where the intervening years went. But time and tide wait for no man. Many changes have taken place during that time. but we think the greatest of them all is that L; are he}? yet writing this budget to the Review after serving 45 years at the work. Rev Mr Smith of Durham held‘ prayer meeting at the home of Mr A. Edge, Edge Hill. and was fairly wenl attended. We attended church at Pricevillo last Sunday to hear the farewell set- mon ot the pastor. Rev Mr Jones. The church was crowded in the morn. ing and eVening. Mr Jones in hisl four years and four months in Price- ville, saw many changes. He attend. ed often at sick beds and funerals. Mr and Mrs Jones endeared themsel- ves to all classes of the community and it is with much regret that they ‘are leaving us. Bat Prieevine's loss is Watcrdown's gain and we vouch the sentiments ot all his parishioners to wish him success in his new charge. As the editor was there we will not say much more Although not pres- ent on Monday evening, we hear a grand presentation was made Mr and Mrs Jones Mlas Floyd. teacher at Holstein. visited old friends at Edge Hill and Lambton St. the latter part ot last week. Miss Floyd taught at Top Clitr for a number ot years. Mr and Mrs Neil McMillan attend- ed service at Dromore Sunday morn- [ in; and visited at Mr A. Clark's. Mr and Mrs McArthur from Dunes- san. attended service here Sunday“ when Rev Mr Jones preached his liar-even sermon. before leaving tor ', Waterdown. 1 District ty. S representatives visit- ed our Sunday Fume" are good weather. SWINTON hoping tor continued School Sunday "tor- ttr GRAIN Fall Wheat, white--'. C. Homing, John McGirr. M. Barber. nu whe . red-David Robinson. Spring wheat -R. Barber. W. Range. Buckwheat .--w. J. Blyth, R. Barber, M. Barber. Oats. long white-aaa. Mather, T. V. Bell, J. C. Hamilton. Barier--W. J. Ritchie, John McGirr, W. homage. Peas. small white-Fleming Reid. W. Ramaxe. Peas, tt.o.v.-W. Range. Timothy seed-W. J. Ritchie, W. Ita. mage. Sweet Clover 4geed--W. Ram. use. Flax bred-g. C. Hmllton. Har- old Barber, T. V. Bell] Corn-B. Pat- terson. White Denna-Thou. Petty, Fleming Reid. Field Grams, 4to11.--W Range. Coll. grain in tsheU--W. Ramage. Shea! oats-JM. Mather, J C. Hamilton, D. Roblnson. Ensuage Corn-d. C. Hamilton. S. Paterson. Judges-John McGowan, Adam Ro. bertson. FIELD ROOTS Bush. Potatoes. white-Alfred Haw- kes, John McGlrr, G, Binnie. Manuel --s. Patterson. Mangel. a.o.v.---T. Petty, T. V. Bell. GARDEN VEGETABLES Collection -T. Petty, Alex Herd. sally-S. Patterson. Cabbage early ---s. Pattorson. T. Petty. Cabbage. winter-T. V. Bell, s. Patterson. Cab- bage red-S, Patterson. Carrots-- Mrs, T. Davis, S. Patterson. Carrots, shorthorn--Aler. Herd, Mrs A. Rit- chie. Carrots, intermediate-D. Rob. inson, J. W. Blyth. Parsnipss---T. Pet. ty. A Herd. celery-C, P. Kinnee. J. W. Blyth. Radish---Mrs Wolfe. To. matoes, red--C. P. Kinnee. Mrs Davis Tomatoes. eotteetan--T. Petty. Beets, long-M. W. Blyth. Beets, turnip---Mrs Davis. Geo. Binnie. Onions trom seed T. Petty, Flem. Reid. Onions, pick- lintr--Mrs Maura, Mrs A. Ritchie. Onions, potato-S. Patterson. J. W. Blyth. Onions from Dutch seur--T. Petty, S. Patterson. Squash. winter‘ s-Perm Reid. Squash. bush---S. Pat- tc-rson. Veg. Marrow---T. Petty, S. Patterson. pumpkins-C. P. Kinnee. Table Turnipir--A. Herd. Corn, golden bantam--C. P Kinnee, Mrs A. Ritchie Melons, ftesh---A. Herd, S. Patterson. 1 Citrons-S. Patterson, R. Barber. I W. H. Rogers. T, Moore, Judges DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter. 20 ttvs-F. Reid, Geo Ritchie, W. J. Ritchie. Butter. croek---Thol IYoung. Mrs McGowan. Mrs N. Whit- imore. Butter, lh prints--- Thos Young, T. V Bell, W J. Ritchie. Butter, fancy prints-Alex. McLean, Thus Young. W. A. Abba. Holstein. Judge DOMESTIC PRODUCTS Bread, white-David Robinson. Geo. Ritchie. Dread, brown-Mrs Wolfe, Mrs T. Davis. Bread, nut or fruit-- Mrs Wolfe, Mars A. Anderson. Mc- Gowan's Eclipse bread-Those Young. McGowan's sovereign- Thos Young. Durham Fair hire list T. V Bell. % dog. buns-Mrs w. J. McFadden, T. V. Bell. Bread (Pine Tree Flour)-- Mrs McFadden. Mm. Wolfe. Biscuits-- Mrs T. Whitmore. Binnie & Sou. Graham Gems-Mrs.) Wolfe, J. W. Blyth. Yeast rolls-Dr Robinson, Thos. Young. Corn Meal Mumns--Mrs McFadden, Mrs A. Ril- chie. Tarts-Mrs McFaddon, Mrs. Maurer. Sponge cane-d. W. Blyth, Alex Herd. Gingerbread-Harold Bar. ber, Mrs. T. Davis. 1 doz. fancy tea eairets--hfrs Davis, Mrs Anderson. Cot Ieetiott oookies--Mrs Davis. Mrs Me J'fi'l'll. Light layer cake-Mrs Me. :Fadden. Alex. Herd. Dark layer cake taunt-u. nu ". ... .u. -e--- _ --Mrs Wolfe. Mrs McFadden. Fruit cake-Mrs Mellraith, Mrs McFadden. Apple pie-Mrs McFadden. Mrs Wolfe. Pumpkin pie-MN Wolfe, Mrs Mell- rallh. Piss, a.onc--0. W Blyth, Mrs. Anderson. Home made candy-S. Pat- lvr on. Mrs Mellmith. DOMESTIC SCIENCE ned rhubarb-Mrs Wolfe. Mell- mun. Canned strawberries-Mrs Mc- llraith, Mrs Dippell. Raspberries - Mrs A. Ritchie, Mrs McFadden. Cher- ries---Mrs Maurer. Mrs Mellraith. Petsrs-Mrs A. Ritchie, Mrs Wolle. plums-Mrs Knechtel. Mrs Davis. Cit- ron-Mrs Mcliraith, Mrs Davis. Rasp- berry Jam--Mrs Maurer, Mrs Davin. Pint native truit--Mrs Davis. Mrs. Wolfe. Orange marmaladrs-Mrs Dats is, Mrs Wolfe. Native fruit marma- Iade-Mrs Mellraith, Mrs Dippell. Currant Jelly otaekr--Mrs Mppell,! ere.. Wolfe. Currant Jelly (red)--- Mrs Dippell. Mrs Mellralth. Apple I Jelly-W. Ramage. Alex McLean. Grape Jelly---) Dippell. Raspberry Jelly--. Mrs Anderson. Mrs Davis. Combined fruit Jelly-Mrs KnecMel, Mrs Anderson. Canned tomatoeB-- Mrs. Wolfe. Mrs Anderson. Canned eorn--Mrs Unis. Mrs Mellralih. Pena --Mrs. Davis. Beans-Mrs Mellraith. Mrs. Davis. chletren--Mrs McGowan. Mince meat---Mrs Davis, Mrs McFad- den. Salad dressing-Mrs Wolfe. Mrs. Mellraith. Misel pickles-Mrs Mell- rath. Mrs A. Ritchie. Mustard pick-‘ les--Mrs Mellraith, Mrs Davis. Onion. p1ekle--Mrs Davis, Mrs Mellraith. Tomato catstuv--Mrs Mcilmith. Mrs. Knechtei. Raspberry vinegar-Mrs. A. Ritchie, Mrs McFadden. APIARY PRODUCTS Honey in sections-Geo. Whitman. Thos Young. Honey, extracted-T. Young. Geo. Whitmore. anle "rurr-- ( Binnie & Son, A. McLean. Maple Btu," ar--mnnie & Son. Mrs Mom-aim. Eggs, brown-M. C. Hamilton. T. V. Bell. Eggs, white-Howard Menon. aid, Binnie & Son. _ PLANTS Coll. 20 vtsNeties---Mrs Mellraith. T.‘ Petty. Coll. 12 vtrrietietr---Mra A. Y/l chic. Coll. 6 varieties-Mrs T. Whit- more, Hoard McDonald. Coll. iJiiii/ Ie Gerattium---T, Petty, H. MeDonald.) Coll Single Geranium-T. Petty, Arth- ur McDonnld. Coll. Scented Geranium --How. McDonald. Hugh HeDonald. Begonias. nbroua rooted-Mrs A. Rlt. lcmo. Mrs Wolfe. Begonia. tuberou- rooted-Mm Hellman. Mrs A. Wt. THE DURHAM REVIEW ciiii'i"iiitity "A-ttttrm/tttr"" TORONTO chic. Coleus-Mrs Menraith. John Blrr. Foliage trisnta--Mrtt M9!)nlth. T. Petty. Batt-tir-C. P. mace: Coeueomb-'r Petty. How. McDonald Double Gerttttittnt-- How. McDonsld. Arthur McDonald. Double Geranium, any other-Arthur McDonnld. Mrs T. Whitmore. Single geranium, white--. How. McDonald, Hugh McDonald. Single Geranium, tco.r--Arttutr Me. Donald. Geranium, triattoru--T. Petty. Geranium, 1ey--Mrs T, Whtmore, Mrs Mollralth. oietutder-- Mrs Menraith. Ivr--Hugh McDonald, T. Petty. Hitt. itmus--T. Petty, Mrs. Wolfe. Fuchsia} double-Arthur McDonald. Fttctttritt--' tsingle-Arthur McDonald. Abutlllou Mrs A. Ritchie, Mrs T. Whitmore. Hy- drtutttetw--Mrs McGowan, Arthur Mc- ‘Donald. Rubber tmut--Mrn' McGow- an. Arthur McDonald. Rose in bloom ---Hugh McDonald. He1iotrope-- T. Petty, Howard McDonald. Rex begon. ia-Mrs S. T. Chapman. Mrs McGow- Jul. Boston tern-Mrs Mellruth. Bos- ton tern, ortust--Mrtt McGowan. Nor. folk Pine-Mrs McGowan. Housing basket-T. Petty, Mrs Wolfe. Atty other plant-Mrs Metiraith, Arthur McDonald. CUT FLOWERS Display. open air ttowertr-- Alfred Hawkea. Howard McDonald. Bonnet large "se-MN McIlraith, Mrs Wolfe Boquet, ttatut--Mrtt Mellralth. Hugh McDonald. Boquet, bond. any house ttowers-Mrs Mollraith, Hugh McDon- aid. Epertrtte--Mrts Wolfe, T. Petty. Asters-Mrs Giles, G. Binnie & Son. Dahlias-Mts McIlrailh. Durnthuts---) Howard McDonald. Gladioli--- Mrs. Wolfe, T. Petty. Larkspur-- Mrs. Wolfe, Howard McDonald. Marigolds Howard McDonald. Mrs Maurer. Phlox, Drummondi-- How. McDonald. Phlox. perennial-- How. McDonald. Ptusiess--Mra Maurer. Petunia. sins:- le-Mrs Wolfe, How. McDonald. Pe- tunias, double - How. McDonald. stoeks---Mrs Wolfe. Btuvits--- Mrs. ‘Wolie. Snap dragons-How. McDon- (aid, G. Binnie & Son. verbenas--T. Petty, Mrs Mellraith. Sweet Peas-- Mrs Giles, G. Binnie & Son. Mrs Wm. Groat. Mrs C. Drumm. Judges , . FRUIT Coll. fall app1es---B1nnie & Son, Coll. winter tusp1etr--Binnie & Son. Alex. anders --w. Ramage. Coiveru-- s.) Patterson. J. W. myth. Duehess-) Hugh McDonald. J. C. Hamilton. Rus- Bets, tco.k.-J. W. Blyth (2). North- ern srp.v-T. V. Bell, S. Patterson. Mc- tosh--Binnie & Son. Greert1nte--T. v. Bell. Ftyilawater--& Patterson. W. Ramage. Bnow--s. Patterson. Weal. thy-W. Ramage. Ben Davis-S. Patterson, T. V. Bell. Talmon toreet--- Binnie. Standard, tco.k.--W. Ram- age. Craba--Alex McLean. Plums-- Lombard-Mrs Maurer, S. Patterson. Plums, egg-B. Patterson. Plums, Ponds Beedltrig--B. Patterson. Coll. Plums-- B. Paterson. T. Petty. Win- ter pears--Thott Petty, S. Patterson. Pall pears-S. Patterson, T. Petty. I LADIES' WORK, DOMESTIC Floor mat, braided-T. Petty, Mrs. Maurer. Mat, a.o.k.--Mrs Anderson. T. Petty. Quilt. eotton--John McGow- an, Mrs Kneehtel. Quilt, ituiey--Mrs. Dippell. Quilt, tco.k.--t"s. Patterson, Fleming Reid. Comforter-mole, R. :Patterson. Bed spread-Mrs Manner, Mrs. McGowan. Sweater coat-Mrs. Maurer, Mrs McGowan. Shoulder tshawl-Mrs Savage, Mrs Dippell. Ma. chine made garment-Mrs Knechtel. Mrs. Davis. Machine made cotton gar- ment _ Mrs Davis. Mrs Knechtel. Work toron-T. Petty, Mrs McIlralth. Garment, hand sewed-Binnie, Flam. Reid. Woollen socks, tine-Mrs Wolfe Mrs Maurer. Woollen socks, coarse»- Mrs Dippell. Mrs Davis. Mitts-An ttutr McDonald, "ts. Mather. LADIES' WORK. FANCY CLASS Irish crochet-Mrs Kneehtel, Mrs. Dippell. Filet erochet--Mra. Maurer. Mrs. Knechtel. Drawn thread work- Mrs. Savage. Flem. Reid. TatuM-- l Mrs Maurer, Elva Schutz. Braid thread lace-Mrs Maurer, Mrs Wolfe. Fun-r cy tuuuitrtup--Jno McGirr. Thos Petty. French embroidery --. Mrs Knechtel, Mrs. Savage. Eyelet emb. ---Mrs. Maurer, Millie. Whitmore. Conven- tional emb.--Mra Knechtel. Mrs Dip- pel. Floral gilk--Elvtt Schulz, Mrs. Maurer. Modern beadwork-- Mrs. Maurer, Mrs McGowan. Luncheon set, etub.---Mrs Knechtel. D. Robin- son. Luncheon set. tco.ht.--Mrs. Knechtel, Mrs Davis. Tea cloth. 8.0.3. ..-Mrea. Maurer. Tray cloth, emb.-- Mrs Savage. Mrs Maurer. Tea cosey --Mrs Maurer. Table ttteta-SI/ Davis, Mrs. Mann-r. Table tnatty--. Mrs. Dippell. Mrs. Maurer. Servlet-j tes, etntr.--Mrs Savage. Mrs Kneehtel.) Serviottes, ts.0.k.--Mrs Manner. Tab le linett--Mrs Wolfe, Mrs Mcllnlth. Buffet runner--Bitutie, Millie Whit- more. Tray-Mrs Mlurer. Pr hand toweis-Mri Savage, Mrs Wolfe. Guest. towels --Mrs A. Ritchie, Mrs. Davis. Bath towels---Mrs Knechtel, Mrs Savage. Pillow cases. initialled --Mrs Knechtel, Mrs Wolfe. Pillow cases, thread--Biuaie, Mrs Maurer. Day pillow slips, emb.--Elvtt Schutz, Mrs. Dlppell Fancy ttheet--Mrs. Knechtel, Mrs Dippell. Dresser aura and eusshiotr-Mrrs A. Ritchie, Mrs. Maurer. Candle shade-Mrs Mnurer. Ladies' wear, 1 piece, emb.-Mrg Mc- Gowa,n, E. Schuu. Ladies' wear, 1 piece, thread trimmiutp--Mrs Knechtel, Mrs Maurer. curtains-Mrs Dlppell, Mrs Maurer. camiosole--Mrt' Maur- ‘er. Slippers-Mrs Wolfe. Mrs Ditr ipell. Handkerchiefs ---Mrtt Knechtol. Elem. Reid. Table runtier---Mtns Knety htel. Mrs Mann-r. After meal centre 'e,d',','tT,1 Paterson. am Dippell. Sofa pillow, etnb.--Mrs Dlppell. Mrs. Maurer. Son pillow n.o.k.--Hrss iii) Fulden, B. Patterson. Fancy knit. tinte-Mrs Msurer. Jno McGlrr. Fatt-' icy eroetset--Mm Knechtel. In Dip pol. Embroidery, white, not ttttted--- i mule Whitman. Mn Knechtol. Bub. l colored. not listed-Mrs Dippell. In, lavage. “aunt'- Meket--Mrs Inter. WNW-V, W, Ptem Reid. lnfmt'l trmuiet. Daria, In Inner. Pillow And -..MN Inn-er . [aunt's are“. eantt.--. Nn Kneehtei. Apron. msser---Mrrs. Mailman. Mra Dull. FINE ARTS ou pointing. tanoeape-Mr: M, G, Daniel, B. Patterson. ou pointing. marine-B. Paterson. Water colon. ntttttre--Mrtt Savage. B. Paterson. Water colors. nnirnaU--& Puma. A. McClbe. Water colors. fruit or vetrettttrtess--& Potter-on. Water col- ors. tto-s-Mrs Snvue, Potterson. Pencil drawing-Mrs. Surge. B. Pat. terson. Pen and Ink "etch-Mrs. Maurirr. s, Patterson. Bepitv--Mrtr. Dippell. Mrs Surge. Coll. kodak views-te. Patterson. Coll. snap shots --B. PItterlon. Single piece an work A. McCabe, Mrs Savage. Decorated Chime-Mrs Dippell. Mrs Snvnge. Min Julia Weir, J. A. Graham. Judges win, EDUCATION an of Grey-Alex Graham. lyn- le thaon. Cyril Becker, Willie Er- -sd Class Wrfttrtq-Mttry mm. Geo. McKechnie. Merlda linens. Att. red Nichol“. - 3rd cittatr--Eisie wum. elm-lone Patterson, J. Jacques. Roy Hnmnvo. 4th eiaLv-Annie Amen. John Duns- moor, Nellie Mervyn, Christena Me Culloch. Nor. Bus. College Medal-hm. Duty. smoor. Bird Houtse-Art McDonald, Alf. McCabe. Map ot Ontario tttpeep-Jack lanes POULTRY Plymouth rocks. barred. old-A. McCabe. Leghorn, white, AC., old--- J. Glistorf Hugh McDonald. Leghorn white, 8.0.. young-- Hugh McDonnld, Arthur McDonald. Pekin ducks, young Lil. Haulage. Rouen ducks. otd--W. Rummage. Bantams, old-C. P. Kinnee. Bantams. yotmR--C. P. Klnnee. 2ND DAY HEAVY DRAFT HORSES Filly or gelding. 2 yrs old-P. B. Mchtme. Span horses (1400 lbs or over)--Jas Ellison, And. Hunter, Ed. Sargent. -- AGRICULTURAL HORSES Mare with fotu--Jrto McGlrr, J. Gilswrl'. Foul ot IM3--gtto MeGirr, J. Gilstorf. Filly or gelding. 1 Fett-- Alex Herd. Fllly or geldlng. 2 YN-- J Gllstorf. Sptut horsetr--W B. Atehitr on, Jno. McGirr, Alex McLean. GENERAL PURPOSE Filly or geldlng. 1 rear-Alex Herd. Jas. Mather. Filly or gelding, 2 yrs --c P. Kinnee. Spun horser--Robt, Alexander. ROADSTER Single driving horse-Dr Carr. Birr, Gerald Ellis. COACH HORSES Single driving horse - Wenderf. I Barber, Reuben Watson. Span HormA--wendorf, D. Roblnson HORSES IN ACTION Dyan HUIBITE"VV Luau”. .-. -.v...__-v,. HORSES IN ACTION 1Tb. Science that adds Life to Speeding around ring for i‘umers'f you" Bnd yours to life. horses-Ing Birr, R. Barber. Gerald Ellis. Lady driver-Reuben Wumonpcul and See " Cqturtgttntton Free. Arthur Bradley. Gerald Ellis. Quit-k3." m hitch utr-R. Barber, Jno Burr. Run», Du m 'lathes""'""" and an Watson. . CATTLE-- PURE mum cuss 5088. C. It. AND snon'rmgms i BESSIE McGILuvmv t,cyhef.'c!e,1ri1r't,t"'rio,l'i, “2:2: Ctstrxrprttotie mm er 1year---R.Aitiieu, D. Ruhiusua Millikan "MISC, -.. Ihtett- Hviter etut--- N. 'r2. Boyce. R. Ania-u 'a' _ - - A A _ ___ A-, Tr' - HEREFORD Bull, 2 yrs-And. Hunter. Bull, l year-And. Humor. Dull ruMt--And, Hunter. Heller, 2 rears-And. Hun ter 1 a 2. GRADES I Much eoqr--gtto McGlrr. Mrs Chap? man Heifer. 2 yrs-Jo mum. Steer, 2 retuw--R. Aitken 1 & 2. Steer 1 year-R. Aitken, 1 & 2. rut animal --Robt. Aitken, And. Hunter. SHEEP-OXFORD DOWNS Ram ttunb--Aiex. McLean, Alexi Herd 2 & 8. Eve. 2 .vra--Alex Me. McLean, Alex. Herd 2 a 3. Shear- ling eqre--Alex Herd I & 2. Eve lamb-Alex McLean, Alex Herd. sunopsn'ma _ Ram, t shears ; Shenrung own, run l lamb. eve. two shun ; Bhearlintt ewe. ewe tttttttr-Alt W. A. Livingstone I LEICESTERS Ram, 2 tsttettrtr--R. Herd. Sharl- lng rtun--R, Herd, Jno MeGirr. Ram 1tuntr--Jtto McGirr l & t, R. Herd. Ewe, 2 ttttents-Mt. Herd. Jno loci". R. Herd. snarling ore.-). Herd, Jno McGlrr. Ewe "untr---R. Herd, Jno McGirr. R. Herd. Pen-R. Herd, " ploma. COTSWOLD Fat sheep, my claatr-Alox Herd, R. Herd, Jno. loci" BwtNFr-YORKBmRE Boar, any "e-- R. Herd l & 2. sow-R. Herd, Alex Herd. Pair npr. pigs-mA. Park. R. Herd. A. Park. Bpeeusl--A. Puk. R. Herd. A. Park. cow-Gerald Ellis J ERSi-IY Cow-Mm. Wolfe JUDGES Domestic-Mrs W. H. Rogers. In. J. R. Philp, Holstein: Mrs D. Culp- ben, Pricevllle Ladles' work-Mi" Annlo Coming- ham, Gov't Judge Edueation---Mi" Weir. J. A. Graham Frult--J. R. Phllp Poultry- Thom-s Horses-R. Johnston Cattle, Sheep and mrlne--A A. Col- ville tsorBetr--". JUllllawu ', W-" Cattle. Sheep and swine-A A. Call landing pupiluhould "commu- ville “an the begmninuol the "ll m. eesee.sese.r---e.-e-e-e-----er-e-ee-e-"-"-"-"- 'dt,gtt",'tretrrri'iti'rfi.' may bea- ‘ “I I.- t rincitm . NOTICE " FAIIBIS , . ‘; The Sch”! has I cwdmble may! p The Durham U. P. o. UV. sun. tuihich it Innate maintain. Auocutlon will ship tttmA from 'IT/tttral".'.' Inn. on Tue-dun. Sinner. no no: "t,iiiiii'ituufpt'tj, Ie/tttttt quested u give tum - Ma. swig“ thMma. ban. on Tue-dun. BMW m N quested as give t1tree dare notion. Clifford Howell. "we AYRSHI’R") mu. University of m Mom-or tat Dr. Mate. one. - M. C. PICKERING, DDS, LBS IAIN ITIEET, HOLC‘I’EIN, ONT. Ramona: PRICEVILLE " Telephene A " 1-5. t-tt o. I b-Mat. 7-. .. I two-ggguhdguuyncpu Ola- a J. L. SMITH, to., " PS. Once - Gd CaiAGir, iiir,GFJaieaiiar6ai"i"i Ottiee Hog": . toll |._n.. In“. ‘ 'S1Eihttf.'tiu'.', Mm Univ-my. a. t co [but on... , ”was! It: ttthe'. 30 I to - we: Jewell" on" not app q 1 on. Post Ofttee, MS. JAMIESON & JAMIESOI Onto. H “cannon HONOR GRADUATE of Tom (la-hints . glam ttat (loll-'0 'lriTa'af,'ll'l,l'f, of o trio 800.. On J a ' '4UNXM1g'trN-'Btm. J. G. HUTTOI, M.0., (LID. A. B. CURREY you“ - um - muons Mood Lucknow hr Co. (It “I. m m t “I. t,"at.ltff1't'f,d'l?=1"lY'tU4'.", Ieh'fl"4 Il,', 'c, P. ,'tte?"'" an MWJQW m In”... J. F. GRANT. thos., LOS. u. m.. ' to . p.ll.. Sun]: tuna-y afternoon excepted. for BUSINESS OR SHORTHAND TRAINING lndlvlduol Instruction mourns m. pid Progress. The But “no to enter Our School In NOW. Cald- 3 Bull when»! the otett iu-Univ- JON] undue: Ind an cum-mm ', "it! . {9599.2 M. 0. E. CARR, BA. The SIM! in thoroughly equipped to take " a: following mm : t. an“: latte-mien A l-ttte to the lotus! school- (BCfll0t))h I __ c. L. on". own- I new Sunday a ONOIVIDUAL INBTIUCTION permits you to enter my day It DB. th IcLELLAI and cart your and!!! In Go.- menial. Shorthand or Prem- iirrr"iioiir.oa. Unequulléd h canada-une-med in America. Enroll Any Day ___ - Catalogue Free. _ Amusing P.c..A.. G. D. 5195.! IOU " "i-Tia-ie KEV; CHIROPRACTIC W. A. TRIKBLE. Frill“ D. McPHAIL Owen Sound. Oat. SEE? "

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